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29th of May 1997 8:11 AM San Diego

Cancer Rising

As a Cancer Rising, you tend to be very sensitive to your surroundings, you have strong
empathy, and a heightened ability to read people. You also need to have a very
comfortable home that is well organized (since you have Virgo ruling your 4th house) to
retreat in. Although most Cancer risings tend to be introverts, since you have a Gemini
Sun, you might be quite extroverted, or at least enjoy socializing.

Chart Ruler: Pisces Moon in the 9th house

In astrology, the Moon represents your emotions, what makes you feel safe and how
you react based on subconscious predispositions. As a Pisces Moon, you react
sensitively, empathetically, evasively, vulnerably and idealistically. Periods of unfocused
imaginative daydreaming help with your emotional tranquility and you need a sense of
oneness with the world and the universe to feel secure and right about yourself. You
nurture others through healing compassion and sympathy and you feel secure when
serving humanity or a spiritual ideal. Because your feelings about yourself tend to be
nebulous, you might struggle understanding yourself and having confidence in yourself.
You flow easily with changing situations and contentment comes from transcending the
personal self and its fears. The dark side of this moon sign is different types of
addictions but especially alcohol, since Pisces rules over alcohol. Being too empathetic
is also a danger, since you might forgive too easily, and people might take advantage of
your niceness. Setting boundaries is really important with the Pisces Moon Cancer
Rising combo. You might find joy in expressing your deep emotions through artistic
pursuits such as poetry, photography, music, or art in general. There is also natural
intuition and wisdom associated with this placement, and you may rely on your gut
feeling and psychic insights, often perceiving the deeper, unseen aspects of situations.
There could also be a tendency towards idealization: you may idealize people and
situations, sometimes setting you up for disappointment when reality falls short on your
dreams. Learning to balance idealism and practicality is a recurring theme. You might
also have a strong need for solitude and time alone to recharge emotionally: this allows
you to connect with your inner world and process your feelings. You may also feel a
deep connection to the mystical and spiritual dimensions of life and may find solace in
spiritual practices such as meditation or exploring metaphysical concepts. The Moon
trine the Ascendant emphasizes your sensitive, caring nature: you relate to others
through your feelings and want people to understand your feelings. You share your
feelings openly, and others appreciate this about you. They see the real you early on in
a relationship. Because the Moon rules the public, you should be able to deal efficiently
with the public and maintain an excellent public image. People feel like they can
approach you and share their innermost feelings. This aspect also gives a close and
influential relationship with your mother. Lilith’s opposition to the Moon adds a layer of
psychic sensitivity and it symbolizes a dynamic tension between your emotional needs
and your shadow self, urging you to explore the depths of your psyche. You are called
to embrace your inner darkness and uncover the hidden aspects of your emotional
world. This aspect also challenges you to confront repressed emotions or unresolved
traumas that may be lurking beneath the surface and invites you to question the
patterns and behaviors that have been ingrained in you from an early age, and to
explore the ways in which these influences have shaped your emotional landscape. By
acknowledging and integrating your shadow side, you have the opportunity to
experience profound emotional healing and transformation. However, this aspect can
also lead to your shadow self overpowering your emotional well being. It is important to
find a balance between exploring your dark side and nurturing your emotional needs.
Shadow work is a great practice for this aspect. The next challenging aspect coming
from your Moon is the square with the Sun; this creates inner tension, because as a
Pisces Moon you need a lot of Solitude and Peace, but as a Gemini Sun, you need a lot
of socialization. You might feel torn between your desire for self expression, recognition,
and personal achievement (Sun) and the need for emotional fulfillment, comfort and a
sense of belonging. This aspect can however motivate you to reconcile the conflicting
aspects of your personality leading to increased self-awareness and personal
development. The Moon’s sextile to Mercury suggests a harmonious and supportive
connection between your emotional nature and the intellect and communication style.
You possess a high degree of emotional intelligence and you can effectively articulate
your feelings. This aspect also enhances creativity making it even easier for you to
express your emotions through creative writing or journaling. This aspect can also
indicate that you grow through emotional experiences as this connection facilitates a
dynamic interplay between feelings and cognitive processes, leading to deeper
self-awareness and deeper personal development. With the Moon sitting in the 9th
house, your emotional well being is also closely tied to the themes of exploration,
philosophy and higher learning. You might have a deep connection to philosophical
ideals, beliefs and a broad worldview. You may seek emotional fulfillment through
exploring different cultures, religions, or intellectual pursuits that expand your
understanding of life. There is also a longing for adventure, travel, and experiences that
go beyond the familiar: you should find comfort in the discovery of new perspectives,
cultures, and ways of thinking. Emotional growth might also be tied to higher education,
whether formal or informal: you might find fulfillment in academic pursuits, spiritual
studies or any form of learning that contributes to personal and emotional expansion.
You might also yearn for emotional experiences that have a deeper meaning and
purpose and find fulfillment in activities that provide a sense of purpose such as
philanthropy or volunteering.

