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2012 1BC SEAOC STRUCTURAL/SEISMIC DESIGN MANUAL VOLUME 1 CODE APPLICATION EXAMPLES JAMA LIBRARY on Copyright Copyright © 2013 Sttral Engineers Assciston of Clio Al rights reserved. Tis publication cry part here mus ot be reproduced in any fra witout the writen permission of be Suc Engineers Associaton of Calon Publister ‘Suc Engineers Asocition of Califia (SEAOC) 400K Stet, St. 212 Secraneato, California 95814 “Telephone: (16) 47-1198 Fax: (916) £44150 mall seaoe@sesocorg; Web adhe: WwW. sece ong The Sructura Engineers Associaton of Caloris (SEAOC) i «professional association of our rgional smamr organization South Clio, Northern Califia, San Diego nd Cental Cala. SEAOC reqretet the rectal englcering comm in California, The doce! x pblabed fa lcpitg Wit SEAOC's sted mission: ‘Toadvance he seul enginceing poesion: to provi the plc wit strctreso Aepenablepriormance hough the pplication of sat-of heat srr engineering pris; sist the abl in obaining profesional ucural engineering services © promote natral hazard mitigation; to prove cooing education and encourage research, to peovide scr enpiaees with the most caret informtion ad ols to improve Ue practice endo maint he honor and dit of the reson. SEACC Board oversight of this publcton was provided by 012 SEAOC Board President Ses ‘Amundson, SE and Imei Past President Doog Hobbach, SE Ealtor Ineationl Code Counc Disclaimer ‘Wilt infomation presented in this documents believed to be core, neither SEAOC no is member “orgnizations, commits, write, iors, or individual who have coaribud Io his pubiaion make ny waranty, expressed or implied or assume uy ga bly oe responsibilty fr the we, pplication of ndor referees opinion, ndings, coelsios of ecommendations lade i this pbication. ‘The maeril presented inthis publication should noth eed for any spec eppleation witheut competent ‘examination tnd verification ofits accuracy, ability, ad applablty Users of information rom his publaion assume all ably arising from such se. it Ping: September 2013 It 12160 Se400 smn Design Manual ¢ ‘Comment and suggestions for improvements are welcome and shold be seat ote following ‘Stata Engineers Assocation of Califia (SEAOC) Don Schinske, Exact Dice 1400 K See Sue 212 Sacramento, Calfria 95814 “elon (916) 447-1198; Fax: (916) 44-1501 ml dechinse @xeaoc. ong 'SEAOC has nade a substi effort oensre thatthe information inthis dacuret i secure. Ia the evet that cometions or clanfctons are neded these wil be posed onthe SEAOC Web sts vewnaseaocor anon the ICC Web ste at wen csaleor 'SEAOC, sis sole seein, may sue writen erat 2012 6CSEAOC SruewrtSetme Oe Maa Yt I Preface tthe 2012 INC SEAOC SicturalSeiamc Design Manual... # Preface to Volume L ow to Use This Document. Design Example 1 Design Spectral Response Accelrton Parmer... seein essed Design Example 2 Design Response Specmum ... ceo IAS 6 Design Example 3 Site Specie Ground Motion Procedures Chokene, ww ‘Kevin Morton, Sf, Assacate Principal, Hohbach-Lewin Structural Engineers — AuthoeReviewer of Various Examples Kevin bs 12 yeas of expefiecedegaing new structures and erofting existing oe, wih priculr ‘apetie nsec aay, vel engineering, an precast parking struct design He sa active Inember of SEAOC, having served onthe sate Ssisnclogy Comite forthe ast thoe yes. WW bas lewincom ‘Nicolas Rcrigues, PE, SE, Assotate, DeSimone Consting Engineers — AutharRevlewer of ‘Yarous Examples [Nic has more tan 10 yeas of experience in pesforming both codebase and pecirmance-based designs of new highs coneee and es dng in slim anes around the wed inlading California, Turk, the UAE. andthe Philipines He has ced