NCC Digi Explorers Grade 1 - Second Term Workplan 2024

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TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P la n o f 28 W ee k – O n e A ca d e mi c Y ea r

Table of Contents
Week 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Lesson 12: Introduction to Programming ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Lesson 13: Writing Algorithms ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Week 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Lesson 14: Programming Selection ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Week 3 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Lesson 15: Solving Problems with Algorithms .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Week 4 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Practical Assignment No.1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Week 5 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Lesson 16: Programming Movement ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Lesson 17: Passwords and Verification ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Week 6 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Lesson 18: Programming a Simple Game .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Week 7 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Practical Assignment No.2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Week 8 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Lesson 19: Programming in Scratch ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Week 9 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Lesson 20: Programming in Scratch ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Week 10 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Lesson 23: Programming in Scratch ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar
Week 11 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Practical Assignment No.3 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Week 12 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Lesson 24: Using Code to Animate Objects................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Lesson 25: Using Code to Animate Objects................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Week 13 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Lesson 26: Using Computers to Convert Data............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Week 14 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Lesson 27: Animating Characters ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Lesson 28: Animation Effects ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Week 15 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Practical Assignment No.4 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

2nd Term Work Plan - (Jan-Feb)

Weeks Lesson No Lessons Name ICT Lab Work Activities Assignment No Assessments Description
Lesson 12:
Lesson 12: Introduction to Programming ICT Lab Activity No.1
Week 1 12 and 13 -
Lesson 13: Writing Algorithms Lesson 13: The practical assignments will be
ICT Lab Activity No.1 conducted in the 4th and 7th
Lesson 14: Programming Selection Lesson 14: week.
Week 2 14 -
ICT Lab Activity No.1
Lesson 15: Total marks of both practical
Lesson 15: Solving Problems with Algorithms
Week 3 15 ICT Lab Activity No.1 assignments (Assignment No.1
and Assignment No. 2) are 50.
12,13,14, and There is no Theory E-
Week 4 Lessons No. 12,13,14, and 15 - Assignment No.1
15 Assessment.
(25 Marks)
Lesson 16:
ICT Lab Activity No.1
Lesson 16: Programming Movement
Week 5 16 and 17 ICT Lab Activity No.2 -
Lesson 17: Passwords and Verification
Lesson 17:
ICT Lab Activity No.1
Lesson 18:
Lesson 18: Programming a Simple Game
Week 6 18 ICT Lab Activity No.1 -

Week 7 16,17, and 18 Lessons No. 16,17, and 18 - Assignment No.2
(25 Marks)

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

2nd Term Work Plan - (Feb-April)

ICT Lab Work
Weeks Lesson No Lessons Name Assignment No Assessments Description
Lesson 19: Programming in Scratch Lesson 19:
Week 8 19 -
ICT Lab Activity No.1
Lesson 20: The practical assignments will be
Lesson 20: Programming in Scratch
Week 9 20 ICT Lab Activity No.1 - conducted in the 11th and 15th
Lesson 23: Programming in Scratch Lesson 23:
Week 10 23 -
ICT Lab Activity No.1 Total marks of both practical
Practical assignments (Assignment No.1
Week 11 19,20, and 23 Lessons No. 19,20, and 23 - Assignment No.3 and Assignment No. 2) are 50.
(25 Marks)
Lesson 24: There is no Theory E-
Lesson 24: Using Code to Animate Objects ICT Lab Activity No.1 Assessment.
Week 12 24 and 25 -
Lesson 25: Using Code to Animate Objects Lesson 25:
ICT Lab Activity No.1
Lesson 26:
Week 13 26 Lesson 26: Using Computers to Convert Data -
ICT Lab Activity No.1
Lesson 27:
Lesson 27: Animating Characters
ICT Lab Activity No.1
Week 14 27 and 28 Lesson 28: Animating Effects -
Lesson 28:
ICT Lab Activity No.1
24,25, 26, 27
Week 15 Lessons No. 24,25, 26, 27 and 28 - Assignment No.4
and 28
(25 Marks)

