I&s HW 1.1 (D)

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I&S HW-1

Revolutions are historical movements that typically make a massive change in the society.
These major changes can take place anywhere and anytime irrespective of the geography,
culture or society. There can be types of revolutions depending on what the conflict is. There
can be political, social, economical or cultural revolutions. Normally, political revolutions
include movements to overthrow a government, in favour of a new system. The French
Revolution is an example of this type where there was a mass uprising against the monarchy.
Social revolutions are major movements to bring about some form of social change to a society
or community. This can include change in perspectives for discrimination, racism, poverty and
corruption. The Civil Rights movement in the US and the counterculture are considered as social
revolutions where they wanted to change and improve people’s lives and end discrimination.
To change the identity of culture of a civilization, cultural revolutions were brought about. One
of the most famous cultural revolutions occurred in Mao’s China during the 1960s and 1970s.
Initiated by the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, it was planned to change the values in
society. However, this revolution had a major negative impact on China pushing back the social
and economical progresses. Last but not least, we have economical revolutions. These
revolutions usually have conflicts that are related to capital and the financial growth of a
region. These can also be called technological revolutions or industrial revolutions. One
example of this kind of revolution is the Industrial Revolution. This is one of the most important
and famous revolutions in history and it has made the most impact on the world. Originated in
Britain, it helped advance the whole world changing the methods of industrialization when
people moved from handwork to machines. While many conflicts arise which cause revolutions,
they usually help change the world in some way. There can be negative or positive effects on
the population but when they all come together to fight for a more sustainable world, it is all
worth it.

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