Gemini Sun in the 11th house

The Sun is all about self expression and recognition: it is mostly associated with what
you want to be seen as, what makes you feel alive and the energy you need to
replenish in order to feel well. As a Gemini Sun, your creative energy is directed
towards perception, acquiring facts, asking questions and towards finding connections
between ideas. You have a strong need to express yourself verbally and to receive
recognition for your intellectual abilities. Sustained interest and effort in one area can be
hard to maintain due to a wide variety of interests. This placement also makes you
flexible and open minded, thriving in situations that allow you to explore different
perspectives and adapt to changing circumstances. Gemini is associated with relentless
curiosity which can lead to restlessness due to an innate desire to see and explore
everything, and feeling that if you take a break you might miss out on something. You
may have a fear of monotony and routine. The Sun’s trine to Uranus gives you a strong
sense of originality and uniqueness: you may have innovative ideas, unconventional
perspectives and a desire to express your individuality in creative and unusual ways.
Alongside your 9th house Moon, this aspect gives another layer of open-mindness and
a progressive attitude: you are receptive to new ideas, trends, and alternative way of
thinking, actively seeking out opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. This
aspect also enhances mental agility, quick thinking and insightful perceptions: you may
have a talent for grasping complex concepts rapidly and intuitively. There is also a
strong desire for personal freedom and autonomy: you feel best in environments in
which you can be unapologetically yourself, with no restrictions on what you can and
cannot say. There is also a sense of rebellion associated with this placement, and you
might want to be seen as someone progressive, who challenges the status quo. There
is often a humanitarian and community aspect to your personality: you could be drawn
to social causes, activism, or efforts to contribute positively to collective well being. Your
Moon is opposing Lilith, and your Sun is squaring it: Lilith is definitely a major
component of your chart. The friction between your deep desire to be true to yourself
regarding your needs and sexual instincts and the desire to be appreciated by others is
indicated by this placement. This placement wants to teach you that you cannot have
everything in life exactly as you want, and you must abide by some societal standards
and laws. This placement makes you strong willed and unafraid to speak out against
vices that cause widespread distress in society: the tension compels actions. Your
refined intuition is your most valuable asset, motivating you to take leaps of faith and
conquer the fears of rejection and criticism. The Sun’s opposition to Pluto adds to the
intensity of your soul: it makes you experience life with heightened intensity and depth.
There may be a constant process of personal transformation, as the energies of Pluto
push for profound changes in the expression of the self. There could be a tendency
toward power struggles, either within yourself or in relationships to others and a deep,
maybe repressed desire for control. This aspect can also foster emotional resilience and
a capacity to undergo significant personal growth through challenging experiences: you
might have to face and overcome deep-seated fears, emerging stronger and more self
aware. There could be a curiosity and desire to explore the hidden or taboo aspects of
life, and may be drawn to psychological investigation, uncovering the mysteries of the
self and others. It can also create a deep compulsion for change and regeneration: you
might find yourself constantly drawn to experiences that force you to confront your
deepest fears and desires, leading to a continual process of personal evolutions.
Relationships may be marked by intense emotions, power struggles, and a need for
control. Because you have a lot of tensed aspects in your chart, you might be under the
impression that you have to always keep on moving, or life might be the one propelling
you to keep on moving by constantly throwing things at you. Be careful with emotional
and physical burnout, and remember to sometimes take a break, breath, and look back
at what you already achieved. The Sun in the 11th house emphasizes the
characteristics brought on by the trine between the Sun and Uranus. With this
placement, friendships play a significant role in shaping your identity. You might
prioritize friendships and social networks as crucial aspects of your life. You excel in
networking and establishing connections.

