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You are a psionicist, called a psion by many, a

mindbender who harnesses and controls deep
wells of power from within. You might be a knight,
with strength of arms and mind, a lone wanderer,
crossing the desert sands and spreading a message
of peace, or perhaps a broker of information,
capable of invading minds as a thief would a vault.

Psionic powers are similar to magic, in that they

are capable of causing great change, and creating
wonders others could not dream of
accomplishing. Unlike the complex arcane spells
of magic users however, psionics spring from the
mind, rather than an external source. The nature
of these powers means the psion does not have to
contend with the unpredictability of the Veil, but
they are not free from danger. The powers of the
mind require great concentration, and should the
psionicist lapse, they may find themselves
overwhelmed by their own inner power.

Key Attribute: Willpower.

Hit Points: 1d3+3 (plus Con bonus if

any) per level up to 9th Psionic Powers (1st level)
level, then 1 hp/level. Though psionic powers are actually mental forces
harnessed from the psion’s own mind, they follow
Armour and Shields: Light armour, and the same rules for Magic User spells (p.33, p.83-
shields. 87), with the following exceptions:

Weapons: One handed weapons, • Psionicists may only choose from a

light crossbows, short limited power selection (see below).
bow, and sling. • Bonus powers and all power effects are
based on Will modifier, rather than Int.
Skills: Arcane Lore, Insight • Psionic powers do not require a Dark &
plus 4 of: Animal Lore, Dangerous Magic test, nor do they
Athletics, Apothecary, increase the chance of such a test from
Deception, Detection, other sources (magic items, etc.).
Divine Lore, Gather • Using a psionic power requires a
Information, General successful Will check. A failed check
Lore, Persuasion, indicates the power does not activate, but
Sailing, Stealth, the power slot is expended. On a great
Wilderness Lore. success, the power is improved in some
way, as determined by the GM (extra
duration, additional targets, improved Tentacle Spawn, etc. Psionicists also grant
effects, etc.). Terrible failures result in advantage to those recovering from madness, so
greater consequences, in addition to the long as the afflicted is under the psion’s care.
results of a normal failure, as determined
by the GM (the psion may be stunned for Hears the Mind (2nd level)
a few moments, the power may affect Psions are able to communicate telepathically, as
another target, or create an effect opposite the Strange Joining spell, with the following
of that intended, etc.). changes:
• Psionic powers are not affected by Magic
Resistance (p.182), Sever Arcarnum, • If the target is familiar to the psion,
Eldritch Mirror, and similar anti-magic communication is possible up to one
effects. mile.
• If the target is familiar to the psion, and is
PSIONICIST ATTACK BONUS also a psion, communication is possible
& STARTING POWER USES up to one mile per level.
Attack 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6 th • There is no chance of random alien entity
Level intrusion.
1 0 2 – – – – –
Unique Feature (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th
2 1 3 – – – – – level)
See pages 15, 43.
3 2 3 2 – – – –

4 2 4 2 – – – –
New Skill (4th and 8th level)
At 4th and 8th level, you gain one new skill (the skill
5 3 4 2 1 – – – need not be on your class list).

6 4 4 3 2 – – – Knows the Mind (5th level)

Once per point of Will modifier, per adventure,
7 5 4 3 2 1 – – the psionicist may detect and skim the surface
thoughts of a single intelligent entity up to a
8 5 4 3 3 2 – – distance of 60 feet away. A Luck (Will) save resists.
If the target resists, he is aware of the attempt. This
9 6 4 3 3 2 1 –
ability is blocked by a thin sheet of lead, or stone,
10 7 4 4 3 2 2 – earth, or wood more than 1 foot thick.

11 8 4 4 3 3 2 1 Academy (10th level)

