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No. 96 ‘ O p e n Yo u r M i n d To N e w I d e a s ’ May-June 2006

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An Interview with Christopher Knight

Does Evil Exist Or
Do Bad Things Just Happen?






Dr. Masaru Emoto's Secret Life of Water May-June 2006 ■

Behind the news ▲ Forbidden History ▲ Cover-ups & More

A Journal for a New Consciousness, a New Humanity and a New Era!
NEW DAWN No. 96 – MAY/JUNE 2006

Who Built the Moon? An Interview With Christopher Knight
NEW DAWN The Moon has confounded scientists for many years. It does not obey the known rules of astro-
physics and there is no coherent theory of its origin – in fact it should not really be there. Best
selling author Christopher Knight talks to New Dawn about his new book and its amazing conclusions.

The Gospel of Judas Revealed
For 2,000 years Judas has been reviled for betraying Jesus. Now a newly translated ancient
manuscript offers us a very different Judas. In this version, he is a favoured disciple who was
given special knowledge by Jesus. Robert Black introduces us to Judas's Gospel.

The Truth About Tibet
Everyone thinks Tibet was an independent country that was invaded by the Chinese in the 1950s.
Dr. Norman Williams shows the truth, however, is somewhat different, and to understand it we
need to know something of the history of Tibet.

How to Make a Ghost: Magic & Mysticism in Tibet
Accounts of Tibetan mystics and their fascinating powers include such phenomena as levitation,
telepathy, and the ability to self-heat. Herbie Brennan, a writer on occult Tibet, tells us about this unique
culture which has invesitigated the mysteries of mind and magic to a degree never before attempted.

The Mystery of Iniquity
Does evil exist or do bad things just happen? The alternative worldview of the Gnostics, writes Dr.
Stephan A. Hoeller, provides a startling solution to the problem of suffering and injustice.

A Western Book of the Dead
Robert Moss explains we have entirely natural contact with the departed in our dreams and we may
travel into their realms. He shows how we can become active dreamers, heal our relationship with
the departed, and move beyond the fear of death.

Secret Teachings Reborn
Manly P. Hall was among the twentieth century’s most commanding and unusual scholars of
esoteric and mythological lore. Mitch Horowitz discusses his extraordinary life and legacy.

Signs in the Sky, Signs of the Times
We may live in extraordinary times, but they are not incomprehensible when you know how to read
the signs. Ray Grasse deciphers the signs and correspondences of our nearing Aquarian future, and
the fading Piscean Age, to reveal we are all participants in an unfolding global and cosmic drama.

C.W. Leadbeater: Saint or Sinner?
Who was Charles Webster Leadbeater, the man regarded by many as the true founding-father of
the “New Age” movement? Frank Joseph looks at this controversial, larger-than-life character.

mind body departments

& spirit

Going With the Flow
By Julie Steigerwaldt
Editorial________________ 2
Some Thoughts About Water & the World
By Jennifer Hoskins World Watch_____________ 3
New Dawn Forum_ ________ 11
An Interview With Frank Germano About Viktor Schauberger
By Susan Barber

Reviews_ _______________ 73
Australian Children Suffer Strokes, Heart Problems &
Hallucinations on ADHD Drugs
By Shelley Wilkins
Living Chi & Feng Shui
By Grandmaster Gary Khor Classifieds______________ 80
New Dawn Books_ ________ 81
Circulatory Problems
By Huw Griffiths covering alternative news and information

May-June 2006 since 19911
Less than ten years ago, with the approach of the new millennium, there
was widespread anticipation the coming 21st century would largely be
an era of global prosperity, peace and security. A new century free of
the economic and social instability, the religious and ethnic conflicts, that
scarred the 20th century. The end of the so-called ‘Cold War’ between the
ISSUE #96 USA and the Soviet Union was celebrated in some quarters as a sign we
had finally entered an age in which the arms race and the mad scramble to
acquire ‘weapons of mass destruction’ would be a thing of the past. After
Published by decades of antiwar and antinuclear protests, people started to believe the
New Gnosis Communications threat of thermonuclear holocaust had finally ended.
International Pty Ltd But the new millennium also brought the election of a new US presi-
ABN: 84094017642 dent to lead the world’s last remaining ‘superpower’, one with his own
Editor peculiar vision of the future. George W. Bush came to power in 2000
David Jones announcing, “America must be strong enough and willing to promote peace. One way to do so is to bring certainty into an uncertain world,
Advertising and I support the development of anti-ballistic missile systems to do so.”
Tel: 043 772 7978 One year later, in the wake of the attacks of September 11, the US found
Tel/Fax: (02) 94750355 itself involved in a war in Afghanistan. By January 2002, Bush had declared a murky “war on terror” with no end in sight and spoke of an “axis of evil
Art Director
threatening the peace of the world.” The world of the new millennium
Viacheslav Lutsenko was one divided between “friends” and “foes.” A year later US forces invaded Iraq… The dreams and promises of a new century of global peace
and security had quickly vanished.
As this issue of New Dawn goes to press, reports coming from the US
Christopher Knight, Jason Jeffrey, Robert Black,
Dr. Norman Williams, Herbie Brennan,
suggest the Bush administration is accelerating plans to use nuclear weap-
Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller, Julie Steigerwaldt, ons against Iran. What would have once been considered unthinkable,
Jennifer Hoskins, Susan Barber, Shelley Wilkins, is now being openly discussed. In these dark days of 2006, the nuclear
Grandmaster Gary Khor, Huw Griffiths, option is back on the agenda. According to veteran American journalist
Robert Moss, Mitch Horowitz, Seymour Hersh, the US has a plan to use “tactical nuclear weapons that
Ray Grasse, Mehmet Sabeheddin, Frank Joseph would destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities,” adding, “This president has decided
Printing that the red line that Iran will not be able to cross is enriching uranium,
Beaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia and Iran said it is going to do that.”
In what resembles a horrifying re-run of the build-up to the disastrous
Disclaimer 2003 invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, Seymour
All articles are published on the basis that they are not to
be regarded as expressing the opinion of the publisher or
Hersh reports that President Bush views Iran’s popularly elected president
its servants or agents.Views expressed are not necessarily Ahmadinejad as a “potential Hitler.” “This White House believes that the
those of the publisher. only way to solve the problem is to change the power structure in Iran, and
that means war,” Hersh quotes an unnamed senior Pentagon adviser as say-
Warranty & Indemnity
Advertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher ing.
for publication or authorising or approving of the publication “This is not really about the worry whether they [the Iranians] en-
of any material INDEMNIFY the Publisher and its servants riched uranium. This is about the president and the vice president wanting
and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatso- regime change. They want [the Iranian government] those people out of
ever arising from the publication and without limiting the there,” Hersh writes in the April 17 edition of The New Yorker magazine.
generality of the foregoing to indemnify each of them in
relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright,
“This president [George W. Bush] seems to believe it’s his mission in life,
infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles, his mantra. …It’s Messianic.”
unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation One hundred years ago, people looked to the 20th century as offer-
of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material ing unlimited progress and peace. But with all man’s material advances
complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that its and spectacular technological achievements, the vision of peace was soon
publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities
overtaken by previously unimaginable warfare and human suffering.
in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that
nothing therein is capable of being misleading or deceptive. Perhaps the peace humanity so desperately seeks cannot be found
Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to through the military conquest of “evil” nations or by terrorising “evil
seek professional help for individual problems. doers”… Just maybe true peace is an inner state, something found deep
within: “Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me. Let there
New Dawn is published six times a year.
be peace on Earth, the peace that was meant to be.”
Australia and international office: This issue of New Dawn is dedicated to the timeless vision of a new
New Dawn Magazine, world at peace and to the dawn of a new consciousness not blighted by
GPO Box 3126, the spectre of war.
Melbourne,VIC 3001, Australia
Until next time, keep spreading the word! – David Jones &
the New Dawn Team
© Copyright May 2006 by New Dawn magazine
and the respective authors. ISSN: 1036-8035
May-June 2006
Is Washington Military strikes against Iran are not
necessarily imminent as Washington is
process, where military and strategic
objectives are to be achieved, through a
Planning a Middle still building up a disinformation cam- mix of instruments, with little concern
paign intended to destabilise Iran. The for the resulting loss of human life.”
East Nuclear Bush administration recently allocated Prof. Chossudovsky adds:
Holocaust? $85 million to upgrade television and
radio propaganda broadcasts into Iran,
“The new nuclear doctrine turns
concepts and realities upside down. It
From news reports, it appears the and to support “pro-democracy” activ- not only denies the devastating impacts
pieces are falling into place for Opera- ists there. of nuclear weapons, it states, in no un-
tion Regime Change II, this time in Iran. The mass media is also distorting certain terms, that nuclear weapons are
Shaking his head in New York on the facts about Iran’s nuclear program. ‘safe’ and their use in the battlefield will
March 8, where he was attending United It should be recalled how all corporate ensure ‘minimal collateral damage and
Nations Security Council discussions media outlets in the “coalition of the reduce the probability of escalation’.”
on Iran, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei willing” countries – Australia, Britain and In a chilling and ambiguous state-
Lavrov said bluntly: “It looks so déjà vu.” the US – acted as propaganda outlets for ment before the release of the Pen-
He ridiculed the idea of sanctions their governments, uncritically reporting tagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review
on Iran as useless and ineffective, and their claims Iraq had an arsenal of weap- (QDR) in February, US Defense
he called the US push for a showdown ons of mass destruction that threatened Secretary Donald Rumsfeld explained
over Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons “international peace and security.” that the plan is the product of “thinking
program a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” On March 2, the International about the 21st century in a way that’s
It appears key insiders in the Bush Atomic Energy Agency report – after different from the 20th century….
administration think a military strike on three years investigating Iran's nuclear Were trying to figure out how you
Iran is unavoidable, leading to stepped program – told the agency’s 35 board conduct a war against something other
up military planning for such a prospect. members it has not found “any diversion than a nation-state and how… you
“Up until recently, I dismissed talk of nuclear material to nuclear weapons conduct a war in countries that you are
of military strikes against Iran as pos- or other nuclear explosive devices.” not at war with.”
turing or left-wing conspiracy theories,” According to the Geneva Conven- Prof. Chossudovsky says an “opera-
said Joseph Cirincione, the director tion and the Nuclear Non Proliferation tional plan to wage aerial attacks on
for non-proliferation at the Carnegie Treaty (NPT), Iran is not doing any Iran has been in ‘a state of readiness’
Endowment. thing illegal. There is no evidence Iran since June 2005. Essential military hard-
“But I recently changed my mind has a nuclear weapons program, and ware to wage this operation has been
after friends close to the White House Iran has not threatened anyone. deployed.”
and the Pentagon told me that some By contrast, the US and Britain But it is highly unlikely the Anglo-
people in government have already – the two powers heading the campaign Americans can sustain a war of inva-
decided the military option was the against Iran – continue to upgrade their sion against Iran at the same time they
only one and there was active military nuclear arsenals in defiance of their are bogged down in Iraq, and this may
planning.” obligations under the NPT. And in a be why the nuclear option has been
Wayne White, a former deputy radical change of policy which has gone authorised and planned.
director at the State Department’s unnoticed by most corporate-control- The justification for using nuclear
Bureau of Intelligence and Research, led media outlets, the US’s new nuclear weapons poses serious moral ques-
concurs: “In recent months I have doctrine is based on a mix of strike tions. But as we saw with Iraq, the rea-
grown increasingly concerned that the capabilities that envisage the use of son for war is irrelevant when irrational
administration has been giving thought nukes in combination with conventional people are making the decisions.
to a heavy dose of air strikes against weapons.
Iran’s nuclear sector without giving Known officially as “Joint Publica- (Sources: “Iran’s turn for a ‘coalition of the
enough weight to the possible ramifica- tion 3-12,” the new nuclear doctrine willing’”, by Ehsan Ahrari, March 10, Asia
tions of such action.” calls for “integrating conventional and Times,; “Is the Bush Ad-
Most experts agree that US Vice nuclear attacks” under unified and ministration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust?
President Dick Cheney is behind the “integrated” command and control. Will the US launch ‘Mini-nukes’ against
campaign for immediate military action According to Prof. Michel Chos- Iran in Retaliation for Tehran’s ‘Non-com-
against Iran because he believes UN sudovsky, Director of the Center for pliance’?” by Michel Chossudovsky, www.
sanctions will come to naught. He was Research on Globalisation, this new
the key instigator for the war on Iraq doctrine “largely describes war plan-
which ended in disaster. ning as a management decision-making May-June 2006 ■

How the Controlled backlash against Venezuela’s entrenched
power élite, whose corruption and
Press Maligns ineptitude had virtually bankrupted
the oil-rich Caribbean nation,” Time
President Chávez Europe reported at the end of 1999.
A relentless propaganda campaign is “He is part of a broad wave of unease
being waged by the Bush administra- across the continent at the wrenching
tion and the controlled press against changes of free market privatisation and
Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez globalisation that have often failed to
who has become Latin America’s most deliver economic promise to more than
progressive elected leader. a favoured few.”
“Venezuela is currently under attack. “Why is Venezuela a threat to the
Bombs are not being dropped from US?” the Venezuelan media study asks.
airplanes but rather from media outlets, The Bolivarian Revolution of Chávez is
wrapped in paper and ink,” a recent me- a threat to the US, it says, because it
dia study from the Venezuelan Ministry provides an example for others to fol-
of Communication and Information says. Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez low:
“Ever since the election of George “The real Venezuelan threat con-
W. Bush, Venezuela has been the target sovereignty are misrepresented as being sists of teachers, doctors, athletes,
of a growing misinformation campaign. a threat to the United States. To stress coaches, and volunteers. This bat-
This foreign policy strategy appears to the danger that Chávez supposedly pos- talion of hope is distributing books
be synchronised with coverage by vari- es to the US, the controlled press often and vaccines to the poorest and most
ous publication and media outlets, which mentions Venezuela’s alleged acquisition secluded slums and towns and reinvest-
spread misleading and biased news on of Russian MiG fighter jets although no ing the country’s oil revenues for the
a daily basis, shaping negative opinions such purchase ever took place. benefit of all Venezuelans. Venezuela
about Venezuela’s democracy in the US,” Chávez is, according to the Bush ad- has a vibrant democracy, one in which
the study conducted in 2005 reported. ministration, concentrating power in his popular participation is the key to suc-
The US-based propaganda campaign own hands. This is precisely the false cess. This is a democratic model that
is clearly designed to malign Chávez and allegation put forth by US Secretary aims to uphold national identity and
his Bolivarian Revolution by misrepre- of Defense Donald Rumsfeld when he values, secure the nation’s sovereignty,
senting what is occurring in Venezuela. recently compared the democratically and promote a multi-polar interna-
The Bolivarian Revolution is a elected Chávez with Adolf Hitler. tional order that guarantees peace and
revolution “on which silence has been Chávez has also been accused of respect for all nations.”
imposed,” Ernesto Cardenal, the Nica- failing to respect private property in a While the Bush administration and
raguan poet and priest wrote, “because country where less than 5 percent of the corporate-controlled press repeat
it has been decided so by the powerful the population owns 80 percent of the their mantra that Chávez is “isolating
world media, in the hands of interna- land. About the disparity of land own- Venezuela from the rest of the world,”
tional corporations. ership, Chávez has said, “A democracy the facts show otherwise. Using its im-
“The Venezuelan revolution goes that allows such a situation of unfair- mense oil wealth to benefit its people
against their interests; therefore, the ness is losing its democratic character.” and neighbours throughout the region,
world does not hear anything about it. The unfair criticism of Chávez, an Venezuela under Chávez has become
When the most important misinforma- elected leader, comes from officials the engine for a unified South America.
tion companies mention Venezuela, of the un-elected Bush administration Chávez has also signed trade agree-
they only talk about the opposition, or which provides billions of dollars in ments and alliances with France, Spain,
try to ridicule and caricature the figure US funds and military support to real China, Russia, Iran, Qatar, and India.
of President Chávez, but they never dictators and criminal regimes, including Chávez actually seems to enjoy be-
mention there is a revolution going on,” those with illegal nuclear weapons. ing criticised by the Bush administration
Cardenal wrote. Hugo Rafael Chávez Frias came to and representatives of what he calls
The negative stories use a number power in Venezuela in 1999 after win- “the assassin and genocide empire.”
of strategies to achieve their propa- ning a sweeping victory in democratic “Let them attack us and call us what
ganda effect, including: presentation of elections. Chávez had campaigned on they like,” Chávez says. Then using his
opinions as facts, quoting anonymous promises to end corruption, institute favourite quote from Don Quixote, he
sources, falsification of facts, and rep- constitutional reform, distribute the na- says, “Let them bark, Sancho, if they
etition of false statements. tion’s oil wealth more fairly, and reform bark it’s because we are riding.”
One repeated propaganda story political institutions. After seven years
is that Chávez is seeking a military in office, these remain the fundamental (Source: A report by Christopher Bollyn in
confrontation with the United States. goals of the Chávez government. American Free Press, www.americanfreep-
Venezuelan purchases of military equip- “Chávez represents a populist
ment for defending its borders and

May-June 2006
The Global Decline understand the deeper forces that are
reshaping the world,” writes Martin
that the future should not be seen as an
extension of the present:
of the USA Jacques of the Asia Research Institute “A few brief years ago, history was
in an article for the London Guardian. proclaimed to be at an end, our victory
In 1987, the Yale University historian “Such a myopic view can only hasten engraved in unyielding stone… But we
Paul Kennedy described the rise and fall the decline of the US as a global power, must remember that Britain’s majes-
of empires. He analysed how all imperial a process that has already started.” tic rule vanished in a few short years,
powers arrived at a point of overreach The US occupation of Iraq has undermined by unforeseen catastrophic
that eventually destroyed their empire. been a disaster from almost every events and by new threats that eventu-
Too much concern for security and angle, most of all for the Iraqi people, ally overwhelmed the palisades of the
disproportionate spending on defense not least for American foreign policy. past… To allow our enormous power
were endemic to the fall of all previous Already the blame game has begun. to delude us into seeing the world as
empires he studied. The United States “Like rats on a sinking ship,” writes a passive thing waiting for us to recre-
appears at this time to be marching into Richard Walker for American Free Press, ate it in an image of our choosing will
a situation that fits Kennedy’s descrip- “leading neo-conservatives are now hasten the day when we have little
tion of imperial decline. abandoning the US foreign policy that freedom to choose anything at all.”
Kennedy’s book set off an impor- they have used to steer into dangerous According to Martin Jacques of Sin-
tant reaction in the United States in the waters.” gapore's Asia Research Institute, in the
late 1980s. It laid out the consequences Leading neo-cons including William future the US, “will no longer be able to
of the superpower contest with the So- F. Buckley Jr. and Richard Perle are now boss the world around in the fashion of
viet Union in terms of mutual imperial blaming US President Bush for the poli- the neoconservative dream: its power to
overstretch instead of mutual assured cies they directed. Francis Fukuyama’s do so will be constrained by the power
destruction. new book After the Neocons is a merci- of others, notably China, while it will
Just as the Soviet Union eventu- less critique of Bush’s foreign policy and also find it increasingly difficult to fund
ally imploded largely due to its own the school of thought behind it. the military and diplomatic costs of be-
imperial overreach, the US may already Dire warnings about the direction ing the world’s sole superpower.”
be on the path of no return to its own of US foreign policy are now coming That the world will be very differ-
decline and even disintegration. from prominent Republicans like Henry ent within the next two decades, if
“The overwhelming preoccupation Hyde, chairman of the House Interna- not sooner, is clear, yet there is scant
of the Bush administration (and Blair tional Relations Committee. recognition in the US of this fact and
for that matter) with Iraq, the Middle Hyde says he now sees the Bush what it might mean.
East and Islam, speaks of a failure to policy of “democratising” the world In other parts of the world new
through “regime change” as alliances are being forged to avoid the
a flawed strategy. danger of global instability caused by
“Our power, then, has Washington’s aggressive policies.
the grave liability of render- The conservative elites of Europe
ing our theories about the and Asia are very concerned. The
world immune from failure. Financial Times, regarded as a voice for
But by becoming deaf to Britain’s elite, warns: “Central banks
easily discerned warning are shifting reserves away from the US

signs, we may ignore long- and towards the eurozone in a move

term costs that result from that looks set to deepen the Bush ad-
our actions and dismiss re- ministration’s difficulties in financing its
verses that should lead to a ballooning current account deficit.”
re-examination of our goals These financial managers are careful
and means,” warns Hyde. to move away from the dollar incre-
Hyde also alludes to a new mentally, so as not to plunge the global
“unformed” world and “a system into panic – but the direction is
phalanx of aspiring com- inexorably away from the US currency.
petitors.” The world is in the Ironically, the globalisation policies
midst of a monumental proc- championed by the United States con-
ess of change that, within the tributed to the rise of China, Russia, India
next 10 years or so, could and Brazil. All these countries had to fight
leave the US as only the their way through years of economic re-
second largest economy in form and hardships to get where they are
the world after China. today. Multinational corporations, with
Hyde concludes by warn- power and wealth that stretches beyond
ing against the delusions of nation states, are increasingly moving
Anti-war poster by American peace activist Micah Wright. imperialism and cautioning their operations to these countries. May-June 2006 ■

China is rapidly becoming the manu-
facturing centre of the world, but it is
also quickly becoming the information
technology hub as well. Andy Grove,
the founder of Intel, predicted last year
that the United States will lose the bulk
of its information technology jobs to
China and India over the next decade.
John Chambers, the CEO of Cisco,
says: “China will become the IT centre
of the world, and we can have a healthy
discussion about whether that’s in 2020
or 2040. What we’re trying to do is
outline an entire strategy of becoming a
Chinese company.”
Perhaps one of the most important
and yet largely untold stories of 2006 is
Chinese President Hu Jintao and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
the profound anti-US feeling which has
united Latin America to a degree that the developing world as an alternative
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mario Vargas
Che Guevara could only dream of. It is model for ending poverty. China is
Llosa, and Carlos Fuentes.”
the most significant political re-align- creating a new strategic alliance with
It was highly likely, after the first
ment in the history of the Western Latin America which has seen an inflow
round of elections in Peru on 9 April
Hemisphere and puts an end to the of billions of dollars of Chinese money.
to elect a president and Congress, that
Monroe Doctrine that deemed no for- A flurry of China-Brazil business
another strongly anti-American populist
eign power would have more influence began less than two years ago after an
politician would come to power.
there than the US itself. exchange of visits between Brazilian
The presidential frontrunner was
The Monroe Doctrine was vigorously President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and
Ollanta Humala, a retired army com-
applied during the Cold War when any Chinese President Hu Jintao.
mander who led a failed military upris-
Latin American country that veered to Since then China’s influence can
ing in October 2000.
the Left – from Chile to Nicaragua – ex- be seen everywhere in Latin America:
“He strikes fear into Peru’s Europe-
perienced some form of US intervention. oil, gas, railways, ports, steel and even
an-descended middle and upper classes,
A TV news special “How the US ‘lost’ defence.
and was pelted with rubbish by a crowd
Latin America” by the BBC’s Gavin Esler In Sao Paulo, Chinese language
of wealthy Peruvians when he went to
even admits that “in pursuit of American classes are packed. Not only are stu-
cast his ballot,” wrote James Hider for
interests, the US has overthrown or dents taught how to speak Mandarin,
The Times on April 11.
undermined around 40 Latin American but they are also guided in cultural
Like President Hugo Chavez in
governments in the 20th century.” habits such as attending banquets and
Venezuela and President Evo Morales in
Anyone paying attention to events singing Chinese folk songs.
Bolivia, Mr Humala talks of the evils of
in Venezuela and Nicaragua in the north “The Chinese government has
“the neo-liberal economic model that
to Peru and Bolivia further south, plus achieved the greatest victory in the his-
has failed to benefit our nation.”
in different ways Mexico, Argentina and tory of human rights,” says Charles Tang,
Many Latin Americans are furi-
Brazil, comes to the same conclusion: who heads the Brazil-China Chamber
ous about the devastating neo-liberal
George Bush's leadership has fanned a of Commerce and who has been behind
economic and social reforms that were
gale-force electoral trend that’s sweep- many of the joint-venture initiatives.
forced on their countries by the most
ing the hemisphere to topple one pro- “It has removed 400 million Chinese
powerful financial institutions ever cre-
Washington government after the next. people from poverty and enabled them
ated – the International Monetary Fund
“Now in this new century things are to live with dignity and take part in
and the World Bank. These banks hold
changing,” observes Gavin Esler, “and economic life. That is the true measure
the lion’s share of the debt currently
the potential is being realised. With the of human rights.”
owed by the ‘Third World’. Together
exception of Cuba and Haiti, democ-
they ensure a continuous transfer of
racy has flourished, almost everywhere. (Sources: “Imperial overreach is acceler-
wealth from the poor to the rich.
Latin American voters have thrown out ating the global decline of America”, by
These two organisations dictate to
their governments and – often – given Martin Jacques, March 28, The Guard-
millions of people how they should live
a two-fingered salute to Washington. ian; “Neo-Cons Jumping Ship” by Richard
and what they should do. For many their
That is their prerogative. Economically, Walker, April 10, www.americanfreepress.
policies mean a life of harsh exploitation
some countries – including Peru – have net; “Chinese influence in Brazil worries
and low wages, or even an early death.
been roaring ahead. Their cultures are US” By Humphrey Hawksley, 3 April,
Under the slogan of “peaceful ris-
flourishing too. A new generation of
ing,” China is now presenting itself to
novelists is following the path blazed by

May-June 2006
Charlie Sheen plans so quickly and the call for “some
catastrophic and catalysing event – like
Questions Official a new Pearl Harbor,” outlined as early
as 2000 in the Project for the New
9/11 Story American Century (PNAC) documents,
Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a grow- Sheen stated, “you don’t really put
ing army of public figures in the United those strategies together overnight do
States who are questioning the official you for a major invasion? Those are
story of the events of September 11, really well calculated and really well
2001, and calling for a new independ- planned.”
ent investigation of the attack and the “Coincidence? We think not,” said
circumstances surrounding it. Sheen and he called the PNAC quotes
Speaking to “The Alex Jones Show” “emblematic of the arrogance of this
on the GCN Radio Network, Sheen administration.”
elaborated on why he had problems Sheen joined others in calling for a
believing the US government’s version revised and truly independent investiga-
of events. tion of 9/11.
Sheen agreed that the biggest “September 11 wasn’t the Zapruder
conspiracy theory was put out by the film, it was the Zapruder film festival,”
government itself and prefaced his argu- Sheen said, adding that an independ-
ment by quoting Theodore Roosevelt ent inquiry had to be “headed, if this is
in stating, “That we are to stand by the possible, by some neutral investigative
President right or wrong is not only committee. What if we used retired
unpatriotic and servile, but is morally political foreign nationals? What if we
treasonable to the American public.” used experts that don’t have any ties
“We’re not the conspiracy theorists whatsoever to this administration?
on this particular issue,” said Sheen. “It is up to us to reveal the truth.
“It seems to me like 19 amateurs It is up to us because we owe it to the
with box cutters taking over four families, we owe it to the victims. We
commercial airliners and hitting 75% of owe it to everybody’s life who was
their targets, that feels like a conspiracy drastically altered, horrifically that day
theory. It raises a lot of questions.” and forever. We owe it to them to
Sheen described the climate of ac- uncover what happened.”
ceptance for serious discussion about In response to the inevitable attack
9/11 as being far more fertile than it against him after the interview, Sheen
was a couple of years ago. penned an angry letter in which he chal-
“It feels like from the people I talk lenged the mainstream media to debate
to in and around my circles, it seems the facts of 9/11, stating that media out-
like the worm is turning.” lets had given no attention “whatsoever
Sheen described his immediate to the questions I raise or the evidence
skepticism regarding the official reason that stimulated those very questions.”
for the collapse of the twin towers and “Instead, low-brow idiotic hit pieces
building 7 on the day of 9/11. are spewed forth,” Sheen said, “in an
“I was up early… I was watching the effort to sway the readers’ opinion of
news and the north tower was burn- the messenger while blatantly disre-
ing. I saw the south tower hit live, that garding any of the potentially valuable
famous wide shot where it disappears content of the story.
behind the building and then we see the “[I]f you continue to overlook the
tremendous fireball. hard questions and physical evidence
“There was a feeling, it just didn’t regarding 9/11,” he writes, “you only
look like any commercial jetliner I’ve confirm what so many of us ‘Conspira-
flown on any time in my life and then cy Idiots’ have suspected all along – The
when the buildings came down later on Official Report is, at best, an insulting
that day I said to my brother, ‘call me work of FICTION.”
insane, but did it sort of look like those
buildings came down in a controlled (Source:
demolition’?” march2006/200306charliesheen.htm)
Concerning how the Bush admin-
istration finalised Afghanistan war May-June 2006 ■

China's First World Advocating the Buddhist spirit of
harmony, peace and benevolence will
The New China News Agency
called the morals push “a perfect amal-
Buddhist Forum undoubtedly push forward harmony gamation of traditional Chinese values
in China and the world, Xinhua news and modern virtues.”
From April 13-16, Buddhist leaders agency quoted Ye as saying. C. Raja Mohan further points out
from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and “As a responsible country, China has this “moralpolitik seems part of an at-
other countries attended China’s first had its own deep thinking and measures tempt to build a ‘harmonious society’
World Buddhist Forum in the eastern of foresight for the promotion of world in China. It is based on the recognition
city of Hangzhou. harmony,” Ye said. “Religious force is that two and a half decades of explosive
The forum is the first such event one of the important social forces from growth has generated unprecedented
since the Communist Party took power which China draws strength.” economic inequality, growing political
in 1949. A popular doctrine of Buddhism unrest and a moral vacuum.”
Buddhism has been an integral is “to do no evil, to do only good and China’s market economy, notes
part of Chinese religion for over to purify the will,” said Wei Daoru, a Yang Fenggang, a sociologist at Purdue
2,000 years. China has at least 20,000 researcher with the Institute of World University in West Lafayette, Indiana,
Buddhist temples and about 200,000 Religions under the Chinese Academy is “accompanied by widespread moral
Buddhist monks and nuns, according to of Social Sciences. corruption, which prompts many indi-
official statistics. viduals to seek a theodicy, or a religious
Monks and experts on Buddhism worldview, to put the seemingly chaotic
from across the world exchanged views universe into order.”
at the five-day forum. Thus, as China becomes more
The theme for the forum was “a wealthy and worldly, it’s also experienc-
harmonious world begins with the ing a growing interest in spirituality.
mind” at a time when “the world is The Chinese people are emerging with
undergoing incredible changes at a rapid “more time and freedom to think,”
pace,” according to its official website, says Yuan Ci, a monk who works with the Buddhist Association of China in
“Never in the history of human be- Beijing.
ings have we enjoyed such a high level of “In urban areas, China’s new Bud-
material prosperity and yet mankind is dhists are young, college-educated, and
beset with feelings of spiritual emptiness, upwardly mobile. They are looking not
moral degeneration and depression,” As proven in the past hundreds only for purpose in their lives, analysts
says a statement on the official web site. of years, Buddhism has helped avert say, but for a way to cope with the
“Facing these serious challenges, the various strife among people, and taught pressures of modernisation and high
need for mankind to have a healthy reli- believers to re-adjust their mindset for expectations,” writes R. Scott Macin-
gious life and spiritual growth becomes peaceful co-existence with nature and tosh for The Christian Science Monitor.
even more important and urgent.” others, Wei told China Daily. “Unlike Christianity and Falun Gong,
Buddhists from South Korea, Japan, The religion also preaches that all which authorities view as ‘alien’ and
Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao have different Buddhist sects are equal and intrusive, the government has adopted
helped to develop the forum since it should live in amity, Wei said. Buddhism a fairly loose reaction to the reemer-
was first proposed during a conference has become a bridge for international gence of local ‘popular’ religion, which is
in Beijing in 2004. cultural exchange, he added. experiencing a renaissance,” says Gene
The holding of the forum reflects “The religious doctrine of selfless- Cooper, a professor in anthropology at
growing acceptance by the Chinese ness, charity, respect, equality and tol- the University of Southern California.
Communist Party of Buddhism and erance makes it culturally advantageous Yuan Ci believes the government is
other religions – as long as they do not in safeguarding world peace,” Wei said starting to recognise the role religion
disrupt the harmony of society. in an article for the Buddhist forum. could play in striving to achieve a “harmo-
Buddhism, a major religion in China, The theme of the World Buddhist nious society” – the ideal of an egalitarian
can play a unique role in promoting a Forum dovetails with the recent an- and balanced society that China’s leaders
“harmonious society” and contributing nouncement by Chinese President Hu espouse. “Religion can take a part in mak-
to world peace, say top Chinese reli- Jintao at the National Peoples Congress ing society peaceful,” he says.
gious affairs officials and researchers. to improve the moral standards of
As a religion with “profound ideas Chinese people. (Sources: World Buddhist Forum, www.wbf.
of harmony and a conception of peace,” According to C. Raja Mohan writing; “Buddhism ‘con-
Buddhism can relieve strain and stress for The Indian Express on April 7, a list tributes to a harmonious society’”, 11 April,
among people and between humans and of “eight glories and eight disgraces” China Daily,; “Chi-
nature, thus enhancing social accord, outlined by the President is being dis- na’s prosperity inspires rising spirituality”, by
said Ye Xiaowen, chief of the State seminated across China to be studied R. Scott Macintosh, March 9, The Christian
Administration for Religious Affairs. and applied by citizens. Science Monitor,

May-June 2006


SIZE OF THIS FILE) May-June 2006 ■

Go where The Da Vinci Code fears to tread!
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extraordinary opportunity for individual and collective renewal: a quan- ancient texts tell us, man walked and talked with the gods. Laura shows us
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911: The Ultimate Truth

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May-June 2006
Ne w dawn forum
We invite your letters to the New Dawn Forum, GPO Box 3126, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia.