several SEAOC commits, served on «PEER comminec forthe performance ted Sesign of tl Bldgs, and stvely participates ia ACL Ne was the espnsible structural engincer for suck eabe projets he GO-sory Milenium Tower in San Francico andthe twisting, 42 sory Emirates Psa Hate in Abu Dhabi, wr desimove com 01890 SEACC Srctalate Doe Maral LXV ‘Ali Sumer, Phi SE Senior Structural Engnce, tate of California Oe of Statewide Health lansing and Development (OSHPD) — Avthor/Reviewer of Various Examples ror joining OSHPD. Ali worked in pa industry for eight year He ha ocwsed on projects that Jncorperat seismic eofuing, innovative sacar systems, nonlinear nals etn gus, performance bseddesiens, uilding collapse risk analysis, and equipment shake able ess. wwwoshp cagor (Ctoscllaboratios withthe SEAOC Seismology Commitee was maintained ring the development othe ‘ocaneat The Seismology Commits har reviewed the document a proved ny elf commeats ‘and mpgeions, Tei asiance ls gratefully ecknomledgd. Production and ar was provide by the International Code Counc ‘Coverpto ces: Nisin poo: Rien aa Rithoven Arcitctre Photography lngt pte: Buehler & Buehler Strata Engine, ne vl 2012180 S£40C SiuctalSeont Don Mal. 1 “Ametvan Consist Tne ACI 279: Dading Code Reyations for Reinforced Cone, Farmington Hil Michigan, 2011, America Soity of Gv Engineers ASCE 7: Miximum Desig Loads for Bulls and Other ‘Stace, ASCE 2010. Inrnational Cade Coun. International Bulding Code (1BC) Falls Charch, Virginia, 2012, SEAOC Seismslogy Commitee. Recommended Lateral Fore Requirements and Commentary (Diu Book), Structural Engineers Astcain of Califia (SEAOO), Seventh Eaton, Sacrament, Califor, 1999, SEAOC Seismology Commitee. SEAOC Bue Book Seismic Design Recommendations, Sista ‘Bgincrs Assocation of Caliomia(SEAOC), Fist Ping, Sactaeno, Califor, 2009. ‘worsens afluebook ‘a2 seaCc SmetwerSeume Desge Manat Yo. xvi How to Use This Document “The examples jn Volume ! re weten torte the aplication af spec sectin o provision witha ASCE 7. Each example sa seperate problem (or group of problems) fora unique contin chosen o best Acres tbe pare referenced code prvisin, Examples we tad alone sd do at el oa sls ra ‘otter example ech example cousins «problem titre wi detailed isting of “ven” information anda clears of ‘mst be determined in oreo ev sth slsuon. The problems solved though seal sequence cof step, andro cde references ce provided inthe righthand magia of the page. Most examples Inch an itedacory overview to the parcular cole provision andor adtional commentary following the elton. Readers re ered to appeable SEAOC Blue Book ariel for aoa information when ppp oral examples, ASCE isthe df eure document for he references, ules another documents specially osluded in the reference. Th folowing abbreviations ae used within the references f-Seeton — T—Thbe Fig Ba~Eqution 2012 16CSEAOC Stuctatsuamie Dsagn Mam Yr! x Design Example 4 Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters s114 oveRVIEW Fors pve biding se, the Fisk-argted maximum consider earguske spectral response accelerations ‘Sy at short periods, and Sat secondperiod, regen by the aceon cutout maps it Chapter 22 in Figures 2-1 through 236, This example illsttes the general posers for deterring he Siem ‘pect response scelerton parameters Sa dS rom he mapped vals af Sand The paraeters ‘Sand Sp, arewowd cake the design reponse spectrum in Seton 11.5 andthe design tse shesr in Section 128 “The est and most accurate way to obtain the petal ae it to use the “U.S Slamic Design Maps" tpplicatcn fom the USGS weld Cap gebanardeusgs govlSesignmapshsiappcaon php). Te USGS spplistio allows fr values ofS, nd oe provided ase