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They see, it is said, men who have been dead for several months, come back to earth, talk,

walk, infest
villages, ill use both men and beasts, suck the blood of their near relations, make them ill, and finally
cause their death; so that people can only save themselves from their dangerous visits and their
hauntings by exhuming them, impaling them, cutting off their heads, tearing out the heart, or burning
them. These revenants are called by the name of oupires or vampires, that is to say, leeches; and such
particulars are related of them, so singular, so detailed, and invested with such probable
circumstances and such judicial information, that one can hardly refuse to credit the belief which is
held in those countries, that these revenants come out of their tombs and produce those effects which
are proclaimed of them. - Dom Augustin Calmet, The Phantom World, 244


Creatures of the Night
“Vampires, which form the principal object of gifted with unique qualities that mimic those of
this dissertation, are men who have been dead their master (p. 219, LFG Deluxe Ed.)
a considerable time, sometimes more,
sometimes less; who leave their tombs, and
come and disturb the living, sucking their
blood, appearing to them, making a racket at
“Having caused Peter Plogojovitz to be
their doors, and in their houses, and lastly,
exhumed, they found that his body exhaled no
often causing their death. - Dom Augustin
bad smell; that he looked as when alive…also
Calmet, The Phantom World, 248.
in his mouth some fresh blood, which these
people believed that this vampire had sucked
Vampires and their kin are separated into four
from the men whose death he had occasioned.”
categories. The lowest level starts with thralls:
- Dom Augustin Calmet, The Phantom World, 342.
humans enhanced by the powers of a vampire,
but not affected in a way that will cause them to
Neophytes are young vampires that have only
undergo a transformation. Next come
recently began to develop their powers. Their
neophytes: new vampires that have only
stats, unique qualities, and weaknesses can be
recently begun to develop their powers. Above
found on p. 218 - 219 of LFG, Deluxe Ed. In
them stand lords: mature creatures of darkness
addition, Neophytes have a 30% chance to
that have fully realized their potential and may
inflict Porphyria after a successful attack roll.
even have access to powerful forms of magic.
Finally, progenitors are ancient vampire lords
with powers that approach those of demons.

It is rumoured that at the pinnacle of all

vampires stands Lugal: the first progenitor and
the original source of vampirism. Although
Lugal’s powers are thought to exceed those of
even the most fearsome creatures, his last
claimed sighting was over a millennium ago.
Some question whether he ever existed to begin
with, or was simply a myth.

“Jerome Cardan says that he fell into a
trance… he did not feel the pain of the gout, or
“Theodore de Gaza had a little farm in
the pulling him about. He adds, the priest
Campania, which he had cultivated by a
heard the voices of those who spoke aloud near
laborer. As he was busy digging up the ground,
him, but as if from a distance.” - Dom Augustin
he discovered a round vase…a spectre
Calmet, The Phantom World, 175.
appeared to him, who commanded him to put
this vase back again in the ground, with what
Thralls are human or human-like creatures that
it contained, or if he did not do so he would kill
have been stripped of their free will and fallen
his eldest son. The laborer gave no heed to
under the control of a vampire. Although they
these threats, and in a few days his eldest son
are not themselves full vampires, they are often
was found dead in his bed.” - Dom Augustin
Calmet, The Phantom World, 280.

either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.
Lords are powerful and experienced vampires However, it may not know or use
that have a strong affinity for magic. They are spells directly associated with the
often found leading large groups of neophytes gods, such as Shennog’s Blessing,
and thralls. It is rare that there is more than one Bloody Blades of Graxus, or other
lord in a group as power struggles are a similar incantations.
common occurrence between vampires of equal
status. The stats of a lord are as follows:

Vampire Lord

No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 15 or 17 (see archetype)
Hit Dice: 11
Attacks: Bite 3d6 + level drain (50% chance to
inflict Porphyria), or appropriate weapon.
Nat 19: if appropriate, a neophyte comes to the
aid of the lord.
S:20 D:22 C:20 I:18 P:20 W:18 Ch:20
“Some learned men have thought they
Luck: 13
discovered some vestiges of vampirism in the
remotest antiquity…The sorcerers whom they
Move: 30 ft. or 60 ft. in gaseous form.
accused of sucking the blood of living persons,
and of thus causing their death, the magicians
A vampire lord has all the qualities, powers, and
who were said to cause the death of new-born
abilities listed on p. 218 - 219 of LFG, Deluxe
children by charms and malignant spells, are
Ed. in addition to the following spells and
nothing less than what we understand by the
qualities dependent on its archetype:
name of vampires.”
- Dom Augustin Calmet, The Phantom World, 279.
 Warlord
 Has an AC of 17 in the form of
Progenitors are a rare and powerful type of
ancient vampire. They are gifted with magical
 Wields a two handed weapon.
talents that would make even the most learned
 Weapon attacks cause critical hits
arcane practitioners envious. Although
on a natural 1d20 roll of 19-20, and
progenitors retain their human intelligence,
also cause a special effect on a
their appearance and qualities are closer to that
natural 19 if the effect also occurs
of a demon. It is rumoured that only a few
on a natural 20.
progenitors are allowed to exist at a time, and
 May cast the following spells:
for that reason no vampire lord can ascend to
Tainted Vigor (1), Thunderous
this level until one has been killed.
Evocation (1).
In addition, and unless stated otherwise,
 Sorcerer
progenitors lack most weaknesses commonly
 Has a natural AC of 15.
associated with vampires. They are immune to
 Has the use of one potion. Roll to
determine the qualities of this all weapons, except those that are blessed, and
potion (p. 264-265) their regeneration is halted neither by fire or
 Has the same spell use as a 5th level acid. Sunlight does not kill them, but rather
Magic-User (p. 34, LFG Deluxe imposes disadvantage on all of their roles.
Ed.) and knows up to 6 spells of Blessed symbols are ineffective in so far as

warding them off. In addition, due to their unique qualities of progenitors as
affinity and experience with arcane forces, mentioned on p. 3 of this supplement.
progenitors tend to boast a strong resistance to  A re-roll pool with 2 dice.
magic (65%). The sole way to kill one of these  Off turn attacks
monstrosities is to stab them through the heart  The same spell use as a 10th level
with a blessed weapon while they are in a state magic-user, (p. 34, LFG Deluxe Ed.)
of recovery. However, progenitors take and knows up to 13 spells of any level.
significantly less time to recover than other However, Lilith may not know or use
vampires, and come back to full health after one spells directly associated with the gods,
hour. such as Shennog’s Blessing, Bloody
Blades of Graxus, or other similar
Since progenitors are incredibly rare and incantations.
powerful, each should have a unique name,
Upon defeat, Lilith drops a permanent magic
backstory, no attribute lower than 20, special
item and 5d100 gold.
abilities, and access to an array of spells. Below
is an example:

Lilith (Vampire Progenitor)

No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 19, in the form a stone-like
Hit Dice: 20
Attacks: Bite 3d10 + level drain (75% chance to
inflict Porphyria)
Nat 19: if appropriate, two neophytes come to
the aid of Lilith.
S: 22 D: 24 C: 20 I: 20 P: 20 W: 20 Ch: 22

Luck: 16

Move: 30 ft. or 60 ft. in gaseous form, and can


Lilith is rumoured to be a creature of ancient

origin, having belonged to the first generation Lugal (The Progenitor)
of vampires. As with all other progenitors, it is
thought she was a talented magic-user of who at I leave it to the determination of the DM as to
some point accepted the disease the vampirism whether or not Lugal actually exists, and if he
from Lugal in exchange for more power. Lilith does whether or not he will make an
is said to occupy the ruins of a long lost appearance. He is a being of tremendous power,
civilization hundreds of miles beneath the and truthfully not suitable for the vast majority
earth. There she rules over an impressive force of campaigns---except perhaps as a challenge to
of vampires and thralls. a party of max level characters. Even then, the
standard progenitor template should suffice for
Lilith has the following qualities: even the most powerful adventurers, as it is
 The standard powers and abilities of similar to strongest creatures found in the
any vampire as found on p. 218 - 219 of bestiary of Low Fantasy Gaming.
LFG, Deluxe Ed. in addition to the

Nonetheless, I feel it might be interesting to  Example: If Lugal starts with
include how I would envision Lugal if he were a 130 hit points and is reduced to
boss monster: zero by a blessed weapon, his
total hit point pool is reduced
No. Appearing: 1 to 120 and he regenerates
Armor Class: 28, in the form a stone-like instantly to that amount. This
carapace continues until Lugal’s hit
Hit Dice: 30 + 6 points are completely
Attacks: Bite 6d12 + level drain (95% chance to depleted, at which point an
inflict Porphyria) adventurer must stab Lugal
through the heart with a
Nat 19: if appropriate, a progenitor comes to the blessed weapon.
aid of Lugal.