“The Phallus” “Bird Flu” to look for cultural similarities with

the local indigenous people. He also
Dear Editor, Dear Editor, organised for divers to do research in
The review of Alain Danielou’s How refreshing it is to read about the Pacific.
book The Phallus in the latest issue of the bird flu that is not a doomsday sce- The most convincing evidence
New Dawn reminded me of a strange nario. I myself believe that this has been came from Tahsin Mayatepek the
story I heard from a friend around taken by the mainstream and blown Turkish Ambassador in Mexico, who
twenty years ago.... way out of proportion. made a comprehensive study of the
It started in September 1959 Let us not forget that at present Aztec language and showed striking
when my friend was travelling the common old fashioned flu virus kills similarities to the Turkish language.
through Italy. Wandering about a little many people worldwide each year. One well known example is the
Italian town he came across a group As usual the public's focus is herded hill of Capultepec near Mexico City.
of elderly ladies sitting at card tables the wrong way. I myself am much more Capul is an ancient Turkish word
selling amulets in the shape of a penis worried about antibiotic resistance and meaning grasshopper and tepe means
and testicles with wings. the re-emergence of infectious diseases hill. Indeed the meaning and the
He later discovered such amulets in our ever changing environment. emblem of Capultepec is the Grass-
were called in Latin fascineum, from Anyway keep up the good work as I hopper Hill. The word tepec or tepeu
which we get the English word fasci- continue to buy your mag. is common to all central and south
nate, because of the power of the male Regards, American native languages meaning
generative organ to charm people. - Bruce R. mountain.
The significance of the wings is that Via Email With best regards,
the nature of the penis is like a bird, its - Gokhan S.
nature is to flutter about from one to Via Email
another. They’ve been worn in parts ▲
of Italy for at least 2500 years and are
believed to ward off evil.... ▲
My friend also encountered other Ataturk, Turkey &
old ladies selling little cakes baked in
the shape of a penis with testicles, the Lost Continent
which they said were the original of Mu “Venus transit”
form of the Eucharist host in Chris- Hi,
tianity. The reason the host was Dear David, First of all thank you for giving the
baked in that form was, for one thing, Thank you for upholding the public something interesting to read. I
because the penis, like the body of thought provoking and confronting look forward to each new issue.
Christ, rises again. And also because standard of New Dawn. My email is in regards to an arti-
in Latin and in Greek, the root for I am a psychiatrist from Turkey cle in one of your issues (New Dawn
the word erect means to rise up, and living in Australia. I read with great in- No. 83, March-April 2004) about the
resurrection means to rise up again. terest, as all the other articles in every Venus transit.
The people of the town were issue, the article by Frank Joseph on It is interesting to note that the
also behaving rather weirdly. The Lemuria [New Dawn No. 95]. transit occurred in the same year as
men frequently rubbing their geni- I would like to add a few back- the boxing day tsunami and the US
tals, and the women behaving rather ground details on Colonel Church- elections. 2008, the next year that
lewdly.... Later a local guy who knew ward's book [The Lost Continent of Venus will pass, is also the same year
some English explained the town Mu]: of the US elections. Coincidence?
was celebrating a religious festival. When the book was published it Maybe. I wonder what else 2008 has
He confided something like, “once a was brought to the attention of Kemal in store for us.
year we celebrate the feast of Saint Ataturk, the young and energetic Keep up the good work.
Priapus. We celebrate the feast with leader of the newly founded Republic
of Turkey who noticed immediately the - David J.
lots of sex, because if men don’t get
significance of the book for the Turkish Via Email
enough sex, it makes them mean and
they do bad things.”.... central Asian mythology who claimed
The survival of this ancient pagan that Turkish ancestors came from a
custom in an Italian village got me star system associated with Sirius or
thinking about the phallic nature of the Pleiades in the form of a wolf-man
religion.... called Asena or Syena, and not unlike
- James S.
Ataturk sent directives to Turkish
Via Email
diplomatic missions around the Pacific May-June 2006 ■


Joseph Smith & the even of other Hebrew words. You can
look at a Hebrew name and work out
“Get one's
Book of Mormon what it means by going back to the 'priorities right' &
root words that it is made up of. This
Dear David & Team, he worked out by spending many hours get one’s house in
I subscribe to your magazine and
am very, very happy with that deci-
poring over a Bible Concordance.
Anyway what he discovered when
sion. I just had to write in response he looked at the Book of Mormon Hi David,
to two articles you have in this was that the names it contains do not The Hollywood glamour / ill-
month's issue [New Dawn No. 95] on make sense when you try to look at the loose-it-tory presentations this year
the Church of the Latter Day Saints, root Hebrew word. They are nonsense seem to be focused on the illusions
and Joseph Smith. names, meaningless. Quite often they of transformations of gender, trying
I am very interested in most reli- were structurally wrong too. Except, to justify same sex marriages. This
gions and spiritual journeys and have of course, for the ones that were taken is completely missing the point that
read much of the holy texts of the directly from the Bible. the real marriage the true seeker of
major religions in the world today. Interesting eh? Poor Joseph Smith the higher way is looking for is the
Certain evidences have recently been didn’t know there were no native hors- Inner Marriage: “Where the two, in
brought to my attention regarding es in America nor, apparently, did he self, become one.” Yet all things have
the Mormon religion. have a proper grasp of Hebrew names a mirror image opposite, if we can
In the book of Mormon, 1 Nephi and meanings. Makes you wonder does see?...
18:25, it says: it not? The “Great Marathon Race” (in
“And it came to pass that we did Namaste... the original Olympics designed by
find upon the land of promise, as the Master Pythagoras) of 26 miles
we journeyed in the wilderness, that - Megan H.
Via Email was to remind us of the need to “run
there were beasts in the forests of a clean race” (they ran in the nude,
every kind, both the cow and the ox, no coverups) for the whole of the
and the ass and the horse, and the “Great Race” or Age of 26,000 years,
goat and the wild goat, and all man- ▲ now closing in 5 or 6 years time. Yet
ner of wild animals, which were for all these symbolic reminders are long
the use of men.” forgotten by most.
Notice here he says “and the Yes there is a harmonic connec-
horse.” Joseph Smith probably did “Broadens my tion to this year being 2006, leaving
not have access to written accounts
of history such as we have today, and outlook and makes but 6 years (the implosion number)
to go, in the countdown. It was the
hence his error.
There were NO HORSES on
me think” glory to be conscious of participating
in this “Great Race” that was suf-
the American mainland before the I am writing to tell you that I thor-
ficient. Position at the “finishing post”
Spanish arrived! When the indigenous oughly enjoy New Dawn. Yours is the
was of little interest.
inhabitants of the American land saw most uplifting and informative magazine
The coming movie “Conversations
the Spanish atop their horses for the I have ever received. The story on the
with God” (starring Neil Donald
first time they thought they were Indigo children [New Dawn No. 95] is
Walsh) being released around the
seeing mythical beasts, something wonderful...
world this October is a “confirma-
that were half men half beast. They I also appreciate the thoughtful
tion” of the communion with one's
were terrified. reviews you print....
own “God Self” within, after one
They HAD NEVER SEEN New Dawn broadens my outlook
has done the real hard yards of ”self
HORSES BEFORE! There are many and makes me think.
transformation,” not only with total
references to the reaction of the Thank you,
dedication of effort during this cur-
American Indians to the Spanish and - Joy F. rent life, but in all one’s lives through
their horses in written texts from Sandringham, VIC “The great race of this Closing Age.”
people who had accompanied Cortez. Hence the growing awareness,
(And probably many others.) this year, to get one’s “priorities
A second point regarding the right,” and to get one’s house in
Book of Mormon. This point comes order.
from my husband (Andrew) as he has Thanking you again.
done the background work on it. Yours sincerely,
All Hebrew names have meaning.
They are constructed from existing - Robert M.
names of people and of places and Via Email

We want to hear from you! Email your letters to:

May-June 2006
any New Dawn readers located at a series of points just under
will know of British writer its surface – which caused havoc with
Christopher Knight from early lunar spacecraft. The material the
his first book The Hiram Key, Moon is made from came from the outer
surface of the Earth and left a shallow
which he co-authored with Robert
hole that filled with water and we now
Lomas and published in 1996. call the Pacific. This rock left the Earth
Quickly becoming a best sell- to produce the Moon very quickly after
er, The Hiram Key was acclaimed our planet had formed around 4,6 billion
a classic in the field of alternative years ago.
history, going on to influence a The Moon is not only extremely odd
generation of researchers among in its construction; it also behaves in a
them The Da Vinci Code’s Dan way that is nothing less than miraculous.
Brown. It is exactly four hundred times smaller
than the Sun but four hundred times
In the last ten years Knight has
closer to the Earth so that both the Sun
written six books, four with Robert Christopher Knight and the Moon appear to be precisely the
Lomas and two, including his same size in the sky – which gives us
latest Who Built the Moon?, with NEW DAWN: All of mankind’s visits the phenomenon we call a total eclipse.
Alan Butler. to the Moon have not answered some of Whilst we take this for granted it has
In Who Built the Moon?, the most basic questions about its origin been called the biggest coincidence in
and importance. Your new book Who
Knight and Butler raise some the universe.
Built the Moon? (co-authored with Alan Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the
fascinating and challenging ques- Butler) brings to light some extraordi-
tions, foremost: Could it be that movement of the Sun in the sky by rising
nary facts about the Moon, and comes and setting at the same point on the hori-
the Moon is artificial? Could it to a mind-blowing conclusion about its zon as the Sun does at opposite solstices.
even be hollow? And does the origin. Could you briefly outline some of For example, this means the Moon rises
Moon really exist through some these little known and ignored facts? at midwinter at the same place the Sun
happy accident, or is a blueprint does at midsummer. There is no logical
apparent – and if so, who was the CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT: The Moon reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in
architect? sits very close to the Earth yet it is wide- this way and it is only meaningful to a
ly regarded as the strangest object in the
New Dawn recently spoke human standing on the Earth.
known universe. It is a bit like knowing
with Christopher Knight about his
that every person in the world is com- ND: What led you to write Who Built the
controversial new book and his pletely normal except the person you live
astonishing conclusions. Moon? And does this latest book relate
next door to, who has three heads and to your earlier research when writing
- New Dawn lives on a diet of broken razor blades. Civilization One and Uriel’s Machine?
The book lists the strangeness of
the Moon, which includes the fact that CK: All of the six books I have had
it does not have a solid core like every published over the last ten years are part
other planetary object. It is either hol- of a continued single piece of research. I
low or has a very low-density interior. came to write Who Built the Moon? with
Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are Alan Butler after we had finished Civili- May-June 2006 ■

zation One, because our research led us This was a precise unit of measurement
to study the Moon very closely. that was the basis of late Stone Age
We had found that the superbly It was as though we structures across Western Europe – such
advanced measuring system in use over as Stonehenge. Most archaeologists
5,000 years ago was based on the mass, had found a blueprint have written his work off as a mistake
dimensions and movements of the Earth. but when one looks coldly at their ob-
However, for thoroughness we where the Moon had jections they are baseless.
checked every planet and moon in the so-
lar system to see if there was any pattern.
been ‘manufactured’ Alan and I were able to show how
they made these highly precise linear
Amazingly, it worked perfectly for every using very specific units based on the rotation of the Earth
aspect of the Moon but did not apply at and how they were also the basis of all
all to any other known body – except the units taken from time, capacity and weight units in use
Sun. today. Once again these are exact – not
It was as though we had found a blue- Earth’s relationship approximations or close fits.
print where the Moon had been ‘manu-
factured’ using very specific units taken
with the Sun. Where the ancients got such knowl-
edge is quite baffling. All we can be
from Earth’s relationship with the Sun. certain of is that they were way ahead of
The more we looked, everything fitted us today! It’s easy to check out by anyone
– and fitted perfectly in every conceiv- with a calculator.
CK: It is not possible to describe the
able way.
greatness of this ancient system of
ND: Your conclusion is there are more
geometry and measurement without re-
ND: Most astoundingly, you found that than enough anomalies about the Moon
peating the content of Civilization One.
an ancient system of geometry and meas- to suggest it is not a naturally occurring
The work of Alexander Thom, a
urement used in the Stone Age works body and was quite possibly engineered
brilliant professor of engineering from
perfectly on the Moon. What exactly is to sustain life on Earth. How did you
Oxford University, was our starting
this system and how could the ancients reach this conclusion?
point. He identified the existence of
have attained this knowledge?
what he called the Megalithic Yard. Continued on page 16...

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May-June 2006
Lunar Anomalies
Did You Know?
Moon’s Age
The Moon appears to be older than the Earth. The ages
of rocks returned to Earth from the Apollo missions range
from 3.3 to about 4.6 billion years. One is alleged to be thirteen’s third stage impact on the Moon caused rever-
5.2 billion years old. The oldest Earth rocks are about 4.1 berations for three hours and twenty minutes, down to an
to 4.2 billion years old. estimated depth of 40 kilometres.

Moon Diameter Small Core

How does one explain the “coincidence” that the Moon is A University of Arizona team estimates the Moon has
just the right distance, coupled with just the right diam- a tiny metal core, which is very usual. Team leader Lon
eter, to completely cover the Sun during an eclipse? Hood notes, “This really does add weight to the idea that
“There is no astronomical reason why the Moon and the the Moon’s origin is unique, unlike any other terrestrial
Sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, body…”
and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in
this fashion,” noted Isaac Asimov. The Moon Illusion
The so-called “Moon illusion” or “Moon effect” has per-
Weird Orbit plexed people since earliest historical times. No theory
Our Moon is the only Moon in the solar system that has is agreed upon to explain why the Moon seems larger
a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit. Stranger still, the in size when it is near the horizon than when it is high in
Moon’s centre of mass is about 1.8 kilometres closer to the sky. Some people judge it to be as much as twice as
the Earth than its geometric centre (which should cause large, but the average estimate is 50% to 75% larger.
wobbling), but the Moon’s bulge is on the far side of the
Moon, away from the Earth. NASA scientist Robin Brett aptly summarises: “It seems
easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than it’s
Magnetic Rocks existence.” But of course, the Moon exists. Why or how it
Moon rocks are magnetised. This is odd because there is exists remains a mystery.
no magnetic field on the Moon itself.
Moon Base
Unusual Metals Postscript
The Moon's surface is much harder than expected. When Days before the Moon passed in front of the Sun darken-
astronauts experienced extreme difficulty drilling into the ing parts of the Earth on March 29, the US space agency
Moon, it was discovered the surface was composed of ‘il- NASA announced it was going ahead with a plan to build
leminite’, a mineral containing large quantities of titanium. a permanent base on the Moon. The Bush administra-
Titanium is used by the aero industry in the construction tion claims if the US does not return to the Moon, other
of high performance aircraft like the Lockheed SR 71 countries will. “The new thing is China, and they’ve an-
Blackbird. Also found in the lunar rocks were quantities nounced they’re going to the Moon. The Europeans want
of Uranium236 and Neptunium237 – neither substance is to go; the Russians want to go; and if we don’t go, maybe
found naturally on Earth. they’ll go with the Chinese,” Mars Institute Chairman Pas-
cal Lee said in an interview. “Could we bypass the Moon
Moon Dust and go to Mars while India and China are going to the
Vehicles prepared for landing on the Moon were Moon? I don’t think so,” the Washington Post reported
equipped with special snow shoes because it was as- him as saying.
sumed the Moon would be encrusted by an incredibly
thick layer of dust. But it only had one-fourth of an inch
layer of dust, an amount accounting for only thousands
of years. If the Moon is billions of years old, where did all
the dust go?
Moonquakes AR2006032500999_pf.html
Seismic monitors left on the Moon by successive teams – Jason Jeffrey
of astronauts recorded meteoric impacts upon the lunar
surface that caused the Moon to ‘ring like a bell.’ Apollo May-June 2006 ■

CK: Not only is the Moon an appar- all life, especially humans. As to who
ently impossible object, it has some did it – well that’s a lot tougher! We
unique benefits for us humans. It has If the Moon was give the three possibilities we can think
been nothing less than an incubator of, namely: God, aliens or humans. The
for life. If the Moon was not exactly not exactly the size, only one of these that is 100% scien-
the size, mass and distance that it has tifically possible is the last one. Time
been at each stage of the Earth’s evolu- mass and distance travel is universally accepted as being
tion – there would be no intelligent life
here. Scientists are agreed that we owe
that it has been at physically possible and a number of
scientists are close to sending mat-
everything to the Moon. each stage of the ter back in time. We can envisage that
It acts as a stabiliser that holds our machines could be built in the future
planet at just the right angle to produce Earth’s evolution that could be sent back to remove matter
the seasons and keep water liquid across from the young Earth to construct the
most of the planet. Without our Moon – there would be no Moon – probably using mini black hole
the Earth would be as dead and solid as
intelligent life here. technology.

Christopher Knight and co-author Alan

ND: If the Moon is an artificial con- Butler's book Who Built the Moon? (320
struct, what are your theories on who or the obvious message that has been built pages, paperback) is available from New
what built it, and why? into the Moon to tell us it’s artificial. Dawn Book Service, PO Box 758, Cleve-
The language of the message is base land QLD 4163 for $29.95 plus $8 p&h.
CK: In Who Built the Moon? we ten arithmetic so it looks as though it is To order, see page 88. «
explain that we could not come to any directed to a ten digit species that is liv-
other conclusion than the Moon is ing on Earth right now – which seems
artificial. Because it is certain that it is to mean humans.
4.6 billion years old that raises some The question of why the Moon had
interesting points. Another factor was to be built is easy to answer: To produce

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May-June 2006
Are We Food for the Moon?
If man is not affected in some way against lunar cycles. It found offences ing themselves through life by nobler
by the Moon, he is the only thing occurred more frequently during a full spiritual impulses, the Moon provides
on Earth that isn’t. Moon. Other research, however, failed to a propulsive force. Without this force,
– Robert Millikan (1868-1953), US find any firm link between the cycles of mechanical individuals would be passive
physicist & 1923 Nobel Prize winner the Moon and irrational behaviour. as puppets without a puppeteer.

England’s Lunacy Act of 1842 gave In the cosmological scheme proposed
robably no heavenly body has allowances for uncharacteristic crimes by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, Earth is like
received as much attention committed during the full and new a mother to the Moon which is still a fetus
down through the ages as our Moon. This law distinguished between in the sense it cannot yet “breathe” on
the chronically insane and the lunatic. It its own, hold an atmosphere, or support
Moon. The causes of this fascination
was argued the lunatic became deranged life. Someday, the Earth will evolve into
are obvious: the Moon enlightens the
at these times because of the Moon’s a being like the Sun, while the Moon will
night and appears as a remarkable power and thus could not be held ac- transform into a second Earth. Humanity
and large object in the sky. As a regu- countable for his or her actions. was simply a stage in this process.
lator of Earth’s tides and life’s biologi- Interestingly, a study of the Moon’s “The Moon is actually a fragment of
cal cycles, the Moon’s importance to effect on mental health patients, con- this Earth, which must now constantly
our physical existence is second only ducted by the University of Liverpool in maintain the Moon’s existence,” Gurdji-
to that of the Sun. 2000, found a significant change at the eff said.2 In that sense, the Moon is like a
time of the full Moon, but only in sub- parasitic thought form. Nevertheless, the
Sacred scriptures, ancient myths, jects with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. equation is balanced because in exchange
and even modern day pagans, all exalt Whether we are conscious of it or not, for the Moon propelling our mechanical
the Moon in one way or another. Omens, the Moon exerts some sort of influence movement, we feed the Moon so that it
spells, wishes, oracles, divination, and upon our biological and psychological may grow and one day be born as a liv-
calendars cluster around it throughout states. But does it go any deeper than this? ing planet.
history. Moon magic, the belief that As to how organic life feeds the
working rituals at the time of different Gurdjieff and Ouspensky Moon, Gurdjieff taught that most human
phases of the Moon brings about physical The Fourth Way philosophy claims beings are mere “slugs” with no souls and
or psychological changes, is essential to to help individuals cease to be slaves of that following death their remaining psy-
various pagan and witchcraft systems. external and internal influences by build- chic energy is “food for the Moon.” Like
Witches in Greek and Roman literature ing up a core of heightened conscious- a magnet, the Moon draws the fine matter
were regularly accused of ‘drawing down ness. Its ultimate goal is the realisation of human souls into it: “Everything living
the Moon’ by use of a magic spell. of the full potential of human evolution- on the Earth, people, animals, plants, is
Nevill Drury, a respected author- ary possibilities. Its founder, George food for the Moon. The Moon is a huge
ity on mystical and occult traditions, Gurdjieff (1872-1949), frequently spoke living being feeding upon all that lives
says “traditionally... the Moon has been of the thoughtless mechanical behaviour and grows on the Earth.”
regarded as a ‘funnel’ drawing on the of humanity, and was fond of comment- Only through an intensive effort of
light of the stars and constellations and ing humans are “food for the Moon.” conscious evolution – what he called “self-
transmitting their energies to the Earth.”1 What did Gurdjieff mean by this remembering” – was it possible for an indi-
In Western astrology the Moon is phrase? Many interpreted “food for the vidual to escape being eaten by the Moon.
said to represent the feeling intuitive Moon” as a figure of speech – perhaps “The liberation that comes with the growth
nature of the individual as well our Gurdjieff meant we are slave to our me- of mental powers and faculties is liberation
deepest personal needs, our basic habits chanical conditioning and feed our baser from the Moon.” Gurdjieff always main-
and reactions, and our unconscious. In impulses. But while it can be interpreted tained Man is not truly conscious, and his
esoteric astrology the Moon represents in this fashion, Gurdjieff was primarily actions are entirely mechanical: “Every-
attachment to form, and under certain being literal. thing ‘happens,’ he cannot ‘do’ anything.
circumstances a variety of limiting con- Peter Ouspensky, Gurdjieff’s most He is a machine controlled by accidental
ditions are related to the Moon, ranging famous disciple, lectured at length con- shocks from outside.”
from blatant materialism to subtler forms cerning the Moon’s role in human affairs To escape these deleterious lunar
of limitation such as debilitating nostal- and its place in the cosmological scheme influences, Ouspensky said we must
gia, sentiment and regret. of things. “create Moon within ourselves.”3 By this
The word “lunacy” – which de- Ouspensky said the Moon drives the he meant we must develop within a driv-
rives from the Latin for Moon, “luna” individual’s mechanical aspects like a ing mechanism that takes the place of the
– denotes the traditional link made in pendulum moves the gears of a clock. external lunar influence; in this way we
folklore between madness and the phases The degree to which one’s actions are can break free of the puppeteer.
of the Moon. Several studies have tried driven by the Moon is proportional to Boris Mouravieff, who was an as-
to get to the bottom of this age-old belief. one’s level of contact with higher influ- sociate of both Gurdjieff and Ouspen-
A 1976 report compared 34,318 crimes ences. For people incapable of mov- sky, formulated an esoteric system for May-June 2006 ■

spiritual evolution founded upon the To fully appreciate why all this hap-
inner traditions of Eastern Orthodoxy pened, a study of Theosophical cosmolo-
and Fourth Way principles. His exten- gy is required, but space does not permit
sive three volume work, Gnosis, deals a full explanation here.
extensively with the question of lunar Elsewhere in The Secret Doctrine,
influences and spiritual development. Madame Blavatsky’s view of the Moon’s
He concurs with Gurdjieff and relationship to the Earth is similar to
Ouspensky on the role of the Moon, but Fourth Way thinking:
also warns “that organic life functions “The moon is now the cold residual
as a transmitter station sending refined quantity, the shadow dragged after the
energy to the Moon to assist its growth. new body, into which her living powers
Despite increases in the human popula- are transfused. She now is doomed for
tion and thus an increase in quantity of long ages to be ever pursuing the Earth, to
energy transferred, times of peace do not be attracted by and to attract her progeny.
produce sufficient energy and so cata- Constantly vampirised by her child, she re-
lysts for suffering such as wars and ca- venges herself on it, by soaking it through
tastrophes arise to sustain the process.”4 and through with the nefarious, invisible
 Mouravieff and Ouspensky empha- and poisonous influence which emanates
 sise that despite the hypnotic nature of
the Moon and the urgent necessity for
from the occult side of her nature. For she
is a dead, yet a living body. The particles of
 individuals to overcome its influence, her decaying corpse are full of active and
there is still an important cosmological destructive life, although the body which
 reason for its existence. If nothing else, they had formed, is soulless and lifeless.”
the Moon’s unique position in relation Theosophy differs from the Fourth
to the Earth was paramount in making Way which holds the Moon is not yet
 physical ‘conscious’ life possible. ready to sustain life. But they both agree
 the Moon is vampirising the life forms of
Theosophy Earth.
 Together with Henry Steel Olcott, Are we food for the Moon, or are
 Madame H.P. Blavatsky founded the these warnings the ravings of lunatics?
 Theosophical Society in 1875. Theosophy, Although modern science tells us we
 have nothing to worry about, ancient
the “grandmother” of today's “New Age”
 wisdom and folklore paint a very differ-
 movement, tells us the Moon was home
 to an earlier “life wave” which has since ent picture. Ignoring these dangers has
 migrated to Earth. perhaps left us wide open, more so when
In The Secret Doctrine, Madame we do not recognise the signs or symp-
Blavatsky states the Moon served a dual toms of the Moon’s ‘drawing up’ effect.
 Whatever the reality, the Fourth Way,
purpose in religious rites: “Personified as
 a female goddess for exoteric purposes, Theosophy and all schools of esoteric
 or as a male god in allegory and symbol, philosophy have the solution. By over-
 in occult philosophy our satellite was coming our mechanical tendencies, we
 regarded as a sexless Potency to be well strengthen our resistance to the lunar ef-
 studied, because it was to be dreaded… fect, and for that matter all planetary in-
 But whether male or female…, the Moon fluences. And by “creating Moon” within
 is the Occult mystery of mysteries, and ourselves – that is, building up our essen-
more a symbol of evil than of good.” tial self – we not only gain victory over
 the negative lunar influence, but awaken
 Perhaps the Moon is identified with
evil rather than good because it is now to a higher level of consciousness.
what Madame Blavatsky calls “a dead
Footnotes :
 How did this occur? An article by 1. The Dictionary of the Esoteric by Nevill
 William Quan Judge elaborates: “in Drury, Watkins Publishing, London 2002
 2. In Search of the Miraculous by P. Ouspen-
a remote period, when there was no
sky, 1949
 Earth, the Moon existed as an inhabited
globe, died, and at once threw out into 3. The Fourth Way by P. Ouspensky, 1957
 space all her energies leaving nothing 4. Gnosis II: Study And Commentaries On The
Esoteric Tradition Of Eastern Orthodoxy, Book
but the physical vehicle. Those energies
 revolved and condensed that matter in
Two, Mesoteric Cycle, by Boris Mouravieff,
Praxis Institute, 1992
 space nearby and produced our Earth;
the Moon, its parent, proceeding towards
5. “Moon’s Mystery and Fate”, Path, June, 1894

 disintegration but compelled to revolve – Jason Jeffrey

around her child, this Earth.”5

May-June 2006
The Gospel of
Judas Revealed
Lost for 1,700 years, an ancient manuscript
gives an alternative view of Christ’s betrayal and
sheds new light on Christianity's hidden origins

By Robert Black Originally unearthed by a farmer in Known as the Codex Tchacos (named
1978 near El Minya, Egypt, from where after Dimaratos Tchacos, father of Frieda
The secret account of the revela- it had been hidden in a “tomb-like box” Nussberger-Tchacos), it is a 26-page
tion that Jesus spoke in conversa- for some 1,600 years, the leather-bound document written on 13 sheets of papy-
tion with Judas Iscariot during a papyrus codex was in superb condition. rus leaf in ancient Egyptian, or Coptic.
week three days before he cel- The farmer secretly sold the codex to The codex contains not only the Gospel
ebrated Passover. ...Jesus said to an antiquities dealer in Cairo, without of Judas, but the First Apocalypse of
him, “Step away from the others advising Egyptian Antiquities. In a James, the Letter of Peter to Philip, and a
and I shall tell you the mysteries clandestine meeting in 1983, the antiq- small fragment of text that scholars have
of the kingdom. It is possible for uities dealer offered the codex for sale called the Book of Allogene.
you to reach it, but you will grieve
If we focus on the Gospel of Judas,
a great deal.”
the document is a 3rd century Coptic
– The Gospel of Judas1
This is significant translation of a now lost Greek text,
thought to have been written by a group
From an historical point of view
this find is as important as the Nag because it places of early Gnostic Christians before 180
CE. While its significance is much
Hammadi writings discovered half
a century ago. Everything tells
the Gospel of Judas debated, there is no question about its au-
thenticity. There is universal agreement
us that we are dealing with the within the same it is the genuine article. “All you had to
Gospel of Judas referred to by Ire-
naeus in the second century AD. It timeframe as the do was look at this thing once,” said Bart
Ehrman, a scholar of early Christianity.
is fantastic that something like that
re-appears after 1800 years. Biblical gospels of “I’ve seen a lot of ancient manuscripts,
– Dr. Stephen Emmel 2
and there was no question.”3 According
Matthew, Mark, Luke

to James M. Robinson, America’s lead-
ing expert on ancient religious texts from
he story of how the and John. Egypt, “I don’t know of any scholar who
Gospel of Judas arrived thinks this is fake.”4
in the Western world is
a fascinating tale. Like to various scholars in Geneva, however Heresy Hunting
many of the so-called Gnostic with an asking price of over $3,000,000 Back in the 2nd century of the Chris-
Gospels, it somehow travelled out and a dubious provenance, the price was tian era, the Christian Bishop Irenaeus
of Egypt and arrived in the US considered extraordinary. mentioned a Gospel of Judas was in use
with a large price tag. Unlike many Ironically, while the Gospel survived among the Kainites, an early Gnostic
manuscripts which vanish sight well in Egypt, it seriously deteriorated Christian sect. In part I of his Against
when stored for some 16 years in a safety Heresy, paragraph 31.1, he wrote:
unseen, luck or providence if you
deposit box in Hicksville, New York.
like brought this manuscript not Finally purchased by antiquities dealer (Some) stated that Cain owes his
only to light but finally to restora- Frieda Nussberger-Tchacos in 2000, the existence to the highest power,
tion and publication. In the words while Esau, Korak, the Sodomites
following year the codex was acquired
of Professor Elaine Pagels, “the and all other men are dependants
by the Maecenas Foundation for Ancient
of each other. (…) They believe
discovery of the Gospel of Judas is Art in Switzerland. With the help of
that Judas the Betrayer was fully
astonishing.” National Geographic and an agreement informed of these things and that
reached with the Egyptian government, only he understanding the truth
restoration work soon began. May-June 2006 ■

like no one else fulfilled the secret tian origins is radically different from were strictly Judaic in focus even to the
of betrayal that confused all things, the traditional Christian worldview. It point of keeping the old laws and festi-
both in heaven and on earth. They would be fair to say Christianity is some- vals of Israel, while others were clearly
invented their own history called times even seen as a Gnostic heresy and influenced by the Greek Mysteries and
the Gospel of Judas. not vice versa. While this is an inflam- even Buddhist traditions.
The Gospel had been known to exist matory way of describing Christian ori- Each of these communities had their
for some time when discussed by Ire- gins, it does seem quite clear that within own sacred texts and interpretations
naeus around 180 CE, with his primary the early Christian “spectrum” there was of the teachings of Jesus; the majority
source being Justin Martyr. This moves an exceptionally wide range of traditions would now be considered Gnostic, i.e.
the date back to around 140 CE, and and practices. This diversity was not only they emphasised personal and direct
most scholars therefore date the Gospel tolerated but encouraged and embraced. experience of the divine. Accordingly,
itself to around 120 CE or even earlier. Christianity was not a single, monolithic each of these groups acted like a “Mys-
This is significant because it places the tradition handed down from one leader tery Cult” and had their own specialised
Gospel of Judas within the same time- to another in succession; it was diverse practices, mythologies and rites. Many
frame as the Biblical gospels of Matthew, and multi-faceted with many dispersed had distinct Gospels which included
Mark, Luke and John. centres of power. unique revelations from Jesus to their
The publication of the Gospel of Ju- founders. For example, in the Pistis
das undertaken by National Geographic Sophia, we read of the secret teachings
is unlikely to disturb the mainstream The Gospel of Judas of Jesus to Mary Magdalene and the
Gospel of Thomas begins… “These are
Christian church. In a recent inter-
view, Monsignor Walter Brandmuller, is a secret account of the secret words which the living Jesus
president of the Vatican’s Committee for spoke, and Didymus Judas Thomas
Historical Science, called it “a product the revelation that wrote them down.”8
These secret writings and communi-
of religious fantasy,” and went on to say,
“There is no campaign, no movement for
Jesus spoke to Judas ties flourished for hundreds of years.
the rehabilitation of (Judas) the traitor of Iscariot. It portrays It was only in the early 4th century that
Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria wrote a
From past experience with the Dead Judas as... a specially letter to some Christians in Egypt order-
Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947 and the ing them to reject what he called “secret,
Nag Hammadi Library unearthed two loved and favoured illegitimate books.”9 In 363 CE the first
synod (of Laodicea) was held to decide
years earlier, whatever the merits of a
document it does not bring about a reli-
disciple... the official contents of the Bible.
gious revolution. There is an entrenched Certainly by the middle of the 4th
power structure within Christendom and century, Christianity had become a
regardless of the strength of evidence Elaine Pagels, a professor of religion political force and dissenting views were
presented, the Church will use spin, at Princeton who specialises in studies of not tolerated. Under threat and violent
distortion and, if necessary, violence (re- the Gnostics, recently said in a statement, persecution, Gnostic communities with-
member the first crusades were against “These discoveries are exploding the drew from public view, to survive as an
the Cathars) to preserve its dominion. myth of a monolithic religion, and dem- ‘underground’ movement. This contin-
The significance of the Gospel of onstrating how diverse – and fascinating ued right through to such groups as the
Judas needs to be seen in the context of – the early Christian movement really Templars and Rosicrucians, and even to
the larger picture provided by Gnosti- was.”6 the present day.
cism and current scholarship regarding Clearly, early Christianity offered a
Christian origins. Too often modern
Gnostic Christianity wide spectrum of beliefs and practices
Christians live in a sort of self imposed Although later denounced by cer- catering to the unique needs of people
ghetto. They read Christian books, tain leaders as ‘heretics’, many of with differing levels of spiritual devel-
subscribe to Christian magazines, and these Christians saw themselves opment. This helps us understand the
generally are not exposed to scholarship as not so much believers as seek- Gospel of Judas. While Christendom has
except through the lens of their chosen ers, people who ‘seek for God.’7 attempted to downplay the significance
leaders or churches. In many cases even – Elaine Pagels of this Gospel, its message, like that of
when a Christian leader tries to inject Gnosticism in general, is actually quite
Early Christianity seems to have confronting and challenging.
scholarship and critical thinking, it is
included many differing viewpoints from
still filtered through a very antiquated
religious lens. There does seem to be a
the rather staid Judaic Christian mix of Secret Teachings
James the Brother of Jesus to the esoteric
surprisingly large gap between modern The Gospel of Judas is a secret ac-
Gnosticism of the followers of Mary
research into Christian origins, even that count of the revelation that Jesus spoke
Magdalene and Simon Magus. Variations
generally available, and the information to Judas Iscariot. It portrays Judas as
in approach were such that within one
the average Christian receives within his one of the initiates, a specially loved and
movement there were libertine sects that
or her community. favoured disciple who undertook one of
used sex and mind altering substances,
Over the last 100 years the academic the most painful missions asked by his
and others which were strictly ascetic
model that has arisen in regards to Chris- teacher, to betray the saviour as part of a
and celibate. There were groups which
greater plan of spiritual import.

