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Date:-24-10-2021 Day-37 Subject- Electronics (Unit-9)

1. Who discovered the first electronic 6. When was EHTP established?

amplifier? (a) 1 April 1993
(a) Wilhelm Roentgen (b) 1 March 1993
(b) Joseph J. Thomson (c) 1 June 1992
(c) John Ambush Flaming (d) 1 April 1992
(d) Lee de Forrest 7. D.O.E.A.C.C’s the nodal department is-
2. Who invented the Transistor? (a) Electronics Department
(a) John Bardeen (b) Information and Technology Council
(b) Walter Brattain (c) Ministry of Home Affairs
(c) William Shockley (d) Women and Child Development
(d) All these. Department.
3. Who first discovered superconductivity? 8. Who named the X-rays?
(a) William Shockley. (a) Wilhelm Roentgen
(b) Joseph. J. Thomson. (b) Joseph J. Thomson
(c) Kamerlingh Onnes. (c) John Ambush Flaming
(d) None of these (d) Lee de Forest
4. When was the electronics department 9. 'Cooper Bond' is -
established? (a) Bonding of protons of superconductors.
(a) 1974 (b) Bonding of neutrons of superconductors.
(b) 1970 (c) Bonding of electrons of superconductors.
(C) 1976 (d) None of these
(d) 1977 10. BCS principle is related to-
5. Who became the first Secretary of the (a) Semiconductors
Department of Electronics? (b) Superconductivity
(c) Both a and b
(a) M.G. K. Menon.
(d) None of these
(b) Jaswant Singh.
(c) V.V. Giri.
(d) RambabuSirohiya.

Note:- PDF File of this paper you will get form our Telegram Group (MPPSC NIRMAN IAS GWALIOR).
Date:-24-10-2021 Day-37 Subject- Electronics (Unit-9)

1. Ans.(d) In 1907, the American explorer Lee de Forest patented a triode. This tube became the first
electronic amplifier, which was used in long distance telephone lines.
2. Ans.(d) In 1940, American scientists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley
invented the first diode and then transistor in 1947.
3. Ans.(c) The first discovery about superconductivity was made by Kamerlingh- Onnes in 1911,
according to which if the mercury is cooled below 4 degrees, it becomes a complete conductor of
4. Ans.(b) The Department of Electronics was established in 1970.
5. Ans.(a) M.G.K. Menon was made the first chairman and secretary of Electronics Commission and
Electronic Department.
6. Ans.(a) EHTP was established on 14 Sept, 1992
7. Ans.(a) To further strengthen computer training programs run by private institutions, the
Department of Electronics has launched a scheme called DOEACC.
8. Ans. (a) W.C. Röntgen reported the discovery of X-rays in December 1895
9. Ans. (c) Electrons in superconductors do not move independently, they move in pairs, which is
called 'Cooper Bond'.
10. Ans. (b) In 1972, the Nobel Prize in Physics was jointly awarded to John Bardeen, Leon Cooper
and Robert Schrieffer for the B.C.S. theory of superconductivity.

Tomorrow’s Topic- Information and Communication Technology

Note:- PDF File of this paper you will get form our Telegram Group (MPPSC NIRMAN IAS GWALIOR).

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