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A School Magazine
The magazine which is published by the teachers and students of a school is called a school magazine.
It is published once a year. It is a printed book of literary works where the students and the teachers
express their latent potentiality. In order to publish a magazine, a magazine committee is formed. The
committee consists of some members. Among them, a few teachers and some students are involved.
One of them is the adviser and the other proof reader. The Headmaster is in the committee as Chief
Patron(প্রধান পৃষ্টপ াষক). Six or seven students are selected as members. One of them is the editor. He has
two Assistants. Their responsibilities are to collect writings. Two business editors collect subscription
(চাাঁদা) and the other students work as the assistant proof reader. The editor selects writings. Articles are
collected from the students and teachers. Short stories, essays, plays, dramas, jokes, riddles, poems and
so on are published in the magazine. It also focuses on developments, achievements and extra-
curricular activities of the school in the previous year. It is a great scope both for the teachers and
students to prove their writing faculty through the magazine. So a school magazine expresses the
creative genius of the students as well as the teachers. It is of great importance to a school. When the
teachers and students find their writings in printing in the magazine, they feel proud and at the same
time, they become confident.

Traffic Jam
Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move freely or that can move very slowly because of
tremendous traffic on the road. It is a common affair in the big cities and towns. When traffic jam occurs,
long lines of vehicles are seen waiting helplessly on the roads. All the routine works fall disordered. As
a result, thousands of work hours are wasted. Traffic creates untold sufferings to the people. It creates
din and bustle (ককালাহল), sound pollution, restlessness (বিরবিহীনিা), collision (দুর্ ঘটনা) in the roads and
highways. Besides, serious patients in the ambulance and passengers inside the buses suffer terribly
during traffic jam. Different statistics show the rapid growth of population and the increasing number
of vehicles are the main reasons of traffic jam. But there are other causes too. The reasons of traffic jam
are narrow roads and streets in proportion (অনু াি) to vehicles, overtaking tendency, unlicensed and
defective vehicles, random parking on the road, setting up temporary shops on the road, violating traffic
rules by the drivers, insufficient traffic police and negligence of traffic police on duty and so on.
Moreover, traffic signals also create regular traffic jam for some time. However, to avoid traffic jam,
effective measures should be taken by the government. First the socio-economic condition and
infrastructure (অিকাঠাপ া) of our country should be improved. Modern traffic systems should be used in
roads and streets. Finally, drivers should be trained properly. In this way, traffic jam may be minimized
(কব পে আনা)

A Street Hawker
The man who normally hawks many things on the road, near a bus stand, railway station, bazaar etc. is
called a street hawker. Generally, a street hawker deals in various things. He is a very common figure in
cities and villages. He wears peculiar dresses of vivid colours to attract the attention of the customers.
Generally, he makes peculiar sounds to draw the attention of people for selling things. He usually sells
toys, ribbons, sweets, fruits, clothing, utensils (িাসন কসন), fancy goods and things of domestic things. He
carries his materials on the head and sometimes in hand and sometimes in a small handicraft. He buys
his goods at a cheaper rate but sells them at a good profit. A street hawker has some unique techniques
to convince his customers. He is very cunning and knows how to get profit from his business. He knows
how to attract people to buy his things. He always keeps things for children and for women because he
knows very well that they are his dearest customers because he can easily cheat them. He selects times
when the male members are not at home. He often tries to get the maximum benefit from customers by
selling goods. However, a street hawker earns his livelihood by the sweat of his physical labour. He has
to work hard to maintain his livelihood. Though he works hard, his income is not satisfactory. So, he
lives below the poverty line.

