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Stage 4 Assessment

Task Notification
Term 2: 2024

Course: Geography Stage: 4 Year: 8

Area of study: Interconnections Task: ICT Research Task

Date Issued: Term 2, Week 2 Task date: Term 2, Week 5
Monday 27th May via CANVAS

Task number: 2 Marks out of: 20 Weighting: 50%

Task Description:

ICT Research Task

Outcomes being assessed by this task:

GE 4-2 describes processes and influences that form and transform places and environments
GE 4-3 how interactions and connections between people, places and environments result in change
GE4.5 discusses management of places and environments for their sustainability.
GE 4.7 and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry

Task description:
See the task outline on the following page.

Criteria for assessment:

Marks as allocated in rubric.

Additional Information:

● This is a formal assessment task. Your assignment must be submitted via CANVAS before 8:30am on
Monday 27th May.
● Penalties of 10% for every 24 hours late in the completion of the examination will apply.
● Extensions may only be granted by the HEAD Teacher HSIE Mrs Darabi. This MUST be requested at least
THREE (3) days before the due date.
● Computer malfunctions and absence from school due to illness is not an excuse for failing to submit your
assignment through CANVAS.
● Your work must be your own and where the permitted use of AI tools, such as NSW Edu Chat is used,
they must be properly referenced/ cited, and your submissions must be substantially your own work.
● Students will be allocated 3 Assessment Check In lessons during class time as determined by the
classroom teacher. This will replace draft submissions.
Task Description
In this task, students are required to select ONE (1) product from the list below and create a campaign
fact file to raise awareness about the environmental impact caused by the production and consumption
of the product.
Students are to select the impact of ONE (1) product highlighted in bold and to investigate the unethical
impacts of:
· Fast Fashion (e.g., non-renewable resource depletion)
· Coffee production (e.g., deforestation, water pollution)
· Chocolate production (e.g., climate change, air pollution)
· E-Waste from electronics production (e.g., biodiversity)

Task Outline

The campaign fact file MUST address the following questions:

1. Outline the issue and identify key consumers of the product (100 words) 2 MARKS

2. Locate and select ONE (1) map and provide a 100-word annotation on the spatial distribution
(where and why) of the product. (150 words) 3 MARKS

3. Explain TWO (2) environmental consequences of the product’s production. Support your response with
reference to TWO (2) relevant statistics. (300 words) 5 MARKS

4. Propose and justify TWO (2) sustainable practices to reduce the identified environmental impacts of the
products consumption. (400 words) 5 MARKS

Research and format:

5. Provide a bibliography following TPHS format of at least FIVE (5) sources. You can include books,
websites, catalogues, online encyclopedias. 3 MARKS

6. Submit your task as Microsoft Word document or PDF file with use of PEEL paragraph, relevant headings,
and use of geographical terminology. 2 MARKS

Glossary of Key Terms:

Identify: Recognise and name
Outline: Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of
Describe: Provide the main characteristics and features
Explain: Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how
Propose: Put forward (for example a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion) for consideration or action
Justify: Support an argument or conclusion
Marking Criteria
5 4 3 2 1 0

1. Outline the issue Outlines the issue and Makes an attempt to outline No attempt/Inaccurate
and the key consumers identifies the key the issue and/or key information provided
consumers of the consumers of the product
of the product

2. Locate and select Selects ONE highly Selects ONE map and Makes an attempt to No attempt
ONE (1) map and relevant map and completes a sound identify the spatial /Inaccurate
provide a 100-word completes a detailed outline of the spatial distribution of the product. information
annotation on the and accurate distribution of the May or may not include a provided
spatial distribution annotation on the product map
(where and why) of spatial distribution
the product. of the product

3. Explain TWO (2) Provides a sound description Provides a general description Makes an attempt to No attempt/Inaccurate
Provides a detailed and well- Provides a detailed explanation of
environmental of TWO (2) environmental of at least ONE (1) identify some issues sources provided
structured explanation of TWO TWO (2) environmental
consequences of the consequences of the consequence of the product’s related to the product’s
(2) environmental consequences of the product’s
products production. product’s production. May production. production
consequences of the product’s production. Supports the response
Support your response with
production. Supports the with at least TWO (2) relevant refer to some statistics
reference to TWO (2)
response with at least TWO (2) statistics
relevant statistics
highly relevant statistics

4. Propose and Provides TWO (2) sustainable Provides at least ONE (1) Makes an attempt to identify No attempt/Inaccurate
Provides TWO (2) highly Provides TWO (2) sustainable
justify TWO (2) relevant and sustainable practices and a justification on the practices and a sound sustainable practice and a some practices to reduce the sources provided
sustainable practices and a well-structured efficiency of each practice toward description on reducing the general description on impact of the product on the
practices to reduce and logical justification on the effectively reducing the identified impact of the products reducing the impact of the environment.
the identified efficiency of each practice impact of the products production consumption on the products consumption on the
environmental toward effectively reducing the on the environment environment. environment.
impacts of the identified impact of the
products products production on the
consumption. environment.

Provides an accurate Provides a bibliography

5. Bibliography Makes an attempt to provide No attempt/Inaccurate
bibliography following TPHS following TPHS format with
format with at least FIVE (5) less than FIVE (5) sources a bibliography OR information provided
sources bibliography is not accurate

6.Presentation and Clearly presents findings in Attempts to present No attempt

formatting a Microsoft Word OR PDF findings in a Microsoft Word
document including use of OR PDF document with
paragraphs, headings, and limited use of headings and
relevant geographical historical terminology and
terminology may attempt paragraph

Total /20

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