Final Spring 21-22 FV Solution

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Program: UPM
Term: Spring
Date: 05/09/2022
Time:11:00 am

Invigilator(s) name(s) Signature(s)

Statement of Academic Integrity

MSB does not tolerate academic fraud, an act by a student that may result in a false academic evaluation of that student or of another
student. Without limiting the generality of this definition, academic fraud occurs when a student commits any of the following offences:
plagiarism or cheating of any kind, use of books, notes, mathematical tables, dictionaries or other study aid unless an explicit written note
to the contrary appears on the exam, to have in his/her possession cameras, tape recorders, cell phones, or any other communication
device which has not been previously authorized in writing.

Statement to be signed by the student:

I have read the text on academic integrity and I pledge not to have committed or attempted to commit academic fraud in this

Signature: ______________________________________

Note: an examination copy or booklet without that signed statement will not be graded and will receive a final exam grade of

1. Books and notes Not allowed.
2. Calculators are Not allowed.
3. Cell phones are Not allowed.
Name: ………………………….. Surname:……………………………Group:……………



Please darken [ t ] the box of most appropriate answer.

1. Which type of software dominates the inter-organizational environment?

a. Transaction Processing System (TPS)

b. Decision Support System (DSS)
c. Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)
d. Supply Chain Management System (SCM)

2. Internet is a:
a. PAN
b. LAN
c. WAN
d. MAN

3. The web beacons are:

a. Small text files deposited on a computer hard drive when a user
visits Web sites
b. Softwares installed secretly in computer to report the user’s movements
on the internet
c. Tiny softwares programs that keep a record of users’ online clickstream
and report this data back to whomever owns the tracking file invisibly
embedded in e-mail messages and Web pages

4. _______________ is a combination of HW and SW that controls the flow of incoming

and outgoing network traffic. It prevents unauthorized users from accessing private
a. Intrusion detection systems
b. Antivirus
c. Firewall

Mediterranean School of Business

d. Antispyware

5. The use of a ______________ at the inbound logistic level for the purpose of sharing
information enables the company to gain strategic advantage.
a. Focused differentiation system.
b. Supply Chain Management tool.
c. Customer Relationship Management tool.
d. Enterprise Resource Planning



Please darken [ ] the correct answer box.

1. Computer abuse is the commission of illegal acts through the use of

a computer or against a computer system. Fals

2. Cookies are small text files deposited on a computer hard drive when a user True
visits Web sites

3. Information is data that is contextual, relevant and actionable. True

4. The ring topology is the one adapted for big companies with an important
data traffic. Fals

5. The Modem is used to modulate and demodulate the binary language into
an understandable one and vice versa.

Mediterranean School of Business



1. List the problems of the traditional file processing type?

- Redundancy
- Storage capacity
- Errors
- Lack of flexibility
- Programs coupled to the databases

2. What are the 3 keys digital technologies needed to use a digital network? Define each one.
- Packet switching
- Client/ server

3. Distinguish between Datamining and OLAP.

- OLAP that answers queries into the Database
- Datamining is a tool that is able to find hidden patterns within a datawarehouse

Mediterranean School of Business


CASE STUDY: Information System in Restaurant (15x2= 30 Marks)

In the text, two IS are described. Define each one and describe the inputs, the process,
and outputs of these system. Highlight the technologies used.
IS type 1 TPS
Inputs - 6 terminals collect the customer’s orders by waiters
- If a food is out of stock, the cooks enter a message which will be
displayed in the terminals
- Orders voided
- Reaser

Process - Orders are entered will be redirected to 3 printers depending on the

kind of food
- If a food is missing, the message will be displayed

Outputs - The bills are generated automatically

- The system shows sales of each item vs total sales
- Reasons for the void

Technologies - Terminals
- Databases
- Telecommunication technology
- Software

IS type 2 MIS
Inputs - Orders
- Sales of each items vs total sales
- Weakly sales
- Food costs
Process - Compare weakly daily sales
Outputs - % of void reasons
- Weakly sales
Technologies - Terminals
- Databases
- Telecommunication technology
- Software

Mediterranean School of Business


CASE STUDY: Information System at TESCO (30 Marks)

1. The text presents a brief analysis of one (1) force of Porter. Extract this force, determine its
threat level, and highlight the technologies developed to support it. (20 Marks)
- Rivalry:
o 90’: introduction of clubcard/ Fidelity cards
o 2011’: iPhone app
o 2012’: Phone Clubboard app
As the competition is high, Tesco invested on technology to retain its customers and to get
competitive ad.
- New entrants: high threat because the online channels enable companies to enter the market easily. The
switching cost exist thanks to the technology.

2. What is the strategy followed by Tesco? (10 Marks)

Customer intimacy

Mediterranean School of Business

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