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“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge
him, and he will make straight your path.” Proverbs 3: 5-10. Faith with loyalty in God is the proficient
relation between lord the father and us. Truthful perpetual promise is what he makes, no matter how
arduous the life is, God always abide in the promise he made, His promise can infer as Love, Protection,
Healing, Guidance and-so-on. I am Mr. RENO NOLAN, only child of my widow mother, had a great
testimonial fettle with God in my life.

All the initial stage of my believe in God started a year back ago, when I was highly submerged into the
life of Alcoholism, it was in the mid of winter when everything needs shelter due to frosty winter wave, I
heard a big fatal news from Dr. A. Johnson, me on the ground of bibber has been rewarded a final stage
lung cancer by alkie. filled with full of tears in my eye, it was the pivotal moment I realized certain trauma
in my life, dejectedly regretting for been in the wrong track it led to arose turmoil loaded with full of stress
in me.
Sunday morning, what I aware of was only the evanescence of day and night, with unredeemable pain I
was having my breakfast in the hotel filled with full of murmuring crowds situated near town church.
Beside those stuff mutter I heard a voice coming over the loudspeaker from church, it says: James 5:14-
15 “Is there anyone who is ill? …..This prayer made in faith will heal the sick person; the Lord will restore
him to health, and the sins he has committed will be forgiven.” I heard, and for a moment there arose an
inner debate in me; do really God exist or it only fakes to a person in name of God. While deliberating on
it I saw a person holding a bible seating beside me, Me being inquisitive could not stop myself from asking
him the doubts regarding existence of God. It was the first day of my life where I was curious about God
and also met him “Friend of mine,” both our talks started with a bombshell face and ended up cordially.
He kept telling me more about God, Faith and about the Christian life. The sequitur of his counsel to me
was “if a person truly repents his sin and start having faith in God means there arouse a great bond
between God and the person himself.” After a long confab he took me to the church and introduced me
to the pastor, mournful pain in me was made known to the pastor by my friend, both prayed for me in
the church. Pastor handed me bible as a gift and they requested me to attend the Sunday service, I stayed
on their courteous request, my first Sunday in the church, with my friend, and it was the same day when
I felt unredeemable pain and suffering in me can be redeemed through faith in God.

Constantly, 4 weeks, 4 Sunday, went to church, often met my friend, became more closer in God, and
then came the turning point in my life. On 5th Sunday, as usual I met my friend after the end of service. He
told me; he is leaving the town for a purpose by evening itself. I could not digest his suddenly decision. I
have tried every viable way to make him stay but all goes in vain.

Next day after he left, while I was lost in thought about our sudden departure, I felt something peevish in
me. I felt a vexatious pain coming out from my chest. Gradually the ache in me became unbearable, never
felt such a bred-in-the-bone pain before, having trouble in breathing, it was making the condition more
worser. Circumstances became out of control, the last thing I remembered was unconsciously I felt down
on the ground.

I opened my eyes, I found myself woke up in a bed in a separate compartment with doctor and two other
nurses, but the more flabbergasting fact to me was, he was the same doctor Dr. A. Johnson who gave me
the weighty fatal news about the final stage of deadliest disease. Me with my asthenia body on the bed
as haywire person instead of being disappointed by God, I just praised him, for he gave me a chance to
see his beautifully created world. I blamed myself for leaving early from his beautifully created world.
Though I made a mistake and had a sinful life I had accepted him as my father and Almighty father of all.
I accepted all my sin and the life that I deserve for, but the only thing which made me doleful was “Mom.”
My only mom who will be full of tears with woeful and heartbreak soul for her entire life.

frighteningly, I asked “Is something wrong doctor?"

"Nothing wrong, it happens to one in a million" Said he, "what happened?" I asked again.

“I felt a bit strange after seeing your first report, so I did a biopsy test again to confirm whether it is
technical error or what we called as 'Miracle.’ According to the report everything is normal, even to your
lungs which was being expected to be cancer we could not find any symptoms of cancer, I too astounded
by the report,” said Dr. A M Johnson.

Realizing it might be the wholesome result ever in my life I burst into tears, obligingly in my heart I said:
“God it is you I know, Thank you for the new life.” I was really beatitude for my new life, about the miracle
I wanted to tell my friend who introduced me to God. I went to pastor, jovially shared him about the
miracle of God, I asked him about the address of my friend.

“Pastor, the friend who brought me in the church for the first time do you know where he lives now?” I
"Whom?" asked he.

"My friend, the one who told you about my suffering, you both prayed for me that day “I replied.

"Sorry dear, you might be wrong" bewilderedly said he, he was still introspecting about what I am saying.
I tried to help him in recalling about the day, so I added a gaze to remind him: ‘Pastor, remember about
the day when I met you first time, and who was with me, what he told you about me, and if he didn’t tell
you anything about me how you came to know about my suffering?’.
"I remember our first meet, that day only you and me were on the church and about your sufferings I
already knew it before you came,” said he. "How?" I asked in disorientation.
That Sunday morning, I was woken up by a voice, it was a voice ordering me to get ready and wait for the
lost sheep which the shepherd is about to bring in the church. I went and waited, then I saw you coming
there, and I again heard the same voice which faded away with three words” Pray for him.”
After listening to his, it did not take me a second to extrapolate why pastor was being introspective in my
query. I finally figured out why my friend left suddenly, leaving me behind no trace for him and who was
he to me. I once again shared pastor “how I met a person and how he took me into church.” Me and
Pastor praised and thanked the God through prayer.

So, that is how the God is, the God who always abide in his Promise, the God who Cares, Love, Protect
and Forgive us. God, Almighty father of All.

Written by – GENI DALBONG.

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