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Chapter 3

Center of mass and inertia matrix

Problem 1

Consider the area shown in the figure. y

1.- Determine the location of the center of mass with

respect to the coordinate system Oxy.
2.- Calculate the inertia matrix with respect to the 6 cm
coordinate system Oxy.
3.- Determine the principal axes and the principal
O x
moments of inertia about O.

6 cm 6 cm

y 4 cm 2 cm 2 cm
Problem 2

1 cm
Calculate the inertia matrix of the area shown in the
1 cm
figure with respect to the coordinate system Oxy.
1 cm

1 cm
O x

2 Chapter 3: Center of mass and inertia matrix

Problem 3

Consider the composition of profiles used in building structures shown. Obtain:

1.- The location of the center of mass G with respect to the coordinate system Oxy.
2.- The matrix of inertia with respect to the coordinate system with origin in G and parallel to the
system Oxy.
3.- The matrix of inertia with respect to the coordinate system Oxy.

y 2 cm


T profile: 9 cm
A1 = 54 cm2; xG1 = 6 cm; yG1 = 9,50 cm;
IxG1 = 580,50 cm4; IyG1 = 438 cm4
3,50 cm
U profile: 3 cm
A2 = 15,42 cm2; xG2 = 6; yG2 = 1,52 cm;
IxG2 = 55,40 cm4; IyG2 = 363,5 cm4
6 cm
1,52 cm
O x
12 cm

Problem 4 y

Consider the area shown in the figure. Determine:

2 cm
1.- The location of the center of mass G with respect to the
coordinate system Oxy.
2.- The inertia matrix with respect to the coordinate system Oxy.
3.- The inertia matrix with respect to the coordinate system 3 cm
parallel to Oxy and origin in G.

O x

2 cm 2 cm 2 cm
Chapter 3: Center of mass and inertia matrix 3

Problem 5

Consider the area shown in the figure. Determine: 8 cm

1.- The location of the center of mass G with

2 cm
respect to the coordinate system Oxy.
2.- The inertia matrix with respect to the coordinate
6 cm
system Oxy.
3.- The inertia matrix with respect to the coordinate
system parallel to Oxy and origin in G.
O x
2 cm 2 cm

Problem 6

The figure shows a sketch of a profile IPE200 that has been welded to two rectangular bands on the
outer face of its lower wing in order to increase its inertia with respect to the horizontal plane that
contains the new center of mass of the assembly. Taking into account the data of the individual
profiles referred to their centroidal symmetry axes given in the table below, obtain:

1.- The location of the center of mass G of the assembly with

10 cm
respect to the coordinate system Oxy. y

2.- The inertia matrix with respect to the coordinate system

parallel to Oxy and origin in G.

20 cm
Profile “I”:
A1 = 28,41 cm2; xG1 = 5 cm; yG1 = 14 cm;
IxG1 = 1943,17 cm4; IyG1 = 142,37 cm4

Rectangular bands
A2 = 20 cm2; xG2 = 5 cm; yG2 = 3 cm;
IxG2 = 6,67 cm4; IyG2 = 166,67 cm4
A3 = 20 cm2; xG3 = 5 cm; yG3 = 1 cm; 2 cm
IxG3= 6,67 cm4; IyG3 = 166,67 cm4 2 cm
O x
4 Chapter 3: Center of mass and inertia matrix

Problem 7
y 6 cm
Consider the area shown in the figure. Determine:

1.- The location of the center of mass G with respect

3 cm
to the coordinate system Oxy.
2.- The inertia matrix with respect to the coordinate
system Oxy.
O x

Problem 8

The figure represents a HEB300 profile, used in building structures, that has been welded to a
300×200 rectangular profile in order to increase its inertia. The position of the center of mass with
respect to the coordinate system Oxy and the moments of inertia with respect to their respective
centroidal symmetry axes of the two profiles are given in the table below. Determine:

y 30 cm
1.- The location of the center of mass G of the assembly with
respect to the coordinate system Oxy.
2.- The inertia matrix with respect to the coordinate system
parallel to Oxy and origin in G.
30 cm
3.- The inertia matrix with respect to the coordinate system
15 cm

Profile “HEB300”:
A1=149,08 cm2; xG1 = 15 cm; yG1 = 35 cm;
IxG1 = 25165,68 cm4; IyG1 = 8562,83 cm4
20 cm
Rectangular profile
A2 = 113,23 cm2; xG2 = 15; yG2 = 10 cm; 10 cm
IxG2 = 6804,90 cm4; IyG2 = 15646,37 cm4
O x
Chapter 3: Center of mass and inertia matrix 5

Problem 9

The composite profile of the figure has the following
inertia properties with respect to the centroidal
coordinate system GxGyG shown: IxG = 99,12 cm4, IyG
= 38,56 cm4, PxGyG = -47,12 cm4. Using the Mohr’s

1.- Obtain the principal axes about G.

2.- Determine the principal inertia matrix about G.
3.- Calculate the inertia matrix with the coordinate
system resulting from a rotation of 30º (clockwise) of G
the original system about G. 28,6º
4.- Obtain the system of coordinates with origin in G
where the product of inertia attains its maximum
value. xG

5.- Determine the orientation of the axis where the

moment of inertia attains the value 60 cm4.

