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Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following questions. Write your answers
in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

Question 01. After devouring his plate of lasagna, Mark asked for ________ to satisfy his hearty

A. a second helping B. an initial taste

C. a fresh portion D. an initial appetite

Question 02. Some health-conscious individuals prefer to avoid products containing artificial
__________, opting for organic and natural alternatives.

A. flavor enhancers B. food additives

C. substance removals D. preservatives

Question 03. The cashier used a special marker to check for __________ before accepting large
denominations of money from the customer.

A. phony notes B. fake pennies

C. replicated currency D. counterfeit bills

Question 04. After a long week of deadlines and meetings, Sarah decided to __________ and unwind
by spending the weekend at a spa resort.

A. let her hair down B. cut her hair short

C. tie her hair up D. style her hair uniquely

Question 05. As she entered the room, all heads turned to admire the __________ woman in the
stunning red dress

A. breathtakingly beautiful B. unattractively stunning

C. lifeless lovely D. drop-dead gorgeous

Question 06. The seasoned traveler had explored __________ Europe, from the historic landmarks of
Rome to the picturesque landscapes of Scotland
A. the height and distance of B. the size and volume of

C. the length and breadth of D. the depth and width of

Question 07. The controversial decision by the company's CEO to resign unexpectedly is sure to
__________ in tomorrow's newspapers.

A. write quotations B. publish footnotes

C. create paragraphs D. make headlines

Question 08. Despite earning a decent salary, James is known among his friends for being
__________ and rarely splurges on luxury items.

A. frugal with expenses B. tight with money

C. generous with funds D. loose with finances

Question 09. The movie received mixed reviews, but __________, most critics agreed that the acting
performances were outstanding.

A. at the core B. on the whole

C. in the details D. under scrutiny

Question 10. Taking out insurance policies can provide individuals with a sense of security and
__________, knowing they are financially protected in case of emergencies.

A. calm of spirit B. tranquility of thoughts

C. serenity of consciousness D. peace of mind

Question 11. When Sarah's car broke down, her neighbor kindly offered to __________ to work in the
mornings until her vehicle was repaired.

A. arrange a commute B. give her a lift

C. provide transportation D. offer a ride

Question 12. Sarah promised not to __________ about the surprise party, ensuring that the secret
remained safe until the celebration.

A. speak a term B. whisper a sound

C. breathe a word D. utter a phrase

Question 13. During meetings, it's essential to communicate clearly and __________ without
unnecessary details to ensure understanding and efficiency.
A. beat around the bush B. get straight to the point

C. ramble off-topic D. talk in circles

Question 14. Despite the challenges faced, the scientist's theory continues to __________ even after
extensive experimentation and analysis.

A. stay invalid B. break bad

C. hold good D. remain false

Question 15. The CEO of the company began to __________ from shareholders after the significant
drop in stock prices following the controversial decision.

A. receive applause B. face praise

C. encounter support D. come under fire

Question 16. When asked about the sudden change in company policy, the employee seemed
__________ for words, unable to provide a clear explanation.

A. be at a loss B. be at a nowhere

C. be speechless D. be in the hole

Question 17. The attention of the media reduced her to ________.

A. tears B. strips

C. shreds D. waters

Question 18. Parents often tell their children to __________ their younger siblings while they are out,
ensuring their safety and well-being.

A. watch intently B. keep an eye on

C. ignore completely D. look away from

Question 19. After weeks of intense training, the athlete was determined to push through the injury
and not let it take him __________ for the important competition.

A. out of the condition B. out of the question

C. out of reach D. out of touch

Question 20. After spending a year abroad, Sarah felt __________ with the latest fashion trends and
pop culture references back home
A. out of the condition B. out of the question

C. out of touch D. out of reach

Question 21. The store displayed a sign saying "__________" for the popular toy, disappointing many
customers hoping to purchase it.

A. out of practice B. out of date

C. out of stock D. out of season

Question 22. After taking a long break from playing the piano, Sarah found herself __________ and
needing to regain her skills through consistent practice.

