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Assessment of Patients with GI Disorders  Salads, highly seasoned foods may

History cause GI distress

 Demographic data, personal and family
history Intestinal Gas
 Previous GI disorders and surgery  Accumulation of gas in the GI tract
 Change in bowel habits, GI bleeding, result to belching (expulsion of gas from
Jaundice and weight loss, abdominal the stomach through the mouth) or
pain, despepsia, gas, nausea and flatulence (expulsion of gas from the
vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fecal rectum)
incontinence, Any medications taken  Gases in the small intestines pass in the
 Family history of GI disorders colon and releases as flatus
 Bloating, distention feeling of full gas
DIET with excessive flatulence is a symptom
 Usual foods and liquids that are of food intolerance or gallbladder
consumed disease
 Quality and quantity of foods
Nausea and Vomiting
MEDICAL HX  An uncomfortable sensation of
 Illnesses and hospitalizations sickness that may or may not followed
 Medications used by vomiting
 Allergies to foods  Can be triggered by odors, activity,
 Hx of cancer, ulcers, colitis medications or food intake
 Emesis or vomitus may vary in color
PSYCHOSOCIAL HX and content and may contain
 Occupation- meal times and travel undigested food, blood or bilious
 Stress, alcohol and nicotine material mixed with gastric juices
Common Complaints  Visceral afferent stimulation like
Abdominal pain dysmotility, peritoneal irritation,
 A major symptom of GI disease infections hepatobiliary or pancreatic
 Onset, Duration, Quality and disorders or mechanical obstruction
characteristics, Severity, pattern and  CNS disorders- ICP, vestibular
distribution of referred pain and its disorders, infections, and psychogenic
location, disorder
 Precipitating factors, Relieving factors  Irritation of chemoreceptors trigger zone
such as meals rest, activity and from radiation therapy and
defecation directly affects the pain chemotherapy
 Distention of the duodenum or upper GI
DYSPEPSIA/ INDIGESTION tract common cause of nausea
 Upper abdominal discomfort associated  Ingestion of substance- vomiting is a
with eating, the most common symptom protective response that limits the
of patients with GI dysfunction noxious agents by emptying the stomach
 Epigastric pain, discomfort, fullness, content and secretions of small
bloating, belching, heartburn and intestines
 Affects 25% to 40% commonly occurs 5.Change in Bowel habits and Stool
with patients with GERD Characteristics
 Fatty foods cause the most discomfort  Common manifestation of GI disease
because they remain in the stomach for  Assess the color, frequency and
digestion longer than proteins and CHO consistency of bowel movement
 Black tarry stools may indicate Upper Nursing Interventions:
GI bleeding or from ingestion of iron  SUPINE position with Knees flex
supplement (dorsal recumbent)
 Bright red blood in the stools may  Do the following order: Inspection,
indicate hemorrhoids and lower GI Auscultation, Percussion and Palpation.
bleeding  The abdomen can be divided into four
 Currant jelly stools (foul or purpled quadrants or nine regions
colored jelly) indicate a massive  First, let’s take a look at the four
bleeding episode quadrants, which are created by an
intersecting horizontal (transverse)
PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT plane, also called the transumbilical
Assessing Oral cavity- plane, and a median (midsagittal) plane.
Nursing Consideration:  consist of a Left upper quadrant (LUQ),
 Dentures (if any) should be removed to left lower quadrant (LLQ), right upper
allow good visualization of the entire quadrant (RUQ), and right lower
oral cavity. quadrant (RLQ).
 The navel (belly button) is the landmark
ORAL CAVITY INSPECTION you’ll use to visualize these quadrants
Lips while doing assessments. This is the
 for abnormal color, lesions, nodules, point at which the two planes cross.
symmetry, moisture, ulceration or
fissures  Right Upper Quadrant: Liver,
 should be moist, pink, smooth and stomach, gallbladder, duodenum, right
symmetric kidney, pancreas, and the right adrenal
Oral mucosa gland.
