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Table of Contents

Descriptive essay sample.....................................................................................................................2

The explanatory / expository paragraph.....................................................................................................3
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................3
2. Body paragraph...............................................................................................................................3
3. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................3
The sample of expository paragraph...................................................................................................3
Narrative paragraph....................................................................................................................................5
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................5
2. Body paragraph...............................................................................................................................5
3. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................5
The sample of narrative essay....................................................................................................................5
Persuasive paragraph..................................................................................................................................7
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................7
2. Body paragraph...............................................................................................................................7
3. Body paragraph...............................................................................................................................7
Persuasive essay sample......................................................................................................................7
Illustrative paragraph..................................................................................................................................9
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................9
2. Body paragraph...............................................................................................................................9
3. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................9
Discursive/argumentative paragraph........................................................................................................11
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................11
2. Body paragraph.............................................................................................................................11
3. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................11

Descriptive paragraph
A descriptive essay simply describes someone or something by applying to the to the readers sense:
sighs, sound, touch, smell and taste. Here are the basic steps for writing a descriptive essay.

1. Select a subject

Observation is the key to write an effective descriptive essay. For example, if you are writing about a
place, go there and take notes on the sights, sound and smells. A descriptive essay paints a picture
from the reader, using descriptive devices and the senses. create a thesis statement that informs the
reader who or what you are describing.

2. Select dominant details

Select only the details that support the dominant impression (your thesis statement).

3. Organize details

The paragraphs in a descriptive essay can be structured spatially (from top to

Bottom or from near to far) or

Chronologically (time order) or from general to specific. Descriptive essays

Can also use other patterns of

Organization such as narrative or


4. Use descriptive words

Do not use vague words or generalities (such as good, nice, bad, or beautiful).
Be specific and use sensory, descriptive words (adjective). For example: I ate a good dinner. Or I
devoured a steaming hot, cheese-filled pepperoni pizza for dinner.

Provide sensory details.

 Smells that are in the air (the aroma of freshly brewed coffee)
 Sounds (traffic, honking horns)
 Sights (“The sun scattered tiny diamonds across dew-covered grass as it peeked out from beyond
the horizon.)
 Touch (“The texture of the adobe hut’s walls resembled coarse sandpaper.”)

Taste sweet, sour, salty, bitter, tart (“Giant goose bumps formed on my tongue when I accidently bit

5. Draw a logical conclusion

The conclusion may also use descriptive words, However, make certain the conclusion is logical
And relevant.

Descriptive essay sample

Taj mahal

The Taj Mahal is a magnificent marvel of Mughal architecture, a white marble mausoleum
located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal emperor shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
Contraction of Taj Mahal begun in 1362 and was completed in 1648. The mausoleum is considered one
of the first example of Mughal architecture and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the

Stepping inside of this structure, one is enveloped by a sense of serenity. The play of natural
light through the latticed windows create a mesmerizing interplay of light and shadow, enhancing the
ethereal beauty of the interior the cenotaphs of shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal adonic with precious
gemstones and calligraphic inscriptions, further add to the awe-inspiring ambiance.

The Taj Mahal’s architectural and aesthetic brilliance exemplifies the Mughal art and
engineering. Its symmetrical layout, intricate geometric patterns, and harmonious blending of Mughal

To sum up, the Taj Mahal stands as a timeless symbol of love and architectural splendors. Its rich
history, awe-inspiring and profound symbolism continue to captivate visitors from across the world.

The explanatory / expository paragraph
Explanatory or expository essay explores, shares, explains, or defines a specific subject or idea.
This type of writing does not include the writer’s opinion or tell a story; Its goal is not to
persuade, and the writer’s voice should be natural.
Use this outline as a road map to write your essay.

1. Introduction

 Start with a topic sentence that introduces the whole essay.

 Briefly summarize the texts.
 State your thesis, your thesis is the sentence that outlines what your essay is going
to be about. Make sure you are restating the prompt.

2. Body paragraph

 Include a topic sentence that restates your thesis topic for this paragraph and
 Include text evidence that supports your reason.
 Include an explanation that shows how your text evidence proves your thesis.

