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Minor Project Report Synopsis

A Study On The Impact Of AI On Waste Management

By-Kartik Anand BBA (G) Batch 2022-2025

Enroll no- 06117701722

Table of Contents

S.No Content Pg.No

1 Intro

2 Problem Statement

3 Research Methodology

4 Objectives Of Study

5 Reasearch Mehodology

6 Conclusion

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer in various industries and

is now being recognized for its transformative potential in waste management.
With an increasing global waste crisis and a growing concern for sustainability,
conventional waste management practices are being reimagined. The
integration of AI technologies is leading the way towards innovative solutions
that optimize waste management processes, promote efficient resource
utilization, and drive environmental sustainability.

As the volume of waste continues to increase worldwide, it is crucial to find

intelligent and effective waste management solutions. Thankfully, AI provides a
powerful toolkit that can revolutionize the way waste is handled, processed, and
repurposed. By utilizing advanced algorithms, machine learning, and data
analytics, AI empowers waste management systems to become smarter, more
adaptable, and environmentally responsible.

Problem Statement

Artificial Intelligence is a relatively new technology that comes with a lot of

issues and some of these issues become more prevalent on a developing nation
like India. These problems are

1. The Cost of Implementing AI

One of the biggest issue with AI in the current moment is the cost of its
implementation. However, the long term benefits of AI can offset the intial
capital investment
2. The Need For Data

AI systems need large amounts of data to train and operate effectively. This data
can be difficult and expensivce to collect.

3. The Need For Skilled Workers

AI systems require skilled workers to develop, implement and maintaim. These

workers can be in short supply.

Objectives of the Study

The objective of this project report can be classified into a few different

1. What is the Impact of AI on Waste Management

2. What is the feasibility of implementation of AI in waste Management.
3. What are the challenges that can be faced
4. What are the benefits of Implementation of AI in waste management.

Research Methodology

The reasearch methodology that has been used for this project report will be via
the primary, in the form of journals, articles, etc, and secondary in the form of a

AI has the potential to revolutionize waste management. By automating tasks,

optimizing processes, and reducing errors, AI can help to improve the efficiency
and environmental performance of waste management. As AI technology
continues to develop, it will become more affordable and easier to implement.
This will make it possible to use AI to solve some of the most pressing challenges
in waste management.

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