Taurus Mercury in the 11th house

Mercury represents how you think, how you communicate as well as what you think
and talk about. This placement adds a little steadiness and stability to your very mutable
personality: it gives you a practical, grounded approach to thinking: you prefer concrete
information and practical solutions. Communication style is methodical and deliberate,
you choose your words carefully, aiming for clarity and consistency. You take time to
consider new information thoroughly before altering your perspectives: usually taurus
mercuries are also very stubborn and resistant to change, and this can manifest
sometimes in your life, however, for the most part, your mutable moon and sun should
overpower the stubbornness. Taurus is also associated with the senses, so you might
have a heightened sensory awareness and appreciate the beauty of language, enjoy
rich descriptions and may use sensory details in your communication. Learning is often
most effective when it involves hands-on experiences and tangible examples: you might
excel in subjects that require methodical and patient approach and you appreciate a
stable and secure learning environment. You should also approach financial decisions
with caution and prefer stability in financial affairs. Your communication reflects your
values and you excel in articulation of what you find important. Mercury’s square to
Uranus denotes an attunement of the conscious, logical mind to the Universal mind.
The nervous system and perceptions are speeded up, and you might exhibit great
insight, ingenuity, originality and memory. There is an unusual association of ideas and
a rapid connection of apparently unrelated ideas. Your mind works so fast other people
might find you illogical, however you might be impatient with the slowness of other
people’s thoughts . You function a lot through intuition rather than logic. You might be
overwhelmed by jolting flashes of insight. Mercury’s trine to Lilith enables you to
express your deepest thoughts and feelings with authenticity and clarity, and you
possess a natural gift for tapping into the depths of your psyche and conveying your
innermost experiences to others. You could have a powerful talent for writing that delves
into the mysteries of the human psyche, making your words resonate with others. This
aspect also empowers you with a deep understanding of complex psychological
concepts and you have a remarkable ability to uncover hidden truths and shed light on
societal taboos through your words. With Mercury being in the 11th house, you enjoy
exchanging ideas within a group setting, and you thrive in environments that encourage
intellectual discussions, brainstorming and collaborative thinking. You might also enjoy
participating in group projects, clubs and organizations where you can share your ideas
and knowledge for the collective benefit. This placement also indicates a comfort with
communication technologies and social media platforms.

Gemini Venus in the 12th house

Venus is all about how you express affection, how you feel appreciated but also your
values and finances. As a Gemini Venus, you express affection verbally, and you need
to talk about your thoughts and perceptions in order to feel close to another. Your need
for variety and constant new stimuli can inhibit long lasting relationships, as you might
get easily bored and underwhelmed. This placement makes you charming and articulate
in the matters of love and relationships and you are drawn to partners who can engage
you intellectually, share diverse interests and engage in lively discussions. You enjoy
the thrill of the chase and appreciate the excitement of keeping the romantic spark
through teasing or playful arguing. When you are in love, you might write love letters,
send long thoughtful messages and overall use verbal expression to convey your
affection and appreciation of your partner. You might also experience duality in your
approach to love and may be attracted to multiple qualities of types of partners making it
difficult to commit to just one. Venus trine Jupiter is one of the best aspects to have
because it connects the two benefic planets. You should experience a sense of
abundance in your love life and financial matters. You tend to see the bright side of life
and you are generally optimistic about the possibilities for growth and fulfillment in your
love life. You might also be quite generous in relationships and one of your love
languages could be gift giving. You could also have a strong appreciation for beauty and
aesthetics and may be drawn to art, culture, and luxurious surroundings. You might also
have a philosophical approach to love and relationships, and you might seek deeper
meaning and understanding in your connections, exploring the spiritual dimension of
love. This placement can however mean an inclination to overspending especially on
things associated with Venus such as clothes, food, art or associated with Jupiter such
as travel and luxurious vacations. It’s important to be aware of finances. Venus’ square
to Mars might bring intense and passionate relationships and there is a strong desire for
connection, however this intensity can lead to conflicts and power struggles in the
relationship. There could be an internal conflict between what you desire in relationships
and how you take action to pursue those desires. There is a lot of sexual tension in your
relationships and usually people are very strongly attracted to you. You might however
also be very impulsive when it comes to love: you might act on your desires quickly
without thoroughly considering the consequences. There could also be a strong desire
for independence and autonomy within relationships: finding the balance between
individual needs and the needs of the partnership can be an ongoing theme in your
romantic life. You might also feel very competitive towards your partner and you could
feel the need to assert dominance. With Venus being in the 12th house, there is a
complex and mysterious approach to life. You could be very private about your love life
and you might be attracted to hidden relationships, preferring to keep the details of your
romantic life concealed. There could also be an idealistic and romanticized view of love
and relationships and you might yearn for a perfect, soulful connection and may be
drawn to love stories that evoke a sense of mystery and longing. You might also feel like
you have to make sacrifices in order to pursue certain romantic connections and you
might also be willing to make sacrifices for the sake of love. You might also retreat into
your own private world when facing relationship challenges. Some of your desires might
be hidden, even from yourself which is why self reflection and exploring the deeper
layers of your emotions can lead to a better understanding of your romantic needs and

