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Organizational change can best be defined as ) 1

D ) any alteration of people , structure , or technology

Alison has an idea for improving the cfliciency of her work area . When she approached ) 2
her supervisor , she was asked to shepherd the idea through the approval , implementation ,
and evaluations processes . Alison has become a

A ) supervisor

B ) change agent

C ) group leader

D ) job coach

Answer : B

In organizations , people who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for ) 3
managing the change process are called

A ) change masters

B ) change agents

C ) change champions

D ) change generators

Answer : B

Changes in eating habits are a symptom of stress)104

A) physical

B) psychological

C) behavioral

D) financial

Answer: C

?Which one of the following is true regarding reduction of employee stress )105

A) In order to reduce stress, managers should make sure that the employee's abilities match
the job requirements

B) A realistic job preview during the selection process maximizes stress by reducing
ambiguity over job expectations

C) Improved organizational communications maximizes ambiguity - induced stress

D) Job redesigns that increase opportunities for employees to participate in decisions and to
gain social support increase stress

Answer A
Managers offer to employees who want to talk to someone about their problems )106

A) wellness programs

B) time management programs

C) employee counseling

D) performance planning programs

Answer C

Cultural change is likely to take place when a dramatic crisis occurs. Answer: TRUE 110) )109
A leadership change can facilitate cultural change. Answer: TRUE

Stress is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from )111
extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities. Answer: TRUE

Stress can be caused by personal factors and by job - related factors. Answer: TRUE )112

Stress symptoms can be categorized as physical, psychological, and psychomotor, )114116

Answer: FALSE

A realistic job preview during the selection process minimizes stress by reducing task )117
overload. Answer: FALSE

refers to the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations ) 121
.between ideas

A) Innovation

B) Alteration

C) Creativity

D) Change

Answer: C
is the process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful product or work ) 122

A )Innovation

B) Inspiration

C) Creativity

D) Ingenuity

Answer: A

?Which of the following is an example of a cultural variable that fosters innovation )123

A) abundant resources

B) low external controls

C) low specialization

D) high job security

Answer: B

When a member of her team offers an "off - the - wall" solution to a team problem, )124
!Martina has to contend with what cultural variable

A) tolerance of conflict

B) tolerance of risk

C) tolerance of the impractical

D) focus on ends

Answer: C

?Which of the following is a structural variable that supports innovation )125

A) work and non - work support

B) tolerance of conflict

C) focus on ends

D) high job security

Answer: A

Organizations need change because ) 5

A ) the future is unpredictable

B ) the environment is stable

C ) external and internal factors create the forces for change

D ) employees get bored with the status quo

Answer : C
The technology change in the manufacturing process of New Ideas , Inc.'s products to ) 7
make the process more efficient is the result of a competitor lowering its price . Therefore ,
it was an ) A ) external force of change B ) internal force of change C ) marketplace force of
change D ) economic force of change Answer : A

First he was all about innovation. Next it was efficiency. Now Snyder's strategy is customer
responsiveness. These changes in strategy are indicative of A) external force of change B)
internal force of change C) marketplace force of change D) economic force of change
) Answer: B

When the employees express their concem about their bonus checks, which of the .9 8
following types of forces of change is in play? A) external force of change B) labor market
force of change C) internal force of change D) social force of change Answer: C

Which one of the following is an example of changing consumer preferences? A) Cell )10
phone cameras have improved with each version of the phone. B) Employers with at least 50
employees must offer health care plans C) A recession has caused an increase in
unemployment D) The colors in home fashions change every year. Answer: D

Which one of the following represents a change in technology? A) Most business )11
communication involves email B) Electricity is produced by generating plants that burn coal.
C) Bold, bright colors in clothing and wall paint have largely replaced neutrals. D) The
participation rate of the U.S. labor force is at its lowest point in the last 40 years. Answer: A

Sales are down ; unemployment is up . Evergreen Park Homes can no longer support its ) 12
current level of production Evergreen is facing a change in A ) government regulations B )
technology C ) consumer preferences D ) the economy Answer : D

Falling interest rates are an example of what extemal force ? A ) change in composition ) 13
of workforce B ) change in employee attitudes C ) technological change D ) economic change
Answer : D

Bullseye , a large discount retailer , discovered it could not compete with the world's ) 14
largest retailer and has repositioned itself as a more upscale discount department store .
This move represents a change in A ) consumer preferences B ) organizational strategy C )
technology D ) the economy Answer : B

