Low Fantasy Gaming - Class Homebrew - Lycan Supplement

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Purpose of this Supplement

Greetings! Thanks for taking the time to

download and read my supplement. It’s my
hope in these next few pages to provide players
with an in-depth guide to Lycanthropy for Low
Fantasy Gaming (from here on out abbreviated
as “LFG”). Specifically, this guide takes into
consideration the lore and setting for the
system’s companion book The Midlands. That
being said, it can be used or adapted for any
LFG campaign.
I encourage players to tweak the information
presented here as they see fit for their specific
game. None of it, whether it be game
mechanics or lore, is meant to be considered
immutable. In this guide I’ve developed my
own view of what constitutes Lycanthropy and
werewolves in The Midlands. At times, the
information presented in this document
deviates from or adds to what was contained in
the original book setting. Feel free to discard
what you wish and keep what you like!

- J.D. Diaz

Primals are significantly less common in
There are two types of werewolves that comparison to Runts. These fearsome foes are
adventurers will encounter in the wold: “Runts” almost never found in the company of other
and “Primals” The former are commonly creatures or outside the deepest parts of the
found amongst Skorn (example: p. 271, “Battle forests they inhabit. Primals often exist as part
for Rivertop”, Midlands). Runts carry a weaker of a larger clan structure lead by an alpha,
strain of Lycanthropy which is only capable of which directs the activities of all the other
infecting Beastmen, and are noticeably less Werewolves belonging to that group.
powerful and savage than their feral
counterparts. Runts will generally know little, if Primals are dangerous due to their incredible
anything concerning Primal Werewolves. Their power and inclination for evil. They are
exposure to Skorn culture from an early age significantly stronger than their Runt
makes them closer to the Beastmen rather than counterparts and can spread Lycanthropy to
their actual progenitors. humans or other similar races. The specifics of
the disease are noted in the following section,
Nonetheless, Runts are still formidable foes and beginning on p. 3.
should not be underestimated by adventurers.
They have all the traits listed under the Even rarer among the Primals are those known
Lycanthropes section in LFG (p. 182), except as the Primordials. These ancient creatures hail
for being able to spread their disease to non- from the first era of Lycans, often being
Skorn and having a “half form” between human incredibly well developed in their abilities.
and Lycan. Their combat stats are listed on p. Amongst the Primals, they are considered
206, LFG Deluxe. demi-gods and highly revered. Little, if any
information is available concerning these
ancient monstrosities, as it would be rare for
even the most well-seasoned adventurer to
encounter one…much less survive the ordeal.
Primals have all the traits listed under the
Lycanthropes section in LFG, p. 182, with the
exception of having a “half form” form between
Human and Lycan. The combat stats for
Primals are as follows:

Lycanthrope, Werewolf (Primal)

No. Appearing: 1, or a mated pair, or
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 11+3
Attacks: Bite or Claw 3d6 + 3 (50%
chance to inflict Lycanthropy if bitten)
No “Half” Form? Nat 19: if appropriate, a wolf (60%) or
I opted to remove the intermediary stage dire wolf (40%) comes to the
between human and Lycan in hopes of lycanthrope’s aid.
accentuating the differences between the later
and the former. My hope was to create a “Jekyll S:20 D:14 C:18 I:14 P: 20 W:14 Ch:8
and Hyde” situation in regards to the
transformation. Having a middle stage between Luck: 11
human and Lycan seemed to dilute this idea. Move: 60 ft

An example of combat stats for a Primordial is
as follows:

Grendel: Lycanthrope, Werewolf

No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 20
Attacks: Bite or Claw 3d12 + 4 (75%
chance to inflict Lycanthropy if bitten)
Nat 19: if appropriate, a Werewolf
(Primal) comes to Grendel’s aid.
S:23 D:21 C:20 I:16 P: 23 W:15 Ch:15
Luck: 16
Move: 60 ft
Grendel is an ancient Lycan; rumored
to have been the original author of the
infamous Book of the Lunar Ritual. It
is said he towers over most werewolves,
and is comparable in stature to the
elemental giants (p. 198, LFG Deluxe).
Although Grendel garners immense
respect amongst werewolves, they
prefer to avoid him due to his cruel
nature. It is rumored that he once slew
an entire Lycan clan simply because The Disease
their Alpha did not bow low enough
while in his presence. As with other diseases (p. 123, LFG Deluxe)
Lycanthropy can be initially resisted with a Con
Grendel is a formidable foe for even or Luck (Con) check. The infection may be
the most seasoned band of transmitted upon receiving a bite from a Primal
adventurers. He boasts a mighty Werewolf (50%) or Primordial (75%). Within
resistance to magic (50%), off turn an initial period of 2d4 minutes a series of
attacks, and causes injuries on 18+ skilled Apothecary (Int) checks (roll 1d4 + 1 to
attack rolls. Adventurer’s bitten by determine how many) can be made in order to
Grendel have a 75% chance to contract remove or supress the disease. DM discretion
a particularly potent form of determines if the player is successful in
Lycanthropy (see the following section removing the disease or simply supressing its
for further details). effects for 2d4 hours.
If Grendel is defeated successfully, he If the infection is not treated or cured, it takes
drops a copy of Book of the Lunar root in the host and can only be removed
Ritual (see p. 4) through means of ritual magic---until the first
full moon. Once this lunar event occurs the
disease can no longer be removed.
The ritual for cleansing Lycanthropy must be
conducted by a Magic-User. It requires the use
of Wolfsbane, an object of pure silver, and the
expenditure of 1d6 x 10 gp. The Magic-User is