May-June 2006
The Gospel outlines a specifically legend. Saklas, a demi-god under Yalda- of flesh and liberate the essential true
Gnostic worldview, offering a cosmology baoth, creates the body of man while the nature within him.
which is fairly consistent with the radical angels Michael and Gabriel, emissaries
You will exceed all of them. For
Gnostic sects of the period. Cosmology of the world of light, allow spirits from you will sacrifice the man that
in Gnosticism is a complex idea with the world of light to incarnate within clothes me.
many Aeons, worlds, dimensions and these shells.
– Gospel of Judas
forms. It is impossible to appreciate the This is very similar to Mandaean
cosmology of the Gospel of Judas with- myths of creation where the physical The Gnostics taught that in some
out these, however, I cannot give them bodies created by lesser spirits can- way or another we must each overcome
comprehensive coverage here, but I will not even move off the ground, writhing the body and its demands and liberate
try to give a general outline. and screaming in the dirt. In sympathy, the true Christ nature within. While
There is a world of light which is emissaries of the light world allow spirits individual praxis may vary from asceti-
beyond all created forms. This spir- to enter them. But becoming trapped, cism to libertinism, the goal is the same.
itual realm contains various dynamic fascinated by the allure of the flesh, these In addition, these Gnostics also identify
intelligences or energies, of which one, spirits now believe they are physical the creator of the physical world as our
Barbelo, is discussed in the Gospel of rather than spiritual beings. enemy, and hence see Yaldabaoth as
Judas. the primary force holding us back from
For there exists a great and
achieving true liberation.
boundless realm, whose extent no Indeed, in the Sethian tradition,
generation of angels has seen. The Gnostics taught Yaldabaoth is identified with Jehovah and
the serpent of Genesis is actually seen as
– Gospel of Judas
that in some way the liberator. This relates back to Irenaeus’
There are many dimensions or worlds claim the followers of the Gospel of Judas
which exist between this higher reality or another we must were “Kainites” since in this interpreta-
and the physical world, and all are popu-
lated with forms of varying potencies.
each overcome the tion, Cain is the saviour, not Abel, and the
Sodomites are the people of God, not the
The physical world is depicted as body and its demands slaughtering puritans and so on.
flawed, even evil, and is beyond the We also find within the Gospel of
boundary of these worlds. It is the prod- and liberate the true Judas reference to both Seth and Adamas
uct of a bloodthirsty and ignorant creator which is significant as they tie elements
deity. His name is given as Nebro, which Christ nature within. of the Gospel to the Naassene or Serpent
means ‘rebel’; while others Gnostics call Gnostic traditions. This has strong reso-
him Yaldabaoth. There are many myths nance with the Greek Orphic Tradition
and stories about how he came to exist which is superbly covered in The Gnostic
and create the physical world. There is a suggestion, also found Secrets of the Naassenes by Mark Gaff-
Judas said to Jesus, “[What] is in other Gnostic literature, of various ney.
the long duration of time that the degrees of spiritual awakening. Some There is a distinct absence of the
human being will live?” beings only have one soul, some have saving power of the blood of Christ or
Jesus said, “Why are you wonder- two, some have none. In the Gospel of the vicarious nature of the crucifixion in
ing about this, that Adam, with his Judas, those with one soul receive it the Gnostic texts. Indeed the crucifixion
generation, has lived his span of from Michael, while those with both a and Resurrection are not even mentioned
life in the place where he has re- soul and spirit have received them from in the Gospel of Judas. The role of Judas
ceived his kingdom, with longevity Gabriel. Each of these classes are under shows the path to liberation is in awaken-
with his ruler?” varying degrees of control by the rulers ing the Christ within and overcoming the
Judas said to Jesus, “Does the (principalities and dominions) that ma- restrictions created by both the physical
human spirit die?” nipulate our world. body and the forces of the lower spiritu-
Jesus said, “This is why God or-
This model is found within the Gnos- al/physical worlds. These are sometimes
dered Michael to give the spirits tic schools where there are three levels of represented as the planets, powers and
of people to them as a loan, so initiation: dominions or rulers.
that they might offer service, but 1. Hylic – most of sleeping humanity,
The multitude of those immortals
the Great One ordered Gabriel to under full control of rulers.
is called the cosmos – that is,
grant spirits to the great genera- 2. Psychic – partially awakened, perdition – by the Father and the
tion with no ruler over it – that is, under partial control of the rulers. seventy-two luminaries who are
the spirit and the soul... 3. Pneumatics – awakened. with the Self-Generated and his
– Gospel of Judas There is an essential dualism within seventy-two aeons. In him the
the Gospel of Judas which helps explain first human appeared with his in-
While the Gospel of Judas does not
the significance of Jesus’s death and corruptible powers. And the aeon
present a full account of the creation
the role of Judas. Since man’s origin is that appeared with his generation,
process, when interpreted in conjunc-
within the spiritual dimensions and the the aeon in whom are the cloud of
tion with other Gnostic texts it certainly
flesh is a cage, then death is not to be knowledge and the angel, is called
presents a mythos which is very much at
feared but a form of liberation. Accord- [51] El. […] aeon […] after that […]
odds with the standard Judeo-Christian said, ‘Let twelve angels come into
ingly, Judas helps Jesus escape his prison May-June 2006 ■

The Gospel of Judas is certainly a Recommended Reading
fascinating revelation, though it does
Adam, Eve and the Serpent by Elaine Pagels
Each of you has not necessarily add greatly to what we
already know about the Gnostic vi-
Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism
by Kurt Rudolph
his own star. sion. What it does do, however, is bring
home the significance of this message
The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical
Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

– Gospel of Judas
for today’s world. If the Gospel of Judas by Willis Barnstone
had been taken seriously by the early The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels
Church and the Gnostics not suppressed, Gnostic Philosophy: From Ancient Persia to
anti-Semitism and all its related violence Modern Times by Tobias Churton
may not have had such a disastrous effect The Gnostic Religion by Hans Jonas
being [to] rule over chaos and the
[underworld].’ And look, from the The Gospel of Judas by Bart D. Ehrman, Rodol-
phe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst
cloud there appeared an [angel]
whose face flashed with fire and Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teach-
whose appearance was defiled ings of the Original Christians by Timothy
Freke and Peter Gandy
with blood. His name was Nebro,
which means ‘rebel’; others call The Jesus Mysteries: Was the “Original Jesus”
a Pagan God? by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy
him Yaldabaoth. Another angel,
Saklas, also came from the cloud. The Other God: Dualist Religions from Antiq-
So Nebro created six angels – as uity to the Cathar Heresy by Yuri Stoyanov
well as Saklas – to be assistants, The Secrets of Judas: The Story of the Misun-
and these produced twelve angels derstood Disciple and His Lost Gospel by James
M. Robinson
in the heavens, with each one re-
ceiving a portion in the heavens.
Footnotes :
– Gospel of Judas
1. The Gospel of Judas, as translated by a team
Judas works with Jesus to help liber- led by Rodolphe Kasser and provided by the
ate him from the power of the body; National Geographic Society.
he plays an important role within the 2.
initiatory process of the crucifixion and 3. "Scholars have ‘no question’ on authentic-
Resurrection, which some suggest was ity", by Tom Avril, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 7
actually an initiatory drama rather than April,
a real historical event, but that is outside 4. "Another Take on Gospel Truth About Judas,
our discussion here. Manuscript Could Add to Understanding of
Gnostic Sect", by Stacy Meichtry, 25 February,
This Gospel needs to be interpreted within Western history. If Judas was only Washington Post,
within the larger framework of the dual- doing his job as a “special” disciple of 5. Ibid.
ist Gnostic tradition. The motif of Judas Jesus, then the whole myth of “Judas the 6. "In Ancient Document, Judas, Minus the
as special disciple and the negative inter- Christ Killer” dissolves and is replaced Betrayal", by John Noble Wilford & Laurie
pretation of both the body and the world by Judas, the holder of the Mysteries. Goodstein, 7 April, New York Times, www.
resonate through the vast majority of the In 2006 with continued violence
Gnostic sects. In addition, the emphasis instigated by self-proclaimed religious 7. "The ongoing evolution of Christianity", by
on Jesus as a giver of light, a transmitter fundamentalists, it is perhaps time we Jane Lampman, May 15, 2003, Christian Sci-
of the message from the higher dimen- rehabilitate the Gnostic tradition. Gnosti- ence Monitor,
sions rather than as a sacrifice, is central cism brings a spirit of openness, diversi- 8. "The Gospel Truth", by Elaine Pagels, April
to a Gnostic view of salvation. 8, New York Times,
ty, individual responsibility and freedom.
Jesus was seen as a way-shower, With the publicity brought about by The 9. Ibid.
an emissary, a being whom we should Da Vinci Code and now the publica-
emulate, not worship. This approach is tion of the Gospel of Judas, it is time
central to the Gnostic vision; liberation we let go of old prejudices, superstitions
comes through individual effort inspired and narrowly held opinions and allow a
perhaps by the life of Jesus, but ultimate- different light to shine from beyond the
ly through our own perseverance. In this confines of matter.
way we move towards achieving our own
state of divinity, our own theosis.

Robert Black is a writer on Gnosticism, Vajrayana Buddhism, and Eastern and Western
schools of theory and practise. He has been studying such subjects for some 25 years and is equally
at home within an Eastern or Western esoteric setting. While he has a strong academic foundation
for his work, he believes it is the practical use to which these traditions are put which counts.

May-June 2006
By Dr. Norman Williams 1895, with her husband, reached within fifty miles of the holy

capital. Yet another was Dr. Susie Rijnhart, also a missionary,
veryone thinks that Tibet was an independ- who made two attempts in 1898.
ent country that was invaded by the dread-
ed Chinese in the 1950s. This is the story
that is propagated by the “Big Brother” According to tenth century Chinese records the origin of
press of the West. The truth, however, is somewhat the Tibetan peoples was from pastoralist tribes from the great
steppes northwest of China, a region where many racial ele-
different, and to understand it, it is necessary to know
ments lived and mixed for millennia. From this mixture two
something of the history of Tibet. strains, the “round-heads” and the “long-heads”, predominated
with the former, from the region of the Yellow River basin, be-
Most of the information given in this article can be sourced
ing greater in number and considered to be proto-Chinese. The
in the Encyclopaedia Britannica and in the writings of non-
other, long-heads, probably of Turkic origin, were from what
government explorers, missionaries, adventurers and students
is now Mongolia. But credible history begins only in the sixth
of Eastern philosophy like Alexandra David-Neel, who spent
century, and between the seventh and ninth centuries Tibet
many years in Tibet and became, as far as is generally known,
was a power to be reckoned with in Central Asia, controlling
the only woman Lama in Tibet.1 Alexandra was the first Euro-
pean woman to enter the holy city of Lhasa in 1923, disguised
as a beggar, and at the height of the British occupation period
and their declaration of Tibet as the “Forbidden Land” (see
further on).
In earlier times, Tibet, though forbidding as a place of
travel, was open to anyone brave and tough enough to face
the natural barriers and the bandits that still haunt its remote
areas. On this Edmond Chandler, who accompanied the Brit-
ish military expedition, said: “It must be remembered that
Tibet had not always been closed to strangers… Until the end
of the 18th century, only physical obstacles stood in the way
of an entry to the capital…”2 In the face of the growing threat
of invasion by Britain and other entrepreneurial countries,
the Tibetans attempted to seal off the region from the outside
world. Nevertheless, in 1904, Sir Francis Younghusband with
a small army armed with modern rifles and sextants, shot his
way across Tibet to Lhasa, leaving the plain strewn with Ti-
betan dead, and declared the area “Forbidden Territory” – to
all except officials of the Crown. During this period, virtually
up until World War II, Britain armed the Tibetan army with
modern weapons and facilitated the expulsion of the Chinese
from the territory. 3
Other women explorers were Annie Royle Taylor, the mis- The 26.7 metre statue of Maitreya, the Buddha of the Future, in Tibet's
sionary daughter of a Cheshire businessman, who in 1892 at- Tashilhunpo monastery is the tallest gilded-bronze Buddhist figure
tempted to reach Lhasa to preach the Christian doctrine to the housed inside a building. Decorated with pearls, amber, and coral, the
Dalai Lama. She was expelled from Tibet only three days short figure was cast in 1914 with 160 tons of bronze.
of her goal. Another was Mrs. St. George Littledale who in May-June 2006 ■

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May-June 2006
In the eighteenth century the 7th Dalai Lama succumbed to
the Manchu suzerainty of China with the rise of the Manchu,
and engaged China to repel an invasion of Gurkha troops from
Nepal. This was the forerunner of the British invasion of 1904
which established the “Forbidden Territory.” The 9th to 12th
Dalai Lamas all died early and made way for the 13th Dalai
Lama (1875 – 1933), predecessor of the present Dalai Lama
in exile, who brought the scene to the British period and saw
the expulsion of Chinese from many sectors of Tibet in 1912
– until the re-establishment of Chinese control. The 14th Dalai
Lama fled to India in 1959 during the period of suppression of
religion in China.
A second-in-command in Tibet was the Tashi Lama
(Panchen Lama), head of the Tashilhunpo monastery. 5 The
Tashi Lama was forced to flee to China in 1923 over a disa-
greement with the Dalai Lama on taxes. He died in China and
his successor, a boy born in 1938 to Tibetan parents, became
the 10th Panchen Lama. In 1989, he died suddenly in Shigatse,
Tibet at the age of 51.
To understand the “Forbidden Territory” period, it is neces-
sary to seek information recorded by the adventurers who
‘gate-crashed’ the territory. Among these, Alexandra David-
Neel is the most authoritative and the most widely travelled,
who became familiar with all sectors of the Tibetan population.
In 1910 Alexandra was commissioned by the French Ministry On December 8, 1995, Gyaincain Norbu, the reincarnation of the
10th Panchen Lama, ascended the throne in the Tashilhunpo
of Education to proceed to India and Burma to undertake ‘Ori-
monastery, making him the 11th Panchen Lama.
ental’ research. She first set sail for the East in 1911 and after
interviewing the 13th Dalai Lama, then in exile in Darjeeling,
she became fired with the desire to study Tibetan Buddhism.

Basic Facts about Tibet

T he Tibet Autonomous Region is located on the
Tibetan Plateau, the world’s highest region. It is
bounded on the north and east by Xinjiang, Qinghai,
After the People's Republic of China was es-
tablished in October 1949, the central government
adopted the policy of peaceful liberation of Tibet. On
and Sichuan, on the west by India and Kashmir, and May 23, 1951, the Agreement of the Central Peo-
on the south by Yunnan, Nepal, India and Bhutan. ple's Government and Local Government of Tibet on
Being the capital city, with 1300 years of history, Measures for Peaceful Liberation of Tibet was signed,
Lhasa which means holy land of Buddha's land in Ti- which formed the basis for political integration of Tibet
betan, is the political, religious, economic and cultural with China with significant safeguards for autonomy.
centre of Tibet. The People's Liberation Army subsequently entered
The Chinese central government has for more than Lhasa without obstruction. On October 24, 1951, the
700 years exercised sovereignty over Tibet, and Tibet Dalai Lama sent a telegram to Chairman Mao Zedong
has never been an independent country. Archives in indicating he accepted the Agreement. In 1959 the
Beijing, Nanjing and Lhasa containing several million Dalai Lama fled to India.
records in Chinese, Tibetan and Manchu substantiate In September 1965 the Tibet Autonomous Region
the historical facts of these 700 years. These historical was formed becoming one of the five ethnic autono-
documents and objects confirm Tibet is an inseparable mous regions in the People's Republic of China.
part of Chinese territory. The issue of "Tibet independ- Speaking in March 2006, the Dalai Lama said,
ence" did not appear until the break out of the Opium “the issue of Tibet was purportedly decided in 1951
War of 1840, which marked the onslaught of the through an agreement between the central and local
foreign invasion of China in modern times. After the governments, taking into account the special status of
Opium War, with China gradually reduced to the status Tibet and the prevailing reality.”
of a semi-colony, the British tried to separate Tibet Since then the Dalai Lama has emphatically stated
from China, and bring it under the influence of the Brit- that he seeks Tibet’s “future within the framework of
ish empire. In a letter dated January 8, 1903 the British the Chinese constitution.”
cabinet affirmed that "Tibet is a province of China" and – Jason Jeffrey
"component part of the Chinese empire." May-June 2006 ■

In 1914 she entered Tibet “illegally” and spent half a year (Panchen lama) is a learned, enlightened, and liberal-minded
studying in a monastery close to the frontier with India. Then man. People who are not in the least acquainted with him… say
in 1915, after living as a hermit in a cave in Sikkim, she again that he is the enemy of foreigners… (But)… he is a Buddhist
entered Tibet and travelled as far as Shigatse. On her return she and pacifist and does not encourage those who increase each
was deported from Northern India by the British authorities, year the taxes paid by the poorest villagers in order to support
and, infuriated, she wrote of the British: “What right had they the ridiculous army they have been led to organise (by the
to erect barriers around a country which was not even lawfully British) to serve the interest of those who seize their land… In
theirs?” writing this I only wish to do justice to my kind host (the Tashi
Later Alexandra again made her way to the East via Burma, lama). If he had been the ruler of Tibet, instead of being com-
Korea, Japan and China, staying in Buddhist monasteries and pelled to fly from Tashilhunpo to save his life, he would have
honing her knowledge of the Tibetan language. In 1917 she gladly opened the country to explorers, savants and all honest
spent three months in Peking (Beijing) and then set out for and well-meaning travellers.”
Tibetan territory westward across China, accompanied by a At the start of her journey Alexandra wrote: “Although we
young Sikkimese monk, Yongden, who became her adopted were yet in that part of Tibet still under Chinese rule, wherein
son. After travelling more than 3000 kilometres across China, foreigners can travel freely, though at their own risk, it was
at that time torn by civil war, they reached the Tibetan Monas- important that rumours of my wanderings in the neighbour-
tery of Kumbum. Here Alexandra spent three years studying hood of the border should not spread.” Some of her observa-
Tantric Buddhism, translating sacred texts, and perfecting her tions made about her epic journey indicate the effects of the
knowledge of the Tibetan language. During this period she British invasion. On approaching Lhasa she wrote: “I was very
made excursions into the Chinese borderlands and into Mon- astonished to meet so few people. I was told by the country
golia. One of these excursions was to the Tibetan monastery of folk that a much larger traffic used to pass during the Chinese
Jakyendo, from which she was to commence her epic journey suzerainty… But how much ground remained uncultivated on
to Lhasa in 1923. These adventures and her deep perception which barley could have grown for the town where the cost of
of esoteric Buddhism and Tibetan social life were reported in living was so high! Tibetans have lost much in the parting of
remarkable books entitled Magic and Mysticism in Tibet and China. Their sham independence profits only a clique of court
With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet. officials. Most of those who rebelled against the far-off and
Some of Alexandra David-Neel’s comments: She wrote relaxed Chinese rule regret it nowadays, when taxes, statute
of the Tashi Lama before she embarked on her journey to labour place such demands. And the arrogant plundering of
Lhasa and before his flight to China (above): “The Tashi lama the national soldierly greatly exceeds the exhortations of their
former masters.”
In reference to another part of her journey she wrote: “In
the part of the Kham conquered by the Lhasa troops, when the
country people lament about the considerable rise of the taxes,
the officials answer that the Dalai Lama is not responsible for
these hardships, but that the philings (foreigners) tell them
to collect money… To the simple-minded ones… they only
remember and bear in mind that these hated ‘white-eyed’ for-
eigners are the cause of their ruin. Thus the hatred of the white
men is sown and cultivated in the remotest corners of Asia…”
– where, of course, it continues under modern global interfer-
On speaking of the plight of villagers in the area of “Tashi
Tse” she wrote: “Taxes, statute labour, and a number of other
ways of plundering the peasants... to whom my beggarly attire
gave confidence, described their distress in that country where
the soil does not produce every year enough to pay the tax
in kind… To leave the country, to look for better land or less
exacting lords, is not permitted. A few ventured the flight and
established themselves in neighbouring provinces, (but)… hav-
ing been discovered, they were… led back to Tashi Tse, where
they were beaten and heavily fined.… Others looked towards
China: ‘We were not treated in this way when the Chinese were
the masters.’ They said. Will they come back? Maybe… but
when? We may die before.”

The Present- day Scene

To understand the present conditions in Tibet it is essen-
tial to give cognisance to the close relationship between Tibet
and the Mongolian peoples, who have always had also a close
association with China and now (as before) form part of the

Continued on page 28...

May-June 2006
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infant mortality. For this we must give recognition to the Chi-
nese Government and, in the light of all the elements of China’s
history and the history of the Mongolian peoples and Tibet in
general, one would be hard pressed to conceive a reason for
Western interference in Tibet, well meaning that it may be at
the level of the agitators for an independent Tibet.
Nowadays Tibet is open to visitors and tourists and nonpo-
litical religious freedom is allowed – it is no longer the “For-
bidden Territory.” Even the Dalai Lama in exile is now con-
templating a compromise of a semi-autonomous region. What
could be better?

Footnotes :
1. Was Alexandra enlightened? For the most part she was regarded as
an astute and accurate observer of Tibetan mysticism, but here and there
in her books are indications that she may have been more. Shortly after
entering the “Forbidden Territory” she wrote: “I was indeed privileged
to experience in a single day the intoxication arising from the beauty of
nature and the peaceful delight brought to the threshold of the supreme
Deliverance, and thrice blessed verily in a country that can offer both
these things to those who tread its ground.”

2. My Journey to Lhasa by Alexandra David-Neel (1927).

3. Was it magic, or a trick of the Himalayan light, that caused the highly-
trained riflemen of Younghusband to miss so often? Did Alexandra
David-Neel really witness lung-gom, the art of walking at incredible
speeds, which is clearly understood in esoteric Tibet? Another is the art
of self-heating, called thumo reskiang in Tibet. In the modern technical
Mystic, occultist and traveller, Alexandra David-Neel (1868-1969). world such matters are not taken seriously – even though there are many
recorded cases of the attainment of apparently superhuman abilities at
times of great stress by ordinary mortals!
present-day People’s Republic of China. Mongolia is divided 4. Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan: In early times the Mongolian plateau
into Inner Mongolia, an autonomous region within China was inhabited by a variety of tribes who were united by Genghis Khan
formed in 1947 two years before the declaration of the Com- who launched a campaign to conquer Northern China. Later, in the
munist Government in Peking (Beijing), and the Mongolian fourteenth century, the Mongol centre of power was transferred by Kublai
People’s Republic which was wrested from China by White Khan to Peking (Beijing). By the seventeenth century Manchurian power
eroded Mongolian influence in China but, nevertheless, the Mongolian
Russian forces between 1918 and 1921 – and then assisted by influence became diluted but yet still part of the cocktail of peoples who
Soviet forces to form the independent People’s Republic of now inhabit China and Tibet. Generally the Mongols form an Asian geo-
Mongolia under the Mongolian Treaty on 5 November 1921. graphical race excluding only the southwest and India.
This treaty had the effect of straining relations between China
and Russia, and the tension was relieved in 1924 when Russia 5. In 1910 the Tashi Lama had fled to India because of political troubles
in China. Alexandra was able to get a personal audience with him, though
officially agreed to recognise China’s sovereignty in the region
resisted by the British. She writes in My Journey to Lhasa: “Around the
– although, officially, the People’s Republic remains an inde- monk-sovereign, I found a strange royal household of clerical personages,
pendent country. clad in shining yellow satin, dark red cloth, and gold brocade, who related
Most Mongolians are loyal Tibetan Lamists with many fantastic stories and spoke of the wonderland of Tibet.” «
families having one or more sons in monasteries. Under
Chinese rule social conditions have greatly improved for the
nomadic Mongolians. Before, epidemic diseases such as syphi-
lis and bubonic plague reduced the population significantly and
infant mortality exceeded 30%. Now public health has greatly
improved and a system of midwifery has also greatly reduced

Dr. Norman Williams is a scientist and researcher on esoteric matters. He is the publisher
and a co-author of the book Beyond Duality – Biographical Sketches of Mystical Saints and Enlightened
Spiritual Teachers of the 20th Century. For further information, see and the
advertisement on page 26.

May-June 2006
How to Make a Ghost
Magic and Mysticism in Tibet
By Herbie Brennan

uthors note that fictional characters have a
tendency to take on a life of their own. But
few readers realise just how literally they
mean it. A friend of mine, engaged in writ-
ing a romantic novel, called me in a panic just a year
ago to complain that two of her characters had just
run off and got married… thus ruining her carefully-
crafted plot.

In theory this should not have been a problem. From her

god-like perspective, the writer could surely have deleted the
relevant passage and written a new one that put her creation
back on track. In practice, any attempt to rein in characters like
that will produce an almost unreadable novel, full of wooden
dialogue and contrived situations. The only viable answer is to
let them go their own way, abandon any preconceived plot no-
tions, and see what ‘really’ happens.
The popular American science-fiction writer, Ray Brad-
bury, was so intrigued by the phenomenon that he wrote it into
one of his own books. The Martian Chronicles describes how
visitors to the red planet are confronted by characters from
classical fiction who had somehow taken on corporeal exist-
ence in the alien environment.
Curiously, Bradbury’s idea – that fictional characters might,
in certain circumstances, take on solid form – had widespread
currency in Tibet. Such creatures were known as tulpas and at
least one European traveller claimed to have seen them.
Madame Alexandra David-Neel, a distinguished French
academic and explorer who died in 1969, reported that while
camped in the Tibetan highlands, she was visited by a young
painter she knew vaguely from a previous stay in Lhasa. The
man had a particular obsession with one of the many Tibetan
gods. For years he had meditated daily on the deity and painted
its image many times. As he entered the camp, Madame David-
Neel claimed she saw a misty representation of the god hover- legends. After weeks of effort, the imaginary monk became so
ing behind him. vivid that he appeared to her as if he were physically present –
She was so intrigued by this phenomenon that she studied an induced hallucination.
Tibetan teachings about tulpas and eventually decided to create But then, says Madame David-Neel, the monk began to turn
one for herself. To this end, she visualised a cheerful brown- up when she was not trying to visualise him. Furthermore, his
robed monk, based loosely on Friar Tuck in the Robin Hood appearance was changing: he grew thinner and developed a sly May-June 2006 ■

expression. When other members of her camp asked about ing ‘spirit’ turned out to be Philip, claiming the life history
the ‘strange little lama’ she decided the time had come to they had invented for him.
destroy her creation… and battled for weeks before finally As the séances continued, the fictional Philip contin-
managing to do so. ued to behave exactly as séance room spirits have always
Could such a thing really be possible? behaved. He caused raps and brought through such a richly
During the early 1970s, a group from the Toronto Soci- detailed description of the Cromwellian period that the group
ety for Psychical Research set out to see if they could make actually double checked to make sure they’d not somehow
a ghost. First they dreamed up a fictional based Philip on a real life character. (They
character, then invented a background to go hadn’t.) Later, the Toronto experiment was
with him. The character was named Philip duplicated by other groups. One of them dis-
and lived at the time of Cromwell, in a One of the most pelled any lingering doubts about the fictional
house called Diddington Manor. He fell in nature of the spirit by communicating with a
love with a beautiful Gypsy woman named fascinating stories talking dolphin.
Margo and subsequently had an affair with
her. When his wife found out, she took her
involves a mythic Although Philip was a step removed from
the sort of visible ‘spirit’ appearance reported
revenge by accusing Margo of witchcraft. creature called a by Alexandra David-Neel, he did manage to
Margo was tried, convicted and burned at produce physical phenomena like raps and
the stake. Philip, mad with grief, committed Yidam, a tutelary table turning, which suggests the psychologi-
suicide. cal mechanics of the two experiments may
There actually was a Diddington Manor deity in the Tibetan not have been all that different. But if certain
and pictures of it were obtained by the group.
The rest of the story was fiction. Philip never
pantheon. persistent accounts are to be believed, the
techniques used for creating ghosts went far
really existed. But that didn’t stop him haunt- further in Tibet than they ever did in Canada
ing. – and generated a valuable spiritual lesson in
The group held a series of séances with the process.
photographs of the manor placed around the room while they One of the most fascinating stories involves a mythic crea-
concentrated on the fictional Philip. For several months nothing ture called a Yidam, a tutelary deity in the Tibetan pantheon.
happened. Then a rap was heard. The group set up a code and In Tibet, many young men (and some young women) suf-
communication was established. Sure enough, the communicat- fering from a spiritual itch, apprenticed themselves to a single

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May-June 2006
guru rather than follow the traditional monastic route. The pupil was required to receive the Yidam’s blessing, a
A few of them who showed real spiritual promise would process that, in Tibet, involved the laying of hands on the
eventually reach the point where their guru would admit pupil’s head.
he had nothing more to teach them. If they wanted to go Once the pupil reported positively on this latest task,
further, they would need a far more advanced guide. To that the guru would typically tell him he had only one more step to
end, the guru would advise them to meditate on the Yidam and take. He had achieved conversation with and blessing from the
study pictures of it in the sacred scriptures. Yidam, but it was still confined to the cave.
These showed the creature to have a fearful, In order to establish the deity as his personal
almost demonic aspect.
When the student was saturated in Yidam
The gurus who guru, the pupil had to persuade the Yidam to
leave its circle and accompany him wherever
lore, he would typically be advised to find a developed the he went. Off went the pupil to his Himalayan
remote cave and there create a magic circle cave again.
(known as a kylkhor) using powdered chalk. exercise clearly With the benefit of our tulpa studies, we
The purpose of the circle was to encourage might suspect that the pupil was creating a
the visible appearance of the Yidam. recognised its fictional character, albeit one based on scrip-
In order to achieve this, the pupil was
instructed to visualise the Yidam within the
tulpa aspect as tural authority. While the appearance of the
Yidam is a matter of visualisation, any con-
circle. Over a period of weeks, or months, the well, for the whole versations must require essentially the same
pupil had to continue the exercise until a full- creative input as an author writing dialogue.
scale hallucination resulted and the Yidam experience was The gurus who developed the exercise
appeared. At this point, the pupil would be clearly recognised its tulpa aspect as well, for
told he was obviously favoured by the god. actually a test. the whole experience was actually a test. If
But for his next step, he would have to the pupil succeeded in creating a Yidam that
persuade it to leave the circle. would walk and talk with him, his teacher
The process might take several more months, but eventu- would tell him his studies were ended since he now had the
ally the pupil would report that the god had stepped out of the wisest and most powerful teacher possible. But the pupil who
kylkhor. He would be congratulated, then told to see if he could accepted this evaluation was deemed to be a failure – and sent
manage to get the Yidam to speak to him. off to spend the rest of his life locked into a comforting hal-
Once this was achieved, the goal-posts were moved again. lucination.

