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Konstruksi Pelat

Ukuran Utama & Perhitungan Beban

 Next week / Week 6 : QUIZ 1
Open Book : BKI Vol. II Rules For Hull 2014

 Review tentang ukuran‐ukuran utama
 Perumusan jarak gading (frame spacing)
 Perumusan lebar lajur pelat (strake)

Ukuran utama
Length L (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 1.H.2.1)

The length L is the distance in metres, on the summer load waterline from the
foreside of stem to the after side of the rudder post, or the centre of the rudder
stock if there is no rudder post. L is not to be less than 96% and need not be
greater than 97% of the extreme length of the summer load waterline. In ships
with unusual stern and bow arrangement, the length L will be specially

Panjang L (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 1.H.2.1)

Panjang L adalah jarak (dalam meter) pada garis air muat dari linggi haluan
kebelakang kemudi atau garis sumbu tongkat kemudi jika tidak ada linggi kemudi.
Dimana tidak boleh kurang dari 96% Lwl dan tidak boleh lebih besar dari 97% Lwl

Ukuran utama
Breadth B (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 1.H.2.6)
The breadth B is the greatest moulded breadth of the ship

Lebar B adalah jarak terbesar pada kapal yang diukur pada kulit bagian dalam.

Depth H (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 1.H.2.7)

The depth H is the vertical distance, at the middle of the length L, from the
base line3) to top of the deck beam at side on the uppermost continuous
deck. In way of effective superstructures the depth H is to be measured up to
the superstructure deck for determining the ship's scantlings.

Tinggi H adalah jarak vertikal pada titik tengah panjang L, dari garis dasar ke
bagian atas dari balok geladak dibagian sisi geladak menerus yang paling atas.
Ukuran utama
Draught T (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 1.H.2.8)
The draught T is the vertical distance at the middle of the length L from base
line to freeboard marking for summer load waterline. For ships with timber
load line the draught T is to be measured up to the freeboard mark for timber
load waterline.

Sarat T adalah jarak vertikal pada titik tengah panjang L, dari garis dasar ke
tanda lambung timbul untuk garis muat musim panas.

Block Coefficient CB (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 1.H.2.8.4)

Moulded block coefficient at load draught T, based on length L.

Frame spacing
Frame spacing (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 1.H.2.8.4)
The frame spacing a will be measured from moulding edge to moulding edge
of frame.

Approximation to determine frame spacing (BKI Vol II, Edition 1989)

Frame spacing (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 9.A.1.1)

Forward of the collision bulkhead and aft of the after peak bulkhead, the
frame spacing shall in general not exceed 600 mm.

Bagian‐bagian dari pelat kulit kapal
 Susunan pelat (plating)
o Pelat‐pelat dasar (bottom plating)
o Pelat‐pelat samping (side plating)
o Pelat‐pelat geladak (deck plating)

 Lajur pelat (strake)

o Lajur pelat lunas (keel strake )
o Lajur pelat bilga (bilge strake)
o Lajur pelat atas/pelat bingkai (sheer strake)

Flat plate keel and garboard strake
 The width of the flat plate keel is not to be less than:
b = 800 + 5L [mm]
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 6.B.5.1)

 If according to Section 2, B. a higher steel grade than A/AH is

required for the bilge strake, the width of the bilge strake is not
to be less than:
b = 800 + 5L
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 6.B.4.2)

 The width of the sheerstrake is not to be less than:

b = 800 + 5L
Maximum, bmax = 1800 mm
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 6.B.3.1)
Design load
Load center
 For plates (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.A.2.1.1)

o Vertical stiffening system: 0.5 x stiffener spacing above

the lower support of plate field, or lower edge of
plate when the thickness changes within the plate
o Horizontal stiffening system: Midpoint of plate field.
 For stiffeners and girders (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014,
o Centre of span l.