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A
 In this lesson,
introduce the
concept of
programming and
By the end of this algorithm to
Teacher will  Activity no 1
Lesson 12: lesson, you will learners.
show lesson watch?v=6hfOvs8pY1k (Digi Explorers
Introduction to know:  Study the guidance Lesson 12-
32-33 12.ppt in  Teacher Book 2 –
Programming  What an notes for the teacher Revision
the ICT Lab watch?v=CvSOaYi89B4 Page No.32-33)
algorithm is as given in the
teacher book on
page no.33.
 Teach the
terminology as given
on page no.36.
Week 1
 In this lesson, teach
learners how to
write algorithm step
By the end of this by step with a real-
lesson, you will Teacher will life example.
Lesson 13:  Activity no 1
know more show lesson  Study the guidance
Writing h?v=Da5TOXCwLSg (Digi Explorers Lesson 13-
34-36 about: 13.ppt in notes for the teacher
Algorithms  https://www.create- Teacher Book 2 – Revision
 Writing the ICT Lab as given in the Page No.34-35)
algorithms teacher book on
page no.36.
 Teach the
terminology as given
on page no.36.

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A
 https://www.khanacademy.
 In this lesson, teach principles/algorithms-
learners about 101/building-
By the end of this
programming selection algorithms/a/the-building-
lesson, you will Activity no 1
Teacher will and repeats in blocks-of-algorithms
Lesson 14: know about: (Digi Explorers
show lesson algorithm. 
Programming  Making Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 14-
Week 2 37-40 14.ppt in  Study the guidance /computer-
Selection selections Page No.37-39) Revision
the ICT Lab notes for the teacher as science/sequences-
 Repeats in
given in the teacher selections-and-loops/1/
book on page no.40.  https://learnprogramming.a
 Teach the terminology cademy/programming/sequ
as given on page no.40. ence-selection-and-iteration-

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A

 In this lesson, teach

By the end of this 
learners about how to
lesson, you will m/how-does-a-computer-
Lesson 15: solve problems with Activity no 1
know more Teacher will work/
Solving algorithms. (Digi Explorers
about: show lesson 
Problems with  Study the guidance Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 15-
Week 3 Algorithms 41-43  How a 15.ppt in /modules/106/nodes/564
notes for the teacher as Page No.41-42) Revision
computer the ICT Lab  https://www.geeksforgeeks.
given in the teacher
works out org/how-to-use-algorithms-
book on page no.43.
what to do to-solve-problems/
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.43.

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for teachers Practical Assignment in
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives R.A
Instruction: the ICT Lab
 In this week, you need to upload the
Practical Assignment No.1 on LMS as a
practical ICT lab work. The assignment will
be conducted in the ICT Lab with all the
 You can find the assignment at this link:
The objective of this
assignment is to assess
Lessons No.  Tell the learner that the assignment is based
learner’s knowledge Practical Assignment
12,13,14, and on lessons no.12,13,14, and 15 activities as Lessons 12 to
Week 4 32-43 and their No.1
15 performed in the previous week. 15 - Revision
understanding covered
 The marks of the assignment are given in
in Lessons #
the assignment.
12,13,14,15,16, and 17.
 It is required to check that each learner has
submitted the assignment on LMS learner
 Check learners’ assignments. After marking
all the assignments, upload the result on

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A
 In this lesson, teach
learners how to write an
By the end of this g/coding-projects/how-to- Activity no 1
algorithm to move an
lesson, you will scratch-sprite-move- (Digi Explorers
Teacher will object or robot across a
Lesson 16: know: smoothly/ Teacher Book 2 –
show lesson grid.
Programming  How to write  Page No.44-46) Lesson 16-
44-48 16.ppt in  Study the guidance
Movement an algorithm g/coding-projects/how-to- Activity no 2 Revision
the ICT Lab notes for the teacher as
to move an make-scratch-sprite-move/ (Digi Explorers
given in the teacher
object  Teacher Book 2 –
book on page no.48.
uss/topic/94726/?page=1 Page No.46-47)
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.48.
Week 5
 In this lesson, teach
learners how computer
By the end of this check and verify
lesson, you will Teacher will password while giving 
Lesson 17: know about how: show lesson different examples. /training/scenarios.html Activity no 1
Lesson 17-
Passwords and 49-51  Computers 17.ppt in  Study the guidance  (Digi Explorers
Verification check the ICT Lab notes for the teacher as m/watch?v=bOUT44hKcz0 Teacher Book 2 –
passwords given in the teacher Page No.49-50)
book on page no.51.
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.51.