Mars in Virgo in the 3rd house

Mars represents how you assert yourself and how you express your desires. Mars in
Virgo gives a keen eye for detail and precision and you approach tasks and projects
with a methodical and analytical mindset, paying close attention to the finer points. You
prefer planning and organizing before taking action. There is also a strong work ethic
associated with the placement: you are willing to put in the effort and work diligently to
achieve your goals and you find fulfillment in contributing your skills and efforts to
practical tasks. You might also be very health conscious and mindful of your well-being:
you might engage in routines that promote physical fitness, proper nutrition and overall
health maintenance. Mars represents assertiveness and aggression, but in Virgo, these
qualities may be expressed in a more controlled or cautious manner: you shouldn’t be
prone to explosive outbursts but you can become very frustrated when things don’t
meet your standards. Your analytical nature can also lead to overthinking and excessive
worry. Mars in the 3rd house gives you a strong drive for mental stimulation and
learning. You approach debates and discussions with a competitive spirit. You are also
a quick thinker and excel in situations that require rapid processing such as problem
solving and decision making. There could also be a tendency towards impulsive

Aquarius Jupiter in the 8th house

Jupiter represents expansion, and how you experience faith in life and in yourself.
Although most of the things associated with this placement have already been
mentioned throughout this reading, I will mention them again to underline their
importance: this placement gives you a strong humanitarian streak in your values and
beliefs, you makes you passionate about social causes, equality and the well being of
the collective: engaging in social causes will gives you more faith in yourself and your
surroundings. This placement can make you quite optimistic about the future and you
may believe in the potential for global transformation and may actively contribute to
efforts aimed at creating a more inclusive and progressive world. Jupiter in the 8th
house brings profound transformations in various aspects of your life: this can include
personal growth, changes in beliefs and a deepening understanding of the mysteries of
existence. There could be a natural inclination towards the occult, metaphysics and
esoteric knowledge. You might experience optimism and positive energy even in
challenging or crisis situations and you possess resilience and a belief that you can
emerge stronger from difficult circumstances. Since the 8th house is also associated
with shared resources, Jupiter’s presence suggests that financial abundance might
come through partnerships.

Aries Saturn in the 10th house

Saturn is associated with difficulties and delays but also how you seek to establish and
preserve yourself through effort. With this placement, you may express assertiveness in
a measured and disciplined manner. Aries is a sign known for initiating action, while
Saturn has a sense of caution and deliberation; you might face challenges and delays in
taking impulsive actions. You understand the importance of taking charge of your own
destiny while maintaining a sense of accountability. You may also need to learn to pace
yourself and understand that long-term goals require sustained effort over time. While
valuing independence, you need to also learn how to collaborate effectively with others:
it’s important to find balance between individual autonomy and cooperative efforts.
Saturn finds himself dignified in the 10th house and this placement gives a strong sense
of ambition and professionalism. You are driven to achieve success in your chosen path
and you have a deep commitment to your professional goals. Saturn’s influence brings
a disciplined and hardworking approach to your career: you are likely to be diligent,
responsible and willing to put in the necessary effort to climb the professional ladder.
With the 10th house being all about public image and reputation, Saturn’s presence
makes you very aware of the importance of a solid and respectable reputation: you are
very mindful, even sometimes stressed about how you are perceived in the public and
professional spheres. However, because Saturn is in fall in Aries, you might face a lot of
challenges related to your career such as delays, obstacles, and a sense of
responsibility that requires a lot of patience and perseverance to overcome. Whilst
Saturn brings a strong focus on career you also need to learn the importance of
balancing work and personal life: finding that balance between professional
responsibilities and personal well being is a potential challenge and lesson.

