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TUDelft essays

You are working in a group of 5 students (4boys and 1 girl). One of the boys in the group
shows disrespect to the girl in the group such as that he askes her to take notes because
he thinks girls should have that role. Also, he does not give her opportunity to share her
ideas when she does, he does not include her ideas in the problem solving. What would
you do this situation. (150 words)
Raised by a strong and successful single mother, I find it challenging to comprehend the
rationale and thought-processthought process behind such gender discriminationbias.
Gender stereotyping or bias is not only a moral issue but it also stymies hinders progress on
all fronts.
Being asked to take notes just because of your gender is
counterproductivecounterproductive. Every person should have the ability to express his or
her thoughts and opinions in a project. Having gender diversity helps in the richness of
ideas. The person who is able to summarise content effectively is the one who should be
taking notes; irrespective of their gender. Excluding a valid ideaideas during the process of
problem solving is foolhardy and doing so just because the idea was given by a woman is
idiocywill result in an inferior solution & outcome. As for the responsibility of taking notes,
that responsibility should be divided among the team members irrespective of gender or any
other basis.
If I were to find myself in a situation where a person was being excluded / alienated just
because of their gender. I would call-out the behaviour, confront and seek rest of the groups’
support to coach my fellow student. I would advise him to check his own biases and to
reflect upon his decisions. I will tell him firmly but calmly that there is no place for a bias in a
problem-solving environment.
I also think that the presence of bias in an individual is not a reflection of their character, but
rather a cause of their environment during their development years. It is concerning when
one fails to recognize and correct these biases when pointed out. If there is no change in the
person’s behaviour: I would gather support to move to remove him out of the group and
then escalateing the issue. I strongly believe that any kind of such toxicity is against
The course you expect to be your favourite and explain why( 150 words)
I am an avid builder. I enjoy working with my hands to construct something that can be put
to practical use. I enjoyed to buildbuilding things that could be called "frugal innovation". My
love for engineering stems from my grandfather, who would break down the most complex
systems into its simplest parts and explain in how they worked together. Naturally, I
developed an affinity for physical systems. Eventually, I realized that engineering is an
application of math, and mechanics is the basis for any physical system.
I have always enjoyed learning a new topic / subject especially if I am able to put it to
practical use. Introduction to Aerospace Engineering looks like a course that can bring
together my love for mechanics and my passion for innovation.
Aerospace engineering as a subject in its entiretywhole does interests me. But if I were
asked to choose a particular course that I gravitate towards, it would have to be engineering
mechanics and introduction to aerospace engineering.

The course you expect to be most challenging and the reason for that (150 words)
People often express how problems in mathematics have a logical approach. I used to feel
the same. That changed when I started high school. Mathematics did not seem logical
anymore. It seemed alien; we needed to memorise more that understand. This issue got
amplified when we started calculus. We were never taught what calculus was; we were
taught the derivatives and antiderivatives of functions with no explanation. Naturally I
struggled to solve questions that that required practical knowledge or use integration in a
practical approach.
My physics teacher was my only saving grace he taught us how to apply basic integration
toso solve for basic physics problems. However, it was still very much limited to the
Hence, I feel that Calculus would probably be the most challenging course.
To over come this gap, that I might face I will have to put in more extra hours in solving
application-oriented questions, join study groups and seek help fromask tutors and seniors
for help.

What were your impressions of the aerospace topics of our faculty as introduced in the
video lectures? Which topics have your interest, what areas will be your strengths and will
provide challenges? ( 150 words)
I enjoyed the lectures presented by the faculty. The content was clearly explained and
followed a logical order. The lecture on Sstatics intrigued me, as a fairly large amount set of
content was explained quickly and but efficiently. The lecture on Iintroduction to
Sspaceflight was interesting as I got to a peek into the world of spaceflight. I and saw
recognized some of the concepts that I had learnted in my high school that seemed abstract
and irrelevant at that time, now actually being applied to solve problems.
The lectures presented on Mmaths and Pphysics were familiar as I had studied those topics
in high school and did not have any difficulty following them. The only new concepts I learnt
were those in the Aaerospace lectures, and I expect to encounter a steeper learning curve
for such kind ofthis topics.

What do you take from the entrance test? Are you Satisfied with your performance? Do
you sufficiently require the basic knowledge for mathematics and physics or are there
areas that still need some more attention.
I think I am satisfied with my approach to the problems in physics. However I feel that there
is room for improvement in terms of my speed and accuracy.
For the math section; Applications of calculus is a topic that I continue to work on. There is
room for improvement in terms of speed and accuracy.
Post the exam I realised that I have most of the basic knowledge required. I feel that I need
more practice solving questions based on applications. It seems to me that the approaches I
use are very orthodox and lengthy; there are definitely better faster to approach a question.
I plan to work on the above issues highlighted by solving more questions based on
applications under a time constraint.