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A

 In this lesson, teach

By the end of this
learners how to write an 
lesson, you will
algorithm for a simple watch?v=-EMi_-0AqSE Activity no 1
know how to: Teacher will
guessing game.  (Digi Explorers
Lesson 18:  Write an show lesson
 Study the guidance watch?v=lJn-oXbzRXU Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 18-
Week 6 Programming a 52-54 algorithm for 18.ppt in
notes for the teacher as  Page No.52-53) Revision
Simple Game a simple the ICT Lab
given in the teacher og/scratch-number-
book on page no.54. guessing-game/
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.54.

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for teachers Practical Assignment in
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives R.A
Instruction: the ICT Lab
 In this week, you need to upload the
Practical Assignment No.2 on LMS as a
practical ICT lab work. The assignment will
be conducted in the ICT Lab with all the
 You can find the assignment at this link:
The objective of this
assignment is to assess
 Tell the learner that the assignment is based
Lessons No. learner’s knowledge Practical Assignment Lessons
on lessons no.16,17, and 18 activities as
Week 7 16,17 and 18 44-54 and their No.2 16,17 and 18-
performed in the previous week.
understanding covered Revision
 The marks of the assignment are given in
in Lessons # 18,19,20
the assignment.
and 21.
 It is required to check that each learner has
submitted the assignment on LMS learner
 Check learners’ assignments. After marking
all the assignments, upload the result on

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A
 In this lesson, teach
learners how to code
using Scratch. Also,
By the end of this  Activity no 1
Teacher will introduce them Scratch
Lesson 19: lesson, you will og/scratch-number- (Digi Explorers
show lesson programming.
Programming in know about: guessing-game/ Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 19-
Week 8 55-58 19.ppt in  Study the guidance
Scratch  How to code  Page No.55-57) Revision
the ICT Lab notes for the teacher as
using Scratch watch?v=JcOcxKWgnps
given in the teacher
book on page no.58.
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.58.

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A
 In this lesson, introduce
the concept of very basic
programming such as
variables, input/output
By the end of this etc. to learners. Also Activity no 1
Teacher will 
Lesson 20: lesson, you will teach them how to write (Digi Explorers
show lesson watch?v=I_-Kj3Gw26A
Programming in know: some code using Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 20-
Week 9 59-63 20.ppt in 
Scratch  How to write Scratch. Page No.59-62) Revision
the ICT Lab watch?v=1jvrFMJvF2s
some code  Study the guidance
notes for the teacher as
given in the teacher
book on page no.62-63.
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.63.
 In this lesson, teach
learners how to write
code which solves a
By the end of this 
problem using Scratch Activity no 1
lesson, you will be Teacher will og/best-scratch-projects-
Lesson 23: programming and create (Digi Explorers
able to: show lesson and-topics/
Programming in a game using Scratch. Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 23-
Week 10 71-72  Write code 23.ppt in  https://www.codewizardshq
Scratch  Study the guidance Page No.71) Revision
which solves a the ICT Lab .com/scratch-code-
notes for the teacher as
problem examples/
given in the teacher
book on page no.72.
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.72.

