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Remotely Humidity and Temparature Monitoring using

DHT11 and Node MCU

Group No. 01

1. Molla Safidur Rahaman (10900321028)
2. Arnesh Halder (10900321040)
3. Anshu Das (10900321017)
4. Ankit Mahata (10900321021)

Mentor: Paramita Chowdhury

The main objective of our design is to remotely monitor the humidity and
temperature of a specific area using a specific sensor named DHT11 with
the help of Node MCU(ESP8266)
A. Circuit Element:
1. DHT11(0.3mA, 5.5 V max, 1.7 Milliwatt, 16 bits, ±1°C, ±1%)
2. ESP8266 (170mA, 5.5 V max, 0.6 Watt)
3. Bread Board
4. Jumper Wire

B. Design Specification:
The sensor used here is Digital Humidity and Temparature 11 (DHT11) sensor. It
consumes 0.3 milliampere(mA) during operation. It can runs on a voltage range of
3.3-5.5 Volt. Here we used 5.5 Volt . This sensor comes with 16 bits resolution.
It has around ±1°C temperature and ±1% humidity accuracy.
The power consumption of this is around 1.65 Milliwatt.
For ESP8266, it runs around a voltage range of 2.5-3.5 volt. We provided 3.3 volt
here. And current rating is around 170 milliamps(mA) current. It consumes around
0.561 Watt power.
C. Circuit Diagram:

Fig 1:

D. Methodology:
DHT11 has 3 pinout. One for VCC and Ground and another one for data output.
VCC and Ground pin should be connected to any VCC and G pin. And for output, it
can be connected to any digital pin (D0 to D8). ESP8266 is powered up by any
micro USB cable.
By some specific line of code (should be written on Arduino IDE) we can get data
from DHT11. This provided data are actually the value of temperature and humidity
around the sensor. Till this a designed created where one monitor the data locally.
By extend the lines of code by introducing WiFi and ThinkSpeak cloud system one
can monitor the data remotely.
To sum up the whole methodology, first required data will be read by ESP8266, as
ESP8266 is connected to Wi-Fi, it will send data to ThinkSpeak. From ThinkSpeak
we can monitor the data.
E. Circuit Calculation:
The calculation has been calculated in 26 °C and 73% Humidity . Based on that
temperature, following data are provided. Around 26 °C temperature, the current
was around 2.4 milliamp , and provided voltage was 5.5 Volt .

F. Software Simulation:
To simulate the circuit virtually, Tinkercad software have been used . Exact lines of
code does the same for Tinkercad as well, and it was a successful simulation.

Fig 2: Use of DHT11 and ESP8266 in Tinkercad

G. Results:
Based on the proposed design, we are getting data as a outcome. According to the
design, there is two outcome. One is for Humidity and other one for Temparature.
The values are showing in terms of graph.
For humidity:

Fig: Humidity Graph

In the graph, one can reckon that the humidity is around 77%, it is also notable that
it was around 66% on 20:54 pm.

For Temparature:

Fig: Temparature Graph

From the graph, it is observed that the temperature is around 33.2 to 33.4℃.

H. Conclusion:
This is a remotely weather monitoring system based on DHT11 and ESP8266
and ThinkSpeak cloud system. As this is a cloud based system, a internet
connection is crucial at all point. So a internet capable board ESP8266 is being
used. To measure humidity and temperature, some kind of sensor is needed. For
this purpose, DHT11 could be an excellent component. DHT11 comes with
integrated humidity and temperature sensor. In order to monitor the data
remotely, ThinkSpeak is quite efficient. The whole circuitry is neither complex
nor power consuming.

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