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‫امتحان الوحدة السابعة‬

Lifelong learning…

‫ ثــم ظلــل بشــكل غامــق الدائــرة التــي تشــير إلــى رمــز اإلجابــة الصحيحــة فــي نموذج‬،‫اختــر رمــز اإلجابــة الصحيحــة فــي كل فقــرة ممــا يأتــي‬
4 ‫ ) لــكل واحــد منهــا‬50( ‫علمــا بــأن عــدد الفقــرات‬،‫اإلجابــة( ورقــة القــارئ الضوئــي) فهــو النمــوذج المعتمــد (فقــط) الحتســاب عالمتك‬
. 200 ‫ والعالمــة النهائيــة‬7 ‫عالمــات وعــدد الصفحــات‬


For questions (1 – 14), read -the following texts carefully, and then choose the correct answer from A,
B, C or D to complete the sentence below each text.
Our country has a high standard of education. This is mainly due to the fact that the government
considers education a necessity. All schools, from kindergarten to secondary, are the responsibility of the
Ministry of Education (MOE). Pre-school and kindergarten education is optional, followed by ten years
of free, compulsory education. For higher education, students enter university, either for academic or
vocational courses.
Students can attend one of ten public universities, or one of nineteen private universities. A large
number of Jordanian students choose to study at these institutions, as well as foreign students from all over
the world. These are undergraduates studying for a first degree, or postgraduates studying for a Master’s
degree, a PhD or a higher diploma.
1- Higher education in Jordan has two educational paths that students can attend after leaving schools
. These paths are :
A- academic or vocational courses. B- academic or secondary
C- academic or compulsory education D- academic or Pre-school
2- Students of different levels go to university to get degrees. Two of these degrees are :
A- PhD or secondary B- PhD or a higher diploma
C- PhD or compulsory D- PhD or secondary
3- Pre-school and kindergarten education is optional :
A- true B- false
4- Pre-school and kindergarten education is optional, followed by twelve years of free, compulsory
A- true B- false
5- The sentence which shows that students can go to either public or private universities is :
A- Our country has a high standard of education.
B- This is mainly due to the fact that the government considers education a necessity.

C- Students can attend one of ten public universities, or one of nineteen private universities
D- For higher education, students enter university, either for academic or vocational courses.
6- Find a word in the Text which means” someone who has not yet completed their first degree”.
A- Postgraduate B- undergraduate C- compulsory D- optional

You have to determine two things before attending a course at Extreme English; the duration of the course
you wish to attend and the nature of the course whether academic or vocational. You will stay in one of our
beautiful apartments. You'll hear and speak English all day long. You can either join a small group of other
students of a similar level, or request a course from your own choice.
7- The two decisions that students have to make before arriving to carry out a course at Extreme
English are .................................
A) joining a small group of other students and the nature of the course.
B) the nature of the course they like to attend and the apartment to live in.
C) the duration of the course and joining students of a similar level.
D) the duration of the course they like to attend and its nature.

Our country has a high standard of education. This is mainly due to the fact that the government considers
education a necessity. All schools, from kindergarten to secondary, are the responsibility of the Ministry
of Education (MOE). Pre-school and kindergarten education is optional, followed by ten years of free,
compulsory education.
8- Jordan has a high standard of education because .................................
A) pre-school and kindergarten education is optional.
B) schools are the responsibility of the Ministry of Education.
C) students enter university for higher education.
D) education is considered as an essential requirement.

The earlier you start in the morning, the more beneficial your revision will be, because that's when you
feel most awake and your memory is at its best. I'd also recommend studying for 30-minute periods, and
then taking a break. It's been proved that concentration starts to decrease after half an hour, so frequent
breaks will help the brain to recover and concentration to return.
9- The writer recommends taking frequent breaks when revising for the exams as....................
A) memory is at its best B) attention decreases after 30 minutes
C) attention increases after 30 minutes D) concentration is at its best

No, it's never too late to start revising! The first thing I would do is to draw up a revision timetable.
Look at all the subjects you have to do, and work out when you are going to work on each one. It's a good
idea to change the order of the subjects in your timetable for each day. Try doing a little English, followed
by some Maths, then Biology, and so on. This way, by changing the focus of your revision, you keep your
mind fresh.
10- When revising for exams, it's better to .........
A) follow different order of subjects every day. B) revise English before any other subjects.
C) follow the same order of subjects every day. D) focus on only one subject each day.

After completing secondary education in Jordan, students can attend a public university or a private
university. A large number of them choose to study at these institutions, as well as foreign students from all
over the world. For students who wish to complete their university studies while working at the same time,
it is also possible in some Jordanian universities to enroll onto online distance learning programmes. In the
future, this option will become available in many other universities.
11-The text indicates that ......
A) all Jordanian universities have online distance learning programmes.
B) attending online distance learning programmes isn't a possible option in Jordan.
C) online distance learning programmes are a solution for learners who have jobs.
D) Jordanian universities never consider distance learning as an option in the future.

You can either join a small group of other students of a similar level, or request a ‘tailor-made’ course. For
example, you may require a course in academic English to prepare you for undergraduate or postgraduate
studies, or a vocational course to help you with your career. Either way, you will live and work together as
a family.
12-There are two paths of “tailor-made” courses are mentioned in the text. They are
A- groups and individual B - undergraduate or postgraduate.
C- academic or vocational D – academic or career.