 Using tongue blade, instruct the patient  Left Upper Quadrant: Liver, stomach,
to open the mouth to expose the buccal pancreas, left kidney, spleen, and the left
mucosa to assess color and lesions, adrenal gland.
redness, pallor, swelling, ulcers,
Gums-  Right Lower Quadrant: appendix,
 look for inflammation, redness, pallor, reproductive organs, right ureter.
ulcer, bleeding, retractions and  Left Lower Quadrant: left ureter,
discolorations, odor of the breath is also reproductive organs
noted, hard palate-color and shape
Teeth NOTE: All four quadrants contain
 dental carries, dentures, missing or portions of the small and large intestines.
broken teeth
Tongue The Nine Abdominal Regions
 color, ulcers, abnormal coating,  The nine abdominal regions divide the
deviation on one side, movement abdomen into even smaller sections by
Pharynx using two parasagittal planes that run
 use tongue blade to depress the tongue down the middle of the clavicle bones
to visualize the pharynx, inspect for (also called midclavicular planes) and
color, symmetry, exudates, ulceration or two horizontal (transverse) planes.
enlargement  Epigastric, umbilical, Hypogastric, right
hypochondriac, Left hypochondriac,
ABDOMINAL ASSESSMENT Right Lumbar, Left Lumbar, Right
 to detect abnormalities in the abdominal inguinal, Left inguinal
area like the presence of mass, abnormal
bowel sounds
kidney, and portions of the small and large
intestine in this region.

Epigastric Region: This region contains

portions of the liver, as well as the stomach,
pancreas, duodenum, spleen, and adrenal glands.
Hypochondriac Regions (Left and Right):
Left Hypochondriac Region: This contains the
 the prefix “hypo” means below or under. spleen, large/small intestines, left kidney,
The word “chondriac” means cartilage, pancreas, stomach, and tip of the liver.
which is referring to the cartilage of the
ribs. When we put them together, this is Right Lumbar Region: You’ll find portions of
the abdominal region that is under the the ascending colon, small intestine, and right
ribs. kidney in this region.

 Lumbar Regions (Left and Right): Umbilical Region: Here you’ll find the
The word lumbar refers to the vertebrae duodenum, the small intestine, as well as the
in your lower back, which are the bones transverse colon.
nearest to the lumbar region.
Left Lumbar Region: You’ll find parts of the
Iliac Region (Left and Right): descending colon, small intestine, and left
 The top of the hip bone has what is kidney in this region.
called the iliac crest, and that’s the bone
closest to the iliac region.
Right Iliac Region: Here you’ll find the
appendix, cecum, ascending colon, and small
Epigastric Region:
 The prefix “epi” means above, or over,
and “gastric” means stomach or belly.
Therefore, this is the region over and Hypogastric Region: You’ll find the bladder,
above the belly. portions of the sigmoid colon, small intestine,
Umbilical Region: and reproductive organs in this region.
 This is easy to remember because the
umbilical region contains your navel, Left Iliac Region: You’ll find parts of the
which is also called the umbilicus. The sigmoid colon, descending colon and small
navel is the landmark for the four intestine in this region.
quadrant point of intersection, and it can
also help you remember that the INSPECTION
umbilical region makes up the middle of  Abdomen-skin and contour and
the nine abdominal regions. symmetry, localized bulging, distension
Hypogastric Region: is abnormal
 We’ve already learned that hypo means  Skin – smooth and intact, nodules, skin
“below,” and gastric refers to the changes, lesions scarring, inflammation,
stomach or belly. So when we put the striae or bulging
two together, we know that the  Contour- flat, concave, rounded or
hypogastric region is the region below scaphoid,
the belly.
Right Hypochondriac Region: You’ll find  performed before percussion and
organs such as the liver, gallbladder, right palpation
 To determine the character, location  To determine the size and location of
and frequency of Bowel sounds abdominal organs and to detect fluid, air
 Empty the bladder before auscultation of and masses.