A. out of stock B. out of season

C. out of practice D. out of date

Question 23. The sign on the elevator indicated that it was temporarily __________, forcing everyone
to use the stairs instead.

A. out of fashion B. out of command

C. out of bounds D. out of order

Question 24. Due to the recent economic downturn, many individuals found themselves __________
and struggling to find employment opportunities.

A. out of work B. out of practice

C. out of job D. out of control

Question 25. In the exam she ________ to the occasion and wrote a brilliant essay

A. raised B. headed

C. rose D. set

Question 26. The company's rapid expansion was achieved __________ the long-term well-being of
its employees, who faced increased workloads and stress.

A. in favor of B. in collaboration with

C. at the expense of D. in harmony with

Question 27. The entrepreneur's innovative idea allowed him to __________ selling his product
globally and becoming immensely wealthy in the process.
A. earn a living B. make ends meet

C. make a fortune D. build a career

Question 28. The once-thriving company found itself teetering on __________ after a series of
financial setbacks and internal conflicts.

A. the verge of success B. the edge of growth

C. the brink of collapse D. the boundary of prosperity

Question 29. The ideal weather conditions and diligent farming practices led to a __________ this
season, providing an abundance of produce for the market.

A. bumper crop B. yield abundance

C. harvest surplus D. crop shortage

Question 30. The saying "__________" emphasizes the importance of inner qualities and character
over external appearance.

A. appearance is everything B. looks are deceiving

C. beauty is but skin-deep D. beauty fades quickly

Question 31. Mark's tendency to fabricate stories and deceive others earned him the reputation of
being a __________ who couldn't be trusted.

A. confirmed bachelor B. compulsive gambler

C. compulsive liar D. fixed liar

Question 32. Before heading home, Sarah stopped by the supermarket to __________ for her
grandmother, picking up some groceries and medications.

A. finish a job B. do a favor

C. run an errand D. complete a task

Question 33. Despite arriving just a few minutes before the deadline, Sarah managed to __________
and submit her project on time

A. cut it rough B. cut it loosely

C. cut it fine D. cut it close

Question 34. The reckless driver decided to _______ a red light, risking not only a traffic violation but
also the safety of other road users.
A. surpass B. trespass

C. run D. jump

Question 35. Despite his intentions, John was worried that his boss might __________ his
straightforward feedback during the meeting

A. appreciate it warmly B. accept it graciously

C. take it amiss D. take a miss

Question 36. During the formal dinner, Sarah unintentionally dropped __________ by mentioning a
controversial topic that made everyone uncomfortable.

A. a brick B. a stone

C. a block D. a hint

Question 37. After the teacher's stern look silenced the classroom, the students could __________ as they
awaited her next instructions.

A. watch a pin drop B. feel a pin drop

C. hear a pin drop D. sense a pin drop

Question 38. As the team captain, Sarah had the authority to __________ during competitions and set
the strategy for the game.

A. call it quits B. call her bluff

C. call the shots D. call it a day

Question 39. When it comes to respecting personal boundaries, it's important to know when to
__________ to maintain healthy relationships and self-respect.

A. ignore the line B. erase the line

C. draw the line D. cross the line

Question 40. Despite being innocent, Tom decided to __________ for his team's mistake to prevent
any further conflicts among the members

A. bear the can B. take the can

C. carry the can D. succumb to the can

Question 41. After a long week at work, Sarah enjoys going for a run in the park to __________ and
A. vent frustrations B. release tension

C. let off steam D. blow off the anger

Question 42. Sarah's internet connection has been __________ lately, causing frustration whenever
she tries to work or stream videos.

A. on and off B. in and out

C. up and down D. back and front

Question 43. Despite her efforts to persuade the committee, Sarah's pleas for a policy change were
done __________ as they decided to maintain the status quo.

A. in vain B. in vane

C. in vein D. in vean

Question 44. The joke he made at the meeting was considered __________ by some of the attendees,
leading to an uncomfortable silence in the room.

