Notes English SPM

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Cohesive devices are used to link sentences, paragraphs and ideas. They are used to provide logical LIST OF BOMBASTIC WORDS
connection between ideas. Linking ideas is one of the most important keys to writing a good essay. COMMON SAMPLE SENTENCES SOTHIPISCATED
There are many types of cohesive devices and they serve different functions. Cohesive devices are also WORDS WORDS
known as transitions, coordinators and linkers. Some important and common cohesive devices are as Attractive The interior design of her bedroom was stunning
follows: attractive.
Beautiful The scenery was beautiful. spectacular
COHESIVE DEVICES FUNCTION EXAMPLE Big We spent six hours at the big shopping colossal
Firstly, secondly, first, second, finally, To show the logical order of ideas or Firstly, the internet plays an important
lastly, for one thing, to begin with, next time sequence role in the world of communication. mall.
Busy We left the busy town after lunch. bustling
Also, similarly, furthermore, likewise, To link ideas together and state …the Internet also saves time as Clean The beach was clean. pristine
moreover explicitly that two items are similar to message can be delivered in a matter of Clear The sea was clear. crystalline
each other seconds.
Cloudy The sky was cloudy. sunless
Colourful The buildings were colourful. resplendent
Besides that, other than that, apart from To add ideas and to link the new ideas Besides that, the Internet also saves Cool The wind from the mountain was cool. breezy
that, on top of that, in addition to the previous ideas time as message can be delivered in a Crowded The stadium was crowded on Sunday. jam-packed
matter of seconds.
Dangerous The road to the apartment was dangerous. perilous
Dark It was dark outside. pitch-black
This is because, this is due to the fact To provide a reason to illustrate an idea This is because the Internet offers easy Dirty The public toilet was dirty. Ulthy
that provided earlier and inexpensive ways to communicate Famous We stayed at a famous resort. renowned
such as emails, messenger, chatting,
teleconferencing and blogging. Fresh The air was fresh. invigorating
Grand The hotel lobby was grand. majestic
Great The waterfalls were great. magniUcent
In sum, in short, in conclusion, to To summarize ideas either at the end of In conclusion, it is undeniable that the High We took photos of the high tower. soaring
conclude, all in all, overall, to summarize sections of explicitly state that the essay internet brings us many advantages.
is concluding
Hot We ran under the hot sun. scorching
Isolated The camping site was isolated. secluded
Which is to say, in other words, that is To reinforce the previous idea by In other words, the internet helps to Noisy Our school canteen was noisy during deafening
expressing it in a slightly different way promotes students learning. recess.
to make it more explicit
Peaceful The village was peaceful. serene
For example, for instance, such as, To provide an example in order to …the Internet offers easy and Polluted The air in the city centre was polluted. impure
namely, specifically illustrate an idea inexpensive ways to communicate such Rough The countryside was rough. rugged
as emails, messenger, chatting, Special The chalet’s architecture was special. distinguished
teleconferencing and blogging.
Strange The man-made park was strange. peculiar
Consequently, thus, as a result, hence, To demonstrate that the following idea Therefore, I strongly disagree with the Strong The wooden bridge was strong. indestructible
so, therefore is a result of the previous idea writer’s opinions which were published Wonderful The Disneyland was wonderful. fantastic
in your editorial column. Sample sentence Sophisticated
On the other hand, on the contrary, in To signal differences of alternatives Instead, we should make full use of the adjective
contrast, alternatively, conversely, by between two ideas Internet to benefit mankind. Active She was an active student. agile
comparison, instead of, instead Adventurous He was an adventurous person. bold
Beautiful His bride was very beautiful. appealing
Though, however, nevertheless, in spite To state an opposing idea However, I do agree up to a certain Brave My father was very brave. bold
of that point with the writer that the Internet Careful We were careful in making decisions. meticulous
has the potential to distract students Clever The clever boy smiled at me. brainy
from their studies Committed He was a committed employee. devoted
Not only…but also To put ideas together and to show that Information from various fields such as ConUdent I was conUdent we would win. optimistic
they are on an equal level business, education, science and Cooperative Everyone was cooperative accommodating
entertainment from all over the world is Famous She was a famous singer. celebrated
not only easily obtainable but most of it
also free of charge