A Book Fair
A Book Fair I’ve recently visited
A book fair is a place where books are displayed (প্রদর্ ঘন করা) for sale. It is generally held in the month of
January and February to remember the martyrs of the language movement in 1952. It is usually held in
a well-known confined (আিদ্ধ) area. The books are arranged in the book fair to introduce ( বরবচি করা) the
books and the writers of the books as well to the readers. Bangla Academy Book Fair is the largest book
fair in our country. Recently I have visited a book fair in Dhaka. Some of my best friends also
accompanied (সঙ্গ কদওো) me in that fair. The occasion of the fair was due to the birth anniversary
ঘ of Rabindranath Tagore. It was inaugurated (উদপিাধন করা) by the honourable Prime Minister. I
went to the fair to buy some reputed (বিখ্যাি) books of Humayun Ahmed and Imdadul Haque Milan. I saw
many books in the book stalls. I also saw many customers buying books of different writers. A book fair
always makes the writers introduce to the general people through their writings. So a book fair is very
essential in this respect. Similarly, a book fair gives us the facility to acquire knowledge through buying
books in a cheap rate. Books of different writers and of different tastes were available at the fair.
However, a book fair spreads the message that books are our best friends and companions. In fact, a
book fair broadens our outlook, enriches (সমৃদ্ধ করা) knowledge and makes our life more meaningful.

A Winter Morning

A winter morning is a such a morning in winter when biting cold is felt all around in nature. There is
dense fog and cold everywhere. This is because a winter morning appears before us with a different
look. Nature unveils itself with a mystic and foggy appearance. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the
sun rays cannot get through it. Even things at a little distance can hardly be seen. Birds’ chirping is not
heard. The cow and other animals cannot come out. But it is not so every morning. Dewdrops fall on
leaves and sprinkle. They look like glittering pearls when the rays of the morning sun fall on them.
Village children and people have hardly warm clothes. They gather straw and dry leaves to make a fire
to warm themselves. They sit around it and engage in pleasant gossip. The old and the poor bask in the
sun in order to warm themselves. People in general get up late to avoid the cold of the early morning.
Working people get out of the doors when the fog disappears and when the sun is hot. On a winter
morning, one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes, pias of date juice and many other things. In winter
the nights are long and the days are short. The scene of the winter morning vanishes as the day
advances. The sun goes up and the fog melts. So, a winter morning is enjoyable in many respects.

Environment Pollution

Environment refers to the air, water and land in which people, animal and plants live. So, human beings,
animals, plants, air, water, sun, soil, various natural forces etc. all are the environment. But these
elements of nature are now under the thread of serious pollution. This pollution mainly includes air
pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and soil pollution. Man makes fire for different purposes and
this fire creates smoke and pollutes the air. Bus, trucks, cars, railway engines, power houses, mills and
factories emit smoke and pollute the air. Water is polluted by throwing waste into it. Moreover, farmers
use chemicals and insecticides (কীটনার্ক) in their fields. Rain water and flood washes away some of them
and pollute water. Again, damaged oil tankers and water vehicles pollute water by sipping oil from
them. Sound pollution occurs when different types of vehicles such as aero plane, loud speakers, mills
and factories produce unbearable sound. This sound is very dangerous especially for the children. The
innocent children of the cities face this indiscriminate (বনবি ঘচাপর) sound daily and become the victim of
hear damage. If we don't take steps against these pollutions, our life on earth will be hellish. We should
make everybody aware of the harmful effects of these pollutions. This is not all. Punishment should be
given to those people who are directly involved in polluting the environment.
Tree Plantation

Planting trees in a well-planned way is called tree plantation. It is now turned into a programme to fight
against the environment pollution. The environment is getting polluted every moment and the mother
earth is already under the threat of greenhouse effect. Tree plantation is the most effective and the
easiest way to control the greenhouse effect. Trees maintain ecological balance ( বরপিপর্র ভারসাম্য) by
supplying oxygen and taking carbon dioxide. We breathe oxygen and thus survive (অবধকাল কেঁপচ থাকা)
ourselves. For this reason, the necessity of planting trees has now got a new dimension ( াত্রা). Trees
produce oxygen, make regular rainfall and maintain the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. They keep the weather cool and maintain a strong grip (র্বির্ালী িন্ধন) in the soil with their
roots. In this way, they save river erosion (নদী ভাঙন). The climate of Bangladesh is suitable for tree
plantation. But it is a matter of regret that we frequently cut down trees for different purposes instead
of planting them. The statistic shows that at least 25% of the total land area should be covered with
trees in order to maintain the ecological balance of a country. But Bangladesh has only about 10%. So,
it is high time for us to stop cutting down trees and plant more and more trees to save our environment.
In this regard, Govt. has also launched the “Tree Plantation Programme” from the first of July every year.