onthe adres othe longitude st Tone othe ice being ented PROBLEM STATEMENT ‘building stn Califone octet 398,123° Nort (Laie 38.12°) an 121,123° West (Logit 121.128, The sil profile ie Ste Clas D. DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Mapped riktargeted maximum consderelcarhquake (MCE) spectal response aceleation arama 5, and, 2. Ste coatfcients and F, and MCE spect response acclenonparamoten Sys an Si, scjsed fr Ste Car efoos ‘3. Design socal sponte aeeierton prams Sy 24S, 4, Mapped MCE,, Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters errr gi14t For the given ste at 38.123" Noth Laie 38.123) and 121.123" West (Longitude -I21.129) the USGS “US Seismic Design Maps” aplization provides the values oF S206 5-027 2012 BC SEAOC Smeal Design Mama V1 4 {8114 asin Eampl» Das Sct! sponse Acton ame Forthe given Site Class D and the vals ofS, and S determined above. the sit oefciets are Felon Feiss, ‘The MCE, spel response aeelecetion parameters jose fer Site Chas tet are Sig= Py Ss= 129206349) = 0819 Sin FS, = 1857102728) = 0505 Sig) Sys = (2308199) = 05465 Ey llas ) Sg = 213Y0.5088)=0.3578 Egle 2 2er216c Se10c sruuatsaine Cosy Mansa We 1 DesgnEaple2 Design Ragen Spactum $1145 [Design Example 2 Design Response Spectrum $11.45 PROBLEM STATEMENT A bailing se in Califia asthe following design spectral response acelereton parameters deermined {in accordance with Seton 11.4 and mapped lng porid wansion perio eval from Figure 22-12: 5520558, Sy 0346 DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Design response sperm. ‘4. Design Response Spectrum gi145 Section 1.45 provides th equtios fore Sperent damped petra sponse acceleration, rai (o erie, 7, nthe following range: OTe Ty MS TST TeeTSTy 008 TT 2S! So Ty Sp Sp td ng period transition pero fom Figures 2-12 trough 22-6 Given the sales above for this exp, T2025! Sq) =02(0348/0859) =0.1250¢ oy / Sus = (0348/0554) = 0.6 ee and TB see. 2012180 8400 Srcttsetme Dasn Mal ett 3 {41145 Des Bane 2» Desi sponse Spectrum, “The spectra response acceleration, is calaltod a follows 1. Fore ineralO S7' | es Gyno’ |v | a7 | De ors | > |e Emergency sheer ‘Note tha for Risk Categories I and I having 20.75 (eal =0.5), she aiding shall be assigned o SDC Eso fr Rik Catepory IV ving, 20.75, the aiding ral be estgned to SDC 12 Di2.wCSEAKE Stucke Cogn Maral 1 boa Ene 9 = Gan Ld Paani $1219 eoraten rd Design Example 5 Continuous Load Path and Interconnection 6121.3 Connection to Supports 8121.4 OVERVIEW This example sets ue ofthe Bram ntrcunectio equitement of Seton 12.1.3. The eqiement is to casur that important prs ofa str ae“ together” PROBLEM STATEMENT Fete two simple beams shows blow the flowing information ive: ‘Seismic Design Cteory D S210 Dead Load D= 6kipt Live Lond £=4 kit aint Page 31 DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Horizontal connection foes between th wo beams. 2 012180 SEACC SrenaiSeomec Doan Marl Veli 13. $1212 Omg Bumps « Comins Lond Pat an tonmacton fers SemoeresS 11. Horizontal Connection Force between the Two Beams, 24.3 Requiemen fries an continuity ar specie in Section 12.13 For thisparculr example, itis requized odetemine the “te fore” fr desig ofthe horizontal ie imerconeting the «wo simply ‘ported beams. Thi ores designated asf given by th rete value F,=0133 50%, F,=005%, whee w, ihe weight of he ale (shone) beam 40 (D) = 46) = 240 kp. For Sng= 10, the contig te forces F,=0.1330.03240)= 31.9 kip, 2. Horizontal Connection Force between the Beam and Support "P” §12.1.4 Section 12.14 egies a orion support force for each beam equal to § percent ofthe dea oad plus ve load reaction. The equi design fre a the pin spor "Ps eae (9) sn 14 an2160 