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Quest for the Secret

Force of the Universe
Consciousness, Antigravity:
Resonance & From Dream
the Paranormal to Reality

The Universe The ‘God Force’

as a Hologram Journey into the
Fourth Dimension
What is the Weight
of the Human Soul? Spooky World
of Quantum
The Mind of Placebo Biology
In Search of the
Perfect Medicine Science of Death vs
Science of Life

Quantum Consciousness
Our Evolution, Our Salvation

$7.95 inc GST

A Special Issue of New Dawn Magazine Special Issue No. 15 ■
The ‘God Force’... page 9

Quantum Consciousness... page 25

In Search of
the Perfect
page 53

Antigravity: From Dream to Reality... page 61

AUTU M N 2011

39 Does Objective Reality Exist, or
3 Synchronised Swimming
in the Quantum Sea
is the Universe a Phantasm?
By Michael Talbot
By Marie D. Jones science of death vs
science of life
the ‘god force’
47 Charting a New Course
9 A Journey into the
Fourth Dimension for Health Care
By Mike Bara By Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

the quest for the secret THE MIND OF PLACEBO

force of the universe
An Interview With
53 In Search of the
Perfect Medicine
By Kenneth Smith
Lynne McTaggart
25 Our Evolution, Our Salvation
By Dr. Ervin Laszlo
61 The Revolutionary Discoveries
of T. Townsend Brown
THE SPOOKY WORLD OF By Dr. Paul LaViolette

By Michael Garfield
what is the weight of

morphic resonance &

69 the human soul?
An Estimate Based on
morphic fields Dark Matter Statistics
33 Collective Memory & By Jay Alfred
the Habits of Nature
By Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

Future Science, Quantum Leaps & the Living Matrix Special Issue No. 15 ■
A Special Issue of New Dawn Magazine
New Dawn Special Issue No. 15

Future Science,
Quantum Leaps &
the Living Matrix
AUTUMN 2011 Quote, Unquote
Published by The vast majority of human beings dislike and even actually dread all notions
New Gnosis Communications with which they are not familiar... Hence it comes about that at their first
International Pty Ltd appearance innovators have generally been persecuted, and always derided
as fools and madmen. – British author Aldous Huxley (1894–1963)
ABN: 84094017642
Beyond its revolutionary technological applications and scientific impact, the
Editorial Committee evidence of an active role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality
M.R. Pashkovsky holds profound implications for our view of ourselves, our relationships to others,
David Jones and to the cosmos in which we exist.
– Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Program
Production TEAM
David Jones A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has
Jason Jeffrey
monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are
no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates
from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost
Beaudesert Times
beyond question.
– British astrophysicist Sir Fred Hoyle (1915–2001)
All articles are published on the
basis that they are not to be regarded as We are beginning to see the entire universe as a holographically interlinked network
expressing the opinion of the publisher or of energy and information, organically whole and self referential at all scales of its
its servants or agents. Views expressed existence. We, and all things in the universe, are non-locally connected with each
are not necessarily those of the publisher. other and with all other things in ways that are unfettered by the hitherto known
limitations of space and time.
Contributing Writers – Hungarian philosopher of science Ervin Laszlo
Marie D. Jones
I've found that the chief difficulty for most people was to realise that they had
Mike Bara really heard new things: that is things that they had never heard before. They
Dr. Ervin Laszlo kept translating what they heard into their habitual language. They had ceased
to hope and believe there might be anything new.
Dr. Srini Pillay
– Russian philosopher P.D. Ouspensky (1878–1947)
Michael Garfield
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true is true or becomes true,
within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits
Michael Talbot
are further beliefs to be transcended. In the mind, there are no limits.
Doug Yurchey – American scientist and mystic John C. Lilly (1915–2001)
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Kenneth Smith What are New Dawn Special Issues?
Dr. Paul LaViolette
Since 2004 New Dawn magazine has published Special Issues devoted to ancient
Jay Alfred mysteries, hidden history and secret wisdom. These Special Issues are a thought
provoking, compelling and highly readable examination of the greatest mysteries of
Australia and international office
New Dawn magazine the past, the present, and the future.
GPO Box 3126
Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia New Dawn Special Issues are in addition to the regular New Dawn magazine. First published in 1991, New Dawn is a bi-monthly magazine distributed through newsagents across Australia and New Zealand. If you find New Dawn Special Issue
No. 15 informative and enjoyable reading, please check out the regular edition of
© Copyright 2011 by New Dawn Magazine New Dawn magazine at your local newsagency or consider subscribing. For further
and the respective authors. ISSN: 1036-8035 information, please visit

Special Issue No. 15
Resonance & the Paranormal
Synchronised Swimming
in the Quantum Sea

— © B y Ma r i e D . J o n e s — and interactions. Other scientists believe this field has
different names.
s a kid, watching the synchronised swim- In 1998, physicist Paul Steinhardt and his colleagues
ming competition of the summer Olympic coined a term that would describe a mysterious field
games, I was always struck by how silly the of what they believed to be dark energy, or a “fifth
sport seemed. Not to mention how it looked! essence.” They called it “quintessence.” Based upon an
Later, as a wise adult, I came to understand earlier idea proposed by Fermilab physicist Chris Hill
and appreciate both the degree of difficulty of getting and colleague Josh Freeman, quintessence suggested
human bodies to move in perfect uni- that, like the cosmological constant
son, and the beauty that results when of Einstein’s vision, this essence fills
they do. all of “empty” space with a form of
Humans often operate in synch E verything that matter-energy that is changeable in
with others. I am reminded of groups strength. Some parts of space might
exists gives off
of women who work or live together have a thicker quintessence, others a
menstruating at the same times, as if some vibration thin “layer,” creating a field of invis-
their hormonal systems sought a cer- of a certain ible essence that has no direction, like
tain resonance of unity and harmony, a vector field, only magnitude, like a
and adjusted the individual bodies frequency very.E scalar field.
accordingly. ,
planet every Described as kinetic energy by
But bodies are not the only things
that resonate. Quantum physics has
person every
Tom Siegfried in Strange Matters, the
strength of this field would be meas-
taught us that there is no such thing particle . ured by how quickly it approaches the
as empty space, and that the so-called zero point. Because quintessence is
vacuum of space often called the Zero believed to exert negative pressure, it
Point Field (ZPF), is teeming with is said to be a slow rolling scalar field,
quantum fluctuations that display a resonance, a vibra- one that does not change too quickly over a period of
tion. Nothing does not vibrate. There is no such thing as time. Whether or not quintessence is the dark energy so
zero, dead, still. Everything that exists gives off some eagerly sought by physicists will decide the fate of the
vibration of a certain frequency. universe itself, because of its relationship to expansion.
Every planet, every person, every particle. The presence of a negative energy in space would pos-
Musicians know that when a guitar string is plucked sibly stop the expansion.
on one instrument in a music store, all the other guitars Aside from the role quintessence plays in the out-
in the same room will vibrate to that tone. Healers refer come of our universe’s destiny, it may also play a role in
to this as “entrainment,” when two objects (or people!) the way matter and energy interacts, or resonates. Na-
in close proximity, vibrating on different frequencies, ture is filled with signs of the importance of resonance
begin altering their vibrations until they are vibrating and the beauty of synchronicity. From the physical
at the same, or nearly the same, frequency. The Zero foundation of all musical composition to the intricate
Point Field could act as a field of “entrainment” or reso- mathematical ratios of the natural world, there seems
nance, where the vibrations of particles tune to specific to be an element of “arrangement” that results in a vis-
frequencies, creating different forms of matter, energy ible pattern. Special Issue No. 15 ■

Physicist David Bohm believed hologram, or “holomovement,” that
that underlying the physical, tangi- contained order on an implicate
ble world, there was a far more mys- level. The explicate order would be
terious, deeper order of “undivided the projection from higher dimen-
wholeness.” He called the visible sions of reality, and any apparent
world the explicate order, and that stability of objects and entities are
deeper world the implicate order, really a sustained process of enfold-
and used the analogy of a flowing ment and unfoldment. Nothing solid
stream to describe his realisation of is really solid at the implicate level.
unbroken unity. Bohm also believed there was a
“On this stream, one may see an superquantum potential, or a higher
ever-changing pattern of vortices, “superimplicate” order operating
ripples, waves, splashes, etc., which in the universe, and that life and
evidently have no independent consciousness were enfolded within,
existence as such. Rather, they are with matter appearing in varying
abstracted from the flowing move- degrees of “unfoldment.” He even
ment, arising and vanishing in stated that the separation of matter
the total process of the flow. Such and spirit is nothing but an abstrac-
transitory subsistence as may be tion, that the “ground is always one.”
possessed by these abstracted forms
David Bohm (1917–1992)
All is Vibration
implies only a relative independence
or autonomy of behaviour, rather The study of music (and the pat-
than absolutely independent exist- terns of sacred geometry) suggests
ence as ultimate substances.” an invisible, “implicate” vibratory nature. Sympathetic
Those rather philosophical words came from Bohm’s Vibratory Physics is a term assigned to a “musical uni-
Wholeness and the Implicate Order, which he wrote in verse,” an interesting alternative theory of reality pro-
1980, and suggested the world of the implicate order posed by Walter Russell in A New Concept of the Universe.
was similar to a hologram, where the complex interfer- Russell believes that there exists nothing in nature
ence patterns appear to be chaotic and disordered to other than vibration. He attempts to create a paradigm
the naked eye, yet on a deeper level possess a pattern of reality using wave and vibration theory based upon
that is hidden or “enfolded” into the whole object. Bohm the work of John W. Keely’s concepts of a sympathetic
even suggested the universe itself was like a flowing vibration that connects all things and energies, and that
the harmony of these vibrations creates what we see.
Russell and Keely suggest that music can be thought
of as a model of the order found in the universe, with
organised vibration or sound following principles of
structure and behaviour that make sound into har-
monies. These principles mimic those governing other
vibratory patterns in the universe.
Take the idea that everything is the result of a
vibration, and even Zero Point Energy in the quantum
vacuum has been shown to “jiggle” or vibrate. Every-
thing has its “jiggle.” We can go on to say that different
things have different “chords” or “vibration signatures,”
and that is what makes one thing discernible from the
next. Sounds a lot like superstring theory, with tiny,
vibrating cosmic strings at the very heart of existence.
Vibrations are dynamic, interacting with one anoth-
er and their environment, creating different tones and
chords and harmonics. In a sense, vibrations are more
fundamental to reality than the tiniest subatomic par-

The American polymath Walter Russell (1871–1963) was

known for his achievements in painting, sculpture, architecture,
and for his unified theory in physics. He proposed an
alternative theory of reality in A New Concept of the Universe.

Special Issue No. 15
ticle, because in a sense, that is what the tiniest particle and animals, theorises that the existence of an invisible
is… a vibration. field of influence, although unproven, could be the link
The most exciting thing about this invisible vibra- between humans and their pets. “Morphic fields also
tory field, no matter what form it might take, is the contain attractors, which draw organisms towards fu-
potentiality it contains. Potential as a source of all other ture states.” This could explain how a dog might pick up
sources. Potential as a pure energy field upon which a change in the morphic field that lets it know its owner
all matter is created and thrown out into the explicate is only a half block away.”
order. Potential even is a doorway to other dimensions The morphogenetic field itself could be made up of
or levels of reality, where things like ghosts, UFOs and “morphic wavelets” of resonating, vibratory energy that
psychic abilities are the norm. differ in scale and frequency. The wave could have a reso-
“Subquantum Kinetics” &
nance that synchs up with the resonance of a pet, or a hu-
“Morphogenetic Fields”
man, who then displays some “psychic” ability to predict
a coming earthquake or disaster. And if they are tapping
Physicist Paul LaViolette writes extensively about into a field that contains memories of past, present and
“transmuting ether” in his book, Genesis of the Cosmos: future, a time landscape so to speak, they could access
The Ancient Science of Continuous Creation. This ether, any event throughout the space/time continuum.
which is the basis of LaVio-
lette’s theory of “subquantum
kinetics,” is described as an

This “M-field” is an
active substrate that differs
from the mechanical ethers
once considered in previous
centuries. LaViolette states,
“The concentrations of the underlying energy field
substrate composing this
ether are the energy potential
fields that form the basis of
that acts as an
all matter and energy in our
universe.” The ether reactions organising principle
cause wave-like field gradi-
ents that emerge and form
the “observable quantum
to give form to various
level structures and physical
phenomena,” including the levels of reality.
various particles, forces, fields
and electromagnetic waves.
Subquantum kinetics, Obviously, it’s not that simple, or we would all be
which LaViolette proposes as a unified field theory that seeing ghosts, aliens, strange creatures, having precog-
fills in the gaps conventional physics cannot, rests on nitive dreams, major déjà vu episodes, and reading each
the existence of this “primordial” transmuting ether other’s minds. But if even one small percentage of the
present throughout space. “The transmuting ether is the claims of the paranormal is true, someone somehow is
wellspring of Creation,” he states, adding that were its figuring out just how to do it.
activity to diminish, everything physical would cease Terence McKenna, psychedelic visionary and co-
to exist, coming to a state of “multi-dimensional con- author of The Evolutionary Mind, points out: “Once non-
sciousness” from which the physical universe is gener- locality is accepted, some of the things we’re interested
ated. A ground state, or Source of all Sources. in are permitted – telepathy, information from other
Rupert Sheldrake, biologist and co-author of The Evo- worlds arriving by the morphogenetic field, and so on.”
lutionary Mind: Conversations on Science, Imagination and We know that experiments have proven non-locality to
Spirit refers to this vibratory field as the “morphogenet- be a reality on the quantum level. Two particles contin-
ic field.” This “M-field” (and there can be many M-fields) ue to affect one another at extreme distances. The same
is an underlying energy field that acts as an organising actually happens on a macrocosmic level all the time.
principle to give form to various levels of reality. He
The Synchronised Universe
also suggests there is “morphic resonance,” or the reso-
nance of memories sort of like Edgar Cayce’s “Akashic Advanced physics tells us that an event at Point A
field” or the “collective unconscious” of Carl Jung. These in the universe does not cause an event in Point B to
memories shape our minds today, but subconsciously. occur a little later. Actually, both events occur at the
Sheldrake, who has experimented with psychic pets same time. Carl Jung used the term “synchronicity” to Special Issue No. 15 ■

describe this same phenomenon on a human level. In UFOs can appear and vanish instantly, as reported in
his amazing book Power Vs. Force, Dr. David R. Hawk- hundreds of sightings, and how teleportation might be
ins states that a “question can’t be asked unless there’s achieved. It could also explain the existence of “subtle
already the potentiality of the answer… there can be no energy,” which, Swanson theorises, arises from the
‘up’ without an already existent ‘down’.” Synchronicities motions coupled across the layers of parallel universes.
are evidence of an all-inclusive field that goes against Subtle energies, Swanson states, are the “coherent struc-
the normal cause-and-effect rationale for events that ture which crosses several of these parallel realities, and
occur that challenge our illusion of the line between therefore is ‘higher dimensional’.”
subjective and objective reality. The interesting thing about synchronisation is that
Perhaps, the universe itself is based it allows every particle a fundamental
upon principles of synchronisation. frequency proportional to its mass,
Physicist Claude Swanson, educated and also explains how particles can be-
at M.I.T. and Princeton, believes it is.
He even believes his “synchronised
P hysicist F. come synchronised, like those Olym-
pic swimmers, at small scales. This
universe” theory leaves the door wide D P
avid eat “synchronising” of matter and energy
open for a variety of paranormal phe- would indeed allow for paranormal
nomena to exist in a reality where our suggests that events to occur, and would no doubt
own matter operates in synchronised synchronicities explain why they might occur in tran-
fashion with everything else. sient, unpredictable ways. Ghosts, out-
In his book, The Synchronized Uni- “
are flaws in ” of-body experiences, remote viewing,
verse, Swanson points out that parallel the fabric of psychokinesis and poltergeist activity
universes superimposed upon our own all may be the result of the synching of
can differ in phase or frequency of reality ... particles and matter between various
their synchronisation. Basically, peo- levels of existence, creating a literal
ple can only access their own universal means for moving between dimen-
“sheet” of existence, and thus believe sions of reality.
that is the only one that exists. Same goes for anything Swanson states, “Paranormal effects and ‘subtle
moving around on all the other parallel “sheet” univers- energy’ cause a synchronisation across adjacent parallel
es. universes. When this occurs, these adjacent universes
But alter the phase or frequency just so, and an become to a degree synchronised with ours. The interac-
object can disappear from one reality, and appear in tion becomes more coherent, more in phase.”
another. Like a ghost. When there is no synchronisation, we experience
The synchronised universe theory could explain how the other universe or dimension as “random noise.”
Even teleportation fits into the synchronised uni-
verse theory. Swanson points out, “The behaviour and
position of matter is dependent on its radiation field,
which keeps it in place, gives it inertia and allows it to
interact with other matter in the universe. If we shift
the phases of radiation coming into the particle and
coming out of it from the past and the future, we may
be able to shift its position.” This may be the key to a
form of “hyperdrive” that causes teleportation.
An Explanation for Ghosts?
Physicist F. David Peat suggests that synchronicities
are “flaws” in the fabric of reality, momentary fissures
that offer those sensitive to them a brief peek into the
implicate, underlying order of nature.
We know from the Law of the Conservation of En-

Ghosts might represent trapped energy with the ability to move

between parallel dimensions or universes. The Brown Lady
Ghost photo (left), originally taken in 1936 by Captain Hubert
C. Provand, and published in the magazine Countrylife in the
same year, is one of the most famous images of a ghost.

Special Issue No. 15
ergy that the total inflow of energy into a system must
equal the total outflow of energy from the system, plus
the change in the energy contained within the system.
In other words, energy never dies. It is converted into
another form. Ghosts, if they represent trapped energy,
may move between parallel dimensions or universes by
this process of synchronisation (possibly using the ZPF
as a vehicle for moving between the dimensions) and
become visible in our world because they are still en-
ergy. Many ghost sightings involve balls of plasma and
changes in electromagnetic field measurements, as well
as visible signs of energy manipulations. Lights flicker
or pop, static appears on radios and televisions, and
people report the feeling of their hair rising on their
skin or the back of their head. These are also widely
reported elements of UFO sightings (stalled car engines,
black-outs, phone interference…). Obviously, energy is
present, and affecting its environment.
Again, one is reminded of music. When two or more
notes are played together, they either create a beautiful
harmony, or a noisy discord. The notes that work well
together create a resonance. Those that don’t “make
sweet music” together create a dissonance.
If paranormal events can only occur when the “right
two notes are struck,” then something in the brain, or
the body, is responding to those notes and “tuning in”
to the phenomena that is otherwise beyond perception.
All of these frequencies exist in the field, and… even our
brains seem to have access to this field of all possibility.
The Brain Works Like a Hologram
Neurosurgeon Karl Pribram spent decades ponder-
lographic model and its implications for a variety of
ing the secrets of the human brain and memory, and
interesting abilities. He also showed that the brain
eventually discovered that the brain worked somewhat
acted like a frequency analyser that literally filters out
like a hologram, and that when you first see something,
unlimited wave information from the Zero Point Field,
specific frequencies resonate in the brain’s neurons,
where all the information possible existed. This allows
which then send information about
the mind to take and use only what it
the frequencies to other sets of neu-
needs, and not be overwhelmed with a
rons, and the process continues until
bombardment of unnecessary frequen-
your neurons construct an image of
what you are looking at. That the brain ...people can only cies trying to compete for some “brain
seems to process information in wave- access their own Think about the simple experience
frequency patterns suggested that
human memory could hold amazing “
universal sheet ” of déjà vu, which may be our ability
to access, albeit in very small doses,
amounts of information “in stor- of existence and , glimpses of ourselves in a parallel uni-
age,” and, using the same holographic
model, be able to access and recall a thus believe that is verse or dimension, or even the ZPF.
When you have déjà vu, you are re-
memory as a three-dimensional image. the only one that membering what is happening to you
The holographic model of the brain
could allow for ESP and telepathy,
exists . in the present moment. That doesn’t
make sense. If it is happening in the
then, by the same process, according
present moment, how can you yet
to Swanson. “If the sender can cause
have a memory of it? But if there exist
energy or information to refocus at
parallel universes that have “branched
some other point in space-time using the 4-D holo-
off” each time we made a different choice, then it makes
graphic principle, then it can be received if a person is
sense that we would, in many of those universes, be
there to sense the thought-form.”
doing the same exact things at the same exact time.
Pribram’s brain research didn’t stop with the ho-
Déjà vu may then be our successful attempts to find and Special Issue No. 15 ■

synch up with another reality, even just for a minute or humans that can see auras and other forms of light
two. Or perhaps we are accessing the Zero Point Field, energy the rest of us cannot. It could just be a matter,
which, like Edgar Cayce’s Akashic Record, supposedly then, of the level of one’s consciousness or perception.
contains the memories of every thought, action or event Whether energy is synching up, or emerging in
that ever happened or will ever happen in the universe. a coherent pattern from the ZPF, or moving along a
If déjà vu, dreams and out of body experiences, in- morphogenetic field, or even floating in a sea of quintes-
cluding near death experiences, allow us to wander for a sence, there is definitely fertile, dynamic ground for the
while in other realities, it begs the question – why can’t movement of that energy between our world and the
we easily access these other realities all the time, any world of the paranormal (which could in fact be our own
time we please? I might suggest that it is because if we world, or one parallel to ours).
could, we would go insane. Information overload. Our We are limited to our five senses: sight, smell, sound,
brains operate as information sort- touch and taste. But what about this
ing machines, only bringing into our sixth sense? Perhaps that is the sense,
perceptive fields what we need to see, underdeveloped in most, yet present
hear and know to survive, and hope- O
ur brains in all, which allows us to turn on and
fully thrive. operate as tune in to the frequencies that reveal
That does not prevent us from the other layers of existence.
information sorting
being able to, when we meditate or go I think of years ago, long before
into a trance or zone out at our com- machines only , cell phones, when I owned a CB radio
puter, have a peek into other dimen- bringing into our and loved to listen to motorists and
sions of existence. truckers chatter. Occasionally, there
People do this all the time when perceptive fields would be some bandwidth cross talk
they dream, when they know who is what we need from a nearby Ham radio operator.
on the phone after only one ring, when Ghosts, UFOs, and other paranor-
they get a “bad vibe” about a person to see ... mal events may be cross-talk cutting
they’ve just met. Remote viewers may into our normal bandwidth; chatter
be tuning into a frequency upon which from another dimension, or universe,
the information they are either send- or somewhere in between. We don’t
ing or receiving is naturally “broadcasting,” as a psychic normally hear it because it is usually operating on
might pick up on similar frequencies when doing a read- another frequency altogether, but sometimes signals
ing or having their own clairvoyant episode. get crossed. Consciousness may be the key to knowing
If paranormal elements operate on a different exactly which frequency to tune into to perceive para-
frequency, again we must think of the dog that hears a normal phenomena. Think about that the next time you
high-pitched whistle that is soundless to us. Many spe- listen to the radio.
cies of snake have organs that allow them to perceive Tune into the right frequency and you may find your-
the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum and self face to face with a ghost.
“see” the heat of another living thing. Sharks and eels
are ultra-sensitive to changes in electrical fields, and
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Psi-
some insects can see ultraviolet light. These creatures ence: How New Discoveries In Quantum Physics And
are obviously observing things we humans simply aren’t New Science May Explain The Existence Of Paranormal
built to observe. Phenomena © 2007 Marie D. Jones. Published by New
Yet somewhere there are humans who can hear these Page Books a division of Career Press, Pompton Plains,
whistles, and sense EMF alterations, just as there are NJ, USA. 800-227-3371. All rights reserved.

Marie D. Jones is a best-selling author, screenwriter, researcher, radio show host

and public speaker. She is the author of 2013: End Of Days Or A New Beginning-
Envisioning The World After The Events Of 2012, Psience - How New Discoveries
In Quantum Physics And New Science May Explain The Existence Of Paranormal
Phenomena, and Looking For God In All The Wrong Places. Marie’s next book, due
in mid-2011, is Destiny Vs. Choice: The Scientific And Spiritual Evidence Behind
Fate And Free Will. She co-authored a number of books with Larry Flaxman includ-
ing The Déjà vu Enigma: A Journey Through the Anomalies of Mind, Memory and
Time, The Resonance Key: Exploring the Links Between Vibration, Consciousness
and the Zero Point Grid, and 11:11 - The Time Prompt Phenomenon: The Meaning
Behind Mysterious Signs, Sequences and Synchronicities. Larry and Marie are
partners in a venture called ParaExplorers and can be reached at www.paraex- Marie's website is

Special Issue No. 15
The ‘God Force’
A Journey into the
Fourth Dimension

— © B y M i k e Ba r a —

ight up front, I want to make clear to you

what my premise is. The physics that we are
taught in school, Einstein, Newton, et-al
– is wrong. Quantum physics, the bastard
stepchild of Einstein, is also wrong. There is
no such thing as dark matter. There is no such thing as
zero-point energy, super strings or maybe even the Big
From the beginning, our modern understanding of
physics has been hampered by the fact that we have
been restricted to an incomplete model, a mistaken
belief that we live in a purely three-dimensional uni-
verse which is closed to outside (higher) influences. As
a consequence, modern astronomers and cosmologists
(those that study the origins of the universe) are forced
to move the goalposts to keep their broken theories
alive when new experiments undercut their predictions.
What we have been missing, as Richard C. Hoagland,
my co-author on Dark Mission – The Secret History of
NASA once said, is that Newton and Einstein aren’t the
whole picture. They are only a sub-set of a much richer
fabric of reality that must include not only a fourth, but
a fifth, a sixth and all the way up to a 26th dimension at
the least.
Only when you go back to James Clerk Maxwell
(1831–1879) and his original ideas for harmonising
electro-magnetism and gravity do you have a chance to
step back, pick up the pieces and see the whole picture.
From that vantage point, it quickly becomes obvious
that our universe is hyper-dimensional, consisting of could conduct the electrical or magnetic forces from one
ever-higher levels of existence, each of them a bit closer place to another.
to God himself.
In order to unify electro-magnetism, Maxwell had The Fourth Dimension
to rely on something he called the “Aether,” which he As he worked on the equations, he quickly ran
perceived as a fluid, wave-like field which existed every- into the same problems as later workers like Einstein
where, between everything, and which connected us all and even the string theory guys; he couldn’t get there
with everything else. This Aether was the very neces- from here. For reasons too complicated to go into here
sary intervening medium between everything which (although they are explained in detail in Dark Mission), Special Issue No. 15 ■

Maxwell realised that what he needed to complete his In our brief but richly physical existence here on
equations was the introduction of something new to the Earth, we can only touch, see, smell and hear what takes
math; a fourth spatial dimension. place in this three-dimensional realm. But we can feel
Once he did that, he found that the math worked those higher dimensions, taste a bit of what they must
itself out just fine. As he saw the universe, anyone could be like, and experience our connection to them through
manifest any amount of energy at any time and in any energy which flows into our universe through the stars,
amount (electrical potential) at any point in the known and into our consciousness through our hearts. And all
universe. It didn’t have to come from anywhere because of this experience is mechanised, like some giant celes-
it all came from somewhere else anyway – the fourth di- tial clock, through the geometry of our solar system.
mension. To fix his equations, he used special numbers, That is not to say we don’t have free will. We cer-
called “quaternions,” that worked only in the fourth tainly do. We always have a Choice. But what I will show
dimension. you about this physics is that it does set up the circum-
Sadly, Maxwell died before he could complete the en- stances from which we will Choose.