Water Pollution
Water is one of the most important elements of our environment. It is next to air. Water pollution means
the contamination of surface and drinking water that makes the water harmful to use. It occurs when
water is contaminated by such substances as human and animal wastes, toxic industrial chemicals,
agricultural residues, oil and heat. Most of our water bodies— rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, creeks and
underground water sources are gradually becoming polluted. Water is polluted in various ways.
Farmers use chemical fertilizers in their fields to get better crops. Again they use insecticides to kill
harmful insects that damage crops. These elements are washed away into rivers, canals and ponds. They
get mixed with water and pollute it. Sometimes mills and factories throw their waste products
containing poisonous chemicals into rivers, canals and ponds and thus pollute water. Leaking of oil from
water vehicles, rotten debris of animals and plants, germs of diseases and insanitary latrines are other
factors that pollute water. As a result, all the species living in water will no longer be in existence. So, it
is high time to stop water pollution. To fight against the pollution of water, sewage treatment plants
must be built. We must not allow any kind of poisonous chemicals and wastes to get mixed with water
so that they can be kept clean and pure. Above all, laws should be made and properly executed for the
dumping of industrial waste. It is time to find out the right way to control water pollution.

Global Warming
The impact of global warming

Global warming refers to the long-term rise in the Earth's average surface temperature due to an increase in
greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. These gases trap
heat from the sun and cause the Earth's surface temperature to rise, leading to a variety of negative impacts on
the planet. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, human activities, such as burning
fossil fuels for energy and transportation, deforestation, and agriculture, have significantly increased the levels
of these greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The main culprit for global warming is carbon dioxide which is
emitted by burning fossil fuels (জীিাশ্ন জালাবন) like coal, mineral oil and natural gas and due to deforestation.
Fossil fuels are being burnt throughout the world to run buses and trucks, for electricity generation, in different
manufacturing industries which result in the total worldwide emission (বনর্ ঘ ন) of about 22 billion tons of carbon
dioxide to the atmosphere each year. Moreover, a large number of trees are being cut down or burnt in need
of agriculture and habitat. All these are causing rise in the temperature of the atmosphere. As a result, polar
ice caps are melting causing sea level to rise. A significant change is noticed in the climate of the earth resulting
in frequent and untimely floods, cyclone, drought, tsunami etc. Rising sea level may flood the lowlying coastal
areas and change in land productivity on a large scale. Undoubtedly, human beings are responsible for these
natural dangers. Therefore, global warming is causing significant damage to the world's ecosystems, leading
to widespread species extinction and loss of biodiversity.

A School Library
A library is a place where various kinds of books are kept for all and sundry (প াট িড় সকপল). But a school library
is such a library where academic books, reference books, journals, magazines, some limited edition storybooks
and newspapers are kept for the students. It is a part and parcel of any educational institution. It plays a very
significant (িাৎ র্ ঘপূর্ ঘ) role in spreading knowledge. No ideal institution can run smoothly without a good
library. So, every educational institution must have a library of its own. My school has also a nice library with
a vast collection of books. The library is situated in the eastern side of my school. There is a librarian who
helps us very much by lending books. During the last period of each class, we can borrow two books at a time.
They may be kept for two weeks. There is also a reading section of the library where we can read journals,
magazines and newspapers even after the school hours as well as lunch hours. There is a section of rare (দুল ঘভ)
books in our library. There are novels and short stories for entertainment (বিপনাদন). Only academic books are
not enough to fulfil our mental hunger. To widen (বিস্তৃি করা) our knowledge and enrich (সমৃধ করা) our outlook,
we must read other essential books. A library is, so to speak, a store-house of knowledge and information to
me. Indeed, it opens the window of knowledge. I feel proud of our school library because it contains a good
number of books on various subjects. In fact, each and every school should have a library in order to ensure a
standard education.

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