the abdomen. Full bladder can interfere  useful tool for evaluating abdominal
with sounds tenderness, Localized pain is suggestive
 Use diaphragm of the stethoscope for of peritoneal or intrabdominal
soft clicks and gurgling inflammation
 Use bell of the stethoscope for bruit  All quadrants are Percussed for
sounds in the oartic, renal, iliac or Tympani and Dullness
femoral arteries and Borborygmi-  Tympanic High Pitch Loud musical over
“stomach growing” which is loud and air
prolonged gurgle.  Tympani- results from the presence of
 Auscultate over the aorta and renal air in the stomach and small intestines
arteries to  Dullness-is heard over organs or solid
identify vascular bruits suggestive of masses
turbulent blood flow: Aortic  Avoid percussion to patients with
bruits: auscultate 1-2 cm superior to the AAA and organ transplant
umbilicus, a bruit here may be
associated with an abdominal aortic PALPATION
aneurysm. Renal bruits: auscultate 1-2  Assess for masses, rebound tenderness
cm superior to the umbilicus and slightly and abdominal rigidity
lateral to the midline on each side. A  Lightly depressing 1-2 cm the abdomen
bruit in this location may be associated in quadrant to quadrant manner,
with renal artery stenosis.  Deep palpation is used to identify
 Assessing Bowel sounds- Normal is 5- masses for 3-4cm
30gurgle sounds/min.  Rebound tenderness is not performed by
 Tinkling bowel sounds: typically many examiners because it can cause
associated with bowel obstruction severe pain.
 Rapid and hyper active loud bowel  Contraindicated in patients with Wilm’s
sound (Gastroenteritis)-5-6 sounds in tumor and AAA or abdominal organ
less than 30 sec transplant
 Hypoactive- one -two every min or
longer, paralytic ileus Rectal Inspection and Palpation
 Absence- no sounds in 3-5 minutes.  Rectum, perianal region and anus
Suggests ileus which is a disruption  Gloves, water soluble lubrication,
penlight, and drapes are tools for
of the normal propulsive ability of
the intestine due to a malfunction of  Knee Chest, Left lateral with Knees flex
peristalsis. Causes of ileus include  Inspection of lumps, rashes,
electrolyte abnormalities and recent inflammation, tears, scars, tenderness,
abdominal surgery. To be able to  Buttock are spread and visually
confidently state that a patient has inspected once the external sphincter is
‘absent bowel sounds’ you need to relaxed
auscultate for at least 3 minutes  Fissures, fistulas, rectal prolapse, polyps
and internal hemorrhoids- ask the client
PERCUSSION to bear down.
 method of tapping body parts with  In assessing hemorrhoids, use gloves
fingers, hands, or small instruments as lubricated index finger
part of a physical examination.
 are a series of hepatocellular carcinoma. CEA is
quantitative measurements of the protein that is not normally detected in a
muscle, bone, and adipose tissue healthy person, if positive cancer is
 used to assess the composition of the present but it cannot detect what type of
body. cancer
 The core elements  CA 19-9- a protein useful as a tumor
of anthropometry are height, weight, marker to follow the course of
body mass index (BMI), body is elevated to patient with pancreatic
circumferences (waist, hip, and limbs), cancer, stomach, colorectal and bile
and skinfold thickness duct.
 Height and weight
 BMI= weight in kg/Height (M2)
 Less than 18.5 means that a person is
underweight FECAL ANALYSIS
 18.5-24.9---Normal  To inspect the consistency, color. and to
 25-29.9- Overweight detect blood, fats, urobilinigen,
 30 above- Obese nitrogen, Clostridium difficile,
leukocytes, parasites and other pathogen
Occult blood Test
Serum Lab Studies  Done to detect GI bleeding and most
 CBC- group of tests that evaluate the frequently used in detection of early
cells that circulate in blood, including cancer
red blood cells (RBCs), white blood  Avoid red meat poultry, fish cauliflower
cells (WBCs), and platelets (PLTs). broccoli,turnips, horseradish for 72
The CBC can evaluate your overall hours it is associated with false positive
health and detect a variety of diseases results
and conditions, such as infections,  Withhold iron, steroids, endomethacin,
anemia and leukemia Colchicine, aspirin, NSAIDS
 Complete metabolic panel- is a blood  Avoid Vit C supplements or foods
test that measures your sugar (glucose) because it causes false negative results