SEA0¢ Smeal Doin Mara hf an Ena Cana oan aan Oto Ohms 1222 OVERVIEW ‘This examples te determination of response modition coefficient, stem oversrength {acto sad deletion anpifcan actor, Cy values fora bung hatha diferent sesmlo-frce- resting Systems along two orthogonal nes ie deton) ofthe tuiing PROBLEM STATEMENT ‘A the sory bling has concrete shea walls nen direction and concrete moment faes in the ther, lots are concrete slab The balding it SDC D and isk Catgor Lines AandD north south rection) ae special reinforced concrete shear walls (bearing wall syst), Ra5,0,225, C25, Tale 12241 (AD) Lines | an 3 (es-west direction) we special enforced coneree moment frum R=80,0,"30,C,=5S Table 2, ©. {0121BCSEACC SretasSatmicOospn Maat V6. 18, 11222 Das Exanpa Cannon of Prag tes ott Crete DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING 1. Yale for R, Cyan 9 for each retin. 1.Value for F, C,, and 0, for Each Direction, 512.22 The rovsions of Section 12.2.2 ei tht where iferet seismic fore resting systems se sed ‘dog he wo ontogonn ses ofthe rach ppp repens mdieatoncofclo,Rem ‘ovesegth factor and delectcnaplican fac, Cy foreach se shall be we forthe not suth destin. S forte east-west dietion, ‘Commentary Sine ths is SDC D tina seinforced concrete shar walls and ordinary or intermedi reiford Conese moment fier ae pomited In this ecample, the come columas are common ot interesting seismic fore esisig ystems thus at subj to the provision of Section 12.2. for dang egurement and Section 12 foe Actin of loading requirements otogona effec). Fo addtional information repadig the deiing reatirenents,feferto SEAOC Blue Book acl 402041 "Stroctural Dealing for Combined Smut Systm” aes bp) sone orfoebook dex 16 2012 18e SEADC Src Den Maa 1 Day nara « Contes rant Spon ite Sune Dhan ral $1223) Design Example 7 Combination of Framing Systems in the Same Direction: Vertical 1223.4 OVERVIEW 1s sometimes necessary o design bldings that have a vesicl combination of diferent seismic force ‘essing systems, For example, the botom part ofthe ste maybe i rime ad the op pat ay ‘ea braced fame or shar wall This ecampleUhsttes use ofthe requzemens of Secon 1225.11 ‘etemine the eplicable response modification coef sat versength tor, fy and detion ‘smplicaon fate, C, vals for combined vertical systems. PROBLEM STATEMENT “Tce sttures are shown below with diferent versal combination of system ie the sme direction, ‘The sec design caleory for each saci andthe applicable design coeffiiens ad factors rom ‘ble 1221 foreach sytem are pve. DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING: | Vatu for Rand Cad for ch story in the desion shown fora see peia coacenucallybaced fame (SCBF) ovr sel special momeat ame (SMF. 2. Wale for RQ, and C, fr cach tari the distin shown for a special ragweed concrete sear wal (SCS) ovr special einer concrete moment frames (SRCMP) 5. Ve fr Rand C, Fr each story in he diction shown for aconrete SRCMF over a concrete big frame shear wall sem 1 Steal Special Concentrcaly Braced Frame (SCBF) over Stel Special Design Parameters: Seismic Design Caegoy C ‘Stoo pil conceaticlly traced fame R60 1012 16C SEACC SrcelSetme Design Maral vet 17 £72281 Dean Exaple7 » Conbiatono Fran Syston ne Sane Dion eral ‘Stel peal semen rt R=80 Figure 7. “Tis combine system falls under th verical combinations of Seton 1223, Because the ig fasing system it above the exible Framing sem, the exception for stworstage aaisn Secon 122.32 ‘anna eased Therefore, n accordance wih Seton 1223.1, he valves off and C forthe oper (raced rare) system us be used forthe design ofboth systems. Design Paranctes: ‘SeismieDesgn Category C Special Renforceé Concrete Shear