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MATH1081 Assignment – Quality Rubric

Aspect 1: Is the work written in sentences and paragraphs with correct grammar?
• Award 0 if there are no sentences.
• Award 1 if some parts are not written in sentences, the grammar is poor, or paragraphs
are not used where appropriate.
• Award 2 if the work is written in sentences and paragraphs with correct grammar.

Aspect 2: Is the level of written explanation sufficient for someone who did not know how
to solve this problem to follow the argument? Are the explanations concise and clear? Do
the explanations avoid unnecessary detail or irrelevant information?
• Award 0 if there is little or no explanation or very poor explanations.
• Award 1 if there is some explanation but it is not sufficient or unclear, or there is a lot
of unnecessary material that obscures the argument.
• Award 2 if there is explanation sufficient for someone who did not know how to solve
this problem to follow the argument and it is clear and concise.

Aspect 3: Are the arguments self-contained and can they be understood without reference to
the question? Are the conclusions written out clearly? Arguments can be made self-contained
by copying the question but this must be re-typed and not simply an image.
• Award 0 if the arguments are not self-contained and there are no concluding statements.
• Award 1 if the arguments are self-contained or there are concluding statements but not
• Award 2 if the arguments are self-contained and the conclusions written out clearly.

Aspect 4: Are the mathematical arguments valid?

• Award 0 if there are serious errors of logic in more than one question.
• Award 1 if there are some invalid parts in the arguments but most arguments are sound.
• Award 2 if all answers are mathematically valid.

Aspect 5: Are the equations typeset using an equation editor or similar? Are mathematical
symbols within the text typeset as mathematical symbols? Are equations and mathematical
expressions formatted appropriately?
• Award 0 if equations and mathematical symbols are not correctly typeset.
• Award 1 if some equations and mathematics symbols are correctly typeset but others
are not or the formatting has significant flaws.
• Award 2 if all equations and almost all mathematical symbols are correctly typeset and
the formatting is generally good.

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