Uranus in the 8th house

Uranus in the 8th house can suggest an unconventional attitude towards shared
resources, joint finances and matters related to intimacy: you may seek innovative ways
to handle financial arrangements within partnerships. You might have an interest in
alternative forms of intimacy or unconventional relationships and may be open to
exploring non-traditional approaches to emotional and physical connections. You might
also have a strong desire for financial independence and a reluctance to rely too heavily
on others for financial support. You might also have an interest in innovative
psychological approaches and therapies and you might explore non -traditional methods
for understanding and transforming your psychological patterns. There is also potential
for unexpected financial events or inheritances: these could bring sudden changes to
your financial situations. You tend to rebuke anything that feels restricting in the matters
of intimacy and shared resources.

Neptune in the 7th house

This placement is similar to having Venus in the 12th house. There is a sense of
idealism to your approach of relationships: you might have a vision of an ideal,
dreamlike partnership that can sometimes blur the lines between reality and fantasy.
This placement enhances sensitivity in relationships and attunes you to the emotional
nuances of your partner allowing you to pick up on subtle energies and emotions.
However, this heightened sensitivity can also make you susceptible to emotional
influences. You might be drawn to artistic and creative partners and may find inspiration
and spiritual connection through shared artistic endeavors, music, or other forms of
creative expression. You desire unconditional love and spiritual unity in relationships:
you desire a connection that transcends earthly limitations, aspiring to experience a love
that is pure, selfless and transcendent. Romanticism is also heightened with Neptune in
the 7th house: you could be drawn to romantic gestures, poetic expressions of love and
the idea of a soulmate or spiritual partner.
Pluto in the 5th house
This placement gives a powerful and intense approach to creative expression: your
artistic endeavors may be deeply transformative, reflecting themes of regeneration,
passion and emotional intensity. Your romantic life tends to be dramatic and intense.
You might also have a deep connection with children and you may experience
parenthood as a transformative and emotionally charged journey. You might also find
that your hobbies and activities take on a transformative quality: you might find
empowerment and personal growth through hobbies. Artistic endeavors could serve as
therapeutic outlets for processing deep emotions and psychological experiences.

North Node in the 3rd house / South Node in the 9th house
The South Node in the 9th house can put a lot of pressure on dreams: you might feel
like you had to inherit a parent’s dream or vision. You might feel like your potential is
overtaken by someone else’s dream. You might also have a lot of trouble figuring out
how to take care of yourself in everyday life although this isn’t obvious on the outside.
This placement can also mean that you need to pay more attention to small details
rather than always focusing on the bigger picture, which can be difficult because the
North Node is an area that we need more of but that seems foreign to use. You are
naturally gifted with the ability to think big, but in this lifetime you need to come back to
the little details. Because Mars is placed on your North Node, you might also have
trouble expressing Martial qualities such as assertion, and you might struggle with
taking firm action. Because Venus is squaring the Nodes, it will most likely be through
romantic relationships that you will learn how to assert yourself but also how to navigate
everyday life.

Chiron in the 4th house

Chiron in the 4th house indicates that wounds and opportunities for healing are closely
tied to your family dynamics, upbringing and sense of home. You seek harmony and
balance in the relationship with your family. Maybe you were the peacemaker in your
family, and now you feel responsible for healing generational trauma. This placement
suggests that you need to revisit and heal childhood trauma and wounds: this process
involves acknowledging and understanding the impact of past experiences on your
emotional foundations. The relationship with one or both parents may be the focal point
for healing. Establishing a safe and secure emotional space for yourself becomes a
priority: this may involve creating a supportive home environment, setting boundaries
with family members and choosing relationships that nurture your emotional well being.
Lilith in the 3rd house
Lilith represents where you had to endure trials, perhaps unfair ones, where you were
shamed and where you had to face your shadow side. Since you have Lilith in the same
house as the North Node, the lessons associated with Lilith are very important for you to
succeed in life. This placement can indicate a struggle to get your point across and you
might have had problems with communication when you were little. You might have had
problems at school, where you might have been quite rebellious: there could be a
disrespect towards authority figures at a young age. You might have suffered from a lot
of anxiety when you were a child. You might have been shamed for how you spoke or
how you thought.

A Pisces Midheaven gives in inclination towards compassionate service-oriented
professions through careers that involve helping others, such as counseling, healing, or
working in charitable organization. It can also indicate a spiritual or mystical orientation
in your path and you could be drawn to careers that involve spirituality or exploring the
mystery of existence. Because the ruler of your Midheaven is your Aquarius Jupiter, the
path I see most for you is related to psychotherapy or therapy in general. You might
come up with unconventional methods for people to explore their psyche. With the ruler
of your second house being in the 11th house, you could also make money from social
media, or you might use social media and technology in general to make money.

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