Wall (Non Bearing) R=60 4-25 G50 pio 418 m2 8c seA0C Smclaemle Daeg Maa ol 1 eam EMG + Lorre ting Systane nia Sune Dc Veal 122.84 Special Reinforced Concrete Moret Fre 280 esa 3 p=10 Reure 2, ‘his combined sytem falls under he vertical combinations of Seton 12.231. Becase the ig famine sytem is above the exe framing sem, te exception fr awe sage aayate in Secon 12232 ano be used. Therefore, in accordance with Scetion 12.3.1, the vals of Ry end Co the ope (Gear wall) system mist be used fo the design of oth syste, ‘Stites upper potion = 175 kin Tage 15 86 Tonnn 055 86 “Modal Response Spetracn Analysis 212180 SEACC StctalSeume Das Karl L119 $1228 Desi Example” Cambnaton of Fam ans ne Sune Doc Vrs! Finer 73. ‘Speci Retnorces Concrete Shear Wall (Noe Beatin) R60 Qya25 p10 ‘Sines =10.00 Kinin T= 0.08 ‘Bguvalot Lazral Face Procedure “This srscture has a vertical combination of exible system over mor rigid system. A ewo-tage sate ‘nals may tes, provided te stracare conforms wo th fequementspecited in Section 1223.2. ‘is ferent fr besng wall ystems vrsas building frame systems fr special reinforced conrete shear walls, ce Table 122-1 202012160 SE42C Src Desi Ma 1 Desi Earle « Cancinatonf Faning Stans nie Sane Orecton: rca) 12238 (Check requirements of Secton!?2.3.2 fora two-stge analysis: 8) Te fn ofthe lower portions at eas 10 tines he tines ofthe usp portion. For muliplestry upper or omer portions, the stifles should be the ssn the lowes veto the potion divide bythe oa to he pron. 14000 kpfin > 1195) = 1780 iin... OK, 1) The period of te cts sno greater han snes the period ofthe upper strate ‘considered sepa fete ruppated a the anion fom de upp to the owes pon 0.56 v6 <1 (058) = 061 520... OK. ©) The upper portion shal be designed a separate structure using appropriate values of Ran p. 4) The igi ower potion tl be designed asa separ stretre ving appropiate ales of R and p. Reaction from he uppe petion shal be determined rm anal ofthe per tue plied by the rao of Rp ofthe upper structure over Rp ofthe ower stutre. Tisai shall bot bees than 10, ©) The upper portion is alyzed with th euivlen stra force or modal espnsespectum procedure, andthe lowe portion is analyzed withthe equilateral force precede ‘4 Design Procedures for Upper and Lower Structures Design he upper SRM using R=80 9-30 p=13 ee Figure 74 201187 FAO Scat Ben Mar 12 $1281 owe Bx? « Cantnten ot Famig Systane ne Sa Oo Vor Design the lower porto ofthe biliig frame system forthe combined eects of amplified reaction fom ‘he upper portion nd lara forces du the ase sear fo the lower portion ofthe srs (sing R= 60,0, = 2.5, and p= 1. forthe lover porion) oc = (91368 Vpn) + Vie Figure 7-5. “The eaetons rom he upper porn shal e determi from he nays ofthe upper potion amplied bythe to of (Rp) fore appr parton over Wp) oft ker parton. For the bac seismic lou combination, the factor p must sil be applied to forces corespondig © Ving ‘Commentary c ‘Such ystems az tly o contin veri egulaes, For ational iformativn, refer SEAOC BI aps seaveorpebooXindex nl Book stile 402.040 "Combined System" availa a: 222012 RC SEADC Scull Desn Manat 1 esgn Eno 8 » Cation cf Famig Stns ne Sane Crecton: Hawn 12283 OVERVIEW ‘A combination of feet ssmiefoee resting systems maybe used inthe same drecton along ‘ferent ines of esisance. This example sms how the respnce motion coeticient vale is ‘detained in soc stanton, PROBLEM STATEMENT ‘Aone-story terme striae hs the oo plan shown below. The strate i ated io Risk Category I and Sesnc Dein Category C. Lines and ae ordinary sts! moment frames: R35 ee oot Pan Figure 81 ‘Lines 2 and 3 are special sel concentrically braced frames: R= 60 DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING: |, Valu fo for design the north south dizecton assuring the of lpg is etermined toberigi 2. Valoe for R fr design the non south ieton assaming the oo inpragm is determined vwbe xi, {12 BCSEAOC SrecualSetmeCarbn Mana Wek 1 28 612289 Design Empl € = Contnton of aming Spt The Same Dieta: Hoa 1.Value for A in the North-South Direction for a Rigid Diaphragm § ‘When acombinaton of struct systems is ws inthe same detion (excep for those combinations that ongy wih the requirement or al sytem), Section 122.38 ress thatthe Value of sed bl ot be genrthan the leat ale ofa system lized in hat iection, Therefore, we R= 3.3 nthe noth Suh deton fr lies ofthe selsmic fere-eiting system. Section 1223.3 also rogue tht he talc Cy td be consistent wth the Rof he governing sytem in that dion 12. Value for A in the North-South Direction for a Flexible Diaphragm § ‘When acombinston of tract systems i sed lone diferentes of resistance in he sme areton, Sesion 12233 comin an excep hapa the least valve of forthe different systems foun i ‘sch iaspeadent line of resistance tobe used al ofthe folowing condone et. 1, Ris Category To 1 building 2, Twos or ets above grade plane 23, Use oflighc-rame constuction or Henle iphrngms. Section 1223.3 also requires the use ofthe lett val of for any ofthe spsems in the sme rekon for the dein of diaphragms Soe ts is one-story, Risk Calegry I beiting, od since gen thatthe root dap it termined wo be flexible all condions ofthe exception have been met. Therefore, ts permed 1 use K 15 inthe noth-suth drcon along lines | and and R= 6.0 in the nrth-scuth etn along ies 2 tnd 3. The design ofthe diaphragm ne nort-acuh deci shall se he Test ale of R= 35, ‘Commentary For addtional infomation, refer to SEAOC Blue Book uric 4.02040 “Combined Systems” abe at: pie seaoc orlvebookline 242012160 SeA0C Smear Deer Mana ot OVERVIEW ‘Tis exampeillasetes the application ofthe raquieeats of Section 12.2.4 for member that are commen toiferent ramiag systems ted rest sei forces. Tis pic ao the sbjet of the SEAOC ‘Blue Book arc $2,081 “Sractral Dealing for Combined Structural Systems" Stoctoral members ‘abe common different framing systems When systems are combined in varous manners veil, Insizoetally. or ortogorly). This example considers common member within a vertical embiaton of sytems, The Blue Book aril discusses eke configurations PROBLEM STATEMENT ‘A wo-ory, ts, pial momen reiting frame structures on tp ofa specal concrete reifoead shear al. Te struts signed o Risk Category I and SDD, Beas are 30x 108 with Rede earn Section (RBS), and clams ae Wid x 283. Sto is ASTM A992 Columas we assured pine at the ae, ‘ColuiPinser ae “Comoe bath conc shew ell sdmonent fame ‘The upper two stories are special steel momeatresising ames: R=8,0,=3 ‘The lower sory it special once reinforced shear wal: R-5,.0,=23 2012180 SEA0C SrenuStme Dein Mal. 28 $1224 Dat Example «Contin Framing Detirg Reports DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING: 1, Seismic xi oc forthe design of the conrete columnist sopping the scorn shone 2. Locations and types of splices forthe vera eon within theconrte pilaster. 