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above and the valleys below – is maya, a word imported from
India that translates as ‘illusion.’ What happens in the creation
of a Yidam proves that absolutely.
An eerily similar theme underlay a popular Hollywood
movie called The Matrix. The premise of The Matrix was
that at some point in the distant future, humanity fought an
apocalyptic battle against intelligent machines… and lost. With
commendable efficiency, the machines decided to use captive
humans as a power source. (The human body generates a meas-
urable amount of electricity.)
To avoid any possibility of a resistance, the machines
wired their captives’ brains into a central computer running a
complex program that created the illusion of day-to-day real-
ity. Although actually stored neatly in nourishment tanks, the
population of our defeated planet slept on, convinced that the
world of offices and jet planes functioned exactly as it always
The idea is not a new one, even in our materialistic West:
“And then…?” the Emperor Claudius asks of the Sibyl in
Robert Graves’ I Claudius, on discovering he is dead.
“Then you shall dream a very different dream,” the Oracle
replies, referring to Claudius’s next life.
Among spiritually-enlightened Tibetans, the notion that we
all live in a Matrix-style illusion is widespread. But the illusion
is not maintained by rogue machines – it is generated by our
own minds. When I first came across the doctrine, I was forci-
bly reminded of a saying you hear every day in Haiti: What you
A Tibetan mask worn by a participant in a religious see… it’s not what you think.
ceremony. The masks depict a range of celestial deities as At least one (American) Buddhist attempted to convince me
well as men and animals. the Tibetan doctrine was purely philosophical. She believed it
to be essentially a question of emphasis, in the way that a hand-
There were, however, a few pupils who expressed doubts. ful of American deaths might seem more real (to Americans)
They might begin to wonder if the Yidam was the god they be- than a million famine victims in distant China.
lieved it to be, or an aberration of their own perceptions. Often Her stance was sophisticated, her arguments psychologi-
the guru would feign anger and send them back to the cave to cally enlightened, but even our own Western physicists know
redouble their efforts. But if the doubts persisted, then came better. Investigations of the quantum world of sub-atomic
the crunch. particles reveals a universe founded on no more than statistical
“Do you not see the god? Do you not hear the god? Do probabilities and built with little bits of something that appear
you not feel the god when he lays his hands upon your head out of nowhere, exist momentarily before vanishing again…
to impart his blessing? Is not the Yidam as real as the mighty and are profoundly influenced by human observation.
Himalayas?” asks the guru. Physicists have now become accustomed to thinking math-
The pupil agrees that he sees, hears and feels. He agrees ematically about an 11-dimensional space-time continuum that
that the Yidam seems as real and solid as the Himalayas. And looks nothing like the world we live in.
yet he doubts. The only difference is Tibetan mystics seem to experience
At which point the guru springs his trap. The experience it directly.
of the Yidam is not simply a lesson in tulpa creation. Accord-
ing to the insights of Tibetan spirituality, human perception of Herbie deals more fully with tulpas, the Yidam and many other
the ‘real’ world is fundamentally flawed. Not just its politics arcane Tibetan practices in his new book, Tibetan Magic and
and values, not just its preconceptions and ideas, but its very Mysticism, published by Llewellyn, and available from New
structure is something other than what it appears. The world Dawn Book Service for $25.95 plus $8 p&h. To order, use
as we know it – from our friends to ourselves to the mountains form on page 88. «

Herbie Brennan is the author of more than sixty works of fact and fiction. As a writer he
has never been shy of dealing with controversial subject matter, and his subjects have included
out-of-body experiences and time travel. He works as a full-time author with an interest in
transpersonal psychology, spirituality, comparative religion, reincarnation, esotericism, quantum
physics and psychical research. He has broadcast and lectured widely throughout the US, UK and
Ireland. He lives in Ireland and his web site is

May-June 2006
By Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller people to say that both good and bad come from the Divine.

Thus archaic shamans would not have found it difficult to say
n June 10, 1991, a cover story appeared that good and evil are visited upon human beings by the Great
in Time magazine on the topic of evil. The Spirit. In the more sophisticated context of Sumero-Babylonian
author, Lance Morrow, did not argue for traditions, it was believed that the gods amused themselves by
creating terrible things – freakish beings, evil demons, and hor-
a particular thesis and did not reach any
rible conditions for human life.
conclusions. What he did, however, was in a sense To employ a psychohistorical rationale, one might say that
more important. He began by stating three proposi- when people did not yet possess a differentiated consciousness
tions: (which we may equate with the conscious ego), it was rela-
tively easy for them to envision God or the gods as being like
God is all-powerful. themselves, so that the coincidence of good and evil was part of
God is all-good. their nature. More advanced spiritual traditions have inher-
Terrible things happen. ited some of this attitude; thus in mystical
Citing several sources, Morrow said that Jewish theology we find the notion that God
you can match any two of these propositions, The supreme partakes of both good and evil tendencies
but not all three. You can declare that there (yetzirim).
is an all-powerful God who allows terrible medieval luminary With the growth of consciousness, the
things to happen, but this God could not be
all-good. On the other hand, there might be of Catholic theology, mind begins to differentiate between the
beneficent and the malefic sides of being.
an all-good God who lets terrible things hap- St. Thomas Aquinas, The tension induced by trying to hold a God
pen because he does not have the power to concept that unites good and evil becomes
stop them; thus he is not all-powerful. admitted... that the unbearable, so that it becomes necessary
This analysis might easily have been for the mind to separate the two. The notion
stated by a Gnostic of the first three or four existence of evil is the of radical dualism thus arises. The most
centuries of the Christian era, or for that
matter by a contemporary Gnostic, such as best argument against prominent example is that of Zoroastrian-
ism. Here the true and good God, Ahura
the present writer. Not that Gnostics were the existence of God. Mazda (sometimes called Ormazd), pos-
the only ones who recognised this uniquely sesses a divine antagonist known as Angra
monotheistic predicament. The supreme Mainyu (Ahriman). The two are engaged in
medieval luminary of Catholic theology, St. a perennial cosmic struggle for supremacy.
Thomas Aquinas, admitted in his Summa Theologiae that the Although Ahura Mazda is supreme and his ultimate victory is
existence of evil is the best argument against the existence of assured, as long as creation endures Angra Mainyu will con-
God. If the concept of the monotheistic God is to be accepted, tinue to fight him and bring suffering into the world.
then the issue of evil has no viable explanation. Conversely, A sophisticated but very impersonal view of evil and its ori-
if evil exists, then the monotheistic God as presented by the gins can be found in the great religions that originated in India.
mainstream religious traditions cannot exist. Most of these imply that evil is part of the unenlightened state
of existence, and that the cause of evil is ignorance (avidya). If
Whence Cometh Evil? one attains to a transformed or enlightened consciousness and
Throughout history, religious traditions have accounted for thus rises above all dualities, one is liberated from karma and
the existence of evil in a number of ways. In primeval times, from all other conditions in which evil plays a role. Whether
the undifferentiated nature of human consciousness allowed such liberation inevitably leads to the cessation of incarnate May-June 2006 ■

existence is not always clear, but it is clear that life as one has The Gnostic View
known it ceases, and with it evil ceases also.
The fourth category is that of classical monotheism as All spiritual traditions acknowledge that the world is
found in mainstream Judaism and Christianity. As some of the imperfect; they differ only in how they believe this happened
other traditions ascribe the existence of evil to God, a malign and in what is to be done about it. Gnostics have always had
counter-God, or human ignorance, this position ascribes the their own views of these matters. They hold that the world is
origin of evil to human sin. flawed not because of human sin, but because it was created in
The creation myth of the mainstream Judeo-Christian tra- a flawed manner.
dition, with its story of the Garden of Eden and of the curious Buddhism (regarded by many scholars as the Gnosticism of
events that are said to have transpired there, forms the foun- Asia) begins with the recognition that earthly life is filled with
dation for this view. This belief holds that the transgressions suffering. Gnostics, both ancient and modern, agree. Suffer-
committed by the first human pair brought about a “Fall” of ing is indeed the existential manifestation of evil in the world.
creation, resulting in the present state of the world. The sin of Although humans, with their complex physiology and psychol-
the original pair passed by inheritance to all members of the ogy, are subject to torments of a singularly refined nature, the
human race, who are born corrupt, afflicted by the weight of fear, pain, and misery of all other creatures is evident as well.
this “original sin.” Such evils as we find in this world, includ- To recall St. Paul’s insight, all creation groans and travails in
ing natural disasters, plagues, and the ruthlessness of the food pain. Yet Gnostics have not been inclined to attribute such mis-
chain, are all somehow part of the momentous consequences of fortunes to the sin of the first human pair. They reasoned that
the Fall. it makes much more sense to say that the world has not fallen
As some scholars, notably Elaine Pagels, have pointed out, but was made in a sadly imperfect manner to begin with. To
these mythologems inevitably exercise a profound influence put it in slightly more abstract terms, evil is part of the fabric
on the cultures founded on them. Even in a secularised age of the world we live in; it is part and parcel of the existential
like our own, the powerful shadow of such beliefs continues to reality of earthly life. If indeed there is a creator of this reality,
cast a pall on our minds. One may wonder how differently our then it is assuredly this creator who is responsible for the evil
history would have proceeded had the guilt of the Fall not been in it. Since, for the monotheistic religions, this creator is God,
present to oppress the souls of men and women in our culture! the Gnostic position appears blasphemous to conventional
believers, and is often viewed with dismay even by those who
consider themselves unbelievers.

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May-June 2006
The Gnostic position may need to be considered in the forlornness, and alienation of existence are also undeniable, the
light of the historical roots of the tradition. According to most harmony and order of the universe are at best only partial.
contemporary scholars, Gnosticism originated in the Jewish Those influenced by Eastern spirituality have at times
religious matrix (probably in its heterodox manifestations) and brought up the teaching of karma whereby one’s misdeeds gen-
then came to ally itself with the Jewish heresy that became erate misfortune later in life or even in another life as explain-
Christianity. ing the imperfection of the manifest world. Yet a Gnostic might
Thus the Gnostics were confronted with the image of the counter that karma can at best only explain how the chain of
monotheistic God in the Old Testament and its adaptations in suffering and imperfection works. It does not tell us why such a
the New Testament. They faced a God who was often capri- sorrowful system should exist in the first place.
cious, wrathful, vengeful, and unjust. It was easy for them to
conclude that this flawed God might have created a world in his Qualified Dualism
own flawed image. The greatest of all questions the Gnostics As we noted earlier, one way of explaining the existence
asked was this: is this flawed creator truly the ultimate, true, of evil was radical dualism, of which the Zoroastrian faith is
and good God? Or is he a lesser deity, who is either ignorant a possible example. The Gnostic position, by contrast, is not
of a greater power beyond himself or is a conscious impostor, of a radically dual nature; rather it might be called “qualified
arrogating to himself the position of the universal deity? dualism.” In a simplified form one might define this position as
The Gnostics answered these questions by saying this creator declaring that good and evil are mixed in the manifest world;
is obviously not the true, ultimate God, but rather a demiurgos thus the world is not wholly evil, but it is not wholly good ei-
(“craftsman”), an intermediate, secondary deity. This Demiurge ther. If the evil in the world should not blind us to the presence
whom they equated with the deity of the Old Testament was the of good, neither should the good blind us to the reality of evil.
originator of evil and imperfection in the world. Here we might resort to the approach that was most fa-
Thus the apparent blasphemy of attributing the world’s voured by the Gnostics themselves – the mythological. (The
evil to the creator is revealed as originating in the Gnostics’ power of this method has been rediscovered by such contempo-
confrontation with the monotheistic God. Kindred movements, rary figures as C. G. Jung and Joseph Campbell.)
such as Hermeticism, did not face this predicament: being Myths telling of the commingling of good and evil in
pagans, the Hermeticists did not inherit the dark, ambivalent creation predated the Gnostics. One of these tales is the
figure of the Old Testament God, so they were able to adopt Greek myth of Dionysus. When this god was torn apart by the
a less harsh position. (Ironically, today many people tend to Titans, Zeus came to his aid and blasted the malefactors with
favour Hermeticism over Gnosticism for this very reason.) a thunderbolt. The bodies of both the Titans and Dionysus
Many have tried to evade recognition of this flawed crea- were reduced to ashes and mixed. When all sorts of creatures,
tion and its flawed creator, but none of their arguments have including humans, rose from these ashes, the divine nature of
impressed Gnostics. The ancient Greeks, especially the Platon- Dionysus was mingled with the evil nature of the Titans. Thus
ists, advised people to look to the harmony of the universe, light and darkness are at war with each other within human
so that by venerating its grandeur they might forget their own nature and in the natural world.
afflictions as well as the innumerable grotesqueries of ordinary The Gnostics had their own myth about the origins of good
life. “Look at this beautiful world:” they said; “see its superbly and evil. They began by speaking of a boundless, blissful full-
orderly way of functioning and perpetuating itself, how can one ness (Pleroma) that dwells beyond all manifest existence. The
call something so beautiful and harmonious an evil thing?” Pleroma is the abode of and constitutes the essential nature of
To which Gnostics have always answered that since the flaws, the true, ultimate God (alethes theos).

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Before time and memory, this ineffable fullness extended it is beyond our powers to eradicate misfortune altogether.
itself into the lower regions of being. In the course of this Like the world, humans are a mixture of good and evil.
emanation, it came to manifest itself in a number of interme- Just as it is impossible to exorcise evil from the fabric of crea-
diate-deities who were rather like great angels endowed with tion, so we cannot entirely get rid of it in ourselves. If human
enormous talents of creativity and organisation. Some of these schemes and techniques were able to eliminate evil from hu-
beings, or demiurgoi, became alienated from their supernal man nature, they would have succeeded in doing so long ago.
source, thus becoming replete with evil tendencies. This is why so many spiritual traditions teach the need for
Thus the world-creating will was tainted with self-will, redemption from outside. Every spiritual tradition worth its salt
arrogance, and the hunger for power; through the works has always possessed a soteriology – a teaching about salva-
performed by these alienated agencies, evil came to penetrate tion. Gnostics ancient and modern do not perceive liberating
creation. Ever since then, as the Gnostic teacher Basilides gnosis as a do-it-yourself project. We cannot purify or psy-
reportedly said, “Evil adheres to created existence as rust choanalyse evil away by our own strength. The Messengers
adheres to iron.” As one of these created beings, the human of Light recognised in the Gnostic tradition, such as Jesus,
entity partakes of the nature of his flawed creators. The human Mani, and others, have always been envisioned as the great
body, being a material creation, is subject to disease, death, facilitators of salvation. Their salvific mission is to enable the
and various other evils; even the soul (psyche) is not free from consciousness of the individual to experience gnosis. An early
imperfection. Only the spirit (pneuma), deeply hidden within Gnostic source, Excerpta de Theodoto, defines this gnosis as
the human essence, remains free from the admixture of evil the knowledge of “who we were, what we have become; where
and tends toward the true God. we were, whereinto we have been thrown; whither we hasten,
Such mythic statements can convey insights in a fashion whence we are redeemed; what is birth and what rebirth.”
that is not possible through other methods of communica- Many have noted the similarities between these Gnostic
tion. At the same time it must be admitted that these myths teachings and those of Hinduism and Buddhism. In all of these
were formulated long ago and far away and so may profit from traditions, insight into the origin and nature of the manifest
certain amplifications and clarifications within a contemporary world is seen as liberating us from it and its evils, reuniting
context. our spirits with transcendental reality. Unlike the great Eastern
religions, however, Gnosticism specifically identifies the root of
Contemporary Conclusions all evil as the faulty creation brought about by spiritual agen-
Terrible things do happen, as the Time essay stated. The cies of limited wisdom and goodness.
world is filled with evil, with grotesque horror and universal The Gnostic view of the human condition thus also differs
suffering. Fiendish humans, often possessing great power, tor- from the modern secular view. Gnostics do not share the as-
ment and slay others daily. The history of the twentieth century sumption of many in our culture that there is a purely naturalis-
offers much proof of rampant wickedness in the world. Believ- tic and humanistic remedy for evil.
ers in the monotheistic God and/or in karma often tell us that Contemporary Gnostics for the most part agree with the
this does not matter all that much, because in the final analysis fundamental insights of their ancient counterparts. Do modern
evil really promotes good. They seem to be saying that evil is Gnostics believe in the Demiurge? Do they believe in Mes-
not really evil at all, but good masquerading in an unpleasant sengers of Light? Do they regard such ideas as metaphysical
disguise. Yet this kind of topsy-turvy argument is an affront truths or as mythologems hinting at more subtle and mysterious
to all those who have looked evil in the face. To present this realities? The answer is that some Gnostics may believe these
argument to survivors of the Holocaust or the Gulag or the things more in a literal sense, while others may believe them
killing fields would be insulting as well as ridiculous. For these symbolically; still others may hold a mixture of both views.
victims, evil is evil, and all else is but an evasion. What matters is not the precise form of these teachings
Moreover many terrible things happen that are in no way but their substance. And this is clear enough. It speaks of the
due to human volition. While the perversities of the human reality and power of evil, of its fundamental presence in all of
condition are responsible for some of the suffering in this manifest existence. It declares that while we may not be able to
world, much of it is not our fault. Frequently, however, we rid the world or ourselves of evil, we may and indeed will rise
believe that it is. Yet, whether occasioned by the myth of Adam above it through gnosis. And when the task of this extrication is
and Eve or by the propaganda of some trendy folk today who accomplished, then we shall indeed no longer fear the noonday
make out humans to be the sole villains in the environment, the devil or the terror that walks by night.
cultivation of guilt in the human mind is no remedy for evil. On
the contrary, guilt usually begets more sorrow in the long run. This essay appeared in Gnosis: A Journal of the Western Inner
Let us be done with this self-flagellation and try to mitigate the Traditions, Winter 1999, and is reproduced here by permission
evils over which we have some control while remembering that of the author. «

STEPHAN A. HOELLER Ph.D. is the author of The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the
Dead (1982), Jung and the Lost Gospels (1989), and Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of
Inner Knowing (2002). He is the director of the Gnostic Society of Los Angeles (
and is a leading figure in contemporary Gnostic activities. Dr. Hoeller's lectures are also available
for download from

May-June 2006

Going with the Flow:

Masaru Emoto’s Secret Life of Water
By Julie Steigerwaldt affected by our thoughts, words, and we find healing and renewal. Prayer
feelings – is to many people a confirma- also brings about healing, and Emoto

ater is something we tion that our intentions do have real ef- documents the power of prayer when
are in contact with fects in the world. It is scientific backing people gather together, describing
countless times every for spiritual concepts that people have several experiments in which water has
day – we bathe with it, make our long-suspected were true. And since revealed visually how prayer can change
coffee with it, frolic in it, shield we ourselves are mostly water, there is the world.
ourselves from it under umbrellas. really no limit to what our We can take an active
But how often do we think about
it or show our appreciation for it?
thoughts can create.
Emoto is passionate “ When love
role in the prayer and
healing that Emoto dis-
Since we ourselves are 70 percent about his research and is and thanks are cusses in The Secret Life of
water, it may be something that continually developing new Water. Emoto is devoted to
deserves our gratitude, or at the ways to study water and flowing from our several projects that aim to
how we interact with it in
very least our consideration.
our daily lives. In his third
hearts, the water improve the world’s water
quality and spread peace
One man who is striving to change book, The Secret Life of on earth and the throughout the world. One
the way we think about water is Water (Simon & Schuster, project in particular that
Japanese researcher and independent Fall 2005), Emoto leads us water within us he founded is the Project
thinker Masaru Emoto. His books on
water have created a growing move-
on a journey along water’s
life cycle. From the mo-
will be cleansed. ” of Love and Thanks to
Water. On one day each
ment among people who have been ment it arrived on our year (this year, July 25),
touched by his simple message. First planet up to the present day, water Emoto asks us to send love and thanks
featured in the wildly popular indy-film has been cycling through the earth and – wherever we may be – to the water
What the Bleep Do We Know? Emoto’s gaining experience and knowledge as in our physical bodies, because we owe
photographs of water crystals have it flows. Witnessing and understanding so much of our health to the water
captivated the minds of people who water’s long, relentless journey gives within us. Then he asks us to send
intuitively know that water deserves us an appreciation for the treasures it love and thanks to all the water on
our love and appreciation. His book holds. Emoto and his researchers took our planet, which benefits our lives in
The Hidden Messages in Water (Beyond samples of water along a typical water countless ways. When love and thanks
Words Publishing, 2004) hit the New cycle – from where it emerges as a are flowing from our hearts, the water
York Times bestseller list and has so spring until it deposits into the sea – and on earth and the water within us will
far spent over twenty weeks there. photographed the frozen water crystals. be cleansed.
His follow-up book, The True Power These fascinating photos are included in But really, thanking water once a
of Water (Beyond Words Publishing, the book, along with crystals exposed year hardly seems enough. Try counting
2005), has also become a bestseller. So to different types of music, names of how many times water helps you dur-
far, his books have been translated into religions, and elements of nature. ing your day. You’d run out of fingers
twenty-three languages. An in-demand Water’s flow, Emoto says, has much before you even finished breakfast.
speaker, Emoto gives lectures and holds to teach us. When we block the flow Water is, unfortunately, easily taken
seminars all over Europe, Australia, and of nature – whether through physical for granted. What if we became more
the United States, including a seminar means such as dams or through emo- conscious of the water circulating all
this past spring at the United Nations tions such as greed or pride – the around us and through us? What if we
headquarters in New York. consequences on the environment and thanked water every day for all it has
What is driving the popularity of his ourselves are disastrous. Circulation al- given us? Then, true to Emoto’s advice,
work? Emoto’s premise – that water is lows us to return to our source, where we would really be going with the flow. May-June 2006 ■


Some thoughts about

Water & the World
The Work of Dr. Masaru Emoto
By Jennifer Hoskins is carries secrets too. Every drop of
water has had a long history before it

he Secret Life of Water is the became us. We can actually learn from
third volume of Dr. Emoto’s water, by allowing it to resonate within
highly successful series on us. Seventy percent of our being is
water and how we as humans can water. This gives rise to many questions
interact with it to benefit our- and wonders.
selves and our planet. The Secret As with everything in existence,
Life of Water is a follow-on from water has a vibration. Dr. Emoto calls
The Hidden Messages in Water, and this Hado, a Japanese word for the vibra-
The True Power of Water. tion inherent in all things. We know it
by many other names, reflecting our
These amazing books sprang to different cultures. Chi, Qi, Prana, and
worldwide prominence after The Hidden Mana are but a few of the familiar names
Messages in Water was featured in the for the universal vibration.
metaphysical documentary film What The author has used the Hado
the Bleep Do We Know? Dr. Masaru Emoto of water in healing with the aid of a
Masaru Emoto is a Doctor of fascinating Hado machine which meas-
alternative medicine and has carried out including extra-terrestrial by the agency ures the Hado in patients, or pictures
worldwide research into the resonance of comets and meteorites, as well as of patients, and then prepares water
or vibration of water and how it af- the already existing reservoirs on the that will complement and balance the
fects humans and the environment. His earth. patient’s Hado. This appears to act
own intense curiosity, love, gratitude, Dr. Emoto looks at the natural very much like homeopathic remedies.
and respect for the environment have history and life-cycle of water, from Homeopathy is based on the notion
inspired his research into water. What its initial emergence as molecular H20, of ‘like treats like’ and can attenuate
his findings have shown is that the through the distribution via the atmos- the remedies so much that there may
crystalline structure of water can be in- phere as rain or snow. It is ubiquitous, be none of the original molecules left
fluenced by feelings, intentions, sounds capping the tallest peaks, soaking into – just the vibration – but it is still able
and vision. the ground, seeping into the storage to correct an imbalance.
He takes photographs of water at basins under the earth, thawing in the The author spends much time in
low temperatures as it starts to freeze. warmer seasons, bubbling into the the text of this book suggesting ways
These images reveal the amazing di- light of day as springs, rivulets, brooks, in which we can improve our lives and
versity of crystals that water can form creeks, streams, rivers, torrents and that of the planet by using more natural
under different circumstances. He now eventually joining mighty bodies of and harmonious solutions to problems
travels the world, spreading the word water such as lakes and oceans. occurring in health and food produc-
by lecturing and showing his stunning We are informed that the best wa- tion, as well as pollution. His research
photographs of water crystals. Many re- ter is moving water. Let the water flow! into the crystalline structure of water
gional groups have formed to follow his During water’s journey in all its diverse has wide-ranging implications on how
work becoming active in their pursuit ways, it meets rocks, minerals, plants we can approach problems, both per-
of essential water. When necessary, and animals. Water both nurtures and sonally and as a global community.
they strive to alter local conditions and learns from them all. We learn from Dr. Dr. Emoto also discusses the nature
counteract pollution and chemicals in Emoto that water has a memory – a of plant essences such as the Bach
the environment. memory far longer than our transient Flower Remedies, which work on the
This volume primarily focuses on lifetimes. principle of vibration. He also has an in-
the nature of water itself. Water comes In this book you will learn that not teresting side discussion on the emerg-
to us all from many different sources, only does water have a memory, but ing technology of beneficial bacteria

May-June 2006

called Efficient Microorganism, or EMTM. ers will be exasperated by the notion

These bacteria were first used on crops that prayer can make a difference. After
to produce better and healthier yields. all, thoughts and intentions are invisible,
It was found that the beneficial effects and hard to pin down. There are often
lingered long after the EM were gone. inflexible religious themes attached
Even containers used to store EM to prayer that have negative connota-
which were thoroughly cleansed were tions from our childhoods. Many of us
still found to produce better-than-ex- have prayed and didn’t seem to get an
pected effects when used. EM technol- answer – or did we? I say cast these
ogy has much to offer both agriculture doubts aside and give it a go!
and human health as a natural by-prod- The author has participated in group
uct of the fermentation process. prayer around the world that has made
There is also section on the ben- a difference to how water looks, tastes
efits of hemp as a realistic modern, Water crystal in its pure state, untarnished and behaves. In his books he takes care
renewable product for agriculture and by pollutants. This example is of spring not to offend the religious – or atheistic
water from Saijo, Hiroshima, a source of the
medicine. Hemp has definitely suf- – sensibilities of his readers.
best tasting water in Japan.
fered from poor press throughout the Most people accept that there is a
twentieth century due to the uses and higher power of some sort, what they
abuses of its psychoactive component. plant is high in protein and the seed oil call that power is of no consequence
Before it was considered a danger- is widely used as a natural medicine. It when engaging in positive feelings and
ous drug, it was an important primary can also be used in soaps and shampoos intentions toward the environment.
product in many countries and gave all due to its moisturising properties. This Positive feelings enhance and negative
kinds of useful products and by-prod- is one fantastic natural product that feelings detract. To be grateful for the
ucts. Today, supporters of hemp cite most of the world is currently ignor- beauty of the earth and everything that
myriad commercial products that are ing. Watch this space! Thank you for we have is to be in a state of Grace. It
cheaper, stronger and more economical reminding us Dr. Emoto. took me fifty years to figure that one
to produce. In chapter five of this book is an out.
The author states that the Hado of extremely important discussion of the In the spirit of ‘like attracting like’,
hemp is positive and of a high order, efficacy of prayer. It has been well-re- I urge the reader to try some positive
making it grow quickly. He considers searched elsewhere by Dr. Larry Dos- thinking and see how it manifests in
it to be a gift from nature. In fact, the sey M.D., who found that healing could your life. You may be quite surprised.
state religion of Japan, Shinto, has hemp occur through the power of prayer. Dr. The immediate results are precisely
as a sacred plant. Some of the prod- Emoto has taken the concept sev- why the classic positive thinking books
ucts now harvested from hemp include eral steps further and used his water are never out of print – they work.
industrial products such as diesel fuel photography to emphasise that our What sets Dr. Emoto’s researches
oil, ethanol, methanol, paper, cloth, thoughts and feelings have a huge effect and books apart is the affection, respect
rope, and plastic. The fruit of the hemp on the environment. I know many read- and gratitude he expresses for all life.