level, electrolyte and fluid balance,  Should not be performed when there is
kidney function, and liver function. hemorrhoidal bleeding
 PT and PTT- screening test that helps
evaluate a person's ability to Stools for Ova and Parasite, Culture
appropriately form blood clots. It  Fresh warm stool to detect amoebiasis
 Use sterile test tube and cotton tip
measures the number of seconds it takes
applicator to collect specimen
for a clot to form in a sample of blood
after substances (reagents) are added Stool for lipids
 Amylase and Lipase- increased of  Done to assess steatorrhea
these enzymes indicates  Include fats in the diet to assess the
PANCREATIS >200 U/L, Normal ability of the GI to metabolize fats
amylase level is around 23-85 units per  Avoid alcohol for 3 days. Alcohol
liter (U/L), some lab ranges for normal mobilizes fats cause false positive result
amylase go up to 140 U/L. Normal  72 hour collected. Store the specimen
lipase level can range from 0-160 U/L on ice
depending on the lab.  Avoid mineral oil, neomycine sulfate
 Carcino embryonic Antigen (CEA) and oily medications
and Alpha Feto Protein- sensitive and
specific test for colorectal cancer Fecal Immunologic test
 Use monoclonal or polyclonal  Consume steamed white rice, baked
antibodies to detect globin protein in chicken or fish, tea and water (12hours
human hemoglobin before the test
 Dietary restrictions are not required  Brush your teeth before the test
 No mouth wash
Stool DNA testing
 New means to detect DNA related to
 Does not require dietary or medications  A non-invasive test in which high
restrictions frequency sound waves are passed into
internal body structures and the
ultrasonic echoes are recorded on an
oscilloscope as tissue strikes in different
BREATH TEST  It can detect enlarged gallbladder, or
Types pancreas, presence of gallstones, enlarge
a. Hydrogen breath test ovary, ectopic pregnancy, and
 to evaluate CHO absorption and aids in appendicitis
diagnosis of bacterial overgrowth in the  Cannot be used to examine structures
intestine that lie behind bony tissue, as bone
 Determines the amount of hydrogen prevent s sound waves from travelling
expelled in the breath after it has been into deeper structures.
produced in the colon and absorb in the  Gas and fluids in the abdomen or air in
blood the lungs prevent the transmission of
b. Urea breath test ultrasound.
 detect the presence of Helicobacter  HEALTH TEACHINGS: If Whole
Pylori that live in the mucosal lining of abdomen – NPO,
the stomach and cause PUD
 Patient is ingest a capsule of carbon Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS)
labeled urea, a breath sample is obtained  aids in diagnosis of GI disorders that
10-20 minutes later, the labeled carbon provides direct imaging of a target area
is absorbed quickly, then can measure  used to evaluate submucosal lesion
the carbon dioxide in the expired breath location and depth penetration
to determine h.Pylori present  it evaluates Barretes esophagus, portal
hypertension, chronic pancreatitis,
biliary tract disease and ulcerative colitis
NURSING INTERVENTIONS  Moderate sedation is indicated
 No antibiotics, or bismuth salicylate for
 No probiotics for 2 weeks  If Whole abdomen – patient should be
 No proton pump inhibitors (Sucralfate, NPO 8-12 hours to decreased the
Omeprazole), laxatives and supplements amount of gas in the GI tract
for 1 week before the test  If gallbladder studies- eat fat free meal
 NO to Cimitidine, famotidine and at night before the test
ranitidine for 24 hours  If with Barium- should scheduled after
 No to spicy foods, butter or margarine, ultrasonography- barium interfere the
sugar or creamer transmission of sound waves
 No smoking or second smoke one hour  For sedated patient, assess the LOC,
prior to the test, exercise or taking gums orientation, and ambulation, advised not
to drive cars
BARIUM SULFATE vegetables. "Residue" is undigested
 class of medications called radiopaque food, including fiber, that makes up
contrast media. It works by coating the stool. The goal of the diet is to have
esophagus, stomach, or intestine with a fewer, smaller bowel movements each
material that is not absorbed into day
the body so that diseased or damaged  Laxative before the procedure and after
areas can be clearly seen by x-ray the procedure to eliminate the barium.
examination or CT scan.  Notify the doctor if bowel movement
does not occur in two days.
