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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree


Priti kumari (22GSOB1010143)
Under the supervision of :
Prof. Mohammad Akhtar

It is certified that the work contained in this project entitled ‘NGO WORK’
Submitted by PRITI 22GSOB1010143 for the community service project
Of Bachelor of Business Administration is absolutely based on her own work carried out
under my supervision.

Date:- ______________________________

Signature of Supervisor:- ____________________

Welfare with Human touch
A healthy society provides equal merit-based opportunities for all its sections.
To take the Indian society closer to this goal, we work for the holistic betterment
for the holistic betterment for the underprivileged.
We primarily focus on issues related to equality of opportunity, sexual harassment
and environmental conservation.

I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the thesis/project/dissertation,
entitled “NGO Work” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the BBA
submitted in the School of Business of Galgotias University, Greater Noida, is an original
work carried out during the period of May - 2024, under the supervision of Prof.
Mohammad Akhtar, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,
Galgotias University, Greater Noida.
The matter presented in the thesis/project/dissertation has not been submitted by me for
the award of any other degree of this or any other places.

PRITI 22GSOB1010143
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best
of my knowledge.

Prof.Mohammad Akhtar

We would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed towards
the successful completion of this report on the commendable work carried out by the non-
governmental organization (NGO).
First and foremost, we would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the members of the
NGO who have tirelessly worked towards the betterment of society. Their dedication and
passion towards the cause have truly inspired me.
We would also like to thank the donors and sponsors who have generously supported the
NGO's initiatives, making it possible for them to carry out their work effectively.
Our thanks go to the volunteers who have selflessly given their time and energy to help
the NGO in various activities. Their efforts have been invaluable in bringing about
positive change.
We are also grateful to the individuals who have shared their experiences and stories with
us, allowing us to gain a deeper insight into the impact of the NGO's work.
Lastly, we would like to acknowledge our colleagues and mentors who have provided us
with guidance and support throughout the project. Their expertise and advice have been
crucial in shaping the report.
Thank you all once again for your invaluable contributions towards this report on the
remarkable work done by the NGO.
ng and benefits of NGO

Table of Contents

Title Page No.

Certificate of faculty

Certificate of organization



Table of content


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction of NGO

1.2 Mission and vision
1.3 Objectives of the organization
1.4 Approach
1.5 Activities in the organization
1.6 No. of the people working and benefits of NGO
I have the opportunity to work with the Human Touch Foundation, an NGO that focuses
on various social issues such as promoting health awareness, environmental conservation,
and gender equality. I participated in various activities aimed at making a positive impact
on society.

One of the main initiatives was the anti-smoking campaign, where I appealed to people
not to smoke. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the harmful effects of
smoking on health and the environment. I also engaged with people, educating them on
the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Another key initiative was tree planting. I planted trees in various locations, including
private spaces and public spaces. The goal was to promote environmental conservation
and mitigate the impact of climate change. Through this initiative, I aimed to encourage
the community to take an active role in preserving the environment.

I also focused on promoting gender equality. They engaged in discussions and activities
aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by women in
society. I aimed to highlight the importance of equal opportunities for both men and
Finally, i spent time with small children, teaching and playing with them. I aimed to
provide the children with a positive learning experience and also encourage them to
develop healthy habits and values.
Overall, i work with the Human Touch Foundation was aimed at making a positive
impact on society. Through various initiatives, they focused on promoting health,
environmental conservation, gender equality, and education. The experience provided an
opportunity for the team to learn and grow, as well as contribute to the betterment of

•Human Touch Foundation is a non-profit making organization established in 2006.
Founder of Human Touch Foundation is Dr. Upasana Singh. They have their branches in
all over India. The main branch is located in Greater Noida. This NGO primarily focus on
issues related to equality of opportunity, sexual harassment & environmental
conservation. It also focuses on health or health emergencies, education, infrastructure,
advocacy of minority rights, support of the poor, and the reduction of crime .
A healthy society provides equal merit-based opportunities for all its sections. To take the
Indian society closer to this goal, we work for the holistic betterment of the

Be a changemaker

•They offer people to be a changemaker for a society. They offer opportunities to work on various
issues, both, in-person and online. Interested Volunteers who want to participate can directly
contact them in both online or offline. @thehftngo.
History and Background of HTF
• Established in 2006
• 2006-2022 Human Touch Foundation NGO
• Duly registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
• To take the Indian society closer to the goal i.e., to make healthy society, HTF Ngo work
for the holistic betterment of the underprivileged.
• Human Touch Foundation identifies as women-owned
• It is LGBTQ+ friendly

Founder: Dr. Upasana Singh


•We put our utmost efforts into restoring a self-supporting livelihood both economically and
mentally to those people who have been stricken with hardship due to conflicts and disasters. We
do so promptly, precisely, and flexibly by fully utilizing local human and material resources,
considering this the most promising way to revitalize the society.
Furthermore, we also try to convey victims’ sufferings and their efforts to overcome such
sufferings along with their hopes and desires to the rest of the world so that the value of peace is
seen in a new light and is shared by people everywhere.

