CMSC 150

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Ginwene M.

CMSC 150 D-3L

I. Introduction

ACME Inc. is a company composed of problem solvers, a group that use

numerical analysis in able to give solution in several problems. The use of numerical
analysis in solving problems gives a systematic way of attaining solution. The company
assesses the problems appealed by the customers. In the process of attaining the solution
to the problem, one must have the knowledge in numerical and mathematical analysis
that may lead for better and clear solutions. Such problems solve thru the systematic way
considers error and are optimized to give the best possible solution. Information that are
gathered must me comprehensively understand and discussed before used in attaining the
solution. The company is focused to attaining the best possible solution taking
consideration of the solutions efficiency, speed and accuracy. Solutions that were derived
are then analyzed to give a clear and meaningful interpretation for the benefit of the

II. Problem Statement

The Republic United Steel Truss (RUST) said that they started manufacturing
steel beam for a customer Monolithic Engineering Steel Structures (MESS). The said
steel beams have been delivered last Monday morning for the construction of a structure
called the Unduly Gigantic Hanger (UGH).
RUST told that the MESS company is suing them for the UGH is showing some
severe fatigues. The complainants said that the beams are at faults. RUST insisted that the
beams were properly prepared, specified and they believe that the fault is done by MESS
due to construction beyond written specification.

III. Facts and Figures

According to MESS the UGH is constructed with twenty (27) beams, or members,
connected at eleven (11) joints. MESS has specified that each beam must withstand
extension forces of up to 20 tons and compressive forces up to 17 tons without fatigue

ACME has obtained data from MESS about UGH (see figure 1 and figure 2).

The first table contains the coordinates of the joints. The second table below
contains the connection information, which is given by a number of beams, together with
the two joints they connect, e.g. beam 3 connects joint 1 and joint 6.
Joint x y z
1 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 6.50 2.15 0.00
3 6.50 -2.15 0.00
4 -1.00 0.00 5.54
5 4.10 1.63 5.54
6 4.10 -1.63 5.54
7 7.20 3.26 5.54
8 7.20 0.00 5.54
9 7.20 -3.26 5.54
10 0.50 0.00 7.83
11 9.86 0.00 6.54
Figure 1. Coordinates of the Joints

Beam Joint 1 Joint 2

1 1 4
2 1 5
3 1 6
4 2 5
5 2 7
6 2 8
7 3 8
8 3 9
9 3 6
10 4 5
11 4 6
12 5 6
13 5 7
14 7 8
15 5 8
16 6 8
17 8 9
18 6 9
19 4 10
20 5 10
21 7 10
22 8 10
23 9 10
24 6 10
25 10 11
26 7 11
27 9 11
Figure 2. Connection Information
To find the force that acts on the beams the equations are as follows. The equation
for x component of the force at joint number j is

Σ fm cos ( j ; k ; x ) = - load j,x (1)

where the sum is over all beams m which connect to joint j and where k is the joint which
is connected to j and m. The quantity f m is the force on the beam m, which you are to
determine and cos(j; k; x) is the cosine of the angle between the x direction and the beam
connecting joints j and k. The direction cosine is computed as

cos( j ; k ; x ) = x ( k ) – x ( j ) / dist( j, k) (2)

where dist(j, k) is the distance between joints j and k.

IV. Results and Discussion

In able to compute for the forces that act on each beam, first we need to consider
the joints that interact with each other, and then consider which equation may be reduce
to simplify our system. In doing the optimization we will come up with 33n equations
that can be reduced to 27 equations that originated from the x, y, z components of each
joint on the UGH.
Then we will substitute the values to our given formulas. After substituting and
computing the values, which pertains to the coefficients, we will now obtain a matrix,
with 27 unknowns.
Start solving for cos( j ; k ; x ) = x ( k ) – x ( j ) / dist( j, k) for each
fm in every x, y, and z components of every joints.
cos( 1 ; 5 ; 0 ) = 0 ( 5 ) – 0 ( 5 ) / dist( 1, 5) where dist(1, 5)
is equal to 4.
Continue solving each cos in every joint to obtain the coefficients.
Continuing, we can solve for the value of cos in this example which is equal
to 0.

After obtaining the coefficients we now have a matrix of values for the system.
We then now manipulate these values and use methods that will yield the different values
for the force that act on each beam.

V. Conclusion
(Still working on it….)

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