Effects of Barium
 SE: light or white stools for a few days GASTRIC ANALYSIS
after the test. Your stools will go back  to analyze acidity, appearance and
to normal color within a few days. volume of gastric secretions or
 diarrhea, or constipation severe stomach determine gastric retention due to
pain; pyloric or duodenal obstruction
 chest pain, trouble breathing or  to determine the gastric mucosa to
swallowing; ringing in your ears; secrete HCl
sweating, confusion, fast heart rate  Assessment of the ulcers or to rule out
pernicious anemia, Zolinger Ellison
BARIUM SWALLOW (Upper GI) Syndrome or atropic gastritis
 The oral administration of a radiopaque  Pernicious Anemia- patients with this
barium sulfate suspension to disease secrete no acid under basal
radiographically demonstrate possible conditions
defects in the esophagus, stomach, and  Chronic Atrophic gastritis- secrete little
small intestines or no acid
 Assessment of esophagus, stomach,  Gastric Ulcer-secretes some acid
jejunum and duodenum  Duodenal ulcer- secrete an excess
amount of acid
Nursing Interventions
 Keep the patient NPO 6-8 hours before NURSING INTERVENTIONS
the procedure  Gastric contents are collected every
 Administer laxative after the procedure 15minutes to 1 hour through insertion of
 Increase fluid intake for at least two NGT tube through the nose at around
days after 50cm (21 inches) by aspiration or via
 Inform client that the stool is white syringe
for 24-48 hours  NPO for 8-12 hours prior to procedure
 Withheld medications affecting gastric
BARIUM ENEMA (Lower GI) secretions
 A rectal infusion of barium sulfate  No Smoking-it can increase gastric
(radiopaque contrast medium) which secretions
retained in the colon during studies
 assesses of large colon for the presence GASTRIC ACID STIMULATION TEST
of obstruction, tumors and other  Histamin and pentagastrin is given SC to
abnormalities stimulate gastric secretions.
 Indicated to diagnose GERD
Nursing Interventions  Gastric specimens are collected after the
 Low residue/Liquid diet before the injection every 15 minutes for 1 hr to
procedure. It limits high-fiber foods, like measure the pH
whole-grain breads and cereals, nuts,  A probe measures pH is inserted through
seeds, raw or dried fruits, and the nose about 12.7 cm (5inches) above
the LES. It is connected to an external
recording device worn by pt for 24 hrs  Prepare materials to be use (Providone
and analyze by computer. Iodine, Lidocaine Anesthesia, Syringe,
5cc or 10 cc, tubings)
 Clean the site with anti-septic solution
NURSING INTERVENTIONS  Assist to Doctor, giving needed articles,
 NPO for 6 hours before the test such as cotton swabs, sterile towels, etc
 Withheld medications that affects gastric  Monitor patient during procedure,
secretions for 24-36 hours prior to the  Observe for fluid color,
test  Measure fluid quantity,
 Labeled to indicate the time of specimen  Send test tube for diagnostic tests,
collection after histamine injection  After finishing the procedure, seal the
 Volume and pH are measure punctured wound with sterile dressing,
 Inform the patient that the injection may  Fasten the abdominal binder tightly,
produce flushed feeling from the top to bottom
 Monitor BP and pulses to detect
AFTER the Procedure
ABDOMINAL PARACENTESIS  Evaluate the effect of the procedure by
 removal of at least 5L of ascitic fluid is assessing the Weight, Abdominal girth,
considered large-volume paracentesis. RR
 a needle is inserted into the abdominal  Notify the physician if the urine
cavity to collect fluid, or puncturing the becomes bloody, pink or red. Sign the
peritoneal cavity to remove fluid or bladder is punctured.
ascites.  Monitor patient vitals continuously,
 monitor input and out put chart,
Purposes  Watch for any reaction for 24 hours,
 For relieving pressure in peritoneal
cavity, Complications:-
 For drainage fluid from abdominal  Hypo-tension,Internal bleeding,
cavity in Ascites condition.
 to relieve shortness of breath when COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY
ventilation is impaired  Provides cross sectional images of
 Cirrhosis of liver with Ascites, abdominal organs and structures
 For lab diagnosis (Histopathology e.g,  Multiple x-rays are taken from the
cancer, Biochemistry values e.g. different angles as viewed in the
Albumin), computer monitor
 It can detect inflammation of colon such
Nursing Interventions as appendicitis, diverticulitis, regional
PRIOR TO Procedure enteritis and ulcerative colitis
 Check for the physician’s order  It can evaluate diseases in the liver,
 Explain the procedure to the patient spleen, kidneys, pancreas, pelvic organs
 Obtain written informed consent and abnormalities in the abdominal wall.
