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Chinderela Short Story Quiz

1. What is the name of the main character in the story "Chinderela"?

a. Rose

b. Chinderela

c. Lily

d. Daisy

2. Where does Chinderela leave behind her glass slipper?

a. At the ball

b. At the market

c. In the forest

d. At home

3. Who helps Chinderela get ready for the ball?

a. Her stepmother

b. Her fairy godmother

c. Her stepsisters

d. Her father

4. What magically transforms in the story "Chinderela"?

a. A pumpkin into a carriage

b. A dress into rags

c. A book into a shoe

d. A cat into a dog

5. What is the name of Chinderela's evil stepsister?

a. Drizella

b. Anastasia

c. Cinderella

d. Perla

6. How does the Prince find Chinderela after the ball?

a. Through a magic spell

b. By searching the entire kingdom

c. With the help of the glass slipper

d. By following her fairy godmother

7. Where does Chinderela live before going to the ball?

a. A castle

b. A cottage in the forest

c. A mansion in the city

d. A tent by the river

8. What is special about the dress that Chinderela wears to the ball?

a. It is made of gold

b. It sparkles like diamonds

c. It is blue like the sky

d. It shimmers and glows

9. What time does the magic spell wear off in the story "Chinderela"?

a. Midnight

b. Noon

c. Sunset

d. Dawn

10. How does the story of "Chinderela" end?

a. Chinderela becomes a princess

b. Chinderela loses her glass slipper

c. Chinderela marries the Prince

d. Chinderela goes back to her stepmother

Answer Key (Always review AI generated answers for accuracy - Math is more likely to be inaccurate)

b. Chinderela

a. At the ball

b. Her fairy godmother

a. A pumpkin into a carriage

a. Drizella

c. With the help of the glass slipper

b. A cottage in the forest

d. It shimmers and glows

a. Midnight

c. Chinderela marries the Prince

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