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• Ensure GSTsigner is pre installed on AIO and started successfully on login into the system.

If not, contact RE
for assistance
• Open any Browser in AIO
• Enter URL: https:://
• Enter username & Password followed by Captcha
• Click Login
• Home page with profile details displayed as below
• Click REGISTER DSC button
Ensure GSTsigner service started successfully by clicking the GSTsigner icon or minimize the browser.
• Open new tab in the browser
• Type the URL in the browser address bar
• Press Enter key
• The below page will be displayed
• Click the Advanced button
• The below page will be displayed
• Click the Continue to (unsafe) hyperlink
• The below page will be displayed
• Don not click Refresh
• Go to the previous (GST BO) tab
• Click REGISTER button
• Installing process started pop up will display
• Select the Certificate name in the table
• Click Sign
Click Ok
Success message will be displayed
Click My Profile to view the details of DSC certificate
Click My Profile to view the details of DSC certificate

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