According to a study carried out by Pennsylvania State University, USA, multilingual people are able to
switch between two systems of speech, writing, and structure quite easily. It has been proved that they are
also able to switch easily between completely different tasks.
13- The underlined word “they” refers to …………….
A- multilingual people B- speech and writing C- systems D- tasks
14- Multilingual people are able to switch between the skills of languages quite easily. two of these
skills are :
A- speech and solving task B- solving task and writing
C- writing and structure D- solving and task


For questions (15– 26 ), choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following
15- If you send money to charity, you will …..................………. a difference to a lot of lives.
A-Take B- change C- make D- Get
16- The deadline is tomorrow , and you haven`t done anything yet! You really must ………………………
a start
A- do B- draw C- take D- make
17 - If you want to lose weight , you should ………………………… every day .
A- do exercise B- make a start C- make a difference D- take a break
18- It's important to drink a lot of water in order to avoid …………………………
A- memory B- concentration C-Beneficial D- dehydration
19- …............ is very important. You should try to eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as you can.
A) Dehydration B) Circulation C) Nutrition D) Beneficial
20- ………………………… means someone who has finished their first degree and is continuing to
study either a Master's or PhD.
A) Postgraduate B) Undergraduate C) Simulator D) Tutorial
21- Would you prefer to do an academic or a ………………………… course when you finish school?
A-make B- online distance learning C- vocational D- draw up
22- My brother has just left school . Now he is a university …………………………
A- Vocational B- academic C- undergraduate D- postgraduate
23- My cousin is an electrician . instead of going to university , he did a …………………………
course at a local college .
A- Vocational B- academic C- undergraduate D- postgraduate
24- Adnan never forgets anything! He's got an amazing …………………………
A- memory B- concentration C-Beneficial D- dehydration
25- In Jordan, pre-school and kindergarten education is optional, while basic education is free and ..
A-Compulsory B- undergraduate C-makes a difference D- dietary


For questions (26-40 ), choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D.

26- People believe that the heavy rainfall causes the devastating of the dam.
The heavy rainfall ............................................................................................
A- The heavy rainfall are believed to cause the devastating of the dam.
B- The heavy rainfall were believed to cause the devastating of the dam.
C- The heavy rainfall is believed to cause the devastating of the dam.
D- The heavy rainfall was believed to cause the devastating of the dam
27- How much does the cotton shirt cost?
Could you tell me..................................................................................
A- How much the cotton shirt cost? B- How much the cotton shirt does cost?
C- How much the cotton shirt did cost ? D- How much the cotton shirt costs?
28- How much revision should I do ?
Could you tell me ……………………………………………….?
A- How much should revision I do ?
B- How much revision I should do ?
C- How much revision I should ?
D- How much revision I should did ?
29- They have thought that reading books improves your skills .
Reading books …………………………………………………….
A- Reading books have been thought to improve your skills .
B- Reading books have been thought to improves your skills .
C- Reading books has been thought to improve your skills .
D- Reading books has been thought to improves your skills .
30- Did she attend the meeting yesterday ?
Could you tell me ……………………………………………..
A- If she attended the meeting yesterday ?
B- If she attend the meeting yesterday ?
C- If she did attend the meeting yesterday ?
D- If she attends the meeting yesterday ?
31- People think that success comes from hard working and learning from failure.
Success ……………………………………………………………………………
A- was thought to come from hard working and learning from failure.
B- is thought to come from hard working and learning from failure.
C- is thought to comes from hard working and learning from failure.
D- has been thought to come from hard working and learning from failure.
32- Do you mind …….....................……….. a healthy breakfast ?
A- suggest B- suggests C- suggesting D- suggested

33- People believe that exercise makes a huge difference to the way we feel.
- It is believed that ……………………………………………………………
A) exercise makes a huge difference to the way we feel.
B) exercise make a huge difference to the way we feel.
C) exercise have made a huge difference to the way we feel.
D) exercise to make a huge difference to the way we feel.
34- Muna is believed to .........................……….. her car .
A- change B- changes C- changed D- changing
35 - Exercise has been proved to be good for concentration .
A) Experts had proved that exercise is good for concentration.
B) Experts have proved that exercise is good for concentration.
C) Experts have proved that exercise was good for concentration.
D) Experts have proved that exercise is to be good for concentration.
36- Could you explain …………………………….. ?
A) I should what do on the day before the exam
B) what I should do on the day before the exam
C) should I do what on the day before the exam
D) I what should do on the day before the exam
37- Do you know ……………………….. ?
A) where are your classmates C) where classmates are your
B) where your classmates are D) where classmates your are
38- Is it ........................... to do after-school activities in Japan and South Korea ........................
A) compulsory/? B) campalsory /. C) compulsary /. D) cumpulsory / ?
39- Remember, / career direction/ it's never/ or change / to study / too late
The sentence that has the correct order of the words and phrases above is:
A) Remember, too late it's never or change to study career direction.
B) Remember, it's never or change too late to study career direction.
C) Remember, to study it's never or change too late career direction.
D) Remember, it's never too late to study or change career direction.
40- If users share information on ......... media with their friends ......... it might be accessed by other
A) social /, B) sociel /. C) sociail /, D) social /.

With All Of My Love

Go Ahead To Achieve Your Dreams

“Sometimes The Smallest Step In The Right Direction Ends
Up Being The Biggest Step Of Your Life .”

Answers :
1-A 2-B 3-A 4-B 5-C 6-B 7- D 8-D 9-B 10-A

11-C 12-C 13- A 14- C 15- C 16- D 17- A 18- D 19- C 20- A

21- C 22- C 23- A 24- A 25- A 26- C 27- D 28- B 29- C 30- A

31- B 32- C 33- A 34- A 35- B 36- B 37- B 38- A 39- D 40- A


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