If the essay contains more then one body paragraph never forget connecters, using transitions help your
essay sound more natural and academic.

3. Conclusion

 Restate your claim and summarize your reasons or in other words repeat your main idea and
also the body and reasons briefly without any new idea.

The sample of expository paragraph

The importance of tourists in a country

Tourism is a major contributor to the global economy, generating trillions of dollars in revenue and
spoofing millions of jobs. It is also key driver of economic growth and development in many countries.

There are many reasons why tourism is important, firstly, it can help to increase countries economy
by bringing in foreign currency. Tourists spend money on hotels, food, transportation and other goods
and services which helps to create jobs and stimulate the economy. The tourism industry employs
millions of people around the country from hotel workers to tour guides. These jobs provide a source of
income for families and help to boost the economy.

Moreover, tourism can help to promote country’s culture and heritage. Visitors learn about a
country’s history, traditions and way of life, which can help to foster understanding and tolerance

between different cultures, beyond this tourism can help to improve a country’s infrastructure.
Government often invest in new roads, airports, and other infrastructure to attract tourists. This v\can
improve the quality of life for residents and make it easier for people to travel within the country.

in conclusion, tourism can help to promote a county’s image. Visitors often return home with
positive impressions of the country they visited, which can help to attract more tourism in the future.
This can boost the country’s tourism and create jobs.

Narrative paragraph
Is used to inform or tell a story, it describes a scene or an event in detail.
1. Introduction

the introductory paragraph gives brief information about the event, this is called background
information and then it explains why it was important for the writer.

 Write the main idea of your story (the event)

 Write thesis statement (background information)
 Write a sentence that explains why this event was important

2. Body paragraph

The body paragraph describes the event in detail with facts, explanation or examples to support thesis

 Continue with the events of the story including details.

If your essay contains more then one body paragraph abide by this way, moreover, use transitions to
connect the paragraphs it will help your essay sound academic.

3. Conclusion
Conclusion restates the main idea of essay and summarizes the reason why this event is important to

The sample of narrative essay.

At age of 17, I embarked on a life changing journey that forever shaped my perspective and taught me
invaluable lessons. It all begun with a decision to step out of my comfort zoon and explore a new culture
and country. With anticipation and excitement, I boarded a plane to a remote village in a developing
country. As I landed, I was immediately stuck by the stuck contrast between my familiar surroundings
and the vibrant, unfamiliar sights and sound that surrounded me. Living in a local family, I quickly
adapted to their way of living.

As I immersed myself in the community, I also discovered the beauty of their traditions and
customs. I learned to communicate in new language, indulged in local cuisine, and celebrate their
festivals. This interaction taught me the importance of cultural diversity and the power of human
connection. One particular encounter that will forever stay with me was meeting a young girl, despite of
facing numerous obstacles, including poverty and limited educational opportunities, she radiated
resilience and determination. Her unwavering spirit inspired me to appreciate the privileged I often took
for granted.

In conclusion, my journey at the age of 17 was turning point in my life. It exposed me to the
realities of the world, instilled a deep appreciation for cultural diversity, and inspired me to become an
agent of change. Through this experienced, I learned that stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to
personal growth and a greater understanding of the world around us.

Persuasive paragraph
Is a piece of writhing that aims to convince the reader of a particular point of view, however, with
positive and logical reasons, as a matter of fact it persuades the reader to agree with writer’s opinion .

1. Introduction

 The introduction contains clear topic sentence that introduces the main point or argument of
the essay. Keep in mind to defense one sight. It may also address potential counter arguments.

2. Body paragraph

 The body paragraph provides additional details, evidence and examples to support the main

3. Body paragraph

 The essay concludes by summarizing the main point and reinforcing the overall argument.

Persuasive essay sample

In today's world, our planet is facing numerous environmental challenges, and one of the most
pressing issues is the accumulation of waste. In order to combat this problem, it is crucial for individuals
and communities to prioritize recycling. This essay will delve into the reasons why recycling is essential,
and how it can positively impact the environment.