A. off-beat B. off-pigment

C. off-color D. offside

Question 45. After completing the final exams, Sarah felt relieved knowing that she was __________
and had successfully passed all her courses.

A. home and dry B. house and damp

C. mansion and wet D. flat and dry

Question 46. When comparing the benefits of exercise and meditation, it's like comparing
__________—each has its own unique advantages.

A. fruits and vegetables B. pines and pineapples

C. lemons and limes D. apples and oranges

Question 47. After consuming several cups of coffee, Sarah felt __________ and full of energy, ready
to tackle her work tasks with enthusiasm.

A. as strong as a rock B. as flat as a pancake

C. as high as a kite D. as calm as a breeze

Question 48. During the team meeting, the manager reminded everyone that they were all
__________ and needed to work together to overcome the challenges ahead.
A. in the same wavelength B. in the same boat

C. in the same bed D. in the same house

Question 49. With the unexpected cancellation of her plans, Sarah found herself __________ on a
Saturday night with nothing to do.

A. at a loss end B. at a lost end

C. at a loose end D. at a lose end

Question 50. They pulled out of the deal at the last minute leaving us _________.

A. dry and high B. low and wet

C. wet and low D. high and dry

Question 51. After a week of rest and medication, Sarah's cold symptoms were finally improving, and
she was __________.

A. on the go B. on the mend

C. on the hoof D. on the high

Question 52. As the audition results were being announced, Sarah sat __________, eagerly waiting to
hear if she had landed the lead role.

A. on pins and needles B. on needles and pins

C. on sticks and noodles D. on tips and sticks

Question 53. Before the guests arrived, Sarah meticulously arranged the plates, cutlery, and napkins to
__________ for the dinner party.

A. cook the food B. clean the dishes

C. lay the table D. prepare the meal

Question 54. During the project preparation phase, Sarah was tasked with the __________ by
coordinating with multiple departments and organizing logistics.

A. strong lifting B. enormous lifting

C. heavy lifting D. weighty lifting

Question 55. In many families, the __________ is responsible for managing household tasks such as
cooking, cleaning, and organizing.
A. homecreator B. homedecorator

C. homemaker D. homedoer

Question 1. A
Detailed Explanation :
- a second helping (n): an additional serving of food after finishing the first serving - một lần ăn thêm
lần thứ hai.

Question 2. B
Detailed Explanation :
- food additives (n): substances added to food to maintain or improve its safety, freshness, taste,
texture, or appearance - chất phụ gia thực phẩm.

Question 3. D
Detailed Explanation :
- counterfeit bills (n): fake money designed to deceive people into thinking that it is real currency -
tiền giả.

Question 4. A
Detailed Explanation :
- let her hair down (idiom): to relax and enjoy yourself after a period of work or stress - thư giãn.

Question 5. D
Detailed Explanation :
- drop-dead gorgeous (phrase): extremely attractive or stunning in appearance - cực kỳ quyến rũ hoặc
lộng lẫy.

Question 6. C
Detailed Explanation :
- the length and breadth of (phrase): throughout the entirety of; extensively - toàn bộ khu vực, không
gian của cái gì; toàn bộ nơi nào đó.

Question 7. D
Detailed Explanation :
- make headlines (phrase): to become the main story or attract significant attention in the news - trở
thành điểm nổi bật, lên trang nhất.

Question 8. B
Detailed Explanation :
- be tight with money (phrase): to become parsimonious - keo kiệt về tiền bạc
Muốn nhắc tới một người keo kiệt về chuyện tiền bạc, ta có từ “cheapskate”

Question 9. B
Detailed Explanation :
- on the whole (phrase): overall; considering all aspects - xét về tổng thể.

Question 10. D
Detailed Explanation :
- peace of mind (phrase): a feeling of mental calmness or confidence; absence of worry or stress - sự
yên tâm, sự an tâm, sự an yên trong lòng.

Question 11. B
Detailed Explanation :
- give her a lift (idiomatic phrase): to provide someone with a ride or transportation - cho ai đó đi nhờ
xe, cho ai đó quá giang.

