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Kirchhoff’s laws
 These are laws that govern the determination of currents and voltages in a circuit

1. Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL)

 KCL states: the algebraic sum of currents meeting at a point (or junction) is zero.

∑ I =0
Illustrative examples:

‒ Some currents are leading to junction A

while others are leading away from it.
‒ Consider the incoming currents to be
positive and outgoing currents to be
‒ According to KCL:
I 1+ ( −I 2 ) + ( −I 3 ) + I 4 + ( −I 5 ) =0

I 1+ I 4 =I 2 + I 3 + I 5
i.e. incoming currents=outgoing currents

I + (−I 1) + (−I 2 ) + ( −I 3 ) + ( −I 4 )=0

I =I 1+ I 2 + I 3 + I 4

Example: Find the unknown currents marked in the figure below:

NB: Supplement your learning from the lecture and lecture notes by independent study and discussions.
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‒ At junction B,
50=20+ I 1
I 1=50−20=30 A
‒ At junction C,
I 2=20+15=35 A
‒ At junction D,
I 1=120+ I 3
I 3=I 1−120
I 3=30−120=−90 A
NB: -ve sign indicates that I 3 is in the opposite direction to that shown
in the diagram.
‒ At junction E,
I 3+ I 4 =15
(−90)+ I 4 =15
I 4=90+15=105 A
‒ At junction F,
120=40+ I 5
I 5=120−40=80 A

2. Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL)

 KVL states: the algebraic sum of the product of currents and resistances in each of the
conductors in any closed path in a network plus the algebraic sum of the emfs in that
path is zero.

∑ IR +∑ emf =0

NB: the algebraic signs of the voltage drops and emfs should be taken into account i.e.

Going through a resistor in the same direction as the current means

a fall in potential.
This fall in potential is given a –ve sign.

NB: Supplement your learning from the lecture and lecture notes by independent study and discussions.
Page 3 of 5 SPH 2110: Instrumental Electronics Lecture Notes

Going through a resistor in a direction opposite to that of the

current means a rise in potential.
This rise in potential is given a +ve sign.

A rise in voltage should be given a +ve sign.

A fall in voltage should be given a -ve sign.

o Illustration: consider the closed path ABCDA in the figure below:

‒ By moving round the mesh in a clockwise direction, the voltage drops will
have the following signs:
I 1 R1 is−ve ( fall ∈ potential )
I 2 R2 is−ve(fall ∈potential)
I 3 R3 is+ve (rise ∈potential)
I 4 R4 is−ve (fall ∈potential)
E2 is−ve(fall∈potential)
E1 is+ve (rise ∈potential)
o Using KVL, we get
(−I 1 R 1) + (−I 2 R2 ) + I 3 R3 + ( −I 4 R 4 ) + (−E 2 )+ E1=0
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−I 1 R1−I 2 R 2+ I 3 R3−I 4 R4 −E2 + E1=0

I 1 R1 + I 2 R2 −I 3 R3 + I 4 R 4=E 1−E2

i.e. the algebraic sum of the products of current and resistance(voltage drops)
taken around the loop is equal to the resultant e.m.f. acting in that loop

NB: The direction of current flow may be assumed clockwise or anticlockwise.

Example: Determine the value of e.m.f. E in the figure below:

Solution: move clockwise around the loop starting at point A.

−2 I +3+ (−2.5 I ) +6+ (−1.5 I ) + E+ (−4 )+ (−I ) =0
3+6+ E−4=( 2 ) I + ( 2.5 ) ( I )+ ( 1.5 ) I + ( 1 ) (I )
5+ E=( 2 ) ( 2 )+ ( 2.5 ) ( 2 )+ ( 1.5 ) (2 )+ (1 )( 2 )=14
E=14−5=9 V

Example: Use Kirchhoff’s laws to determine the currents flowing in each branch of the
network shown below:


NB: Supplement your learning from the lecture and lecture notes by independent study and discussions.
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i. Use KCL and label current

directions on the original circuit
The directions for the currents are
chosen arbitrarily, but it is usual, as
a starting point, to assume that
current flows from the positive
terminals of the batteries.

ii. Divide the two circuit loops and apply KVL for each.
‒ For loop 1 and moving in a clockwise direction as indicated (direction
does not matter),
E1± ( I 1 + I 2 ) ( R )±( I 1 )( r 1 )=0
E 1= ( I 1 + I 2 ) ( R ) + ( I 1 ) ( r 1 )
4=( I 1 + I 2 ) ( 4 )+ ( I 1 ) ( 2 )

6 I 1+ 4 I 2=4 ………………Equation 1

‒ For loop 2 and moving in an anticlockwise direction as indicated,

E 2= ( I 1 + I 2 ) ( R ) + ( I 2 ) ( r 2)
2=( I 1 + I 2 ) ( 4 )+ ( I 2 ) ( 1 )

4 I 1 +5 I 2=2………………Equation 2

iii. Solve equations ………………Equation 11 and 2 for I 1 and I 2. Thus,

2 × Equation 1 gives 12 I 1 +8 I 2=8
3 × Equation 2 gives 12 I 1 +15 I 2=6

Equation 1 – Equation 2 gives −7 I 2=6 or I 2=−0.286 A

i.e. I 2 is flowing in the opposite direction to that shown in the diagram.

Substituting I 2 into Equation 1 gives 6 I 1+ 4 (−0.286)=4 or I 1=0.857 A

I R is I 1+ I 2=0.857 + (−0.286 )=0.571 A

NB: Supplement your learning from the lecture and lecture notes by independent study and discussions.

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