In our brief but richly

physical existence here on
Earth, we can only touch,
see, smell and hear what
takes place in this three-
dimensional realm. But we can
feel those higher dimensions,
taste a bit of what they must
be like, and experience our
connection to them through
energy which flows into our
universe through the stars,
and into our consciousness
through our hearts.

tire body of his work and publish it. The work was then There is a Force Out There,
carried on by another man named Oliver Heaviside. And Its Name is God
Heaviside was a contemporary (and intellectual rival)
God does this through the alignments of the plan-
of Maxwell’s, and he detested the hyper-dimensional
ets in space around us. There is a large experimental
aspects of Maxwell’s work. He felt that the use of the
database which proves that common everyday energies
quaternions was “mystical, and should be murdered
(things like radio waves) are actually affected by the
from the theory.” And when Maxwell died in 1879,
positions of the other planets in our solar system. Their
that’s exactly what Heaviside did.
specific geometries, whether Saturn or Jupiter are at a
The end result is that all of the classical electromag-
90 degree position to our own Earth’s orbit for instance,
netic equations that are attributed to Maxwell are actu-
have been shown to dramatically affect the quality of
ally Heaviside’s equations. And, because they lack the
short wave radio signals here on Earth.
crucial hyper-dimensional component – the fourth spa-
What this means is that if radio waves can be in-
tial dimension – modern physics was forever locked into
fluenced by the positions of the planets, then our own
basing all subsequent theory on an incomplete thought,
thoughts, moods, and dreams can be affected too. After
a subset of a much richer notion of the universe which
all, what are our thoughts except brain waves, which,
can explain everything we see, touch, and feel... Includ-
like radio waves, are simply another form of electro-
ing our thoughts, emotions, and our consciousness
magnetic energy? What that means is that astrology,

Special Issue No. 15
long dismissed by modern science as a silly superstition, God force. There are various references to it in all major
is real. And not only that, all of this electromagnetic and minor religions, and it goes by many names. The
energy comes from somewhere else, some place higher Hindu’s and Buddha’s call it Prana, (vital life) the Chi-
than this simple three dimensional universe. And that nese call it Qi (life energy), and in the new age spiritual
implies not only that we each have an immortal soul, religions we generally refer to it as the Aether. In the
one that is in constant contact with us through our western Holy Bible, we pretty much ignore all that and
thoughts, feelings and actions, but then it follows that just call it God.
there must be a God too. After all, somebody had to set That also raises a question: just who, or what, is
this all up, right? “God?” As my friend Sean David Morton likes to say,
Call it what you will; the Universe, the collective un- “God” equals G.O.D.: Generator, Operator, Destroyer,
conscious, the Universal consciousness, the Force, the the maker and destroyer of all things. But of course,
Higher Power, the Great Spirit, it all means the same God has many other names…
thing. We’re all talking about the
Kirlian Photography
all knowing, all loving, and all giv-
ing heart that gave birth to every- One of the first hints of a true
thing. I’m just going to cut through God force that could be observed
the crap and call it God. measured or touched was in the
Our God has given us a wonder- form of something called Kirlian
ful jewel in the night upon which photography. A Russian inventor
to live out our lives. We call it the named Semyon Kirlian discovered
Earth. At one time, there were at quite by accident in 1939 that
least two other worlds suitable for when a photographic plate is placed
advanced life in this solar system. within a high voltage electrical
Sadly, they did not survive to the field, anything on the plate will
present day and right now Venus leave a distinctive coloured halo or
and Mars are all but uninhabit- “corona” around its perimeter.
able, as least as far as human life is Sceptics, as they always do,
concerned. attack the notion that the halos are
As I look around this region of any kind of reflection of the living
space we call home, I see, much force of life energy, arguing that
like our own world, that it is one they are simply caused by moisture
messed up place. But it is also a around the edges of the objects
place of intense beauty and geo- being imaged. Not one of these
metric perfection. sceptics has ever conducted an ex-
Scientists and sceptics, who periment that proved this assertion
have been trained since an early by the way, but nevertheless it is
age to reject the magical and to Kirlian photo of leaf. The top half of the leaf is still made on a fairly regular basis.
worship the hyper-rational, will cut away, but its energy field remains. One of the big problems with
look at the things I point out to you the moisture argument is the vast
and scoff. They will ridicule you for knowledge base of experiments
not realising that it is all just due done by various researchers and
to mathematics and gravity and magnetism, along with amateurs with living plant life.
various other naturally occurring phenomena. “Natu- It was Kirlian himself who conducted the first “leaf
rally,” at least by their definition, means without the experiment,” where he placed a leaf he had just cut from
involvement of a God-creator. In short – it’s just the way a plant and photographed it quickly using his electri-
the numbers came out. fied plate process. The result was a beautiful image of a
Where I split from them, the “walking dead” as shimmering electrical halo around the leaf. But when he
Robert Temple describes them in The Sirius Mystery, is removed the leaf, cut it and placed it back on the plate
that I look at those numbers, at those forces, and I see and took another image, the severed portion of the leaf
perfection. Not the perfection of random, meaningless still remained, although it was weaker and more faded
existence for existence’s sake, but the perfection of a than it had been in the first image.
grand, living and breathing force of love that unifies all The sceptical argument is that the faded corona is
of us, from the biggest, densest black hole down to the simply caused by the evaporating moisture from the
simplest bacteria. Yes, there is a Force out there, and its severed portion left on the plant, but again this over-
name is God. looks the fact that the leafs are rarely if ever placed back
For generations, an argument has ranged back and on the plate for the second image in exactly the same
forth in science and in theology as to the nature of the place as they were for the first, yet the faded corona is Special Issue No. 15 ■

In 1966, a polygraph Acupuncture, which has been practiced at least as
(lie detector) expert far back as the 2nd century BC, involves the placement
named Cleve of tiny metal needles in certain “energy points” along
Backster decided the body. These needles are thought to clear the neural
to conduct a series pathways so the life energy (the “qi” or “chi”) can flow
of experiments on more freely along the body and promote healing, mood
plants and other
alteration and spiritual well-being.
living things he
As before, the sceptics are quick to attack the re-
had in his lab.
sults, although how the Kirlian photography could have
The experiments
indicated that plants
known the location of the traditional acupuncture en-
could read his intent ergy points and made them somehow more moist than
in a way that defies the other parts of the bodies that were photographed is
the “laws of physics.” a mystery.
Other experiments involved male-female couples.
always aligned perfectly with the now severed portion One experiment at the Heuristic Institute in California
of the leaf. showed that when the couples were neutral or mad at
Other, later researchers have discovered similar – each other, the coronas generated in the Kirlian pho-
but not identical – phenomena. One experiment found tographs stayed separate or didn’t appear at all. When
that when a leaf (which they only intended to tear into they sent thoughts of love toward each other or kissed,
two pieces manually) was placed on a Kirlian photo- the coronas merged, elegantly reflecting the feelings of
graphic plate, the portion that they had decided to tear closeness and unity that the couples must have been
off did not fully develop. To their surprise, the unde- feeling.
veloped portion exactly matched the line of the tear, All of these experiments are fine, as far as they go,
even though the tearing was done by hand after the first but while those of us that are spiritually awake instant-
image had been taken. It was almost as if the Universe ly appreciate their significance, others, in a sleepier
could see a few moments into the future and knew ex- mood, will find little to sway them from their firm aca-
actly where and how the leaf would be torn. demic indifference. The next set of examples is harder to
Speculation as to what exactly Kirlian photography ignore.
is capturing range from the sceptical claims of simple Backster's Plant Pain Experiments
moisture droplet patterns to what the New Age commu-
In 1966, a polygraph (lie detector) expert named
nity calls the “aura,” an energetic field surrounding all
Cleve Backster decided to conduct a series of experi-
living things which connects us to the God force.
ments on plants and other living things he had in his
Acupuncture & Life Energy lab. Backster was the Director of the Keeler Polygraph
In the 1970’s and 80’s, studies were conducted at Institute and had previously worked for the CIA in their
both UCLA and the California Acupuncture College interrogations unit.
Clinic which showed a substantial increase in the in- At one point, he decided to hook up a common house
tensity of the Kirlian photography results after acu- plant he had in the lab to the polygraph. After leaving
puncture treatments, especially around the traditional the plant hooked up for some time to get a baseline of its
Chinese energy points. electrical activity, he began to consider some other ideas
to measure any changes in the plants electrical output.

Special Issue No. 15
None of these were very fruitful, until he had the The Princeton Global
thought that it might be interesting to see what burning Consciousness Project
one of the plants leaves might do to the readings. To his One of the most stunning proofs of the existence of
surprise, the instant that he had the thought, the poly- this God force comes from something called the Global
graph went wild, jumping up and down as if the plant Consciousness Project, or GCP. Created by a loose con-
was in mortal terror of what he was about to do. sortium of scientists, lay researchers and simply curious
Intrigued, he then began a series of experiments individuals, the GCP was founded in 1997 and sought
with other plants, and found that whenever he had to use the communications capabilities of the internet
similar thoughts, the plants that were hooked up would to determine if in fact there was a global consciousness
have similar reactions. Beyond that, Backster’s research tying us all together.
found that distance and even electromagnetic shielding Led primarily by Dr. Roger Nelson of Princeton Uni-
were no impediment to the results. versity’s Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab,
Even more bizarrely, Backster found that not only the original vision was simply to find a way to measure
was the effect non-local, meaning that the plants consciousness and intention in the physical world.
reacted even if the person initiating the thought was The first experiments used 12 specially placed
hundreds of miles away, but it was also instantaneous. hardware random number generators (technically called
Now, according to Einstein and relativity, both ideas Random Event Generators, or REG’s),
are impossible. You simply cannot have to measure the effects on random
instantaneous action at a distance in number generation when human
three-dimensional space. It just can’t
happen. According to the “laws of phys- O ne of the most thought was specifically focused on
certain events. The REG’s act essen-
ics,” nothing, not radio waves, energy stunning proofs tially as automated coin flipping ma-
or thoughts, can travel faster than the chines, and in the end, the data should
established speed of light, which is of the existence
show no discernible pattern.
about 186,000 miles per second. G
of this od force In an attempt to get a baseline of
Yet in experiments conducted with
former NASA astronaut Dr. Brian
comes from ... data, the group used scripted events
O’Leary, Backster proved exactly that. G
the lobal
to focus consciousness. These ranged
from psychotherapy sessions to world-
From more than 350 miles away,
O’Leary sent out the intent to torch
C onsciousness wide public events like the World Cup
some of his own blood samples he had P roject. of soccer, the Academy Awards broad-
casts, and the reaction to the death of
given to Backster, and the cells – hooked Princess Diana. The GCP even organ-
up to a lie detector machine – responded ised an internet based guided medita-
instantly and with no light time delay. tion called the “Gaiamind Meditation” in January of
Beyond that, Backster eventually found that the plants 1997.
could read his actual intent. In other words, they could tell What all this research showed was that focused hu-
the difference between a sincere thought of doing harm to man thought did seem to have a measurable effect on
the plant vs. simply stating it internally without any real the random number generators, to the point that it was
intention of following through with the act. decided that a larger study was justified.
After years of conducting research on everything At this point, the Global Consciousness Project was
from brine shrimp to human blood cells, Backster found expanded to create a global network of about sixty-five
that all living things seemed to be connected by some REG’s placed in locations all over the globe. Connected
powerful force that was present all around us at all by the internet and supported by a grant from Dr. Dean
times. In the past, this force was called the “Aether,” a Radin’s Institute of Noetic Sciences, these new genera-
sort of fluid energy field that exists everywhere. Today, tors pumped out thousands of “coin flips” every second.
we might call it the Force. Using this system, the project was quickly able to create
I think it is very important to distinguish the dif- a database of randomly generated numbers. Very soon
ference between the Aether, as I’ve described it, and an after this worldwide network went live, it underwent its
aura. The Aether would be the all connecting energy first trial by fire.
field that exists everywhere at all times, and is the
backbone for all of creation. It’s the ocean of life energy The “Tremor in the Force,”
through which the thought signals in Backster’s experi- September 11, 2001
ments passed. An aura is something quite different. It’s A few hours before the September 11, 2001 terrorist
an intense life energy field that surrounds a specific en- attacks on the World Trade Centres in New York City,
tity – like you for instance – and it is through this aura the REG’s started to register an uptick in the random
that we are all connected to the Aether itself, as well as number generators. By the time of the actual attacks,
to each other. the REG’s were registering an even greater non-random Special Issue No. 15 ■

distribution, and as the day wore on and the towers fell, sciousness of the world is focused on something signifi-
as more and more people the world over began to hear cant. [Visit their website at]
of the attacks, the curve just kept climbing upwards, There is no question that the REG’s jumped on Sep-
peaking on the 13th of September 2001. tember 11th, 2001, even beginning a few hours before,
Obviously, we all remember those first few tense as if the Universe itself could sense a great evil about to
days after the attacks, waiting for the other shoe to fall be unleashed. The critics argue that the data is flawed,
and not knowing if the enemy had other plans in mind, and therefore we can’t trust it, or for that matter any of
up to and including using pirated nuclear weapons in a the other 258 global events they registered.
US city. By several days after the attacks, the curve still But what if the Global Consciousness Project REG’s
had not returned to normal and the number generation hadn’t registered anything at all on September 11th?
remained dramatically higher than normal. Do you have any doubts that these same critics wouldn’t
Papers by Radin and others in the physics journals now be citing that as evidence that the whole idea of
put the odds at hundreds to one against chance that an interconnecting Force among all living things was
the data registered was non-random. Or to put it an- nonsense? Of course they would. Even if all of the other
other way, the global events
numbers had registered off
meaning. The the scale, they’d
reaction of the be citing the
computerised September
devices had 11th attacks as
been real, and proof that the
it had been Force couldn’t
affected by exist, because
our collective how could the
consciousness. ultimate global
It was clear event of the
EGG Data
that the GCP decade, the de-
had registered Expectation
fining moment
the proverbial of the century
“tremor in the so far, not be
Force,” and part of the
that made it fabric of data
vital for the backing it up?
sceptics and GCP Data chart showing the spike in activity starting a The simple
critics to attack few hours before the September 11, 2001 attacks. truth is, wheth-
the data. They er the event is
came on very expected (like
aggressively, up to and including making sarcastic com- the Olympics) or seemingly random like the terrorist at-
ments on blogs and constantly changing the Wikipedia tacks of 9/11, they always register on the GCP’s comput-
page associated with the Global Consciousness Project ers. Always. And the results are always way beyond any
to attack the results. Numerous papers were published possibility of data errors or random fluctuations.
in math and physics journals attacking the project and So my conclusion is pretty straightforward. There
its methodology. They especially focused on the early is a Force, and while we may not be able to touch it in
data streams prior to 1999, when the network used some specific way, we can certainly measure its effects
more primitive hardware and consisted of just seven on our physical world, or at least on our electronic in-
devices, all in North America. struments, like the random number generators.
Forced to defend themselves, the resident members
The Flynn Effect
of the GCP responded with papers of their own which
showed that the data curves were unaffected by the There is one other conscious phenomenon which is
early data, and beyond that showed that the early data taking place right now, all around us, and I believe it is
was statistically valid in any case. somehow connected to the wave of change that is com-
At the time of this writing, the Global Consciousness ing and to this God Force all around us.
Project has run tests around 258 global events, ranging There is great deal of evidence that certain types of
from the 9/11 attacks, sporting events, the deaths of human ability, specifically reflected on IQ scores, have
famous people like the Pope and global days of peace. The been steadily rising beyond the expected rate of growth
results are plain and inarguable: to the tune of a million for as much as a century.
to one, these number generators react when the con- James Flynn is an American political scientist (now

Special Issue No. 15
living in New Zealand) who If there was, he says, we’d
has been studying IQ tests be living in a second Re-
and their various results for naissance, with science and
decades. Originally, Flynn all forms of inquiry leading
sought to prove that any to new discoveries almost
racially distinct IQ results daily.
were because of cultural However, the truth is
biases in the tests, not to that there is a perfectly
any innate differences in reasonable and obvious
the abilities of different explanation which simply
racial groups. But what he hasn’t been considered.
found instead was that IQ’s Most IQ tests are multiple-
in general were increasing choice. Students are usu-
at an almost alarming rate, ally given between 2 and 4
and that they were doing options to answer any given
so across all racial, cultural question, and are encour-
and educational impedi- James Flynn, a political scientist, has noticed that IQ levels aged to take their best
globally have been rising at approximately three points per
ments. guess if they don’t actually
decade. The cause of what has become known as the
What became known know the answer. So to me,
“Flynn Effect” remains a mystery.
as the Flynn Effect was the explanation is as plain
intensely controversial as the nose on the Face on
from the time it was first Mars.
brought to light in the 1980’s, but subsequent tests have It’s not intelligence that’s on the rapid rise, it is
not only confirmed it, they have greatly deepened the intuition. Plain, good-old human gut instinct. This also
mystery of its origins. neatly explains why some people, like spiritual medi-
In one Spanish study, the “mean IQ” (the middle ums, seem to possess skills that other “normal” humans
range of all the children tested) had increased by 9.7 do not – they are based on intuition. The heart instead
percent in 30 years. In other tests, researchers found of the mind. The soul instead of the personality. The
increases across single generations of anywhere from spiritual instead of the material. What this means is
5 to 25 points. In other words, teenage children today that we could indeed be moving into a new, higher way
are as much as 25 percent smarter than their parents. of living, feeling and interacting with each other. What
Without adjustments made to “normalise” (i.e. fudge) academia don’t seem to know is exactly what is causing
the data, over half the children tested in 1930 would be it. To me, the cause is again completely obvious.
considered to be bordering on mental retardation today. The stars are making it happen.
Worldwide, the phenomenon is not only prevalent, it is
Abridged and reprinted with permission of the publisher
Traditional science has no explanation for this. By from Chapter 1 “The God Force” of The Choice: Using
their standards, the increases are unaccounted for even Conscious Thought And Physics Of The Mind To Re-
when factoring in longer school days, the widespread shape The World by Mike Bara. Published by New Page
use of computers and video game use, which is thought Books a division of Career Press, Pompton Plains, NJ,
to enhance certain types of learning. Flynn himself is USA. 800-227-3371. All rights reserved.
reluctant to embrace his own data and argues that there
is no evidence that people are actually getting smarter.

Mike Bara is a New York Times bestselling author, screenwriter and lecturer. A
self-described “Born Again conspiracy theorist,” Mike’s first book Dark Mission
- The Secret History of NASA (co-authored with Richard C. Hoagland) was a New
York Times bestseller in 2007. His essay “The Occult History of NASA” appears
in Secret and Suppressed II, also from Feral House. Mike has made numerous
public appearances lecturing on the subjects of space science, NASA, physics and
the link between science and spirit. His lectures from the Bay Area UFO Expo, the
Conscious Life Expo, the Aetherius Society in Hollywood and an appearance at
the Roswell UFO festival have been popular on Youtube. His new book The Choice:
Using Conscious Thought And Physics Of The Mind To Reshape The World is pub-
lished by New Page Books. Mike's website is Special Issue No. 15 ■

Special Issue No. 15
The Quest for the Secret
Force of the Universe
An Interview with Lynne McTaggart

s author of The Field and The Intention Ex- to convince my publishers in America and in the UK to
periment, Lynne McTaggart has become a fund a journey.
respected voice in “frontier science” – the
cutting edge of research where physics and And that journey became The Field.
spirituality come together. A journalist by
trade, she sees her role as a translator in the effort LM: Yes. I sought out scientists who were researching
to bring this life-changing science into our everyday things like homeopathy and distance healing. Each of
lives. In this interview with Sounds True, she talks them, I discovered, was like an explorer. Each of them
about her own journey of discovery into the “science of had discovered a little bucket of earth, but nobody
the miraculous.” was bold enough to declare it a continent. They all had
their own individual discoveries and
What set you on the path to writing the experiments that had unearthed one
book that became The Field? aspect of this puzzle. With The Field, I
W hat we have tried to put the puzzle together.
Lynne McTaggart (LM): It start-
ed with the studies that I kept coming
learned is that You talk a lot in the book about Zero
across in my research into alternative even at absolute Point Energy. Can you explain what that
medicine. I publish a monthly news-
letter called “What Doctors Don’t Tell
zero you still is and why it has that name?

You,” which examines what works have this amazing LM: According to quantum physics,
and what doesn’t in conventional amount of energy no subatomic particles ever come to
medicine, and looks for proof of bet- rest. They all engage in a little energy
ter alternatives. In my investigations arising at the dance. In this dance, every subatomic
of medical literature, I kept coming quantum level . particle trades energy with other
across these studies – legitimate, subatomic particles. As they do that,
thorough scientific studies – showing it’s almost like I am passing a penny
that homeopathy, spiritual healing, back and forth to you endlessly. I lose
and acupuncture worked. a penny, you gain a penny, you send it back to me, you
Over time, I came to understand that if spiritual lose one, I gain one. And this goes on between all the
healing works, it suggests we must have some con- subatomic particles in the universe.
nection we have to one another that goes beyond the When you look at each individual energy exchange,
physical. That certainly goes against the current view it’s nothing to write home about. It’s about half a
we have of biology and physics, which is that things watt’s worth of energy. But if you were to add up all of
don’t act on each other unless you freeze them, burn the subatomic particles doing this dance all across the
them, or give them a good swift kick. It seems that we universe, you would have this unfathomable amount
are not just discrete, finalised biochemical assemblag- of energy. So if you were sitting a yard away from me,
es that classic Western science proposes. there would be enough energy between us to boil all
So I wondered what was providing this energetic the oceans of the world. It’s that kind of immensely
connection. I had no idea what I was looking for, or dense energy.
indeed whether there was such a thing. But I was able The reason they call it “Zero Point” is because mol- Special Issue No. 15 ■

Lynne McTaggart is an investigative journalist and author, and
a sought-after public speaker whose talks and workshops have
transformed the lives of the thousands around the world who have
heard her. She is also an accomplished broadcaster, who has ap-
peared on many TV and radio shows, including Oprah Winfrey and
Deepak Chopra shows. She was born in the USA and now lives in
London, UK, with her publisher husband, Bryan, and their two chil-
dren, and pet dog Ollie. The author of The Field, The Intention Ex-
periment and What Doctors Don’t Tell You, Lynne is also the found-
er of “Living the Field,” a master class that applies the ideas from
The Field to everyday life. She regularly hosts international confer-
ences on the science of spirituality ( As a
result of her Field work, she has created a global laboratory to test
the power of group intention (
Her main website is

ecules and atoms and subatomic particles slow down ence that’s both inside and outside our bodies, and
the colder it gets. But even if you reduce the tempera- that it trespasses outside of us to other things. Many
ture to nothing, this little energy dance continues to frontier scientists have come to conclude that con-
go on. We used to believe that absolute zero, or zero sciousness itself is “out there” – that is to say, con-
degrees Kelvin, was a state of no energy at all. What sciousness, memory, and all higher functions are not
we have learned is that even at absolute zero, you still in our brains but are out there in The Field. Our brains
have this amazing amount of energy arising at the do not generate consciousness, they simply receive it
quantum level. So that’s why it’s Zero Point energy. All from The Field, like antennae.
the exchanges of energy add up to what they call the So if you were to ask me where consciousness is, I
Zero Point Field. think it’s out there in the Zero Point Field. That, if you
will, is a super-consciousness.
In The Field, you talk about the impor- The other aspect of consciousness
tance of the observer effect described is that if everything is connected by
in quantum physics. That seems to be
necessary for reality as we think of it
Our brains do The Field at some level, then we are
all one. So there isn’t any “me” and
to sort of solidify and take a particular not generate “not me” anymore. There would only
form. Yet human beings are a pretty
consciousness, be this super-consciousness.
recent addition to the universe, and we
certainly don’t observe everything that’s they simply Some people seem to be able to con-
happening out there. Does that hint that sciously harness the Zero Point Field
there is a kind of super-consciousness, receive it from almost naturally, while for others it’s so
an omniscient intelligence, or something The Field, like much harder. Why?
that people could label “God?”
antennae. LM: If you think of your brain in
LM: Well, there are several levels to terms of being an antenna or receiver,
that question. To start with, you have some people are just born with a
to first define “consciousness.” When bigger radio. There have been studies
we say that we are co-creators, when we talk about the of people like Ingo Swann, who’s one of the greatest
co-creation of the world, it’s really consciousness doing remote viewers in the world and a gifted psychic. If
the creation. So, where is consciousness? It’s really not you look at the brain of an experienced remote viewer,
inside our skulls, because people are still conscious who can perceive objects across distances of space and
even when they have near-death experience. Even time, you often discover a very large parietal lobe,
when what’s in our skull, that “computer” of the brain, which is the part of the brain involved in sight. The
is basically unplugged, consciousness still continues. viewer has “far-sight.” This helps the remote viewer to
There’s much evidence in my book and elsewhere to tune into information beyond the senses much more
demonstrate that consciousness is an ethereal pres- easily than other people.

Special Issue No. 15
However, these are not just skills of the special
few, but skills that everybody can learn with time
and practice. And I think that some of the ways of
doing that are developing the ability to shut off that
“self” that gets in the way so much of the time. Our
Western emphasis on the rational, cognitive abilities
of our forebrain can actually be an obstacle in this

Are you saying that some sort of universal wisdom shapes

us as much as we shape The Field with our intention?

