ICSE Home Science 25

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1. To understand and appreciate the role of Home 4. To develop skills to enable candidates to
Science in the development and well- being of communicate effectively in various spheres of
self, family and community. life.
2. To develop an understanding of the basic 5. To introduce candidates to the basics of
concepts of food and nutrition in order to lead a Textiles and Clothing.
healthy life. 6. To develop skills for effective management and
3. To understand human development with respect utilisation of resources available.
to early and middle childhood. 7. To create awareness regarding various
developmental issues and concerns.
There will be one written paper of two hours • Herbs: Mint, coriander, celery, basil,
duration carrying 100 marks and Internal curry leaves, saffron, thyme, lemon
Assessment of 100 marks. grass;
PART I: THEORY • Spices: cardamom, cinnamon, cloves,
1. Concept and Scope of Home Science turmeric, fenugreek, cumin, fennel,
carrom, asafoetida, ginger, garlic.
(i) Introduction to the five streams in Home
Science and how they integrate to form a (ii) Nutrients and their functions. Deficiency
meaningful whole. diseases.
Understanding that Home Science is a field Classification of nutrients according to
of Applied Sciences, made up of five their sources and functions:
streams, i.e. Foods & Nutrition, Resource (a) Energy giving: Fats and
Management, Human Development, carbohydrates;
Textiles & Clothing and Communication & (b) Body building: Proteins and minerals;
Extension. (c) Protective: Vitamins (A, D, E and K,
(ii) Significance of the study of Home Science Vitamin B -Thiamine, Riboflavin and
in different spheres of life. Niacin and Vitamin C); Minerals
An understanding that Home Science is a (calcium, iron and iodine);
multi-disciplinary subject which helps in (d) Regulatory: Water and roughage.
development of life-skills to deal with Deficiency diseases associated with the
various situations in different spheres of above nutrients.
life. 3. Growth and Development of Children from
2. Food and Health Birth to Five Years
(i) Principles of development; milestones of
(i) Food and its functions. Basic Cookery
Terms. Health benefits of common food
items. Meaning of the terms growth and
Definition of: food, nutrient, nutrition, development; difference between growth
balanced diet, health, malnutrition and and development. Principles of
optimum nutrition. Functions of food: development. Meaning of developmental
physiological, psychological and social milestones;
functions. Milestones of development: meaning and
Meaning of basic cookery terms: Cutting, characteristics of physical, motor, social,
chopping, grating, kneading, beating, emotional, cognitive and language
peeling, stringing julienne, mashing, cut development.
and fold in, blending, dusting.
(ii) Role and importance of play and
Health benefits of common food items - to play-school during early childhood.
be done briefly:
The role of play with emphasis on holistic
growth of the child. Considerations in

choosing the kind of Importance of segregation of waste:
play (indoor/outdoor), play materials sorting of waste into biodegradable / non-
(indoor/ outdoor); types of play: biodegradable, organic / non-organic,
constructive, fantasy, solitary, cooperative, plastic, metal and e-waste at domestic and
creative: meaning only; types of play community level.
schools: Montessori, nursery, kindergarten Importance of the five Rs (reduce, refuse,
- meaning only. reuse, recycle and reinvent) for
(iii) Diseases and their prevention. environmental conservation.
Common childhood diseases (0-5 years): 5. Textile Science and Fabric Construction
Tuberculosis, mumps, measles, chickenpox,
(i) Fibres: Properties and uses
diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, rubella,
polio: names only and associated vaccines; Meaning of the term fibre; classification of
Definition and importance of immunisation. fibres: natural, man-made and synthetic;
4. The Home and its Maintenance Natural fibres (cotton, silk and wool): brief
idea of origin; man-made fibres (rayon:
(i) Colour and its application in the Home. raw materials); synthetic fibres: nylon and
Dimensions of colour – hue, value and polyester: raw materials;
intensity. Prang colour wheel (primary,
Identification of fibres: microscopic
secondary and tertiary colours); neutral,
appearance and burning tests. Properties of
warm cool and metallic colours.
cotton, silk, wool, rayon, nylon, polyester
Colour schemes: related and their uses.
(monochromatic/one hue colour, analogous
/adjacent), contrasting (complementary, (ii) Fabric structure: woven, non-woven and
double complementary, split knitted.
complementary, triad and tetrad) colour Meaning of the terms yarn, warp, weft,
schemes and their applications in the home selvedge, fabric.
– drawing/living room, bed room, dining Woven fabrics: basic (plain and twill, satin,
room and kitchen. decorative (spot and pile - cut and uncut):
(ii) Lighting in the Home. construction method and end use;
Types of lighting (general and local or task, Non-woven: e.g. felt;
direct and indirect); sources of light: Knitted (hand and machine): meaning and
natural and artificial; choice of adequate end use of non-woven and knitted.
lighting for different rooms.
6. Communication & Extension
(iii) Sustainable utilisation of Fuel and Energy
in the Home. Communication: meaning, functions and
Sustainable use of fuel and energy with importance; elements of communication;
emphasis on the need and methods for the interpersonal communication.
conservation of cooking gas, water and Meaning, functions and importance of
electricity in the house. communication; elements of communication
(iv) Maintenance of Sanitation and Hygiene (sender, message, medium, receiver, feedback:
inside and outside the House brief idea); meaning of interpersonal
communication; acquiring interpersonal
Role of sanitation and hygiene in the home communication skills (listening, speaking,
and its environment; reading and writing).
Waste Management: Meaning of the term PART II: INTERNAL ASSESSEMENT
waste; basic concept of bio degradable
and non-biodegradable wastes with Please note the guidelines for Internal Assessment
examples. as given for Class X.


