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Assessment Task Notification

Student Name: ____________________________________________

Course: Technology Mandatory Stage: 4
Area of study: Digital Technology
Date issued: Week 1 Term 2 Task date: Week 5 Term 2

Task number: 2 Mark out of: 60 Weighting: 60%

Task type: Practical Project & Folio

Design Brief: Students will develop their digital technology skills in the creation and manipulation of
a 2D game and design folio.
This task is a practical project the requires students to create a simple 2D game. Students will
design their own game that incorporates their own original sprites, concept and theme.

Part A - Folio:
Students will complete the provided folio template that will step them through the design process
for their game. This includes:
• Idea development – brainstorm ideas for your game
• What is a game? – Define what a game is and what makes a good game.
• Game genres – Describe a range of game genres then select a genre for your game.
• Theory of Fun – Interpret the provided graph and describe how it will influence the way you
design your own game.
• Sprite sketches – create sketches of your main character for your game.
• Game objective – describe the objectives of popular video games then describe the objective
of your game.
• Game Pitch – write a PEEL paragraph describing your video game design.

Part B – Game:
Students will create a basic 2D game using Microsoft Makecode Arcade. Students should use one of
the games already created in class as a base and adapt and add features to it. The game should
• Originally designed sprites and graphics (player, enemies, tiles, background images etc., the
basic gallery graphics should not be used) – include at least 4
• An original game concept/theme
• Background music and sound effects – include at least 3 sounds effects (eg. Collisions, game
over, etc)
• A menu screen that includes basic instructions of how to play the game.
• The necessary coding to make the game not only functional, but entertaining and fun to play.
• Folio – submit the PDF folio on Canvas.
• Game - The completed game will be marked in class, students will demonstrate their game to
the teacher by playing it.
Syllabus content being assessed by this task:
• model objects or events using structured data, for example: (ACTDIP026)
o the properties of characters and objects in a game implement and modify programs
involving branching, iteration and functions in a general-purpose programming
o implement a functioning user interface, for example: game (ACTDIP030)

Outcomes being assessed by this task:

TE4-2DP plans and manages the production of designed solutions
TE4-4DP designs algorithms for digital solutions and implements them in a general-purpose
programming language
TE4-10TS explains how people in technology related professions contribute to society now and
into the future
TAS Faculty Assessment and Examination Policy
Please refer to the Assessment handbook for assessment and practical examination policies.
Marking Criteria
Folio – 20 marks
CRITERIA A - Outstanding B - High C - Satisfactory D - Basic E - Limited Mark
Five ideas have been provided
Five creative and achievable ideas Four or five creative and achievable explaining how it will improve the Ideas have been included with a basic
Little or no ideas have been
have been provided with extensive ideas have been provided with a base game. explanation provided of how they will
Idea included with no explanation of
detail explaining how they will thorough explanation of how they Or a minimum of three ideas with a improve the game.
Development how they will improve the game.
improve the base game. will improve the base game. thorough explanation of how it will
improve the base game.
Identifying & 5 4 3 2 1-0 /5
Defining A clear and extensive definition of a
A clear and thorough definition of a
(TE4-2DP & TE4- good game is provided using A clear definition of a good game is
10TS) good game is provided using an A definition of a good game is
Game appropriate examples. Detailed provided using an example. Limited or no detail provided in
appropriate example. Descriptions attempted. Descriptions of game
Definition descriptions of game genres have Descriptions of game genres has relation to defining a good game
of game genres has been completed genres has been attempted and the
& Game been completed and the planned been completed and the planned or describing game genres.
Genres and the planned genre identified planned genre identified.
genre identified and justified in genre identified and justified.
and justified.
5 4 3 2 1-0 /5
An accurate and extensive
A thorough description of the A satisfactory description of the
description of the provided graph A basic description of the provided
provided graph has been included provided graph has been included
Theory of has been included with an graph has been included with an Limited or no detail provided in
with an explanation detailing how it with an explanation of how it will
Fun explanation detailing how it will attempt to explain how it will impact relation to the provided graph or
will impact the game design. A clear impact the game design. A clear
& Game impact the game design. The game the game design. A description of the the planned game objective.
Objective description of the game objective description of the game objective
objective has been described in a game objective has been attempted.
has been provided. has been provided.
Research & clear and detailed way.
5 4 3 2 1-0
Extensively detailed sketches of the Thoroughly detailed sketches of the
(TE4-2DP & TE4- main character of the game have main character of the game have Satisfactory sketches of the main
10TS) been completed included multiple been completed included more than character of the game have been Some sketches of the main character
Limited or no detail provided in
views of the character (side, front, 1 view of the character (side, front, completed. of the game have been completed.
Sketches relation to sketches of the main
walking, etc.) An effective pitch for walking, etc.) A pitch for the A satisfactory pitch for the planned An attempt to write a pitch for the
& Pitch character or the game pitch.
the planned game has been written planned game has been written game has been written using the planned game has been included.
using the PEEL structure including using the PEEL structure including PEEL structure.
all required details. all required details.
5 4 3 2 1-0
Game – 40 marks
CRITERIA A - Outstanding B - High C - Satisfactory D - Basic E - Limited Mark
Student creates a functioning menu with Student creates a functioning menu Student creates a functioning menu with Student attempts to create a menu Little or no attempt to include a
clear instructions to the user to a very with clear instructions to the user to a instructions to the user to a satisfactory with to a basic standard. menu in the game.
(TE4-2DP & TE4-4DP) high standard. high standard. standard.
5 4 3 2 1-0 /5
The game includes at least 4 original The game includes at least 3 original The game includes at least 3 original The game includes 2 original sprites of No attempt to create or import
sprites of very high-quality that are sprites of high-quality that are in- sprites of satisfactory quality that are in- basic quality that are in-keeping with graphics into their game.
detailed, proportional and in-keeping keeping with the game theme. keeping with the game theme. the game theme.
(TE4-2DP & TE4-4DP) with the game theme. Or 1-2 original sprites of very high-
quality in-keeping with the game theme.
10-9 8-7 6-5 4-2 1-0 /10
Very high-quality original background High-quality original background music Satisfactory background music has been An attempt to incorporate basic No attempt to incorporate
music has been incorporated that has been incorporated that matches the incorporated. At least 2 appropriate background music or sounds effects background music or sound
Audio matches the overall theme of the game. At overall theme of the game. At least 2 sound effects have also been included. has been made. effects has been made.
(TE4-2DP & TE4-4DP) least 3 very high quality and appropriate high quality and appropriate sound
sound effects have also been included. effects have also been included.
5 4 3 2 1-0 /5
Student incorporates additional highly Student incorporates 1 additional Student modifies the existing scripts of Student uses the basic scripts of the No attempt or limited attempt to
advanced scripts into the game that adds advanced script into the game that adds the game to add to the overall game to make it functional but incorporate scripts into the
to the overall functionality, making it to the overall functionality of the game. functionality of the game. includes some errors/glitches. game.
Game Scripts more entertaining to play .For example, For example, a countdown timer, score
(TE4-2DP & TE4-4DP)
countdown timers, score counters, counter, an enemy, etc.
enemies, etc.
10-9 8-7 6-5 4-2 1-0 /10
Student develops a creative and unique Student develops a creative and unique Student develops a 2D game to a Student develops a 2D game to a basic No attempt or limited attempt.
Game 2D game to a very high level of quality. 2D game to a high level of quality. Game satisfactory level of quality. Game is fully level of quality. Game is fully
Functionality Game is fully functional with no technical is fully functional with no technical functional with some minor technical functional with some minor technical
(TE4-2DP & TE4-4DP) issues or glitches when played. issues or glitches when played. issues or glitches when played. issues or glitches when played.
10-9 8-7 6-5 4-2 1-0 /10

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