LM: That’s right. In my book The Intention Experiment, I

wanted to find out what are the best times and condi-
tions for using intention. To do that, I studied a lot of
spiritual masters – people like gifted psychics, Bud-
dhist monks, and qigong masters. And I found one
thing in common, no matter what their background
or their discipline: a sense of surrender. They start by
creating a very strong and directed intention, and then
they surrender to the process. They don’t try to force
their will on anything.
This means getting the ego out of the way, mov-
ing aside, and letting something greater in. In other
words, to use these kinds of abilities, we also must
learn to surrender to the super-consciousness of this
greater force, of The Field. When we do the effects are
absolutely real and extraordinary.
picking up all sorts of information psychically from
Is there something innate in human consciousness that The Field and acting on it.
gives us greater access to The Field? I think when we assume animals lack cognitive
ability, it’s often a problem of our in-
LM: In many ways, I think the op- ability to communicate with other liv-
posite is true. I’ve spent a lot of time ing beings. Obviously we have a big-
studying the cognitive abilities of ger forebrain, and that does provide a
animals while developing the Living
The Field course. I think it’s a differ- I
think that
difference in perception – sometimes
to our advantage, and sometimes
ence of degree, not of kind. There’s animals are to our detriment. But there’s such a
evidence of animal philanthropy, range of animal abilities that it would
emotion, abstract thought, creativity, picking up a suggest that one thing they have over
love, grief – and most significantly, of us is a much, much better ability to
huge reception
psychic ability in animals that’s often tap into the collective consciousness.
far beyond our own. I believe this is of heT Field.
because animals perceive things in How does Zero Point Field research
pieces with a sort of super-awareness parallel some of the ideas that have been
on very specific points of focus. We taught in the world’s major spiritual
hook things together to get a “big traditions?
picture,” and we miss the parts of
it. When it comes to psychic ability, that big picture LM: What’s interesting, I think, about the theory of
outlook can be a hindrance. The Field is that it doesn’t counter any religion. It
I think that animals are picking up a huge recep- simply provides a scientific framework for it. You can
tion of The Field. If you look at migrating animals, call The Field prana, or qi, or even grace. I’ve found
for instance, consider their navigational abilities. The that virtually all indigenous cultures, as well as many
common explanation is that it’s a magnetic ability and ancient cultures like the ancient Greeks, Romans,
they’re navigating by geomagnetic information. But and Egyptians, believe in a central “life force.” It’s
there are a lot of studies now that dispute that expla- something that’s common in just about every culture.
nation. To me, the evidence suggests that animals are They see that health and life itself is generated from Special Issue No. 15 ■

This figure shows a
schematic of the results
obtained by Prof. Robert
Jahn in his psycho-kinetic
experiments using a REG.
What is plotted is the
distribution of the number
(P – N). For example,
when P – N is 4, it might
happen that 4 occurs 87
times in the experiment.
Similarly, -3 might occur
35 times and so on. If the
REG is operated without
human interference,
then the curve without
human intervention is
what is obtained. Notice
that it is symmetric about
0. However, if a human
volunteer is made to focus
on the REG and disturb it,
then the result changes,
the shifted curve being an
example. For scientists,
this is a totally unexpected
result. It implies the human
mind can influence an inert

this force. The Zero Point Field theory is simply a

scientific rendering of that.
In my research, I’ve found that new discoveries at
the very frontiers of quantum physics are supporting
this more and more. We are starting to see quantum
effects in things like larger molecules, where it was
once thought that they would only occur in the small-
est of subatomic particles. These big molecules are not
set substances, but are in a state of becoming, and
seem to require something else to put them in the
final state of being. There are more and more studies
demonstrating a greater connection between things in
the universe, which is called “non-locality” in physics.
Some of the most exciting studies have shown that
time and space are arbitrary constructs, and there
seems to be new evidence demonstrating that the fu-
ture constantly influences the present. An increasing
number of scientific experiments bear this out. Again,
these are ideas you find embedded in so many of the
wisdom traditions from around the world.
This is why much of frontier science seems to sup-
port not only the views of The Field, but many of the
views of these native cultures that have been saying
this for centuries. What we are now observing is the
ability, finally, of science to prove the miraculous, and
Professor Robert G. Jahn, former Dean Emeritus of the School of to show that it is consciousness that shapes the physi-
Engineering and Applied Science of Princeton University. cal world.

Special Issue No. 15
Does the science of The Field offer explanations for some of thousands of these trials, was that an overwhelming
the miracles or supernatural events described in mythology number of people with no known psychic abilities were
and legend? Does it help us make sense of those in a differ- able to influence these machines out of their random
ent way? course with nothing more than their will.
But the most amazing studies for me remain the
LM: I think so. For instance, it’s possible that Jesus studies about time, that demonstrate these effects
had an extraordinary ability with energetic healing – a work just as well – sometimes even better – when
highly refined version of what many practitioners do they’re done “out of time.” Robert Jahn tried varia-
today. Whether you believe that Jesus was a divine tions of his experiments where he had his subjects
being or just a gifted man, he certainly had an excep- send their intention to machines that had already run
tional ability to tap into The Field. several days before, or that were set to run several
Today, we are gaining insights by studying yogis days later. He was astonished to find that the effects
and Buddhist monks. Research shows that Buddhist of his experiments were often even greater this way –
monks who have undergone these disciplines for many when they were done out of time.
years have developed the ability to do extraordinary Remote viewing, which is amazing by itself, has
feats. They can raise or lower their metabolism 60% or also proven to be effective in perceiving things in the
change their body temperature at will. They can steam future or the past. It’s normally thought of as the abili-
dry sheets with ty to see things over
their skin. They can distances, but it
sit on a bed of nails. also seems to work
All of those sorts just as well – or
of things are just
tapping into innate
Remote viewing, even better, some-
times – perceiving
abilities that we all
which is amazing by things across time
as well as space.
Similarly, people For instance, one
who spend time
itself, has also experiment involves
developing remote having the remote
viewing, psychic
proven to be viewer in the lab,
abilities, precogni- and she has a travel-
tion, or even dream effective in ling partner. The
recall and lucid partner is given one
dreaming, realise perceiving things of a number of en-
that they have velopes that direct
powers. They have in the future or the past. him to a destina-
the ability to access tion, anywhere from
the greater mind, if five miles to hun-
they just practice it. dreds of miles away.
The partner goes to the destination, and the remote
Are there any particular studies that have been truly jaw- viewer has to draw and describe where her partner
dropping for you? went using only her psychic gifts.
We know remote viewing works because time and
LM: Perhaps the most impressive studies were done again these experiments show that the viewer can
by Robert Jahn, former Dean Emeritus of engineer- indeed draw where her partner has gone. What’s even
ing at Princeton University. He set up the Princeton more amazing is that these experiments have also
Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program, been conducted out of time, so the remote viewer
which was a scholarly program looking at mind over would have to draw and describe where her partner
matter. He created the studies with the Random Event was going even before he was given an envelope.
Generator (REG) machines that were random quantum Again, there is consistently breathtaking accuracy
devices – a highly sophisticated version of the heads- with these experiments.
or-tails coin toss, finely tuned to achieve truly random There’s one particular case that I always talk about
results on a consistent basis. where remote viewing worked backwards in time in
His method was to sit volunteers in front of these a remarkable way. One of the most talented remote
devices and ask them to influence them in one direc- viewers in the Stanford Institute research program
tion rather than the other. It’s like telling someone was a guy called Pat Price, a former police chief who
to try to make a coin turn up heads more than tails
just with their mind. What he found over hundreds of ...continued on page 24 Special Issue No. 15 ■

We can no longer view ourselves as isolated from our environment and our thoughts the private, self-contained
workings of an individual brain. Dozens of scientists have produced thousands of papers in the scientific literature
offering sound evidence that thoughts are capable of profoundly affecting all aspects of our lives. As observers
and creators, we are constantly remaking our world at every instant. Every thought we have, every judgment we
hold, however, unconscious, is having an effect. With every moment that it notices, the conscious mind is sending
an intention.
– Lynne McTaggart, The Intention Experiment

hat if eggs registered a cry of alarm, then resignation, when one of their number was dropped in boiling
water? What if you could change the shape of your bicep muscle simply by sitting on a couch and using
your brain?
What if plants could learn to differentiate between true and artificial human intent – a plant “learning curve” –
such as a researcher thinking about lighting a match under one of its leaves, but not intending to actually do it?
What if directed thoughts produce demonstrable physical energy, even over a remote distance – perhaps alter-
ing the very molecular structure of the object of intention?
Can praying for 4,000 patients with hospital-acquired infections affect their healing and recovery – when
prayed for 4-10 years after their hospitalisation?
What if 12,000 people send their intention for peace at the same time, eight days long, for 10 minutes a day,
directed at the same region?
In the past few years Lynn McTaggart scientifically demonstrated, with a series of experiments, that collec-
tive thought – a ‘group mind’ – makes seeds grow twice as high as normal; alters the tiny light – called biophoton
emissions – emitted from living things; alters the essential structure of water; and changes physical properties in
plants and human beings.
Lynn McTaggart's book The Intention Experiment not only recounts dozens of extraordinary scientific studies on
the power of human intention on machines, plants, animals and other humans, but also explains how to harness
this power individually and collectively for specific results.
McTaggart, in conjunction with Dr. Gary Schwartz of the Centre for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science at the
University of Arizona, is undertaking the world’s largest scientific mind-over-matter experiments in history, inviting
readers to participate in online research on massive group intention (
McTaggart and Schwartz believe the very first experiments suggest some extraordinary preliminary hypotheses,
which will be fully tested later:
• Intention sent by a group occupying the same room to a target thousands of miles away appears to have
a significant effect;
• A group of more than 6,000 people sending intention from remote sites around the world may create an
effect as large as 400 people in the same room.
• For intention to work in a scattered group (as in online intention experiments), there may be a threshold
effect. We may need to have a critical mass of more than 1,000 people to achieve results.
• The strongest effect may be through a coherent group effect, where the intenders occupy the same
physical space.

Special Issue No. 15
Involved with the structure and analysis of the various experiments is an impressive group of scientists including: Dr.
Robert Jahn, former dean of engineering at Princeton University and former director of the PEAR Lab; Psychologist Roger
Nelson, formerly of Princeton University, and director of the Global Consciousness Project; Dr. Jessica Utts, professor of
statistics at the University of California at Davis, considered the world's leading statistician of consciousness research;
Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, German physicist and founder of the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss, Germany, cred-
ited with the discovery of biophoton emissions; Dean Radin, PhD, one of America’s foremost researchers into the nature
of consciousness and extended human potential; Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist and author of more than 75 scientific
papers and 10 books; Konstantin Korotkov, the Russian physicist who invented GDV equipment, which is modern-day
Kirlian photography in real time.
Many factors contribute to the effectiveness of intentions such as preparation, and the right time and the right place.
“But more than anything else,” says McTaggart, “I would say it’s a focused mind....” Her research distilled the practice of
so-called ‘intention masters’, like master healers and qigong masters. “All of them use many common techniques and
have similarities between them, but the most important thing is first clearing the mind with a meditative state, and then
achieving a deep and intense focus.”
McTaggart also explains that intention
works just as well if it’s done in person
or over a long distance: “We had thou-
sands of participants scattered around
the globe, and the target was in Arizona,
thousands of miles away, yet we showed
big effects.”
Many people – including sceptics –
are dumbfounded as to the mechanism
behind the phenomena. That’s because
they are thinking according to the old
Newtonian paradigm in which it’s believed
“we are separate entities, and if one
thing is going to influence something else,
you've got to do something physical to it.”
“In other words,” says McTaggart,
you’ve got to burn it, freeze it, drop it, or give it a good swift kick. Whereas, what we’re discovering is this kind of instan-
taneous effect that doesn’t require any energy to go from A to B. That’s what’s very confusing to people about quantum
physics. Two quantum particles that are non-locally connected are like two twins that have been separated at birth. One
is in New York and one is in California, but they continue to influence each other instantaneously: if one falls down and
breaks his leg skiing at Tahoe, the other one is going to fall down and break his leg at exactly the same moment, even
though he’s drinking a cup of coffee in New York. We’re talking about a kind of instantaneous influence without any
McTaggart warns that negative intentions can seem stronger than positive ones. “People often think happy thoughts
are stronger than negative thoughts, but in my book I discuss experiments that show that’s not always the case. Some-
times negative thoughts could be more powerful, but in any case negative intention works just as well as positive inten-
However, we can use this form of intention to our advantage, but one has to be very careful. For example, patients
intending “to kill cancer or an infection, are often told to imagine a battlefield and visualise killing the cancer cells or
bacteria,” explains McTaggart.
“That is negative intention and it’s used all the time by everyone from healers to individuals to Qigong masters, who
use destroying mind to overcome opponents and they use it to great effect. Really effective intention, I think, takes
power and experience to have the biggest effect.”
She also suggests how to ward off negative intentions.
“I like the work of Dr. John Diamond, who was the father of behavioural kinesiology. He found that there’s only one
thing that prevents people from being weakened by negative thoughts, and that is what he calls the ‘homing thought’,
which is the sense of what you were put on this earth to do. It’s the thing you do that transcends everything. If you keep
that in mind when you’re bombarded by someone’s negative thoughts, that makes you strong.”
– Jason Jeffrey
(Sources:; Special Issue No. 15 ■

had caught criminals many times The second thing you want to absorb
by using remote viewing. When and internalise when you learn about
he did one of his studies, it The Field is that extended human
followed the usual protocol potential is your birthright. You
of a travelling partner going are co-creating your world. You
out to a destination and Pat are part of this universal ener-
having to draw it. On this gy information field – because
occasion, he drew a swim- that’s what it is. It’s an energy
ming pool with two tanks. sea full of quantum waves
When the scientist saw the that store an infinite amount
picture and they compared of information. You have
it with where the travelling the ability to access this
partner had gone, they found information. You already
that yes, there was a pool there do, every time you recall a
– it was the Palo Alto local swim- memory or have an idea.
ming pool. They said, “Well, he got And you can learn to get
the swimming pool right, but there even more out of it. You can
were no tanks at the site.” So they learn ways to become more
figured that Pat had got it wrong this psychic, to understand about
time. our precognitive information,
But a number of years later, one of remote viewing, and psychokine-
the scientists received something from sis. These abilities are within the reach
the Chamber of Commerce at Palo of the ordinary person.
Alto, which was an image of the town
50 years before. There was a photo- How has your own life changed as a result
graph of the swimming pool, and at of what you’ve learned in pursuit of these
that time it was a water reservoir. And ideas?
there were two tanks right where Pat
had drawn them. So the remarkable LM: I always like to say that I am a
thing that occurred was that when Pat student, and I’m learning like everyone
saw the scene, he saw it 50 years before. else. First, I should reiterate that I didn’t
Those kinds of studies indicate to me expect to find this. I didn’t expect to be
that this information is available to us at propelled in this direction. I was just fol-
any moment, and we can get information lowing the thread of my research. Like any
from the future or the past at any point. good reporter, you just follow your lead. My lead
brought me into a very, very unexpected direction. It
How can a reader take some of the ideas suggested by certainly changed all of my views about what we are
research on The Field and begin to put them into practice made of, what the universe is made of.
to change how they live day to day? From that had to come a new philosophy of how to
live my life. That’s something that I’m still developing
LM: There are two fundamental things to take on and that I’m only just beginning to incorporate into
board with this material. One is that if we are all part my own life. Because I’m understanding that my life
of this central energy Field, then we are not separate. has to change from top to bottom. Like everyone else I
If you absorb this, you become inspired to rethink have been brought up in a paradigm of separation and
virtually everything in your life. Almost everything in separateness. So it’s really been a case of tearing down
our life is built upon this notion of being separate and the old and building up the new.
individual. If we’re not separate, then we don’t com- I am not a self-help guru. I am learning along with
pete. We don’t have to be first, we don’t have to beat the people that I teach.
out the other guy. We don’t have to isolate ourselves
and feel that we are islands, and that we are out there
Sounds True offers a number of spoken word CDs and
in that lonely universe on our own. audio learning courses by Lynne McTaggart including
We have to rethink the way we bring up our chil- The Field, Living With Intention and Living the Field. For
dren. We structure our schools on a competitive further information, please visit
model. We have to rethink the way we do businesses. authors/Lynne_McTaggart.
We have to look at everything in our lives from the
basis of connection rather than separateness.

Special Issue No. 15
Our Evolution, Our Salvation

— © B y d r . E r v i n La s z l o —

n my books and articles, I explore the idea of our

brain as a macroscopic quantum system, or the
quantum computer in our head. What does this
revolutionary understanding of the capacities of
the human brain mean for our life and our future?
Here I call “quantum consciousness” the conscious-
ness we access when we use the potentials of our
quantum-computer brain. Our brain is a macroscopic
quantum system, yet we use it as if it were exclusively a
classical biochemical system. With its quantum-system
functions, our brain can receive information not only
from our eyes and ears, but directly from the wider
world with which we are “entangled” – non-locally con-
Insightful people throughout history, whether sha-
mans or scientists, poets or prophets, have extensively
used this capacity, innate to all human beings. Today it
is widely neglected. This impoverishes our world picture
and causes a nagging sense that we are separate from
the world around us. and are open and interactive with the larger society;
I believe that quantum consciousness could be the they don’t seek isolation or indulge in promiscuous
next stage in the evolution of our consciousness – and sex. They aim to rethink accepted beliefs and values
that this evolution could be our salvation. Let me ex- and adopt a more responsible style of living. They shift
plain. from matter- and energy-wasteful ostentation toward
voluntary simplicity and the search for sustainability
Emergence of a New Consciousness
and harmony with nature.
The first thing I ask you to note is that human con- A new consciousness is now struggling to be born.
sciousness is not static, fixed once and for all. It’s the Does this mean that the consciousness of humanity
product of a long evolutionary development and is capa- itself is evolving? Some famous thinkers have said so.
ble of further development. In the thirty- or fifty-thou- The Indian sage Sri Aurobindo spoke of the emer-
sand-year history of the species we proudly call Homo gence of superconsciousness in ever more people, and
sapiens, the human body didn’t change significantly, but this, he said, is the harbinger of the next evolution of
human consciousness did. And it can change again. human consciousness.
In a variety of “alternative cultures” a new con- In a similar vein the Swiss philosopher Jean Geb-
sciousness is already emerging. The members of these ser spoke of the coming of four-dimensional integral
cultures – the green movement, the peace movement, consciousness, rising from the prior stages of archaic,
the sustainable living movement, the movement of cul- magical, and mythical consciousness.
tural creatives, and others – share similar social values The American mystic Richard Bucke called the new Special Issue No. 15 ■

Famous thinkers (past and present) who
said the consciousness of humanity is
evolving include (clockwise from far left)
Richard Bucke (1837–1902), Ken Wilber,
Jean Gebser (1905–1973), and Stanislav

The Next Stage is

Quantum Consciousness
Quantum consciousness – QC –
could perhaps be the next stage in the
evolution of the mind of humanity, but
why would it be our salvation?
The answer is simple common-
sense: because QC is a consciousness
of directly intuited, felt connection to
the world. It inspires empathy with
people and with nature; it brings an
experience of oneness and belonging.
Quantum consciousness makes us
realise that, being one with others and
with nature, what we do to them we do
to ourselves.
Not only will QC make us behave
more responsibly toward other people
and the planet, it will also encourage
us to join together to cope with the
problems we face.
Most of us cooperate with mem-
bers of our own family and commu-
nity. But cooperation has now become
vitally necessary on the global level:
consciousness “cosmic,” and in the colourful spiral it’s in all our best interest to cooperate
dynamics developed by Chris Cowan and Don Beck, it’s with our fellows in the global community. Without such
the turquoise stage of collective individualism, cosmic cooperation we’ll be hard put to overcome the global
spirituality, and Earth changes. threats and problems that face us. Without coopera-
For philosopher Ken Wilber these developments tion we risk joining the countless species that became
signify an evolutionary transition from the mental con- extinct because they couldn’t adjust to changed circum-
sciousness characteristic of both animals and humans, stances.
to subtle consciousness, which is archetypal, transindi- With dedicated and purposeful cooperation we can
vidual, and intuitive, to causal consciousness, and then meet the challenges of human survival: we can have
ultimately to “consciousness as such.” seven billion or more people living peacefully and sus-
Psychiatrist Stanislav Grof summed up the charac- tainably on the planet. We have the technologies, the
teristics of the emerging consciousness as “transper- skills, and the necessary financial and human resources.
sonal.” Abject forms of poverty can be eliminated, energy-
There is remarkable agreement among these vi- and resource-efficient technologies can be made widely
sionary concepts. Superconsciousness, integral con- available, water can be recycled and seawater desalinised,
sciousness, cosmic consciousness, turquoise-stage and sustainable forms of agriculture adopted. We can be
consciousness, and consciousness as such are all forms more efficient and effective in harvesting the vast stream
of consciousness that transcend the divide between you of energy that flows from the sun to our planet.
and me, the individual and the world, the human being And to finance these projects we would only need
and nature. If these thinkers are right, this kind of con- a small part of the enormous sums of money that we
sciousness will be the next stage in the evolution of the now commit to speculative, self-serving, or downright
consciousness of our species. destructive ends.
Cooperation on the global level is a new require-

Special Issue No. 15
ment in the history of our civilisation, and we are not that make up our experience of the world originate in
prepared for it. Our institutions and organisations were the world. People and things around us reflect light and
designed to protect their own interests in competition make sound; for the most part they can be seen, heard,
with others; the need for them to join together in the touched, smelled, or tasted. The corresponding signals
shared interest has been limited to territorial aspira- reach our eye and ear in the form of waves in the elec-
tions and defense, and to economic gain in selected tromagnetic field, in the air, and in the physical, chemi-
domains. The will to cooperate in globally cooperative cal, and biological fields in and around our body. Our
projects that subordinate immediate self-interest to the exteroceptive senses transform this information into
vital interests of a wider community is still lacking in nerve signals, and the signals are analysed, sharpened,
the political as well as in the economic domains. and interpreted by our brain. The result is the experi-
When all is said and done, the fundamental need ence that appears in our consciousness.
of our time, the precondition of creating a peaceful This is the gist of the standard scientific explanation
and sustainable world, is the spread of a new and more of our perception of the world, but it’s not complete. It’s
evolutionarily adaptive consciousness – the quantum incomplete not only because it fails to solve the age-old
consciousness of oneness and belonging. philosophers’ puzzle, how physical signals can trans-
Forms and intimations of the new consciousness
are already emerging in the world, but they haven’t
yet reached the mainstream. When QC becomes main-
stream, humanity will have reached a higher stage of
maturity. It will have become a species that has not only
the technologies and the skills, but also the wisdom and
the will, to survive in the world it has itself created.

Close up illustration of the human brain's

synapses. Could the brain actually be a
"macroscopic quantum system" that
captures and processes signals from a
deeper holographic level of reality?

A Deeper Look at
Quantum Consciousness
The rise of quantum consciousness could be the
biggest step our species has taken since it came down
from the trees. It would bring us to a new stage of spe-
cies maturity and could also enable us to surmount the
problems that threaten our life and our future.
But just what is quantum consciousness, or QC? The
question merits a further, deeper look.
First of all, what is consciousness? The common mute into intimately felt conscious experience (is this
sense assumption is that consciousness is a stream of transmutation the work of the brain, or does the brain
experience produced by the brain. As long as the brain also transmit forms of consciousness from the external
functions, there is consciousness; when the brain world?), but also because it doesn’t account for all the
shuts down, consciousness vanishes. This, however, things that appear in our consciousness.
is not necessarily the case. It could be that our brain Some of the things that appear in our consciousness
no more produces consciousness than the radio pro- convey information about the world even though we
duces the symphony that comes through its speakers. cannot see how they could be based on sense-perceiv-
The symphony, too, disappears when the radio is shut able events. Happily, unlike the philosophers’ “hard
down, yet we know that it’s not produced by the radio. problem,” this is no longer an unsolved puzzle. We now
Both the radio and the brain pick up signals, trans- realise that our brain is not limited to capturing sense-
form them, and display the result in our stream of organ-conveyed information, for it’s not just a classical
conscious experience. biochemical system. It’s also a “macroscopic quantum
According to received wisdom, the things and events system,” and such a system can “resonate” with the Special Issue No. 15 ■

How Consciousness Emerges from
the Brain’s Cytoskeleton
It appears that quantum-level signals are picked
up by microstructures in our brain’s cytoskeleton (the
cytoskeleton is a protein-based structure that main-
tains the integrity of living cells, including neurons).
The neurons in the brain are organised into a network
of microtubules of microscopic size but astronomical
number. There are about 1 x 1018 microtubules in the
human brain, and “merely” 1 x 1011 neurons (though

Cade also found a "fifth state." This is the

remarkable state that comes to light in the
EEG-portrait of accomplished healers. Cade
called the consciousness associated with
this state "awakened mind."

this number is still larger than the number of stars in

world. On the quantum level it can capture and process the galaxy). With filaments just five to six nanometres
signals that far exceed the range of the signals available in diameter, our network of microtubules – the so-
to the bodily senses. called “microtrabecular lattice” – is believed to capture,
The quantum-perception of the world is just as real process, and convey information.
as its sensory perception. Here, in brief, is why. Physicist Roger Penrose and neurophysiologist Stu-
art Hameroff claim that consciousness emerges from
Information Transfer these quantum-level elements of the brain’s cytoskel-
Via Quantum Holograms eton. The microtrabecular lattice could be responsible
All things in space and time emit waves, and these for the quantum-receptivity of our brain, picking up,
waves interact with the waves produced by other things. transforming, and interpreting information based on
They create wave interference patterns. Pressure waves phase-conjugate resonance.
in the air, and electric and magnetic waves in the EM If this is the case, there is not just one mode of per-
field, diminish with distance, and the patterns they ceiving the world available to us, but two. We have what
produce are limited to our immediate vicinity. neuroscientist Ede Frecska and anthropologist Luis
However, quantum waves (waves that propagate in Eduardo Luna call the classical “perceptual-cognitive-
the nearly infinite virtual-energy domain that fills cos- symbolic” mode, based on information conveyed by our
mic space) move instantly over any distance. The kinds bodily senses, and we also have the “direct-intuitive-
of interference patterns they create constitute quantum nonlocal” mode, enabled by the quantum receptivity of
holograms, and quantum holograms are “entangled” our brain’s microstructures.
with each other – they are instantly connected. In today’s world we tend to perceive the world in
As a result the information carried by one quantum the classical mode, yet we could, and sometimes do,
hologram can be transferred to any other quantum perceive aspects of it in the direct mode as well. How-
hologram. Thus a system that can “read” the informa- ever, our left-hemisphere-dominated perceptual mode
tion in one hologram has access to the information represses information that doesn’t accord with our es-
carried by all. Our quantum-resonance-decoding brain tablished ways of thinking. Only in spiritual, religious,
could in principle capture information on anything and or mystical experience does such information penetrate
everything that creates quantum-interference waves in to our everyday awareness – and then, just fleetingly.
the universe. Yet our brain could operate in a more balanced way:
Evidently, to capture this kind of information, our the cerebral functions underlying our everyday aware-
brain must have the corresponding receptivity. Scien- ness could be more embracing than those in the classi-
tists are now beginning to understand how quantum-
hologram receptivity might be built into the brain. ...continued on page 30