There will be one written paper of two hours years of age with respect to physical,
duration carrying 100 marks and Internal social, emotional, cognitive and language
Assessment of 100 marks. development (meaning and characteristics
PART I: THEORY of each type of development).
1. Home Management (ii) Role of the family, peer group and school in
middle childhood.
(i) Management of Household Finances:
budgeting and saving. Meaning of peer group; role of the family,
peer group and school in the social
Concept and importance of family budget; development process of the child.
types of family budgets (surplus, balanced,
deficit); factors affecting family budget (iii) Common learning difficulties of children;
(composition of the family, life cycle, socio- role of family, school and peers.
economic status); steps in preparing a Meaning of the term learning difficulty;
family budget; Meaning and symptoms of: dyslexia,
An understanding of how budgeting helps dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD (Attention
in proper planning and judicious utilization Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
of available resources. Role of the family, school and peers in
Concept and importance of saving. acceptance of and sensitisation towards
children with learning difficulties.
(ii) Space Organisation in the Kitchen:
characteristics and considerations of a good 3. Meal Planning
kitchen; layout and planning of kitchens: (i) Meal planning for the family.
one-walled, corridor, L-shaped, U-shaped, Components of a balanced diet: the five
Island. Modular kitchen.
basic food groups (cereals, roots and
Characteristics and considerations of a tubers, pulses and legumes, milk and meat
good kitchen: aspect, size, colour, products, fruits and vegetables, sugars and
ventilation, walls, flooring, work counters, fats): sources and their nutritional
lighting, storage; Work triangle: meaning contribution in the diet.
and the three centres – preliminary
preparation, cooking and washing; Explanation of the term meal planning,
principles, importance and factors affecting
An introduction to the design of kitchen meal planning.
space with respect to placement of work
centres for preparation, cooking, washing, (ii) Hygienic handling and storage of food -
service and storage, for the most efficient household methods of preservation of food.
utilisation of space and saving time and Definition of the term food hygiene;
energy; concept of modular kitchens. Hygienic handling of food during purchase,
(iii) Home furnishing. storage, preparation and serving.
Importance of personal hygiene while
Meaning of home furnishing; objectives of handling food. Sanitation and safety in
home furnishing: beauty, expressiveness, kitchen.
functionalism; factors affecting selection of
furnishings: curtains, floor coverings (rugs, Meaning and examples of perishable, semi-
carpets) and upholstery. perishable and non-perishable food items:
2. Growth and Development during Middle Storage of perishable, semi-perishable and
non-perishable food items commonly
available at home; use of convenience
(i) Milestones of development. foods- advantages and disadvantages.
Meaning and characteristics of gang age. Definition of food preservation; household
Growth and development between 6 - 12 methods of food preservation: sun drying,

freezing, use of salt, sugar, spices, oil and PART II
chemical preservatives. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT: 100 MARKS
4. Selection and care of Textiles and Clothing To be assessed internally by the school.
(i) Selection of Fabric PRACTICAL WORK
Factors affecting selection of fabric: age,
Candidates will be required to practice one or more
sex, occupation, season, occasion, fashion,
purchasing power. aspects of Home Management, Human
Development, Foods and Nutrition, Textiles and
(ii) Selection of readymade garments. Communication & Extension, covered in the
Factors affecting selection of readymade syllabus. They may also undertake practical work
garments: fit, colour, workmanship, cost, on any of the topics suggested below. The teacher is
maintenance. free to assess the practical work either on the basis
(iii) Laundering of Clothes of continuous assessment or on the basis of
periodical tests.
Household methods of laundering of cotton,
silk, wool and synthetics (step- wise), use of The minimum number of assignments for each
detergents, soaps, starch, blue and optical academic year:
brighteners. Class IX - Five practical oriented assignments as
5. Communication & Extension prescribed by the teacher.
(i) Understanding terminology related to Class X - Five practical oriented assignments as
development; some developmental schemes prescribed by the teacher.
and programmes in India. SUGGESTED ASSIGNMENTS
Meaning of the following terms: Foods and Nutrition
Gender discrimination, women’s
 Identification of pulses, cereals and spices.
empowerment, sex ratio, child labour,
human trafficking, child abuse, female  Identification of serving and cooking
infanticide/foeticide, morbidity and equipment.
mortality, carbon footprint, endangered  Preparation of nutritious snacks using different
species, population explosion, human methods of cooking.
capital, poverty line.
 Demonstration of various cuts of vegetables and
A brief understanding, significance and fruits such as slice, chop, dice, mince, juliennes
target group of each of the following:
to make easy salads.
− DWCRA (Development of Women
Children in Rural Areas);  Preparation of food using simple cooking
techniques such as boiling, frying, steaming,
− MNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National grilling, baking, stewing.
Rural Employment Guarantee Act
2005);  Visiting a food processing unit and preparation
of a report on the same.
− Ayushman Bharat or Pradhan Mantri
Jan Arogya Yojana;  Identification and collection of samples of ten
− Ujjwala Yojna; herbs/ spices/condiments available in the
kitchen for treating common ailments.
− Pradhanmantri Jan Dhan Yojna. Preparation of a report on the same.
(ii) Communication aids.  Listing foods eaten on any one day and
Meaning and uses of communication aids; classifying them into food groups. Analysing
Poster, brochure, pamphlets, puppet shows, them on the basis of nutrient content and
street play: effective usage of these appearance.
communication aids for addressing various  Food preservation: making chutneys, pickles
social concerns. and jam.

