Emcee Script

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For the introduction of our INSET. Shall I start now.

Good morning everyone 😊

Kamusta po tayong lahat?

I hope that we are all fine And Welcome to our “___________”

So, before we start, I would like to remind you regarding our house rules.

1. Secure if our gadgets and internet connection are working well to avoid disconnection and

2. Turn off our video cameras.

3. When someone is speaking , lets mute our audio all the time to avoid unwanted noise.

To formally start our program, may I call on Ms. Paciente to play our National Anthem followed by an
opening prayer to be led by ______ and followed by Ms. Who will give us food for thought. Thank you
very much.


To check if all department are here, may we call on Ma’am and Ma’am to do the roll call.

Thank you very much.


And now, we have the most awaited part of our opening program. Let us lend ears to the message from
our Principal, A resounding round of applause please.

Thank you very much sir for that wonderful message.(inspiring active brilliant message .)


Thank you very much, we are now ready for the seminar proper and please allow me to give the floor to.

We are now in the webinar proper, allow me to introduce to you our 1st resource speaker for today’s
webinar. She is a shs teacher of. Let’s welcome, ma’am ______________.

Thank you, ma’am, _____ for giving us knowledge and idea about. We have learned so much today.


For closing remarks, we are please to have Ma’am_____.


Now to end the day with a grateful heart, let us have our closing prayer to be led by _____________

Thank you, ma’am.

It has been a great day and wonderful afternoon with all of you. Again, thank you all for your presence.
God bless and good day to each and everyone.

Reminder: May I request everyone to please turn off mic if not speaking.

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