Special Issue No. 15
The Science of
Getting What You Want
— © B y d r . S r i n i P i l l ay —

e do not always get what we want when we ask
for it, but perhaps we do not always ask for the
things we want. “Asking” has conscious and
unconscious components to it, so while you
may be consciously asking for more money, good health or
a relationship, unconsciously your requests may be quite
different and outside of “earshot” of your conscious brain.
Why may it be true that if we ask, we will be given? And
what can we do to optimise this? Here is the story as I see it.
(1) Myth One: “The plan you make consciously is the
one that the brain follows.” The brain creates action plans
to get you to your goals. These plans are made deep in the
unconscious. What you call your plan is only the blueprint,
but the actual makers of your plan can only work efficiently 2. If action and intention are actually “one” process,
when they are in the light of your unconscious. then stretch your imagination to understand that what you
(2) Myth Two: “First you intend, and then you act.” Actu- want is also connected to it. When you “want” something,
ally, several studies have shown that intention is also un- you make it separate from who you are. Instead, give up
conscious much of the time, and that sometimes, when we the want and take short 5-10 minute breaks to practice
say we “intended” to do something, we actually just make even “pretending” that you have what you want. As you
this up retrospectively. You should suspect this whenever increase this time interval, you will see how what you want
what you want is not happening despite your working hard is already with you.
to do this. 3. Strive for happiness without tying it into getting the
(3) Myth Three: “You make things happen with things you want. Lead with happiness. If you do this, you
thoughts only.” Actually, the final information pathway that will free up your brain to do its work. How can you do this?
takes you to your goal requires thoughts and emotion. If Mediation or mindfulness is one way. You take yourself out
you “think” you are working harder to get what you want, of “wishfulness” into “observation.” Recognise that the
you may not be actually making more money because your world is as it is. When you notice things, truly notice them,
brain’s efforts to get you what you want are thwarted by it brings you into harmony with yourself and the world.
your resentment. Pure attention without question or doubt calms down the
(4) Myth Four: “When you get what you want you will fear centre in the brain.
be happy.” Getting what you want brings relief. Happiness Many people believe that these steps are impossible.
is a creative force that is different. It motivates the brain And this belief is what stands in your way. There is a dif-
outside of reason. ference between the “emotions” you experience when you
(5) Myth Five: “Desperation will bring you what you are simply your real self and those that you experience
want.” It almost never will. Persistence is a different thing. as a result of life’s trials and tribulations. I am not recom-
But desperation is the result of fear, which slows down the mending blissful denial; just openness to the possibility of
brain. In my book: Life Unlocked: 7 Revolutionary Lessons other worlds of consciousness that our magnificent brains
To Overcome Fear, I explain how understanding the brain are capable of creating.
biology of how fear disrupts your goal-setting can lead
Dr. Srini Pillay is the CEO of Neuro-
you to much greater happiness. Setting your goals in your Business Group and an internationally
brain while afraid is like trying to grow a plant in shaky soil recognised executive coach, public
in an earthquake. It never takes root. speaker, psychiatrist, and brain imag-
So what can you change in order to be more likely to ing researcher who is focused on the
ask and be given what you want? fields of personal and organisational
1. After you articulate what you want to yourself, let go transformation. He is the author of Life
Unlocked, a self-help book based on sci-
of the goal and engage in the process of getting there. Let
entific research to assist people in over-
your unconscious brain do its work. Thinking of your goal coming fear. His new book The Science
all the time requires too much effort and robs the uncon- Behind The Law of Attraction will shortly
scious brain of the energy it wants. be available at Special Issue No. 15 ■

cal perceptual mode. Operating in this way is possible, synchronisation occurs in the entire absence of sensory
and has already been achieved by a few people. contact among the meditators. They can be in different
rooms, different cities, even on different continents. (I
The Awakened State of Mind
reported on these experiments in my book, Science and
This was the finding of British psychophysiologist the Akashic Field, and in other books.)
Maxwell Cade, who in the 1970s examined the EEG Unfortunately, a state of deep prayer and meditation
patterns of more than 3,000 individuals. He had found is not functional in the everyday context: in most cases
four typical patterns, made up of specific combinations we need to sit with closed eyes, detached from the world
of alpha, beta, and theta waves. (He did not consider around us.
dreamless deep sleep, where delta waves predominate.) A truly evolved consciousness would have the
Each combination turned out to be associated with a quantum-receptivity of deep prayer and meditation, but
particular state of consciousness. The consciousness it would operate also in the everyday context. It would
accompanying dreamful sleep, the state between wak- display a broad EEG wave-spectrum, embracing alpha
ing and sleeping, and deep meditation each exhibits and theta as well as beta waves. And it would show that
a typical combination of EEG waves. Dreamful sleep, the two brain hemispheres are highly coordinated, so
the transitory state between waking and sleeping, and that the information processed by the quantum-mode
meditation all show pronounced alpha and theta waves. receiving right hemisphere is readily communicated to
Our state of ordinary awareness is dominated by beta the sensory-information processing left.
waves. An evolved consciousness is wider and deeper than
But Cade also found a “fifth state.” This is the re- the everyday consciousness of people today, and more
markable state that comes to light in the EEG-portrait functional than the consciousness of those engaged in
of accomplished healers. Cade called the consciousness deep prayer and meditation.
associated with this state “awakened mind.” Here alpha In the past this kind of consciousness has been
and theta waves are strong, much as in the meditative limited to exceptionally sensitive and creative people: to
state, but there are also beta waves. In some healers this healers and poets, prophets and spiritual masters. In the
state has become the norm, maintained not only during future it could spread to a wider segment of the popula-
active healing, but also in everyday life. tion. Humanity could be evolving its consciousness.
Just as remarkably, in the fifth state the EEG waves In closing, let us return to the example of the radio.
are balanced across the left and the right hemispheres. Tuned to the right station, our radio can pick up and
This is important. The brain-state underlying ordinary bring to us a great symphony. Imagine what our quan-
consciousness is left-hemisphere dominated, and we tum brain could bring to us when, in the expanded and
know that the left hemisphere filters out experiences balanced mode, it would be tuned to the information
that do not mesh with our established beliefs and ex- encoded at the heart of the cosmos. This would be veri-
pectations. tably a cosmic symphony.
We also know that deep prayer and meditation Of course, we could never capture all of it – only
activate the right hemisphere and tend to synchronise God could do that – but we could capture far more than
the two hemispheres. A hemisphere-synchronised brain we do today. This would make us more empathetic as
can operate in the direct quantum-resonance mode: individuals, and more cooperative as citizens in our
as experiments I have witnessed myself demonstrate, interactive and interdependent global community. The
expert meditators synchronise not only their own left rise of these attributes in a critical mass could be the
and right hemispheres, but can also synchronise their key to our continued survival. QC may be not only the
left and right hemispheres with the synchronised hemi- next step in our species evolution; it could also be our
spheres of others who meditate with them. And this collective salvation.

DR. Ervin Laszlo, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, is a systems philoso-
pher, integral theorist, and classical pianist. He has authored more than 83 books,
which have been translated into 21 languages, and has published in excess of four
hundred articles and research papers, including six volumes of piano recordings.
His books include Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything
(Inner Traditions, 2004), Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos: The Rise
of the Integral Vision of Reality (Inner Traditions, 2006), The Chaos Point: The World
at the Crossroads (Hampton Roads, 2006), Quantum Shift in the Global Brain: How
the New Scientific Reality Can Change Us and our World (Inner Traditions, 2008) and
WorldShift 2012: Making Green Business New Politics & Higher Consciousness Work
Together (McArthur & Company, 2009). For many years he has served as president
of the Club of Budapest, which he founded. He is an advisor to the UNESCO Director
General, ambassador of the International Delphic Council, member of both the Interna-
tional Academy of Science, World Academy of Arts and Science, and the International
Academy of Philosophy. Dr. Laszlo lives in Italy and his website is

Special Issue No. 15
The Spooky World of
Quantum Biology

— © By Michael Garfield — the quantum playbook; therefore, life is a quantum
process. And yet, it wasn’t until the nineties that
he new science of quantum biology is anyone suggested biology could be better under-
teaching us about how the actual behav- stood by looking at it through the lens of quantum
iour of evolution is governed by disconcert- theory. (The seminal paper was D.V. Nanopoulos’
ingly spooky processes – time travel being “Theory of brain function, quantum mechanics and
one of them. Will quantum computation superstrings.”) Not long after that, the idea caught
finally be realised by biomimicry, in organic sys- on – particularly in the neurosciences, where the
tems? Evolution is the new (old) computation... and idea of the brain as a quantum computer quickly
we’re about to take the reins. became a topic of fierce debate.
One hundred and fifty Quantum computation,
years ago, palaeontologist a science still in its infancy,
Thomas Henry Huxley (an promises swiftness and
autodidact and philoso- efficiency vastly superior
pher who coined the term to anything possible with
“agnostic” and was known conventional silicon chips.
as “Darwin’s Bulldog” for Rather than relying on bi-
his passionate defense of nary bits like contemporary
natural selection) asserted systems, quantum comput-
that humankind would even- ers use “qubits” that include
tually take the processes all possible superpositions
of evolution into our own of a particle’s classical state.
hands. Within a few decades Instead of being “trapped”
of his proclamation, a cadre in a single configuration,
of equally brilliant scientists the logic gates of a quantum
including Werner Heisen- computer employ multiple
berg, David Bohm, and Max possibilities in synchrony
Planck began to unravel the – using the entire set of
mysterious properties of quantum mechanics. alternative outcomes to arrive at an answer.
These two theories – evolutionary and quantum It’s a promising avenue for people with big plans
dynamics – can each be considered among the most for strong AI or virtual reality. The only complica-
important discoveries of all time. Taken together, tion is that coherence – in which the many possible
they have changed almost everything about the states of a particle or group of particles stay hung
way we understand reality. in superposition – is something scientists have only
However, in spite of the popularity of inter- been able to study under extremely controlled condi-
disciplinary research and unifying theories over tions. It’s only possible when that system doesn’t
the last hundred years (despite, even, quantum interact with anything else that might “collapse the
physicist Erwin Schröedinger’s 1944 book, What wave function,” and so most of the major options for
Is Life?), it was only recently that the relationship quantum computing involve impractical scenarios
between these two vastly important domains was like creating a supercooled vacuum.
even considered. Now, a new kind of science, called This is one of the reasons that many scientists
“quantum biology,” is beginning to emerge – and it have considered quantum biology both unlikely and
could change everything we know, again… unscientific. The thermal noise of biological systems
The premise is simple. Life is a molecular seemed too great to allow for quantum weirdness;
process; molecular processes operate according to and even if it could, how on Earth would we study it? Special Issue No. 15 ■

But science is the story of ingenuity’s victory over excellent primer Quantum Evolution, cites several
shortsightedness – and one research team, led by experiments that suggest certain mutations are
Gregory S. Engel at UC Berkeley, has devised way to “intelligent,” even “anticipatory.” For example, bacte-
directly detect and observe quantum-level processes rial cultures have been observed to evolve clever
within a cell using high-speed lasers. responses to lab toxins at speeds that – just like the
They were trying to establish exactly how organic emergence of DNA from a primordial soup – defy
photosynthesis approaches 95% efficiency, whereas astronomical odds. Can biological quantum calcula-
the most sophisticated human solar cells operate tion account for this? McFadden thinks so.
at only half that. What they discovered is noth- (His hypothesis was itself anticipated in the
ing short of remarkable. Using femtosecond lasers science fiction of Greg Egan, whose novel Teranesia
to follow the movement of light energy through a featured some very “spooky” retrocausal mutations
photosynthetic bacterial cell, Engel et al. observed – including the instantaneous appearance of entire
the energy travelling along every possible direc- new ecosystems via competing future evolutionary
tion at the same time. Instead of following a single scenarios. Whether such extreme examples of quan-
trajectory like the electrons on a silicon chip, the tum biological principles are possible remains to be
energy in photosynthesis explores all of its options seen.)
and collapses the quantum process only after the As we continue to probe biological phenomena
fact, retroactively “deciding” upon the most efficient that beat quantum computer scientists to the punch,
pathway. a new picture emerges of evolutionary computing
What does this all mean? Not only does quantum and design. Huxley’s prophecy that we will eventu-
phenomena occur in living systems, but the basic ally take the reins of our own evolution might come
processes of life we take for granted rely on the true sooner than predicted by establishment geneti-
transfer of information backward in time. Life is so cists. But by appealing to the quantum oracle, we
magical because it cheats. may be acting in service of something far older and
Although the mechanisms by which a living cell more intelligent than we can even guess.
can prevent decoherence by dampening its own Ultrafast computing, accelerated by our explo-
chemical “noise” remain utterly mysterious, findings rations into the new science of quantum biology,
such as Engels’ conclusively demonstrate that room- could well be the critical technology that pushes us
temperature quantum computing is possible (and over the edge into the Singularity – a timeless and
knowing how something works isn’t always neces- transcendent event in which we already live, because
sary in order to use it). it is the nature of life itself – a vast sentience beyond
And Engel’s group isn’t the only team to detect human comprehension, and we are merely the new-
it: other laboratories have implicated a phenomenon est avenue for its expression in the world. Classical
called electron tunnelling (micro-teleportation, in or quantum, human or ecological, natural selection
which an electron disappears in one location and still gets the last laugh.
instantaneously appears somewhere else without
having travelled the intermediate distance) at work The above article appeared in h+ magazine, 1 June
behind a range of organic phenomena, from our 2009. Edited by R.U. Sirius, h+ covers technologi-
sense of smell and the activities of our enzymes to cal, scientific, and cultural trends that are changing
the neutralisation of free radicals with anti-oxi- – and will change – human beings in fundamental
dants… possibly even consciousness itself. ways. Check them out at
Paul Davies (Arizona State University) and John
Joe McFadden (The University of Surrey) have inde-
pendently suggested that computation in the neth-
erworld of quantum coherence might explain how
the earliest self-replicating molecules overcame the Trained in evolutionary biol-
ogy and scientific illustration
inestimable odds against them – life’s very existence only to become a live painter,
may be the consequence and continued operation essayist, and experimental
of a quantum computer. We may ultimately have to songwriter, Michael Gar-
accept our human quest for qubit calculation as a field is intent on demon-
strating that everything is
kind of biomimicry, rather than something new and equally art, science, and
unique. spiritual practice. His website
Quantum biology stands to answer other big is http://michaelgarfield.
questions, as well – questions that many contem-
porary biologists prefer to ignore. McFadden, in his

Special Issue No. 15
Morphic Resonance
& Morphic Fields
Collective Memory &
the Habits of Nature

— © B y d r . R u p e r t S h e l d r ak e — could swim or a bird fly, the social fields of the school
or flock restrict the behaviour of the individuals within
he word morphic comes from the Greek mor- them so they move in coordination with each other
phe, meaning form. Morphic fields organise rather than at random.2
the form, structure and patterned interactions The most controversial feature of this hypothesis is
of systems under their influence – including that the structure of morphic fields depends on what
those of animals, plants, cells, proteins, crys- has happened before. Morphic fields contain a kind of
tals, brains and minds. They are physical in the sense memory. Through repetition, the patterns they organise
that they are part of nature, though become increasingly probable, increas-
they are not yet mentioned in physics ingly habitual. The force these fields
books. exert is the force of habit.
All self-organising systems are M orphic fields Whatever the explanation of its
wholes made up of parts which are in contain a kind of origin, once a new morphic field, a
turn lower-level wholes themselves
– such as organelles in cells, cells in
memory hrough new pattern of organisation, has come
into being, the field becomes stronger
tissues, tissues in organs, organs in ,
repetition the through repetition. The more often
organisms, organisms in social groups. patterns they patterns are repeated, the more prob-
At each level, the morphic field gives able they become.
each whole its characteristic proper- organise become The fields contain a kind of cumu-
ties, and coordinates the constituent increasingly lative memory and become increas-
parts. ingly habitual. All nature is essentially
The fields responsible for the de- probable ... habitual. Even what we view as the
velopment and maintenance of bodily fixed “laws of nature” may be more
form in plants and animals are called like habits, ingrained over long peri-
morphogenetic fields. ods of time.
The existence of these fields was first proposed in the
Morphic Resonance
1920s and this concept is widely used within biology.
But the nature of these fields has remained obscure. The means by which information or an activity-
I suggest they are part of a larger family of fields pattern is transferred from a previous to a subsequent
called morphic fields. Other kinds of morphic fields in- system of the same kind is called morphic resonance.
clude behavioural and mental fields that organise animal Any given morphic system, say a squirrel, “tunes in” to
behaviour and mental activity, and social and cultural previous similar systems, in this case previous squir-
fields that organise societies and cultures. All of these rels of its species. Morphic resonance thus involves the
organising fields are different kinds of morphic field.1 influence of like upon like, the influence of patterns of
Morphic fields are located within and around the activity on subsequent similar patterns of activity, an
systems they organise. Like quantum fields, they work influence that passes through or across space and time
probabilistically. They restrict, or impose order upon, from past to present. These influences do not to fall off
the inherent indeterminism of the systems under their with distance in space or time. The greater the degree of
influence. similarity of the systems involved, the greater the influ-
For example, of the many direction in which a fish ence of morphic resonance. Special Issue No. 15 ■

Plates from 19th
century German
biologist Ernst
Haeckel’s book
Der Natur’ (Art
Forms of Nature).
The over-riding
themes of the
plates are the
symmetry and
organisation of
natural forms.

Morphic resonance gives an inherent memory in explain this effect in terms of crystal “seeds” from the
fields at all levels of complexity. In the case of squir- new crystals spreading around the world as invisible
rels, each individual squirrel draws upon, and in turn dust particles in the atmosphere, or chemists learning
contributes to, a collective or pooled memory of its kind. from others how to do it. But the hypothesis of morphic
In the human realm, this kind of collective memory cor- fields predicts that this should happen anyway under
responds to what the psychologist C.G. Jung called the standardised conditions, even if dust particles are fil-
collective unconscious. tered out of the air.
Morphic resonance should be detectable in the
Testing for Morphic Fields
realms of physics, chemistry, biology, animal behaviour,
psychology and the social sciences. There are several possible ways in which the hypoth-
Long-established systems, such as zinc atoms, esis of morphic fields can be, and has been, investigated
quartz crystals, insulin molecules and muscle cells are by experiment. Some tests attempt to detect the fields
governed by strong morphic fields, with deep grooves as they link together different parts of a system in
of habit established over millions of years, and conse- space; others look for the effects of morphic resonance
quently little change can be observed over a few weeks, over time.
or even years, of research. They behave as if they are The easiest way to test for morphic fields directly is
governed by fixed laws. to work with societies of organisms. Individual animals,
By contrast, new systems should show an increasing for example, can be separated in such a way that they
tendency to come into being the more often they are re- cannot communicate with each other by normal sen-
peated. They should become increasingly probable; they sory means. If information still travels between them,
should happen more easily as time goes on. this would imply the existence of interconnections of
For example, when a new chemical compound is syn- the kind provided by morphic fields. The transfer of in-
thesized by research chemists and crystallised, it may formation through morphic fields could help provide an
take a long time for a crystal to form for the first time. explanation for telepathy, which typically takes places
There is no preexisting morphic field for the lattice between members of groups who share social or emo-
structure. But when the first crystals form, they will tional bonds.
make it easier for similar crystals to appear anywhere in One promising area for this kind of research con-
the world. The more often the compound is crystallised cerns telepathy between people and domesticated
in one place, the easier it should be to crystallise else- animals, as discussed in my book Dogs That Know When
where. Their Owners Are Coming Home. For example, many
New compounds do indeed tend to crystallise more dogs and cats seem to know when their owners are
easily the more often they are made. Chemists usually
...continued on page 36

Special Issue No. 15
Dogs That Know When Their
Owners Are Coming Home
e all know of cases of dogs (and cats) who know when their
owners are coming home, who go to wait at the door or window
10 minutes or more before their human arrives. Conditioned
by the tight rigour of contemporary scientific thinking, we either look for
rational explanations or we file the phenomenon away in our minds as
“unexplained” and are careful not to talk about it with our friends.
Rupert Sheldrake believes that the “telepathy” between pets and
humans, or between flocks of birds or schools of fish that move as a
single organism, can be explained by his theory of morphic resonance.
He elaborates on the connection between animals and humans in
his international bestseller Dogs That Know When Their Owners are
Coming Home (available in 13 different languages).
Sheldrake says there are three main areas of unexplained behav-
iour exhibited by dogs that showed up in his analysis of more than
2,500 case histories:
• Telepathy: Animals can read their owner’s minds. Dogs often
behave as if they know the moment that their owner begins prepa-
rations to start coming home, and cats can often tell whether they
have a veterinary appointment scheduled that day. Pets often know
who is at the front door or calling on the telephone before the door
is opened or the phone picked up.
• Sense of Direction: Animals can find their way home across
great distances.
• Premonitions: Animals can sense earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions in advance. Sheldrake proposes this ability could easily be harnessed by setting up a toll-free phone num-
ber where people report any unusual animal behaviour.
Sheldrake’s most interesting finding is that dogs and cats and other pets frequently know when their humans are
coming home, from the very moment the human makes the decision to come home, even when it is an unusual time, and
they are travelling in a different mode of transportation.
Sheldrake videotaped dogs waiting by their front doors, and noted that when their human was not on their way home,
dogs would spend only 4% of the time by the door. From the very moment that their human began the trip home, how-
ever, the dogs would spend an average of 78% of the time by the front door. Even more interesting, these results were
reproduced when sceptics were the one’s to conduct the experiment!
While cats do not wait by the front door as often as dogs do, they are able to know in advance when their owners are
planning to take them to the veterinarian. Sheldrake contacted veterinary offices in London, where he lives, to find out if
they had observed any problem with cat owners keeping their appointments. Not only had 64 of the 65 offices noticed
such problems, but some were no longer making appointments for cat owners, explaining, “cat appointments don’t
work.” It wasn’t simply a problem with cats noticing their baskets... they would actually hide as soon as they sensed their
owners were on the way home.
Cats have also been known to react to phone calls, in extreme cases by knocking the phone off the hook and meow-
ing into the receiver when their beloved owner phones home... even from across the world. Many cats seem to know
when their owners are on the phone, just as many people report they can tell in advance who a caller is.
Cats have another interesting talent – they often seem able to inspire their humans to open the door at precisely the
moment they are ready to walk through it. Sheldrake speculated that they don’t like to be left waiting in the cold or rain
Sheldrake points out that since humans are in part animals too, it stands to reason that our psychic abilities may be
dormant or atrophied; not as well-developed as in animals, but “are part of our animal inheritance.”
Rupert Sheldrake invites people to read his research and participate in his online experiments at his web site Special Issue No. 15 NEW DAWN 35

– Jason Jeffrey
returning, even when they come at non-routine times cattle approach them, they “put on brakes with all four
in unfamiliar vehicles such as taxis, and when no one feet,” as one rancher expressed it to me. Even calves
at home knows when they are on the way. The animals encountering them for the first times avoid them just as
seem to be responding telepathically to their owners’ much as cattle previously exposed to real guards, even if
intentions. 3 they have never seen cattle guards before.7 This aversion
The unsolved problems of animal navigation, migra- may well depend on morphic resonance from previous
tion, and homing may also depend on invisible fields members of the species that have learned to avoid cattle
connecting the animals to their destinations.4 In effect, guards the hard way.
these could act like invisible elastic bands linking them There are also data from laboratory experiments on
to their homes, which serve as “attractors.”5 (In the rats and other animals implying that such effects occur.
branch of mathematics known as dynamics, attractors In one series of experiments rats learned how to escape
represent the limits toward from a water maze. New
which dynamical systems batches of rats were tested
are drawn.) month by month, year by
Morphic Resonance
year. As time went on, rats
in Development & in laboratories all over the
Behaviour world escaped more and
more quickly. 8
The build-up of habits
can be observed experimen- Connections with
tally only in the case of new Quantum Physics
patterns of development Some physicists have
and of behaviour. been intrigued by the pos-
There is already evidence sible connections between
from experiments on fruit morphic fields and quan-
flies that morphic reso- tum theory, including John
nance occurs in developing Bell (of Bell’s theorem) and
organisms. When fruit David Bohm, whose theory
fly eggs were exposed to a of the implicate order,
chemical (diethyl ether), based on the non-locality of
some of them developed ab- quantum systems, turned
normally, turning into flies out to be extraordinarily
with four wings instead of compatible with the idea of
two. When this treatment morphic fields. 9
was repeated generation These connections have
after generation, more and also been explored by the
more flies developed four American quantum physi-
wings, even if their ances- cist Amit Goswami10 and by
tors had never been ex- the German quantum phys-
posed to the chemical.6 icist Hans-Peter Dürr.11
There is much circum- This plate from ‘Kunsterformen Der Natur’ features Ascidiacea But it is still not clear
stantial evidence that (commonly known as the ascidians or sea squirts). exactly how morphic fields
animal behaviour can might fit in with quantum
evolve rapidly as if a collec- physics, if only because the
tive memory is building up implications of quantum
through morphic resonance. In particular, large-scale theory for complex systems like cells and brains are still
adaptations have occurred in the behaviour of domesti- unknown.
cated animals all over the world.
Implications for Human
One example concerns cattle guards. Ranchers
Behaviour & Creativity
throughout the American West have found that they
can save money on cattle guards by using fake ones in- Morphic resonance has many implications for the
stead, consisting of stripes painted across the road. Real understanding of human learning, including the acqui-
cattle guards are made of a series of parallel steel tubes sition of languages. Through the collective memory on
or rails with gaps in between, which make it difficult for which individuals draw, and to which they contribute,
cattle to walk across them, and painful to try. However, it should in general be easier to learn what others have
present-day cattle do not usually even try to cross them. learned before.
The illusory guards work just like the real ones. When Morphic fields could revolutionise our understand-

Special Issue No. 15
ing of cultural inheritance, and the influence of the Footnotes
ancestors. Richard Dawkins has given the name “meme” 1. R. Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and
to “units of cultural transmission,”12 and memes can be the Habits of Nature, Times Books, New York, 1988
seen as cultural morphic fields. Morphic resonance also 2. Ibid., Chapters 13 and 14.
sheds new light on many religious practices, including 3. R. Sheldrake and P. Smart, A dog that seems to know when his
rituals.13 owner is coming home: Videotaped experiments and observa-
The hypothesis of morphic fields has far-reaching tions, Journal of Scientific Exploration 14, 233-255; R. Sheldrake
implications in all branches of science. In particular, and P. Smart, Testing a return-anticipating dog, Kane, Anthro-
it points to a new understanding of the nature of the zoos 13, 203-12.
mind, which no longer needs to be seen as confined to 4. R. Sheldrake, Dogs That Know When their Owners Are Coming
Home, And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals, Part V, Crown,
the inside of the head. Just as magnetic fields extend
New York, 1999
beyond the surface of a magnet, and electromagnetic
5. For a discussion of this idea, see R. Sheldrake, T. McKenna,
fields beyond a cell phone, so the mind extends beyond
and R. Abraham, The Evolutionary Mind, Chapter 4, Trialogue
the brain through mental fields. Press, Santa Cruz, 1998.
When we look at something, say a 6. Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past, Chapter
tree, the image of the tree is projected 8.
out through these fields to the place
where the tree actually is. Our minds
orphic fields 7. R. Sheldrake, Cattle fooled by phoney
grids, New Scientist, Feb 11, 1988, 65.
touch what we are looking at. This could revolutionise 8. Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past, op. cit.
provides an explanation for our abil- Chapter 9.
ity to sense when someone is looking our understanding
9. D. Bohm and R. Sheldrake, Morphogenetic
at us from behind. There is now much of cultural fields and the implicate order. In: R. Shel-
evidence for the reality of this sense, drake, A New Science of Life (second edition),
discussed in my recent book The Sense inheritance and , Blond, London, 1985, 234.
of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of 10. A. Goswami, Eine quantentheoretische
the influence of Erklärung von Sheldrakes morphischer
the Extended Mind.14
But the hypothesis of morphic the ancestors . resonanz. In: Rupert Sheldrake in der Diskus-
sion (eds H.P. Dürr and F.T. Gottwald), Scherz
fields has an inherent limitation. It Verlag, Bern, 1997
helps explain how patterns of organi- 11. H.P. Dürr, Sheldrakes Vorstellungen aus
sation are repeated; but it does not dem Blickwinkel der modernen Physik. In:
explain how they come into being in the first place. It Rupert Sheldrake in der Diskussion (eds H.P. Dürr and F.T. Got-
leaves open the question of evolutionary creativity. This twald), Scherz Verlag, Bern, 1997.
hypothesis is compatible with several different theories 12. R. Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, Oxford University Press, Ox-
of creativity, ranging from the idea that all novelty is ford, 1976.
a matter of chance, to explanations in terms of divine 13. R. Sheldrake and M. Fox, Natural Grace, Doubleday, New
creative power. Evolution, like our own lives, is an
15 York, 1996.
interplay between habit and creativity. 14. R. Sheldrake, The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of
the Extended Mind, Crown, New York, 2003.
15. R. Sheldrake, The Rebirth of Nature, Bantam, New York, 1990.
A new, completely revised edition of Rupert Sheldrake’s
book on morphic fields and morphic resonance A New
Science of Life was recently published by Icon Books
(UK) and by Inner Traditions (US) under the title Morphic

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 technical papers and
ten books. A former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he studied natural sciences at
Cambridge University, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry, and philosophy at Harvard
University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge
University, and Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. He is the Director of the
Perrott-Warrick Project, funded from Trinity College, Cambridge University, and a Fellow of
the Institute of Noetic Sciences. His books include A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis Of
Formative Causation (J.P. Tarcher, 1981; new edition 2010), The Presence of the Past: Mor-
phic Resonance And The Habits Of Nature (Times Books, 1988), The Rebirth of Nature: The
Greening Of Science And God (Bantam Books, 1991), Dogs that Know When Their Owners
are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers Of Animals (Crown, 1999) and The Sense
of Being Stared At: And Other Aspects Of The Extended Mind (Crown Publishers, 2003). He
lives in London with his wife, Jill Purce, and two sons. His website is Special Issue No. 15 ■

Special Issue No. 15
The Universe
as a Hologram
Does Objective Reality Exist,
or is the Universe a Phantasm?