Transverse framing system
2nd Deck


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Web Frame

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4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36

Transverse Bulkhead

Side Transverse

Side Transverse

Side Transverse

Side Transverse

Main Deck

Side Transverse


Double Bottom
Transverse Bulkhead
Transverse Bulkhead

Side Transverse

Side Transverse


Side Transverse
Longitudinal framing system

Transverse Bulkhead

Side Transverse

Mixed framing system


vertical distance of the structure's
Load on ship's sides load centre above base line

Basic external load

(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.B.2.1.1)
 For elements the load centre of which is located below load
Distribution factor

for wave directions with or against the ship's heading

Basic external load

or wave directions transverse to the ship's heading including

quasi‐static pressure increase due to heel.

y = horizontal distance between load centre and centreline [m]

Load on ship's sides
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.B.2.1.2)
 For elements the load centre of which is located
above the load waterline:

for wave directions with or against the ship's


for wave directions transverse to the ship's heading

including quasi‐static pressure increase due to heel.
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.A.2.2)
 z = vertical distance of the structure's load centre above
base line [m]

 z = jarak vertikal dari pusat beban terhadap baseline.

 Untuk beban pada pelat diukur di tengah‐
tengah pelat untuk sistem konstruksi membujur
 Untuk sistem melintang: 0,5 x jarak antar penegar
(senta) atau ujung terbawah dari pelat apabila
ketebalan pelat berubah (thickness changes within
plate field)
 z = untuk beban penegar diukur dari tengah‐tengah
Length coefficient
Basic external load
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.A.2.2) Probability factor

Service Range

Basic external load
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.A.2.2)

Distribution factor (CD & CF)
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.B.1.1)

Load on the ship's bottom
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.A.2.2)
 The external load pB of the ship's bottom is to be
determined according to the greater of the following

For wave direction with or against the ship’s heading.

For wave direction transverse to the ship’s heading

including quasi‐static pressure increase due to heel.
Load on weather and cargo decks
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.B.1.1)
 The load on weather deck is to be determined according to the
following formula:

Value of z is determined by the depth of ship (H)

 The load on cargo decks is to be determined according to the
following formula: Acceleration factor

Acceleration factor av
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.C.1.1)

v0 = Maximum service speed [kn], which the ship is designed to maintain at the
summer load line draught and at the propeller RPM corresponding to MCR
(maximum continuous rating).

In case of controllable pitch propellers the speed v0 is to be determined on the basis of

maximum pitch. 22
Load on decks of superstructures and
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.B.5.1)

 The load on exposed decks and parts of superstructure

and deckhouse decks, which are not to be treated as
strength deck, is to be determined as follows:

Load on decks of superstructures and
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.B.5.1)

 For deckhouses the value so determined may be

multiplied by the factor:

 Except for the forecastle deck the minimum load is:

Load on inner bottom
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.C.2.1)
 The inner bottom cargo load is to be determined as follows:

G = mass of cargo in the hold [t]

V = volume of the hold [m3] (hatchways excluded)
h = height of the highest point of the cargo above the inner
bottom [m], assuming hold to be completely filled.
av = acceleration factor as follows:
See next slide
Loads on accommodation and
machinery decks
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.C.1.1)

 The deck load in accommodation and service

spaces is:

 The deck load of machinery decks is:

Load on tank structures
Design pressure for filled tanks (BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.D.1.1)

h1 = distance of load centre from tank top [m]

av = acceleration factor
pv = set pressure of pressure relief valve [bar], if a pressure
relief valve is fitted
= working pressure during ballast water exchange [bar]

z = distance from top of overflow to tank top [m]

p = pressure losses in the overflow line [bar], min = 1 bar
 = density of liquids [t/m3], 1,0 t/m3 for fresh water and
sea water 27
Load on tank structures
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 4.D.1.1)

pvmin = 0,1 bar during ballast water exchange for both, the
sequential method as well as the flow‐through method
= 0,2 bar (2,0 mWS) for cargo tanks of tankers

The maximum static design pressure is:

h2 = distance of load centre from top of overflow or from a

point 2,5 m above tank top, whichever is the greater.

Load on transverse bulkhead
(BKI Vol. II Edition 2014, 11.B.1.3)

p = 9,81 x h [kN/m2]
h = distance from the load centre of the structure to a
point 1 m above the bulkhead deck at the ship side

= for the collision bulkhead to a point 1 m above the

upper edge of the collision bulkhead at the ship side.

= for stiffener is in the mid of span.

 Peraturan Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia Volume II,
Edition 2014


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