Friendly The receptionist was friendly. amiable Sad They were sad to lose the game. cheerless
Funny My granduncle was funny. hilarious Scared She was scared to stay alone at night. petriUed
Generous The manager was generous. philanthropic Surprised She was surprised to see me. stunned
Glamorous He led a glamorous life. dazzling Unsure My mother was unsure to make her own hesitant
Good His son had good personalities. virtuous decision.
Great His mother was a great lawyer. eminent Worried He looked worried. apprehensive
Hardworking The workers were hardworking. industrious Accurate The answers given were accurate. Precise
Helpful My best friend was helpful. obliging Bright He used a bright colour to paint his room. Gaudy
Honest I admired the honest tour guide. trustworthy Cheap The items were cheap. inexpensive
Kind The district oYcer was kind. benevolent Clear My explanation was clear. Lucid
Special We had a special guest. notable Comfortable The new sofa was comfortable. Comfy
Strict Her husband was a strict man. rigid Delicious We tasted the delicious food. delectable
Strong He fought with a strong man. mighty Easy Frying egg was easy. e[ortless
Successful The successful team was great. triumphant Important It was an important day to me. momentous
Tidy Her tidy look impressed us. well-groomed Interesting The story was interesting. engrossing
Arrogant I hated his arrogant attitude. snobbish Lasting I hoped to have a lasting marriage. long-standing
Bad I could not stand my bad neighbour. dreadful Perfect The essay was perfect. ]awless
Careless She was a careless driver. reckless Strong Her evidence was strong. undisputed
Crazy Were they crazy? lunatic Successful Our plans were successful. fruitful
Cruel The cruel criminal was arrested. ruthless Valuable He took all the valuable items. treasured
Dishonest The dishonest clerk was Ured. fraudulent Accidental The mistake was accidental. unintentional
Evil We stayed away from the evil killer. devilish Bad The plane crash was bad. Appalling
Forgetful He was young but very forgetful. scatterbrained Boring We left early as the movie was boring. Dreary
Fussy Her fussy mother-in-law was dying. picky Complex The problem was complex. Multifaceted
Greedy The village headman was greedy. avaricious DiYcult Climbing Mount Tahan was diYcult. Arduous
Lazy The lazy students were sleeping. indolent Expensive I bought an expensive house. Pricey
Rude The rude boy was her cousin. boorish Haunted The house was haunted. Ghostly
SelUsh Their selUsh attitude was bad. self-seeking Heavy The responsibility was heavy. Hefty
Strange Her strange acts scared us. creepy Ill His grandmother was very ill. Bedridden
Stupid Her stupid act made everybody angry. half-witted Illogical Her reason was illogical. Absurd
Garrulous She was a talkative neighbour. garrulous Tasteless The food was tasteless. Insipid
Troublesome He was punished for his troublesome act. irksome Tired We were tired. Exhausted
Ugly His face was ugly after the accident. hideous Unclear His unclear idea was rejected. Hazy
Useless A drunkard was a useless person. worthless Unlucky We were unlucky that day. luckless
Weak A weak leader made no progress. Futile Wrong It was wrong to cheat others. Sinful
Angry She was angry when her husband left her. Fuming
Bad I felt bad when I lied to you. Awful
Bored We were bored. bored sti[ SENTENCE CONNECTORS.
ConUdent We felt conUdent to be with him. Secure
Confused Everybody was confused when he suddenly ba\ed Sentence connectors Meaning Examples
To show similarity My two uncles have opened a business in
ran away.
- Similarly Begitujuga Kuala Lumpur. Similarly, I will open one
Disappointed He was disappointed when he got his result. disenchanted
- Likewise after my studies.
Happy We were happy to be there. Elated She was late and I,likewise was delayed.
Lonely The lonely wife cried in her room. lonesome
Nervous She looked nervous during the contest. Edgy To show contrast Ali worked hard. On the other hand/ in
Proud They were proud to be able to help us. swollen with pride - On the other contrast / however, Halim hardly did