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When you read his words and see the There is nothing living in our world substance – unless we have a lack of it.
pictures, you will see that he is not do- that can do without water. It is the uni- Should we not treat it as it deserves to
ing it solely for his own improvement or versal nurturer, healer and solvent. Our be treated? After all, without it there
gratification – although I sincerely hope language is replete with watery words is no life. Each drop of moisture we see
he gets an abundance of that – but as and phrases. For instance: “Did you and absorb into our bodies can teach
a gift to humankind and to the planet. come down in the last shower?” or “My us how to move in the world in a more
If large groups of enlightened people blood turned to ice.” Consider what harmonious way – if we allow it.
actively change attitude and behaviour some of our greatest poets and philoso- I can’t seem to get enough of Dr.
toward their environment because of phers had to say about water: Emoto’s writings and breathtaking
these books, his job will be well done. “A lake is the landscape’s most photographs of water. I recommend all
For readers approaching these beautiful and expressive feature. It is of his books and products without res-
books for the first time, the feeling is earth’s eye; looking into which the be- ervation. Anyone who is concerned for
one of extreme surprise and perhaps holder measures the depth of his own the future of humanity and our planet
even shock, at the beauty of water nature.” – Henry David Thoreau will quickly become aware that these
crystals. The eyes hungrily take in the “The true peace of God begins at books are quite extraordinary and pre-
colour plates and the circumstances un- any spot a thousand miles from the cious.
der which they were made. The crystals nearest land.” – Joseph Conrad
remind one of snowflakes, just as com- “Water its living strength first Jennifer Hoskins is currently an online
plex, just as evanescent. One person I shows, When obstacles its course op- bookshop proprietor whose areas of interest
spoke to recalled wanting to press the pose.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe covers psychology, mythology, symbology,
picture to her forehead – a desire to “Water is the mother of the vine, comparative religion, folklore, and spirituality
impress the memory of the picture into The nurse and fountain of fecundity, of all kinds. You can contact Jennifer by email
the brain. Surprise! It is already in the The adorner and refresher of the on «
brain as soon as it is viewed, and it may world.” – Charles Mackay
just be recognition, rather than a need Water is arguably the simplest,
to possess. most essential and yet tragically ignored

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when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward
them. Water exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex,
and colourful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or
water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asym-
metrical patterns with dull colours.
$19.95, paperback with colour photos, 160 pages

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The third book by the author, The Secret Life of Water talks extensively about vibrations can be utilised in healing. Our bodies are
water’s ability to show us the answers — how to live happily, the meaning of 70% water and that is why, just like water crystals, our
loving nature, and the direction we should take. Water can act as a mirror, health is so affected by our thoughts and feelings. If
and the quality of water is a reflection of our hearts. Mr Emoto stresses that we hold a negative thought or feeling for long enough,
the current water situation is serious. The first step toward protecting the it will manifest on the physical level as an illness.
earth and water is to focus on our prayers. Those who become aware of their However, as Dr Emoto explains, an equal and opposite
role to pray for the betterment of the earth must take action so that oth- vibration will cancel out the vibrations that are causing
ers will also follow. In order to facilitate this, Mr. Emoto started a project of the illness. In this book he explains how we can gener-
prayer that occurs on the 25th of each month around the world. ate these healing vibrations.
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May-June 2006

ViKtor Schauberger
The Man Who Gazed at Rivers
An Interview with Frank Germano
By Susan Barber forms a clockwise spiral vortex, then
starts straightening out, releasing

iktor Schauberger (1885 energy. Then it hits the other bank
– 1958), though little known, is and starts spiralling counter-clockwise.
one of the great geniuses of this And it’s because of temperature vari-
ations that we have this movement of
or any century.
water. Water seeks to be at 4 degrees
In an attempt to, as he put it, Celsius (about 39.4 degrees Fahren-
“build a better mousetrap,” Frank Ger- heit). It’s called the “anomaly point.” At
mano – a former aerospace engineer, 4 degrees Celsius, water is at its most
professional musician, and president dense state. So whenever the water is
of a company that made Tesla-design cooler or warmer than that, energy is
turbine engines – became aware of created as it seeks to reach that point
Schauberger’s work. of stability, the point where it’s the
“It was,” Germano says, “stuff I most dense.
This is why one of the worst things
was never taught in college. I never
you can do is to deforest the banks of
even knew it existed.” a river. It’s not just because this causes
– Susan Barber erosion. If trees are there, then each
Viktor Schauberger
bank receives the Sun’s rays part of
Susan Barber: How did Viktor the day. So there is a balance. The heat
Schauberger make his discoveries about flow. And, when water is put into a shifts back and forth because of the
water? spiral vortex pipe, for some peculiar trees, and the energy differential cre-
reason, this effect actually eliminates ates the energy of the river.
Frank Germano: Schauberger was the effect of friction on the wall of the When you look at the mechanics of
not technically educated. He was a pipe. the Earth, isn’t it amazing how balanced
naturalist, a forester. He observed But what Schauberger saw was that it is? The ocean contains moving cur-
nature. He watched rivers. He watched the implosion effect not only negates rents. Rivers flow. This marvellous ma-
the way water flowed. He wondered friction, it actually adds energy. In other chinery is all at work because water is
how it was that fish, with very little words, the water picks up speed. continually seeking to be at its anomaly
exertion of energy, could be moving So if you put into a pipe certain point.
upstream in a fast-flowing river, and he kinds of guides that force the water So it’s the differences in tempera-
started to put things together in his into a spiral vortex, the water flows ture, the implosion effect, that creates
head. That was how he discovered the faster. This “whirling spiral” shape is the vortex energy. If you kept those
principle of implosion and the energy of found throughout nature. differences in balance in a tornado,
the vortex. for example, the tornado would go on
SB: What does implosion mean? forever. The shifting of the Sun’s energy
SB: Could you explain how that works from side to side in a river keeps the
and why it’s important? FG: Basically, it’s inward movement. river in balance.
At the centre of a vortex, things are Observing all this, Schauberger
FG: Vortexes exist throughout the imploding – cooling and condensing. advocated “putting a tornado in a
natural world – tornados, hurricanes, It’s nature’s natural functioning. Every- box.” Sustaining this implosion effect.
whirlpools. If you look at a vortex where you look, you see examples of To quote Schauberger: “I must furnish
of water, you see that when water is implosion. those, who would protect or save life,
forced to spiral in this way there is an Water meanders like a snake. In a with an energy source, which produces
imploding effect at the centre of the river, it hits the left bank, rolls inward, energy so cheaply that nuclear fission May-June 2006 ■


will not only be uneconomical, but the hydroelectric energy comes from surface level, under great pressure
ridiculous, This is the task I have set gravity. Schauberger’s work proved that and velocity. A device like our Blade-
myself in what little life I have left.” there is more energy available by forc- less Disk Turbine would easily capture
(From a letter to Aloys Kokaly, 1953). ing water to flow into a spiral vortex that energy from the flowing water
If we could actually get to the point of than is available by free-fall of compa- and, through a generator, convert it to
sustaining that implosion effect, you rable footage. The technology is very electricity. Again, this is ecologically
would see engines that just continuous- simple and can be implemented today. sensible power generation.
ly run, using the wheelworks of nature We can supply industrial quantities of This principle can be used in air
itself. electricity to any community simply by conditioning and heating systems. The
using water power from rivers – with- temperature differential creates energy,
SB: And I understand that you’ve cre- out a dam – and it is totally ecologically and this energy not only can be used,
ated a super-efficient engine that makes sensible and sustainable. but it’s very efficient. A home or build-
use of this idea. ing that was temperature controlled

FG: Yes. It started with a turbine

“It’s also important with this type of technology would use
only about one-third of the electricity
engine built according to the patent of how we store water. Way of standard systems currently in general
Nikola Tesla. As a boy, I was fascinated back in the earliest use.
by Tesla, and later, while working as an
engineer, I decided to build the Tesla civilisations, they stored SB: Does your company carry these
Bladeless Disk Turbine, which involves kinds of systems?
water in egg-shaped clay
an engine that’s much more elegant
and efficient than standard engines in pots... They knew that FG: Yes, we’ve got all that ready to go.
current use.
The Tesla design worked! I now the water could actually SB: I guess I just don’t understand. If
had a product that investors consid-
ered marketable, and this led to the
“breathe” in that clay. ” there are engines out there that are
three times more effective than the
formation of my company, International Another application would be to kind we are using, why doesn’t every-
Turbine and Power, LLC. get power from the Earth’s oceans. For body have one? If there are heating and
So then I found Schauberger’s example, if you were to sink a deep air conditioning systems that could save
implosion and vortex energy ideas, and well in the middle of the ocean, putting people so much money and energy, why
used them to make the Tesla turbine a pipe down to the level where it meets doesn’t everybody know about this?
even more efficient. the 4-degree anomaly point, the water
below that point would be relatively FG: This is the problem we’re facing.
SB: Could you discuss some of the deoxygenated. So then if you were to I don’t really have the answer. We’re
other applications for this technology? pump water down into that pipe, water not going to run out of fossil fuels.
that was highly oxygenated, the wa- What we’re going to run out of is our
FG: The most obvious application is to ter below it, which was “starved” for ability to live on the planet. The misuse
use flowing water to power the turbine. oxygen, would seek that level. And as of fossil fuels is a worldwide problem.
When I say “flowing water” I am not this oxygen-starved water sought the For whatever reason, we’re treating
talking about using current technology oxygenated water, it would be force- energy the wrong way. And we do have
that requires building a dam, where fully “ejected” back up the pipe to the the technology to change this. What

May-June 2006

we don’t have is the infrastructure. It SB: Let’s talk about drinking water, needs real scientific study. Our bod-
would take billions of dollars. now. I understand that Schauberger had ies are made mostly of water, so why
very definite ideas on that subject. wouldn’t we just want to investigate
SB: My guess is that the fossil fuel what kind of water is healthy and what
industry doesn’t want this to change. It FG: Schauberger said that if you took kind is of most benefit to us?
wants us to consume more and more the most absolutely pure water you If someone told us we couldn’t eat
fossil fuels. could find, that water would literally meat or drive our cars, people would
rob you of vital nutrients, because that be screaming. But our water supply
FG: Just to begin with, we never, ever type of water is absorbing. is not healthy and it’s dwindling and
needed to use fossil fuels in the first nobody seems interested.
place. We could have used water all SB: You mean, instead of giving, it takes. If you dumped an eight-ounce cup
along and not had this pollution prob- of water in an Olympic-sized swimming
lem. FG: Yes. According to Schauberger, pool, you could taste it. You would not
Once a water-power driven plant that is the worst water we can possibly want to drink that water. Yet we dump
is built, the energy is now “free” from drink. Surface water soaks up nutrients oil into the ground and it goes into our
nature. It’s non-polluting, and it lasts as from our bodies. It has nothing to offer drinking water supply, and nobody cares.
long as the river lasts. You get ecologi- us. And yet we drink mainly surface We take water for granted. We go,
cally sensible alternative energy. If you water: water from lakes and reservoirs. “Yup, there’s water.”
were using the river’s energy correctly, For drinking, we need mature, vital- But water is a mysterious substance.
you could easily power the entire ised water. Water does have a memory Our planet and our bodies are mostly
United States on just the Mississippi. (see in this issue of New Dawn, “Some water. It amazes me as a scientist that
The cost of solar and wind energy is Thoughts About Water & the World: people do not want to investigate how
still too high. But water power is right The Work of Dr. Masaru Emoto”); it we can make our water the best it can
there, readily available. Our Tesla Tur- gains properties as part of its “history,” be.
bine engine simply carries that energy. and we receive those properties when
It’s basically a “better mousetrap”: a we drink it. Continued on page 44...
bladeless disk engine, very simple, very Water rises in a vapour, condenses
easy to understand, and we took that a in a cloud, and falls down to the ground
little further by forcing the water into a as rainwater, and that water is not Put Life Energy Back Into
spiral vortex... good to drink. It has few of the pos-
We should have had a hybrid sible life-giving “properties” that water You & Your Water
electric drive vehicle a long, long time can possess. It’s not until water’s gone Based on Victor Schauberger’s
ago. It is simply a better way to use our through a natural process that it begins discovery that “implosion” was an
technology. Electric powered cars are to carry the strengthening and healing underlying principle governing all
much more efficient. characteristics of the Earth. natural processes, the Centre for
We are just now seeing hybrid It’s also important how we store wa-
Implosion Research have created
drive cars coming out from the auto ter. Way back in the earliest civilisations,
manufacturers. The problem is that the they stored water in egg-shaped clay a number of devices containing
infrastructure does not exist to supply pots. The ancients knew about water. imploded water. The combination
hydrogen for alternative energy vehicles. They knew that the water could actually of their shape and the water they
But yes, water itself can be used as “breathe” in that clay. When you look contain create devices with a
a fuel. For example, there is the Hunt at the outside of a clay pot that’s storing strong etheric field.
Hydrogen Thermolysis Reactor. We’ve water, you can see the condensation.
had extensive negotiations with them. And based on implosion dynamics, the
The Hunt Reactor is simply a technol- egg shape of the old water jars caused a
ogy that liberates hydrogen from water kind of spiralling, so that the water was
for use as fuel. It splits water into continually moving in the pot.
hydrogen and oxygen. Run that through So we store water wrong, we move
a turbine and what are the “pollutants” it wrong, where we’re getting it is wrong,
that come out the tailpipe? Water and we’re totally destroying all the health
vapour! benefits that water can give us.
So it’s not just about using implo-
sion technology to make more efficient SB: You talk about water gaining
fossil-fuel engines. It’s also about using “properties” in its journey through the NEILOS
water, including the power of flow- Earth and into our groundwater. What P.O. Box 6425 Phone: (03)9787-3216
ing water, to create energy in the first exactly are these properties? St. Kilda Road Central,
Melbourne, Victoria. 8008
place. I sometimes wish I could go back AUSTRALIA
in time and talk to Henry Ford. FG: That’s the subject of a lot of
research, and much more is needed. It May-June 2006 ■


Frank Germano is president of International

Turbine and Power, LLC, of Cody Wyo-
ming, USA. His personal website at www.
Sacred SoundS, an is a treasure trove of
information on water technology and the Ancient Tune
works of the great water theorists, including

Tesla, Schauberger, and Schwenk. You may n Steven Mithen’s imagination, or workplace music). Happy people are
contact him at the small band of Neanderthals more cooperative and creative.
gathered 50,000 years ago Because music has grammar-like
Germano recommends several sources for around the caves of Le Moustier, qualities such as recursion, it might have
those who are interested in finding out more in what is now the Dordogne served an even greater function. With
about water, including the works of Callum region of France, were butchering music in the brain, early humans had the
Coats, whom Germano calls “the man solely carcasses, scraping skins, shaping neural foundation for the development
responsible for the Schauberger revival”; ax heads – and singing. of what most distinguishes us from other
the works of John W. Keely on water and animals: symbolic thought and language.
harmonics; and the book Living Water: In his new book The Singing Nean- Perhaps the ancient mind also rec-
Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of derthals: The Origins of Music, Language, ognised in music the underlying har-
Natural Energy by Olof Alexandersson. Mind, and Body, Prof. Mithen of Eng- mony and symmetry that exists in the
These and many other books are described land’s Reading University makes the foundation of all nature.
at Frank Germano’s Bookstore at www. intriguing argument that “language may “Music brings to the sense of hear- have been built on the neural underpin- ing the numerical order of nature,”
nings of music.” notes Joseph Milne, a Fellow of the
He starts with evidence that music Temenos Academy.
The above interview is reprinted with permission is not merely a side effect of intel- “The mind recognises in the beauty
from The Spirit of Maat, Vol. 3, No. 5, available ligence and language, as some argue. of harmonies this order of nature,
online at « Instead, recent discoveries suggest which is also a pattern in the soul.
that music lays sole claim to specific In music we hear the qualities of the
neural real estate. Consider musical numbers, not simply their quantities,
ü SAY NO to junk salt! Because it is only savants. Although learning-disabled or and it is these qualities that move the
sodium chloride, a poison. 82 essential retarded, they have astounding musical heart. There is a correlation between
elements have been ‘refined’ out. abilities. One savant could hardly speak the nature of the soul and the nature of
ü STOP THINKING sea salt is best! or understand words, yet he played the world, and the harmonies of music
Because it comes from polluted Atlantic flawlessly a simple piano melody from derive from this correlation.”
shores. memory despite hearing it only once. Throughout history – and in all
ü AVOID Eastern European salts! Because In an encore, he added left-hand chords cultures – music was perceived to
they could be radioactively contaminated or and transposed it into a minor key. have a role which far surpassed its
gamma irradiated on arrival in Australia.
“Music,” says Prof. Mithen, “can modern status as mere entertainment
ü ASK suppliers for a certificate of origin! exist within the brain in the absence of or art form. It was not really until
Because they will not have one from Peter
Ferreira’s Research Phuldukish Mine. language,” a sign that the two evolved the nineteenth century, when a more
ü DEMAND a full lab test report! Because independently. And since language materialistic paradigm finally became
it is your right, but they can’t deliver. impairment does not wipe out musical predominant, that this profound shift in
ü REALIZE good salt is our food, number ability, the latter “must have a longer perspective regarding music occurred in
two after water! evolutionary history.” Western culture.
That is real Hansa CrystalSalt like Particular notes elicit the same emo- Even if we know not why, we seem
your God or our Mother Nature created tions from most people, regardless of to need music in our lives, and an-
it in the Himalayas millions of years culture, studies suggest. A major third thropologists confirm that no human
ago with all life sustaining 84 elements (prominent in Beethoven’s “Ode to culture has ever existed without some
in it. You need one gram daily which is 7.5 cents.
Can be ordered in various quantities.
Joy”) sounds happy; a minor third (as in kind of music. The massive growth of
Peter Ferreira’s book: Water&Salt,
the gloomy first movements of Mahler’s the ‘World Music’ category in music
250 glossy pages, 230 colour photos, Fifth) provokes feelings of sadness and stores make a statement about our
7 graphs, $55.00 post free. even doom. A major seventh expresses contemporary times, as does the in-
For further information: aspiration. The absence of a third seems creased interest in Shamanism and the
Dr. Sabine Holt, PhD, Miriam Vale, unresolved, loose, as if hanging. power of sound worldwide.
Bundaberg, Tel: 07 4156 6765 or The fact that listeners hear the same emotion in a given musical score (Source: “Caveman crooners may have
Birgit & Eckard, Quakers Hill, Sydney, is something a Neanderthal crooner aided early human life” by Sharon Begley,
Tel: 02 9837 1011. might have exploited. Music can March 31, The Wall Street Journal; www. manipulate people’s emotional states
Fax: 02 9626 7995. Mob: 0428 244767
(think of liturgical music, martial music music2.htm)

May-June 2006

Australian children
suffer strokes, heart problems &
hallucinations on ADHD drugs
By Shelley Wilkins
“According to these l A 4 year old had a history of res-

piratory infections and chronic tonsil-

here has been grave concern documents, since 1980 litis. The child was put onto Ritalin and
for many years amongst then experienced vomiting, anorexia,
professionals and the general there have been nervousness and headache.
public about the drugs prescribed 238 adverse reactions to l A 3 year old was given Ritalin
for so-called Attention Deficit Hy- and had the side-effect of Dyskinesia,
peractivity Disorder (ADHD) and Ritalin alone reported which means they kept making invol-
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). untary physical movements. The 3 year
to the TGA. These
old could not stop making lip-smack
According to psychiatry’s own manual reports involve children tongue-protrusion movements. They
the Diagnostical and Statistical Manual
IV (DSMIV) which is used to diagnose as young as three. ” were not on any other drug according
to the report. These involuntary move-
children with ADHD, there are no tests ments were one of the most common
for the disorder and there are no vis- side-effects and occurred in children
ible physical features that are of use in In Australia, both Ritalin and Dex-
under the age of 6.
diagnosing these disorders. It also says amphetamine which are prescribed to
l A 9 year old “could not walk” af-
in the DSMIV that signs of the disorder treat so-called ADHD are not recom-
mended for children under 6 according ter being on Ritalin for about 4 weeks.
may even be minimal or absent when the
child is taken to the clinician. This means to MIMS, the main drug manual used by l Aggression was another often

ADHD cannot be proven to scientifically doctors to prescribe drugs in Australia. reported side-effect. A 13 year old on
even exist! The label itself is fraudulent. Yet we have a situation where children Ritalin became aggressive and angry,
The Citizens Commission on Hu- as young as 3 have been prescribed they had amnesia for an hour, felt nau-
man Rights (CCHR) is an international these drugs. seous and weak, had flu-like symptoms
organisation that was established in These drugs are also in the same and were terrified and crying.
1969 to investigate and expose psychi- category, according to Australia’s l Other reports of hallucinations,

atric violations. It has been campaigning Poisons Act, as cocaine, opium and heart palpitations, increased heart rate,
for many years against the false label- morphine, so it is not in the least sur- depression, insomnia, diarrhoea, hair
ling and unnecessary drugging of our prising these drugs are causing deaths loss, fatigue, tremor, neurosis, anorexia
children by psychiatry. in Australia. and weight loss, tics, cardiac arrest
Recently CCHR’s National Of- Cases reported to the TGA in the were also reported.
fice for Australia and New Zealand documents obtained include many hor-
l A 72 year old died suddenly and
obtained documents that have created rifying side-effects that could become a
Ritalin was one of the suspected causes
an uproar Australia-wide showing the parent’s worst nightmare. They include
of their death. They had nausea, vomit-
ADHD drugs prescribed to children the following for Ritalin:
ing and acute renal failure prior to their
can cause heart attacks and strokes. l A 5 year old on Ritalin suffered a
sudden death.
These documents were obtained and stroke.
Some of the adverse side-effects to
purchased under the Freedom of l A 7 year old died while they were
dexamphetamine that were reported
Information Act from the Therapeutic on Ritalin and another psychiatric drug included the following:
Goods Administration (TGA). in 1994.
l A 5 year old experienced depres-
According to these documents, l A 7 year old on Ritalin became
since 1980 there have been 238 adverse sion and paranoia in 1993.
depressed and psychotic. He cried
reactions to Ritalin alone reported to l 6 year olds had muscle twitching.
saying he wanted to kill himself and
the TGA. These reports involve chil- threatened to jump off a roof and tried l An 8 year old in 1996 had rage at-
dren as young as 3. to run in front of cars. tacks. They also experienced headaches May-June 2006 ■


and nervousness and according to the concerned about what we are hearing the real cause for their problems needs
report they were severe. about the apparent ease with which to be found.
l A 4 year old developed psychosis both medications are in some circles, a Do they have a physical condition
in 1999 while on dexamphetamine. first port of call.” that is causing the problem and need
l In 2000, an 8 year old experi-
The Food and Drug Administration proper medical not psychiatric care, do
(FDA) in America recommended label- they have eyesight or hearing problems,
enced heart palpitations, 5 hours after
ling changes to be made to all Ritalin do they have allergies, are they hav-
they had their second dose of dexam-
products last year because they can ing problems at school, do they need
phetamine along with confusional state
cause psychiatric events such as suicidal tutoring, are they simply bright and just
and abdominal pain.
ideation, psychotic behaviour as well as bored, etc.? A drug never has and never
l In 2001 a 10 year old on dexam-
aggression and violent behaviour. Yet will solve a problem in life and these
phetamine and another psychiatric drug we don’t have the same being done in drugs can mask an underlying physical
experienced hallucinations. Australia. condition.
l Also reports of psychotic epi- The FDA is currently looking at Our children need to be protected
sodes, heart problems, suicidal ideation, all ADHD drugs and investigating the and nurtured and they will be denied a
homicidal ideation, hyperventilation, deaths of 29 people, including 19 chil- wonderful, happy and health future if they
muscle twitching, chills, tremors, dren and 54 cases of heart problems are put onto these dangerous psychiatric
rashes agitation, hair loss, involuntary including heart attacks, strokes and drugs. Parents are not informed of the
movements, and delusions were other heart disturbances, to see if they should true dangers of these drugs and they
reported side-effects. carry the strongest of warnings called a must be given the full information about
We have a situation in Australia “black box warning” on their packets. any treatment proposed for their child so
where our children are being drugged After the above documents were they can make fully informed choices.
for something that doesn’t exist and made public, the Federal Health The Citizens Commission on
their parents are not being informed of Minister's Parliamentary Secretary Human Rights (in Australia, Citizens
these side-effects. This is like prescrib- Christopher Pyne said the federal Committee on Human Rights) was
ing chemotherapy to thousands of government would investigate whether established in 1969 by the Church of
people who don’t have cancer. ADHD the warnings for ADHD medications Scientology and Professor of Psychiatry
is not a lack of Ritalin, as diabetes is a were adequate. Mr Pyne was reported Dr. Thomas Szasz as an independent
lack of insulin. to have spoken to the TGA and asked organisation to investigate and expose
Lawyer Simon Harrison from them to fast track an investigation into psychiatric violations of human rights.
Nicol Robinson & Hallets in Brisbane, Ritalin.
Queensland, said: “We are now actively Our children do need to be pro- Shelley Wilkins is Executive Director for
in the course of preparing for a Class tected from these psychiatric drugs and CCHR's National Office. For more infor-
Action and are certainly proceeding to be helped with their problems. It is mation go to or to report
against the manufacturers of Ritalin not that children don’t have problems psychiatric abuse contact CCHR National
and Dexamphetamine. I am extremely or unwanted behaviour – they do, but Office on 02 99649844. «

T oday, more than 20 million children around

the world are prescribed psychiatric drugs
that government agencies warn can cause violent
behavior—and even suicide.
If you, a loved one or someone you know has
been abused by psychiatry contact the Citizens
Commission on Human Rights.
We will take action.

Contact: The Australian & New
Zealand National Office, Citizens
Committee on Human Rights on
(02) 9964 9844 •

May-June 2006


By Grandmaster Gary Khor we are searching for in the West. It is
the name given by the Chinese to the

he ancient Chinese knew primal energy that underlies all activ-
that connection with the ity and change. We can experience the
living Chi (also spelled Ki or effects of this energy in various ways
Qi) around them can help them which we describe as heat, light, sound,
find their place, meaning and gravity, time, electricity, magnetism, etc.
purpose in a dynamic, ever chang- Chi lies at the heart of another Chi-
ing world. In these modern times nese practice that is becoming more and
we can also stay whole despite more popular in the West – Feng Shui.
the fractured times. We do have a (Feng means wind, Shui means water
saving grace, in the Chinese Taoist – in Chinese terms wind carries and
concept that Life is full of immense disperses energy while water attracts
possibilities. The Taoists were and collects it). Whereas acupuncture,
devoted to the spiritual holistic Tai Chi and the Chinese practices
world view in the essential nature referred to above deal with the attempt
of things and the Way of Nature. to read, understand and regulate Chi
within the human body, Feng Shui is the
30 years ago the thought of sticking complementary practice dealing with the
Grandmaster Gary Khor
needles in certain parts of the body to reading, understanding and regulation of
help it heal and repair itself was consid- Chi within the external environment.
ered laughable in the West. Now you stream activities. All of these practices When the theory of Chi flowing
can get a medical refund for acupunc- have one thing in common: they are through a series of channels or merid-
ture services. Any skeptics who try to based on the harmonisation and regula- ians first emerged in the West it was
explain its benefits away on the basis of tion of Chi energy. immediately derided on the basis of
a “placebo” effect are hard put to ex- Chi is often referred to as “life” en- where was the proof? Could anyone
plain why acupuncture is enjoying equal ergy, which can be somewhat mislead- demonstrate the existence of these me-
success in the veterinary field. After ing as one could then think this energy ridians and show they flowed one way
all, why should an animal believe that it is only involved with living things. The rather than another? How could anyone
should get better because someone has term “animating” energy is much better prove what influenced the flow of Chi
gone to the trouble of sticking a needle as the Chinese maintain that all move- in a meridian and even if it did, what
in a particular point? ment and transformation that occurs effect this would have on the body.
Other Chinese practices such as within the universe requires Chi. Fortunately there was a consider-
acupressure and exercise systems such In a sense Chi is the Chinese solu- able body of knowledge that had been
as Tai Chi have also become main- tion to the Grand Unified Theory that written down, particularly about the


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behaviour of Chi in terms of yin and success but not a lot of proof about the Think, what generally concerns
yang and the five elements. Practition- mechanisms by which Feng Shui works. you about the environment where you
ers who claimed “revealed” knowledge This is not to say that such proofs will work and rest? How hot or cold you
(whether from ancient master-student not emerge over time as they did for are? Whether the place is excessively
lineage or more recent spiritual con- internal Chi theory but it can leave us noisy or quiet? Do you accept these
nections) could be called into question confused about Feng Shui. Should we things will affect your health? Do you
when what they were saying was clearly believe everything we are told? And, think your productivity and creativeness
inconsistent with this established body if we are told different, contradictory suffer when temperature and noise be-
of knowledge. things, how can we tell what is right? come extreme? Do your relationships
Today of course we can measure The essence of Feng Shui is the idea work as well in such environments? Do
the electro-potential changes that iden- that the health of a person is influenced you sleep as well? If not what does that
tify the existence of acupoints. We can by the environment they live in. This fact do to you the next day?
trace the passage of radio-isotopes as is so self-evident in every day experience So without being overly presumptu-
they follow meridian pathways through- that I don’t think you would find anyone ous we can say with some confidence
out the body and, using the latest brain- who would dispute this. But let’s see you probably accept as a matter of
scanning technology, we can measure where this point of common agreement course that the energy in the environ-
location and changes in electrical activ- takes us. When we refer to “external ment that you live and work in impacts
ity that occur in the brain as different environment” we tend to think of things strongly on the important things in
acu­points are stimulated. In a hundred rather than energy – but this is just your life. Your health, productivity (at
different ways modern technology has cultural conditioning. (You might say that work or at home), relationships and
confirmed the traditional knowledge the Chinese are always talking about creativity. You also probably recognise
while never overturning it. mountains, rivers and lakes too, but this that as these things suffer so does your
Understanding of Feng Shui is now misses the point that to the Chinese it financial health and quality of life.
at about the same stage in the West is the nature of underlying energy that So you buy heaters and fans and use
as internal Chi theory was about 25 these mountains, rivers and lakes repre- them to maintain appropriate levels of
years ago. There are lots of claims for sent that is important.) heat. You put up blinds and curtains on

By Gary Khor

Reflections on Qi progresses from an explanation of what Qi is

and how it is manifested throughout the universe to a descrip-
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May-June 2006

your windows and have lights and lamps Before we get carried away with our and luck almost always play a greater
in your house to regulate the levels own cultural superiority we might re- role in life than Feng Shui.
of light. You might double-glaze your flect on the fact of how many of us still This is not to say Feng Shui isn’t
windows to prevent sound or put in have an image of the atom as being like very important but that it should be
trees, bushes and walls to screen noise. a miniature solar system. This outdated placed in perspective. It relates to
Then you have been practicing a very (and largely wrong!) image of the atom just one aspect of life, the energetic
elementary level of Feng Shui albeit in is, nevertheless, still a useful image for influence of the external environment,
an ad hoc uncoordinated fashion. introducing the concept of the atom for and it must be used in balance with
“Whoa!” I can almost hear you say, those who cannot visualise the atom in other living skills. Devoting oneself to
isn’t Feng Shui about mountains and non-physical mathematical terms. There maintaining one's internal health while
rivers, about locating white tigers and just aren’t any solid lumps in an atom! ignoring the influence of the external
green dragons, about dragon veins, com- There are a number of reasons we environment is as silly as thinking you
pass directions and strange astrologic would like to advocate the approach to can ignore diet and exercise as long as
and numerological calculations? The Feng Shui of only accepting what can be you practice Feng Shui.
answer is not difficult but needs to be proven but being open minded enough
broken down into a number of parts: to experiment with the remaining tech- Grandmaster Gary Khor is the Founder/
First, do not confuse the objective niques. These include: Director of the Feng Shui Academy of China
of Feng Shui with some of the meth- Our firm belief that people will not and The Australian Academy of Tai Chi. He
odologies used. The objective of Feng only benefit from even limited experi- is also the author of many oriental health and
Shui is simply to make the energy of ence with Feng Shui but that “a journey healing books including Tai Chi for Stress
our external environment supportive of ten thousand miles” does indeed Control, Living Chi, Tai Chi for a Healthy
to health and quality of life. There are a start with the first step. Lifestyle, Feng Shui for Personal Harmony,
Tai Chi for Better Breathing (Asthma),
number of approaches varying from the Like health, the prime responsibility
Tai Chi for the Over Forties and Reflections
common sense and the scientific to the for Feng Shui lies with the individual.
on Qi. For more details visit www.livingchi.
mystic and spiritual – you can use what You might call on the doctor when you or email or
you are comfortable with. In our so- are sick or for a check up. It is your phone (02) 97979355. «
ciety today we have both scientist and lifestyle – your diet and the exercise
priest, some believe science and religion you get that will have the greatest im-
are exclusive, some find no problem in
reconciling these worldviews.
pact on your health and quality of life.
In the same way it is what you do on a Detoxified Iodine
When you practice Feng Shui you day to day basis about your energetic Available in Australia
can take the same approach, accept it environment that counts. Become According to the
all, or reject the scientific or mystic sensitive and attentive to your environ- EDGAR CAYCE readings,
aspects. In the Feng Shui Academy we ment and your Feng Shui health will detoxified iodine can
take the scientific approach but rather tend to take care of itself. result in the following:
than rejecting other aspects put them Such an approach is the best 1. Used to make thyroid
into an “as yet unproven” basket. In protection from becoming a victim of hormone in the thyroid gland.
doing this we build on our experience the “fear and greed” approach to Feng 2. Main body surveillance
mechanism for abnormal cells
from our study of Chi in the internal Shui that can otherwise develop. Most
in the body.
arts knowing they function quite well practitioners of Feng Shui are honest 3. Triggers apoptosis (pro-
without having to resort to mystic or dedicated people who can do much to grammed death of cells) in nor-
spiritual aspects. Please note that the benefit their clients. Some, however, mal cells and abnormal cells.
statement is “without having to.” drum up business by either: 4. Detoxifies chemicals.
Internal Chi arts such as Qigong (en- l Terrifying their clients about the 5. Antiseptic to bacteria, algae, fungi
ergy circulation techniques), can make doom and disaster that will stalk them viruses and protozoa.
use of mystic and spiritual techniques if they don’t rush out and take the (not 6. Anti-autoimmune mechanism by making
and perhaps when used in this way they inexpensive) advice of the Feng Shui intracellular proteins spilled into blood
can result in more success and higher consultant.
7. Possible initial source of thyroxine in
quality lives. It is an individual matter. l Promising a life of indolence and
early fetal development.
Second, remember that the words riches for the person who follows 8. Antiseptic activity in stomach against
and images used in any practice from the advice of the Feng Shui consultant helicobacter pylori.
different cultures and times often (makes you wonder why they have to Cayce often recommended its use for
simply reflect the words and imagery charge fees at all!) glandular stimulation, boosting the
that were available to communicate Learning to regulate the Chi of your immune system, and as an organ detoxifier.
concepts in that culture at that time. If external environment is a valuable living Available from:
the same concepts are to be success- skill that can significantly impact on the Wendy’s Be Well Health Shop
fully communicated in a different time quality of your life. You can use either Cost $20
and culture the words and imagery may a mystic or common sense approach to Phone 07 40321290
need to be reinterpreted. Feng Shui with beneficial effects. Effort E-mail: May-June 2006 ■