required to make an initial Int check in order to The Transformation
begin the ritual. Three unsuccessful,
consecutive checks cause the incantation to fail, Adventurers powerful enough to bear the
resulting in the ingredients becoming inert. The effects of Lycanthropy gain the opportunity to
ritual may be attempted again after 24 hours permanently unlock the Werewolf
with the use of new reagents. transformation. Awakening this immense power
within infected individuals requires the
An individual infected with Lycanthropy, if too following:
weak (below 7th level), will not have the
potential to transform into a Lycan. Instead, 1. Book of the Lunar Ritual (BLR): A
they suffer from effects similar to Foam Fever rare magic tome which contains the
(p. 123, LFG Deluxe). However, unlike this necessary invocations and instructions
disease Lycanthropy does not naturally subside. used to transform a person infected
Instead, the infected individual perishes from with Lycanthropy. It has a chance of
the illness after 1d4 days + their Con modifier. being found at the nesting grounds of
Individuals level 7th and above do not die from Primal Werewolves (50%), and is
the disease, but instead suffer from its effects always carried by a Primordial (100%).
permanently until steps are taken to unlock the It may occasionally appear in the
Lycan transformation. inventory of some merchants (5%) as
an expensive rarity (price 5d100), or
If an adventurer should be unfortunate enough
optionally as a quest reward if provided
to contract Lycanthropy from a Primordial, all
rolls to resist, supress, cure, or remove the by the DM. Invoking the spells
disease are made at a disadvantage. contained within BLR requires the
abilities of a 5th level or higher Magic-
User who must make an initial
successful Int check in order to begin
the ritual. The book follows all the
rules of magic items as listed on p. 268
of LFG, Deluxe.

2. Girdle of the Lycan: Listed in BLR as a

necessary component, this belt is
crafted from the hide of a Runt or
Primal Werewolf. It must be equipped
by the infected individual during the
ritual. It signifies the wearer’s departure
from their humanity.

3. Sacred Object: Listed in BLR as a

necessary component. The sacred
object must be broken by the infected
person at the height of the ritual. It
signifies the individual’s departure from
the gods of the world.

4. Ancient Ground: The ritual detailed in

BLR must be conducted in a heavily
forested area far removed from

5. Full Moon: The ritual detailed in BLR
must be conducted during a full moon.
Once completed, the effects of the ritual are
irreversible (unless stated otherwise by the
DM). The previously infected individual no
longer suffers from the effects of Lycanthropy
and gains access to a number of abilities
explained in the next section (p. 6).
In addition, a few classes experience additional
effects from unlocking the transformation:

• Mark of the Lycan (Cultists): Cultists

immediately suffer a Divine Rebuke (p.
87, LFG, Deluxe Ed.), lose all favour
with their god, and may not regain it so
long as they remain a Lycan.

• Cursed Blood (Magic-User): Magic-

User’s have their DDM increase by +2
when using spells.

• Pack Leader (Ranger): Rangers with a

wolf companion have their pet gain an
advantage on attack rolls while
transformed and in close proximity (10

Faustian Class: The Lycan
You are a Lycan, a ferocious and hated creature
that wields monstrous power. Once a normal
mortal, you’ve traded your humanity in
exchange for having access to abilities beyond
reach of most creatures. Reviled as you may be,
you nonetheless command immense respect
from both allies and foes who grudgingly
acknowledge your remarkable combat prowess.
However, your faustian bargain comes at a
steep price. Your development into this
monstrous being becomes apparent with each
transformation, as you find increasingly difficult
to revert to your original state and reclaim what
remains of your humanity.
Pre-requisites: Lycanthropy (Disease)
7th Level
Lunar Ritual (p. 4)

