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901. _____ all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file.
A. To have photocopied B. Having been photocopied
C. Being photocopied D. Having photocopied
Rút gọn mệnh đề đồng chủ ngữ: She photocopied all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file.
902. I read the contract again and again ______ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in terms of B. by means of C. with a view to D. in view of
With a view to ving: để làm gì
In terms of: liên quan đến, xét về mặt
By means of: bằng phương tiện gì
In view of: bởi vì
903. ______ to the town, they will have finished building a new bridge.
A. As soon as you were returning B. When you return
C. By the time you will return D. After you had returned
When + 1 câu HTĐ, 1 câu TLHT
904. If you don’t have anything _____ to say, it’s better to say nothing.
A. construct B. construction C. constructive D. constructor
Contruct (v): xây dựng
Contruction (n): sự xây dựng
Constructive (adj): có tính xây dựng
Constructor (n): kĩ sư xây dựng
905. “If no one can soon _____ a good solution, we’re going to be in trouble.” the board chair warned.
A. come up with B. put up with C. catch up with D. check up on
come up with: đề ra
put up with: chịu đựng
catch up with: bắt kịp
check up on: kiểm tra
906. Jack and Joe are discussing how to make salad for dinner.
Jack: “______.”
Joe: “How about putting some grapes in it, instead?”
A. We could fry some onions with it too. B. I’d rather just have some bread, thanks.
C. Let’s put some pieces of apple in the salad. D. Good idea! I’ll go ad make one.
907. I won’t buy that car because it’s has too much _____ on it.
A. wear and tear B. odds and ends C. ups and downs D. white lie
Wear and tear: sự hao mòn, hư hỏng
Odds and ends: đồ ko quan trọng, linh tinh, phần còn lại
Ups and downs: sự thăng trầm
White lie: lời nói dối vô hại
908. At the beginning of the second half, Liverpool scored their fifth goal, _____ Leeds gave up completely.
A. until when B. at which point C. at that point D. at what point
909. Judging by the company he kept, Mark _____ have been a wealthy man.
A. must B. would C. ought D. need
910. I hope that we will get a better _____ of exchange at another bank.
A. rate B. value C. worth D. charge
Rate of change: tỉ giá hối đoái
911. He was twenty years older than her, but they seemed very happy despite the _____.
A. age group B. age gap C. age limit D. age range
Age gap: khoảng cách tuổi tác
912. Tom went to the dentist’s to have his decayed tooth _____ as he couldn’t stand the toothache.
A. extorted B. destroyed C. relieved D. extracted
Extract: nhổ răng...
Extort: moi, tống tiền
Destroy: phá hủy
Relieve: làm dịu đi
913. There are many accidents here as the speed limit is ______ ignored.
A. broadly B. widely C. fully D. vastly

914. With no _____ for his own safety, the brave boy jumped into the river to save the girl from drowning.
A. mind B. idea C. worry D. thought
With no thought for st: không nghĩ về cái gì
915. It comes as no surprise to learn that they _____ their promises.
A. destroyed B. spoiled C. took D. broke
Break a promise: thất hứa
916. The captain’s magnificent performance ____ an example to the rest of the team.
A. gave B. set C. made D. laid
Set an example to/for sb: làm gương cho ai
917. The photographer took a picture of the deer the moment it came into _____.
A. place B. light C. scene D. sight
Come into sight: xuất hiện
918. The boy did a good _____ by helping the blind man cross the road.
A. show B. deed C. display D. mission
Good dead: hành động đẹp
919. The mechanic expects _____ the brakes on the car before we pick it up.
A. fixing B. being fixed C. to have fixed D. to have been fixed
Expect + to V (câu này chia HTĐ nên phải lùi thì HTHT)
920. I’m afraid the Managing Director is away _____ until the end of the week.
A. on business B. in business C. out of business D. down to business
Be away on business: đi công tác
921. The children are playing and chasing each other _____ the watchful eye of their teacher.
A. with B. on C. within D. under
Under the watchful eye of: dưới sự chăm sóc, giám sát của ai
922. _____ for the President’s determined resistance, the agreement might well have been signed.