•I put my utmost efforts into restoring a self-supporting livelihood both economically and
mentally to those people who have been stricken with hardship due to conflicts and disasters. I do
so promptly, precisely, and flexibly by fully utilizing local human and material resources,
considering this the most promising way to revitalize the society.

Furthermore, I also try to convey victims’ sufferings and their efforts to overcome such
sufferings along with their hopes and desires to the rest of the world so that the value of peace is
seen in a new light and is shared by people everywhere.

Objectives of Human Touch Foundation

• To work for the social development of underprivileged individuals, groups and
communities in India
• To encourage healthcare development and health promotion
• To assist in the process of social integration and personal realisation of underprivileged
children, young people, adults and families

• To endorse the human rights and in particular the rights of the children and young people
as well as the rights of underprivileged groups and communities
• To encourage and popularise voluntary work.
• To collaborate with other NGO's working towards similar goals.
• To work sincerely for people and humanity without any discrimination including but not
limited to colour, caste, sex, creed, religion, nationality.
• To provide and spread primary, secondary & higher education by establishing and/or
collaborating with schools, colleges, institutions, libraries, research in the education field.
Approach of HTF NGO

Service Orientation:
• It campaigns dedicatedly towards the promotion and awareness of education, health, family
planning for the underprivileged section of the society.
• They actively work towards the goal and target the specific services and goals in their mission.
Charitable Orientation:
• It focused on fulfilling the necessities of the lower income group communities with the aid of
clothing, medicine, food distribution drives, housing facilities, school, transport, etc.
• They work actively during natural calamities and emergency situations. They play an important
role by providing necessities to affected families.

Empowering Orientation:
• Their aim is to provide aids to the deprived section and nurture the understanding of the social,
political & economic aspects affecting their lives
• They have a mission to harden their consciousness to enhance their ability to get equal rights.

Activities in the Human Touch Foundation

• Monday & Thursday = Free homeopathy medicine distribution (10:00am – 12:00pm)
• Saturday & Sunday = Free Classes by Volunteers (Started 4 years ago)
• HTF has planted more than 10,000 plants at various schools, offices, public places, and local jails.
• To promote equality of opportunity, and deter and punish instances of sexual harassment, they
have introduced our POSH Act initiative.
• The initiative, which has been a tremendous success, helps Indian firms create a healthier work
environment by aiding them with the compliance of the POSH Law and providing them with unbiased
third-party counselling, inquiries & conciliations.

No. of People working and benefits of NGO

• More than 550 members are there in human touch foundation

• Every month 5-10 people participate as a volunteer and be the part of the organization
• There are 8 core committee members

• Networking opportunities
• the people NGO employees meet can also be their personal contacts in the future. Getting
connected to philanthropists, top-level executives and the likes can surely help one’s career development.
• Contribution to social impact
• Volunteering can range from various methods. This can be helping the less fortunate with their
education, participating in relief and rehabilitation activities, helping out in medical missions, tree
planting, and many more. through these activities, people will experience taking part in something which
will improve society.
• Knowledge Growth
• HTF often invited to participate in conferences both locally and internationally.
These conferences are often times very informative where people can really learn a lot. Without being
invited, participants will need to pay for conference passes to join.
• Academic Amelioration
• Managing an NGO is no easy feat. Hence, in recent years, many NGOs project management and
courses on development studies have been established by many academic institutions. Employees of HTF
have had the privilege of taking these courses to further develop their knowledge in the field.
• Training Seminars
• As employees who are to handle various tasks, HTF invest in training seminars to help develop
qualified and dedicated employees. These trainings would happen with reputable training agencies who
have proven to be effective over many years. After the training sessions provided, they are able to
produce competent employees who can do various tasks in different fields. The training employees
experience is not limited to just one program as this is usually continual. This is something employees can
bring with them wherever they may go in the future.

Description of the Project

•The project conducted by The HTF NGO is a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing critical social
issues and promoting positive change within the community. By implementing a range of activities, the
NGO seeks to create a meaningful impact in the areas of drug abuse prevention, education, environmental
conservation, and community engagement. The project operates with a holistic approach, recognizing the
interconnectedness of these issues and their collective impact on society.

•The HTFNGO has identified the pressing need to tackle drug and alcohol addiction, which poses
significant risks to individuals, families, and communities. Through this project, the NGO endeavours to
reach out to adolescents and adults and engage them in in-depth discussions about the negative effects and
consequences of an increase in drug and alcohol addiction. By fostering dialogue and providing valuable
information, the project aims to empower individuals with knowledge that can help prevent addiction and
promote healthier lifestyle choices.
•Furthermore, the project places a strong emphasis on education, recognizing it as a fundamental right and
a key driver of social development. The HTF NGO is dedicated to instilling knowledge in children who
lack access to basic education. By providing essential educational materials such as pens, pencils, copies,
and geometry sets, as well as checking the availability of required books, the project seeks to bridge the
educational gap and empower children with the tools they need to succeed. This initiative is a crucial step
toward creating a more equitable society where every child has the opportunity to thrive.
•Another significant aspect of the project is its focus on environmental conservation. The HTF NGO
recognizes the importance of a sustainable and green future. Therefore, the project incorporates a
plantation drive to cover as much ground as possible with lush greenery, thereby making people aware of
the advantages of environmental preservation. By organizing tree-planting activities, the project aims to
combat deforestation, reduce carbon emissions, and create a healthier environment for present and future
generations. This initiative serves as a catalyst for raising awareness about environmental issues and
encouraging individuals to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives.