 Shave and Skin prepare should be done,  A painless but radiation should be
 Check VS and oxygen saturation considered
 Provide privacy,  It can be perform with or without oral or
 Instruct the patient to void immediately intravenous contrast to enhance the
prior to the procedure voluntarily or FC. study
 Instruct the patient to sit up, with feet
resting on footstool or lying position NURSING INTERVENTIONS
 Maintain I. V, line, if any emergency to
give fluids and medications,
 Assess allergy to iodine, shellfish or  Inform that the procedure takes 60-90
contrast medium- it can be premedicated minutes
with corticosteroid or antihistamines  Assess claustrophobia (fear in close
 Assess creatinine levels and pregnancy spaces)
status if patient is female  Advise the patient to blindfold during
 Oral fluids after the study to eliminate the procedure
the contrast via urine
 Administer kidney protective measure UPPER GIT STUDY
such as sodium Bicabonate IV 1 hour Upper GI Flouroscopy
before and 6 hours after IV contrast and  A radiopaque/ barium sulfate is
N-acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) before commonly used
and after study. N-acetylcysteine is a  It visualizes the esophagus, stomach and
free radical scavenger that sequester the duodenum for anatomic or functional
contrast by products that are destructive disorders of the upper GI such as ulcers,
to kidney cells. varices, tumors, regional enteritis
malabsorption syndrome, obstruction,
ileitis and diverticula.


 Used to supplement ultrasonography and Variations of the Upper GI Study
CTY scan
 A non-invasive techniques that uses 1. Double Contrast Method
magnetic fields and radio waves to  Examines the GI tract by administering
produced images of the area being thick barium suspension to outline the
studied. stomach and the wall of esophagus after
 Uses oral contrast agents to enhance the which tablets that release carbon dioxide
image for the diagnosis of GI diseases in the presence of water are given
 Useful in evaluating abdominal soft  It can detect early neoplasms in the
tissues as well as blood vessels, esophagus and stomach in finer detail
abscesses, neoplasms, and other sources 2. Enteroclysis
of bleeding.  Very detailed, double contrast study the
 Contraindicated to patient who has entire small intestine
internal metal implants or any device  involves continuous infusion of 500 -
containing metal (cochlear implants, 1000ml of a thin barium sulfate
intraocular metallic fragment, jewelry, suspension; after, methylcellulose is
pacemakers, dental implants, paperclips, infused
pens, keys, clips on patient gowns and  Barium and methylcellulose fill the
oxygen tanks, ) because it will be intestines and are observes by
attracted by the magnet and cause fluoroscopy as they progressed to
further injury. jejunum and ileum.
 Foil backed skin patch (nitroglycerine  It takes 6 hours and can be quite
(Transderm patch, scopolamine uncomfortable
((Transderm0scop) should be removed  Indicated to small bowel obstruction and
because of the risk of burns diverticula


 NPO for 8 hours Prior to procedure
 Assess for allergy to iodine and shellfish  Consent
 Remove all jewelry and other metals
 Clear liquid diet with NPO midnight, for duct stones, dilate strictures, and treat
6-8 hours( When a patient with IDDM is gastric bleeding and esophageal varices
NPO, adjust the insulin. by injecting sclerosing solutions to
 No smoking or chewing gum-it can control upper GI bleeding.
increase gastric secretion and salivation  Patient is required to swallow a capsule
 Remove dentures and bridges. (PillCam ESO) that travels by peristalsis
 Local spray anesthetic (Lidocaine) on through small intestines. The capsule
posterior pharynx. will pass within 24 hours
 Instruct the client not to swallow saliva.  Patient is sedated, the endoscope is
 Administer the anticholinergic, lubricated with water soluble lubricant
sedatives, narcotics, tranquilizers to passed the mouth, down to the
 Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) – most esophagus to the duodenum
effective bowel cleansing preparatory  Procedure takes about 30 minutes
After the procedure 2. Endoscopic Retrograde
 Side lying position. To prevent Cholangiopancreatography
aspiration due to effects of barium-  Uses the endoscope with x-rays to view
nausea and vomiting. the bile ducts,pancreatic ducts and
 NPO until gag reflex return gallbladder
 NSS gargle to relieve the metallic taste  Helpful in evaluating jaundice,
of oral contrast dye pancreatitis, tumors, common bile ducts
 Advised to avoid driving for 12 hours if stones and biliary tract disease
sedative was used.
