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Foundations/Sets and numbers - Kropholler, Schleimer, Wood Exercise sheet 1.

Please let us know if any of the problems are unclear, have typos, or have mistakes.
Note that these are not to be turned in and will not be assessed. Unlike the exercises
in the lecture notes, no model solutions will be provided. Some of these problems may
appear in the quizzes or in the exam.
Exercise 1.1. Determine which of the following sets are equal to which.
A = {0, 1, 3, 3} B = {0, 1, 2, 3} C = {0, 2, 1, 2}
D = {3, 1, 0, 0} E = {2, 2, 1, 0} F = {1, 0, 2, 1}
Exercise 1.2. List the elements of each of the following sets.
1. {x ∈ R ∣ x2 = 1}
2. {x ∈ N ∣ x < 1}
3. {x ∈ Z ∣ x2 = 2}
Exercise 1.3. For each of the following sets determine whether or not −1 is an element
of the set. Likewise determine whether or not {−1} is an element of the set.
1. {x ∈ Z ∣ x2 + 2x + 1 = 0}
2. {−1, {−1}}
3. {{−1}, {{−1}}}
Exercise 1.4. Suppose that X = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Show that there are eight subsets of X
containing 1. Determine the number of subsets that do not contain 1.
Exercise 1.5. Determine the number of elements in the following set.
{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 21, 49, 165}
Exercise 1.6. List all of the subsets of the following:
1. {1, 2, 3, 4}
2. ∅
3. {∅}
4. {R, Z, R≥0 }
Exercise 1.7. Determine the number of functions on J3K. Count how many of them are
injections. Count how many of them are surjections. Find a function on J3K which is
neither injective nor surjective.
Exercise 1.8. Determine the number of functions from J2K to J3K. Count how many of
them are injections. Count how many of them are surjections.

2022-10-02 1

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