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Cebu Institute of Technology - University

National Service Training Program

Reflection Questions

Activity: College/Department:

Answer the following:

1. What were your initial expectations during your community involvement? Were these
expectations met? Why? How?

- My expectations are the community service will be hard, we can fully cooperate with
other groups so that teamwork and being flexible in handling or talking to them

2. Was your community involvement an eye-opening experience? Why?

- Not really b

3. What specific skills/characteristics/values were exhibited during your involvement?

4. Would you prefer to continue your involvement with this group? If no, why not? If yes,
in what ways can you show your continuous active involvement in this group or social

5. Do you believe that it is of vital importance that you help educate others or increase
awareness? How are your values expressed through your community work?

6. What were the things/problems that made you feel uncomfortable during your
community involvement?
7. Complete this sentence: Because of my experience in the community, I have learned the
everyday struggles of our workers, parents and others.

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