During his first year of employment . Arnold saw mostly white male faces in his plant . Now
he sees women and men of all ages and ethnicities . Communication has become challenging
. Amold has noticed a change in the A ) lifestyle choices B ) workforce composition C )
) employment laws D ) employee attitudes Answer : B

Increasing the numbers of employed women and minorities forces managers to pay ) 1516
attention to what change factor ? A ) organizational strategy B ) changes in the composition
of the workforce C ) new equipment D ) changing technology Answer : B

Which one of the following represents a change in technology ? A ) Hand - held ) 17

calculators replaced pencil and paper in the workplace . B ) Brenda exchanged her broken
iPhone 4 for an iPhone 5 . C ) Wooden desks were replaced by steel ones with composite
tops , D ) Brownstone Corp. carpeted the tile floors in its office areas . Answer : A

Labor strikes are an example of which of the following interal change factors ? A ) )18
workforce composition B ) new equipment C ) employee attitudes D ) organizational strategy
. Answer : C

Fuel prices keep spiraling upward so recreational vehicle manufacturers are being )25
pressured to produce lighter units that can be pulled by smaller trucks. This situation is
representative of A) a driving force B) a social force C) a restraining force D) an economic
force Answer: A

The two metaphors commonly used to describe the two views of the change process )26
are A) smooth water and troubled water B) calm waters and white - water rapids C) shallow
water and falling water D) burning bridge and water over the dam Answer: B

In the metaphor, change is normal and expected and managing it is a continual )27
process A) calm waters B) white water rapids C) smooth water D) water over the dam
Answer: B

Business had been humming along just fine until the Great Recession hit Benton )28
Industries adjusted by laying off employees until the recession ended then hired them back.
Then it was back to business as usual. This is an example of A) the shallow water metaphor
B) the calm waters metaphor C) the white water rapids metaphor D) the falling water
metaphor Answer: B

Lewin's three - step process is consistent with the theory of organizational change A) )29
white - water rapids B) shallow waters C) smooth waters D) calm waters Answer: D 30)
According to Kurt Lewin, which of the following is a stage in the change process? A)
restraining B) driving processing D) unfreezing Answer: D

According to Kurt Lewin, increasing the driving forces is a means of A) unfreezing B) )31 )
changing C) restraining D) refreezing Answer: A
The unfreezing step of the change process can he thought of as A) changing to a new )32
state B) sustaining a change over time C) changing the organizational structure D)
preparing for the needed change Answer: D

According to Lewin, which of the following is the objective of refreezing? A) directing )33
behavior away from the change B) hindering the existing equilibrium C) eliminating the
need for future change D) stabilizing the new situation Answer: D

If it's not one thing it's another. We just get used to doing things one way and " )34
suddenly that's not good enough anymore. It's a new machine here, a new manager there,
changing customer demands - it never endst "This is an example of A) the water over the
dam metaphor B) the calm waters metaphor C) the white - water rapids metaphor D) the
falling water metaphor Answer C

New Ideas, Inc. , focuses on new ideas, uses technology that changes frequently, and )35
has strong competition in the market. This situation describes what metaphor of change? A)
a shallow water metaphor B) a falling water rapid metaphor C) a rapid water metaphor D)
a white - water rapids metaphor Answer: D

When the Pinto cars made by Ford were included involved in fatal rear - crash )36
accidents, Ford officials made a decision to discontinue that model. Their decision was a(n)
change A) inactive B) proactive C) reactive D) retroactive Answer: C

Bob is the noon manager at a fast - food hamburger restaurant. As soon as he saw the )37
bus pull into the parking lot, he ordered the cooks to put down as many patties as the grill
would hold and shifted his people around so every cash register was open Bob's response
was A) inactive B) proactive C) deactive D) retroactive Answer: C

Organizational change is any alteration of A) people, structure, or technology B) )42

structure, management, or goals C) technology, goals, or management D) rules,
procedures, or management Answer: A

During the great recession, average household discretionary income declined. Families ) 43
sought less expensive alternatives for luxury items. Producers adjusted by offering lighter
weight lower - cost items. These producers changed their A) strategies B) structures C)
people D) technology Answer: A