— © B y M i c h a e l Ta l b o t — To understand why Bohm makes this startling as-
sertion, one must first understand a little about holo-
n 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the grams. A hologram is a three-dimensional photograph
University of Paris a research team led by physi- made with the aid of a laser. To make a hologram, the
cist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a
to be one of the most important experiments of laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced off the
the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference
evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of pattern (the area where the two laser beams commin-
reading scientific journals you probably have never even gle) is captured on film. When the film is developed, it
heard Aspect’s name, though there are looks like a meaningless swirl of light
some who believe his discovery may and dark lines. But as soon as the de-
change the face of science. veloped film is illuminated by another
Aspect and his team discovered ... despite its laser beam, a three-dimensional image
that under certain circumstances of the original object appears.
subatomic particles such as electrons apparent solidity The three-dimensionality of
are able to instantaneously communi- the universe is at such images is not the only remark-
cate with each other regardless of the able characteristic of holograms. If a
distance separating them. It doesn’t heart a phantasm , hologram of a rose is cut in half and
matter whether they are 10 feet or then illuminated by a laser, each half
10 billion miles apart. Somehow each
a gigantic and
will still be found to contain the entire
particle always seems to know what splendidly detailed image of the rose. Indeed, even if the
the other is doing. halves are divided again, each snip-
The problem with this feat is that hologram . pet of film will always be found to
it violates Einstein’s long-held tenet contain a smaller but intact version
that no communication can travel of the original image. Unlike normal
faster than the speed of light. Since photographs, every part of a hologram
travelling faster than the speed of light is tantamount contains all the information possessed by the whole.
to breaking the time barrier, this daunting prospect has The “whole in every part” nature of a hologram
caused some physicists to try to come up with elabo- provides us with an entirely new way of understanding
rate ways to explain away Aspect’s findings. But it has organisation and order. For most of its history, Western
inspired others to offer even more radical explanations. science has laboured under the bias that the best way to
University of London physicist David Bohm, for understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or
example, believes Aspect’s findings imply that objective an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts.
reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solid- A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe
ity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to
splendidly detailed hologram. take apart something constructed holographically, we
will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only
get smaller wholes.
NASA photo of the Helix Nebula taken by the Hubble Space This insight suggested to Bohm another way of
Telescope. Commonly known as the ‘Eye of God’. understanding Aspect’s discovery. Bohm believes the Special Issue No. 15 ■

reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact A Superholographic Level of Reality
with one another regardless of the distance separating
In a holographic universe, even time and space could
them is not because they are sending some sort of mys-
no longer be viewed as fundamentals. Because concepts
terious signal back and forth, but because their sepa-
such as location break down in a universe in which
rateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper
nothing is truly separate from anything else, time and
level of reality such particles are not individual entities,
three-dimensional space, like the images of the fish on
but are actually extensions of the same fundamental
the TV monitors, would also have to be viewed as pro-
jections of this deeper order. At its deeper level reality is
To enable people to better visualise what he means,
a sort of superhologram in which the past, present, and
Bohm offers the following illustration. Imagine an
future all exist simultaneously. This suggests that given
aquarium containing a fish. Imagine also that you are
the proper tools it might even be possible to someday
unable to see the aquarium directly and your knowledge
reach into the superholographic level of reality and
about it and what it contains comes from two television
pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past.
cameras, one directed at the aquarium’s front and the
What else the superhologram contains is an open-
other directed at its side. As you stare at the two televi-
ended question. Allowing, for the sake of argument,
sion monitors, you might assume that the fish on each
that the superhologram is the matrix that has given
of the screens are separate entities. After all, because
birth to everything in our universe, at the very least it
the cameras are set at different angles, each of the im-
contains every subatomic particle that has been or will
ages will be slightly different. But as you continue to
be – every configuration of matter and energy that is
watch the two fish, you will eventually become aware
possible, from snowflakes to quasars, from blue whales
that there is a certain relationship between them. When
to gamma rays. It must be seen as a sort of cosmic store-
one turns, the other also makes a slightly different but
house of “All That Is.”
corresponding turn; when one faces the front, the other
Although Bohm concedes that we have no way of
always faces toward the side. If you remain unaware of
knowing what else might lie hidden in the superholo-
the full scope of the situation, you might even conclude
gram, he does venture to say that we have no reason
that the fish must be instantaneously communicating
to assume it does not contain more. Or as he puts it,
with one another, but this is clearly not the case.
perhaps the superholographic level of reality is a “mere
This, says Bohm, is precisely what is going on be-
stage” beyond which lies “an infinity of further develop-
tween the subatomic particles in Aspect’s experiment.
According to Bohm, the apparent faster-than-light
connection between subatomic particles is really tell- The Hologram in Our Brain?
ing us that there is a deeper level of reality we are not Bohm is not the only researcher who has found evi-
privy to, a more complex dimension beyond our own dence that the universe is a hologram. Working inde-
that is analogous to the aquarium. And, he adds, we pendently in the field of brain research, Stanford neuro-
view objects such as subatomic particles as separate physiologist Karl Pribram has also become persuaded of
from one another because we are seeing only a portion the holographic nature of reality. Pribram was drawn to
of their reality. Such particles are not separate “parts,” the holographic model by the puzzle of how and where
but facets of a deeper and more underlying unity that is memories are stored in the brain. For decades numerous
ultimately as holographic and indivisible as the previ- studies have shown that rather than being confined to
ously mentioned rose. And since everything in physical a specific location, memories are dispersed throughout
reality is comprised of these “eidolons,” the universe is the brain.
itself a projection, a hologram. In a series of landmark experiments in the 1920s,
In addition to its phantom-like nature, such a brain scientist Karl Lashley found that no matter what
universe would possess other rather startling features. portion of a rat’s brain he removed he was unable to
If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is eradicate its memory of how to perform complex tasks
illusory, it means that at a deeper level of reality all it had learned prior to surgery. The only problem was
things in the universe are infinitely interconnected. The that no one was able to come up with a mechanism that
electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain are con- might explain this curious “whole in every part” nature
nected to the subatomic particles that comprise every of memory storage.
salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every Then in the 1960s Pribram encountered the concept
star that shimmers in the sky. Everything interpen- of holography and realised he had found the explana-
etrates everything, and although human nature may tion brain scientists had been looking for. Pribram
seek to categorise and pigeonhole and subdivide, the believes memories are encoded not in neurons, or small
various phenomena of the universe, all apportionments groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses
are of necessity artificial and all of nature is ultimately
a seamless web. ...continued on page 42

Special Issue No. 15
How Holograms Work
Construction of a hologram

Reconstructing a scene holographically

Viewing a normal photograph

Construction of a normal photograph

hologram is produced when a single laser light is split into two separate beams. The first beam is bounced
off the object to be photographed. Then the second beam is allowed to collide with the reflected light of
the first. When this happens they create an interference pattern which is then recorded on a piece of film.
Three-dimensionality is not the only remarkable aspect of holograms. If a piece of holographic film contain-
ing the image of an apple is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the
entire image of the apple! Even if the halves are divided again and then again, an entire apple can still be re-
constructed from each small portion of the film (although the images will get hazier as the portions get smaller).
Unlike normal photographs, every small fragment of a piece of holographic film contains all the information
recorded in the whole.
One of the things that makes holography possible is a phenomenon known as interference. Interference
is the crisscrossing pattern that occurs when two or more waves, such as waves of water, ripple through each
other. For example, if you drop a pebble into a pond, it will produce a series of concentric waves that expands
outward. If you drop two pebbles into a pond, you will get two sets of waves that expand and pass through one
another. The complex arrangement of crests and troughs that results from such collisions is known as an inter-
ference pattern. Any wave-like phenomena can create an interference pattern, including light and radio waves.
Because laser light is an extremely pure, coherent form of light, it is especially good at creating interference pat-
terns. It provides, in essence, the perfect pebble and the perfect pond. As a result, it wasn't until the invention of
the laser that holograms, as we know them today, became possible.
To the right is a photograph of a hologram that was recorded on pho-
tographic emulsion. To the naked eye the image on the film looks nothing
at all like the object photographed. As soon as another laser beam (or
in some instances just a bright light source) is shined through the film,
a three-dimensional image of the original object reappears. The three-
dimensionality of such images is often eerily convincing. You can actually
walk around a holographic projection and view it from different angles as
you would a real object. However, if you reach out and try to touch it, your
hand will waft right through it and you will discover there is really nothing
there. Special Issue No. 15 ■

that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that recently extended the holographic model into the world
patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire of acoustic phenomena. Puzzled by the fact that hu-
area of a piece of film containing a holographic image. mans can locate the source of sounds without moving
In other words, Pribram believes the brain is itself a their heads, even if they only possess hearing in one
hologram. ear, Zucarelli discovered that holographic principles can
Pribram’s theory also explains how the human brain explain this ability. Zucarelli has also developed the
can store so many memories in so little space. It has technology of holophonic sound, a recording technique
been estimated that the human brain has the capacity able to reproduce acoustic situations with an almost
to memorise something on the order of 10 billion bits uncanny realism.
of information during the average human lifetime (or Pribram’s belief that our brains mathematically
roughly the same amount of information contained in construct “hard” reality by relying on input from a
five sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica). frequency domain has also received a good deal of ex-
Similarly, it has been discovered that in addition to perimental support. It has been found that each of our
their other capabilities, holograms possess an astound- senses is sensitive to a much broader range of frequen-
ing capacity for information storage – simply by chang- cies than was previously suspected. Researchers have
ing the angle at which the two lasers strike a piece of discovered, for instance, that our visual systems are
photographic film, it is possible to record many different sensitive to sound frequencies, that our sense of smell
images on the same surface. It has been demonstrated is in part dependent on what are now called “osmic
that one cubic centimetre of film can hold as many as 10 frequencies,” and that even the cells in our bodies are
billion bits of information. sensitive to a broad range of frequencies. Such findings
Our uncanny ability to quickly retrieve whatever suggest that it is only in the holographic domain of
information we need from the enormous store of our consciousness that such frequencies are sorted out and
memories becomes more understandable if the brain divided up into conventional perceptions.
functions according to holographic principles. If a friend
Objective Reality Does Not Exist
asks you to tell him what comes to mind when he says
the word “zebra,” you do not have to clumsily sort back But the most mind-boggling aspect of Pribram’s
through some gigantic and cerebral alphabetic file to holographic model of the brain is what happens when it
arrive at an answer. Instead, associations like “striped,” is put together with Bohm’s theory. For if the concrete-
“horselike,” and “animal native to Africa” all pop into ness of the world is but a secondary reality and what
your head instantly. Indeed, one of the most amazing is “there” is actually a holographic blur of frequencies,
things about the human thinking process is that every and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects
piece of information seems instantly cross-correlated some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathemati-
with every other piece of information – another feature cally transforms them into sensory perceptions, what
intrinsic to the hologram. Because every portion of a becomes of objective reality? Put quite simply, it ceases
hologram is infinitely interconnected with every other to exist. As the religions of the East have long up-
portion, it is perhaps nature’s supreme example of a held, the material world is Maya, an illusion, and
cross-correlated system. although we may think we are physical beings moving
The storage of memory is not the only neurophysi- through a physical world, this too is an illusion.
ological puzzle that becomes more tractable in light We are really “receivers” floating through a kaleido-
of Pribram’s holographic model of the brain. Another scopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this
is how the brain is able to translate the avalanche of sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one
frequencies it receives via the senses (light frequencies, channel from many extracted out of the superhologram.
sound frequencies, and so on) into the concrete world of This striking new picture of reality, the synthesis of
our perceptions. Encoding and decoding frequencies is Bohm and Pribram’s views, has come to be called the
precisely what a hologram does best. Just as a hologram holographic paradigm, and although many scientists
functions as a sort of lens, a translating device able to have greeted it with skepticism, it has galvanised oth-
convert an apparently meaningless blur of frequen- ers. A small but growing group of researchers believe it
cies into a coherent image, Pribram believes the brain may be the most accurate model of reality science has
also comprises a lens and uses holographic principles arrived at thus far. More than that, some believe it may
to mathematically convert the frequencies it receives solve some mysteries that have never before been ex-
through the senses into the inner world of our percep- plainable by science and even establish the paranormal
tions. as a part of nature. Numerous researchers, including
An impressive body of evidence suggests that the Bohm and Pribram, have noted that many parapsycho-
brain uses holographic principles to perform its opera- logical phenomena become much more understandable
tions. Pribram’s theory, in fact, has gained increasing in terms of the holographic paradigm.
support among neurophysiologists. In a universe in which individual brains are actually
Argentinian-Italian researcher Hugo Zucarelli indivisible portions of the greater hologram and every-

Special Issue No. 15
It isn't that the world of appearances
is wrong; it isn't that there aren't
objects out there, at one level of real-
ity. It's that if you penetrate through
and look at the universe with a holo-
graphic system, you arrive at a differ-
ent view, a different reality. And that
other reality can explain things that
have hitherto remained inexplicable
scientifically: paranormal phenom-
ena, synchronicities, the apparently
meaningful coincidence of events.
– Karl Pribram (left) in an interview in
Psychology Today

thing is infinitely interconnected, telepathy may merely ences frequently contained obscure zoological details
be the accessing of the holographic level. which turned out to be accurate.
It is obviously much easier to understand how in- Regressions into the animal kingdom were not the
formation can travel from the mind of individual ‘A’ to only puzzling psychological phenomena Grof encoun-
that of individual ‘B’ at a far distance point and helps to tered. He also had patients who appeared to tap into
understand a number of unsolved puzzles in psychol- some sort of collective or racial unconscious. Individu-
ogy. als with little or no education suddenly gave detailed de-
scriptions of Zoroastrian funerary practices and scenes
Altered States of Consciousness
from Hindu mythology. In other categories of experi-
In particular, Stanislav Grof feels the holographic ence, individuals gave persuasive accounts of out-of-
paradigm offers a model for understanding many of body journeys, of precognitive glimpses of the future, of
the baffling phenomena experienced by individuals regressions into apparent past-life incarnations.
during altered states of consciousness. In the 1950s, In later research, Grof found the same range of phe-
while conducting research into the beliefs of LSD as a nomena manifested in therapy sessions which did not
psychotherapeutic tool, Grof had one female patient involve the use of drugs. Because the common element
who suddenly became convinced she had assumed the in such experiences appeared to be the transcending of
identity of a female of a species of prehistoric reptile. an individual’s consciousness beyond the usual bounda-
During the course of her hallucination, she not only ries of ego and/or limitations of space and time, Grof
gave a richly detailed description of what it felt like to called such manifestations “transpersonal experiences,”
be encapsuled in such a form, but noted that the por- and in the late ‘60s he helped found a branch of psychol-
tion of the male of the species’s anatomy was a patch ogy called “transpersonal psychology” devoted entirely
of coloured scales on the side of its head. What was to their study.
startling to Grof was that although the woman had Although Grof’s newly founded Association of
no prior knowledge about such things, a conversation Transpersonal Psychology garnered a rapidly growing
with a zoologist later confirmed that in certain species group of like-minded professionals and has become a re-
of reptiles coloured areas on the head do indeed play spected branch of psychology, for years neither Grof or
an important role as triggers of sexual arousal. The any of his colleagues were able to offer a mechanism for
woman’s experience was not unique. During the course explaining the bizarre psychological phenomena they
of his research, Grof encountered examples of patients were witnessing. But that has changed with the advent
regressing and identifying with virtually every spe- of the holographic paradigm.
cies on the evolutionary tree (research findings which As Grof noted, if the mind is actually part of a con-
helped influence the man-into-ape scene in the movie tinuum, a labyrinth that is connected not only to every
Altered States). Moreover, he found that such experi- other mind that exists or has existed, but to every atom, Special Issue No. 15 ■

organism, and region in the vastness of space and time there” because what we call consensus reality is formu-
itself, the fact that it is able to occasionally make forays lated and ratified at the level of the human unconscious
into the labyrinth and have transpersonal experiences at which all minds are infinitely interconnected. If this
no longer seems so strange. is true, it is the most profound implication of the holo-
The holographic paradigm also has implications for graphic paradigm of all, for it means that experiences
so-called hard sciences like biology. Keith Floyd, a psy- such as Watson’s are not commonplace only because we
chologist at Virginia Intermont College, has pointed out have not programmed our minds with the beliefs that
that if the concreteness of reality is but a holographic would make them so. In a holographic universe there
illusion, it would no longer be true to say the brain are no limits to the extent to which we can alter the
produces consciousness. Rather, it is consciousness that fabric of reality.
creates the appearance of the brain – as well as the body What we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting
and everything else around us we interpret as physical. for us to draw upon it any picture we want. Anything
Such a turnabout in the way we view biological is possible, from bending spoons with the power of the
structures has caused researchers to point out that mind to the phantasmagoric events experienced by
medicine and our understanding of the healing process Carlos Castaneda during his encounters with the Yaqui
could also be transformed by the holographic paradigm. brujo don Juan, for magic is our birthright, no more or
If the apparent physical structure of the body is but less miraculous than our ability to compute the reality
a holographic projection of consciousness, it becomes we want when we are in our dreams.
clear that each of us is much more responsible for our Indeed, even our most fundamental notions about
health than current medical wisdom allows. What we reality become suspect, for in a holographic universe,
now view as miraculous remissions of disease may actu- as Pribram has pointed out, even random events would
ally be due to changes in consciousness which in turn have to be seen as based on holographic principles and
effect changes in the hologram of the body. therefore determined. Synchronicities or meaningful
Similarly, controversial new healing techniques coincidences suddenly makes sense, and everything in
such as visualisation may work so well because, in the reality would have to be seen as a metaphor, for even
holographic domain of thought, images are ultimately the most haphazard events would express some under-
as real as “reality.” lying symmetry.
Holographic Paradigm Explains
Whether Bohm and Pribram’s holographic paradigm
the Paranormal
becomes accepted in science or dies an ignoble death re-
mains to be seen, but it is safe to say that it has already
Even visions and experiences involving “non-ordi- had an influence on the thinking of many scientists.
nary” reality become explainable under the holographic And even if it is found that the holographic model does
paradigm. In his book Gifts of Unknown Things, biologist not provide the best explanation for the instantaneous
Lyall Watson describes his encounter with an Indone- communications that seem to be passing back and forth
sian shaman woman who, by performing a ritual dance, between subatomic particles, at the very least, as noted
was able to make an entire grove of trees instantly van- by Basil Hiley, a physicist at Birbeck College in London,
ish into thin air. Watson relates that as he and another Aspect’s findings “indicate that we must be prepared to
astonished onlooker continued to watch the woman, consider radically new views of reality.”
she caused the trees to reappear, then “click” off again
and on again several times in succession.
This influential article was written by the author in the
Although current scientific understanding is incapa-
late 1980s.
ble of explaining such events, experiences like this be-
come more tenable if “hard” reality is only a holographic
projection. Perhaps we agree on what is “there” or “not

Michael Talbot (1953-1992) was an American author who highlighted parallels

between ancient mysticism and quantum mechanics, and espoused a theoretical
model of reality that suggests the physical universe is akin to a giant hologram. A
few of his books include Mysticism And The New Physics (1980), Beyond The Quan-
tum (1986), and Your Past Lives (1987). According to Talbot, ESP, telepathy, and
other paranormal phenomena are real, and a product of the holographic model of
reality. The ideas presented in his breakthrough best selling book The Holographic
Universe (1991) were sourced from the work of David Bohm and Karl Pribram.

Special Issue No. 15
— © By Doug Yurchey — meaning: in the greater scheme of things in the Uni-
verse? What are galaxies, clusters of galaxies, univers-
hat is a planet? From its beginnings es and the whole SHEBANG for that matter?
denoting the “wandering stars” of the One clue could be to find the charge of the planet.
classical world, the definition of planet We discover that the Earth has a negative, electri-
has been fraught with ambiguity. In its cal charge. Yet, our Sun has a positive charge. Does
long life, the word has meant many dif- this scenario sound familiar? Here we have bodies in
ferent things, often simultaneously. Over the millen- space with a negative charge in precise orbits circling
nia, use of the term was never strict and its meaning a positively charged centre. The grand mystery as to
has twisted and blurred to include or exclude a variety the question of cosmic bodies could lay in the simple
of different objects, from the Sun and the Moon to idea of atoms and molecules. What are solar systems?
satellites and asteroids. They are different compositions of molecular structures.
As knowledge of the universe grew, the word planet Vast cosmic bodies in space and infinitesimally small,
grew and changed with it, casting off old meanings atomic ‘quanta’ are the same!
and adopting new ones, though never arriving at a Others have imagined the connection or correla-
single, concrete definition. tion between star systems and atomic structures.
Sounds like Astronomy 101, but the question of Albert Einstein mathematically worked on the quest to
what is it that we walk on everyday has a much deeper discover the answer of the ‘Unified Field’. What is the
meaning. relationship between planets/stars and atoms/mol-
We take for granted the sphere of land and water ecules? This question haunted Einstein for decades in
orbiting our Sun. We even commit a gross disservice his later years. Could the ultimate answer be as simple
when we mistakenly call the Earth, ‘the World’. as RELATIVITY? It all depends on your size; where you
What is it that we have come to call the EARTH? are and your size-relationship to your universe.
What are its neighbours that also orbit in exact ellip- Do not be so sure you walk upon a PLANET. The
ses throughout what we have named the Solar System? truth could be as mind-blowing as you are walking
What are they… really? upon someone else’s ELECTRON. That someone would
The true (spiritual), extra-worldly, inter-dimension- be a life form that stands in a UNIVERSE SO LARGE
al answer is something incredible and beyond what we that it is beyond our capability to view. We might only
have named or think of as a mere ‘planet.’ be able to see its atomic particles on an extremely mi-
Orbiting habitats; circling life-giving SUNS of heat croscopic level and misinterpret these atoms as huge,
and light. What are suns? What are these strange cosmic worlds. There is no size; it is all relative.
systems of celestial bodies? What are they… REALLY; Our Sun, as other stars, is a gigantic nuclear reac- Special Issue No. 15 ■

tion. The hydrogen to helium generator will eventu-
ally use up its fuel and burnout. The Sun could also
be an electromagnetic storehouse of PROTONS and
NEUTRONS as contained in the centre of atoms. The
elliptical orbits of electrons around the proton parallel
the elliptical orbits of planets around their single or
multiple suns.
If the ‘Field’ is truly ‘Unified’ and one life form’s
sun is another life form’s proton, then we have a
shockingly deep answer to the question: What are
atoms and molecules? They are different compositions of
cosmic bodies.
As phenomenal as the concept is, it is not a new
idea. Dr. Seuss wrote the fantasy ‘Horton Hears a

Who?’ where life existed in a dust speck. Within
the world of the dust speck, was a dust speck that he curved brushstroke into a sphere or
contained life. Life and universes continue to the ball is not unlike Einstein’s curvature of
MACRO and to the micro… probably, endlessly. In the space. As land extends for thousands
film Animal House, Donald Sutherland and Tom Hulce of miles and then bends, meets as one giant
got high. The boy excitedly said to his professor, “you spheroid, so does SPACE. ALL of space could
mean… our whole universe could be in someone’s curve and become a type of ATOM; a singu-
pant leg?” larity; a ‘quanta’ or particle of a much, much
This writer has written of the possibility multi- larger world…etc.
ple/infinite Big Bangs, Quasars and Black Holes may I read the Time magazine issue dedicated
be evidence of connecting worlds via the MACRO and to Einstein on his 100th birthday and was
micro; also, the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum as physi- completely fascinated. I saw the 2-hour, PBS
cal universes rushing by us so fast, we misinterpret Special with Peter Ustinov and a curved pool
their atoms as light-speed waves (frequencies) in table as the childlike actor learned Einstein’s
nature. (Read the article ‘Light-Speed Universes’ or Universe. Somewhere it struck me as I dug
the story ‘Talking to a Sea-Monkey’ at into the ground with a shovel planting a to- mato garden. With every plunge into the dirt,
When we view the awesome panorama of the I wondered, ‘what was it I was digging into?’
observable universe, what is it exactly that we are And the outrageous answer bounced back, I’m
seeing? Could it be the mixture of colours; explo- digging into a freaking ATOM! I was shocked;
sive forces; beautiful and destructive interactions of more accurately, our ELECTRON orbits a
sub-atomic particles? Where are we in the greater PROTON (sun).
scheme of things? Are we in a super-sized pant leg; Einstein had to suspect the truth with his
in a brick on the wall? Does it even matter? Is our title or Holy Grail called the ‘Unified Field’ as
Solar System the lead atom at the front of a speeding it applies to atomic particles and cosmic bod-
car? If that were the case, a car crash in that MACRO ies. Today, it is vogue to dispute Einstein. But,
world might rub out our small niche of space in one the basic and true principles of Relativity hit
ultimate FLASH OF DESTRUCTION. We should not us everyday with every move we make.
worry, though; our end could take eons.

Doug Yurchey is a writer, artist and inventor. He has studied ancient mysteries for
30 years and was married to a trans-channel. He has lectured at Carnegie Mellon
University and California State at Northridge. For two years a background artist
with the Simpsons TV Show, he now promotes his unique theories. To read more of
Doug Yurchey’s research, a CD disk is available called ‘WE ARE FALLEN GODS’. Send
US$20 to: Doug Yurchey, 18615 Bryant St., Northridge, CA 91324, USA.

