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Mechanical Ingwuey

wse by meahanical force

ex Road acedent mwden, Swlide

Clasnitieton- depend the coeapon ued

L) Cauyed by blnt fanee -
-Asulted witth a hlunt obect.
- Abnason’ most commo mechanieal
Most cOmmon abnaon n Moqdaff
acudent Gaze openaton,
ano Brush bunn )
- Cortuson (Bnusse)
ceused by blynt fnce.

- Lacenaton
Cwsed by blent fance

a) Caued by Shanp force --

- by knite
-Inaled wond
-IH has, venj nequlan margin
- Depth is les thon stab tooynd
stab wound chop wouns
Depth is mor In stab coour.
Heaki type of stab coond Baiced in
Must (umhe
pbdome Jopan, type ot Ssucde
2) Fiueam ingwuies 4 Blast oOndsE
Abnnon -
nost comon
- Mostcommon
- Abnaon is a superfalkl inguy it invoes
ondy epidentnis SO
heste no scan fonmochon,
- Abnason heels oihin One oeek.
- it 4 coniden euy simple
- Abnawon ih weny importert
Abraron >Bse
n medico
lypes of Abnaon
1) Seratoh
aenth, No sigmifecnt oidth.
- Also knoon,c near abjeson.

2) Gaze -
Most common Abroitn.
-i has multple dongitidinol pancllel line
- Ayo knon as
Brush bwn.
- Akso knoo ay Buetion bwn

3) Bresswre
meehaneal ingywhere preswe
Oven the body , perpandiulay to the
dagetune mank in
hoging 4 sorangalaction,
4) Palerhed
- omes under impint Alievian.
Pacden of weopon j imprinted on the skin
ex.- teeh bite mnk
"Bresd mask of tyre
Age of Abrenony -it heely othin 7to lo da.
12 to 24 hows Reddh seab
2 to 3 Denyp - Redalsh hroon seab
4 to s Day - Bcuonh soab
G-7 Deys Black scab
Medieo egal tnporrtance MLL) of Abnavon
L) Age of ingw
) Cncumtnces of detth
3) Dinection ol inguny
Conteon ( Rrne)
- An efuyion o blood into tisus de to
ptue of bood vesels (Veins ,
Venules 4 ateioles)
Rurphore of
bleodves)elo epidermy
So the blood
iscolleeted hene.
aeti. Dermis Gontoin blood vessels.
Confuon Sub-cutneoytsue.
Type of Cortuon
1) iam tack buhe
-- Also knouon as niluwa -back
neyn eek
(Notmes lookin
ex beaten byby stiek
stek, on ncod.
Raroneyes -ypeset Case of ayut. multhiple
eoed tmeybuise
petten te
alo known y
2) Black eye no known c sub-çutaneouy buse
Albo khown oy ectopfe perionbied haea
ex- - actue of rohotel of
Collechon of blood around the ey
3) Bottle
tse o Blunt fonce tuma
coleet'oh of blood
mastoid procey knoon a, botle
- nhenevert ybu see
eot sigh.
you think about middlebleeding / bttle sign
cncnja faysa bractre
Deep buise commonly See thiqh 4 abdomen
Aging ot the Bouse
At fiot Red ble ofDeay-Hb
few hous to 3Douys - lue
4th Day - Blueh black to. Broeon
(b/e of Hemasiderin)
5 b6 day - Grureenih
(b/e of Hematoidin)
7to 12 dy- Yellow
(ble of biliubin
yRetiedo - endotheiad cea
metabolis ed by

Red Blee Bronheen

ews only inh nechrl buuyie
- it does not
in ctifiuol bouie
Afral bruise { Beudo byuise)
thene b no' clasiced colown ehange
Mangn regulat.
localiied at the faneam
here oll be
itehing we See Some

Ceuwsedby Some plaunt polson (Plant juis)

Semicapus cnacandium,
(nankinq Nut
Plumbago Rosee

Medieoleg tmpotance otf bnuse
) Idendificoetjon of Weapon.
2) Age of inyy
3) Manucl stbangulation' (Six peny bowise )
4) Rape- briise oven thigh.
Lacenotioh nevey
sharp obqet
olyeadort by
- Cayed by blnt skin, mucous menb.
internol engans produced
muscle on
by appleation of blurt
involved Ihh blunt
Most common ngan
Albdomincl aumaSpleen
Spleen lacenaton ea
to bnterne bleding
Can Jead
fnternod bleeding

) Breguax mangin
) Contsed edges
3) But Tisse bidqeykrrson ras (

) SplitJaceiaton-common cieh over bony
2) Steteh daceation
-3} Avllon daceetisn - has a alasicad finding
hat i Khown as
y) Teou Jaceroion:
)Split dacention
i) Cruhing of skin b/uw tso had obyeces
i) Tisue bridges
ii) Lnesed Jouking Jacenation.
N) Bony promnenees- Scalp, eye bro0, cheek
Looen Jao , iliae crest, shins perinem
2) Stetch laceraon
Oue strechng of he skin Jeading to Elp
of skin .

3) Avudsion Jacenation.
sheang Jacertons ATss
clamcal finding tlauying
means detachmed, seperaton of
tisue from ln derline.
-chanatenised by detachmened of tinue fom
he undelyng tisue called asfying
Run ove acei dent,
Racloay caudent
4) Tean Lacerathon
obyects such impact
as doonkyh on
negula, semishap
bneken glass door handle

bver faceingy Abnayon+ Contuwon +Lacercetion
Thased Wound
Cased by shanp cbyect
- has reglan ane clean eut)
mangin ( mioongins
CJavsiecl fnaing m heised oond -Tailing of the wnd.
Tailing f the boeund n vey
of Dinçeton
-tt has a dength
length >Wid th depth.
can be sujeidal
in case of sutcdal t'ncled wOund there y
a claieol findng thocon as Hestation cut
- Well defned alean ut everted mangins
- Lengh >Deep
-Titing of wound -doep at the beginning 44 shallow
ct he temintion
Cut slice

Suaidal-A pewon sho comit scide woly exposes the

parton of he body o be inaed.
Homiaidl- They wuolly muttiple 4cacan bcown in cny
egion of the body Wowns of chest are wualy preset
wides Qe
Aceidental- tnalyed wounah
COmmon Lustially n the hone
werkshop, 4 of q min
nowte. They ay
be cauyed oy
falling upon a shap- cucing eapoh
Chop wloundy - slayh
these CUe
aleep gpin9 oouhd caed by
blow oith
shanp cuthing heavy eweapon.
Wound Looyn
+ Lacaeted

Adukey - sexucl oterCoe bw a mcle coth

masvied fenle to othen peon.:

-illegal seNual affis,.

Stab Woundy
Marimum 'menbn
Depth length.
Enty woun Lhverted margin 4 langen in size.
- Single edged weapon.- Traingulan Loedge shaped.
- Double edged eapon - ellipteal in
- Lange line dtterines
lorg bf damge inesbappi will be e

- Hana kiu'-type of stab wound

pnactised in japan
- type. of Suicdol stap coouhd.
Common site is Abdo men,
Also ld Seppuku practsed by Japen
Samwa ey
capltol punishment
Done innont of
- take out hen ietestine by steb

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