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25 March 2024



Dear Ms. Yen,

We would like to offer to buy the subject property at the following terms and conditions, subject to due
diligence and contract.

I. BUYER(S) Chui Cher Yeo

II. SELLER Hsiu Li Yen

III. SELLER’S BROKER Christine Elizabeth Palomillo

IV. BUYER’S BROKER Christine Elizabeth Palomillo

V. PROPERTY Unit 31D West Gallery Place, 28th Street corner 9th Avenue,
Bonifacio Global City with a floor area of 65 sqm


inclusive of Capital Gains Tax or Value Added Tax and
Creditable Withholding Tax–whichever may apply–and 5%
Broker’s Professional Fee.

VII. TURNOVER The Premises shall be turned over by the SELLER to the

VIII. PAYMENT TERMS The consideration for the purchase of the property is the
amount stated above (the “Offer Price”) payable by the
BUYER to the SELLER in accordance with the following

(1) Earnest Money in the amount of ONE MILLION

PESOS (Php 1,000,000.00) is payable upon the Seller’s
acceptance of this offer and after the delivery of documents
provided in Item “XIII. Deliverables – Acceptance of Offer

(2) Balance for full payment in the amount of TWENTY

ONE MILLION PESOS (Php 21,000,000.00) shall be paid to
SELLERS by Manager’s Checks, upon execution of the Deed
of Absolute Sale within thirty (30) calendar days from the
payment of earnest money or completion of due diligence,
whichever comes first.

IX. OPTION TO Upon the acceptance of this offer letter and the payment of
PURCHASE Earnest Money, the SELLER shall NOT be free to sell the
property to other parties.

X. REFUND The SELLER agrees to refund the full amount of Earnest

Money paid by the BUYER within SEVEN (7) calendar days
from notice in the event that:

● In case the subject property is no longer fit for the

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purpose it was intended by the BUYER due to a “Force
Majeure Event” or any circumstances that are beyond the
control of either party and are without the fault or negligence
of either party which includes but not limited acts of god, war,
rebellion, fire, etc.; or

XI. FORFEITURE If the payment for the balance is not received in the prescribed
period and if this deadline is not extended by mutual
agreement between the SELLER and the BUYER, the full
amount of the Earnest Money shall be forfeited in favor of the
SELLER as liquidated damages and the SELLER shall be
free to sell the property to other parties.


(1) Capital Gains Tax, Value Added Tax and/or Creditable

Withholding Tax, whichever is applicable, to be remitted
directly to the Bureau of Internal Revenue within the period
required by applicable laws, rules and regulations of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue for the payment of such taxes

The buyer has no liability on the results of the sellers’ request

or negotiation on the tax with the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

(2) Professional Fee of the Broker which shall include and

pay for the legwork incurred by the Broker when transferring
the CCT to the Buyer’s name

(3) Real Property Taxes up to the calendar month when

the unit is turned over by the Seller

(4) Association dues up to the calendar month when the

unit is turned over by the Seller

(5) Utilities (water, electricity, etc.) must be fully paid up to

the calendar month when the unit is turned over by the Seller

(6) Any taxes from previous conveyances, if applicable,

such as any back taxes in relation to the SELLER’s ownership
of the subject Property


(1) Documentary Stamp Tax (1.5% of the Contract Price)

(2) Transfer Tax (approximately 0.75% of the Contract


(3) Registration Fee (approximately 0.75% of the

Contract Price)

(4) Notarial Fee and Miscellaneous Fee

XIII. VALIDITY This offer shall be valid for seven (7) calendar days from the
date of this letter.

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Kindly signify your approval in the space provided. Please let us know if this offer merits your
consideration so we can prepare the necessary arrangements relevant to this transaction.

Conforme: Approved by:

Chui Cher Yeo

_______________________ _______________________
Chui Cher Yeo Hsiu Li Yen

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