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for teachers Practical Assignment in
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives R.A
Instruction: the ICT Lab
 In this week, you need to upload the
Practical Assignment No.3 on LMS as a
practical ICT lab work. The assignment will
be conducted in the ICT Lab with all the
 You can find the assignment at this link:
The objective of this
assignment is to assess
 Tell the learner that the assignment is based
learner’s knowledge Practical Assignment Lessons 19 to
Lessons No. 55-63 and on lessons no.19,20 and 23 activities as
Week 11 and their No.3 20 and 23-
19,20 and 23 71-72 performed in the previous week.
understanding covered Revision
 The marks of the assignment are given in
in Lessons # 19, 20 and
the assignment.
 It is required to check that each learner has
submitted the assignment on LMS learner
 Check learners’ assignments. After marking
all the assignments, upload the result on

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A

 In this lesson, teach

 https://www.create-
By the end of this learners how to make a Activity no 1
Lesson 24: lesson, you will Teacher will bouncing object in a
a-ball-bounce-in-scratch/ (Digi Explorers
Using Code to know: show lesson game using Scratch.
 Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 24-
Animate 73-75  How to make 24.ppt in  Study the guidance
watch?v=6Us1XW-h9Og Page No.73-74) Revision
Objects an object the ICT Lab notes for the teacher as
bounce given in the teacher
book on page no.75.

Week 12  In this lesson, teach

learners how to create a
By the end of this game in which an object
lesson, you will bounces around the
 https://www.create- Activity no 1
Lesson 25: know: Teacher will screen and bounce back (Digi Explorers
Using Code to  How to make show lesson if they hit the edge.
a-ball-bounce-in-scratch/ Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 25-
Animate 76-77 moving 25.ppt in  Study the guidance
 Page No.76) Revision
Objects objects the ICT Lab notes for the teacher as
bounce off given in the teacher
each other. book on page no.77.
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.77.

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A
 In this lesson, teach
learners how to write
By the end of this code that converts data Activity no 1
Lesson 26: lesson, you will Teacher will using Scratch
en/es/hello (Digi Explorers
Using know: show lesson programming. Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 26-
Week 13 Computers to 78-81  How to write 26.ppt in  Study the guidance
nverter/ Page No.78-79) Revision
Convert Data code that the ICT Lab notes for the teacher as
converts data given in the teacher
book on page no.80-81.
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.81.

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives PowerPoint Resources: ICT Lab Activities R.A

 In this lesson, teach

learners how to make a
Activity no 1
By the end of this character walk using
Teacher will  (Digi Explorers
Lesson 27: lesson, you will be Scratch.
show lesson ects/164269723/editor/ Teacher Book 2 –
Animating able to:  Study the guidance Lesson 27-
82-84 27.ppt in  Page No.82-83)
Characters  Make a notes for the teacher as Revision
the ICT Lab watch?v=n_y5eFnZBWM
character given in the teacher
walk book on page no.84.
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.84.

 In this lesson, teach

Week 14 learners how to create
different fun effects
By the end of this
with the sprites in
lesson, you will
Scratch such as change Activity no 1
know how to: Teacher will 
Lesson 28: the object size, (Digi Explorers
 Make an show lesson watch?v=KWZldY-Xtpw
Animation disappear and reappear Teacher Book 2 – Lesson 28-
85-86 object change 28.ppt in 
Effects the object. Page No.85) Revision
size, the ICT Lab watch?v=TZu2QwkYQm0
 Study the guidance
disappear and
notes for the teacher as
given in the teacher
book on page no.86.
 Teach the terminology
as given on page no.86.

TME and NCC ICT Digi Explorers for Grade 1

I m pl eme n t a t i o n W or k P l a n o f 2 8 W e ek – O n e A ca d e m i c Y e ar

Second Term: (January - April)

Guidance notes for teachers Practical Assignment in
Weeks Lesson Page No Objectives R.A
Instruction: the ICT Lab
 In this week, you need to upload the
Practical Assignment No.4 on LMS as a
practical ICT lab work. The assignment will
be conducted in the ICT Lab with all the
 You can find the assignment at this link:
The objective of this
Lessons No.  Tell the learner that the assignment is based
assignment is to assess Lessons
19,20,23,24, on lessons no.19,20,23,24 26,27, and 28 Practical Assignment
learner’s knowledge 19,20,23,24
Week 15 25,26,27, and 73-86
and their
activities as performed in the previous No.4
26,27, and 28
28 week.
understanding covered - Revision
 The marks of the assignment are given in
in Lessons # 24
the assignment.
 It is required to check that each learner has
submitted the assignment on LMS learner
 Check learners’ assignments. After marking
all the assignments, upload the result on


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