A. If it was not B. Had it not been C. Were it not D. Should it not have been
-> Câu đk loại 3 đảo ngữ
923. Street vendors can _____ a fortune from humble tea stalls with dirt cheap nosh and simple drinks.
A. hold B. take C. make D. cost
Make a fortune: làm giàu
924. We’d better leave early tomorrow _____ there’s a lot of traffic when we get to Doncaster.
A. unless B. in case C. as long as D. provided
Unless: trừ khi
In case: trong trường hợp
As long as: miễn là
Provided = if: nếu
925. The road to the mountain looked smooth at first _____ but it was scarred with many small potholes.
A. glance B. look C. glimpse D. watch
At first glance: lần đầu thấy
926. If children were taught to be more _____ towards their elders, these crimes wouldn’t happen so often.
A. respective B. respected C. respectable D. respectful
Respective (adj): tương ứng
Respected (v): tôn trọng
Respectable (adj): đáng kính trọng
Respectful (adj): lễ phép, kính trọng
927. Susan seems _____ for the job. In fact, she is perfectly suited for working with disabled children.
A. tailor-made B. home-made C. ready-made D. self-made
Tailor-made: làm theo yêu cầu
Home-made: tự làm, làm ở nhà
Self-made: tự làm nên giàu có chứ không phải được hỗ trợ
Ready-made: chuẩn bị sẵn
928. In Britain, most shops close at 6 pm, ______ in other countries, they often open in the evening, too.
A. despite B. whereas C. moreover D. nevertheless
Despite: mặc dù
Whereas: trái lại
Moreover: hơn thế nữa
Neverthless: tuy nhiên
929. Isn't that Tim, the boy ______ father owns a huge yacht?
A. whose B. whom C. which D. that
930. Suddenly, someone shouted, "Thief!" and the man quickly ______ on a motorbike.
A. took in B. came forward C. handed in D. made off
Take in: tiếp thu kiến thức
Come forward: giúp đỡ, cung cấp thông tin, tham gia
Hand in: nộp
Make off: trốn thoát
931. I know you don't like saving money, but suppose you _____ your job. What then?
A. will lose B. are losing C. lost D. would lose
932. Everyone fell _____ when Jane told her joke.
A. off B. about C. over D. in
Fell about: cười ồ lên
933. I wish ____ about work all the time. It's so boring!
A. you don't talk B. you not talk C. you wouldn't talk D. you hadn't talked
934. It's very kind of you to bring some cakes with you but you really ____ to.
A. needn't B. didn't need C. needn't have D. not need
Needn’t have Ved/P2: lẽ ra không cần làm nhưng đã làm
935. Sally is so successful because she has completely confidence ____ herself.
A. in B. at C. of D. for that an
Confidence in: tin tưởng vào ai
936. Although he didn't say so directly, the prime minister _____that an agreement between the two sides was within reach.
A. told B. ordered C. suggested D. complained
937. We ______ today and I got into trouble because I hadn't done it.
A. had checked our homework B. had our homework checked
C. were checked our homework D. have checking our homework
Have st Ved/P2
938. Angry? I was absolutely _____ when our appointment was cancelled for the third time.
A. annoyed B. irritated C. cross D. livid
Annoyed: khó chịu
Irritated: tức tối
Cross: bực mình
Livid: tức giận tím gan
939. ____ for the eventual arrival of the ferry, a fight would have broken out among the passengers.