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Visit the Festival’s most extensive Those looking for a moment to and Melbourne. We invite readers to
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spiritual matters and general health and meditation and then give it a go without For further information on speakers and all
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tional guest John Levine, psychic Lucy With over 160 exhibitors at the ySpirit Festivals, please contact Brooke Shell
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May-June 2006

By Huw Griffiths a wide variety of reasons (but mostly obesity, high blood pressure, high
diet, stress, lack of physical activity and cholesterol, are all well known and

n these pandemically-threat- lifestyle) there is a process that takes basically understood by everyone (even
ened times I hope it isn’t too place in our bodies that allows for an if we have a tendency to not act on
politically incorrect to bring abnormal build up of fatty deposits or the information), but diet, nutritional
up the subject of diseases of the plaque in the lining of our arteries. It treatments, supplementation, botanic
circulatory system, or cardio-vas- isn’t a process that happens quickly medicine, homeopathy and lifestyle
cular disease (CVD) as it more although increasingly the condition has education are among the areas where
commonly known. ceased to be the domain of the elderly natural therapists can, I believe, not
and inactive middle-aged, and is being only make a major contribution to indi-
How many of us are aware that it is noticed in alarmingly high numbers in vidual health, but have the capacity to
still one of, if not the most prevalent and children and adolescents. stimulate a powerful preventative trend
life-threatening health problems in our This condition is atherosclerosis and to cardiovascular disease all round.
society and that despite frequent signs as it builds up in the arteries it naturally Why this doesn’t come from the
of encouragement that its incidence is begins to interfere with the supply of conventional medical corner is some-
on the downward trend, a few years blood to a number of different parts thing we can only speculate on. It could
ago there were still around 3.2 million and organs of the human body. When be argued that it is too busy and too
Australians suffering from some kind it affects blood supply to the heart, under-resourced to do anything but
of long-term cardiovascular condition. however, (something that happens contend with the chronically ill and
These figures are not believed to have frequently) it has a tendency to develop the tidal wave of daily emergencies, or
improved that much to date and as a into angina, heart attack or death, or all one could be cynical and point out that
result CVD remains one of the leading three. Another equally well known out- medical science’s blossoming pharmo-
causes of death (38%) in this country. come is a stroke, when the blood supply copia of (more often than not toxic)
It might be my imagination, but car- to the brain is affected. So this is the cardiac wonder drugs, together with its
diovascular disease seems to have been basic process that underpins a significant impressive and growing list of cardio-
sidelined a bit in recent years. Maybe majority of circulatory problems. surgical procedures, is just far too
this is because, in part at least, it had a The inescapable reality is that car- profitable to let anything as simple and
great deal of seemingly ignored public- diovascular disease has entrenched itself as non-profitable as sound preventative
ity about the need for diet and lifestyle fairly and squarely around the Western advice interfere with it.
changes, but also perhaps because it diet and lifestyle and in a nutshell it It's a compelling though disturbing
compares as a relatively complex issue would be a fair assessment that we resist thought that close to 36% of all Aus-
to talk about compared to other major some fairly fundamental changes to the tralian hospitalisations were associated
health issues. way we live our lives at our peril. with coronary heart disease in 1998-99,
For example lung cancer is lung Cardiovascular disease and cardiology with an additional 12% being allocated
cancer, but for CVD various disease are strangely one of those areas where to stroke victims, and a further 10% to
classifications such as chronic rheumat- conventional medicine and naturopathy heart failure, so it isn’t difficult to see
ic, hypertension, ischaemic pulmonary should, and in some cases do, co-exist that it wouldn’t be particularly good for
heart, cerebrovascular, atherosclerosis most happily. When it comes to acute business if the ‘health’ industry sudden-
and several more, spring to mind, each emergencies modern medical science has ly found a cheaper, safer and altogether
of which have their respective risk been proven to be profoundly effec- more convenient way of improving our
factors, symptoms and treatments. tive and life-saving and no self-respect- cardio-vascular health.
Getting your mind around it is all quite ing natural practitioner should hesitate Well, are there cheaper, safer and
daunting really, especially if you haven’t to utilise its remarkable and unrivalled more convenient ways? From the very
got a problem with it yet. resources when they are called for. There earliest days in the history of medicine
The whole subject is in dire need of is though, despite this factor, far more many drugs used in CVD were based on
simplification so that those of us at risk that could and should be done to prevent plant constituents, digitalis and aspirin
can keep being reminded in a few simple these emergencies from occurring in the to name but two (but there are several
terms of how to normalise, improve and first place and this is an aspect of CVD more), yet when it comes to develop-
maintain a healthy heart and circulation. that the medical establishment doesn’t ing or redeveloping medicines that have
At the risk then of perhaps over- seem to be particularly big on at all. cardiovascular benefits and which are
simplifying the root cause of most Predisposing factors such as smok- based on plant constituents, we hear a
CVD diseases, let’s imagine that for ing, high-fat diets, lack of exercise, great deal more about the synthesised May-June 2006 ■


active ingredient than we do about the The essence of his research was that a salt, but in moderation or a potassium
original source plant. Is there something vast majority of heart diseases could be based substitute); Make sure you have
here that suggests that all is not being prevented by regular supplementation plenty of fibre in your diet.
communicated here about the possible with vitamin C and could be effectively
benefits of botanic medicine? treated with a combination of vitamin Supplementation:
There are other instances too that C and lysine therapy. Vitamin C (an anti-oxidant which
smack of, at worst double standards, or The scandal, which is twofold, is reduces cholesterol and benefits hy-
at best serious neglect, when it comes that despite Pauling’s breakthrough pertension) preferably with flavonoids;
to the role that the massive resources of results and the stunning simplicity CoQ10 (a nutrient for the heart);
the medical institutions could be playing, of the treatment, not only has there Vitamin E (reduces platelet stickiness
but aren’t, in the development of better has been no significant follow-up by and risk of heart disease); Calcium and
treatment practices for those suffering medical researchers to embrace or for magnesium (for effective heart function
from serious (and for that matter less that matter to disprove his theories, and reduced blood pressure).
serious) cardiovascular problems. but new moves are afoot through the
Statin drugs, for example, are a upcoming Codex agreement to restrict Lifestyle:
widely prescribed class of drugs used supplements, almost certainly includ- Avoid smoking and smokers!; Find
in the treatment or prevention of high ing vitamin C, to the public of Western a way to manage your stress (especially
blood pressure due to its effect of cho- nations at large, moves that fly not only your hostility and anger) via yoga, medi-
lesterol reduction. Yet a vast majority in the face of common sense but of the tation, qi gong or something similar; If
of doctors who prescribe these drugs common good as well. you don’t include it in your weekly rou-
fail to inform their patients of the sig- These issues aside, however, there tine already, increase levels of aerobic
nificant potential for damage they pose lots of simple measures that you can exercise (walking, jogging, and cycling);
to muscle tissue (the heart is arguably take to either minimise your risk of car- Be cautious about oral contraceptives
your body’s most important muscle diovascular disease, or to improve your (some increase the risk of strokes).
by the way) through the depletion of chances of regaining your health if you
CoQ10, which is an awkwardly named already have it. Use the following guide- Herbs:
vitamin that is absolutely essential to lines as a starter, under the supervision Mistletoe: Reduces blood pressure
heart health. It is a well established of a qualified naturopath or practitioner and heart rate, eases arterioclerosis,
fact that anyone who is taking statin and, if you are currently taking medica- strengthens the peripheral capillary walls
drugs regardless of whether it is for tion, make sure you inform your doctor. while also soothing the nervous system.
treatment or prevention should also be Motherwort: For all heart condi-
taking CoQ10 supplementation or they Dietary: tions associated with anxiety and stress
will be putting themselves at serious Drink plenty of water (many CVD as it reduces over-rapid heart beats.
long term risk of future heart disease. sufferers are known to be dehydrated); Hawthorn: Strengthens heart con-
Yet another area where more Eat a diet high in fruit, vegetables, nuts tractions and dilates the blood vessels.
should be being done, but apparently and whole grains; Omega-3 fats are Bugleweed: Reduces the heart
isn’t, is in the potential of vitamin C as essential and can be obtained from fish rate, but increases the strength of the
an effective treatment for everything and flaxseed oils; Reduce or eliminate beat.
from not just cardiovascular disease, any refined and processed foods from Broom: Very good for weak hearts
but to asthma, arthritis, flu, hepatitis you diet (especially flour and sugar); and low blood pressure. Reduces water
and many more conditions. Back in Don’t deep fry your food; Increase retention.
1989 the twice Nobel prize winning sci- consumption of ginger, cayenne, garlic Dandelion: A great diuretic which
entist Linus Pauling announced break- and onions (they reduce blood clot- is also high in potassium.
through research that demonstrated ting); Pineapples contain an enzyme As is always the case there are many
that heart disease was in fact a form called bromelain which also reduces more to select from depending on your
of scurvy and that the attempts by the clotting; Reduce tea, coffee and alcohol specific needs. Your local naturopath
body to form plaque were in fact a part consumption, as well as excessive ani- will be familiar with them, so if you think
of the healing process as it attempts to mal proteins and fats; Do not use white you might benefit from his or her advice
plug leaks in a weakening arterial wall. table salt on your food (try using Celtic book a consultation. «

HUW GRIFFITHS is a British-born naturopath who came to Australia in the early

‘90’s with his wife and two sons. His interest and passion for natural and traditional health
therapies was developed and nurtured alongside an international career in marketing and
communications. He currently lives and practices in the bayside suburb of Brighton in
Melbourne. You can email Huw at or call him at
Cornerstone Health on 03 9530 8826 for an appointment.

May-June 2006
By Robert Moss singing. The people of this world welcomed me. They were

tall and elongated and very pale, and did not look like anyone
have known since I was a very small boy in I had seen in my nine years in the surface world. They told me
Australia that there are worlds beyond physical they had dreamed my coming, and raised me as their own. For
reality, and that we can journey to those worlds the greater part of my schooling, I was required to dream – to
dream alone, in an incubation cave, or to dream with others,
and gain first-hand knowledge of the multidi-
lying in a cartwheel around the banked ashes of the fire in the
mensional universe and about what actually happens council house.
after death. Years passed. As I grew older, my recollection of my life
in the surface world faded and flickered out.
When I was nine years old, I was woken I became a father and grandfather, a teacher
up to these possibilities during a crisis of
In ancient and traditional and elder. When my body was played out,
illness. I was rushed to hospital in Melbourne the people placed it on a funeral pyre. As the
after complaining of a pain in my lower cultures where there is smoke rose from the pyre, I travelled with it,
right abdomen. The medical staff found that
my appendix was about to burst and I was
a real practice of dying, looking for the path among the stars where
the fires of the galaxies flow together like
wheeled into an operating room in short near-death experiencers milk.
order for an emergency appendectomy.
Under anesthesia on the operating table, I – who may be called As I spiralled upward, I seemed to burst
through the Earth’s crust into a world of
found myself hovering above my body, some- shamans or initiates hot asphalt and cars and trams – and found
where up near the ceiling. I decided I didn’t myself shooting back into the body of a nine-
want to watch the bloody work with the scal- – have always been
year-old boy in a Melbourne hospital bed.
pel and flowed through the door and along heard with the deepest It was a little hard to discuss these
the corridor to where my mother sat hunched experiences with the adults around me at
and weeping. I couldn’t stand her pain, so attention and respect.
that time, and we did not yet have Raymond
I drifted off to a window, to the brightness Moody’s useful phrase “near-death experi-
outside, to the colours of spring and the ence” to describe an episode of this kind.
laughter of young lovers seated at a sidewalk table, drinking One of the doctors said simply, “Robert died and came back”
each other’s smiles. I felt the pull of the ocean. I could not see – with memories that made me quite certain of the existence of
the beach from the hospital window, so I floated through the worlds beyond the obvious one, and of the fact that conscious-
glass and out onto a ledge where a blackbird squalled at me and ness survives physical death.
shot straight up into the air. I followed the bird and sailed over There is great contemporary interest in the NDE in Western
the rooftops. society, and this is a very healthy thing, because to know about
I saw a huge moon-round face, its mouth opened wide to the afterlife, we require first-hand experience, and need to be
form the gateway to Luna Park. I swooped down through the ready to update our geographies and itineraries frequently
moon-gate – and plunged into darkness. I tried to reverse direc- in the light of the latest reliable travel reports. In ancient and
tion, but something sucked me downwards. It was like tum- traditional cultures where there is a real practice of dying,
bling down a mineshaft, mile after mile beneath the surface of near-death experiencers – who may be called shamans or initi-
the earth. ates – have always been heard with the deepest attention and
I fell into a different world. It was hard to make out any- respect.
thing clearly in the smoke of a huge fire pit. A giant with skin There is a Tibetan name for such a person, delog, pro-
the colour of fine white ash lifted me high above the ground, nounced “day-loak”. It means someone who has gone beyond May-June 2006 ■

death and returned. The famous Tibetan Book of the Dead, in preparing people for the afterlife, many people who have
with its detailed account of the possible transits of spirit after passed on do not know they are dead, and hover in a limbo
death, emerged from the experiences of such travellers. close to familiar people and places on this Earth. After death,
But to have first-hand knowledge of what lies beyond death, we continue to be driven by our ruling interests, appetites and
we do not have to go through the physical extremity of an addictions. Some of those who have died but not truly “passed
NDE. We can learn through our dreams, the dreams in which on” continue to try to feed their cravings via the living. When
we receive visitations from departed loved ones and others who the departed remain earthbound, the effects are unhealthy both
are at home on the Other Side, and the dreams in which we for those who have died and those among the living to whom
travel beyond the body and into their realms. they are connected. When the dead are enmeshed with the
Our dreams open portals into the multidimensional uni- living, the result is mutual confusion, loss of energy, and the
verse, including the places we may travel after physical death. transfer of addictions, obsessions and even physical ailments
As we become active dreamers, we come to realise that dream- from the departed to the person whose energy field he or she is
ing is not so much about sleeping as about waking up – to a sharing.
deeper reality and a deeper meaning in life, and death. Helping the departed may involve a loving dialogue, a
simple ritual of honouring and farewell, and invoking spir-
The Departed are Dreaming with Us itual helpers. As we become active dreamers, familiar with
  One of my driving purposes in writing The Dreamer’s the geography of the afterlife, we may find we are called on to
Book of the Dead was to help some of the many people in our provide personal escort services and help to instruct some of
society who are hungry for confirmation that communication our departed on their options on the other side. William Butler
with the departed is not “weird” or “un- Yeats noted, with a poet’s insight, that “the
natural”, let alone impossible, and that it is living can assist the imaginations of the
possible to extend love and forgiveness and dead.”
healing across the apparent barrier of death. Our dreams open
We encounter our departed, especially in Our Departed Come Calling
dreams, because they are still around (some- portals into the Most people who remember dreams can
recall one in which someone on the other
times because they have unfinished business
or are not actually aware they are dead); or multidimensional side made a phone call, sent a letter, or
simply turned up at the door or the bedside.
because they come visiting; or because we
travel, in dreams or visions, into astral realms
universe, including Our departed return to us in dreams for all
the reasons they might have called on us in
where the departed are entirely at home.
It’s not just that we dream of the dead;
the places we physical life – including the simple desire
to tell us how they are doing and see how
our departed are dreaming of us, and trying
to reach us through dreams. Sometimes our
may travel after we are coping – and for larger reasons: to
departed return as counsellors or “family
angels”, as my father returned to me, many
physical death. bring emotional healing, to bring us helpful
information, to instruct us on life beyond
times, in the year after his death in Australia death and the reality of worlds beyond the
in 1987, with loving messages and practical physical.
guidance for the family. Sometimes our departed need us to Our departed may come visiting to offer or receive forgive-
play guides, because they are confused or stuck between the ness. They may come to show us how they are doing on the
worlds, clinging to old appetites and attachments – which can other side.
be extremely unhealthy for the living, who may pick up the Our departed can be excellent psychic advisers when they
feelings and addictions and even the past physical symptoms of achieve clarity on the other side and are aware that they are not
the dead. confined to the rules of space and time.
One of the cruelest things that mainstream Western culture Our departed may come as health advisors and fam-
has done is to suggest that communication with the departed ily counsellors. My friend Wanda Burch had received many
is either impossible or unnatural. There is nothing spooky or dreams containing possible health advisories, but was finally
“supernatural” involved, though these experiences take us into driven to seek medical attention when her deceased father
realms beyond physical reality. It is especially easy to meet our turned up in her dreams in a doctor’s white coat and yelled at
departed in dreams (if we are willing to listen to our dreams) her, “You have breast cancer!” Her father’s dream intervention
for three reasons: helped put her on the path of healing and recovery.
Our departed may visit us in dreams to help us prepare for
Our Departed are Still With Us our own deaths and reassure us that we have friends on the
Quite frequently dreams reveal that the departed are other side.
present because, quite simply, they never left. The departed
may linger because they have unfinished business, or wish In Dreams, We Travel to Realms of the Departed
to act as guide and protector to the family, or are attached to In our dreams, we are released from the laws of physical
people and places they loved in waking life, and this may be a reality, and travel into other dimensions, including environ-
perfectly happy situation for a year or two. ments where the departed may be living. Through dreams of
But there comes a time when our departed need to move this kind, we can begin to develop a personal geography of the
on, for their own growth, and so they do not become a psy- afterlife, which will be vastly enriched when we learn the art of
chic burden to the living. Because our society does a poor job conscious dream travel, which is at the heart of my own teach-
ing and practice.

May-June 2006
In my workshops, I often invite participants to focus on a him for physical adjustments he needed to make as his body
dream or memory of a departed person and make it their inten- declined, easing these passages for a proud and once strong
tion to journey – with the help of shamanic drumming – to man. Dreams of broken plumbing and laying pipes, for exam-
seek timely and helpful communication with that person and to ple, prepared Ed for the catheterization that was eventually
learn about the environment where that person is now living. required.
From these journeys, we have collected multifarious and fasci- In an intriguing series of dreams, he was excited to find
nating details of reception centres, transition zones, places of himself doing new work and feeling really good about it – an
recovery and further education and communications arrange- unlikely scenario, in ordinary reality, for a sick man in his 80s.
ments on the other side. We have learned that more than one In one of these dreams, he was working on an “angel machine.”
vehicle of soul survives physical death, and each has a different When Katy asked him what that was, he explained, “I’m sup-
destiny. We have explored many afterlife locales shaped by hu- posed to comb out the feathers on the angel wings” and giggled
man imaginations and collective belief systems. like a happy child, full of wonder.
Towards the end, Katy’s father often slipped into waking
Dreaming is the Best dreams, moving between the worlds with increasing fluency,
Preparation for Dying learning the art of re-entering a sleep dream to gather more
insight and energy effortlessly, without any formal instruction.
A second reason I wrote The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead
One of his big dreams seemed to promise a happy landing
is that I believe that dreaming is the best preparation for dying,
on the other side and opened a fascinating personal locale in
and that through dreams we can gain first-hand knowledge of
the possible afterlife. He dreamed that on a day of heavy snow,
the transitions of spirit after death. Active dreamers have no
he attended a magnificent banquet in a beautiful mansion. Eve-
doubt there is life after death. We become familiar with many
ryone was dressed to the nines, and an elegant, distinguished
alternative neighbourhoods and transition zones on the Other
man wearing an ambassador’s sash with his dinner jacket
Side. We may develop the understanding – again through direct
showed Ed around and poured him a delicious drink “like
experience – that consciousness survives the body in more than
white champagne” but beyond anything available in ordinary
one energy body, and that different vehicles of consciousness
reality. Delighted by his welcome, Katy’s father had the feeling
have different fates.
he would be going back to the mansion of the dream ambas-
By helping someone who is approaching death to open to
sador. On the day he passed, it was snowing heavily for the first
their dreams, we help them to find their way home, and ap-
time in months, as in the dream.
proach the last stage of physical life with greater courage and
Through their days and nights of dream sharing, father and
clarity, as a time of growth and awakening.
daughter deepened their loving connection. Katy confirmed
All we need do, to begin with, is to suggest to the dying
and validated her father’s experiences as he opened to realities
person that if he or she happens to remember a dream, we
beyond the physical, an inspiring example of how we can help
would love to hear it, and to cherish the moment of sharing.
each other on the roads of dying (and living). Katy believes
Open a safe space for dreaming, and beautiful things can
that dreaming provided her father with a vehicle in which he
happen. Katy’s octogenarian father Ed moved into hospice
could travel to the other side. “He was fearful of leaving this
care after a debilitating series of strokes. His doctors thought
life that he loved so much, but with the dreaming he grasped
he would probably succumb to kidney failure within a month.
that perhaps there really is a life ‘over there’ that is just as
In fact, he survived for another six months, a time of deepen-
much fun.” His fear of death gave way to a willingness to let
ing pain and frustration over the failures of the flesh that was
nonetheless a period of immense learning and high adventure
The story of Ed’s dreaming does not end with his passing.
thanks to his discovery of dreaming. In each of her frequent
Within days, he started turning up in the dreams of his loved
visits, Katy gently encouraged him to share any dreams he
ones. He appeared to the one family member who had not
been able to visit him in the hospice, sat with her under a tree
As dream sharing became daily practice for Katy’s father,
for what seemed like hours, and made her laugh. He returned
many varied gifts came through. Some of his dreams rehearsed


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Katy’s visits in the dreamtime. In Katy’s dreams, he often ap- environment, I was introduced to many “dead” people who
peared doing things (like skiing) that he had failed to do, or to described their experiences of afterlife transitions in vivid and
master, in the life he had left. fascinating detail. Sometimes I felt that the dead were holding
This moving episode confirms the wisdom of the Lakota a séance for the living – specifically myself.
Indian saying that “the path of the soul after death is the same I gained a new depth of understanding of what Yeats had
as the path of the soul in dreams.” This is why dreaming is the laboured to convey about death and dreaming in the two ver-
best preparation for dying. sions of his fascinating, difficult book A Vision. He concluded
that the main difference between the dream state during physi-
The Poet as Guide to the Other Side cal life and the dream state after death is that prior to death the
I had another reason for undertaking The Dreamer’s Book soul remains in “exclusive association with one body.”
of the Death. I have noticed that most of us tend to live with In the 1925 edition of A Vision, Yeats made his simplest
more courage and clarity – and cope with the challenges of and most important observation about the connection between
everyday life with better grace – when we have looked Death in death and dreaming: “In sleep we enter upon the same life
the face. as that we enter between death and birth.” He explains that
As we do this, we may enlist the support of personal guides in dreaming, the spirit may travel through some of the levels
who are quite familiar with conditions on the Other Side. of being that are accessible after death. In rare cases, moving
I was well advanced on my work, a little after Samhain/ beyond the astral plane, the spirit may discover “a new centre
Halloween in 2004, when I learned that I had drawn a most of coherence” in the celestial body. So dreaming may be an
interesting helper. On a raw day on the Connecticut coast, I exact rehearsal for the progression of the spirit after death as it
was leading a visionary journey for a circle of my advanced gradually disentangles itself from lower energy bodies to move
students. We had made it our shared intention to travel to a to higher planes.
location in nonordinary reality that I call the House of Time, a In the 1937 edition of A Vision, Yeats develops the provoca-
place from which onward journeys to other times and other life tive thesis that our dreams of the departed are frequently the
experiences are usually easy, and where encounters with master result of the departed reaching for us. Yeats describes an early
teachers sometimes take place. I was drumming for the group phase in the after-death transition that he calls “Dreaming
and watching over them while – at the same time – I let part of Back,” through which the departed seek to review, understand
my consciousness travel into the Library of the House of Time. and resolve the issues of the life experience that has ended.
I found Yeats waiting for me, on an upper level. He asked With the help of “teaching spirits” a soul in this phase “may
me, “What better guide to the Other Side than a poet?” The not merely dream through the consequences of its acts but
answer that came to me was: none. I remembered how Virgil amend them, bringing this or that to the attention of the liv-
appears as Dante’s guide through the Inferno, drawn by Dante’s ing.” During this phase the dead often appear to the living in
“love and long study” of his poetry. Whether the Yeats who dreams.
was appearing to me now was a projection of a part of myself, Yeats wrote that “the souls of enlightened men return to be
or some essence of his life and work, or the individual spirit of schoolmasters of the living, who influence them unseen.” I be-
the dead poet, I could hardly refuse his offer to guide me. lieve this has been my experience, and that it is an experience
So my work took on a further dimension. This, of course, open to all of us, which will unfold according to our interests
was not my first encounter with Yeats. He had appeared in my and affections, and our willingness to do the work.
dreams many times. In one series of dreams, he demonstrated In The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead I have sought to hon-
experiments in “mutual visioning” that he had conducted with our Yeats’s grand design of producing a Western Book of the
Florence Farr, and attempts to build his Celtic Castle of the Dead that shows a little of what happens in the soul’s journey
Heroes on the astral plane with his great (but forever lost) love between death and rebirth. At its heart, the message of my
Maud Gonne. Book of the Dead is as simple, and as urgent, as this: We don’t
But after that post-Halloween encounter in 2004, things need to wait for death to remember what the soul knows: how
picked up. While I immersed myself in fresh study of the books and why we came into our present bodies, and where we will
and papers in which Yeats had recorded his efforts to com- go when we leave them.
munication with the dead and to monitor the soul’s journey
between death and rebirth, the play of dreams and visions and Robert Moss's The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead is available
synchronicity in my own life became intense and wonderful. from New Dawn Book Service for $33.95 plus $8 p&h. To
That benign entity that Koestler called “the Library Angel” order, see page 88 for details. «
worked overtime, arranging bookish discoveries at the most
unlikely times and places. In a screened and protected psychic

Robert Moss was born in Melbourne and is a world-renowned dream explorer, shamanic coun-
selor, bestselling novelist and former magazine editor and lecturer of ancient history at the Australian
National University. He now lives in the United States and teaches Active Dreaming – his pioneer
synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism – all over the world and is the founder of a contemporary
mystery school. His many books include Conscious Dreaming, Dreamgates, Dreaming True, Dreamways
of the Iroquois and The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead. He recently recorded a DVD series, The Way of the
Dreamer that offers a fun, high-energy course in the core techniques of Active Dreaming. Please visit
his website at

May-June 2006
By Mitch Horowitz

he late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries saw an explosion of spiritual
teachers and impresarios dealing in “secret
wisdom.” Their ranks included hacks and
frauds – as well as more than a few genuine scholars
of esoteric traditions. Most have vanished from memo-
ry, their writings a historical footnote.

There exists one distinct figure, though, whose movement

and teachings not only survived his passing but are even expe-
riencing a revival in our day. His name is Manly P. Hall. While
few academicians will ever know of him, Hall was among
the twentieth century’s – and perhaps any century’s – most
commanding and unusual scholars of esoteric and mythologi-
cal lore. Yet the source of his knowledge and the extent of his
virtuosity can justly be called a mystery.
While working as a clerk at a Wall Street banking firm
– the “outstanding event” of which involved “witnessing a man
depressed over investment losses take his life” – the 28-year-
old Hall self-published one of the most complex and thorough-
going works ever to catalogue the esoteric wisdom of antiquity,
The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Hall’s Secret Teachings is Manly P. Hall in 1928, the year he published The Secret
almost impossible to classify. Written and compiled on an Teachings of All Ages, a codex to the ancient occult
Alexandrian scale, its hundreds of entries shine a rare light on and esoteric traditions of the world.
some of the most fascinating and little-understood aspects of
myth, religion, and philosophy.
Today, more than seventy-five years after its initial publi- A Man Unknown
cation, the book’s range of material astonishes: Pythagorean Hall was born in Peterborough, Ontario, in 1901 to parents
mathematics; alchemical formulae; Hermetic doctrine; the who would shortly divorce, leaving the young Manly in the
workings of Kabala; the geometry of Ancient Egypt; the Na- care of a grandmother who raised him in Sioux Falls, South
tive American myths; the uses Dakota. He had little formal schooling. But there was a spark
of cryptograms; an analysis of some indefinable brilliance in the young man, which his
of the Tarot; the symbols of grandmother tried to nurture in trips to museums in Chicago
Rosicrucianism; the esotericism and New York.
of the Shakespearean dramas Tragedy struck early, when his grandmother died when he
– these are just a few of Hall’s was 16. Afterward, a self-styled Rosicrucian community in
topics. Yet his background California took him in. At age 19, suspicious of the communi-
betrays little clue to his virtu- ty’s claims to ancient wisdom, Manly moved on his own to Los
osity. Angeles where he began a precocious career in public speaking May-June 2006 ■

– first giving an address on reincarnation in a small room above would become known as “The Great Book” – and it has never
a bank in Santa Monica, and soon rising to the rank of minister gone out of print since.
at a liberal evangelical congregation called The Church of the Indeed, Hall is an exception to most of his contemporaries
People. as someone whose work is actually building in influence today.
Word spread of the boy wonder’s mastery of arcane and In its day, the Secret Teachings was expensive, hefty, and cum-
metaphysical subject matter. He attracted benefactors and even- bersome. As a result, the book spent much of its existence as an
tually began travelling the world in search of hidden wisdom. underground classic. In late 2003, however, the Secret Teach-
Yet Hall’s early letters from Japan, Egypt, China, and India ings found new life in a reset and redesigned “reader’s edition,”
are, in many respects, fairly ordinary: They contain little of the which has sold a remarkable 40,000 copies in less than three
eye-opening detail or wonder of discovery that one finds in the years.1 A little-known 1929 companion volume by Hall, called
writings of other early twentieth-century seekers encountering Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, has also been recently reis-
the East for the first time. More often they sued.
read like prosaic, if somewhat sensitive, After publishing his magnum opus, Hall
linear travelogues of their day. Like a monk of the opened a campus in 1934 in the Griffith Park
Like a bolt from the blue, however, one neighbourhood of Los Angeles called The
is astounded to discover a short work of im- Middle Ages, Hall Philosophical Research Society (PRS), where
mense power from the young Hall – a book copiously, almost he spent the rest of his life teaching, writ-
that seems to prefigure that which would ing, and amassing a remarkable library of
come. In 1922, at the age of 21, Hall wrote superhumanly, pored esoterica. A self-contained property designed
a luminescent gem on the mystery schools in a pastiche of Mayan, Egyptian, and art
of antiquity, Initiates of the Flame. Though
over hundreds of deco styles, PRS remains a popular destina-
brief, one sees in it the outline of what would the great works of tion for LA’s spiritually curious.
become The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Following Hall’s death in 1990, PRS
On its frontispiece, Initiates of the Flame antiquity, distilling barely survived simultaneous legal battles
boldly announces: “He who lives the Life their esoteric lore into – one with Hall’s widow, who claimed the
shall know the Doctrine.” group owed her money, and another with a
The short book goes on to expound his volume. bizarre father-son team of con artists who,
passionately and in detail on Egyptian rites, in the estimation of a civil court judge, had
Arthurian myths, and the secrets of alchemy, befriended an ailing, octogenarian Hall to pil-
among other subjects. Feeling the power and ease in its pages, fer his assets. The Los Angeles Police Department considered
the reader can almost sense the seeds of greatness that were Hall’s death sufficiently suspicious to keep it under investiga-
beginning to take hold in Hall’s grasp of esoteric subjects. tion for several years.