 Increase fluid intake to facilitate the NURSING INTERVENTIONS
evacuation of stool and barium. Before
 NPO for 8 hours
 Local anesthesia or spray before the
intro of endoscope
 Left lateral position to facilitate the
clearance of pulmonary secretions and
UGI ENDOSCOPIC PROCEDURES provide smooth entry of the scope
 Administer Sedative (Midazolam) to
1. Upper GI Fibroscopy/ provide moderate sedation with loss of
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy gag reflex and relieves anxiety
 Direct visualization of the esophagus,  Atropine Sulfate (drying agent)- to
gastric and duodenal mucosa through a reduce secretions
lighted endoscope (Gastroscope) to  Glucagon- may be given to relax the
detect occult areas of bleeding IBD and muscles
celiac disease
 To assess esophageal and gastric After
motility and to collect secretions and  Assess LOC, VS,O2 Sat, pain level and
tissue specimen for analysis signs of perforation (pain, bleeding,
 In EGD, the gastroenterologist views the difficulty of swallowing, rapid elevated
GI tract through a viewing lens and temperature
obtain images through the scope  Offer lozenge, saline gargle, or oral
 Indicated to esophageal, gastric or analgesics to relieve throat discomfort
duodenal disorders(inflammation,  Temporary loss of gag reflex is expected
tumors and infectious),  Advise the patient to avoid driving cars
 Can be a therapeutic procedure when  Remain in bed until fully alert due to
combined with other procedures such as effects of sedative
it can be use to remove common bile
2. Fleet enema
LGI ENDOSCOPY 2. PEG electrolyte lavage solutions
 Visualization of the lower GI tract after  (Golytely, Colyte, Nulytely) are used as
instillation of barium intestinal lavage.
 Barium enema can be used to detect the  Clear liquid diet 24 hours before the
presence of polyps, tumors, lesions of procedure.
the large intestines and demonstrate  Patient ingest large solution orally for 3-
anatomic abnormalities or 4 hours
malfunctioning of the bowel  NGT if pt is cannot swallow
 The procedure takes place about 15-30  Contraindicated with intestinal
minutes during which x-rays images are obstruction or inflammatory bowel
obtained disease.
 SE: nausea, bloating, abdominal cramps,
TYPES fluid and electrolytes imbalances,
 Direct visualization or inspection of the 3. Administer sodium phosphate tablet
large intestine (anus, rectum, sigmoid,  for colon cleansing prior to
transcending and ascending colon colonoscopy
 Used as diagnostic aid and screening  (Dosing 32 tabs, (4tabs q 15mins= 20)
device on the evening, 12 tabs (4tabs q
 Used to detect colon cancer screening 15mins) in the morning with clear
and remove polyps, diarrhea with liquids.
unknown cause, occult bleeding, and DURING
bowel decompression (removal of  Monitor oxygen saturation, VS, color
intestinal contents to prevent gas and and temperature of skin, LOC,
fluid from the intestines) abdominal distension, vagal response
 Contraindicated in colon perforation, AFTER
acute severe diverculitis  Monitor signs of bowel perforation
(rectal bleeding, distension, abdominal
NURSING INTERVENTIONS pain, fever, peritoneal signs)
BEFORE  Provide written instructions due to
 Informed consent amnesic effects of midazolam, patient is
 Cleanse colon by giving laxative, PEG unable to recall verbal information
electrolyte lavage solutions, sodium  Instruct the patient to report any signs of
phosphate tablet. bleeding.
 Left lateral position with the legs drawn
 Administer sedative or opioid analgesic RECTUM)
(midazaolam) to provide moderate  Visualization of the anus, sigmoid and
sedation and relieve anxiety descending colon to evaluate chronic
 Administer glucagon- to relax the diarrhea,fecal incontinence, ischemic
colonic musculature and to reduce colitis, and lower GI hemorrhage and to
spasm during the test. observe ulceration, fissures, tumors,
 Flexible fiberoptic sigmoidoscope
Ways to cleanse colon permit the colon to be examine up to 40-
1. Laxative 50 cm ( 16- 20 inches) from the anus
 Give laxative for two nights before the
examination or fleet enema in the NURSING INTERVENTIONS
morning before the test- to cleanse Before
properly and to visualize the colon.  Consent
 Take Dulcolax after dinner  Used to evaluate delayed gastric
 NPO 6-8 hours emptying and gastric and intestinal
 Warm tap enema of Fleet enema until motility disorders such as IBS or atonic
returns are clear colon
 Place the client in Knee chest/ lateral  Last for 24-72 hours
position during the procedure with the
right leg bent anteriorly ANORECTAL MANOMETRY
 Inform the patient that sensation will be  Measures resting tone of the internal
feel associated with the procedure anal sphincter and contractibility of the
During external anal sphincter.
