CL 3 Engwk 24

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NAME: SECTION: _________ ROLL No.: _________


L-7 I’m not Scared Anymore

I. Give the meaning of the following:

1) Announcement: _______________________________________________________
2) camping trip: __________________________________________________________

II. Write the opposite of the word given in bracket:

1) Eating too much candy can be for your teeth. ( harmless )

2) I almost about the party. ( remembered )

III. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box:

(one day, at once, an hour later )

1) We must leave ___________ or else we will miss the show.

2) Our bus leaves at 9 a.m. We will reach the museum _____________.
3) __________, I will take you to Mark’s house and show you all his pets.

IV. Give one word for the following:

1) somebody who is not brave -______________

2) without doubt - _______________

V. Underline the correct spelling:

1) misterius mysterious mystaerous

2) adventure advanture aduenture

VI. Write the contractions of the words given in the bracket:

1) Jason _________ finish homework because he was sick. ( could not )

2) _______ still raining, so I think school will be cancelled. ( it is )

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L-10 At Home Again

I. Write one word for the following

1) looking dull as it is badly lit _______________________
2) saw or found something suddenly ______________________

II. Write the opposite of the words given in the bracket.

1) Tommy loves to keep his room ___________.(dirty)
2) Every day, Tim helps his mom __________the groceries from the shopping bags.(load)

III. Who said to whom?

“Once everything’s in place, it will be lovely.”

IV. Write the contractions of the words given in the bracket.

1) Jake dreams that _________become a brave astronaut and explore outer space. (he would)
2) Emily _______want to miss the exciting movie, so she finished her chores quickly. (did not)

V. Circle the correct spelling.

1) wondered wonderred wondereed
2) firghtened friaghtened frightened

VI. Read these sentences .write(S) for Statement and (I) for Instruction
1) Plants need sunlight, water and soil to grow.__________
2) The Earth revolves around the Sun.__________
3) Listen carefully to the teacher and raise your hand if you have a question.____________

VII. Put quotation marks where needed in these sentences.

1) Can you take me to the beach? Johny asked .
2) I ‘m sure you will be happy here. Renu said to her mother.

L-11 Home Sweet Home

I. Give the meaning of the following:

1) Familiar ______________________________

2) Scones ______________________________

II. Write the opposite of the word given in the bracket:

1) The bunny was _____________ fluffier than the kitten. ( less)
2) She placed the book on the _____________shelf. ( bottom)
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III. Who said to whom?
1) “Yes, I do! The best plum jam in the world!”

2) “Ah! Nothing like home sweet home


IV. Circle the correct spelling :

1) Wonderful Wanderful Wonderfull
2) golowing glowing glouing

V. Give one word for the following:

1) songs which are sung during Christmas time ____________
2) a short trip taken for fun ____________________

VI. Write the contractions of the words given in the bracket:

1) ___________________ a sunny day.( It is)
2) ___________________seen this movie twice.(we have)
3) ___________________ have a picnic in this park.(Let us)


L-7 Nouns Gender

I. Name the Gender Nouns: (Neuter, Masculine, Feminine)

1. Table -
2. Sun -
3. Book -
4. River -
5. Mountain -

II. Match the following

1. Lion Brother

2. Queen Father

3. Actress King

4. Mother Actor

5. Sister Lioness

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L-11 Adjectives
I. Write the opposite of the following adjectives.
1) few x ______________ 2) new x ______________
3) short x _____________ 4) ugly x ______________

II. Underline the adjective and write the kind of adjective:

1) Anu has enough time to complete her homework. ________________________
2) Samuel stood first in class this year. _______________________________
3) Look at that colourful butterfly! _______________________________
4) Tom is a lazy boy. _______________________________

III. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives from the help box:

clever few some happy foolish coward much

1) There isn’t _____________ water left in the tank.

2) My neighbours gave me ____________ chocolates to eat.
3) We are a ______________ family.
4) I bought a ___________ candies to share with my friends.
5) The _____________ thief got caught by the _____________ detective.

IV. Circle the adjectives and underline the nouns they describe:
1) Four friends are playing in a small park.
2) I won the first prize in the competition.
3) The huge ship sank in the deep sea.
4) The big brown cat was sleeping on the dirty mat.

V. Match the following:

1) frozen flowers

2) pretty floor

3) ninth light

4) sad yoghurt

5) bright days

L-15 Simple Present and Present Continuous Tense

I. Choose the correct form of verbs given in bracket.

1. I ______________ (run / runs) every day for two kilometre.
2. We _____________ (buy / buys) fresh vegetables.
3. Mother ____________ (read / reads) a book every day.

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4. I _________________ (celebrate / celebrates) my birthday every year.
5. My father is _____________ (go / going) to Delhi this Friday.

II. Complete these sentences using present continuous tense. Add the correct helping verb.
1. They ______________________ football in the stadium. (play)
2. Be quiet! My little brother _______________________. (sleep)
3. The students ___________________________ in the class. (draw)
4. Ali _____________________________ new clothes. (wear)
5. They __________________________ carols. (sing)

III. Rewrite the sentences in present continuous tense.

1. The tourists stay in a hotel.

2. The cat sleeps on the couch.

3. We play cards in the living room.


L-21 Conjunctions
I. Fill in the blanks by using conjunctions (and, or, but, because)

1) I wanted to play outside ______ it started raining.

2) She likes both chocolate ______ vanilla ice cream.
3) We can go to the park _____visit the zoo.
4) I want to read a book _____ watch a movie tonight.

II. Choose the correct option

1) She wanted to go to the party, _____ her parents insisted she stay home.
a) and b) or c) but d) because
2) I would like to go for a walk, _____ it's raining outside.
a) and b) or c) but d) because
3) He can either choose to study for the exam, _____ take a nap.
a) and b) or c) but d) because
4) She was late for the meeting _____ she missed the bus.
a) and b) or c) but d) because

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Passage comprehension
I. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
After walking for some time, Dorothy sat down by the field. She first noticed a Scarecrow
standing in the field, trying to scare away birds from pecking at the crops.
Standing on a high pole, the head of the Scarecrow was made entirely out of straw. And
on that straw head was a painted face. The Scarecrow was dressed rather smartly in a
red suit. His boots seemed old, and he wore a nice pointy blue hat. He had an interesting
face, so she continued looking at him. Suddenly, the Scarecrow winked at her! Dorothy
was a little alarmed and slowly walked over to the Scarecrow.

Q.1 Where did Dorothy sit down?


Q.2 Complete the sentence.

She first noticed a________________________________________________________

Q.3 Find one word from the passage that means

a) frightened - ___________________

Q.4 Circle the correct answer.

What was the colour of the Scarecrow’s hat?
a) red b) blue

Q.5 Do you think the Scarecrow was a real person? Why or why not?

Comprehension Passage
II. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
One day at school, Amit’s teacher made an announcement, “We are all going on a
camping trip for two whole days and nights. It is going to be a great adventure!”
All the boys were thrilled with the idea, and their excitement bubbled over as they made
their plans. But all Amit could think of was how he was going to manage during the trip
when night came. On the day of the trip, father and mother came to see Amit off at school.
He forgot all his worries for a while, as he got into the bus with his friends.

Q.1 Who announced the camping trip?


Q.2 Find a word in the passage that means:

very excited _____________________

Q.3 State whether true or false:

a) All the boys were scared to go on the camping trip. __________________
b) Father and mother came to see Amit off at school. __________________

Q.4 Circle the correct answer.

What was Amit afraid of?
a) the sunlight b) the dark c) the cold d) animals

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