A. Hadn’t it been B. If it had been C. Had it not been D. Unless it hadn’t been
-> Câu đk loại 3 đảo ngữ
Had it not been for = If it hadn’t been for = But for N
940. I think soccer is the best _____ sport there is.
A. audience B. spectator C. congregation D. company
Audience: khán giả xem TV
Spectator: khán giả thi đấu, biểu diễn
Congregation: giáo đoàn
Company: công ty
941. Roy had deliberately disobeyed her orders. She had no alternative _____ punish him.
A. apart time B. to C. but to D. than
Have no alternative but to v: không có gì thay thế ngoại trừ
942. Stop making that noise! You’re getting on my ____!
A. nerves B. muscles C. brains D. blood
Get on one’s nerves: làm ai khó chịu
943. In a small village of Europe _____.
A. do a lot of beautifully decorated house lie B. a lot of beautifully decorated house lie
C. lie lots of beautifully decorated houses D. lots of beautifully decorated house do lie
944. The two cars for sale were in poor condition, so I didn’t buy ____.
A. one of them B. both of them C. neither of them D. either of them
945. There _____ to have been 60 crates of olives in the order, not 600!
A. mean B. means C. were meant D. was meant
946. I finally managed to ____ Simon to lend me his laptop.
A. persuade B. say C. make D. allow
Persuade sb to do st: thuyết phục ai làm gì
947. Hundreds of people applied for the job. Of these, only twenty applicants were ____ for interview.
A. shortcut B. shortlisted C. short-staffed D. short-changed
Shortcut: đường tắt
Shortlisted: đưa vào danh sách trúng tuyển
Short-staffed: thiếu nhân sự
Short-changed: lừa đảo
948. I was passing their house, so I ____ Claire and Michael.
A. got on with B. came up with C. dropped in on D. ran into
Drop in on: ghé thăm
949. If only he ____ with us, but his parents won’t let him.
A. comes B. could come C. had come D. could have come
950. Stop that tapping, will you? I’m trying to concentrate and it is driving me up the ____.
A. roof B. wall C. hill D. house
Drive sb up the wall: làm ai khó chịu
951. My sister and I may look alike, but in character we’re as different as _____.
A. bread and butter B. pepper and salt C. chalk and cheese D. black and white
As different as chalk and cheese: khác xa nhau
952. He admitted taking a bride and he doesn’t think he’s ____ his chances of getting re-elected.
A. blown B. wiped C. thrown D. pulled
Blow chances of ving/st: bỏ lỡ cơ hội
953. As soon as Dad ____, we can leave.
A. has the car start B. was starting the car C. got started the car D. has got the car started
954. He loves cheese. He’s particularly ____ to Stilton.
A. interested B. partial C. attractive D. besotted
Attrctive to st: thích cái gì
955. It is advisable that a career objective ____ by every applicant at the start of his/her resume.
A. is written B. be written C. must be written D. to be written
It to be advisable that S be/V
956. The flags of Italy and Mexico are ____ the same; the only difference is that Mexico’s flag has an emblem in the center.
A. entirely B. identically C. basically D. colorfully
Identically: gần giống nhau
957. According to my ____, we should have enough money for the rest of the month.
A. measurements B. calculations C. suspicions D. expectations
Measurements: sự đo lường
Calculations: sự tính toán
Suspicious: nghi ngờ
Expectations: sự kì vọng
958. Son: “I’m not hot. I’m absolutely roasting.” – Father: “____”
A. Your lucky thing! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. B. Let’s go and cool down in the sea.
C. You’ll get a lovely suntan. D. Maybe you’ve got a sun stroke.
959. Did you see John this morning? He looked like _____. He must have attended the party last night!
A. a bear with a sore head B. death warmed up C. a dead duck D. a wet blanket
Look like death warmed up: trông ốm yếu
A bear with a sore head: cảm giác lo lắng, bồn chồn
A dead duck: người/vật vô dụng, ai đó gặp rắc rối vì hành động của mình
A wet blanket: kẻ phá hoại niềm vui của người khác
960. She is going _____ the Cambridge First Certificate because she wants to study abroad.
A. in for B. along with C. down with D. back on
Go in for: tham gia
961. No one cares about the starving people _____.
A. whose aid is intended for B. whom the aid is intended
C. that the aid is intended for D. for the aid is intended
962. We’ll have to ____ down the options before coming to a decision.
A. slow B. narrow C. bring D. wind
Narrow down: giới hạn, thu hẹp
963. ____ the barrier at the side of the road, the car would have crashed into the valley below.