Special Issue No. 15
Science of Death
vs Science of Life
Charting a New Course for Health Care

— © B y D r . Ma e - W an H o —

emand for health care has put

national health services under
increasingly severe strain as the
rise in cost of medicine is es-
calating. The situation is worst
in countries without national health that
depend on health insurance. In the United
States, employer-sponsored health insur-
ance premiums more than doubled between
1996 and 2006, 4 times the increase in
wage;1 and more and more people find them-
selves uninsured.
The US spent $2.2 trillion on health care
in 2007; averaging $7,421 per person, 16.2
percent of GDP, and nearly twice the average
of other developed nations. Yet this most
advanced and costly medical system in the
world is the leading cause of death and inju-
ry to its citizens. Each year, some 2.2 million
suffer from adverse drug reaction, 7.5 million undergo the truth, to hide red flags from the public and to bulk
unnecessary medical and surgical procedures, and 8.9 up the shares of investors in the companies that are
million are unnecessarily hospitalised. In 2001, the promoting the science and the researchers.”5
medical system killed 783,936, when 699,697 died
Domo Did It
from heart disease and 553,251 from cancer. 2 The
health care system is failing the world over. 3,4 Regush and others have correctly identified the
Health journalist and author Nick Regush summed proximate causes conspiring in the death of medicine.
it up starkly: But those are all symptomatic of a deeper cause, the
“Medicine as we know it, is dying… The disease is obsolete model that dominates not just medicine, but
caused by conflict of interest, tainted research, greed the whole of our lives. Let’s call it Domo for short.
for big bucks, pretentious doctors and scientists, lying, Domo runs our economy, our industries; it lurks
cheating, invasion by the morally bankrupt marketing behind our political, social, and educational institu-
automatons of the drug industry, derelict politicians tions, its tendrils woven into the fabric of our lives. We
and federal and state regulators…. As a journalist, it accept it unthinkingly, mistaking it for the ineluctable
has become very plain to see how little anything the ultimate reality. Whenever something goes wrong, we
medical Establishment does these days can be trusted look for someone, something else to blame; leaving
or taken at face value. Press conferences, journal arti- Domo looming larger and stronger than ever before.
cles, symposia – all are geared to spike and obfuscate Public debates on the causes and cures for AIDS, 6 Special Issue No. 15 ■

climate change while providing food and fuel security
for all.11
Here, I shall sketch out how the science of the
organism can replace Domo biology and revolutionise
our understanding of health, and health care.
Domo’s influence in biology has been the most
profound and persistent. It presents the organism
as a junkyard of molecular nuts and bolts subject to
mechanistic principles of lock and key, push and pull,
random collision, linear causation, controller versus
controlled, etc. Diseases are largely viewed as ‘defects’
in specific molecular mechanisms, and defined as such.
This is the kind of thinking behind the human genome
project that has all the signs of having run aground
after decades of sequencing and dissecting genomes,
and trying to identify the genetic defects that pre-
dispose individuals to different diseases.12 Together
with the physical laws of equilibrium thermodynamics
and statistical mechanics, Domo biology is essentially
a science of death that has virtually nothing to say
about life.
Erwin Schrödinger’s book What is Life?13 was one of
the first critiques of the mechanistic representation
of life. It is widely acclaimed for having predicted the
genetic material DNA. Much less known and more sig-
nificantly, it also predicted the molecular coherence of
organisms discovered in my laboratory in 1992; which
GM foods,7 mobile phones, 8 pesticides, 9 and more, are too, has been largely ignored.
all in the service of Domo, because we leave it un- Living organisms have such a high degree of mo-
touched in the process of destroying ourselves. Isn’t it lecular coherence that they appear as dynamic liquid
time we blow the cover on Domo? crystal displays under the polarising microscope geolo-
Science of Death vs Science of Life, gists use for identifying crystals. (See the images on
Mechanism vs Organism the cover of The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of
Organisms now in its third edition,14
Domo is a seductively powerful
the first book about organisms that
view of the world as machine that
really tries to tell you what it is to be
can be taken apart, analysed, con-
trolled, and re-tooled to serve our T he science of alive.)
The science of the organism is
every want, wish, and whim. It had
ushered in the industrial revolution
the organism predicated on a radical wholeness or
coherence of the living system, which
and shaped the subsequent history is predicated profoundly transforms our view of
of our planet right up to the present
multiple crises in the throes of cli- on a radical health and disease.
mate change. wholeness or Quantum Coherent Liquid
Scientific enquiry has its own mo- Crystalline Organism Works
mentum, however, and the mecha- coherence of the By Intercommunication
nistic science of Domo was already
becoming obsolete at the turn of the
living system ... The wholeness of the organism
transcends the age-old opposition
past century when the science of the between ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’
organism emerged. I have outlined explanations, or holist versus the
how Domo’s economy of infinite reductionist approach in Domo biology. Instead, every
unsustainable growth that depends on competition single level is working together simultaneously, right
and profligate dissipation should be replaced with down to individual molecules whose motions are so
nature’s own closed loop economy that minimises correlated in the tissues and cells that they make liv-
wastes and thrives on reciprocity and co-operation. 10 ing organisms look like liquid crystal displays. Watch
This organic circular model applies especially to the videos of live organisms set to music in the Quan-
sustainable agro-ecological systems that can mitigate tum Jazz DVD,15 and notice how the most active organ-

Special Issue No. 15
isms and the most active parts of organisms give the rapid intercommunication to take place, whereby the
brightest most brilliant colours because they are also organism can function as a coordinated whole.
the most coherent. New research described in the latest edition of my
In the healthy coherent organism, each single mol- book 14,19 show how this special biological water in tis-
ecule is intercommunicating with every other; and each sues and cells provide the means, medium and mes-
is as much in control as it is sensitive and responsive. sage for intercommunication.
There is no need for push and pull, because coherent The liquid crystalline water is the ultimate source
energy is stored throughout the system, ready to be of protons (H + ) and electrons (e - ), positive and nega-
mobilised. This coherence explains why organisms tive charges that zap through cellular compartments,
are sensitive to the weak electromagnetic fields of the between cells and tissues and the most distant parts
mobile phone and wireless networks saturating our of the body, energising the organism, instantaneously
environment, 8 especially because the organism uses coordinating its metabolism, growth, and other vital
electromagnetic fields and electric currents for inter- functions.
communication (see below). The liquid crystalline water matrix pervades the
A convenient description for the wholeness of the entire organism from the extracellular connective tis-
organism is ‘quantum coherence’ extending over all sues to the interior of every single cell. Special mem-
modes of living activities, from very slow circadian or brane proteins have water-filled channels that cross
circa-annual rhythms to the ultrafast femto-second the cell membrane, acting as ‘proton wires’ to trans-
energy transfers between molecules; from the ex- port protons in and out of the cell. 20 This same matrix
tremely local to the global. This hive of exquisitely transmits the heart’s large pulsating electromagnetic
coordinated activities is a ‘quantum jazz’16 performed field throughout the body, including the brain, which
over a musical range of 70 octaves, in which every paces and intercommunicates with the myriad lo-
player is improvising spontaneously and freely, yet cal rhythms.18 Within the cell, it transmits the much
keeping in tune and in step with the whole. higher frequency electromagnetic waves emitted by
The most accessible evidence of the body-wide co- molecules that depend on specific frequencies to recog-
herence of biological rhythms comes from the fractal nise one another and coordinate their actions even at a
and multifractal variations of the healthy heartbeat, distance. 21
which reflect an intricate phase correlation among all
rhythms as the heart’s own beat intermeshes and syn-
copates in symphony with the rest.17 In contrast, the
diseased heart that’s no longer communicating with
the body falls back on its intrinsic rhythm and be-
comes much more regular. This has opened up a whole
new field of dynamic disease that can be diagnosed by
mathematics, and possibly treated non-invasively by
biofeedback techniques.18
The coherent organism is a unity of brain and
body, heart and mind, an undivided bundle of intel-
lect and passion, flesh, blood, and sinew that lives
life to the full, freely and spontaneously, attuned not
just to the immediate environment, but the universe
at large. This ideal coherent whole is also the ideal of
Water is Means,
Medium & Message
Quantum jazz is possible because organisms are
liquid crystalline; the 70 percent by weight of water
making up the tissues and cells are an integral, neces-
sary part of the liquid crystalline matrix that enables

A liquid crystalline water matrix pervades the entire organism,

and may well correspond in some manner to the acupuncture
meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, of which the
anatomical correlates remain unknown to this day. Special Issue No. 15 ■

Gene Medicine Based on
Domo Genetics
‘Biologicals’, genetically engineered protein drugs,
It is not the genetic the first of which was insulin, are now found to cause
adverse events and death more frequently than syn-
messages encoded thetic chemical drugs. 28 This comes as no surprise, as
genetic engineering is the epitome of Domo genetics
in genomic DNA, that does not recognise the organic coherent whole
where all genes and gene products are engaged in
but environmen- quantum jazz. You cannot just throw in an extra and
tally induced hope it will slot into place like a missing logo piece.
Domo genetics was already superseded by the ge-
epigenetic netics of the fluid genome as the first biological was
commercialised, 29 the fluid genome being part and
modifications that parcel of the coherent organism perfectly attuned
to its environment, constantly intercommunicating
overwhelmingly with it, altering gene expression and the genes them-
determine selves.
Decades of sequencing and dissecting the human
people’s genome in the hope of identifying genes for diseases
have only served to confirm that the real causes of ill
health and health are environmental and social.12 It is not the
genetic messages encoded in genomic DNA, but en-
wellbeing. vironmentally induced epigenetic modifications that
overwhelmingly determine people’s health and wellbe-
ing. Early nutrition and parental care play a large role
in an individual’s physical and mental health, 30 and
due attention must be paid to those aspects in deliver-
The liquid crystalline matrix converts pressure and ing primary health care.
heat into electricity (and vice versa), thereby coordi- Domo Medicine Must Go,
nating the perfect movements of both voluntary and But Basic Research Needed
involuntary muscles that enable some people to be for the New Organic Medicine
concert pianists, Olympic athletes, or Kung Fu mas-
ters. The thermoelectric and piezoelectric effects, Domo medicine is obsolete and doing more harm
typical of liquid crystals, may underlie the therapeutic than good. That’s why people are turning to comple-
effects of massage and other ‘subtle energy medicine’22 mentary therapies, not all based on well-founded
possibly by restoring coherence to the body, as well as knowledge, however.
a balance of positive and negative charges. In May 2009, 67 percent in Switzerland voted in
Special water channels in confined spaces aligned favour of a constitutional article for complementary
by collagen fibres have the potential to serve as super- medicine. 31 The Swiss vote reflects the growing impor-
conducting proton cables, being really many proton tance of complementary medicine in Europe. Some 65
wires wound together, 23 and may well correspond to percent of Europeans report they have used comple-
the acupuncture meridians of traditional Chinese mentary and alternative medicine, with 30-50 percent
medicine, as David Knight and I suggested in 1998. 24 using it as self-support and 19 to 20 percent having
The anatomical correlates of acupuncture meridians seen a complementary or alternative medical practi-
remain unknown to this day. 25 tioner in the past year.
Intriguingly, water next to charged hydrophilic In contrast to the growth in popularity of comple-
surfaces, which are everywhere within the organism, mentary medicine, the science of the organism that
not only forms ordered liquid crystalline layers, but could underpin it has languished, being valiantly pur-
can also be charged up by light, infrared light at 3,100 sued by only a few pioneers such as Jim Oschman, 22
nm being the most effective in expanding the ordered formerly a cell biologist.
layers that become charged up like a battery.19 This I have outlined the basic physics of the organism
finding reinforces the emerging picture that water is and its potential connections to dynamic diseases and
the lead player in bioenergetics. 26 As Nobel Laureate complementary therapies. A new ‘organic medicine’
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi remarked, water is “the mother could combine the best in non-invasive, non-destruc-
of all life.”27 tive approaches from both traditional medical systems

Special Issue No. 15
and contemporary science that would also revitalise 13. E. Schrödinger, What is Life?, Cambridge University Press,
indigenous medicines in all cultures and provide af- Cambridge, 1944.
fordable health care for all. This project is all the more 14. MW Ho, The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of Organ-
urgent in view of the increase in disease burden fore- isms, World Scientific, Singapore, 1993, 2nd ed. 1998, reprinted
1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006; 3rd ed. 2008,
cast for times of climate change.
15. A. Watton, H. Haffegee, S. Burcher and MW Ho. Quantum
This article is reprinted with permission and appears on Jazz, A fusion of contemporary jazz music and digital video
the Institute of Science in Society’s website under the recordings of live organisms,
title ‘Medicine in a New Key’ at av.php
cine_in_a_New_Key.php. It was published in the quar- 16. MW Ho, Quantum jazz, the tao of biology, Science in Society
terly magazine Science in Society, Issue 43, Autumn, 34, 17-20, 2007.
2009. Subscription information and a range of informa- 17. MW Ho, The heartbeat of health, Science in Society 35, 10-13,
tive publications can be found at 2007.
18. MW Ho, Happiness is a heartbeat away, Science in Society
35, 14-18, 2007.
Footnotes 19. MW Ho, Water electric, Science in Society 43.
1. The costs of inaction, the urgent need for health reform, 20. MW Ho, Positive electricity zaps through water chains, Sci- ence in Society 28, 49-50, 2005.
march2009.pdf 21. MW Ho, The real bioinformatics revolution. Proteins and
2. G. Null, C. Dean, M. Feldman, D. Rasio, and D. Smith, Death nucleic acids singing to one another?, Science in Society 33, 42-
by Medicine, 2004, 45, 2007.
3. PT Saunders, The depression side of medical science, Science 22. JL Oschman, Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis, Churchill
in Society 39, 50-51, 2008. Livingston, New York, 2000.
4. PT Saunders, Why the planet is sick, Science in Society 39, 23. MW Ho, Collagen water structure revealed, Science in Soci-
50-51, 2008. ety 32, 15-18, 2006.
5. N. Regush, The death of medicine. No cure, no vaccine, no 24. MW Ho and D. Knight, Liquid crystalline meridians, The
treatment, 2002, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 1998, 26, 251-63, www.i-
6. MW Ho, S. Burcher, R. Gala and V. Voljkovic, Unraveling 25. MW Ho, Acupuncture, coherent energy and the liquid
AIDS, Vital Health Publishing, Ridgefield, CT, 2005, www.i-sis. crystalline organism, Plenary Lecture, Second International Congress on Acupuncture, 2-5 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain,
7. MW Ho, GM is dangerous and futile, Science in Society 40,
4-8, 2008. 26. MW Ho, Water and fire series, Science in Society 43.
8. MW Ho, Drowning in a sea of microwaves, the wi-fi revolu- 27. A. Szent-Györgyi, Oxidation, energy transfer, and vitamins,
tion, Science in Society 34, 11-13, 2007. Nobel Lecture, 11 December 1937.
9. S. Burcher, Picking cotton carefully, Science in Society 34, 28. J. Cummins, ‘Biologicals’ wonder drugs with problems, Sci-
21-23, 2007. ence in Society 42, 34-35, 2009.
10. MW Ho, Science in a new key, Science in Society 43. 29. MW Ho, Living with the Fluid Genome, ISIS TWN, London,
11. MW Ho, S. Burcher, LC Lim, et al, Food Futures Now, Or-
ganic, Sustainable, Fossil Fuel Free, ISIS/TWN, London/Penang, 30. MW Ho, Caring mothers strike fatal blow against genetic
2008, determinism, Science in Society 41, 6-9, 2009.
12. MW Ho, From genomics to epigenomics, Science in Society 31. Switzerland enshrines complementary medicine in
41, 10-12, 2009. the constitution, 19 May 2009,

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, long-time critic of neo-Darwinism and genetic engineering

and pioneer of a “physics of organisms,” is one of the most influential and widely
sought-after speakers in the new paradigm of organic science. As Director and
co-founder of the Institute of Science in Society and scientific advisor to the
Third World Network, she has had plenty of opportunity to put her science in ac-
tion. She has more than 500 publications and a dozen books spanning several
disciplines, including The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of Organisms
(1993, 1998, 2008), Genetic Engineering Dream or Nightmare? (1998, 1999,
2008), Living with the Fluid Genome (2003), Unravelling AIDS (2005), Which En-
ergy? (2006), Food Futures Now, Organic, Sustainable, Fossil Fuel Free (2008),
Green Energies (2009). She also edits the radical science magazine, Science in
Society ( Special Issue No. 15 ■

Special Issue No. 15
The Mind of Placebo
In Search of the Perfect Medicine

— © B y K e nn e t h S m i t h — The number of reported placebo responses in clinical
drug trials is also increasing. This may be due to an inef-
here may be no better laboratory than that of fectiveness of clinical trial drugs, poor methodology, or
the placebo response to understand the nature better tracking of placebo data due to increased interest
and mystery of mind. In recent years, interest in the subject. The general public is also increasing its
in the placebo response has grown from being consciousness of the placebo response, in effect allow-
viewed as a nuisance in clinical trials, mucking ing people to develop cultural meaning and permission
up the data and unnecessarily escalating costs, to be- to experience it.
ing accepted as a real phenomenon worthy of scientific It seems then that the perfect medicine that capital-
investigation. Within the medical science community, ises on the body’s innate healing ability may be within
investigators are now actively target- reach. After all, the placebo effect
ing the placebo response, trying to de- appears to be the body’s self-directed
termine how it occurs and what might restoration of homeodynamics in the
be done to harness it. I t seems then absence of a known therapeutic agent,
A placebo response is usually de- albeit with the administration of an
fined as a psychological response to a
that the perfect
inert substance.
treatment with no proven therapeutic medicine that Placebo Studies
value. A placebo is inert; by itself, it
can’t trigger a therapeutic effect, so capitalises on Scientific investigation has now
the activation of biopathways that lead
to the restoration of health must occur

the body s innate demonstrated that there is not one
placebo “response” but many, as
in some other manner than by the healing ability may evidenced by multiple areas of the
placebo itself. The therapeutic effect of
the placebo response is thought to be
be within reach . body being influenced by different
types of pathway activation for differ-
more than simply a matter of a disease ent indications. Studies focusing on
resolving by running its course. But depression and Parkinson’s disease
otherwise there is no standardisa- relating to motor performance, pain,
tion about what the placebo response means, how it is and anxiety head the list of placebo-targeted research,
defined, or what should be done about it. while osteoporotic fracture, osteoarthritis, and cardio-
Nonetheless, a foundation for novel therapeutic vascular and respiratory disorders have all been placed
intervention based on placebo research is forming. Only under the placebo microscope. There are also different
a few years ago, this would have been laughable and to mechanisms resulting from different environmental
some it remains so. But reports indicate that a growing conditions such as the manner of administration of a
number of physicians are of a mind to accept the role of drug, type of clinical setting, and the nature of patient/
placebo in healing. Some 45 percent to 85 percent of US physician interaction.
and European practitioners use knowledge of placebo Expectation
in practice to positively influence the patient’s response
to therapy. It has also been reported that 96 percent of The interaction of patient and physician appears
academicians in the US think placebo have therapeutic key in understanding placebo mechanisms. One area
effects. of research focuses on expectation, or the conscious Special Issue No. 15 ■

influence of mind. Expectation forms by verbal cues, as the course of a day. Previously conditioned subjects may
when a physician deliberately sets the stage for the pa- experience placebo effects without having any expec-
tient to anticipate a favourable response to treatment. tation. And in some people, expectation can mediate
For instance, a subject is led to believe that by taking the effects of conditioning. It has also been found that
an analgesic, he will experience relief of pain. There is a expectation and conditioning working in concert may
sharpness or attentiveness of mind; hence, expectation produce a greater response than either acting alone. It
is tagged with conscious responses. University of Turin appears that both expectation and conditioning of some
neuroscientist Fabrizio Benedetti, one of the leading form may be affecting clinical trial outcomes; the simple
placebo investigators, found that expectancy produced act of enrolling in a trial has an effect on outcome.
changes in pain levels and that subtle differences in
A Meaning Response
verbal context significantly impacted the degree of re-
sponse. In addition, the subject’s desire for an expected While the learning curve of conditioning is longer
outcome or the physician’s expectations produced posi- than what occurs with expectancy, these mind-shaping
tive feelings that enhanced expectation and positive influences have similar effects on the patient. For both
outcomes. expectation and conditioning, a common denominator
is that the meaning behind what is
taking place is a determinant for what
But expectancy is unlikely to oper- actually does take place. Therefore, the
ate as the sole factor involved in the ...
those belief-, or belief system-based placebo
placebo effect. Also involved is condi- response, has been called a “meaning
tioning, which is usually regarded as
who believe response.” However, “meaning re-
an unconscious factor. Prior experi- themselves to be sponse” may not capture the fullness
ence, or non-classical conditioning, of the placebo effect unless we account
can apparently modulate the placebo in the treatment for classical and non-classical condi-
response. Memories associated with group of a tioning as well as learning and other
previous experiences, for instance, aspects of cognition, including all
may be distorted and so affect the re- blinded trial conscious and unconscious influences
sponse. Classical, or Pavlovian, condi-
tioning is also involved in the placebo
respond better . that shape awareness.
Luana Colloca and her colleague
response. It occurs when a subject is Benedetti make the point that medical
presented with a neutral stimulus, procedures in general are associated
such as a flavoured drink, and then the with complex psychosocial context and
drink is repeatedly associated with a drug, the uncondi- meaning that might affect a therapeutic outcome. Many
tioned stimulus. Removing the drug but continuing the elements of medicine carry meaning even without such
administration of the flavoured drink, the conditioned intention: apparel, manner, style, language, artefacts
stimulus, often has the same effect as being adminis- all set up expectation or evoke conditioned responses
tered the drug. of one type or another. Brand names of commercial
Benedetti and colleagues found that while expecta- products have been known to effect responses, and the
tion triggers the naturally occurring, pain relieving pricier the drug the higher is the expectation that it will
chemicals in the cortex, the effects of these endogenous work. Moreover, those who believe themselves to be in
opioids, as they are known, may be modulated by prior the treatment group of a blinded trial respond better.
experience or non-classical conditioning. Studies have
Nocebo Responses
shown that the specific effects produced by placebo can
be reversed by drugs that block the release of opioids, Just as science has begun unravelling the mecha-
thereby providing evidence that the placebo activated nisms of placebo, it is also documenting nocebo re-
the opioid systems. sponses. A nocebo effect is mind turned against itself.
Two opioid pathways have been described in placebo Whereas the Latin root for placebo is “I will please,” no-
research, one centred in the cortex and the other in cebo means “I will harm.” Rather than an influence that
the brainstem. Strong expectation cues are known to results in a positive response, a nocebo means a person
affect the former, and opioid-mediated pathways in the has undergone an untoward response to something
brainstem that control respiration and heart rate are outside of the intended therapy. In other words, similar
influenced by conditioning. Both areas are rich in opioid dynamics as found with placebo may produce negative
receptors and this has led to speculation that a pain- results whereby patients develop pathological reactions
modulating pathway connects these two regions of the rather than those of healing. Ethics has contributed to
brain. sparse nocebo data as physicians generally do not, or
The role of conscious and unconscious states is not should not, induce negative expectation.
clear-cut, as one may influence the other throughout Related to nocebo responses are beliefs of the

Special Issue No. 15
patient or practitioner that may hinder the results of a lated, which points out the difficulties in assessing the
therapy. If a patient feels unworthy of being healed or parameters of the placebo effect.
a practitioner is personally invested in another type of Adding to the complexities, a recently conducted
treatment, the psychological atmosphere could produce controlled trial that focused on Irritable Bowel Syn-
an expectation of failure, thereby determining the drome found that the placebo group reported relief of
patient’s response. And rituals associated with health symptoms comparable with the leading IBS drugs on
care may actually impede the flow of healing. According the market. What distinguishes this trial is that pa-
to sociologist William Bengston, ritual may block the tients in the placebo group were told they were getting
“flow,” the organic evolution, of healing by locking in placebo. Kaptchuk, one of the investigators, says sub-
expectations that unexpectedly interfere with a positive jects were told they didn’t have to believe in the placebo
response. While nocebo responses may pertain to differ- effect, they only had to take the pills that were clearly
ent regions of the brain such as those associated with labelled “Placebo.” Kaptchuk emphasises the sample size
anticipatory anxiety rather than an opioid/analgesic was relatively small and too short to determine long-
pathways, the same mechanisms are called into play as term effects, but describes it as a “proof-of-principle”
for placebo-induced changes in pain and motor perfor- pilot study that deception is not necessary for placebo
mance. to work.
A study conducted by Ted Kaptchuk,
an associate professor of medicine at
Harvard, revealed that a sham acupunc-
ture device had a greater placebo effect
for pain than did an inert pill, perhaps
due to the novelty of the process and the
immediacy of attention. In Kaptchuk’s
acupuncture pain study, both treatment
and placebo groups reported adverse
effects but differed in that they mim-
icked the information provided during
informed consent, giving further cre-
dence to the power of expectation. That
acupuncture and sham acupuncture
treatments can produce harmful effects
attributable to the experimental agent
or placebo underscores the difficulty of
data analysis for the use of placebo for
all controlled studies.
Research Complexities
The argument that mind is centred in
the brain may draw fire from some philosophical camps,
Merging of Research Paths
but there is basis, a correlation, for this view even if it
isn’t a complete representation. For instance, although The psychological, physiological, and philosophical
different areas of the brain are affected by psychosocial areas of mind come together when examining placebo
(placebo) and pharmacodynamic (drugs) effects, both responses. That a placebo response is a psychosocial
approaches may lessen pain. phenomenon that results in physiological activity is
Studies have also demonstrated that immune and clearly demonstrable. This means that there is at least
endocrine system responses may result from condition- an objective, biological means to explore and assess
ing but not from expectation. In a Parkinson’s disease placebo responses.
pain study the researchers reported that “...expecta- How much cognitive, or conscious, attention is
tions have no effect on hormonal secretion, although required to induce a response is unclear. There is
they affect pain and motor performance.” In another evidence suggestive that some degree of cognitive
Parkinson’s study, patients’ expectation of successful attention is required. For example, in a study examin-
treatment outcome produced endogenous dopamine, ing the efficacy of lidocaine aerosol for wound healing,
which is associated with cognitive, behavioural, and patients were randomised into treatment, no treat-
motor functions, and particularly reward mechanisms. ment, and placebo groups. The treatment and placebo
Patients having a placebo response had higher release were administered to patients while they were uncon-
of dopamine than those who did not. Changes in motor sciousness, before closing the surgical wound. Treated
performance, anxiety, and pain were all seen as interre- patients responded better than the no treatment Special Issue No. 15 ■

The role of biophotons in cellular
signalling, the effects of electrical fields
on healing, and the role of heart-centred
bioelectromagnetic fields in the
interactions among people are examples
of [the bioenergetics] field.

known placebo influence can prove to be immeasurable

and therefore skew interpretations of data.
In other words, an individual’s neural networks
result from a unique relationship with the environment,
and this may render the information gleaned from
large groups, such as in clinical trials, problematic. The
data gained from one placebo responder, for example,
may provide a rich mine of data but be lost within the
overall information gained from the study. Or one in-
vestigator’s attitude may significantly influence several
subjects. We then come back to the power of meaning,
how it influences the mind, and thereby the outcome of
a study.
The study of the placebo will require a focused,
multi-disciplinary effort that may benefit from knowl-
edge gained in such non-traditional fields as energy
medicine, bioenergetics, epigenetics, and intentionality,
group, and the results for the placebo and no treat- all of which expand the meaning and capacity of mind.
ment groups were comparable.
On a wider stage, placebo bridges neurobiology to
philosophy, social psychology to clinical design, ethics As commonly defined, the blossoming field of bioen-
to medical practice. A placebo response is a restora- ergetics is the study of the flow of energy within an or-
tion of homeodynamics without drug intervention ganism and between the organism and its environment.
and therefore reflects not only a state of health but the A branch of biophysics, this discipline is beginning to
body’s ability to regulate its own health. As one’s state reveal the intricate cause-and-effect energetic connec-
of mind influences placebo responses, we can say state tions between life forms and the environment. The
of mind directly relates to health or disease. role of biophotons in cellular signalling, the effects of
As an example of mind-body interaction, the activa- electrical fields on healing, and the role of heart-centred
tion of opioid pathways has been deemed as only the bioelectromagnetic fields in the interactions among
final stage of a complex process that is poorly under- people are examples of this emerging field.
stood. Yet as this known biopathway is part of a stream As physicist Milo Wolff points out, “Nothing hap-
of events, it provides at least a reference for what occurs pens in nature without an energy exchange. Commu-
within the body during a placebo response induced nication or acquisition of knowledge of any kind occurs
by expectation and/or conditioning. This information only with an energetic transfer. There are no exceptions.
helps point the way to understand the entire cascade of This is a rule of nature.” In this light, expectation,
events that leads to the activation of opioid pathways, conditioning, meaning, and other forms of learning are
and serves as an example of where placebo research aug- bioenergetic in that they form from a person’s interac-
ments more traditional investigations. tion with the environment.
Compounding the overall problem of examining the
placebo effect, neural processes mediate interaction
between the environment and the body’s physical and Bioenergetics escorts us into epigenetics. Bruce
emotional responses. Neural networks reflect, if not de- Lipton, a former medical school professor and the au-
termine, personal meaning, and in this way ground the thor of The Biology of Belief, holds that epigenetics deals
definition of mind in physiological activity. As meaning with how environment, perceptions, and beliefs affect
may vary greatly among physicians and patients, this genetic expression, thus determining biological activ-

Special Issue No. 15
ity. He challenges the current mindset that DNA is the In these experiments, a cognitive modality influ-
cell’s brain. Rather, he maintains that a cell’s physical enced biological activity, so the therapy being adminis-
and energetic environments determine genetics and tered is not inert and therefore not placebo. However,
cellular life. The cell membrane, rather than DNA, since expectation and conditioning are forms of intent
thereby becomes the regulator of cellular activity. As and directly involve placebo responses, intentionality
with bioenergetics, epigenetics requires understanding offers another path to further investigate the placebo
environmental influences and, as we have seen, this is effect. In some manner, such as with expectation,
requisite for mapping the mechanisms of placebo and intention is part of placebo responses. Therefore, just
nocebo responses. as the activation of opioid pathways links placebo to
neurophysiology, intention offers a common reference
between placebo-related psychological states and a cog-
Expectation and conditioning are also intentions. nitive therapy.
Both produce different biological activity but may have
Material Technologies
similar results; that is, while the respective biological
pathways associated with expectation and conditioning An assortment of material therapeutic technolo-
may be different, placebo responses induced by either gies (machines and drugs) serve as a second option for
may result in similar outcomes. harnessing the placebo effect. But most such technolo-
Harnessing these processes is the practical work gies are regarded as highly unorthodox and unproven by
at hand, deliberately making mind functional for a the medical community. One example is a device known
specific purpose. When knowledge about the placebo as the Rife Beam Ray, which uses precise frequencies
effect is turned into a drug or other healing modality, to kill cancer cells, bacteria, and viruses. During the
it will no longer be placebo but bona fide therapy. There 1930s, Royal Rife determined that every organism
are at least two principal options for developing such a and disease has a specific resonant frequency, a Mortal
therapy. One, based on consciousness itself, is cognitive. Oscillatory Rate. Based on destructive interference,
A cognitive technology is purposefully directed and treatment consists of transmitting a frequency to the
utilises innate resources. The laying on of hands and patient that kills the disease-causing organism. Reports
non-local, or distant, healing are examples of cognitive indicate he was very successful with treating cancer, the
therapies, or technologies. Both are usually consid-
ered to be the result of the intentional application of
personal bioenergy. In one study, healing with intent
was used to alter pepsin enzyme activity in eggs. This
method was employed to eliminate the placebo re-
sponses of human subjects, and the study incorporated
20 trials that demonstrated statistically significant
results that enzyme activity was modified. Another case
in point comes from the research of William Bengston.
In numerous studies, Bengston has used intent to heal
mice of cancer. An intriguing side effect is that mice
in remote locations were also healed even through
they weren’t the target or even part of the experiment.
Bengston has begun accounting for this phenomenon
through “resonant bonding” which may bring to bear
macro-entanglement among groups of mice.