hand - Berbezade any work at all. To show time I read the morning papers for a while.
- In contrast ngan - Afterwards - Selepasitu Afterwards, I took a shower.
- However - Walaubag Mr and Mrs Kana are old,nevertheless - First ….then - Mula-mula
- Nevertheless aimanapu they are still very active. - At Urst … First pick up the receiver and then insert
- Despite that / n - In the meantime kemudian a coin into the coin-box.
this - Namun Ahmad did not answer. Instead, he - Meanwhile - Padamula
- Instead looked out of the taxi window. nya, At Lrst, I had great diYculty with
- Although - Dalampad grammar. Later, however , I was able to
Although Kim Long sprained his ankle, he aitu overcome the diYculty by studying hard.
came to school.
The party is on Tuesday, but in the
To show result meantime I have to shop and prepare the
- As a - Akibatnya He passed his examination. Therefore / food.
consequence - Atassebabi Thus / Hence / Accordingly /
- For this reason ni Consequently, he had some good news They'll be here soon. Meanwhile, let's
- Therefore - Olehitu to tell his parents. have co[ee.
- As a result
- Consequently He lacks motivation to practise music. To show example
- Hence Therefore, he can't become a good - For example Sebagaicontoh There are many uses of water, for
- Thus musician. - For instance example, drinking, cooking, irrigation
- Because of this and running industrial plants.
Living in a big city o[ers good job
opportunities. Also, it provides good
educational opportunities. To explain
- In other words Denganperkataa The brochure dealt with travelling in
n lain Morocco. That is/In other
words/Namely, it discussed
transportation, currency, and language.

To show addition / Ali plays football. Moreover/ Besides/ To show negative

listing Lagi pun Also, he plays tennis. condition …atautidak… You should stop teasing the poor little boy,
- Moreover Tambahan pula - …or else Kalautidak or else, I’ll tell your mother of your act.
- Besides Pertama Mei Mei writes short stories. In addition, - Otherwise
- Also Sebagaipermul she writes articles for a newspaper. You must study hard. Otherwise, you’ll
- In addition aannya fail.
- Furthermore Kedua To complete his homework, Jack went
- First / Urst of Ketiga through various history books. To summarize
all / Urstly/ to Furthermore, he took notes from several - In summary Secararingkasny In summary/In brief/In short/In
begin with encyclopedias. - In brief a conclusion/To sum up, there are a lot of
- Secondly - In short advantages of having a healthy food fair
- Thirdly I prefer to buy fruit and vegetables in the - In conclusion Kesimpulannya in the school.
open market because they are quite - To sum up
cheap - In a nut shell
there. Besides, they are much fresher
than those sold at the greengrocers’.

Owning a car has some advantages.

Firstly, it gives you comfort. Secondly, it
saves you a lot of time. Thirdly, it gives PHRASAL VERBS : NOTES
you great freedom of movement.


ask for request Minta
ENGLISH MALAY ages ago long ago masalampau
break/broke into enter/entered by force masuktanpakebenaran
break/ broke down stop / stopped because of a Rosak
bring down reduce kurangkan
call 0n visit melawat
call o[ cancel batalkan
carry on continue sambungtugas/kerja
carry forward postpone bawakedepan
close shave narrow escape nyaris
come up produce (idea) beri (idea)
come across Und by chance terjumpa
cut down reduce kurangkan
cut o[ stop supplying hentikan
crash into hit melanggar
drop in / by visit melawat
end up Unish up / wind up siapkan / tamatkan
fall behind fail to keep up ketinggalan
Ugure out understand Faham
get along with be friendly with berkawan
get ready hurry Cepat
get through pass Lulus
get over recover (feelings) lupakan (perasaan)
go for choose pilih
go over review / check Semak
join in to take part mengambilbahagian
laugh at take lightly Ejek
listen to pay attention to memberiperhatian
look into investigate menyiasat
look out be careful berhati-hati
look forward expect with pleasure Ternanti-nanti
look after take care of menjaga
look up to respect menghormati
look through check menyemak
mad at angry Marah
map out plan rancang
make up to create Mereka-reka
make up to resolve a quarrel Berbaiksemula
make up for to substitute mengganti
make up one’s mind to decide membuatkeputusan
make out understand faham
pass away die mati