Firstly, recycling helps preserve our natural resources. By reusing materials such as paper, glass,
and plastic, we can reduce the need for raw resource extraction, which often leads to habitat
destruction and pollution. Additionally, recycling conserves energy, as it generally requires less energy to
process recycled materials than it does to create new products from scratch.

Moreover, recycling plays a vital role in reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.
Landfills contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and can contaminate soil and water sources. By
recycling, we can mitigate these harmful effects and work towards a cleaner, healthier environment for
present and future generations.

In conclusion, it is imperative for everyone to actively engage in recycling efforts. By doing so, we
can protect our natural resources, minimize waste, and mitigate environmental damage. Each individual
contribution to recycling can collectively make a significant impact on the well-being of our planet

Illustrative paragraph
An illustrative paragraph uses vivid and descriptive language to paint a clear and detailed picture in the
readers mind. It aims to provide examples, details and evidence to support a specific idea or concept in
addition this type of writing usually is used to illustrate charts.

1. Introduction

 Start with what exactly the chart illustrates.

 Avoid copying words in the question instate use synonyms.
 Mention all the issues that had been discussed.

2. Body paragraph

 Explain what the different sections of the chart refer to.

 Describe the key findings shown in the chart (no need to mention all the issues that has given in
the chart)

3. Conclusion

Mostly the illustrative essay does not need concluding paragraph, however, if you want to add
conclusion restate the introduction and body paragraph.

Illustrative essay sample

This report summarizes the information presented on two pie charts which show the difference in sales
made online in the retail sector of New Zealand for the years of 2003 and 2013. The categories of items
sold includes travel, film/music, books and clothes.

In 2003 the largest proportion of sales was for travel however, in 2013 this item had a decrease of 7%.
The amounts of the other three items sold were similar with clothes, film/ music and books making
24%, 21% and 19% respectively.

By 2013 the proportions had changed, although not drastically. Film/ music became the biggest seller
with 33% of the total whilst clothes had the lowest amount of sales at 16%. Regarding books, in a
decade little change could be seen with a difference of just 3% whereas the sales of film / music
increased from 21% to 33%.

Discursive/argumentative paragraph
An argumentative paragraph is a type of academic paragraph which requires you to investigate a topic.
Collect, create and evaluate by using evidence. The purpose of this type of writing is to convince the
reader with your point of view by providing reliable evidence (whether factual, logical, statistical or
anecdotal). Do not forget you have to take only one sight.

1. Introduction

 First set the context by reviewing the topic in a general way.

 Next explain why the topic is important or why the readers should care about this issue.
 Lastly, state your thesis.

2. Body paragraph

 Each paragraph must have some logical connection to the thesis statement in the opining
 Some paragraphs will directly support the thesis statement whit evidence collected during

You might include counterargument paragraph that speaks to the opposing view to provide context for
your won argument.

3. Conclusion

 Do not include any new idea in the conclusion rather the restate of introduction.
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 Restate why the topic is important, review the main points and review your thesis.
 You may also want to include a short discussion of more research that should be completed in
light of your work.

The argumentative essay sample

Title: The Negative Impact of Technology on Education

In today's digital age, technology has undeniably transformed the education landscape. However,
its pervasive influence has raised concerns about its detrimental effects on the learning process. This
essay aims to argue that the overreliance on technology in education can have negative consequences.

The overuse of digital devices in the classroom has led to increased distractions among students.
Instead of focusing on the lesson at hand, students may find themselves drawn to social media, games,
or other non-educational content, thereby hindering their ability to concentrate and learn effectively.

Furthermore, the reliance on technology for educational material may have led to a decline in
critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. With easy access to information online,
students may be less inclined to engage in analytical thinking and may struggle to develop the ability to
think independently and critically evaluate information.

Moreover, the digital divide between students with access to technology and those without has
exacerbated educational inequalities. Students from low-income families or underserved communities
may not have the same access to technology, placing them at a disadvantage compared to their more
privileged peers.