[Bruce Lipton] challenges the current mindset

that DNA is the cell’s brain. Rather, he main-
tains that a cell’s physical and energetic envi-
ronments determine genetics and cellular life.
The cell membrane, rather than DNA, thereby
becomes the regulator of cellular activity. Special Issue No. 15 ■

British researcher Harry Oldfield demonstrating the use
of Polycontrast Interference Photography technology that
analyses energy fields to reveal areas of disease and health
in the human body.

in the blood. RMS is considered to be a novel form of

signalling whereby a molecule communicates to the
body corrective measures to restore health.
Various RMS agents have been the focus of 14 suc-
cessful and one failed FDA-authorised clinical trials.
In each of these studies, the only adverse events were
at a placebo level, meaning that subjects in the ex-
perimental groups experienced negative responses at
levels commensurate with the control groups. In other
words, the adverse effects could not be attributed to
the RMS formulations. Based on clinicians’ reports,
cause of which he attributed to a virus or an unknown communication to restore homeodynamics appeared
‘BX’ organism. to occur rapidly after administering the agent. For
Another controversial option is radionics tech- example, symptoms of influenza typically abate within
nology, which is thought to provide diagnostic and 30 minutes, often within a few minutes. This anti-viral
healing capability through the application of specific therapy is currently the focus of a FDA-authorised
frequencies to balance frequencies associated with clinical trial. Different molecules of the RMS platform
disease. But an integral component of radionics is the are used for a spectrum of chronic disorders, with
operator’s intent, which guides the process as his or experimental evidence indicating that often a formu-
her mind attunes to the subtle energies of the patient. lation manipulates one or the other of the endocrine,
A radionic feedback device, a box, acts as intermediary nervous, or immune regulatory systems. Because of
by providing the operator sensations that offer feed- the consistency with the formulations comprising
back regarding the degree of operator-patient attune- this novel therapeutic platform, McMichael also holds
ment and the nature of the remedy. Because of this open the possibility of the existence of a master regu-
cognitive aspect, radionics has been called a “psycho- latory process that might be a key to understanding
tronic” or “psychoenergetic” technology. the placebo effect.
British researcher Harry Oldfield makes claims for Considerations such as this led McMichael to found
yet another technology that measures intent as well The Institute for Therapeutic Discovery, a non-profit
as states of health and disease. He developed Polycon- research and education organisation. Placebo induc-
trast Interference Photography (PIP), which consists of tion and energy medicine are at the core of the Insti-
a digital camera and proprietary software that visually tute’s mission, whereas Beech Tree is charged with
depicts the energy emitted when two waveforms inter- research and early-stage development of RMS technol-
sect. The resulting photonic discharge from converging ogy for the more traditional pharmaceutical market.
energy fields provides real-time images that portray
areas of disease and health as represented by colours Path Forward
and patterns of colour and changes in those colours In the context of placebo research, states of mind
and patterns. Acupuncture meridians and physiologi- clearly influence health as well as health-related tech-
cal states are easily discernible, as are the effects of nologies. On the psychosociological front, expectation
personal intention and environmental influences. and conditioning are currently viewed as the major
Resonant Molecular Signalling inducers of placebo responses, while memory, learn-
ing, motivation, and anxiety reduction are regarded
One material technology currently undergoing as minor factors. All this can be collapsed into inten-
clinical trials is represented by the Resonant Molecu- tion, with the results manifesting in line with how the
lar Signalling (RMS) platform of Beech Tree Labs, Inc., respective state of mind was formed. Does one’s inten-
a biopharmaceutical company. John McMichael, an tion lead to placebo or nocebo responses, or perhaps to
immunologist and virologist, is the founder of Beech a form of technology?
Tree and the inventor of RMS technology. Simply, RMS A lifetime of rote conditioning, and therefore a
most often uses naturally-occurring molecules such combination of conscious and unconscious learn-
as DNA or proteins that are administered sublingually ing, may also influence a placebo or nocebo response.
at physiological doses, meaning the active ingredient At any given turn, one of the minor factors such as
of these drugs is not detectable above normal levels relaxation could play a pivotal role. Placebo research is

Special Issue No. 15
too nascent to overlook this possibility. In wider appli- “Breakthrough: Clues to Healing with Intention,” William F.
cation, we need to consider all forms of conditioning, Bengston, Edge Science, Jan-Mar 2010, 6-9.
memory, meaning, and learning. What are now consid- “Neuropharmacological Dissection of Placebo Analgesia:
ered minor factors related to placebo responses could Expectation-Activation Opioid Systems versus Conditioning-
Activated Specific Subsystems,” Martina Amanzio and Fabrizio
play a more significant role than currently expected.
Benedetti, The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 19, No. 1, January 1,
And it is conceivable that it could all be reduced to 1999, 484-494.
energetic mechanisms. “Deconstructing the Placebo Effect and Finding the Mean-
Science is learning about and being conditioned to ing Response,” Daniel E. Moerman, Wayne B. Jonas, Annals of
the legitimacy of the placebo effect. Various approach- Internal Medicine, Vol. 136, Number 6, March 2002, 471-475.
es to understanding it are taking root and initial “Placebo Nation: Just Believe,” Sharon Begley, Newsweek,
efforts to harness it are underway. For medical science, March 8, 2008,
our understanding of the placebo response has become “Neurobiological Mechanisms of the Placebo Effect,” Fabrizio
one of the great challenges of our time. Benedetti et al., The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 25, Nr. 45,
November 9, 2005, 10390-10402.
“Expectation and Dopamine Release: Mechanism of the
Originally published in EdgeScience, January 2011, Placebo Effect in Parkinson’s Disease,” Raul de la Fuente-Fer- nandez, Thomas J. Ruth, Vesna Sossi, Michael Schulzer, Donald
B. Calne, A. Jon Stoessl, Science, Vol. 293, August 10, 2001,
“Topical Anesthesia with Lidocaine Aerosol in the Control
Major References
of Postoperative Pain,” Robert Sinclair, Jean Cassuto, Seth
“Placebo and placebo effects – a concise review,” Harald Hogstrom, Inga Linden, Anders Faxen, Thomas Hedner, Rolf
Walach, Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies, Vol. Ekman, Anesthesiology, Vol. 68(6), June 1988, 895-901.
8(2), June 2003, 178-187. F. Grass, H. Klima, S. Kasper, 2004, “Biophotons, microtubules
“Placebos and painkillers: is mind as real as matter?” Luana and CNS, is our brain a ‘holographic computer’?” Medical Hy-
Colloca and Fabrizio Benedetti, Nature Reviews / Neuroscience, potheses Vol. 62, 169-172.
Vol. 6, July 2005, 545-552. “The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within
“A Comprehensive Review of the Placebo Effect: Recent and Between People,” Rollin McCraty, Institute of HeartMath,
Advances and Current Thought,” Donald D. Price, Damien G. 2003.
Finniss, Fabrizio Benedetti, Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. “The Effect of ‘Healing with Intent’ on Pepsin Enzyme Activ-
59, January 2008, 565-590. ity,” Toni Bunnell, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 13, No.
“Biological, clinical, and ethical advances of placebo effects,” 2, 1999, 139-148.
Damien G Finniss, Ted J Kaptchuk, Franklin Miller, Fabrizio “Resonance, Placebo Effects, and Type II Errors: Some Impli-
Benedetti, The Lancet, Vol. 375, February 20, 2010, 686-695. cations from Healing Research for Experimental Methods,”
“Sham device v inert pill: randomised controlled trial to two William F. Bengston and Margaret Moga, The Journal of Alterna-
placebo treatments,” Ted J Kaptchuk et al., British Medical Jour- tive and Complementary Medicine, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2007, 317-327.
nal, doi:10.1136/bmj.38726.603310.55, 2006. “Placebos without Deception: A Randomized Controlled Trial
“Conscious Expectation and Unconscious Conditioning in An- in Irritable Bowel Syndrome,” Ted J. Kaptchuk, Elizabeth
algesic, Motor, and Hormonal Placebo/Nocebo Responses,” Fab- Friedlander, John M. Kelley, M. Norma Sanchez, Efi Kokkotou,
rizio Benedetti, Antonella Pollo, Leonardo Lopiano, Michele Joyce P. Singer, Magda Kowalczykowski, Franklin G. Miller,
Lanotte, Sergio Vighettie, Innocenzo Rainero, The Journal of Irving Kirsch, Anthony J. Lembo, PLoS ONE, December 2010,
Neuroscience, May 15, 2003, 23(10): 4315-4223. Vol. 5, Issue 2, e15591.

Kenneth Smith serves as the communications director of Beech Tree Labs,

Inc. (, a discovery and early-stage development biop-
harmaceutical company, and as the executive director of Beech Tree’s sister
company, The Institute for Therapeutic Discovery (, a non-profit
organisation focused on bridging biochemistry and biophysics. Special Issue No. 15 ■

Special Issue No. 15
From Dream to Reality
The Revolutionary Discoveries
of T. Townsend Brown

— © B y D r . P a u l La V i o l e t t e — field, artificially producing a matter-attracting, gravity-
potential well that was just beyond the ship’s bow. The
nterstellar space travel has long captivated the gravity well’s attractive force would tug the ship for-
imagination and longing of humankind. Indeed, ward just as if a very massive, planet-sized body had
we have penetrated the cosmos and walked on the been placed ahead of it. The ship would begin to “fall”
moon, while breakthroughs in long-range explora- forward and, in doing so, would carry its self-generated
tion, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, bring the gravity well along with it. The gravity well would con-
farthest reaches of space tantalisingly tinually draw the ship forward, while
close, rekindling our desire to travel always staying ahead. Through such a
beyond our galaxy. carrot-and-stick effect, the ship could
As of yet, we are bound by the frus- accelerate to nearly the speed of light, or
trating limits of conventional propul- maybe even beyond, with essentially no
sion technology. Sceptics remind us that expenditure of energy other than that
a spacecraft powered by even the most needed to generate the gravity well.
advanced chemical rockets would need Is such gravity control possible?
to carry so much fuel that travel over Would it be possible to construct a
interstellar distances would be totally spaceship with small enough propulsion
out of the question. Alternatively, vehi- power requirements that interstellar
cles equipped with nuclear-powered ion travel can be achieved? The answer is
thrusters would have a much greater yes. For the past several decades, highly
range. However, the fuel requirements classified aerospace programs in the
would be such as to make a journey of United States and in several foreign
even a few light-years quite impracti- countries have been developing aircraft
T. Townsend Brown (1905–1985)
cal – basic physics tells us that a rocket- capable of defying gravity. One form
powered spacecraft would need a fuel of this technology can loft a craft on
mass that would far exceed the mass of matter-repelling energy beams. This
the vehicle itself. exotic technology falls under the relatively obscure field
Is there a way to free ourselves of this fuel problem, of research known as electrogravitics.
using a totally different means of propulsion, one that The origins of electrogravitics can be traced back to
did not require large quantities of mass to be jettisoned the turn of the twentieth century, to Nikola Tesla’s work
rearward for the craft to move forward? Imagine a with high-voltage shock discharges, and somewhat later
spaceship that could alter the ambient gravitational to T. Townsend Brown’s relatively unpublicised discov-
ery that electrostatic and gravitational fields are closely
intertwined. Unfortunately, the electrogravitic effect
Artistic depiction of secret advanced aircraft (flying discs) has for the most part been ignored by mainstream
manufactured by Nazi Germany. In fact, such crafts were being academics, because the phenomenon isn’t anticipated
designed and developed by German scientists during World by either classical electrostatics or general relativity,
War II, many of whom later worked for the Soviet Union and the effectively preventing it from being taught in univer-
United States. It is often claimed the craft were powered by sity courses such as physics or electrical engineering.
"electromagnetic-gravitic" engines. Rather, to unlock the secrets of electrogravitics, one Special Issue No. 15 ■

must delve into popular science articles, patents, and equal to about 1 percent of its weight. 5,6 When oriented
relatively obscure technical reports that once held a upright on a scale and energised, it proceeded to gain
classified status. Perhaps the best place to begin is to or lose that amount of weight depending upon how the
review some of Brown’s seminal work. charge polarity was applied. It became lighter when its
positive end faced up and heavier when its negative end
faced up.
The American physicist and Brown entered the Califor-
inventor Thomas Townsend nia Institute of Technology in
Brown was born in 1905 to a 1922. He spent a good part of
well-to-do Zanesville, Ohio, his freshman year attempting
family. At an early age, he dis- to win the friendship of his pro-
played a keen interest in space fessors and to convince them of
travel and dreamed of one day his abilities as a first class “lab
journeying into space himself. man.” However, when he began
His discovery of the electrogra- mentioning his ideas about
vitic phenomenon occurred dur- electrogravity, no one would
ing his high-school years, when listen. At the end of the year, he
his interest in space travel led had his laboratory equipment
him to toying with a Coolidge shipped from Ohio, set it up in
tube – a high-voltage X-ray– Figure 1: Drawing of a cellular gravitator shown his quarters, and sent invita-
emitting vacuum tube similar in perspective together with end- and side-view tions to several of his profes-
to that found in modern dental details of its plates. (Brown, 1928). sors, including the renowned
X-ray machines. Brown had the Dr. Robert Millikan, to witness
insight to mount the tube on a a demonstration of the new
delicate balance to investigate whether it might produce force he had discovered. No one came. Some time later,
any thrust. To his surprise, the tube moved every time one of Brown’s friends tested Millikan by asking him
it was turned on. Ruling out X-rays as the cause of this whether he knew of anyone who had ever found a way of
mysterious force, he traced the effect to the high voltage modifying or influencing the force of gravity. Millikan
he was applying to the tube’s plates. He concluded that is said to have replied brusquely, “Of course not, such a
the tube had moved because its gravity thing is impossible and out of the ques-
field had somehow become affected by tion.”
the plate’s high-voltage charge.1–4 His feelings deeply hurt by the
After additional experiments, incident, Brown transferred to Kenyon
Brown eventually developed an electric College in Gambier, Ohio, and the fol-
capacitor device that he termed a gravi- lowing year, he transferred to Den-
tator (or alternately, gravitor). These nison University in Granville, Ohio.
units were very heavy. One version con- One of his physics professors at Den-
sisted of a wooden box, 2 feet long and nison, Dr. Paul A. Biefeld, had also been
4 inches square, that contained a series interested in the movement of electric
of massive, electrically conductive capacitors. Brown had frequent conver-
plates made of lead and separated from sations with Biefeld and came to refer
one another by electrically insulating to the electrogravitic phenomenon as
sheets of glass, which served as the ca- the Biefeld-Brown effect, perhaps in
pacitor’s dielectric medium (a dielectric respect to Biefeld’s own interest in the
is a substance that does not conduct subject. Still, it is not clear that Biefeld
electric current). Another version used actually actively collaborated with
a dielectric molded from a mixture of Figure 2: An experimental setup Brown on his research.
lead monoxide and beeswax encased in designed to measure the thrust For one of his experiments, Brown
Bakelite. The diagram in figure 1, which produced by Thomas Townsend arranged a pair of gravitators, one at
is reproduced from Brown’s 1928 pat- Brown’s gravitators.
each end of an arm that was suspended
ent, shows another version made with from the laboratory ceiling by a long
aluminium plates and paraffin. When cord attached to the arm’s central fulcrum (see figure
energised with up to 150,000 volts of direct current 2). When energised with between 75,000 and 300,000
(DC), Brown’s gravitator developed a thrust in the direc- volts DC, the connecting arm rotated as each gravitator
tion of its positively charged end. One such gravitator, moved in the direction of its positive pole. This force oc-
which weighed 10 kilograms, was observed to generate curred in the same fashion even when the capacitor was
a maximum thrust of 0.1 kilograms (1 newton), a force immersed in a tank of oil, thereby ruling out the possi-

Special Issue No. 15
bility that the effect was produced by a wind of electric might have been happening during this recharging pro-
ions. Brown’s gravitators could produce this motion cess, probably because at that time he had no clear idea
with a power input of just one watt. With each gravita- himself. He saw that when the duration of the gravitic
tor generating 100 grams of thrust, for a total thrust impulse had been greater, more time was needed offline
of two newtons, the thrust-to-power ratio of Brown’s to allow the gravitator to refresh itself.
electrogravitic thrusters calculates to 2,000 newtons We may gain an understanding of why his gravita-
per kilowatt, or over 100 times tor would not hold its initial
the thrust-to-power ratio of a gravitic force by analysing what
rocket engine! was happening inside its dielec-
Brown determined that the tric. Initially, before high voltage
electrogravitic effect he observed was applied, the dielectric would
depended on the amount of reside in an unpolarised state.
charge stored in his capacitors. As With the application of voltage,
the applied voltage was increased current would begin to flow and
and a greater amount of charge the gravitator’s plates would pro-
was stored, the capacitors would gressively charge up. The electric
respond with a greater amount field between the plates would
of electrogravitic force. Moreo- exert an electrostatic force on the
ver, because the intensity of the dielectric’s molecules, causing
effect depended upon the capaci- them to displace slightly – the
tor’s mass, he concluded that the positive molecular charges being
Figure 3: Diagram of Thomas Townsend Brown’s
induced motion must be due to gravitator hung in pendulum fashion and
tugged in the direction of the
the capacitor’s ability to generate submersed in a tank of oil. (Brown, 1929). gravitator’s negative pole and the
a localised gravitational field. negative molecular charges being
After he left Dennison, Brown tugged toward its positive pole.
conducted astrophysics research for four years, from As a result, the dielectric would become polarised as
1926 to 1930, working at a private laboratory in his shown in figure 4; its electric dipole moment pointing
hometown of Zanesville and also at Swazey Observato- in a direction opposite to the direction of the applied
ry in Ohio, where he was in contact with Dr. Biefeld. In electric field.
a variation of his rotating gravitator experiment, Brown The dielectric does not polarise instantaneously in
suspended a single gravitator from his laboratory ceil- response to the applied voltage, but takes some time
ing by two wires; see figure 3. The gravitator was hung to reach full polarisation. This time lag is a common
so that it would stay immersed in property of dielectrics known as
a tank of oil, so as to reduce the dielectric relaxation. It is analo-
production of ions. When ener- gous to the property of hysteresis
gised, the pendulum would swing observed when a transformer
toward the gravitator’s positive core is magnetically energised.
pole. Brown characterised this Most capacitor dielectrics used
electrogravitic phenomenon as an today have very short dielectric
impulse.7 He noted that less than relaxation times – less than mi-
five seconds were required for the Figure 4: Illustration of the polarised charge croseconds. However, Brown’s ca-
pendulum to reach the maximum arrangement in the gravitator’s dielectric when pacitor must have had a very slow
amplitude of its swing, but then, voltage is applied to the gravitator plates. Arrows relaxation time, probably because
even while he maintained the indicate the direction of the electrogravitic force. it was rather long from end to end
high-voltage potential, his pendu- and because of the nature of the
lum would gradually return to its wax-litharge mixture of which
plum position, taking from 30 to 80 seconds to return. it was composed. The 30 to 80 seconds or so that the
He noted further that on its return from maximum de- gravitator took to gradually return to its plum position
flection, his pendulum would hesitate at definite levels from its maximum deflection was likely the duration of
or steps, but repeated trials showed that there were no its dielectric relaxation, the time required for its dielec-
consistent positions to these steps. tric to become fully polarised.
Brown also noted that he would have to give his During the first few seconds that the voltage was
gravitator a rest after each test to see the effect repeat applied, the slowly responding dielectric, for the most
once again. He had to remove his charging potential part, would have remained unpolarised. Hence the
for at least five minutes to allow his gravitator suffi- applied electric field, along with its associated gravitic
cient time to “recharge” itself so that it might regain its field effect, would have extended with full intensity
“former gravitic condition.” He did not mention what throughout the gravitator, exerting a maximal gravitic Special Issue No. 15 ■

thrust on the dielectric in the direction of the gravita- remnant charge as dielectric absorption. It is particularly
tor’s positive pole. However, as the dielectric became important in capacitors that are capable of storing a lot
increasingly polarised, its oppositely directed electric of charge. As the dielectric progressively relaxes, this
dipole moment field arising within the dielectric would charge is gradually released. Once the gravitator dielec-
have progressively increased in strength, progressively tric had relaxed to an unpolarised state, new charges
cancelling out the gravitic ef- would be able to rapidly accu-
fects induced by the externally mulate on its electrodes during
applied electric field. So the the next charging cycle. Once
thrust pushing the gravitator again, a steep gravity potential
in the direction of its positive gradient would have been able
pole would have progressively to form across the gravitator
subsided. Moreover when the and temporarily exert a net
dielectric reached its fully thrust on its massive dielectric
polarised state with its opposed until it was again opposed by
dipole moment field at its maxi- the dielectric’s progressively
mum, this thrust would have Figure 5: Drawing of a gravitator configured within increasing dipole moment field.
become almost entirely can- an evacuated envelope reproduced from Brown’s
celled out, leaving the gravita- patent. In this version, the negative electrode
tor to return to its plum posi- or cathode (left) is heated to incandescence,
tion. thereby encouraging the thermionic emission of In August 1927, Brown
As the dielectric became electrons, while the positive electrode or anode filed for a British patent on
progressively polarised, the (right) is instead cooled by circulating air or water. his gravitator idea that was
This configuration mimics many of the design subsequently issued to him in
gravitator capacitor plates
features of an X-ray tube (or Coolidge tube), like the November 1928 (British patent
would have been able to hold an
ones that Brown used when he first observed the 300,311). In the patent’s text,
increasing amount of electric
electrogravitic phenomenon. (Brown, 1928)
charge as an increasing number Brown clearly proclaims that
of polarised molecular charges the propelling force he has dis-
moved adjacent to the plates covered is of an unconventional
to attract additional charges. As a result, throughout nature, stating:
this polarisation interval, the gravitator would have The invention also relates to machines or appa-
been charging up and a current would have been flow- ratus requiring electrical energy that control or
ing to its plates. Charge would have been accumulating influence the gravitational field or the energy of
most rapidly in the beginning and the gravitation; also to machines or ap-
charging rate would have progres- paratus requiring electrical energy
sively dropped off as the full charged that exhibit a linear force or motion
state was approached. Similarly, the which is believed to be independ-
reverse gravitic thrust generated by ent of all frames of reference save
the polarising dielectric would have that which is at rest relative to the
caused the overall gravitic thrust to universe taken as a whole, and said
decline most rapidly at the beginning linear force or motion is further-
of the pendulum’s swing and to sub- more believed to have no equal
side more slowly as the fully charged and opposite reaction that can be
state was approached. The observa- observed by any method commonly
tion that the gravitic force subsided known and accepted by the physical
in steps may be an indication that the science to date. 8
dielectric experienced a succession
of abrupt mechanical shifts in its ap- Figure 6: Diagram of the electro- Here he describes his belief that
proach to the fully polarised state. gravitational force effect produced by electrogravitic force operates relative
The need to recycle the gravitator charging a capacitor to a high voltage. to a unique reference frame that is
between test runs, to discharge it and at rest in relation to the universe, an
let it rest so as to “regain its former idea that challenges special relativ-
gravitic condition,” is understandable if we realise that ity’s notion that a force should operate in the same
it was necessary to allow a sufficiently long rest period manner relative to any frame of reference. Moreover,
for the dielectric to completely depolarise. After the DC he also suggests that this force is reactionless when
voltage supply is shut off, a residual charge will ini- producing its forward thrust – that is, it produces its
tially remain on the capacitor plates, kept there by the forward thrust without any back-directed recoil. He
dielectric’s residual polarisation. Engineers refer to this is in effect suggesting that it violates Newton’s third