Key Attribute: Will

Hit Points: 1d6+6 (plus Con

bonus if any) per level
up to 9th level, then 5 Transformation (7th level)
At 7th level and after completing a successful
Armour and Shields: None Lunar Ritual (p. 4), you gain the ability to
transform into a Werewolf (Primal) as an action
during your turn. You have all the traits and
Weapons: None weaknesses associated with Lycans on p. 132
LFG, Deluxe (except for being able to take on
Skills: Same as base class. an intermediary form) along with the following
TRANSFORMATION MODIFIER • You no longer gain levels in your base
Attack Transformation Will class and instead advance as a Lycan.
Bonus Modifier
1 - 1st 0 • Your transformation frightens those
2 - 2nd -1 around you, requiring creatures of
3 - 3rd -1 4HD or lower to make a successful
4 - 4th -2 Will check in order to avoid running
5 - 5th -2 away in fear.
6 - 6th -3
7 7 7th -3
8 8 8th -4
Faustian Class?
As the name would suggest, a Faustian Class
9 9 9th -4 gives players the opportunity to delve into a
10 10 10th -5 new, powerful class at the expense of bearing
11 11 11th -5 some serious penalties.
12 12 12th -6

In addition, you must make an additional Will
• While in this form, your hit points are check when attempting to shift back into your
calculated retroactively (taking into human state. Failed rolls result in you
account previous levels) following the remaining in this monstrous form for an
formula listed above (1d6+6, plus Con addition 1d4 hours, after which you may make
an additional attempt. Each subsequent shift
bonus if any, per level up to 9th level,
makes it harder to revert, eventually resulting in
then 5 hp/level). the werewolf form becoming permanent state
past your twelfth use of this ability. Consult the
• With the exception of Cha (lowered to Lycan class table for further details.
8 while in this form), any attributes
below 14 are raised to this threshold
while transformed.

• While transformed, you are unable to

access or use your base class abilities,
including casting spells.

• Armor and weapons cannot be used

while a werewolf, with the former being
damaged if worn during an ongoing
transformation. Your damage is instead
delivered by your claws or teeth
(specify which when attacking),
which cause 2d6 + half your level
(rounded down) in damage.
Additionally, you may also spend a
reroll die to make a second attack
during your turn.
Primal Alpha (10th level)
At 10th level you become powerful enough to
o Humans and similar races challenge another Lycan pack leader. If
inflicted by your bite (50% of successful, you become the Alpha for that
contracting Lycanthropy) must group of werewolves. These Lycans will follow
follow the rules associated with all your commands, provided that you lead
this disease as detailed on p. them on regular hunts in order to feast. Skorn
132, LFG Deluxe and this revere you now as well, and will no longer
document. attack you unless provoked. However, your
new status gains you notoriety as well. On
occasion, experienced bands of clerics and
• You exude a cursed aura (30 ft.) which rangers will raid your Lycan encampment in
causes all within your proximity to gain hopes of claiming your head as the ultimate
an additional +1 DDM when using prize.
spells, potions, or magical items.

• Your base movement speed increases

to 60 ft.
While transformed during combat, you must
make a Will check at the start of each turn. A
failed check requires that you roll on the Lycan
Action Table (p. 8).

Lycan Action Table
Backlash: The cursed aura surrounding you
1 temporarily flares causing an occurrence of
Dark Magic. Roll on the DDM table.

Turncoat: You lose control and must attack

2 your closest ally for the remainder of the
Ravenous Appetite: You are overcome by
an insatiable hunger. If applicable, you
begin to feast on the closest corpse for 1d4
turns, and cannot take any other actions.
Any attempts to dissuade you from eating
(aside from attacks) are done so at a
disadvantage and must be accompanied by
your own successful Will check. A failed
Will check results in you attacking the
creature which interrupted your feeding.
Hunter’s Scent: You become focused on
one particular target (DM’s choice) for 1d4
turns. You cannot not take any action unless
it pertains specifically to this creature.
Wolf’s Beckoning: As your action this turn,
you let out a fearsome howl which can be
heard under normal conditions (DM
discretion) up to 500 ft. away. If
appropriate, it calls the attention of any
persons or creatures in the area. In
particular, Wolves, Dire Wolves, other
Lycans, Clerics, and Rangers are drawn to it,
and will make every effort to investigate the
source of the howl.
Feral Aggression: You must attack this turn
if possible, and can take no other action.
6 However, your reckless strikes leave you
open to retaliation. You suffer disadvantage
on the next attack roll made against you.

A special thank you to Stephen Grodzicki,
creator of LFG, for reading over my multiple
drafts and providing invaluable suggestions.

All images used in this document have been

released into the public domain:


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I would love to hear your questions and
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https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Loup- JD.DIAZ.RPG@protonmail.com

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