Colin believes his organization could be more Profitable if it could respond to )44
customers more quickly so he has decided to remove some management layers and increase
the remaining managers' span of control. These would be considered changes in A)
structural design B) structural process C) degree of centralization D) structural components
Answer: D
Structural component changes include A) combining departmental responsibilities B) )45
changing work processes C) changing attitudes D) changing behavior Answer: A

If Kelly were to consider enhancing productivity by giving greater authority to her ) 46

subordinates and increasing formalization, she would be considering A) structural changes
B) technological C) people D) strategy Answer: A

A company that decides to decentralize its sales procedures is managing changes A) )47
technological B) people C) strategy D) structural Answer) D

Which type of change might include a shift from a functional to a product structure! A) )49
a structural design change B) a structural component change C) a technological change D) a
people change Answer: A

After several expansions and acquisitions that resulted in duplicate positions of several ) 50
administrative functions, U.S. Big Corp. decided to reorganize itself around customers rather
than around functions. This would amount to a change in A) structural design B) selection
process C) degree of centralization D) structural components Answer: A

Changes work processes, methods, and cquipment are a part of A) technological B) )51
structural component C) financial D) structural design Answer: A

Technological changes usually involve the introduction of A) new equipment, tools, or )52
operating methods B) new equipment tools or people C) new equipment, operating
methods or structure D) new equipment, people, or structure Answer: A

The installation of the new equipment at Fred Fryer's Donuts, Inc. is an example of A) )53
people change B) management change C) technological change D) structural change
Answer: C

When supermarkets and other retailers use scanners that provide instant inventory ) 54
information, they are adopting changes A) technological B) people C) efficiency D)
structural Answer: A

is the term used to describe change methods that focus on people and the nature and )55
quality of interpersonal work relationships A) Commercial development B) Organizational
development Career Development D) Comprehensive development Answer: B

is a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction, A) Team )57

building B) Intergroup development C) Survey feedback D) Sensitivity training Answer D

58An increase in the diversity of his department has led to conflict and animosity. To reduce
this and allow his team to become more productive. Lemuel has asked the Human Resources
) .department to provide for his people
A) survey feedback

B) sensitivity training

.C) team building

D) intergroup development

t Answer: B

What organizational development technique involves changing the attitudes, )59

stereotypes, and perceptions that work groups have about each other? A) team building B)
intergroup development C) survey feedback D) sensitivity training Answer: B

Organizational change can be any alteration of strategy, people, structure, or )60

technology, Answer: TRUE

Changing structure includes any change in structural variables such as reporting )62
relationships, coordination mechanisms, employee empowerment, or job redesign Answer:

An individual is likely to resist change because of the feeling A) of achievement B) of

uncertainty C) of personal gain D) that the change is in the organization's best interest
) Answer: B

Shelly was the most senior employee in the department and knew just about everything
about everyone else's job. If all employees in the department were cross - trained, Shelly
would no longer have an advantage that brought with it special privileges Shelly's resistance
to change came from her A) belief that uncertainty would increase B) fear that she would be
forced out of her habit C) concern over personal lose D) belief that the changes would harm
) the organization Answer: C

Which one of the following techniques for reducing resistance to change assumes that )70
much of the resistance lies in misinformation! A) negotiation B) education and
communication c) participation D) facilitation and support Answer: B

In addition to face - to - face meetings, employers are encouraged to use | 1 )72

communicate information about changes to their workforce A) paid public announcements
B) social media C) bulletin boards D) emails Answer: B

involves includes individuals directly affected by the proposed change into the decision - )73
making process A) Participation B) Facilitation and support C) Delegation D) Manipulation
and co – potation Answer: A

Which one of the following techniques for reducing resistance to change includes )75
employee counseling, therapy, new skills training, or a short paid leave of absence A)
negotiation B) facilitation and support C) manipulation and co - optation D) coercion
Answer: B
involves exchanging something of value for an agreement to lessen the resistance to )76
the change effort A) Negotiation B) Manipulation and co – potation C) Coercion D)
Facilitation and support Answer: A

involves distorting facts to make the change appear more attractive A) Framing B) )77
Education and communication C) Participation D) Manipulation and co – potation Answer

Which of the following is a favorable condition that will facilitate a cultural change? A) ) 78
The organization has a strong culture B) The organization has a long existence C) A dramatic
crisis occurs D) A stable leadership exists Answer: C

A change capable organization A) links the present and the future B) seeks incremental ) 87
changes C) encourages group – think D) follows its competitor's footsteps Answer: A