2. Amount and spacing of rized coninemet reinforcing within he concrete pilastes 4 Selmi force fo the design of he conection between the two stems 4. Seismic Axial Force for the Design of the Concrete Column/Pilaster Pe Seton 1224 sacral members common o differen faing syns ust be designed sing tbe 512921 i tb Torsional Exists at the 4. Determine tf a Type 1a or Type breguterty Exist atte [Aye ta trsiona regulary considered to exist when the maim story di, inloing acide {onion effec, a one cad of ie strate ansverse to an ais is more then 12s the average of he Story dfs ofthe tw end ofthe seucare (see Section 12.86 for tory di deerminain). Referring oh above figue showing the displacements 8, de to the presser forces, this Freputry check i defined inten fsa eit, (8, 8,,) aon right) and eR) of the strc, Tsonal inepuay exis at Level when T234 Ano. 12a ta) 7 Deteminiog sory dit a Level 2 ce gg" 190-120=070in 20-100=020'0 = SED sous a= 0:70. Oa (Checking 12 cite ay a5 “Torsional iegularty exits Type La. Check fr extreme torsional regularity AurLaa. Do RE SAC Stake Onegn aralL—33 512224 Doan Expl 2 « Haat ey at th = = GIG =1.55.. ths exteme torsion regula exists —Type Ia 2. Compute Amplification Factor A, for Level 2 | $128.43. ‘Wien torsional iru exis at @ Level the acide torsional moment M, mst be increased by 8 smplifeton factor A. Them be done for eat evel, each level may hae diferent A, vale tn this example, A, i otputd forLevel2 ‘Noe that 4, funtion ofthe dplacements, not the sry dei. ay {Se By 12818 B= 1901.) Bt8,, 1200190 = feat Bee _ 1200190 ssn Ogee 19) 35 190 T0535, 0.00308... not OK. [Note that 70 percent ofthe rss itis ager than the second try drt Alea: (200298 > (20030807 = 0008) Also note hat srucural icy of Types a, 1, orn Table 123.2 do not eply wee no toy ati under design lateral force eater thn 130 percent ofthe tory at of the ext story shove See Secon 123.22, Exception 1 0.00493 ‘000308 1.460... 208 OK. Checking th 80 perce requirement: , ox} ssn mo ‘Tpecefoe, tft story exits with conn La _Akerstely: 000488 > (0.002590 8 = 0.00361). Thereore, asa story exit ‘Check foresreme sft ory VericlStrtral Inept, Type 1): Checing the 60 percent requirement: 0.60(0.00478) = 0.002958-<0.0308....OK. Alteratly: 000483 < (20030806 = 0.00514)... OK. 0:70 .00883) = 003381 > 0.00289... ot OK Alternately: €.00488 > (0002890. = 0.00413)... noe OK “Thas due to siffoes an exeme sof sory exis wit onion Ih Recall fom Table 123-2 for Type 1, exten sof sty, reference Seston 12.3.3. This building it SDC Dandi permite Stutuesbaving SDC Er Fan aio having verde ieegulary Type Hb shal at be pemited Fortis srt, Tle 12,61 ms be checed to determine the permite analytical proceducs. 48 2012186 E400 Scum Canbn Mat Vo ‘Doge Expl 18+ Verlag pe aan Tipe to gree ‘Commentary Score: with Type aor Type Ib vertical iegulrity my require Modal Response Spectrum Analysis per Table 12.61. Adonai, srctres with Type 1 reno permed in SDC E and fa modal {alysis tobe peformed andthe sauce isnt SDC B oF the srctre does ot ned (0 be ‘heck for either the Type Ino Type I egy. The liiutionregag the Type Tb neulariy ot being slowed in SDC E snd Fisthe primary dieence between the impact of Type Ise laity vers Type Ibimepaaiy, ‘Section 128.6 equts that tory drifts be computed sing the maximum inelastic esponse dsplacemenss 8, which cde the deflection amplification factor C, es, 512815 7 However, forthe purpose ofthe sory dri, rstory-deift atio, comparisons needed for sotto 150 kis wight iepulaity exis, (110 igs) = 165 ips Wy 170 hips > 165 bps ‘Teerefore «weight inept exis, In his example, the weight regulary ents vie: ence betwcen the St nd second lv and again between he second and thd evel iter oe of thse alone would hive been eooigh to wiggr the Type 2 negli ‘Commentary ‘Asin theca of vertical inegulaity Type 1 rT, this Type 2 mega lo ress ia a etary rode ‘shape that can be asa ifn rom the angular sbageand laa load sibton even by Section 283. Consquenty tbe appropras lad distiboon mot be determined y th Modal Response ‘Spec Analysis procedure of Section 129, when requed by Table 12.61 Another common potential occurence ofthis ineglay would be «mahistory bing