pass out fainted pengsan Bear in mind Remember Mengingat

put o[ postponed ditangguhkan Black sheep Person who is an Seseorang yang memalukan /
put forward propose mencadangkan embarrassment membawamasalah
put up to build mendirikan Blow one’s To boast Cakapbesar
put up with to be patient bersabardengan trumpet
rely on depend on bergantung Burn the midnight Study until late at Belajarhinggalewatmalam
run into meet terserempak oil night
running out lacking kehabisan Butter Ungers Slippery Ungers Cemerkap / kecuaian
running around busy sibuk /berkeliaran By hook or by By all means Denganapacarasekalipun
run over hit Langgar
set o[ start a journey bertolak
By leaps and Greatly Denganbesar / jaya
set up organize menganjurkan
sign up register mendaftar
Call it a day To end Menamatkan
spruce up clean mencuci
Caught red Caught in the act Tertangkapketikasedangmelakukank
step up increase meningkatkan
step forward move ahead kehadapan handed esalahan
tag along accompany mengekori Come on foot Walk Berjalan
take up to enter into (profession) memilihjurusan Could kill myself Furious with myself Marahdengandirisendiri
take after inherit Warisi Count me in Include me Libatkansaya
taken aback shocked Terkejut Crack of dawn Early in the morning Fajar
talk about it discuss bincang Crying over spilt Regretting Menyesal
think about consider mempertimbangkan milk
turn down reject menolak Day in and day Everyday without Setiaphari
turn up attend Hadir out exception
watch out be careful hati-hati Don’t lose heart Don’t be discouraged Janganputusasa
work out plan merancang Down to earth Humble/Honest Rendahdiri
work out exercise bersenam Drive me up the Make me very angry Membuatsayasangatmarah
write down list Tulis wall
work against oppose melawan Drop a line Write Menulissurat / menelefon
Easier said than Easier to talk about an Senangbercakapdarimelakukansesu
IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS : Notes done idea than carry it out atu
Eye catching Attractive Menarikperhatian
IDIOMATIC MEANINGS MEANINGS IN MALAY Flying colours Good grades Lulus dengancemerlang
EXPRESSIONS Getting on my Making me Mengujikesabaran
A bookworm One who likes to read Ulatbuku nerves annoyed/irritated
A close shave A narrow escape Nyaris / hampir-hampirtidakberjaya Give it a go Try it Cuba
A red letter day An important day Hari yang penting Green with envy Jealous Cemburu
A white elephant Useless possession Barang yang Grown out of Have gotten used to Sudahbiasa / lali
mahaltetapitidakberguna / them them
fungsinyasebagaihiasan Have green Good at gardening Pandaidalamberkebun
Apple of the eye Favourite person Anakemas / orang yang disayangi Ungers
Around the corner Coming soon Akan datang Heart and soul Commitment Penglibatansepenuhhati
At the eleventh At the last minute Padasaat-saatakhir Hold his head up Be proud Bermegah / berbesarhati
hour I am all ears I am listening Sudimendengar

In a twinkling of Very quickly Secepatkilat / sangatpantas Throw in the Give up Putusasa

an eye towel
In high spirits Happy Gembira To be in the same To be in the same Mengalaminasib yang sama
In hot water / In trouble Dalamkesusahan / boat circumstances
soup menghadapimasalah To believe your To believe what you Percayaapa yang didengar
Keep an eye To watch Tengok-tengokkan ears hear
Keep your word Keep your promise Tepatijanji To face the music To take the Menerimahukuman
Kept in mind Remembered Ingat punishment or
Lame excuse Poor reason Alasantidakmunasabah scolding
Lend a hand Help Menolong To keep one’s To hope for the best Mengharap yang terbaik
Let the cat out of Let a secret out Bocorkanrahsia
Ungers crossed
the bag To live from hand To live in hardship Sangatmiskin
Let you o[ Let you go / excuse Mengecualikananda
to mouth / to
make ends meet
Not kidding Not joking Tidakbergurau
To paint the town To enjoy oneself Menghiburkandiri
Not my cup of tea Not to my liking Tidakmeminati
Not one’s day Unlucky day Hari yang malang
To sit on the To take no sides in a Tidakmenyebelahi
Once in a blue Rarely Jarang-jarang
fence debate/ a quarrel mana-manapihak
Took to heart Be upset by Ambilhati / tersinggung
Out of the blue Unexpectedly Tanpadisangka-sangka
Turn over a new To change for the Insaf /
Piece of cake An easy task Sangatmudah
Practice makes You will be good if you Alahbisategalbiasa leaf better berubahsikapmenjadilebihbaik
Under the Slightly ill Tidaksihat / sakit
perfect do it often ( latihanmembawakepadakecekapan
Where there’s a When you are Di manaadakemahuan di situ
Put your mind to Concentrate Tumpukanperhatian
will, there’s a determined, you will adajalan
Raining cats and Raining heavily Hujanlebat way succeed
Reduced it to Completely burning it Bakarkeseluruhan
“Rome was not It takes time to Mengambilmasauntukberjaya
built in a day” succeed
Searched high Looked everywhere Mencarimeratatempat
and low
Soft spot Fondness Rasa sayang / kesukaan
Stand on their Be independent Berdikari
own feet
Stayed away from Avoided Menghindari
Strike while the Grab opportunities Rebut peluang
iron is hot
Spick and span Clean and tidy Bersih
The early bird Those who are early Siapacepatdiadapat
catches the worm will beneUt

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