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Date of Issue: 10-01-2024 01/OPS/2024/B787

Review Date: 31-12-2024 01/OPS/2024/B777

End Date: Until Next Revision 01/OPS/2024/A320


FLEET  A320  B777  B787


SUPERSEDES FATIGUE POLICY (dated 22ND February 2022)


The FRMS Policy represents Air India's commitment to the highest standards of safety and the well- being of
our crew. Fatigue Risk Management is considered as a core part of our operations as it enhances the safety
and well-being of our crew.
All Fatigue reports shall be confidential. This is a NON-PUNITIVE policy.
It is the responsibility of all crew to familiarize themselves and adhere to the principles outlined in this policy.


• Crew: ‘Crew’ refers to Pilots and Cabin Crew

• FDTL: ‘FDTL’ refers to Flight Duty Time Limitations
• DOPS: ‘DOPS’ refers to Day of Operations
• CMS: ‘CMS’ refers to Crew Management System

Policy Details:

1. Fatigue Management Process

1.1 Fatigue Reporting

a) A Crew must file fatigue report after the flight at the earliest opportunity, but not later than 12hrs prior to start
of their next duty or reporting time (Flight Duty/Simulator Duty) (as applicable), to enable Day of Operations
(DOPS) to make necessary arrangements.
b) The crew must mandatorily report fatigue by filling in the complete fatigue report form through Coruson
application and also raise a ticket on the WE-CARE portal as defined in the Rostering Practices Policy. Both the
reporting methods need to be complied with prior to reporting fatigue. If, for reasons Coruson fatigue form is
not completed, within 2 days of reporting fatigue, rules for the sick leave will be applicable.
c) Should a crew report fatigue while at an outstation / night stop, in addition to point b) above, crew shall
immediately notify their respective reporting manager and station manager. The station manager in coordination
with the respective department manager and the Day of Operations (DOPS) team will facilitate medical
assistance, if required. The fatigued crew will not be provided with an extra day at the outstation. Instead, the
fatigued crew will be positioned back to the base as passenger on the same flight they were scheduled to
operate (station manager to ensure seat protected/blocked). Additional rest as per the applicable Air India FDTL
Scheme will be given once the crew returns to the base.

1.2 Fatigue Duration

a) By default, a crew will be taken off assigned duties for 24hrs and is presumed to be available for any duty
within FDTL at the end of 24hrs, from the time of reporting fatigue.
b) If a crew member needs additional rest due to persistent fatigue lasting over 24 hours, the rules regarding
sick leave for crew members as per the Rostering Practices Policy will be applicable.

All information contained herein is private and controlled and is the property of Air India Limited.
1.3 Frequent Fatigue Reporting

a) Should the crew frequently report fatigue, an evaluation by the medical department might be necessary to
assess their health metrics and conditions or as suggested by Department Head (Flight Operations / IFS - as
applicable). This will be a non-punitive exercise.

2. Structure Of Fatigue - Safety Action Group (F-SAG)

a) Flight Operations Department

b) In-Flight Services (IFS)
c) Flight Safety Department
d) Medical Department
e) Crew Management System – Roster Planning
f) Day of Operations (DOPS)

3. Stakeholder Responsibilities for Systemic Correction

3.1 Addressal by Flight operations and In-flight services (IFS)

a) Operations department along with other stakeholders to perform analysis of crew patterns to detect and
understand reported instances of fatigue. This analysis involves scrutinizing data related to duty schedules,
rest periods, flight hours and reported fatigue incidents to identify trends, patterns and potential correlations.
b) Assign senior crew members to conduct observation flights on patterns associated with frequent fatigue

3.2 Documentation through Flight Safety Department

a) Flight Safety Department shall create and uphold a detailed database for fatigue reports, documenting the
analysis conducted by Flight Operations, IFS, Flight Safety and Medical Department along with the actions
implemented in response.
b) Flight Safety department along with Flight Operations and IFS shall conduct sensitization programs for staff,
and crew controllers for issues related to Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS).

3.3 Crew Education through Medical Department

a) Flight Operations and IFS, in collaboration with the Medical Department, will arrange training sessions to
educate the crew about techniques for managing fatigue.
b) The Medical Department will conduct in person sessions focusing on managing fatigue specifically for crew
members who are frequently reporting fatigue.

3.4 Duty Updation through Day of Operations (DOPS)

3.4.1 Representation of Fatigue and Sick in the Crew Portal

a) Fatigue reporting (post receipt of ticket on WE-CARE) will be marked as FATIGUE in the crew portal.
b) If a crew reports fatigue within 12 hours of their scheduled duty or reporting time (as applicable), they will be
marked as SICK in the crew portal.

3.4.2 Systemic Addressal by F-SAG

a) For any systemic addressal, Boeing Alertness Model (BAM) score of past 15 days from the time of reporting
fatigue will be considered.

All information contained herein is private and controlled and is the property of Air India Limited.
4. Role Of Fatigue - Safety Action Group (F-SAG)

a) Meetings are to be conducted EVERY ALTERNATE MONTH starting January’24 by the Safety Action Group to
review the status of reports for closure.
b) Formulate strategies to address fatigue issues with all the stakeholders.
c) Recommend amendment of crew pairings displaying a high frequency of fatigue reports in the previous
d) F-SAG to consider adjusting duty schedules, rest periods or flight adjustments for the affected crew. This
may involve redistributing workload, optimizing rest schedules or altering flight assignments to mitigate the
factors contributing to reported fatigue scenarios.
e) To ensure BAM familiarization for the nominated officials from the relevant departments.
f) To ensure this Policy is reviewed annually.
g) Prepare quarterly fatigue performance reports and share with the COO, SVP-Flight Operations, SVP- Flight
Safety, Director Flight Operations, Chief of Flight Safety, DVP-In-Flight Services and DVP-IOCC.

Prepared by Checked by Approved and Issued by

Capt. Kanishk Singh Capt. Naveen Verma Capt. Pankul Mathur

Senior Commander Lead-Ops Risk and Director - Flight Operations

All information contained herein is private and controlled and is the property of Air India Limited.

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