The Secret Teachings Born Secret Wisdom ,

Hall soon returned to America, where he tried his hand Practical Wisdom
at banking – though he found his true path in the beaux arts For all his literary output, Hall revealed little about his pri-
Reading Room of the New York Public Library. Entering this vate life. His most lasting record is a frequently trite, unreveal-
cavernous space today, it is not difficult to picture the large- ing childhood memoir called Growing Up with Grandmother
framed, young Manly P. Hall surrounded by books of myth and (in which he refers to his guardian as “Mrs. Arthur Whitney
symbol at one of the room’s huge oaken tables. Like a monk of Palmer”). As an adult, Hall’s close relations were few. He did
the Middle Ages, Hall copiously, almost superhumanly, pored not marry until well into middle age, in a union some surmise
over hundreds of the great works of antiquity, distilling their was never consummated.
esoteric lore into his volume. Hence, when Hall disclosed something about his back-
By the age of 28, having pre-sold subscriptions for nearly ground, it was purposeful. He wrote this in a PRS newsletter
1,000 copies (and printing 1,200 more), Hall published what in 1959: “As a result of a confused and insecure childhood, it

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May-June 2006
was necessary for me to formulate a personal philosophy with
which to handle immediate situations.”
Here was someone with a tremendous interest in the arcane
philosophies of the world, in the occult and metaphysical
philosophies, but he wasn’t fixated on immortality, or a will to
power, or on discovering keys that unlock the universe. Rather,
he was focused on harnessing inner truths in a very practical
way. How, he wondered, could such ideas lend clarity to daily
We’ll take a byroad that steers us in another direction
before returning to this point. Our byroad involves one of the
most famous novels in history, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
The work has many facets, among them a portrait – not sympa-
thetic, but not as unsympathetic as one might suppose – of the
European occult in the Enlightenment era. The portrait comes
in the character of a young Victor von Frankenstein, a budding
scientist torn between the occult teachings that drew him to sci-
ence as a child and the prevailing rationalism of his teachers.
Victor confides his interest in the great alchemists and occult
philosophers, such as the Renaissance-era magus Cornelius
Agrippa, but his professors dismiss him with complete conde-
One day in his room, Victor ponders the unbridgeable gap
between his magical visions and the scholasticism of his peers:
I had a contempt for the uses of modern natural philoso-
phy. It was very different when the masters of science
sought immortality and power; such views, although Manly P. Hall (1901-1990)
futile, were grand; but now the scene was changed. The
ambition of the inquirer seemed to limit itself to the anni-
hilation of those visions on which my interest in science
was chiefly founded. I was required to exchange chime- study but of no direct relevance to our current lives. Hall, on
ras of boundless grandeur for realities of little worth. the other hand, felt himself on a mission to re-establish a con-
nection to the mystery traditions at a time when America, as
In a sense, Victor spoke for generations of occultists when he saw it, had given itself over to the Jazz-Age materialism he
describing his ideal of boundless grandeur, immortality, power, witnessed at his banking job.
and visions. (And who wouldn’t sympathise with the rebellious “After I thought the matter over,” he wrote a few years
young Victor – whose dreams and ambitions, while hopeless, before his death, “it seemed necessary to establish some kind
exist on a grand scale – versus the certainties of his crusty of firm ground upon which personal idealism could mingle its
professors?) hopes and aspirations with the wisdom of the ages.”
An occult scholar born at the cusp of the twentieth century, In this sense, the prodigious scholar achieved more than
Manly P. Hall signalled a different kind of ideal. Hall told of “a a cataloguing of esoteric truths. He turned the study of occult
personal philosophy with which to handle immediate situa- ideas into an ethical cause.
tions.” After Hall’s death, a reporter in the Los Angeles Times
noted, “Followers say he believed in reincarnation and in a
mixture of the Golden Rule and living in moderation.” Footnote :
For Hall, the very act of writing The Secret Teachings of
1. For further details, see “Bringing the Secret Teachings Into
All Ages was an attempt at formulating an ethical response to
the 21st Century” by Mitch Horowitz at www.lapismagazine.
the age he lived in. While the book is at times speculative and
some of its sources are limited by the constraints of their era,
it is the only codex to esoteric ideas that treats its subject with
Manly's P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Reader's
total seriousness. Contemporaneous works, such as The Golden
Edition) is available from New Dawn Book Service for $35.00
Bough, regarded indigenous religious traditions as supersti-
plus $8 p&h. To order, see page 88 for details. «
tion – interesting museum pieces worthy of anthropological

Mitch Horowitz is an editor and publisher of many years experience with a lifelong
interest in man’s search for meaning. The executive editor of Tarcher/Penguin in New York, he
adapted the present article from his book in progress on the American occult. His history of
Ouija Boards will appear in the Fall issue of Esopus, a biannual of arts and culture. You can visit
his website at May-June 2006 ■

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May-June 2006
Signs in the Sky
Signs of the Times
By Ray Grasse forms of an older make way for those of a radically new one.

Will the coming era be a time of peace, love, and brotherhood,
magine the world as it might appear from the as some suggest? Or will it instead bring about an Orwellian
perspective of an ant wandering on-stage during police state where men and women are little more than cogs in a
a performance of Shakespeare’s “Midsummer’s bureaucratic machine? As always, the truth will almost certainly
be more complex than we can expect, or perhaps even imagine.
Night’s Dream.” All around you there unfolds a
It’s useful to remember that the same Piscean Age which brought
great drama, replete with exotic colours, sounds, and us Jesus Christ also brought us Torquemada and the Inquisition,
complex happenings; yet because of your limited per- not to mention evangelist Jimmy Swaggart. To help us make
spective, the meaning of it all escapes you. You can’t sense of these unfolding complexities, let us look briefly at a few
comprehend the multi-layered significance of this of the key symbols and archetypal themes associated with both
drama, nor grasp how these diverse of these shifting eras.
elements fit into a greater unfolding
The Age of Pisces
narrative that is being played out over Will the coming
several acts. Only by understanding (c . 1 CE to 2100 CE)
that larger context can you truly see era be a time of For two millennia now, we have been
how those transitory events are in- peace, love, and under the influence primarily of the watery
tegral facets of a broader pattern of sign of Pisces. Among the manifestations of
meaning, a greater story. brotherhood, as the Piscean Age has been the rise of a global
religion centering primarily on symbols of
In a way, our own predicament is rather some suggest? Or water: baptism, walking on water, changing
water into wine, and so forth. Indeed, for the
like that. We, too, find ourselves meandering
across a great stage – that of history itself. To
will it instead bring student of astrological symbolism Christi-
the casual eye, the events transpiring around about an Orwellian anity offers a virtual mother lode of cor-
respondences in connection with Pisces. For
us may seem like a chaotic jumble of random
occurrences: a rocket carrying seven crew police state...? example, Christian scripture speaks exten-
members explodes in mid-air; a world leader sively of fishermen, sympathy for society’s
finds himself embroiled in a foreign war; and outcasts, martyrdom, and the washing of
a new computer technology suddenly takes the world by storm. feet – all traditional symbols of Pisces. One
At first glance there is little to suggest such things possess of the defining miracles of Christ’s ministry was the feeding
any meaning or relation to one another. Yet our problem may of the multitude with two fishes and five loaves of bread. More
simply be one of proximity: perhaps we are simply too close subtly, the eating of fish on Friday by Catholics is linked by
to grasp what is going on. If only our perspective were broad some to the fact that Friday is governed by Venus, the planet
enough, perhaps we could recognise how these isolated events that is “exalted” (i.e., attains its optimal expression) in Pisces.
are actually facets of a much larger story. Were such correspondences intentional on the part of the
For the esotericist, an important key toward helping unlock Church fathers, or was their emergence purely synchronistic?
that broader perspective lies in a concept known as the Great Even scholars disagree on this point, so we may never know
Ages [see “‘Precession of the Equinoxes’ & the ‘Great Year’” on for sure. Either way, we can study these symbols for what they
page 62]. We presently find ourselves straddling the threshold reveal about the archetypal dynamics of the time. Viewed as a
between acts, as it were, between the Piscean and the Aquarian whole, they tell us that humanity was learning to relate to reality
Ages. Like vast tectonic plates shifting deep within the collective and the divine through a more emotional filter. In its construc-
unconscious, this epochal transition has already begun manifest- tive aspect, this brought about a newfound element of compas-
ing as a series of seismic changes throughout our world, as the sion and faith in key segments of society, especially within the May-June 2006 ■

‘Precession of the Christian world. There was emergence of a spiritual sensibility

Equinoxes’ &
that spoke of “turning the other cheek” rather than the smiting of
enemies. It was a shift from Roma to Amor, one could say.
In a more negative vein, this same emphasis on emotional-
the ‘Great Year’ ity ushered in a spirit of dogmatism and persecution within the
emerging religions. Pisces is intensely concerned with mat-

he twelve zodiacal ages are twelve divisions of a ters of faith, but taken to extremes this can lead to zealotry,
25,920-year long motion of Earth called the Pre­ self-righteousness, and the urge to establish absolute guidelines
cession of the Equi­noxes. This motion is only one for all to follow. At its worst, the Piscean Age was an era of
of three ba­sic Earth cy­cles; the three most im­por­tant cycles religious intolerance, when large populations were expected to
in as­trology. show unquestioning allegiance to a monolithic belief system, as
The first cycle is the year, in which the Sun appears to exhibited in much of Christianity and Islam during this time.
move through a belt of constellations called the zodiac. The One of the more striking Piscean symbols found in Chris-
sec­ond cycle is the day, caused by the Earth turning on its tianity is its central image: the crucifixion. It is sobering to
axis every 24 hours, making the Sun appear to rise and set. consider that for nearly two thousand years Western culture has
But the Earth also gradually wobbles back­wards as its turns, defined itself largely in terms of an image of a man nailed to
as if it were a spinning top. This is the third cycle, also a cross, tortured in a most gruesome manner. Yet viewed arche-
called the Great Year. This ‘great wobble’ causes the North typally, this singular seed-image contains the best and worst of
Pole to point to differ- the Piscean legacy. On a negative level, the crucifixion express-
ent stars at different es dark Piscean qualities like self-pity, masochism, guilt, and
times. By the year 2100 martyrdom. These traits reflect the self-dissolving principle of
it will point exactly at water but directed in a more destructive, self-abnegating way.
Po­la­ris, the star which In some respects the Piscean Age might well be called the ulti-
we know today as the mate age of neurosis, this being an era when many felt that suf-
‘north star.’ But about fering and guilt were somehow synonymous with spirituality.
13,000 years ago it This is precisely the sort of delusion that arises when the ego is
pointed to­ward Vega. unhealthy or ungrounded, and finds itself drawn back into the
It takes an av­erage of more corrosive and ego-dissolving emotions of the soul.
25,920 years for the But the crucifixion has a more positive interpretation, too.
Earth to com­plete one As astrologers know, Pisces symbolically relates to the tran-
‘wobble’; so about scendence of the ego and the surrendering of personal inter-
26,000 years from to­ ests in service of a higher ideal. As the last sign in the zodiac
day the North Pole will (determined by the Sun’s counter-clockwise movement), Pisces
again point to Polaris. is that final stage in the soul’s evolution where the boundaries
The seasons (Spring, of personality have begun to dissolve and the soul now merges
Summer, Fall and Win­ with the cosmic ocean of existence. This is what the crucifixion
ter) happen be­cause the Earth’s axis and poles are tilted by means in its highest sense: the willing capacity for sacrifice,
23 de­grees. During Summer (in the North­ern hemi­sphere) worship, and profound devotion. This is the water element at
the pole is tilted toward the Sun, so the days are longer. its most refined. Some examples of this higher aspect of Pisces
During the Winter it tilts away from the Sun, so the days would be St. Francis of Assisi, or the ideals of chivalry and
are shorter. When the pole is exactly half way be­tween, so courtly love, with their ethos of self-sacrifice and idealism, that
that the Earth’s orbit is aligned with the Equator, the days arose during the medieval era. Note, too, that the word for that
and nights are equal. This is called the Equinox. other major Piscean Age religion, Islam, means surrender when
The equinox gradually shifts backwards as the North translated into English.
Pole wobbles. Approximately 2,000 years ago the Sun Whereas the Age of Aries brought an awakening of the
started en­tering the constellation Pisces at the beginning outwardly-directed ego, the more feminine Piscean Age
of Spring, the ‘vernal equinox.’ But today the zodiac has brought about a newfound sense of interiority or inwardness. In
shifted one/twelfth of the way backwards (almost 30 de­ religious terms, this was evident in the emerging Christian em-
grees), so now the Sun is almost out of Pisces at the begin- phasis on moral reflectivity, or conscience. The flip side of this
ning of Spring, and soon will enter Aquarius. This is called development, unfortunately, was the emergence of a new mood
the Pre­cession of the Equinoxes. of guilt throughout Western society. Prior to Christianity, one
The earliest record of precession and the Great Year rarely finds a sense of conscience or “sin” as we now think of
is found on the circular Zodiac of Dendera, a product of it. By way of contrast, the earlier Greeks saw their relationship
an­cient Egyp­tian civilisation. As such, the phenomenon to the gods in more mechanical and external terms than we do
played a key role as a celestial checkpoint in the design and now. When crimes were committed, one atoned for them not
function of sacred tem­ple architecture. because of an inner sense of guilt so much as a belief that one
How the ancients discovered this cosmic zodiac is so had accrued a “stain” of sorts which could be removed through
in­ex­pli­ca­ble, in the light of present knowledge, that some an appropriate sacrifice.
re­searchers surmise astrology is a “revealed” science rather On another level, this new sense of interiority was mirrored
than one which evolved naturally on this planet. in the rise of architectural features like the dome and the arch,
– Jason Jeffrey
Continued on page 65...

May-June 2006

Apocalyptic Times and

the End of an Age
t the dawn of the new millennium in Novem- spanned two thousand years, and waned with the pass-
ber 2000 the iconoclastic American writer ing of the millennium. Now that we’ve passed into the
Age of Aquarius, the End of Days has arrived.
Hunter S. Thompson mused:
We are living in dangerously weird times now. Smart For Dan Brown and many others we’re not talking about an
people just shrug and admit they’re dazed and con- apocalyptic ‘end of the world’ with all its connotations of the
fused. The only ones left with any confidence at all are destruction of humanity or the planet, but the transition from
the New Dumb. It is the beginning of the end of our one age to another. Bible scholars support this view pointing
world as we knew it. Doom is the operative ethic. out that often when the Gospel writers mention the ‘world’, the
original Greek word used is ‘aion’, meaning age, or system of
In 1997, a former reporter with the Wall Street Journal, things. The Biblical ‘end of the world’ refers not to the destruc-
Michael Dronin, wrote The Bible Code, based on the notion tion of all life on the planet but to the conclusion of an allotted
that hidden messages are embedded in the Bible. Using a period of time, or a system of things. The end of the zodiacal
numerological system said to be derived from Jewish mysti- Age of Pisces and the transition to the new Age of Aquarius is
cism and facilitated by computer technology, Drosnin searched marked by a change in consciousness, as The Da Vinci Code
for signs of the Apocalypse and discovered the years 2006 and puts it:
2012 are of special importance. People familiar with the Mayan
calendar will recognise the significance of The millennium has recently passed, and
2012. with it has ended the two-thousand-year
On New Year’s day 2006 “The Observer long astrological Age of Pisces – the fish,
Magazine”, part of London’s Guardian, cited According to which is also the sign of Jesus. As any
astrological symbologist will tell you, the
Drosnin’s findings in his sequel Bible Code II
in response to the question: Michael Drosnin’s Piscean ideal believes that man must be
told what to do by higher powers because
Q: Will the world end this year? Bible Code II, ‘atomic man is incapable of thinking for himself.
Hence it has been a time of fervent re-
A: Probably. According to Michael
Drosnin’s Bible Code II, ‘atomic holo-
holocaust’ and ligion. Now, however, we are entering
the Age of Aquarius – the water bearer
caust’ and ‘world war’ are predicted in ‘world war’ are whose ideals claim that man will learn the
The Bible for 2006. Many people expect
truth and be able to think for himself. The
the Rapture, Christ’s devastating return predicted in The ideological shift is enormous and it is oc-
to Earth, to start 6 June 2006, due to
similarities with the number of the beast Bible for 2006. curring right now.
6-6-6. The Swiss psychologist C.G. Jung took an
interest in the zodiacal ages and concluded
Belief in an imminent apocalypse perme-
we now live in an ‘End Time’ period, the
ates much of modern American culture.
transition from Pisces to Aquarius. Writing in the mid 1950s,
Former US Republican strategist Kevin Phillips is the author
Jung predicted the rise of the Antichrist, which would culmi-
of the book American Theocracy in which he discusses how
nate in a time of violence soon after the close of the twentieth
the ‘Armageddon theology’ of Christian fundamentalism is
century. Not long before his death in 1961, Jung experienced a
influencing the White House. Interviewed by CNN’s Lou Dodd
series of visions of a future great catastrophe. According to his
on the third anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, Phillips
long-time associate Marie-Louise von Franz, Jung saw a world-
said “a lot of Americans have stopped worrying about the
wide conflagration occurring around the year 2010. Students
economy because they’re waiting for the second coming.” He
of Mayan prophecy will be sure to note the close proximity of
went on to point out that “a survey by Newsweek several years
2010 to the end date of the Mayan calendar.
back found that 45 percent of American Christians believed in
Armageddon, that it was coming. And about the same percent- The Decline of the West
age thought the anti-Christ was already on Earth.”
Less than a century ago, in the aftermath of the carnage and
Aquarius Rising upheaval of the First World War, many of Europe’s most astute
thinkers and writers believed the Western world was in its death
In Dan Brown’s mega best-selling fictional tale, The Da
throes. They took the rationalism and materialism engulfing
Vinci Code, his lead character Robert Langdon, in answer to a
Europe in the first decades of the twentieth century as inevita-
question about ‘the end of the world’, explains:
ble symptoms of the slow ‘decline of the West.’ Many shared
Many religions speak of the End of Days. It refers not Oswald Spengler’s conviction, persuasively set forth in his 1918
to the end of the world, but rather the end of our current book The Decline of the West, that Western civilisation was in an
age – Pisces, which began at the time of Christ’s birth, unstoppable process of spiritual and cultural disintegration. May-June 2006 ■

The great French writer and Noble shores, domestically the United States
Prize winner, Romain Rolland, was struggles to stave off major social and
amongst those who believed Europe economic turmoil. In a country where
was dying and that the only hope for the wealthiest 5% control 60% of the
the world lay in Asia. The celebrated nation’s wealth, many would find them-
French novelist and adventurer André selves in agreement with American
Malraux also looked to Asia for inspi- novelist Kurt Vonnegut who recently
ration. After his first journey to South commented, “Working people have no
East Asia in 1923 he openly attacked leverage whatsoever. I’m trying to write
the sterility of materialistic Western a novel about the end of the world. But
culture, and in the following years he the world is really ending!”
devoted himself to the radical national- The decline and fall of the USA may
ist uprising against Western imperial- look like the end of the world. “This
ism that was developing in Indo-China. is going to be just like the Book of
A half a century earlier in 1888, the Revelation said it was going to be – the
redoubtable Madame H.P. Blavatsky end of the world as we knew it,” the
penned a controversial expose of the late Hunter S. Thompson wrote back in
Catholic Jesuit order for an issue of her 2003.
Theosophical journal Lucifer. After In an article entitled “The world may
documenting the conspiratorial activi- celebrate the end of the Western civilisa-
ties of the Jesuits, Madame Blavatsky tion” published in the on-line version
left her reader in little doubt about the of Russia’s Pravda earlier this year,
coming show down between the East political commentator Sergei Mikheev
and the West: Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) observed:
There is a prophecy in the heathen East about the Chris- Western politicians have been urging the whole world
tian West, which, when rendered into comprehensible to become more open. According to the Western point
English, reads thus: “When the conquerors of all the of view, globalisation is an inevitable and positive
ancient nations are in their turn conquered by an army process. It therefore means that the so-called glo-
of black dragons begotten by their sins and born of de- bal openness should replace national sovereignty.
cay, then the hour of liberation for the former will strike.” The idea of the globalised world has returned to the
Easy to see who are the “black dragons.” And these will West as a serious blow. Production centres were moved
in their turn see their power arrested and forcibly put to to remote parts of the world long ago… To crown it all,
an end by the liberated legions. Then, perhaps, there the Western civilisation has been declining steadily
will be a new invasion of an Atilla from the far East. One against the background of the propaganda of consump-
day the millions of China and Mongolia, heathen and tion and personal ultra-comfort that have become norms
Mussulman, furnished with every murderous weapon in the Western lifestyle… Unlike the “highly developed
invented by civilisation, and forced upon the Celestial of Western civilisation,” Asia, Africa and Latin America
the East, by the infernal spirit of trade and love of lucre suffer from the overpopulation crisis… Indeed, the
of the West, drilled, moreover, to perfection by Christian West has been successfully using the phenomenon of
man-slayers – will pour into and invade decaying Europe globalisation for many years pursuing its selfish needs
like an irrepressible torrent. This will be the result of the and minimising negative consequences. Western
work of the Jesuits, who will be its first victims, let us countries interfere in other countries’ sovereign affairs,
hope. conquer foreign markets, control cash flows, attract
cheaper labour force, etc. One has to acknowledge that
One hundred years after Blavatsky penned these apocalyptic the Western world has accomplished a lot at this point.
words, ‘decaying Europe’ which for centuries – thanks to ‘the in- On the other hand, every action has a reaction. The
fernal spirit of trade and love of lucre’ – had plundered the lands world, which the West has been ruthlessly transforming
of Asia, Africa, and the Americas, found itself challenged by fast for years, has started to transform the West in return…
rising new global powers. The creation of the European Union
and the absorption of the former socialist East European states The Apocalypse and the ‘End Time’ loom menacingly on
were not enough to stop spiritual and cultural paralysis overtak- the horizon. But is it really the ‘end of the world’ or are we
ing lands once identified as the ‘Christian West.’ witnessing the end of a civilisation that long ago reached its
high point and now is in rapid decline? The Piscean Age which
The End of the World as we K now it dominated the world for roughly the last two thousand years,
represented by the Christian West, is quickly fading as we
For most of the twentieth century the United States led the
experience the first influences of the coming Aquarian Age.
Western world. With the end of the British Empire after World
These are tumultuous and challenging times, pregnant with
War Two, American economic, social and cultural values
great possibilities, both constructive and destructive. Though
steadily became almost synonymous with the ‘West’. Today in
an atheist, André Malraux predicted that “the third millennium
the twenty-first century the United States, having triumphed
will be spiritual or there will be no third millennium.” In the
over its nemesis the Soviet Union, desperately strives to
end this remains the only guarantee of a future worth living.
maintain its ‘New World Order’ of global dominance. Mired
in foreign military adventures thousands of miles from its – Mehmet Sabeheddin

May-June 2006
so critical to the Islamic mosque or Roman structures like the The Three Faces of Air
Pantheon. This interiority was visible as well as in the introduc-
tion of pupils into the eyes of Roman statues early in the Age; Given the progressive nature of the zodiac, it is not surpris-
examine the ancient busts of early Romans and the Greeks and ing that each of these three signs might reflect the workings of
one finds that their eyes have no pupils. Artistic shifts like these the mind in broader and more impersonal ways. For instance,
symbolised a new world of emotions opening up during the early in Gemini, rationality expresses itself in highly personal
Christian era. It was a development that, centuries later, made ways: through the workings of the everyday mind and through
possible the later birth of modern psychology. ordinary forms of communication. In Libra, the rationality of
the air element manifests in a more interpersonal way, through
The Age Of Aquarius a mentality directed toward interactions with others in wider
(c . 2100 CE to 4200 CE) social contexts. An example of this would be a teacher standing
before a class, or a salesman dealing with clients.
The most frequently asked question concerning the Aquar- In Aquarius, we find the element of air-rationality express-
ian Age is, when does it begin? That is a bit like determining ing itself through the most impersonal contexts possible, to-
when the dawn starts. Is it when the morning sky first starts ward ever greater collectives, or even the cosmos itself. Aquar-
glowing, long before the actual sunrise? Or is it when the Sun ius could be described as the principle of cosmic rationality or
actually appears over the horizon? cosmic mind, the ability to perceive and make connections of
The same problem applies to understanding the timing of the most abstract and cosmic sort. Aquarius isn’t simply con-
the Great Ages. An Age doesn’t begin on a single day or year, cerned with ideas and theoretical relations; it is concerned with
but unfolds gradually over many years, exerting its influence in ideas and relationships that are global or universal in scope.
pronounced waves like an incoming tide. Consequently while For this reason, the Aquarian Age will likely be an era
the Aquarian Age may not fully manifest for several centuries when science, rather than religion, will be the dominant para-
yet (most estimates suggest somewhere between 2100 and digm, and its scientists the new high priests. Rather than focus
2800 CE), there are many examples to suggest its symbols are its attention on any one individual’s ideas or feelings, science
already appearing in our world. The internet and democracy attempts to uncover laws and principles that apply everywhere,
are but two expressions of this. and everywhen. This same impersonality is also evident in the
Whereas Pisces is traditionally associated with the element way many of us now are involved with social connections and
of water, Aquarius is associated with air. Exoterically, this is networks extending over vast distances, through technologies
reflected in the startling rise of aviation technologies and space like the internet or TV. These allow people across the world to
travel over the last two centuries. Humans are quite literally communicate with one another, but in more cerebral ways. It is
learning to master the air realm, not only through aviation but one of the paradoxes of our time that we find ourselves becom-
in the construction of ever-taller buildings that allow us to live ing more interconnected with people across the entire world
higher up off the ground. The media also employs metaphors while knowing less and less about the person living next door.
which reflect this elemental shift when it says that a show goes This shifting orientation toward Aquarian air is also re-
on the air, or when a broadcaster takes to the airwaves. sponsible for the growing fascination we see with outer space
Such outer developments are only reflections of an inner and its exploration, as reflected in films like Star Wars or 2001:
shift taking place throughout the culture, one that relates to an A Space Odyssey, or TV shows like Star Trek. Works like
awakening of mind in human evolution. Understood symboli- these capture the emerging spirit of “longing for the stars” so
cally, air is the medium through which we communicate our intrinsic to Aquarius. The modern fascination with UFOs and
thoughts and ideas, and is the element most associated with extraterrestrial life will likely become even more pronounced
rationality and thinking. What this means is that the Aquarian in the years to come, as humanity finds its speculations and
Age will undoubtedly witness advances in humanity’s intel- fantasies in these areas transforming into hard reality.
lectual growth, no doubt at widely varying levels of sophistica-
tion. Someone living life in front of their TV set can be said Transitional Symbols on
to be pursuing a mental existence, but one quite different in the Brink of Aquarius
quality from that of a scientist struggling to unlock the myster-
ies of the cosmos. Terms like “information superhighway” or With one foot in the Piscean Age behind us and the other in
the “information revolution” are further examples of how the the Aquarian Age before us, we find ourselves caught between
impending Aquarian influence has already begun to propel our radically contrasting, and sometimes conflicting, value systems.
world toward more mental values and modes of experience. If the Great Ages represent a Shakespearean drama of cosmic
The modern separation of church and state is another impor- proportions, we have stepped onstage precisely at the point
tant example of the disengaging of our rational minds from the between acts, as it were, when the old props and backdrops are
dogmatic and emotional concerns of the Piscean Age. being replaced by new ones. One result of living in this liminal
A vital key toward understanding the meaning of Aquarius or in-between state is the rise of various transitional forms – de-
resides in the way each of the different elements repeats itself velopments that are symbolic hybrids of Piscean and Aquarian
three times over the course of the zodiac. In other words, there energies. Here are a few examples of these from recent times.
are three earth signs, three water signs, three fire signs, and
three air signs. With each version of that element, we find that Televangelism: What happens when old-style Piscean Chris-
elemental principle expressing itself in subtly different ways. tianity meets up with Aquarian-style media technology? One
To illustrate this, let us focus here on the trio of air signs: result is that distinctly modern phenomenon called televange-
Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. lism, where preachers employ the fruits of global technology
for spreading the gospel of salvation to even larger audiences
than before. May-June 2006 ■

The Abortion Debate: As one age comes up against another, as the unwitting subject. Lording over this world is a powerful
there can be a violent clashing of values and ideologies from artist named Christof (Ed Harris), who has choreographed the
both sides of the divide. A vivid example of this is the modern circumstances of Truman’s life from birth onward as part of a
controversy over abortion. On the one hand we have the largely vast performance piece known to all except Truman himself.
Christian-based “pro-life” advocates who represent the values Throughout most of the movie, Truman is shown living in
of the Piscean Age, with their expression of sympathy for the a world bounded by water (Pisces); each time he attempts to
helpless unborn. On the other hand there are the “pro-choice” escape from this world, he is lured back with the promise of
advocates representing the forces of Aquarius, championing the alcohol (a Piscean symbol). He eventually learns to overcome
rights of individuals to decide their own fates. Through the years these temptations and succeeds in escaping from this water-
there has been little compromise between the views of these two bound world into an air-based one (Aquarius). The movie cli-
camps, and there is little hope for change in sight, but with good maxes with the protagonist walking on water and literally step-
reason. They arise out of two fundamentally different para- ping into the sky. (Compare this with the awakening of Neo
digms, two radically different ways of seeing and evaluating the in the original Matrix film, where the lead character emerges
world – one from the last Great Age and the other from the next. from an amniotic, water-based existence into an air-breathing
one.) Interestingly, the name of the God-like figure Truman is
The Storming of the Bastille: Even single events from history desperately trying to break free from in his water-bound world
can sometimes serve as symbolic benchmarks in the transition is Christof, or, of Christ, yet another symbol of the Piscean era.
between eras. One of the earliest and most dramatic examples
of this was the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, a Transitional Symbols in Literature: The transition to the
pivotal event in the French Revolution. On this date, French Aquarian Age has expressed itself within the forms of modern
radicals overtook and opened up the famed prison which had literature as well. For instance, the passage from one age to
been holding political prisoners, and released those few who re- another sometimes expresses itself in mythic symbols which
mained. In astrological symbolism, prisons are associated with depict a hero doing battle with a creature symbolically associ-
Pisces, while the principles of freedom and revolution are as- ated with the prior age. An example from Western religion
sociated with Aquarius. The opening up of a prison and release would be Moses casting out the golden calf, symbolising the
of its prisoners was a symbolic landmark in the move from the transition from the Age of Taurus to that of Aries. In modern
old authoritarian order to a more freedom-oriented one. times, a similar pattern can be found in books like Herman
Melville’s Moby Dick. Here we see a figure in the open air
Alcoholics Anonymous: For astrologers, one of the negative (Ahab) attempting to slay a creature of the sea, symbolising
symbols associated with Pisces has long been the addiction to transcendence over the water realm (Pisces). Additionally, if
intoxicants like alcohol, drugs, or even fossil fuel! Groups like the whaling industry is taken as a symbol for modern industrial
Alcoholics Anonymous offers an example of people coming civilisation generally (it was the first true industry to emerge
together to break free from their addiction to alcohol, nicely from the young America), then Melville’s tale underscores the
symbolising the effort to undo our bondage to Piscean-Age con- shift from a more emotional age to the more technological and
sciousness. AA is thus a complex phenomenon: on the one hand, business-minded one of Aquarius.
it has one foot firmly planted in the values of the receding age, Whether we know it or not, we are all pushed or pulled to
as evidenced by its emphasis on surrendering to a higher power one degree or another by the imperatives of our age. We all
(Let go and let God!), as well as its own brand of command- act out the necessities of a broader drama. As a case in point,
ments (the twelve steps). At the same time, AA is essentially the attempt by pilgrims to flee religious persecution in the old
democratic and non-denominational, qualities associated with world to find religious freedom in the new one reflected a shift
the emerging era. Viewed archetypally, AA is a hybrid creation from the more dogmatic and persecution-oriented Piscean era
that blends the values of both Piscean and Aquarian Ages. to the freedom-oriented Aquarian Age. Little could they have
realised how they were also setting the stage for a collective
Transitional Symbols in Cinema: Poet Ezra Pound once drama whose implications would extend far into the future
suggested that artists are the antennae of society. Over the last and influence the geopolitical direction of an entire planet for
two centuries we have seen many examples of how the arts can centuries to come.
serve as a rich repository of symbolic clues for understanding
the transformations taking place in our world. Take the case of Adapted by the author from his book Signs of the Times:
Peter Weir’s 1998 film The Truman Show, based on a script by Unlocking the Symbolic Language of World Events (Hampton
Andrew Niccoll. This ingenious movie tells the story of Tru- Roads, 2002). Ray Grasse's Signs of the Times is available
man Burbank (played by Jim Carrey) and his attempts to break from New Dawn Book Service for $37.00 plus $8 p&h. To
free of a media-permeated world where he has spent his life order, see pages 88 for details. «

Ray Grasse is a writer and teacher living near Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of Signs
of the Times: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of World Events (Hampton Roads, 2002) and The
Waking Dream (Quest Books, 1996). He worked on the editorial staffs of Quest Books and The
Quest magazine for ten years, and is currently associate editor of The Mountain Astrologer maga-
zine. He is a practicing astrologer, and can be reached by email at or
through his website at