A. But for B. Apart from C. Except for D. Unless
-> Câu đk loại 3
964. The police are working ___ with the Football Association in an effort to stamp out soccer violence.
A. hand in glove B. hand over fist C. hand in hand D. on hands and knees
Hand in glove: cấu kết với

965. In a money-oriented society, the average individual cares little about solving ____ problem.
A. any other B. any other’s C. anyone else’s D. anyone’s else
966. My new glasses cost me _____ the pair I bought last month.
A. more than three times B. three times as much asC. more three times than D. as much three times as
967. Every woman who has enough criteria can join the beauty contest ____ their background.
A. irrespective of B. in consideration of C. under guarantee D. on account for
Irrespective of N: bất kể
968. _____ are a form of carbon has been known since the late eighteenth century.
A. Diamonds, which B. That diamonds C. Because diamonds D. Diamonds
That + 1 câu tobe/V (chia số ít)
969. They go to the seaside ____ they should be disturbed by the noise of the city.
A. in order that B. for C. so that D. lest
Lest: để không
970. He was very lucky when he fell off the ladder. He ____ himself.
A. could have hurt B. must have hurt C. should have hurt D. will have hurt
971. Could you put me ____ for a few days until I find a place of my own.
A. down B. up C. over D. off
Put sb up: cho ai ở trọ
972. He relied on the principles of control and movement to make up for his lack of velocity, but it was his _____ approach
that won him the most praise.
A. tiger-hearted B. lion-hearted C. bear-hearted D. falcon-hearted
Tiger-hearted: tàn bạo
Lion-hearted: cực kì dũng cảm
Bear-hearted: thô lỗ
Falcon-hearted: chộp giật nhanh chóng
973. That magistrate _____ his disapproval of the young man’s behavior.
A. said B. told C. voiced D. spoke
Voice disapproval: bày tỏ sự không tán thành
974. I don’t feel like buying a _____ in a poke; we’d better check the content.
A. ox B. pig C. buffalo D. cattle
Buy a pig in a poke: mua 1 thứ mà không xem xét, cân nhắc qua
975. _____ smart he was, he couldn’t figure out how to solve the puzzle.
A. Although B. However C. Much as D. Despite
However adj/adv S tobe/V : mặc dù ...
976. _____, she went back to her room.
A. There was no cause for alarm B. Without having cause for alarm
C. Being no cause for alarm D. There being no cause for alarm
There being = Because there tobe
977. – “Do you have a minute, Dr. Keith?” – “ ____”
A. Sorry, I haven’t got it here. B. Good, I hope so
C. Sure. What’s the problem? D. Well. I’m not sure when
978. The competition attracted a large ____ of carpenters from the whole country.
A. deal B. number C. lot D. amount
A (great/good) deal of N (không đếm được, số nhiều)
A (large) number of N (số nhiều)
A lot of N (không đếm được, số nhiều)
A (large) amount of N (không đếm được)