Which of the following is a characteristic of a change - capable organization? A) ) 89

separates the present and the future B) makes controlling a way of life C) encourages group
– think D) shelters breakthroughs Answer: D

Which one of the following statements is most related to making successful change )90
happen? A) Managers know best; they have all the answers, B) People will support what
they help create C) The only constant is change D) The more things change, the more they
are the same Answer: B

Cultural change is most likely to take place when A) the organization is old B) the )91
organization is large C) the culture is strong D) there is a leadership change Answer : D

Which one of the following is a strategy for managing cultural change? A) Support )92
employees who remain devoted to the old values, B) Redesign socialization processes to
align with the new values. C) Keep the same stories and rituals D) Allow subcultures to
flourish Answer B

It is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from ) 93
extraordinary demands. constraints or opportunities A) Euphoria B) Stress Degeneration D)
Disease Answer: B

A prevents an individual from doing what he desires A )constraint B) demand C) lien )94
D) necessity Answer: A

are factors related to an employee's job and include the design of a person's job, )95
working conditions, and the physical work layout A) Task demands B) Role demands C)
Interpersonal demands D) Psychological demands Answer A

One way to lessen stress in a job is to A) reduce the task identity in the job B) increase )96
the task significance of the position C) increase the autonomy in the job D) increase the
interdependence of the position Answer:C

creates expectations that may be hard to reconcile of satisfy. A) Role ambiguity B) Role ) 97
conflict Role onerload D) Role demand Answer
Stress symptoms are grouped under the categories of A) physical, economic, and legal )101
B) physical, psychological and behavioral C) physical, psychological and cultural D) physical,
political and social Answer: B

Which of the following is a physical symptom of stress? A) changes in metabolism B) )102

changes in productivity C) changes in attitude D) changes in mood Answer: A

which of the following is an example of a psychological symptom of stress? A) )103

changes in metabolism B) increased heart and breathing rate C) procrastination D) changes
in productivity Answer: C

An innovative culture is likely to have A) high external controls B) low tolerance of ) 126
risks C) closed - system focus D) tolerance of conflict Answer: D

Edwin would like to increase the level of creativity and innovation in his department. )127
One step he could take would be to A) decrease external control B) decrease diversity of
opinions C) reduce resources D) resolve conflict Answer: A

Which of the following structural variables is supportive of organizational innovation? )128

A) minimal time pressure B) less creative people C) high interunit communication D)
abundant resources Answer: C

actively and enthusiastically support new ideas, build support, overcome resistance, and
ensure that innovations are implemented A) Idea champions B) Idea developers C) Idea
generators D) Idea screeners Answer A

Most idea champions A) have extremely high self - confidence B) are lethargic C) avoid )131
risks D) are relenting Answer: A

Design thinking can provide a process for A) brainstorming B) coming up with things )132
that don't exist C) experimenting with customers D) connecting idea champions in the design
) department with marketing experts Answer: B

Creativity refers to the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual )133
) associations between ideas. Answer: TRUE Disruptive innovation describes

clectricity. C) Humans develop the capability of communicating telepathically D) Medical

science develops a cure for all cancers. Answer: C ) 137 138) Which one of the following
would be considered a sustaining innovation? A) Batteries for electric cars have a range of
500 miles on one charge. B) The steam engine makes travel by rail possible Robots are
trained as combat soldiers D) Chips embedded into the brain provide access to entire
The term skunk works refers to A) a project gone bad B) an entrepreneurial operation )139
funded by a large organization C) a production facility that no longer meets the needs of the
organization D) an off - balance - sheet, secret research facility engaged in questionable
activities Answer: B

Organizational change is any alteration of A) people, structure, or technology B) ) 42

structure, management, or goals C) technology, goals, or management D) rules,
procedures, or management Answer: A

It is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from ) 93
extraordinary demands. constraints, or opportunities. A) Euphoria B) Stress C)
Degeneration D) Disease Answer: B

An innovative culture is likely to have A) high external controls B) low tolerance of ) 126
risks C) closed - system focus D) tolerance of conflict Answer: D

Design thinking can do for innovation what TQM did for quality. Answer: TRUE ) 134
Human Resource

Employers are changing from traditional to defined contribution plans as a cost-cutting )121
measure. Answer: TRUE

In providing assistance to employees being downsized, many organizations offer some )112
form A) severance pay B) piece-rate pay C) overtime pay D) merit pay

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