Problem 10

The two welded profiles shown in the figure have been used in the rehabilitation of a façade. Taking
into account the data of the individual profiles referred to their centroidal symmetry axes given in the
table below, obtain:



O x
6 Chapter 3: Center of mass and inertia matrix

1.- The location of the center of mass G of the assembly with respect to the coordinate system Oxy.
2.- Moment of inertia of the assembly with respect to the centroidal axis parallel to x.
3.- Moment of inertia of the assembly with respect to the x axis.
4.- Moment of inertia of the assembly with respect to the y axis.
5.- Product of inertia of the assembly with respect to the coordinate system parallel to Oxy and origin
in G.

yG1 Data:

Profile “U”
A1 = 20 cm2; yG1 = 6 cm;
G1 xG1 IxG1= 100 cm4; IyG1= 600 cm4
G2 xG2
Profile “HEB”:
A2=40 cm2; yG2 = 15 cm;
IxG2= 1500 cm4; IyG2= 1500 cm4
Profile U Profile HEB

Problem 11

The figure repesents the section of a metal profile Z 160 used
1 cm
in building structures. The data of the profile referred to the
coordinate system Oxy shown are Ix = 1050 cm4, Iy = 212,50
cm4 and Pxy = 195 cm4. This profile will be used to support a
roof tilted 30º with respect to the horizon. Using the Mohr’s
4 cm

1.- Determine the orientation of the principal axes and the 16 cm

G xG
principal moments of inertia about G.
2.- Calculate the inertia matrix with the coordinate system
resulting from a rotation of 30º (counterclockwise) of the
original system about G.
3.- Determine the orientation of the axes where the moments of 3 cm

inertia are equal.

4.- Discuss what conditions must the elements of the inertia 6 cm

matrix must meet so that the Mohr’s circle becomes a point.

Put an example illustrating this fact.
Chapter 3: Center of mass and inertia matrix 7

1.- 1.- xG = 6 cm, yG = 4 cm.
 648 −864  4
2.- IOxy =   cm .
 −864 1512 
3.- Imax = 2045,98 cm4, θmax = -58,28º, Imin = 114,02 cm4, θmin = 31,72º.

2.- 1.- xG = 3,71 cm, yG = 2 cm.

 154 −208  4
2.- IOxy =   cm .
 −208 536 
3.- 1.- xG = 6 cm, yG = 7,73 cm.
 1399,73 0  4
2.- IGx y =   cm .
G G  0 801,5 
 5545,03 −3218,63  4
3.- IOxy =   cm .
 −3218,63 3300,62 
4.- 1.- xG = 3 cm, yG = 3,17 cm.
 214 −171 4
2.- IOxy =   cm .
 −171 200 
 33,5 0  4
3.- IGx y =   cm .
G G  0 38 

5.- 1.- xG = -4,33, yG = 4 cm.

 448 400  4
2.- IOxy =   cm .
 400 544 
 64 −16  4
3.- IGx y =   cm .
G G  −16 93,33 
6.- 1.- xG = 5 cm, yG = 6,98 cm.
 7724,87 −2388,7  4
2.- IOxy =   cm .
 −2388,7 2185,96 
7.- 1.- xG = 3 cm, yG = 2,33 cm.
 22,19 −27  4
2.- IOxy =   cm .
 −27 56,96 
8.- 1.- xG = 15 cm, yG = 24,21 cm.
 72190,9 0  4
2.- IGx y =   cm .
G G  0 24209,2 
 225917 95251,5  4
3.- IOxy =   cm .
 95251,5 83229 
9.- 1.- θmax = 28,64º, θmin =-61,36º.
 12,83 0  4
2.- IGx y =   cm .
P P  0 124,85 
 43,17 49,78  4
3.- IGx y =   cm .
2 2  49,78 94,51 
4.- The new x axis forms an angle θ = 73,64º with respect to xG.
5.- Axes forming angles θ1 = 78,18º and θ2 = -20,90º with respect to xG.

10.- 1.- xG = 0 cm, yG = 12 cm.

2.- IxG = 2680 cm4.

3.- Ix = 11320 cm4.

4.- Iy = 2100 cm4.

8 Chapter 3: Center of mass and inertia matrix

5.- Pxy = 0 cm4.

11.- 1.- Imax = 1093,18 cm4 ; θmax = -12,49º ; Imin = 169,32 cm4 ; θmin = 77,51º.
 671,75 −460,148  4
2.- IOx y =   cm .
1 1  −460,148 590,75 
3.- θ1 = 32,515º; θ2 = -57,485º
4.- It must be a diagonal matrix with equal moments of inertia. Example, the inertia matrix of a circular
profile about its center of mass.
L, A xG yG Ix Iy Pxy
a b ab3 b2 ba3 a2 a2 b2 ab
b ab =A =A =A
2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4
a x

b ab3 b2 ba3 a2
ab 0 0 =A =A 0
a x 12 12 12 12

ab a b ab3 b2 ba3 a2 a2b2 ab
=A =A =A
2 3 3 12 6 12 6 24 12
a x
π R2 4R 4R π R4 R2 π R4 R2 R4 R2
=A =A =A
R 4 3π 3π 16 4 16 4 8 2π
R x

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