979. The company allows some customers to buy goods on ____ and pay for them later.
A. cash B. cheque C. card D. credit
On credit: trả = thẻ tín dụng
980. She has made a great effort in order to graduate with ____ colours.
A. jumping B. walking C. flying D. red
With flying colours: thành công xuất sắc
981. Although we argued with him for a long time, he _____ his ground.
A. stood B. remained C. kept D. persisted
Stand one’s ground: giữ vững lập trường
982. My father _____ when he found out that I’d damaged his car.
A. saw pink elephants B. hit the ceiling C. brought the house down D. made my blood boil
See pink elephants: say sỉn
Hit the ceiling: tức giận
Bring the house down: làm cho cả khán phòng vỗ tay
Make one’s blood boil: khiến ai sôi máu, giận giữ
983. You should _____ before buying the house because it is very expensive.
A. cost an arm and a leg B. take it for granted C. pull your leg D. take it into account
Cost an arm and a leg: chi phí đắt đỏ
Take it for granted: xem cái gì là điều hiển nhiên
Pull one’s leg: trêu chọc ai
Take it into account: cân nhắc, xem xét
984. They escaped from the smoke – filled house in the ____ of time.
A. nick B. moment C. course D. fullness
In the nick of time: vừa kịp lúc, vào phút chót
985. The university’s programs _____.
A. only come second after Harvard B. are second only to those of Harvard
C. are first except for Harvard’s D. are second place from that of Harvard
Second only to sb/st: chỉ đứng sau
986. She _____ agreed to go with him to the football match although she had no interest in the game at all.
A. apologetically B. grudgingly C. shamefacedly D. discreetly
Apologetically: biện hộ
Grudgingly: bất đắc dĩ, miễn cưỡng
Shamefacedly: thẹn thùng, bẽn lẽn
Discreetly: thận trọng, kín đáo
987. At the deep bottom of Atlantic ____.
A. lied the Titanic B. did the Titanic lie C. lay the Titanic D. had the Titanic lain
988. The National Assembly delegates will cast their vote tomorrow to ____ the president.
A. specify B. elect C. appoint D. opt
Elect: bầu cử
Opt: chọn lựa
Specify: chỉ rõ
Appoint: chọn
989. _____ the machine not operating correctly, a message informing you of the error will appear.
A. On the event of B. On even that C. In the event of D. In event that
In the event of N: khi điều gì xảy ra
990. _____ to call the center administrator to proceed with the test date change process.
A. Why don’t you try B. You would rather C. Your best bet is D. Let’s give it a shot
991. The scientist will be rewarded with a posthumous honor in _____ for the persecution he suffered while alive.
A. counterattack B. penance C. amendment D. recompense
Counterattack: phản công
Penance: ăn năn, hối lỗi
Amendment: cải tà quy chính
Recompense: đền bù, thưởng, chuộc lỗi
992. Some low-wage manufacturing opponents are pirating the corporation’s technology, but the director is not _____
A. out and away B. in the slightest C. out and about D. at the latest
Out and away: vượt xa, hơn hẳn
In the slightest: 1 chút nào
Out and about: ra ngoài, đang ở nơi khác
At the latest: chậm nhất là
993. Richard broke Sandra’s vase in the office by chance.
- Richard: “I’m terribly sorry about the broken vase. How can I make this up to you?
- Sandra: “_____.”
A. I’m headed out to have some flowers B. You can say that again
C. It doesn’t matter, honestly D. I can’t think anymore
994. Henry and Maria are talking about school uniforms.
- Henry: “School uniforms take away students’ own characteristics.”
- Maria: “ _____. They help us look more united and we can show our own characteristics in various ways.”
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words B. I couldn’t agree less
C. Don’t say anything about it D. I couldn’t agree more
I couldn’t agree less: không đồng ý >< I couldn’t agree more
995. The fridge gets hot next to the cooker because the cooker gives _____ a lot of heat.
A. off B. up C. in D. away
Give off: tỏa ra
996. The head teacher has asked me to take the new boy under my _____ and look after him.
A. wing B. arm C. hand D. leg
Take sb under one’s wing: che chở, bảo vệ ai
997. The leading cause of air pollution in the United States is motor vehicles ____ in the US by Henry Ford in the early 20 th
A. were first mass-produced B. first mass-produced
C. first mass-producing D. having mass-produced first
998. _____ the work was physically demanding, and at times we felt really exhausted, seeing the end result was very
A. Owing to B. Even though C. No matter D. Because
999. She has ____ an important distinction between mental and physical illnesses.
A. taken B. made C. worked D. drawn
Draw/make a distinction: chỉ ra 2 thứ hoàn toàn khác biệt
1000. “Play Date” was not a very popular song when it was first recorded, but now it is starting to ____.
A. go on B. keep on C. stay on D. catch on
Go on: tiếp tục = keep on
Stay on: tiếp tục, duy trì làm gì lâu hơn mong chờ hoặc so với người khác
Catch on: phổ biến

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