Question 12. C
Detailed Explanation :
- breathe a word (idiomatic phrase): to reveal or disclose information; to talk about something - tiết lộ
thông tin, lộ bí mật, làm tiết lộ điều gì.

Question 13. B
Detailed Explanation :
- get straight to the point (phrase): to address the main topic or issue directly without delay - nói thẳng
vào vấn đề, không vòng vo, lòng vòng.

Question 14. C
Detailed Explanation :
- hold good (phrase): to remain true or valid; to be applicable or relevant - vẫn đúng, vẫn còn giữ
nguyên giá trị.

Question 15. D
Detailed Explanation :
- come under fire (idiomatic expression): to receive strong criticism or opposition - bị chỉ trích, đối
mặt với chỉ trích.

Question 16. A
Detailed Explanation :
- be at a loss (idiomatic expression): to be unable to understand or explain something; to have no idea
how to proceed - không biết phải nói gì hoặc làm gì, không biết nói sao.

Question 17. A
Detailed Explanation :
- reduce somebody to tears: make someone unhappy so that it makes him/her cry, cause someone to
cry - làm cho ai khóc

Question 18. B
Detailed Explanation :
- keep an eye on (phrasal verb): to watch or take care of someone or something - để mắt, chăm sóc,
trông nom cho ai cẩn thận.

Question 19. A
Detailed Explanation :
- out of the condition (phrase): not in a suitable physical or mental state - không trong tình trạng tốt,
không đạt được trạng thái tốt nhất.

Question 20. C
Detailed Explanation :
- out of touch (phrase): lacking the latest information or knowledge about a particular subject or
situation - “tối cổ”, không thể cập nhật được thông tin mới nhất.
Question 21. C
Detailed Explanation :
- out of stock (phrase): not currently available for purchase because all items have been sold - hết

Question 22. C
Detailed Explanation :
- out of practice (phrase): not having practiced something for a period of time - không tập luyện, kỹ
năng bị hao mòn vì không luyện tập.

Question 23. D
Detailed Explanation :
- out of order (phrase): not functioning correctly or temporarily unavailable for use - cái gì bị hỏng.

Question 24. A
Detailed Explanation :
- out of work (phrase): without a job or currently unemployed - thất nghiệp, đang trong tình trạng
không có việc làm.

Question 25. C
Detailed Explanation :
- rise to the occasion (idiom): to show that you can deal with a difficult situation successfully - thành
công đương đầu với khó khăn.
rose là thể quá khứ của “rise” - dạng động từ bất quy tắc

Question 26. C
Detailed Explanation :
- at the expense of (phrase): to the detriment or cost of something or someone else - trả giá, hi sinh,
đánh đổi.

Question 27. C
Detailed Explanation :
- make a fortune (collocation): make a very large amount of money or property - tạo ra cả một gia tài

Question 28. C
Detailed Explanation :
- the brink of collapse (idiomatic phrase): on the edge or verge of complete failure or disaster - bên bờ
vực của sự sụp đổ.

Question 29. A
Detailed Explanation :
- bumper crop (noun): an unusually large harvest of a crop in a particular season - mùa màng bội thu.

Question 30. C
Detailed Explanation :
- beauty is but skin-deep (idiomatic expression): implies that true beauty lies beneath the surface and
is more than just physical appearance - câu này được dùng để nói lên chân lý rằng chúng ta không thể
xem nhan sắc là tiêu chuẩn duy nhất để đánh giá một con người, mà đó là trí tuệ, nhân cách, tính cách,
tâm hồn, khả năng ….

Question 31. C
Detailed Explanation :
- compulsive liar (noun): a person who habitually tells lies or fabricates stories without control - kẻ
nói dối không chớp mắt (ý muốn nói là quá quen và thành thục trong việc lừa người khác).

Question 32. C
Detailed Explanation :
- run an errand (phrase): to complete a short journey to accomplish a specific task or pick something
up - chạy việc, làm việc vặt.

