GEN2103 Advisory Note! - Guidelines For Identification and Estimation of Factory Defects

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REF: GEN2103.1 12.10.


Advisory note! – Correct identification and estimation of factory defects (Modes 2, 3, 4,


Seldomly repair vendors and Maersk EMR personal are encountering container defects not related to in-service operation,
but defect originated when containers produced in the factory. Such defects shall be captured in Merc+ by assigning correct
TPI code “M”, this way facilitating relevant cost recovery from leasing companies and Manufacturers depending on container
owner ship.

TPI code ”M” shall be exclusively applied for Modes 2, 3, 4 &5. Estimates are expected to be raised along firsts few con-
tainer moves/bookings after containers released from factory but no later than 2 years from production date (Date can
be consulted on CSC plate).

Following are few examples on typical factory defects that SHALL be estimated with relevant TPI code and thereafter cor-
rected in accordance with Maersk in-service inspection criteria.

Factory welding missing on base Cross members compromising structural integrity

Welding defects compromising panel water tightness / cargo integrity

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Classification: Public
Left over metal swarf from factory crossmember drilling process and Reefer curtain track installation

Welding wire leftover affecting interior FG condition

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Weld splatters on gooseneck area affecting FG interior condition

Missing or incorrect sealant application compromising water tightness / cargo integrity

Missing or incorrect tightening of floor screws, and floorboards misalignment

Interior paint defects affecting container interior condition / Cargo integrity

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Classification: Public
There are other manufacturing defects that SHALL NOT be estimated and not repaired due to nature of condition been
outside MCIC/MRIC. Although CENEMR shall be informed whenever identified. Below few examples:

Additional screws installed attempting to find crossmembers.

Welding quality not compromising container structural integrity or Cargo.

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MAESK logo paint defects:

Exterior paint defects (rust, paint sagging, blisters, etc..)

CENEMR can be contacted anytime to assist clarifying 3rd party identification code (defect nature) in case of doubt.

Note: Maersk is dedicated to protecting the environment while also providing sustainable end-to-end solutions. We always take constant
care to ensure responsible operational practices minimize, reduce and prevent negative environmental impacts in the communities we
operate in. We always aim to reduce consumption of natural resources including water, fossil fuels and raw materials.

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Classification: Public

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