May-June 2006
C.W. Leadbeater

Saint or Sinner?
By FRANK JOSEPH centuries into a meaningless repetition of traditional ceremo-

nialism that extinguished the original enlightenment initiated
are is the man or woman whose contro- two thousand years ago by Jesus.
versy in life outlives their death into the
To India With Madame HPB
next century. But such were H.P. Blavatsky
and C.W. Leadbeater, the founder and In Theosophy, whose followers strove to penetrate the mys-
promoter, respectively, of Theosophy. Their legacy of tical truth they believed was at the core of every religion, he
found the authentic mystical experience he sought. They con-
notoriety and fame are generated less by the unor-
vinced him that a synthesis of Buddhist and Hindu beliefs com-
thodox, even heretical ideas they espoused with such bined with exercise of mankind’s innate psychic powers could
unrepentant vigour during an era of Victorian sen- elevate our species to its godlike destiny. Madame Blavatsky
sibilities, than their outrageous personal behaviour warned him, however, that attaining the lofty spiritual illumi-
which, even today, would have gotten nation he desired was no easy matter. She
them both into deep trouble. But of urged him to address a personal letter to the
the two, Charles Webster Leadbeater Leadbeater was Master Kuthumi, a usually invisible entity
was the most influential Theosophic of great wisdom who chose to interact with
spokesperson of the twentieth century, a twenty nine mortal men of particular promise.
In his missive to this profound spirit,
the man who some now regard as the
year-old Anglican Leadbeater asked if he should go to India
true founding-father of the so-called
for enlightenment. Madame Blavatsky alone
“New Age” movement. priest when he knew how to put his request before the Mas-
At a time when Western civilisation was welcomed into ter, so it was entrusted to her. A response was
promptly received in the affirmative, and the
was almost exclusively Christian, he boldly
presented an alternative spirituality based
the Theosophical former church official set out with Madame
Blavatsky, who undoubtedly forged the let-
on the psychic powers innate in all human Society by Helena ter, the envelope of which, in fact, had been
beings, obviating the need for any priestly stamped with a London postmark indicating
intermediaries in a direct (or virtually direct) Petrovna Blavatsky... the very neighbourhood where she resided at
personal relationship with the Compassion- the time. Nonetheless impressed, Leadbeater
ate Mind that organises all Creation. To best and his dowdy mentor sailed across the East-
achieve that gnostic awareness, teachers like himself and an ern Mediterranean, through Suez, and into the Indian Ocean.
occult college of elusive (if mostly invisible) Masters from the While on board, Madame Blavatsky put her enthusiastic
higher planes of existence exist to serve the nobler spiritual follower through a series of exercises meant to humble his
aspirations of man. It was an unlikely stance taken by an estab- spirit, all the better to strengthen him for the transformation
lished English clergyman locally renowned for his devotion to ahead. As part of this preparatory regimen, she had him walk
conventional religion. around the deck of the steamer carrying a chamber-pot brim-
Born in 1854, Leadbeater was a twenty nine year-old ming with human waste, something the other passengers could
Anglican priest when he was welcomed into the Theosophi- never forget. Nor, apparently, did Madame Blavatsky. In later
cal Society by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who celebrated his years, she alluded to his on-board performance by addressing
membership as a personal triumph over mainstream church- him as “W.C. Leadbeater.”
men, with whom she was at logger-heads. “I was revenged,” she Once at Adyar, the Theosophical headquarters located
later recalled. Leadbeater’s defection stemmed from his restless outside Madras, his unquestionable abilities as a writer and
dissatisfaction with contemporary Christianity, particularly speaker combined with his impressive physical appearance as
as it was preached in Britain. He felt it had ossified over the a kind-eyed, wise-bearded teacher. Even so, years were to pass May-June 2006 ■

before he gained the clairvoyant insight that was later to make while walking along the private beach that formed part of the
his fame. How he acquired it was recounted by Leadbeater Adyar complex. Leadbeater declared to his companion Ernest
after he became Theosophy’s most articulate spokesman. He Wood that the boy would become a great spiritual teacher and
recalled his stay in 1885 at the Adyar headquarters, which was speaker. He also told Wood that Krishnamurti was in all prob-
virtually empty, the Society having fallen on hard times. Until ability to become the “Vehicle” for the coming “World Teach-
then, he said: er” in the incarnational pattern of Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster,
Christ, and Muhammad. Leadbeater personally supervised the
I possessed no clairvoyant faculty, nor had I ever re-
garded myself as at all sensitive. I remember that I had raising of Krishnamurti, under conditions occasionally less
a conviction that a man must be born with some psychic than tender. Annoyed at the young man’s habit of sometimes
powers and with a sensitive body before he could do staring with a blank expression into vacant space, with mouth
anything in the way of that kind of development, so that open, he reprimanded Krishnamurti by striking him violently
I had never thought of progress of that sort as possible on the chin, an act of violence that spoiled the hitherto “blessed
for me in this incarnation, but had some hope that if I relationship” between them.
worked as well as I knew how in this life I might be born
next time with vehicles more suitable to that particular ausTralIa
line of advancement. Thereafter, the temperamental tutor departed for Australia,
One day, however, when the Master Kuthumi settling in Sydney in 1914, where he felt particularly called to
honoured me with a visit, He asked me whether I had fulfill some as yet ill-defined mission. His instinct was correct,
ever attempted a certain kind of meditation connected
judging from the profound public success he enjoyed there. At-
with the development of the mysterious power called
tendance at his lectures swelled with overflow crowds of people
kundalini. I had of course heard of that power, but knew
very little about it, and at any rate supposed it to be ab-
to whom the ancient principles he described so beautifully
solutely out of reach for Western people. However, He were entirely new. For all the accusations of his critics, it was
recommended me to make a few efforts along certain chiefly Charles Leadbeater, in the tradition of his predecessor
lines, which He pledged me not to divulge to anyone Madame Blavatsky, who introduced the contemporary Western
else except with His direct authorisation, and told me world to the age-old spiritual ideas of the East.
that He would Himself watch over those efforts to see In Sydney, he became a leading member of the Liberal
that no danger should ensue. Catholic Church. A flurry of booklets, manuals, and full-length
I worked at it for forty-two days, and seemed to books flowed from him in a spate of creativity that brought
myself to be on the brink of the final victory, when the the Theosophical Society much-needed prestige, income and
Master Himself intervened and performed the final act membership in the tens of thousands.
of breaking through which completed the process, and As his modern biographer, Gregory Tillett, writes in The
enabled me thereafter to use astral sight while still re- Elder Brother:
taining full consciousness in the physical body — which
is equivalent to saying that the astral consciousness The range of his writings, and the wealth of material
and memory became continuous whether the physical that flowed from his prolific pen, was vast. Some forty
body was awake or asleep. It must not for a moment be volumes, even more pamphlets, and for much of his life
supposed, however, that the attainment of this particular probably five or six journal articles a week constituted
power was the end of the occult training. On the con- his literary output. The modern occult revival owes more
trary, it proved to be only the beginning of a year of the to him than to anyone else; his concepts and ideas, his
hardest work that I have ever known. He would make a popularising of occult and Theosophical terms and princi-
vivid thought-form, and say to me: “What do you see?” ples, run through all modern works on these subjects.
And when I described it to the best of my ability, would Leadbeater’s written words were as successful as those he
come again and again the comment: “No, no, you are spoke, and his readership was truly international. A sampling
not seeing true; you are not seeing all; dig deeper into from his very many published materials provides a glimpse
yourself, use your mental vision as well as your astral;
of his active mind: “The Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Inhabit-
press just a little further, a little higher.”
ants and Phenomena”; “The Aura: An Enquiry into the Nature
The result achieved is assuredly far more than
worth while, for it leads directly up to the union of the
and Functions of the Luminous Mist Seen about Human and
lower and the higher self and produces an utter cer- Other Bodies”; “Invisible Helpers: A Story of Helping at Night
tainty of knowledge the So-called ‘Dead’ by Those Who Are Still in the Land of
based upon experi- the Living”; “Dreams: What They Are and How They Are
ence which no future Caused”; “Thought-Forms: A Record of Clairvoyant Investiga-
happenings can ever tion”; “Man Visible and Invisible: Examples of Different Types
shake. 2 of Men Seen by Means of Trained Clairvoyance”; “The Other
Side of Death: Scientifically Examined by Clairvoyant Obser-
Thus enlightened, vation and Carefully Described”; “Guardian Angels and Other
Leadbeater was credited Unseen Helpers”; “The Perfume of Egypt and Other Weird
with discovering Jiddu Stories”; “The Life After Death, and How Theosophy Unveils
Krishnamurti, who was It”; “To Those Who Mourn: Solace for Bereaved Person based
staying at the Theosoph- on Principles of Evolution and Reincarnation”; “Vegetarianism
ical Society’s headquar- and Occultism: On the Effects of Meat Eating and Slaughter of
ters with his family for Animals”; “Australia and New Zealand as the Home of a New
some months. They met Sub-race”; “The Hidden Side of Christian Festivals”.

May-June 2006
As author Alvin Boyd Kuhn observed in Theosophy: A
Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom:
He wrote elaborate descriptions of these things in a
style of simplicity and clearness. He asserted that such
powers enabled one to review any event in the past
history of the race, inasmuch as all that ever happened
is imprinted indelibly on the substance of the Astral
Light or the Akasha, and the psychic faculties of trained
occultists permit them to bring these pictures under ob-
servation. With the same faculties he asserted his ability
to investigate the facts of nature in both her realms of
the infinite and the infinitesimal. For years he stood as
perhaps the world’s greatest ‘seer,’ and in books deal-
ing with Clairvoyance, Dreams, The Astral Plane, The
Inner Life, The Hidden Side of Things, etc., he labored
to particularise and complement Madame Blavatsky’s
sweeping outline of cosmic evolution and human char-
acter, as given in The Secret Doctrine.

scandal and seershIP

At the height of Leadbeater’s renown, however, serious
moral charges were brought against him. As Nevill Drury
and Gregory Tillett explain in their authoritative study of the
occult in Australia, “the police undertook an investigation
into Leadbeater and his relationships with his pupils, although
Leadbeater himself would not be interviewed.
The official conclusions of the enquiry were that there
was no evidence to sustain any charge, however the
officers undertaking the investigation were satisfied
Leadbeater did have a sexual relationship with at least
some of his young male pupils, although he denied
this. He did not deny habitually sleeping with his pupils,
or sharing his bath with them. The precise details of
Leadbeater's sexual relationship with his pupils, and
his occult teachings of these matters remain one of the
mysteries in his life.3
Charles W. Leadbeater (1854-1934)
Many of Leadbeater’s public pronouncements were igniting
no less heated controversy, both inside and outside the Society.
of this balderdash, there nevertheless appear flashes of apparent
He stated that mankind originated on the Moon, eventually
psychic insight. For example, Leadbeater stated that Mars,
came to Earth several hundred thousand years ago, and is
destined to some day leave this world, resettling on the planet is a smaller planet than the Earth and more advanced
Mercury. Mars, he said, was a pleasant place inhabited by in age, and was in much the same condition as is the
human beings not much unlike ourselves, though more spiritu- Earth at the present time; that is to say, there was
ally and intellectually elevated, and go around like Buddhist much more water than land on its surface. Now it has
monks, bare-footed and dressed in common robes. In the midst passed into comparative old age, and the water surface

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is far less than that of the land. Large areas of it are at so much so, members, particularly new recruits and originally
present desert, covered with a bright orange sandwich sympathetic followers, left the Theosophical Society in droves.
giving the planet the peculiar hue by which we so readily The stampede of the disaffected had been prompted by Lead-
recognise it. 4 beater’s uncharacteristically brutal remarks:
In his book The Masters and the Path, Leadbeater told of a I am stating the facts based on knowledge and not on
secluded ravine in Tibet, where ancient records documenting an supposition when I say that it is actually a kindness to
otherwise forgotten prehistory were preserved at an occult “mu- these ruffians [common German soldiers] to kill their
seum” staffed by initiates of the Great White Brotherhood. “The bodies, for in that way we save their souls from this mad-
museum houses images of every type of man which has existed ness; we actually help in carrying out the training which
on the planet,” he wrote, “from gigantic, loose-jointed Lemuri- will show them that they must not again let themselves
ans to pygmy remains of even earlier and less human races.” be misled and hypnotised as they have been at this time.
More than sixty years after the publication of The Masters They are simply dangerous wild beasts who must be sent
and the Path, American scientists found suggestions of unusual back into the savage tribes to which they belong. 5
early human habitation at Liang Bua, a “cool cave” in the lo- Leadbeater’s listeners were utterly divided by such com-
cal Manggarai language, extending 130 feet into a hillside on ments, unsure he was speaking from a higher compassion or
Flores, a remote Indonesian island east of Java and northwest from his own, deeply engrained Tory conservatism. In any
of Australia. They eventually revealed a virtually complete case, it seems strange that the founder of today’s New Age
human skeleton unlike any they had ever seen. Beginning in movement should have been almost totally forgotten by its
September 2003, excavators undertook the laborious task of modern followers. Throughout the early twentieth century, he
reassembling and identifying each of its bones in a Jakarta was a father figure of global reputation, despised and revered
laboratory. Thirteen months later, the restored skeleton repre- by millions. Routledge & Kegan Paul, the publisher of Lead-
sented “a fundamentally new being,” according to Joseph B. beater’s biography, asked:
Verrengia, science writer for the Associated Press, “a discovery
that could rewrite the history of human evolution. It would be Is he the world’s greatest occultist and psychic? Or the
the eighth species in the Homo category.” worst sort of charlatan and con-man? These widely
ranging views of Charles Leadbeater were current in his
Homo floresiensis, or Flores Man, declared George Wash-
lifetime and even now, years after his death in 1934, he
ington University anthropologist Bernard Wood, “is arguably the
remains a controversial icon even for Theosophists. His
most significant discovery concerning our own genus in my life- disciples hailed him as the greatest seer of their age.
time.” The proportionally formed adult female stood just three His enemies attacked him as a fraud or worse. Yet, he
feet tall, weighed no more than fifty-five pounds, and had a brain has exerted great influence on modern ideas about the
less than a third the volume of a modern human’s, small even occult. 6
for a chimpanzee. Although far smaller than any member of the
genus Homo, her brain was complexly convoluted, suggesting a Clearly, the controversy his life set in motion has not yet
higher level of intelligence that belied its grapefruit size. abated.
Dean Falk, a paleoneurologist at Florida State University,
declared that the creature’s brain “has features I’ve not seen in
anything this size.” She was not “some kind of ‘freak’ that we
FooTnoTes :
just happened to stumble across,” added Richard G. Roberts 1. Artist's impression of C.W. Leadbeater which adorned the cover
from Australia’s University of Wollongong, but an example of of a 1973 edition of his book The Inner Side of Christian Festivals
the first-known human dwarf species, as additionally con- published by the St Alban Press.
firmed by six other specimens found in the Liang Bua cave. 2. “The Third Object of the Theosophical Society”, Adyar Pamphlet
They range in age from 9,500 to 12,000 years old, although the Number 184, Adyar, India, 1930.
best-preserved skeleton belonged to a woman who lived 18,000 3. Other Temples, Other Gods: The Occult in Australia, Nevill Drury
years ago. Nicknamed “Hobbit” after J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of and Gregory Tillett, Hodder & Stoughton Australia Pty Ltd, 1982
the Rings trilogy, she inhabited a real-life Middle Earth popu-
lated by giant tortoises large enough to ride, midget elephants 4. The Inner Life by C.W. Leadbeater, Madras, India: Theosophical
Pub. House, 1912.
no bigger than ponies, and monster rats the size of full-grown
black Labrador hunting dogs. 5. The Hidden Side of Christian Festivals by C.W. Leadbeater,
Leadbeater’s “pygmies of even earlier and less human as quoted in The Elder Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster
races” had become anthropological reality. Leadbeater by Gregory Tillett.
But it was his outspoken views on World War One that most 6. The Elder Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater,
divided his audiences. He seemed to contradict the concepts of Routledge & Kegan Paul Books, 1982. «
humanity and compassion forming the bedrock of their faith,

FRANk JOSEPH is the editor-in-chief of Ancient American, a bi-monthly, popular science maga-
zine describing overseas visitors to the Americas centuries before Columbus. His books Survivors
of Atlantis and Destruction of Atlantis resulted from Joseph’s world travels in search of clues to the
ancient past. He is a member of The Oriental Institute at the University of Illinois (USA) and
Japan’s Savant Society. He lives in Colfax, Wisconsin, USA.

May-June 2006


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May-June 2006

GNOSTICISM The concepts around these beliefs

are shared by many other religions.
For instance, the Buddhist view of the
TRADITION OF INNER world of suffering and Wheel of Life
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are simply physical beings that evolved
257 pages, paperback on Earth with everything else and will
Available from: pass into dust again. There are far more
New Dawn Book Service, spiritual dimensions to life. Ultimately,
PO Box 758, Cleveland, these are more important.
QLD 4163, Australia Gnosticism has many rituals and
Tel: 1300 660458 sacraments that enable the soul to
Fax: (07) 33196293 gradually liberate itself. Dr Hoeller
Price: $34.95 + $8.00 p&h explains these as tools for the reunion
of the soul with the divine. As long as
The tradition of Gnosticism developed the deep symbolic significance of the
parallel with Christianity, but has been various rituals, talismans, signs and
systematically suppressed and con- sacraments are accepted, they are not
demned as heresy by the mainstream archetype emerges. It may be as Ath- evil in any way. Unfamiliar, yes. Esoteric,
Judeo-Christian hierarchy. ena, Sarasvati, Minerva, Brigid, or many yes. Easy to understand? Perhaps not to
In recent times, much has been made of the other feminine expressions of the casual observer.
of the origins, history and beliefs of wisdom. Nevertheless Sophia is a com- In the second half of the book, a
gnostics, including the Cathars and the plex Gnostic subject and needs careful thorough history of the roots of Gnos-
relationship between secret societies, attention. The Gnostic Christ is equally ticism is traced. This is from the earli-
alchemy and much other besides. complex, and the chapter discusses est times in Samaria, to the Alexandria
In this well-paced book we have Christ as Gnostic teacher and liberator of Christian beginnings.
a complete survey of the history and from this dense world of the Demiurge Dr Hoeller examines the lives and
current activities of the Gnostic church – evil. activities of some of the earliest Gnos-
by one of the foremost Gnostic bishops In Gnosticism many of Jesus’ sayings tic teachers and charismatic visionaries,
and Director of the Gnostic Society in were recorded in non-canonical gospels prophets and leaders.
Los Angeles. and writings. In this section we have For those readers new to the con-
The book is, of course, a sympathet- quotes from those more elusive gospels cept of Gnosis, some of these identi-
ic treatment of a subject that many find (many of which can be obtained from ties will surprise you. Gnostic groups
mysterious, occult and slightly scary. the New Dawn Book Service), and they such as Mandaeans, Manichaeans and
It is arranged in sections that reflect have the ring of authority. This Jesus Cathars are discussed in detail. They
the basic tenets of the Gnostic point- the Christ has less to do with the his- were all persecuted groups and Dr
of-view. The core beliefs have origins torical Jesus and more with the eternal Hoeller explains why.
far older than mainstream Christianity saviour. My own thought is that these
and it almost seems that Gnosticism A large section, and justifiably so, is religions were very liberating on an
found in the emerging Christian church that of the Gnostic view of evil. It can individual level and therefore the ‘state’
a useful but not entirely compatible run quite contrary to what is taught – such as it was – had less control over
dogma. This is where the notions of by mainstream Christianity. The big the members. This was especially true
heresy and the subsequent persecutions question is where did evil come from? of Catharism. The subtle and not-so-
started. The general Christian view of a loving subtle differences between the groups
Dr Hoeller sets out the history God may not make sense when you ask are examined in detail.
and core beliefs proceeding from the “why do terrible things happen?” Dr The recent Gnostic revivals are also
Gnostic worldview through the crea- Hoeller discusses the huge issue logi- surveyed, from the Reformation times
tion, notions of Sophia, Christ, the view cally and with a lively spirit. up until the present. Individuals and
of evil and the initiatory sacraments. Gnostic belief points to a dualism groups that tend to a personal salvation
Each section is carefully justified and where this world is a creation of the or spiritual evolution are included here.
the philosophical and scriptural under- Demiurge and inherently evil. Our task Personal responsibility for spiritual de-
pinnings are set out clearly. Sophia as a is to make our way out of this place, velopment had all but disappeared from
manifestation of the universal feminine be ‘in the world, but not of it’, perfect Catholicism and Orthodoxy and in fact
is a very familiar concept for many of our beings and reunite with the divine. I was brutally persecuted until – in my
us. paraphrase too simply and I do apolo- opinion – Vatican 11 council.
In almost every culture the feminine gise to Dr Hoeller. Also noted by the author is the May-June 2006 ■

Dorothy Harbour has written a
wonderful and easy to follow book that
is great for beginners as well as more
experienced people interested in pro-
tecting themselves from unseen influ-
This book is a practical how-to guide
on protecting yourself, your business,
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Dr Stephan Hoeller symptoms, such as being tired after
dealing with certain people, and pro-
not insignificant influence of Gnosis on ing toward the divine is just as strong
vides clear instructions for self-protec-
Islamic thought in the Sufi and Ismaili today.
tion from individuals and situations that
sects. From the late 18th century on- Dr Hoeller’s book is accessible and
drain people's personal energy.
wards we are shown that the Western readable. His sections are logical and
Whether or not you are a student
esoteric tradition is often firmly tied to full of scholarly information that is well
of the esoteric, there is a great need
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May-June 2006
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QLD 4163, Australia Scully’s system begins with self-
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 When will biblical prophecies
Price: $35.95 + $8.00 p&h Thoth. She also calls on the cardinal
such as those in the book of
directions and the four physical ele-
Revelation be fulfilled?
Nicki Scully has worked with numerous ments (earth, water, fire and air) they
 Are current apocalyptic
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Scully’s healing modality is a the Revelation descriptions of
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Scully then goes on to discuss the spiritual happenings which he
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alchemy, and energy medicine. witnessed 250 years ago. They
nates in a forgiveness ritual to clear the are not to be taken literally; they
The aim of the book is to inspire seven chakras.
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Scully’s fascinating healing journey
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Scully provides four commonsense SWEDENBORG CENTRE (NDM)
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ergetic field during psychic surgery have the book, as the beneficial properties of
to be sealed. music should not be limited to advanced
l The healer must disconnect from healing practitioners.
the patient at the conclusion of the ses- The Self-Healing chapter introduces
sion and thank any spirit allies used for pore breathing techniques which will be
their assistance. very familiar to those readers who have
Scully discusses the often over- studied the system of Franz Bardon.
looked aspect of the ethics of healing. The final short chapters bring Scul-
This chapter is essential reading for all ly’s journey to a close by revealing the
who practice healing. spiritual heart of her work.
The advanced section of the book Scully stresses in the Preface that
begins with an empowerment ritual us- while she conveys as much as she can
ing the Caduceus, the widely accepted about Alchemical Healing, the book is a
symbol of medicine in our culture. primer and that teachers are required
The empowerment involves connec- to enable readers to reach the more
tion with Cobra energies, which are refined levels of the work presented.
potent healing allies. The Cobra was a Overall, Scully effectively introduces
powerful symbol in Egypt, represent- numerous concepts and makes her mate-
ing awakening and was the guardian of The Advanced Healing Techniques rial very accessible in a practical sense.
Lower Egypt. chapter discusses the practical applica- Those readers who perform the exercis-
The next chapter returns to Akasha, tions of psychic healing which had been es provided with conscious intention may
spirit, ether, or the fifth element. Akashic previously referred to in the ethics well find themselves fulfilling a greater
workings give access to DNA and are far chapter. part of their healing potential than would
more potent than the elemental work- The Sound and Music chapter be possible otherwise.
ings described previously. The chapter discusses the importance of music to
– tony Mierzwicki
finishes with a meditation which gives the healing path. I personally would
access to the “Star Council” of which have preferred it if at least part of this
Thoth is claimed to be a member. chapter had been presented earlier in

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May-June 2006
THE DESTRUCTION to mainstream academia, he points out
that he wanted to research the destruc-
OF ATLANTIS tion of Atlantis by studying evidence. He
COMPELLING EVIDENCE OF insisted on doing so through classical
THE SUDDEN FALL OF THE writings and hard science rather than
LEGENDARY CIVILIZATION depending on channelling or crystals
– not that there is anything wrong with
By Frank Joseph crystals! The result is a first-rate survey
288 pages, paperback of the What, When, Where, and How
of Atlantis and its inevitable destruction.
Available from: The material is organised into nine
New Dawn Book Service, chapters. The first is an extended par-
PO Box 758, Cleveland, able or re-creation of how it might have
QLD 4163, Australia been to be in Atlantis during the actual
Tel: 1300 660458 days of seismic upheaval. This is very
Fax: (07) 33196293 readable and engrossing. It follows the
Price: $39.95 + $8.00 p&h fortunes of a respected trading ship
captain who flees with the Royal Family
Atlantis has been, and probably always his passion for tracking down both on a regal ship.
will be one of the crowning myths of the Atlantis myth and the reality that Author Joseph uses all the available
our current civilisation. It certainly has it existed. He travelled extensively knowledge about Atlantis taken from
fascinated author and researcher Frank over many years, visiting possible sites, the writings of Plato and other classical
Joseph for most of his adult life. He researching archives and museums, writers, the geophysical record of vol-
is the editor-in-chief of Ancient Ameri- studying the latest geophysical and canic eruptions, archaeological records,
can and a well-known researcher into archaeological findings. It sounds as if he and hypothesis which is commonly as-
ancient civilisations pertaining to the had a wonderful time! cribed to all myths surrounding Atlantis.
Americas. While acknowledging that the ‘A’ He then follows with chapters
In this volume Mr Joseph shares word, referring to Atlantis, is anathema which focus on the various theories of

W h a t i s
EsotericaWeb N e w D a w n ?

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whether or not Atlantis was a continent hurry, as the mystery is with us still.
or an Island, where it was most likely However, one must be careful about
to have been located, the timeline of the accuracy of the information, so any
the catastrophe, how it may have been mistakes are not perpetuated on a future
destroyed, and the encoding of the generation. I did note one glaring error
information into myth and legend. in the section on photographs of UFOs,
The final chapter looks at the paral- as I have personal knowledge of the
lels between Atlantis and our present original events, which made front page
civilisation. Although the subject has headlines at the time. A photograph of a
clearly been regarded as taboo for hamburger-shaped UFO is labelled as be-
mainstream science, there is much that ing photographed on July 3rd, 1947. The
can be deduced from the jigsaw-like photo is authentic to be sure, but it was
pieces obtained from alternate disci- taken in October of 1967 by a prospec-
plines. tor in the Highwood range who claimed
Mr Joseph is to be congratulated on he also saw something drop from it.
bringing together otherwise disjointed THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF The photograph was favourably
threads from science, historical writings, received by the otherwise conten-
myths and religious records. He sup-
EXTRATERRESTRIAL tious Condon Report in 1968, and was
ports his subjects with excellent notes ENCOUNTERS important enough that this error should
and bibliography. Edited by Ronald D. Story have been caught before publication.
Factual elements of the Atlantis However, most of the other photo-
story as told here are appropriately 681 pages, paperback graphs seem to be accurately labelled
emphasised in this book. There is Available from: including a very dramatic one of a
clearly ample evidence to support a New Dawn Book Service, domed disc, caught in the skies of Brit-
global catastrophe some 3,200 years PO Box 758, Cleveland, ish Columbia in 1981. The woman who
ago (around 1200 BCE). QLD 4163, Australia took it impressed researchers as being
This evidence is found in the geo- Tel: 1300 660458 honest and open, and it is still consid-
logical record of much of the northern Fax: (07) 33196293 ered as one of the best UFO photo-
hemisphere. Archaeological findings Price: $39.95 + $8.00 p&h graphs ever taken in Canada.
support a huge upheaval in society with Notwithstanding any minor errors
a drastic reduction in population at Do you remember the first UFO sight- of this sort that may creep into the best
about the same time. Classical writings, ing wave in 1947? No? How about 1950? intentioned work, it is fascinating to see
especially Plato, tell of seismic activity 1952? 1957? 1965-67? 1973? Or maybe the photos, dates and positions of many
on a scale unknown or recorded before Mexico City in 1990-91? of the famous figures in the UFO field.
that time. If you have been around long These include W. Raymond Drake,
I found it thought provoking to asso- enough, you should remember at least Ann Druffel, Bruce Maccabee, Raymond
ciate this information with our current one. Without admitting my current age, E. Fowler, Stanton Friedman, and David
situation with increased seismic activity, I can admit to all of them, with the pos- M. Jacobs, among others.
extreme weather, pollution, and global sible exception of 1947, and I have made Dr. Jacobs, who is the author of
warming. The parallels may be unnerv- up for that by checking out the informa- several books on the UFO phenomenon
ing for some, but the message is clear. tion on microfilm (as well as the much (Secret Life and The Threat) as well as
This has happened before. It may be earlier waves of 1897, 1909 and 1913). being an Associate Professor of History
happening again. There is quite a detailed section at Temple University, takes possibly the
One of the pleasures in reading this at the end of this book on the various gloomiest position in his statement.
work is Mr Joseph’s attention to detail saucer waves and attempts that have He feels that after studying alien ab-
in his research. Another is his acknowl- been made to link cyclic appearances ductions since 1982, we are slowly being
edgement of the researchers who have to everything from wars in the Middle infiltrated by creatures who do not have
paved the way for this speculative quilt. East to the near approach of the planet our best interests in mind. He says:
He holds nothing from the reader. Mars. None of these have been entirely “I find myself in the position of hav-
I recommend this work on Atlantis successful, as it has been largely a case ing spent my entire adult life studying a
as both a new perspective and a drawing of forcing the facts to fit a mold. phenomenon that I have come to abhor. I
together of what is already known. This UFOs, whatever they may be, have desperately wish I could say otherwise.”
author’s books are always readable and their own agenda and time schedule and One question that is dealt with at
arranged in a way that each area of inter- that does not necessarily conform to length has puzzled people since the
est can be accessed quickly. what humans think. beginning of the UFO era – are they
The Destruction of Atlantis is one that In fact, the reader will find a wealth hostile or not? On the one hand you
will remain at the top of my bookshelf of differing opinions in this book, as to have the benign contactees of the 1950’s
for some time. the origin, nature and characteristics of who promised a new world of brother-
– Jennifer Hoskins these mysterious objects. hood with the denizens of other worlds.
The information contained in this But on the other hand you have the
book likely will not go out of date in a terrifying abductions of the 1980’s and
1990’s with little grey creatures with

May-June 2006
About Our Reviewers
Jennifer Hoskins is currently an online
bookshop proprietor. Previously she spent
decades in the field of psychiatry. Jennifer’s
areas of interest covers psychology, mythology,
symbology, comparative religion, folklore, and
spirituality of all kinds. You can contact Jen-
nifer by email on

Dr. Shé D’Montford is a Teacher, Healer,

Author, Promoter, and Activist, with an honor-
ary doctorate in religion & philosophy, special-
ising in Tibetan and Hindu Shamanism and
ancient warrior codes. Shé has authored many
articles for numerous esoteric and new age
magazines. Web site:

Tony Mierzwicki is the author of the forth-

coming Graeco-Egyptian Magick: Everyday
Empowerment and Alien Magick: Exploring
Hannah Roberts' 1981 photo of a UFO over British Columbia, Canada
the UFO Phenomenon as well as numerous
magazine articles and anthology contribu-
huge black eyes conducting unwarranted until there is a massive tide towards one tions. He runs “The Magick of Alexandria”
medical and genetic experiments on side or the other. workshops in the United States and Australia.
hapless humans. Thus despite Dr. Jacob’s foreboding, Further details can be obtained at www.her-
The truth may be that the phenom- I don’t think the invasion is due any time
enon is reflective, we get the type of soon.
aliens we think we deserve. Thus the There are many other topics cov- W. RITCHIE BENEDICT is an independent
benign aliens of fifty years ago were ered – insectoids, the Kecksburg and researcher and reviewer whose work has ap-
a desperate attempt to believe there Roswell crashes, mind control, religion, peared in a number of publications. He lives in
were intelligences out there smarter the MJ-12 documents, the Flatwoods Calgary, Canada.
than we were, and we could still avoid a encounter, Charles Fort, crop circles
nuclear war. and cattle mutilations, to name a few.
Until we recognise the role of the One that is now rather amusing
observer in such matters, we will con- is the table by flying saucer prophets
tinue to wonder why there should be predicting the end of the world. As the Advertise in
such a wide disparity. last date mentioned is the year 2000, I
This does not mean such experienc- assume we are now safe – for awhile. New Dawn Magazine
es are not “real”. It simply means that Whether you agree with any of the
we play a greater role than hitherto conclusions in this book, I guarantee
suspected. you will not be bored. 043 772 7978
In quantum physics, this is called a – W. Ritchie Benedict
mixed state, and the question is unlikely
to be resolved in our lifetime unless or

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