 Monitor VS, skin color, temperature,  Indicated to pts with chronic
pain tolerance, and vagal response constipation or fecal incontinence
After the procedure  Dibasic sodium (Phosphosoda) or saline
 Supine position for few minutes cleansing enema is given 1 hour before
 Assess for signs of perforation- the test
bleeding, pain and fever  Prone or lateral position during the
 Hot sit baths procedure

Rectal Sensory Studies

 Used to evaluate rectal sensory function
Manometry and Electrophysiologic Studies  A catheter and balloon are passed to the
 Methods to evaluate GI motility rectum with increasing balloon inflation,
disorders the patient feels distention. Then the
Manometry Test tone and pressure of the rectum are
 Measures changes in intraluminal measured
pressures and coordination of muscle  Indicated with patients with chronic
activity in the GI tract with the presence constipation, diarrhea and incontinence
of pressure transmitted to a computer
analyzer Electrogastrography
 An electrophysiologic study that assess
ESOPHAGEAL MANOMETRY gastric motility disturbances and can
 Used to detect motility disorders in the detect motor or nerve dysfunction in the
esophagus including UES and LES stomach
 A pressure sensitive catheter is inserted  Electrodes ae place over the abdomen
to the nose and connected to a and gastric electrical activity are
transducer and a video recorder. The recoded for 24 hours
patient swallows small amount of water  Patients may exhibit rapid, slow, or
while reluctant pressure changes are irregular waveform activity
 To diagnose achalasia (absence of LAPAROSCOPY/PERITONEOSCOPY
peristalsis), diffuse esophageal spasm  Visualize the organs and structures
and GERD within the abdomen and to detect
growths, anomalies and inflammation
NURSING NTERVENTIONS  is a surgical diagnostic procedure used
 NPO 8-12 hours before the test to examine the organs inside the
 Withhold motility drugs (Ca channel abdomen. It's a low-risk, minimally
blockers, anticholinergic agents, invasive procedure that requires only
sedatives for 1-2 days small incisions. Laparoscopy uses an
instrument called a laparoscope to look
GASTRODUODENAL AND COLONIC at the abdominal organs.
 In this procedure carbon dioxide is  Use throat lozenges to ease the pain of
injected into the peritoneal cavity to a sore throat.
separate the intestines from the pelvic  Wear loose-fitting clothes.
 Requires general anesthesia and stomach
and colon are decompressed
 Small incision is made lateral to the
umbilicus that allows the insertion of a
small tube called a cannula to inflate the
abdomen with CO2 then followed by the
insertion of the fiberoptic laparoscope to
see the abdominal organs
 Can be use to evaluate peritoneal
disease, masses, gallbladder and liver
disease, hernias, appendicitis, PID,
 Biopsy samples can be taken from the
 One of the benefits of this procedure
after the visualization, removal of
gallbladder can be performed
 Contraindicated to pregnant women

Before the procedure
 Consent
 avoid eating and drinking for at least
eight hours before laparoscopy.
 IV fluids should be infused. For
 IFC (PRN basis)

After the procedure

 No to driving cars. arrange for a family
member or friend to drive you home
after the procedure. general anesthesia,
which can make you drowsy and unable
to drive for several hours after surgery.
 Assess the level of pain after the a few
hours. Shoulder pain is common of the
carbon dioxide gas used to inflate your
abdomen to create a working space for
the surgical instruments. The gas can
irritate your diaphragm, which shares
nerves with your shoulder. It may also
cause some bloating
 Administer pain relievers PRN
 Begin light activity as soon as you’re
able, in order to reduce your risk of
blood clots.
 Get more sleep than you normally do.

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