In conclusion, while technology undoubtedly offers numerous benefits, its overreliance in

education can impede the learning process. It is crucial for educators to carefully consider the negative
implications of technology and find ways to strike a balance that ensures all students have equal
opportunities to learn and succeed.

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declarative/opinion paragraph
The opinion paragraph is a type of academic writing. this paragraph besides of reasons and supporting
details the contains the writer’s opinion.

The introductory paragraph describes a situation including your perspective of it, which is the main idea
of your essay (thesis statement) that clearly expresses how you feel about the topic.

Body paragraph
The body paragraph supports the thesis statement. Each body paragraph gives a specific reason for your
opinion and examples to make it strong.

Is the last paragraph, it restates your opinion, summarizes the reasons and gives a prediction about the

The opinion essay sample

Studying abroad

In today’s world education is an important issue and every one wants to study in a better and
academic environment thus studying in foreign countries can be a good choice actually, it has pros and
cons this topic covers both sights.

At first studying abroad has lots of advantages. By studying abroad knowing about other cultures
and language with native speakers become easier in addition, having a good education equipment and
life facilities nevertheless students who are studying in foreign countries may have a good term time.

In other hand educating in other countries may lead some troubles for students beyond its
benefits. firstly being far from home could be a irony problem for students also meeting new people
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and spending all time with culture and behavior diversity possibly is demanding moreover, students can
not feel comfortable in a new environment hence understanding lessons will be hard for them.

Eventually, studying abroad can be a good opportunity, however, it has some hardships. In my
point of view by studying in foreign country I can have a better term time.

Discussion paragraph
In a discussion paragraph the writer discusses a main idea or point. This type of paragraph is often used
to analyze or critically examine a topic or issue.

In the introduction you need a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of your essay.

Body paragraph
The body paragraph contains supporting sentences to support the main idea in the introduction
paragraph moreover supporting details to provide evidence or examples.

In the conclusion restate the topic sentence and summarize your opinion and the body paragraph.

The discussion essay sample

Title: The Importance of Physical Exercise

Physical exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. It offers a wide range of benefits
that are essential for overall well-being. Firstly, engaging in regular physical activity helps to improve
cardiovascular health. This is because exercise helps to strengthen the heart, enabling it to pump blood
more efficiently throughout the body. Additionally, physical activity is linked to the prevention of various
chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancer.

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Furthermore, regular exercise serves to enhance mental well-being. When we exercise, the brain
releases endorphins, also known as "feel-good" chemicals, which can alleviate feelings of stress and
anxiety. Moreover, physical activity can lead to improved self-esteem and confidence as individuals
achieve their fitness goals.

In conclusion, the importance of physical exercise cannot be overstated. The numerous health
benefits it provides, both physically and mentally, are crucial for a high quality of life. Therefore, it is
essential that individuals make regular physical activity a priority in their daily routines.

Analyzes paragraph
An analyzes essay is an academic piece of writing that carefully examines a topic by breaking it down
into smaller parts. The writer looks at the parts in separate paragraphs and gives reasons why something
is true.

In the introduction paragraph just introducing the main idea and briefly mentioning the reasons you
want to include is enough.

Body paragraph
In the body paragraph give details to the reasons you already mentioned in introduction, however ,
every reasons needs separately body paragraph with at least two examples.

Restate the main idea and summarize body paragraphs.

The analyses essay sample

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Social media has become an integral part of modern society, with platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter connecting people from all over the world. However, the impact of excessive
social media use on mental health has raised concerns among experts.

The constant comparison of one's life to the curated realities of others on social media can lead to
feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Additionally, the addictive nature of scrolling through
endless feeds can contribute to increased anxiety and depression among users.

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Furthermore, studies have shown that the constant exposure to unrealistic beauty standards and
lifestyle portrayals can negatively impact body image and self-worth, especially among young users.

In conclusion, while social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and share
information, its detrimental effects on mental health cannot be ignored. It is crucial for individuals to
practice moderation and mindfulness when engaging with social media to mitigate its negative impact
on their well-being.

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