Think about the competencies you have at the moment and those required in our degree.
Do you have the suitable skills to start the degree at our faulty? What do you still need to
fulfil the skill gap? Write about the skills you have and those you need to succeed in the
first year of our bachelor.
Academically, I think I am competent! I have found that I work better under pressure. Under
the lack of pressure, I find myself distracted at times. This is something that I have been
working on, by taking up extra curriculars during periods of lower academic stress. However,
during my time at Delft: especially during my first year, I expect to encounter a steep
learning curve and that will motivate me to learn faster. I feel that I possess the social skill to
thrive in a community-based environment which will prove useful for coursed that involve
group work. However, I do feel that there are useful skills I could pick up in order to be
successful during my time at TU Delft.
Based on your reflection on the previous questions, do you still desire to pursue the
Bachelor Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft? Explain why or why not.
Based on my previous reflections I have decided that I want to continue to pursue a
bachelors. My passion for building, and my curiosity for learning blends well into the
curriculum at TU Delft. I am extremely perseverant and I do not quit easily.
Albeit my low score in the entrance exam, I feel that I can use the style of questions asked in
the test to better prepare for the selection part of the exam.

TU Eindhoven
Could you explain your interest in the computer science and engineering? What do you
consider the most exciting aspects of the programme?
Computer Science Engineering is not my first choice but it is a close secondas the
applications of it are experiences across variety of areas in the world today. I have always
had a higher affinity towards a physical system and modern day physical systems are
dependent on computer algorithms and solutions. as compared to software. It is not that I
have never enjoyed writing code; I do enjoy the coding as it helps me a means to solving
variety of e a problems, including that in a physical systems. But what captivated meI am
therefore captivated by the power of computer engineering and ever present applications
across different areas was the application of the code I am writing.
The most exciting aspect of Computer Science for me is its application in hardware
interaction. The ability to write a piece of code that can control or interact with a physical
entity is fascinating. I realise that today computers are an integral part of products and
sStudying Computer Sscience and Eengineering will gives me the skill set to be able to work
with modern systems and innovate on new ideas..

What aspects of the program are you already familiar with

Could you mention some courses or topics of courses that you are looking forward to and
explain why?

What parts could u expect to be a challenge?

Describe two assignments or projects that would be representative of the work a
computer science engineer is doing?
Talk to aloka ? software - firmware ??
Sangeetha - talk to Sangeetha

If you start the BCS program in September 2024, you will encounter courses that will be
challenging in terms of content and pace. Which trait(s) do you possess to handle these
challenges and can you explain how these are going to help you?
I have found that I work better under pressure. Under the lack of pressure, I find myself
easily distracted at times. This is something that I have been working on, by taking up extra
curriculars during periods of lower academic stress. However, during my time at Eindhoven:
especially during my first year,. I expect to encounter a steep learning curve and that
motivate to learn faster and I doubt that I would have much free time on my hand.
For courses that are academically demanding in terms of content or pace I have found that
creating a schedule based on your abilities is the best way to handle the load.
I would join study groups, talk to seniors and try to form a communitiesy to seek help with
the courseload.

There will be courses in the first period of the study program that are performed in groups.
Which skills do you have to make collaboration work and obtain successful results in these
courses? Please also explain how these skills will help you with successful collaboration.
For any individual to thrive in a group project environment. They must have the right mix of
technical(subject) skill and communication skills. I have always had a passion for oration. I
actively participate in MUN conferences, class presentations etc. MUNs have taught me to
work with large groups of people effectively. Moderation such conferences has given me
experience to help organise group efforts for maximum efficiency. Over time I have
developed a knack for being able to present a solution or end product. I have learnt to
effectively highlight intricacies and features of the end product.
I did a 6-week internship at yulu bikes where I worked with the Research And Development
team to build a digital twin for an existing product. During this internship I explored
softwares such as FreeCAD, Matlab/Simulink, CFD analysis. I picked up a liking towards
Data(result) analysis.
With all these traits I feel that I will be a valuable asset to any group. My soft skills that I
picked up in MUNs will ensure that the group remains organised and tasks are completed on
Each Bachelor's course has mandatory components (for example, interim tests, deadlines,
exams, etc.).How will you keep track of all these different components and how will you
make sure you will complete these in time?
In my experience the best wat to ensure deadlines, exam goals are met is by working
backwards keeping the deadline/goal I mind. The most efficient way to achieve this is by
creating a schedule of some form. This schedule(digital/physical) must breakup the load into
realistically achievable goals across a suitable timeline. Consistent revision and practice of
topics will ensure that no topic is left completely untouched during the allotted period for
revision. The biggest challenge will be sticking to the schedule. (somene tell me how to
address this point)

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