Project Objectives

The project has two main objectives: drug abuse prevention and building capacity. The primary objective
is to raise awareness about the risks associated with drug addiction, identify the contributing factors, and
educate individuals on methods for preventing drug abuse. By disseminating information about the
negative effects of drug addiction and promoting an active, healthy lifestyle, the project seeks to empower
individuals to make informed decisions and avoid the pitfalls of substance abuse.

The second objective is building capacity among stakeholders, including NGOs, volunteers, and
community members, to effectively combat social issues such as drug addiction, illiteracy, and pollution.
The HTF NGO recognizes the importance of collective efforts and collaboration in creating sustainable
change. By encouraging eager participation and providing training and resources, the project aims to
enhance the ability of stakeholders to address these issues effectively. Strengthening capacity enables
stakeholders to become active agents of change and contribute meaningfully to the well-being of the


The project implements several activities to achieve its objectives. These activities include:

Reaching out to adolescents and adults: The NGO engages in in-depth discussions with adolescents and
adults to raise awareness about the negative effects and consequences of drug and alcohol addiction. This
activity encourages dialogue and provides valuable information to the target audience.

Awareness campaign through banners and posters: The team creates visually appealing banners and
posters to draw attention to the campaign. These materials serve as visual aids to convey the messages
regarding drug addiction prevention and a healthy lifestyle.

Education initiatives for children: The NGO focuses on instilling knowledge in children who lack access
to basic education. They provide educational materials such as pens, pencils, copies, and geometry sets,
and also check the availability of required books. This activity aims to empower children with education,
which is crucial for their overall development.

Project Structure

The project operates under a well-structured framework, with The HTF NGO playing a central role in its
planning and implementation. The NGO has a dedicated team of professionals who oversee the project's
activities and ensure its smooth execution. This team includes project managers, coordinators, educators,
and volunteers who work together to achieve the project's objectives.

Collaboration with local organizations, volunteers, and community members is a crucial aspect of the
project's structure. The HTF NGO actively engages with these stakeholders to leverage their expertise,
resources, and local knowledge. By forging partnerships and fostering community involvement, the
project maximizes its impact and establishes a sense of shared responsibility.
The project's structure also includes clear communication channels and feedback mechanisms to facilitate
effective coordination and information flow. Regular meetings, progress reports, and open lines of
communication ensure that all stakeholders are well-informed and actively involved in the project's
activities. This structured approach promotes transparency, accountability, and synergy among team
members and partners, leading to more efficient and impactful outcomes.

Moreover, the project's structure includes careful planning and timeline management. The HTF NGO
establishes clear project milestones and deadlines to ensure that activities are executed in a timely manner.
Regular monitoring and evaluation processes are in place to assess the progress, identify any potential
challenges or bottlenecks, and make necessary adjustments to optimize project implementation. This
systematic approach to project management enables the NGO to stay focused, maintain momentum, and
deliver sustainable results.

While the project demonstrates commendable efforts and aspirations, it also faces certain limitations that
need to be acknowledged. These limitations include:

Resource constraints: Like many non-profit organizations, The HTF NGO may encounter limitations in
terms of funding, human resources, and logistical support. Limited financial resources can hinder the
scalability and reach of the project. Similarly, a shortage of dedicated staff or volunteers may pose
challenges in implementing and sustaining the project's activities. To mitigate these limitations, the NGO
may need to explore alternative fundraising strategies, seek partnerships with other organizations, and
mobilize community volunteers effectively.
Accessibility barriers: Reaching marginalized or remote communities can be challenging due to
geographical constraints, lack of transportation infrastructure, or cultural barriers. The project may
encounter difficulties in accessing these communities and delivering its services effectively. Innovative
approaches, such as mobile outreach units or community partnerships, can help overcome these barriers
and ensure inclusivity.

Ensuring the long-term sustainability of the project's impact is crucial. While the project's activities may
generate immediate benefits and awareness, maintaining the achieved results over the long term requires
ongoing support, collaboration, and community engagement. The HTF NGO should develop strategies to
foster community ownership, build local capacities, and empower individuals to continue the work
beyond the project's duration.

Monitoring and evaluation: Effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are essential to track the
progress of the project and measure its impact. Limited resources or expertise in monitoring and
evaluation may pose challenges in collecting and analysing relevant data. The HTF NGO should prioritize
investing in robust monitoring and evaluation systems to ensure evidence-based decision-making, learn
from successes and failures, and continuously improve the project's effectiveness.

Addressing these limitations requires strategic planning, adaptability, and a commitment to learning and
improvement. The HTF NGO should proactively identify and mitigate these challenges by seeking
support from stakeholders, exploring innovative solutions, and leveraging partnerships to maximize the
project's reach and impact. Through continuous evaluation and adaptation, the project can overcome its
limitations and create sustainable change within the community it serves.


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