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Table of Contents

Introduction 2

Wrist exercises 3

Shoulder exercises 6

Incorporation 8

Calisthenics is an extremely strenuous sport that
puts a lot of stress on your joints, tendons and
muscles. Hence why we need to warm-up properly
to prevent any serious injuries.

Warming up is an essential factor of growth. In

order to prevent injuries and effectively build
muscle and strength, you need to get some blood
flowing into the muscles prior to your workout. This
will ensure that you perform the exercise to the best
of your ability without worrying being prone to
pain or injuries.

The exercises that will be mentioned in this ebook

can be incorporated into your mobility and
conditioning routine, as well as warm-ups before
any type of workout.

Wrist exercises
Interlocking wrist rotations 2x20


Hold your hands in front of you then interlock them as

shown in the image. Start rotating your interlocked
hands from left to right for 20 reps then repeat the
exercise in the opposite direction.
Supinated Wrist Clocks 3x


Lock out your arms and turn them bit by bit towards
the end of your rotational mobility. Start off slow then
you can increase the rotation as you go. Additionally,
you can add some circular motion as you reach your
maximum rotational mobility.

Pronated Wrist Pulses 10x


Lock out your arms in front of you with your palms

flat on the ground. Apply pressure on the heels of your
palms and gently move forward and backward.

Supinated Wrist pulses + Open/Close Grip 10x


Lock out your arms in front of you but this time with
your palms facing up. Apply pressure on the back of
your hands and gently move forward and backward.
Gradually increase the angle between your arms and
palms. Additionally, open and close your hands in this
stretched position to increase your mobility in this
range. Experiment this stretch with different angles.

Pronated Wrist Push-Ups 10x


Next you can build some wrist strength by placing

your palms flat on the ground facing down. Lift your
palms up while keeping your fingers flat on the
ground. Lean forward to increase the intensity, as well
as performing the exercise on the tips of your fingers
as shown. Experiment with different angles.

Shoulder Exercises
Banded External Rotation Pulls 10x


This exercise will train your rotator cuffs responsible

for external rotation. Hold a resistance band in front
of you placed a bit lower than shoulder height. Pull the
band outwards above your shoulder while
maintaining a 90 degree angle with your arm.
Banded Internal Rotation Pulls 10x


This exercise will train your rotator cuffs responsible

for internal rotation. Hold a resistance band in front of
you with the band attached to the side. Pull the band
inwards while maintaining a 90 degree angle with
your arm.
Banded Anterior Chain Pulls 10x


This exercise activates your shoulders’ anterior kinetic

chain (chest, anterior deltoid, biceps, forearms). Hold
a resistance behind your back with your elbow locked.
Pull the band forward to your maximum range of
motion and repeat.

How To Incorporate The Exercises Into A Routine
The exercises we went through will not only train your
wrist or shoulders, but your forearms as well. These
exercises may also be performed after a workout as
static stretching to increase blood flow and muscle

For a warm-up, make sure to not hold the stretches as

they can decrease your muscular elasticity and strength
(temporarily). Perform dynamic stretches only.

For mobility, do these exercises to your maximum range

of motion and hold them in that position for 30 seconds
to 1 minute. Perform static stretches only.

For conditioning, do these exercises normally but

increase the intensity. You may use weights or thicker
resistance bands to increase the intensity of the

Apart from these exercises, be sure to do your regular

stretches and warm-ups such as neck circles, arm
circles, hip circles, etc.

If you do these exercises correctly, you will enhance

your workout and perform at your maximum
capability. Stay safe, stay flexible, stay strong and keep
working harder.

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