where he plan ‘ex docreases nah ajacent tory deo large for opesngs ora ulding stack, sochw ease 0 TYPE 2 imegulaity may exist even ifthe Door ese the same. Exceptions {andlor 2in Section 1232.21), ‘ply inthis ase nd shoul be considered 2012180 SEACC SrcaatSaome Dean Mant Ye 49 $1292 Design Example 20 « eric op pe PROBLEM STATEMENT “The lapel foe resisting system ofthe five-story speci womet fame balding shown below has a 25 fog setback athe thi, fwth, and ith ores. PERE DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING: |. Ifa Type 3 vera megan (veel geomet iregulry eis, 50 701918CSEACC SmcealSaint Deir Marat 61 eagn Evanple 20+ Vee epusty Tipe $1222 41. Determine it a Type 3 Vertical regularity Exists: 912322 ‘A verical ecm equa is considered to exit Whar the brass mension ofthe later force ‘essing sytem nay try sme than 130 percent otha inthe djcen oy Tints example, the sehack of Level 3 must be checked The rt ofthe to level ae oft? _ (00.8) Waa ofkevels = 758) 13 153 prceat> 130 percent Therefore, vets geomet iegulrty exes ‘Commentary ‘More than 30 percent changin wiih ofthe ater: frce-esising ysem betwee sce sores could ‘est in primary mode sape thats substan diferent rom the shape sume for prope plications ‘of Eston 12611 the change sa decreae in wid ofthe upper alc sty (a spit and the ‘case ere), the mode shape ference can be mga by designing fran nceasl wifes inthe wry ‘vith aredued ith, ory pecorming modal response spesirum analysis to determae lores. Sia ihe width decreas i inthe ower ajacent tory (ihe unusual situation) the Type Ta soft-tary |megulanity ca be avoided bya proportional inerease nthe nes ofthe lower ty. However, hen he ‘wih decrease isin the lower sry thee could be an overturning moment lod str decotnuty hat ‘would equi djaumic analy in accordance with Table 12.1 [Nove tha ithe fame elements inthe bay twee ines 4 sad S werent inched pt ofthe designated lbteal-ferce-resising systems, te vertical ome regulary would nt eri, Alf th width ofthe frame between lines nd ws desreated slighty, the imeglaky would notes. 201218 SEA0C SueasSuame Door Maal YL! 51 612322 Detar Bunce 21 «Vere oie Te 4 912.9.2.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT A concrete ding hn th lng rame sytem shown in Figure 21-1, Te shear wall sven fines A ‘and ba on in plane ots om the sear wal between lines Cand D, We 7 Figure 211 DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Tea Type 4 verti! inepuaity in plane discontiniy exits, £01218 SeAOC Sra esr Man Yt. 1 Design Exar 2 «Vac ongy Grud $1982 1. Determine If a Type 4 Vertical irregularity Exists 912322 ‘Type veal epi exis when thee isan np oft ofthe aera force cesiing elements ‘esuling in overturning demands cna supporting Dear, column, fs, o sah In this example the ef Se ofthe upper hear wal (between ines A nd Bis fst rom th side ofthe lower shear wal (between ines C and D). Ovecusning demands re imped on he sporting cols, Therefore plate ‘Saco exis, ‘Commentary ‘Noe: The dtition ofthis iregularychunged between ASCE 7.5 nd ASCE 7-10, The neato this inept check ito provide comection offre transferor ad pth defences, Ay in-plane offset can est nan overtariag momou-loudsrasferdicontnty tat ei he plication of Section 123.33. When theofit exceed the length ofthe resisting een the i ao {Shear wansfrdsconinut tht equses the splat of Secuon 12.3.3. forthe srengt of coecar ‘lems along the offset In this example, the olan under wall -B are subj to the provisions of Sostion 123.33, and dhe collector eeront acweea ies A Dat Level 2 subject tthe revisions of Section 12334. 2012180 SEA0C Smetana Den al Yl 1B

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