Special Issue No. 15
A US Air Force B-2 Spirit "Stealth" bomber

"We're sort of being held in a 'technology cage', on purpose, for fear of change," says Paul LaViolette about what he believes to
be a decades-long clandestine development of anti-gravity technology by the United States. "A lot of this work has been going
on since the end of World War II, if not before," LaViolette says about the quest to break the bonds of gravity. In his book Secrets
of Antigravity Propulsion, LaViolette details some of the early experiments conducted by Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown,
who both used electricity to affect gravity. LaViolette noted that, in the mid-1950's, numerous aviation companies were not
only attempting to develop anti-gravity technology but were quite open and enthusiastic about it – until 1959. "Suddenly it was
like a blackout in the media," he observes. This sudden silence, LaViolette surmised, was at the behest of the US government.
He asserts that the B2 Stealth Bomber is a contemporary craft that utilises anti-gravity capabilities. LaViolette speculates that
it uses jet engines to take off, but then makes use of anti-gravity propulsion to maneuver. This, he says, adds an additional layer
to the jet's stealth capabilities since, if his theories are correct, it could "go into the stratosphere, or beyond, and then just come
down directly over the country they were entering." (Source:, 20 November 2009)

law of motion – that every action should produce an is absolutely unexplainable by any laws of physics that
equal and opposite reaction. Dr. Patrick Cornille, who they know.”10
repeated Brown’s high voltage pendulum experiment, At that time Brown had no theory to explain elec-
came to the similar conclusion that Newton’s third law trogravity. It would not be until 20 years later that he
of motion was indeed violated. would sketch out a theory of sorts, which he made notes
On October 28, 1928, just prior to gaining his pat- about in one of his lab notebooks. But, a theoretical
ent, Townsend submitted to the physics journal Physical methodology that actually predicted charge-mass cou-
Review a paper titled “Tapping Cosmic Energy,” which pling and that could begin to make some sense out of
described his gravitator experiments. electrogravitics in a unified-field-theory context did not
Unfortunately, the journal rejected his paper, ap- begin to emerge until the late 1970s with my develop-
parently because of its unconventional nature. For one ment of subquantum kinetics.11-13 It is useful to review a
thing, his ideas challenged Einstein’s theory of gravi- bit about this theory here, as it will help us interpret the
tation, which had by then become staunchly accepted novel results that Brown was getting.
by the physics community. Yet one year later, Brown Subquantum kinetics offers an explanation for grav-
succeeded in publishing a less technical version of his ity that is substantially different from Einstein’s relativ-
findings in Science and Invention Magazine.9 Neverthe- ity theory. Whereas general relativity postulates that
less, he succeeded in impressing a large number of peo- masses exert an attractive gravitational force on other
ple with his work. In 1930 one of Brown’s colleagues bodies by warping the space-time dimensional fabric
wrote about the gravitator to Colonel Edward Deeds, around themselves, subquantum kinetics proposes that
who was one of Brown’s longtime acquaintances. In masses have no such affect on the geometry of space or
his letter he wrote, “I have had a number of scientists time. Subquantum kinetics assumes that space is geo-
view the gravitator and they have all been absolutely metrically flat, or Euclidean, hence it conforms to the
amazed at its action, frankly stating that whereas they geometrical rules most everyone learns about in high
see the results and the movements of the gravitator, it school math class. It predicts that a mass creates a clas- Special Issue No. 15 ■

sical gravity potential field and that a gradient in such act to pull it in the direction of the positively charged
a field exerts a force on a remote body by affecting how plate; see figure 3. The more prominent the gravity hill
that body’s constituent subatomic particles regenerate and well, the steeper will be the gravity potential gradi-
their physical form. ent and the stronger the produced gravitational thrust.
Subquantum kinetics also differs from general rela- While this force was present, the capacitor would be-
tivity in its prediction of gravitational have as if it were being tugged forward
field polarity. According to general rela- by a very strong gravitational field ema-
tivity, masses only attract other masses, nating from an invisible planetary mass
never repel them. Although Einstein situated ahead of its positive pole, and
did introduce the notion of a matter- as if it were being pushed forward by an
repelling effect whose magnitude he equally strong repulsive gravitational
symbolically represented by a quantity force emanating from behind its nega-
called the cosmological constant, this tive pole. If the capacitor were placed
was not part of his general relativity with its positive pole facing up and were
theory, but was an ad hoc correction fac- energised such that it generated a suf-
tor added to his field equations so that ficiently steep vertical gravity gradient,
they would not predict a universe that theoretically the downward pull of grav-
was spontaneously contracting due to ity could be entirely overcome.
self-gravitation. At present there is no easy way to
Figure 7: Drawing of a gravitator
Einstein had attempted to expand check the prediction that an individual
motor composed of gravitator
his relativity theory to encompass both electron might have negative gravita-
cells positioned around the
electromagnetism and gravitation, but tional mass, because any matter-repel-
circumference of a wheel.
he was unsuccessful. Relativity was un- (Brown, 1928)
ling gravitational force it might produce
able to predict any connection between would be greatly overpowered by its
charge polarity and gravitational field electrostatic force interactions with
polarity. surrounding matter. That is, no one has found a way to
Subquantum kinetics, on the other hand, differs screen out these electrostatic forces sufficiently to allow
from relativity in that it predicts that gravity should an accurate measurement of a single particle’s gravita-
have two polarities. It permits the creation of either a tional mass. However, when large numbers of electrons
matter-attracting gravity potential well or a matter- and protons are differentially accumulated, as at the
repelling gravity potential hill and opposite poles of a charged capacitor,
predicts that these two gravity polari- the cumulative effect of the negative
ties should be directly correlated with gravitational potentials of the electrons
electric charge polarity. That is, posi- appears to be great enough to produce
tively charged particles such as protons an observable macroscopic force. That
would generate gravity wells, whereas force is the electrogravitic effect that
negatively charged particles such as Brown observed.
electrons would generate gravity hills.
When protons and electrons combine to
compose electrically neutral atoms, the In his 1928 British patent, Brown
gravitational polarities of the protons also introduced his invention of a
and electrons for the most part would gravitator motor. This involved a series
neutralise one another. However, be- of gravitator cells arranged in a circle, as
cause the proton’s gravity well is theo- Figure 8: Drawing of a rotor shown in figure 7. By ensuring that the
rised to marginally exceed the electron’s component for an electrostatic cells were spaced sufficiently far apart
gravity hill, electrically neutral matter motor built and patented by from one another and that the spacing
would produce a small, residual matter- Thomas Townsend Brown medium was less dense than the dielec-
attracting gravity potential well, thereby that used dielectric sectors of tric medium within each cell, the cells
generating the gravity we commonly alternating high and low density. would collectively generate unbalanced
experience pulling us to earth. (Brown, 1930) forces and hence produce rotation. He
Subquantum kinetics predicts that noted that this motor may either be
a matter-repelling gravity potential hill “independently excited,” that is, run by
should form on the negatively charged side of a capaci- an external source of electric power, or be “self-excited,”
tor and that a matter-attracting gravity potential well that is, energised from electric power that it generates
forms on the positively charged side. The intervening itself.
gravity potential gradient would produce a gravitational A later version of his gravitator motor was described
force on the capacitor’s massive dielectric that would in US patent 1,974,483, filed in February 1930 and

Special Issue No. 15
Figure 9: Waterwheel on Cephalonia Island built over a
sluiceway to generate electricity from inflowing water.
The water level drops about 2 metres below sea level
by the time it reaches the waterwheel and thereafter
drops several more metres before entering a fissure.

which was issued to Brown in September 1934. This

used a rotor made from alternating sectors of marble
and varnished wood, separated by copper plate elec-
trodes across which a high voltage charge was applied
(see figure 8). In another variation, he used alternating
sectors of lead oxide and paraffin wax; essentially he
alternated a high-density dielectric with a low-density
In his 1928 patent where he discussed the possibility
of powering his motor from electric power that the mo-
tor itself would produce, he pointed out that the electric
power output generated by the motor could far exceed
the electric input needed to run it. He stated:
Here it will be understood that the energy created
by the operation of the motor may at times be outputs. Nevertheless, such a blatant violation of the
vastly in excess of the energy required to operate first law of thermodynamics in principle is possible in
the motor. In some instances the ratio may be even cases in which a gravitational field is made to follow a
as high as a million to one.... In said self-excited circular path, as in Brown’s gravitator motor. That is,
motors the energy necessary to overcome the fric- because the gravitators mounted on the wheel’s periph-
tion or other resistance in the physical structure of ery would generate a circumferentially oriented grav-
the apparatus, and even to accelerate the motors ity field and carry this field along as the wheel turns,
against such resistance is believed to be derived regardless of the wheel’s position, the induced gravity
solely from the gravitational field or the energy of field would always cause further rotation. In effect, the
gravitation.14 wheel would rotate in a state of circular free fall. Just as
In effect, Brown boldly states that his motor is a a mass is able to fall forever in an infinitely deep pit, so
perpetuum mobile. There is a question as to whether he too would this rotor be able to turn indefinitely without
was overstating this motor’s overunity capability, for reaching the end of its potential energy supply. All the
he makes no reference to experimental data. Also there while, power could be extracted from the wheel’s shaft
is no evidence of anyone having reproduced this design at no cost, save that needed to power the gravitators.
and having obtained such high electrical or mechanical Such vortical gravity fields are rarely observed in
nature, because the Earth’s field is for the most part di-
rected radially with respect to the Earth’s centre. How-
ever, there may be marginal exceptions to this rule, as
is the case in the vicinity of Argostoli Bay on the island
of Cephalonia located off the northwest coast of Greece.
Several kilometres northwest of the coastal town of Ar-
gostoli, there is a place where water from the bay flows
inland, runs downhill from sea level, and, after a few
hundred metres, disappears into a fissure in the rock.
To find where this water goes, Austrian geologists added
350 pounds of a tracer dye to this inflow and, using
sensitive equipment, two weeks later detected this same
dye on the other side of the island fourteen kilometres

Figure 10: Photo of Thomas Townsend Brown in his

underground gravito-electric monitoring station at
Zanesville, Ohio, USA. Special Issue No. 15 ■

to the east in a spring issuing from an subterranean
cavern. Curiously, the water in this cavern is situated Excerpted and reprinted with permission of the pub-
lisher, from Chapter One, Antigravity: From Dream To
several metres above sea level and eventually flows
Reality, in Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla,
downhill, emptying back into the bay. Thus, the water UFO’s and Classified Aerospace Technology by Paul A.
makes a complete circle! One hundred years ago, local LaViolette (Bear & Co., USA). Including illustrations on
residents fashioned a channel for this inflowing water pages 61-64; 66,67.
and built a waterwheel to harness its energy to produce
electric power (see figure 9).
What causes water on the western side of this bay to
flow downhill, below sea level, and then flow uphill to- 1. W. L. Moore and C. Berlitz, The Philadelphia Experiment: Project
ward the eastern side, returning once again to the bay? Invisibility, New York: Fawcett Crest, 1979.
Some have suggested that geothermal, subterranean 2. G. Burridge, “Another Step Toward Anti-Gravity,” The Ameri-
can Mercury 86 (6) (1958), 77–82, Eprint at:
hydrostatic pressures may be responsible for siphoning
the water upward. Because of the existence of several
3. G. Burridge, “Townsend Brown and His Anti-Gravity Discs,”
other unusual phenomena in the region, Greek physicist
Fate (November 1956), 40–48. Eprint at:
Panagiotis Pappas believes that a gravitational field stress/fate.htm.
anomaly may instead be responsible. For one thing, the 4. A. L. Kitselman, “Hello Stupid” (unpublished paper, Septem-
water flow in Argostoli Bay changes its direction about ber 1962). Eprint at:
every quarter of an hour. This is most easily seen from 5. Ibid.
the vantage point of the one-kilometre-long bridge 6. T. T. Brown to Rolf Schaffranke, letter, February 14, 1973.
that spans the shallow southern end of the bay. There,
7. T. T. Brown, “How I Control Gravity,” Science and Invention
one can see water flowing briskly under the bridge and Magazine, August 1929. Reprinted in Psychic Observer 37(1)
passing through its arches at speeds of up to 1 metre (1976), 14–18,
per second, but after some minutes, it slows to a stop, 8. T. T. Brown, 1928, “A method of and an apparatus or machine
reverses, and begins to pick up speed in the opposite for producing force or motion” British patent 300,311, issued
direction. This effect is not at all related to lunar tides, November 15, 1928, 1.
which occur on a much longer twelve-hour cycle. 9. T. T. Brown, “How I control gravity.”
Across the bay from Argostoli, near the village of 10. J. H. H. (name withheld) to Colonel Edward Deeds, letter,
Loukouri, lies a huge boulder that for many years was March 13, 1930.
observed to very slowly sway back and forth. Because 11. P. A. LaViolette, “An Introduction to Subquantum Kinetics:
of its motion it came to be called Kounopetra, mean- II. An Open Systems Description of Particles and Fields,” in “Sys-
ing “rocking rock.” If a sheet of paper was placed under tems Thinking in Physics,” special issue, International Journal of
one end of this rock, some time later we would find that General Systems 11 (1985), 295–328.
the sheet was caught under the rock and could not be re- 12. P. A. LaViolette, Subquantum Kinetics: A Systems Approach to
Physics and Cosmology, Schenectady, N.Y.: Starlane Publications,
moved. Later still, however, the rock’s centre of gravity
1994, 2003.
would shift, and once again the paper could be removed.
13. P. A. LaViolette, Genesis of the Cosmos: The Ancient Science of
Perhaps the boulder’s slow rocking, the gradual change Continuous Creation, Rochester, Vt.: Bear & Co., 1995, 2004.
in water-flow direction in the adjoining bay, and the
14. Brown, British patent #300,311, 3.
gravitational anomaly responsible for propelling the
subterranean flow of seawater uphill to its spring outlet
all arise from the same cause – a vortical instability in
the local gravitational field that causes motion tan-
gential to the Earth’s surface. If so, the waterwheel at
Argostoli may have been the first gravitational perpetu-
al-motion machine built in modern times.

PAUL A. LaVIOLETTE, PH.D, is author of a number of books including Earth

Under Fire, Genesis of the Cosmos, Decoding the Message of the Pulsars,
Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, and Beyond the Big Bang. He has also pub-
lished many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory,
and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA
from the University of Chicago, and Ph.D from Portland State University and is
currently president of the Starburst Foundation (

Special Issue No. 15
What is the Weight
of the Human Soul?
An Estimate Based on
Dark Matter Statistics
— © B y J ay A l f r e d —

Andrew Jackson Davis believed it to weigh about one

ounce. Others say it does not weigh anything. However,
being substance, the astral body must have some weight.

– Sylvan Muldoon & Hereward Carrington, 1973

he idea of a material soul is not new. The Greek

philosopher, Heraclitus, who lived in the
sixth century BC, thought that the soul was
composed of an unusually fine or rare kind of
matter, such as air or fire. However, if it was
material it had to have some weight.
Barbara Brennan, former NASA engineer and now
world-renowned energy healer, observes that ‘aura’ ap-
pears to have weight. Robert Monroe also believes that
the ‘Second Body’ has weight, although much less than
the carbon-based body. (The terms ‘aura’, ‘astral body’
and the ‘Second Body’ refer to what is generally de-
scribed as the ‘subtle body’ in the metaphysical litera-
ture. The subtle body has often been loosely identified
as the ‘soul’.)
If the soul has weight, it means it has mass and is
subject to Earth’s gravitational force. This has moti-
vated various researchers, including Noetic Science, to
undertake experiments to weigh the soul.
In 1907, Dr. Duncan McDougall weighed six pa- A paper summarising his findings appeared in the
tients, while they were in the process of dying from tu- journal American Medicine in 1907. One critic quickly
berculosis. When death was imminent, the entire bed pointed out that the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles
of the patient was quickly placed on a highly sensitive relax at death, and that the loss was perhaps due to
industrial sized scale. In each case, when the patient ejected urine and/or faeces. McDougall rebutted that if
expired, he noticed an extremely small sudden change this were the case, the weight would remain upon the
in the weight of the deceased which could not be ac- bed and, therefore, upon the scale.
counted for by other means. The missing mass, which Someone else suggested that the dying patients’
this weight loss represented, was used to support his final exhalation might have contributed to the drop in
hypothesis that the body had a soul which had mass. weight. To disprove this, McDougall climbed into the
On the death of the visible body, the soul departed, bed and exhaled “as forcibly as possible” while his as-
and so did this mass. The weight of the soul, based on sistant watched the scale. No change was observed.
the average loss of mass in six patients, was measured Another critic reasoned that body weight was being
by McDougall to be 21 grams. continually lost as water escapes into the air through Special Issue No. 15 ■

A sensational New York
Times news story from
1907 reports on Dr.
Duncan McDougall's
(pictured left) experiments
to discover the weight of
the human soul.

the evaporation of perspiration and the water vapour authored by physicist Elke Fisher, was criticised by
that goes out with the breath. McDougall claimed Gerard Voisart, a leading French pathologist, who said
to have accounted for this also. His first patient, he that the weight difference between the living and dead
wrote, lost water weight at the rate of an ounce per could be accounted for by air leaving the lungs. Howev-
hour, far too slowly to explain the sudden three-quar- er, Drs. Fisher and Mertens pointed out that this was
ter-ounce (about 21 grams) drop precisely at the time considered in their calculations. Furthermore, they
of death. argued that the device they used to weigh the ‘soul’
In the 1920s, Dutch physicists Drs Malta and had a margin of error of less than 1/100,000th of an
Zaalberg Van Zelst claimed that the (physical-etheric) ounce or 0.0003 grams.
subtle body is capable of expanding 40 million times “It occurred to us that the weight loss could be the
its normal size and contracting by 6.25 million times. result of an instantaneous physical deterioration,” said
According to them, it was composed of “extremely Dr. Fisher. “But after exhaustive study we agreed –
small and widely separated” atoms and had a density that was not the case. The only possible explanation is
of 176.5 times lighter than air and weighed, on aver- that we were measuring the loss of the human soul or
age, 69.5 grams (or about two-and-a-half ounces). some kind of life force.”
The description that the ‘atoms’ were widely sepa- Dr. Becker Mertens of Dresden claimed in the
rated means that the particle density in the subtle German science journal Horizon that the only logical
body was low. This and the observation that the body conclusion is that the existence of the human soul had
could expand and contract many times its original size been confirmed and its weight determined.
suggest that the matter was composed of a substance “The challenge before us now is to figure out ex-
such as low density plasma. actly what the soul is composed of,” he said. “We are
In 1988, Noetic Science carried out experiments on inclined to believe that it is a form of energy. But our
the largest number of patients and concluded that the attempts to identify this energy have been unsuccess-
human soul weighs 1/3,000th of an ounce. The experi- ful to date.”
ments were carried out by East German researchers This author’s Dark Plasma Theory, first published in
who weighed more than 200 terminally ill patients 2006, proposes that these bodies are composed of low
just before and immediately after their deaths. In each density plasma of dark matter particles.
case the weight loss was exactly the same – 1/3,000th
Dark Plasma Theory Estimate
of an ounce. This is approximately 0.01 gram or 10 -5
kg. Dark Plasma Theory holds that there is a halo of low
The expert’s report on these experiments, co- density plasma around the Earth composed of exotic

Special Issue No. 15
(asymmetric) dark matter particles. This view, which 9.65 x 10 -23 kg cm−3. This is five orders of magnitude
was new in 2006, is supported by some scientists cur- greater than the background galactic halo dark matter
rently. Minimal (dark) plasma cells developed in this density.
‘dark biosphere’ after Earth formed. Over more than 4 Xu and Sigel’s estimate that the dark matter den-
billion years these first cells evolved into complex dark sity around Earth exceeds the galactic halo density
plasma life forms. Being plasma life forms they exhibit significantly has been correlated by Stephen Adler
features commonly seen in ordinary standard plasma. from Princeton University. Anomalies relating to
Heraclitus was probably close to the mark when accelerations, observed during fly-bys of spacecraft or-
he hypothesised that the soul was composed of a rare biting the Earth, suggest that the dark matter density
‘finer substance’ which appeared like air or fire to him around Earth had been significantly understated (as
– two substances which, from a lay perspective, would suggested earlier by this author). According to Adler
bear a close resemblance to plasma. the magnitude of the observed anomalies requires
However, the reader should take careful note that dark matter densities many orders of magnitude
these life forms are not composed of ordinary short- greater than the galactic halo density.
lived plasma but non-standard plasma composed of Adler suggested that by comparing the total mass
dark matter of the Earth-
particles, which Moon system
is invisible to (determined
most humans by lunar laser
(just as dark ranging) with
matter is). the sum of the
Some of lunar mass
these life forms (determined
formed symbi- by its gravita-
otic relation- tional action
ships with on satellites or
members of the asteroids) and
human species the Earth mass
and co-evolved, (determined by
integrating the LAGEOS
with the living geodetic survey
carbon-based satellite), a
human body. direct measure
On the death of the mass of
of the carbon- Earth-bound
based bodies, dark matter
An 18th century print depicts the soul rising from the body. lying between
the dark bio-
plasma bodies the radius of
separate and the Moon’s
return to their societies in the dark biosphere (i.e. orbit and the geodetic satellite orbit can be obtained.
Earth’s dark matter halo). It is these exotic life forms Based on this, the mass of Earth-bound dark matter
that are popularly called the ‘souls’ of human beings. must be less than 4×10 −9 of the Earth’s mass, giving an
In order to estimate the density and weight of the upper dark matter mass limit of 2.32 x 1016 kg. (This
‘soul’, i.e. the human bioplasma body, we must first is less than one-hundredth-millionth of Earth’s mass
estimate the density of dark matter particles on Earth. and therefore has negligible effects on gravity.)
According to Adler, to explain the flyby anomalies,
Dark Matter Density Around Earth
Earth-bound dark matter would have to be concentrat-
The background galactic halo dark matter density ed within a radius of about 70,000 km around Earth,
is estimated to be about 5.35 x 10 -28 kg cm−3. Xu and within a volume of approximately 1.44 × 1030 cm3. For
Siegel, from the University of Arizona, estimated the the dark matter mass within this volume not to exceed
mass of dark matter within the Solar System (between 4 × 10 −9 of the Earth’s mass, the mean dark matter
0.2 AU and 100 AU) to be 1.07 x 10 kg (or 1.78 x 10
20 -5
density would have to be about 10 -14 kg cm−3. This is
the Earth mass) (AU=Astronomical Unit. This is a unit greater than the background galactic halo dark matter
equal to the distance of the Earth from the Sun). The density by fourteen orders of magnitude.
mass of dark matter within the orbit of Earth (i.e. Based on the analyses above, it is reasonable to con-
within 1 AU) was estimated to be 7.69 x 1019 kg. The clude that there exists a halo of dark matter particles
corresponding dark matter density was approximately around the visible component of the Earth within a Special Issue No. 15 ■

radius of approximately 70,000 km. Earth’s dark mat- estimate was the mean density, one should not expect
ter halo has been dubbed “Dark Earth” by the author a very close correlation. Bioplasma bodies may actu-
and its attributes, based on the most recent estimates, ally be denser than the surrounding environment (in
compared to the visible Earth, are given below: the dark biosphere). The measurement in the Noetic
Science experiment may also contain a certain percent-
Dark Earth Visible Earth age attributable to the weight of unaccounted ordinary
Mass 2.32 x 1016 kg 5.97 x 1024 kg matter.
Volume 1.44 × 1030 cm3 1.08 x 1027 cm3 Looking at the broad picture, therefore, these esti-
Mean 10-14 kg cm−3 5.5 x 10-3 kg cm−3 mates can be considered quite close. We hope that this
Density finding will motivate further experiments to weigh the
Mean Radius 70,000 km 6,371 km human soul using more sensitive scales in controlled
The above estimates show that the dark matter
halo would be three orders of magnitude or about 1.33 References
x 103 or 1,330 times larger in volume than the visible X. Xu and E. R. Siegel, (2008) arXiv: 0806.3767v1 [astro-ph].
rocky Earth. This approximates with the dimensional
S. L. Adler, (2008) arXiv: 0805.2895v3 [astro-ph].
relationship between the volume of Jupiter’s huge gas
L. Ackerman, M. R. Buckley, S. M. Carroll, M. Kamionkowski,
envelope and its tiny rocky core (the latter approxi- (2008) arXiv: 0810.5126v1 [astro-ph].
mates the volume of the visible rocky Earth). In other
G. Jungman, M. Kamionkowski, K. Griest, Supersymmetric
words, we would expect an envelope of dark matter Dark Matter, Phys. Rep. 267 (1996), 195-373.
particles the size of Jupiter around the visible compo- E. Lozneanu, M. Sanduloviciu, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 18
nent of the Earth with a mean density of 10 -14 kg cm−3. (2003), 335-343.
Weight of the Soul V. N. Tsytovich, G. E. Morfil, V. E. Fortov, N. G. Gusein-Zade, B.
A. Klumov, S.V. Vladmirov, New Journal of Physics 9 (2007), 263
A man weighing 100kg is approximately 100 litres doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/9/8/263.
or 105 cm3 in volume. Based on a mean density of dark Mituo Uehara et al, Physics and Biology: Bio-plasma physics,
matter of 10 -14 kg cm−3 (as estimated above) and the American Journal of Physics 68 (2000), 450-455.
approximate volume of the human body of 105 cm3, Sylvan Muldoon & Hereward Carrington, The Projection of the
the weight of the human bioplasma body (or the ‘soul’) Astral Body, Samuel Weiser Inc., USA, 1973.
is estimated to be: 105 cm3 x (10 -14 kg cm−3), multiplied Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, Trafford Publishing, Canada,
by the gravitational acceleration of 10 ms-2, or approxi- 2006.
mately 10 -8 Newtons. However, in lay language, this is Jay Alfred, “Earth’s Dark Matter Halo”, 2007, at www.ezine-
often taken to be 10 -8 kg.
Jay Alfred, “Creation of Minimal Plasma Cell Systems by Self-
Estimated Weight of the Soul: Organization in Earth’s Dark Biosphere leading to the Evolu-
Based on Noetic Science Experiment 10-5 kg tion of Dark Plasma Life Forms”, Journal of Unconventional Theo-
ries and Research, SJI, (in review, submitted March 2009).
Based on Dark Matter Statistics 10-8 kg Jay Alfred, “Dark Plasma & the Origin of Angels, Aliens, Dei-
ties and Ghosts”, New Dawn Special Issue 7, 2009.
The weight of the soul, as measured in the Noetic Jay Alfred, “Aliens from Dark Earth”, New Dawn, May-June
Science experiment was 10 -5 kg while the estimate 2009.
based on dark matter statistics in this article is even
lower at 10 -8 kg. Considering that the dark matter

Jay Alfred is the author of Dark Plasma Theory (formerly described as “plasma
metaphysics”). Jay has been researching dark plasma life forms since 2001. He is the
author of three books on the Dark Plasma Theory: Our Invisible Bodies (2006), Between
the Moon and Earth (2007) and Brains and Realities (2006), which are available on
all Amazon, Borders and other online bookshops. He is the Research Director of Dark
Plasma Life Research Organisation and a Consultant at ARPAST (Arkansas Paranormal
and Anomalous Studies Team), a science-based research group that studies anomalous
and currently unexplained phenomena. His organisation’s website is

Special Issue No. 15

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