At 10th level, a psionicist may found a psionic
12 8 4 4 4 3 2 2 academy, which will quickly begin to attract
apprentices, and even a small number of more
experienced psions to help maintain the training
Hardens the Mind (1st level) hall. As Master of the academy, the apprentices
All psionicists develop a powerful mind, by their and disciples will do as you bid, and follow the
teachings of your new order.
very nature. This mental fortitude grants the psion
advantage when resisting mind related attacks,
such as charm, fear, madness, the Mind Blast of a
New Powers New Unique Feature
Psionic Sword Latent Talent
1st level
Range: Self You gain a limited version of the Psionicist Psionic
Duration: 2d6 hours Powers ability. Learn up to two 1st level powers.
You begin an adventure with two 1st level power
This power manifests a semi-solid melee weapon, uses of this ability.
formed of psionic energy. The weapon may take
the form and properties of any one-handed melee
weapon. For the duration of the power, the Psionic Power List
psion may dismiss and recall this weapon at
will. The weapon may not be removed from Level 1
the psion’s hand, by force or choice. Otherwise,
1. Arcane Aegis
it functions as a normal weapon of its type. If the
2. Feywalker’s Drifting
Will check results in a great success, the weapon
adds +1 to hit and damage, and is treated as 3. Fusing of Flesh
magical. On a terrible failure, the uncontrolled 4. Gaze of Beguilement
psionic energy causes the psion to roll 1d8 and 5. Glimpse of the True Gods
consult the Injury & Setbacks Table (p.79). 6. Hand of the Void
7. Insidious Slumber
8. Lash of Unerring Pain
9. Life Manipulation
10. Lucent Emanation
11. Mantle of Many Faces
12. Psionic Sword
13. Shennog’s Blessing
14. Speaker of All Tongues
15. Ward of Lost Souls

Level 2
1. A Wisp Unseen
2. Affliction of the Eyeless Host
Life Manipulation 3. Bestial Communion
1st level 4. Bound by the Black Spiral
Range: Touch 5. Curse of Searing Steel
Duration: Shaping up to 2d4 minutes, but the 6. Globe of Silent Contemplation
effects are permanent 7. Inescapable Unmasking
8. Place of Perfect Night
This power functions like Bending the Stone, but 9. Solace of Argona
only affects inanimate once-living objects, such as 10. Sorcerous Misdirection
wood, and bone. If the Will check results in a great
11. Sundering Sign
success, the shaping duration is multiplied by 10.
On a terrible failure, the initially targeted object is 12. Tainted Vigour
loudly rent and mangled. 13. Thaumaturgical Vesting
14. Waking Dream
15. Wings of the Starless Abyss
Level 3 Level 6
1. Abjure the Unnatural 1. Betwixt Time & Space
2. Circle of the Unseen 2. Beyond the Stars
3. Channel Lightning (from the caster only) 3. Chains of Fate
4. Cradle of Formlessness 4. Fell Cavorting of Menethorii
5. Deny the Nine Furies 5. Infuse Animus
6. Hunger for Blood 6. Rite of Revelation
7. Incantation of Exhaustion 7. Viridian Ray of Unmaking
8. Nightcrawler’s Boon 8. Wave of Obedience
9. One with the Deep 9. Wodon’s Eye
10. Purge the Accursed 10. Word of Ending
11. Rightful Ascension
12. Sight Beyond Sight
13. Soothing Edict Designer’s Thoughts: Psionics
14. Spectral Transfixion
Psionics have been designed to work with Low
15. Turn Back the Buzzing Flies Fantasy Gaming’s (LFG) default mechanics,
without the need to add new rules, or look up
changed power names. This design choice was
Level 4 made for ease of play, though it comes at the
1. Behold the Secret Truth expense of a little flavour. When introducing
2. Bending the Stone psionicists to your table, I suggest emphasising the
3. Cleansing Charm difference between psionics and magic, as much as
4. Dimension Door possible. For example, something as simple as
5. Echo of Days using the term power for psions and spells for
6. Heed the Silent Forest magic users, can make all the difference.
7. Malediction of Lunacy Dedicated Game Masters may also take the time
8. Mask of the Wilderlands to create new names for powers, develop lists of
great success and terrible failure options for each
9. Monstrous Subjugation
power, or import new powers from other gaming
10. Murderer’s Cloak supplements. Unleash the powers of the mind!
11. Nostrum of the Dying
12. Starmaiden’s Miracle
13. Sudden Transmogrification
14. Unchecked Growth of Soliri
15. Unshackled Celerity

Level 5
1. Bane of Mortals
2. Beseech the Ancient Ones
3. Crush of the Warp
4. Delusions of Dark Recall
5. Feeblemind
Art Credits: LFG Compatible logo by Pickpocket
6. Finger of Death
Press -, used with
7. Imperious Soul of the Magus permission, all rights reserved.
8. Ineffable Force All other art by Daniel Comerci –
9. Phasement to Nowhere, used with permission, all
10. Rejuvenating Succor rights reserved.

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