Question 33. C
Detailed Explanation :
- cut it fine (phrase): to complete something just in time - hoàn thành sát thời gian, sát deadline

Question 34. C
Detailed Explanation :
- run a red light (idiom): to drive quickly through a red traffic light instead of stopping - vượt đèn đỏ

Question 35. C
Detailed Explanation :
- take it amiss (phrase): to feel offended or displeased by something - cảm thấy không hài lòng hoặc bị
xúc phạm.

Question 36. A
Detailed Explanation :
- drop a brick (idiomatic expression): to make a tactless or embarrassing remark that creates an
awkward or uncomfortable situation - làm một bình luận vô duyên gây ra tình huống khó xử, vạ mồm
vạ miệng

Question 37. C
Detailed Explanation :
- hear a pin drop (idiomatic expression): used to describe a very quiet or silent situation where even
the slightest noise can be heard - trở nên yên lặng hết mực, lặng thinh

Question 38. C
Detailed Explanation :
- call the shots (idiomatic expression): to make important decisions or be in control of a situation -
quyết định, kiểm soát.

Question 39. C
Detailed Explanation :
- draw the line (idiomatic expression): to set a limit or boundary that should not be crossed - vạch ra
ranh giới.

Question 40. C
Detailed Explanation :
- carry the can (idiomatic expression): to take the blame or responsibility for something, even if it is
not entirely your fault - chịu trách nhiệm cho điều gì, đôi khi là chịu thay

Question 41. C
Detailed Explanation :
- let off steam (idiom): to do something that helps you to get rid of strong feelings or energy - xả hơi,
nghỉ ngơi

Question 42. A
Detailed Explanation :
- on and off (idiom): if something happens on and off during a period of time, it happens sometimes,
intermittent - chập chờn, không ổn định

Question 43. A
Detailed Explanation :
- in vain (idiomatic expression): without success or without the desired result - vô ích, không thành
công, công cốc.

Question 44. C
Detailed Explanation :
- off-color (adj): somewhat indecent or in poor taste - nhạt nhòa, chán lắm.

Question 45. A
Detailed Explanation :
- home and dry (idiomatic expression): to have successfully finished something - xuất sắc, thành công
hoàn thành cái gì

Question 46. D
Detailed Explanation :
- apples and oranges (idiomatic expression): used to describe two things that are completely different
and cannot be compared directly - không thể so sánh trực tiếp, so sánh khập khiễng.

Question 47. C
Detailed Explanation :
- as high as a kite (idiomatic expression): feeling very energetic, excited, or euphoric - cảm thấy rất
năng động và hứng khởi.

Question 48. B
Detailed Explanation :
- in the same boat (idiomatic expression): in the same situation or facing the same circumstances - ở
trong cùng một tình huống hoặc hoàn cảnh, “chung thuyền”.

Question 49. C
Detailed Explanation :
- At a loose end (idiomatic expression): having nothing to do or being unsure of how to spend one's
time - không biết làm gì, rảnh rỗi.
Question 50. D
Detailed Explanation :
- high and dry (idiomatic expression): to do something that is not at all convenient for someone and
puts them in a very difficult situation - đặt ai vào tình huống khó khăn

Question 51. B
Detailed Explanation :
- on the mend (idiomatic expression): in the process of recovering from an illness or injury, getting
better - đang hồi phục.

Question 52. A
Detailed Explanation :
- on pins and needles (idiom): feeling nervous or anxious about something - cảm thấy lo lắng hoặc
căng thẳng về điều gì đó.

Question 53. C
Detailed Explanation :
- lay the table (idiom): to put a tablecloth, plates, knives, forks etc on a table for a meal - chuẩn bị bàn

Question 54. C
Detailed Explanation :
- heavy lifting (idiom): requiring effort, especially physical or mental effort - công việc khó khăn.

Question 55. C
Detailed Explanation :
- homemaker (n): a person, typically a woman, who manages a household and undertakes domestic
tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and organizing - người chăm sóc gia đình (thường là phụ nữ)

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