 Demonstration of various innovative table  Cleaning of glass panes, grills, sink (steel and
layouts, napkin folding and creative ceramic), counter tops (marble, granite and sand
decorations. stones) and wooden shelves and electrical
Human Development appliances like refrigerator, oven and cooking
stove (any five to be done.)
 Collecting ten play materials and evaluating
them in terms of their merits and demerits.  Preparing a family budget based on the
information received from parents.
 Observing a group of junior/middle school
children during the lunch break and recording Communication & Extension
observations with respect to the language used,  Designing a leaflet or a pamphlet to create
choice of friends, games played, etc. awareness regarding consumer
 Visiting a day-care centre and observing the rights/responsibilities.
activities of the children. Making a record of  Collecting information about global
the observations. environmental issues and problems and
 Visiting a special school and recording communicating the information through
observations made on any one child with appropriate modes of communication such as
special needs. posters, charts, collages, cartoons, handouts,
letters, street plays, etc. to all concerned.
Textiles and Clothing
 Identifying low cost, environmentally friendly
 Collecting samples of fabrics and comparing alternatives in order to deal with the scarcity of
them on the basis of cost, durability, appearance resources such as fuels in the locality.
and suitability.
 Identification of fibres-cotton, wool, silk and FINAL TEST
synthetics by the burning test. In addition to the course work, the candidate will be
 Planning the interiors of a home through choice tested in one or more aspects of Home Science by
of colours and furnishing materials of the the External Examiner.
bedroom, living room and dining room.
 Care of Clothing; Laundering of cotton, silk and EVALUATION
wool. The assignments/project works are to be evaluated
Resource Management by the subject teacher and by an External Examiner.
The External Examiner may be a teacher nominated
 Planning a system for recycling of waste by the Head of the school, who could be from the
produced by the school/home. faculty, but not teaching the subject in the
 Preparation of compost pits. section/class. For example, a teacher of Home
 Gardening: planting of herbs and medicinal Science of Class XI may be deputed to be an
plants and taking care of them. External Examiner for Class X, Home Science
 Preparing a layout of the plan of the Home
Science laboratory with complete detailing of The Internal Examiner and the External Examiner
work centres, storage areas and placement of will assess the assignments independently.
heavy and light equipment. Award of Marks (100 Marks)
Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 50 marks
External Examiner 50 marks
The total marks obtained out of 100 are to be sent to
CISCE by the Head of the school.
The Head of the school will be responsible for the
online entry of marks on CISCE’s CAREERS portal
by the due date.

Criteria Planning Efficiency Working to time Manipulation Quality produced Appearance/Arrangement Marks
Grade I Follows the question set Is successful in Excellent display of With a special insight A fine aesthetic sense and artistic 4 marks
and systematically handling parts of the manipulative skills - into the question, the ability conveyed in the complete for each
organises the work question set and fits can deal with a quality developed is of arrangement. criterion
process. them within required laboratory situation a high standard.
time. efficiently.
Grade II Follows the question set Is successful in Good control of The insight into the The display of colour and 3 marks
except that the step by handling parts of the manipulative skills. requirements of the equipment used gives an for each
step work shows slow question, but the Has been able to deal question has been impression of sound organisation. criterion
operational skill. smooth work appears with each situation achieved and the
to slow down. with ease. quality is good.

Grade III Follows the question. Is successful in Has been successful The quality has been The arrangement appears complete 2 marks
Order of work process handling the with the manipulative produced in part but but some special details missing. for each
shows lack of co- question, however skills in parts, then the overall lacks some criterion
ordination. the time link seems gradually slows down. achievement.
to break in some
Grade IV Follows a part of the Is able to work only a Begins with a control Only few areas of Part of the arrangement is 1 mark
question, work part of the question of the skills and is quality are visible, represented but the total for each
sequence appears within the time stated unable to sustain the which affect the total appearance lacks finish and criterion
disorganised. and then seems effort. result produced. composition.

Grade V Has not been able to Time and work Is unable to control No standard of quality There has been no achievement in 0 marks
interpret the question sequence is most and manipulate the has been achieved due either the appearance or for each
into proper laboratory disorganised. required skills. to poor understanding. arrangement. criterion


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