S: 30 D: 34 C: 30 I: 30 P: 30 W: 30 Ch: 32

Luck: 18

Move: 120 ft. or 240 ft. in gaseous form, and can


Although no one can be certain of Lugal’s

origin, the most widely accepted tale is that he
 A tremendous resistance to magic (75%
used to serve as an emissary for the gods.
However, after a time it was discovered that
 The remaining powers and abilities of
Lugal, during his trips to the mortal world, was
any vampire as found on p. 218 - 219 of
pretending to be a deity and commanding
LFG, Deluxe Ed. in addition to the
humans to worship him exclusively. For his
unique qualities of progenitors as
hubris, the gods cast Lugal out of the heavenly
mentioned on p. 3 of this supplement.
realms and cursed him to ensure no one could
 A re-roll pool with 6 dice.
ever mistake Lugal as a divine being.
 Major Exploit Protection
 Off turn attacks
Lugal’s whereabouts are unknown and his very
 The same spell use as a 12th level
existence is debated. It is thought that if Lugal
magic-user, (p. 34, LFG Deluxe Ed.)
does exist it is somewhere deep within the
and knows up to 18 spells of any level.
bowels of the planet where sunlight can never
However, Lugal may not know or use
spells directly associated with the gods,
such as Shennog’s Blessing, Bloody
Lugal has the following qualities:
Blades of Graxus, or other similar
 Unholy Regeneration: When
reduced to zero hit points, Lugal
immediately heals to full unless the If defeated, Lugal drops 30d100 gold and a
final blow was made by a blessed permanent magical items. Furthermore, all
weapon. If he is reduced to zero by a other vampires are instantly slain upon his
blessed weapon, he then takes ten death, and the disease of Porphyria ceases to
permanent points of damage to his exist.
overall health, and reverts to amount of
hit points equal to that new number.

The Disease

“How is this resurrection accomplished? It is Instead, the infected individual will transform
by the strength of the revenant, by the return into a thrall after 1d4 days + their Con modifier.
of his soul into his body? Is it an angel, is it a The new thrall remains under the control of the
demon who reanimates it? Is it by the order, or vampire who originally gave them Porphyria.
by the permission of God that he resuscitates? They are set free when the original vampire
Is this resurrection voluntary on his part, and either dies or decides to release them.
by his own choice?” - Dom Augustin Calmet,
The Phantom World, p. 248. Players under 7th level may not advance from
being a thrall into a vampire. If they are set free
As with other diseases (p. 123, LFG Deluxe Ed.) or if their master perishes they immediately
Porphyria can be initially resisted with a Con or expire.
Luck (Con) check. The infection may be
transmitted upon receiving a bite from a
vampire neophyte (30%), lord (50%),
progenitor (75%), or Lugal (95%). Within an
initial period of 2d4 minutes a series of skilled
Apothecary (Int) checks (roll 1d4 + 1 to
determine how many) can be made in order to
remove or supress the disease. DM discretion
Near Death
determines if the player is successful in
removing the disease or simply supressing its
Adventurers powerful enough to bear the
effects for 2d4 hours.
effects of Porphyria and break free of their
master will have the opportunity to transform
If the infection is not treated or cured, it takes
into a vampire. Once both conditions are met,
root in the host and can only be removed
the infected individual will enter a state of near
through means of ritual magic.
death for 2d6 days. While in near death, the
infected individual is vulnerable and can be
The ritual for removing Porphyria must be
destroyed by normal means.
conducted by a Magic-User. It requires the use
of garlic, a blessed object, and the expenditure
Once completed, the transformation is
of 1d6 x 10 gp. The Magic-User is required to
irreversible unless stated otherwise by the DM.
make an initial Int check in order to begin the
The previously infected individual no longer
ritual. Three unsuccessful, consecutive checks
suffers from the effects of Bulging Bluevein and
cause the incantation to fail, resulting in the
gains access to a number of abilities explained
ingredients becoming inert. The ritual may be
in the next section
attempted again after 24 hours with the use of
new reagents.
In addition, a few classes experience additional
effects from becoming a vampire:
An individual infected with Porphyria will
suffer from effects similar to Bulging Bluevein
 Mark of Lugal (Cultists): Cultists
(p. 123, LFG Deluxe Ed.). However, unlike this
immediately suffer a Divine Rebuke (p.
disease Porphyria does not naturally subside.
87, LFG, Deluxe Ed.), lose all favour
with their god, and may not regain it so
long as they remain a vampire.

Faustian Class: Vampire
You are a vampire, a ferocious and hated
creature that wields monstrous power. Once a
normal mortal, you’ve traded your humanity in
exchange for having access to abilities beyond
reach of most creatures. Reviled as you may be,
you nonetheless command immense respect
from both allies and foes who grudgingly
acknowledge your remarkable combat prowess.

However, your Faustian bargain comes at a

steep price. You have ravenous desire for blood
is can only be temporarily satisfied. When this
monstrous hunger takes hold, even allies fear
becoming victims of your insatiable appetite.

Pre- Requisites: Porphyria (Disease)

7th Level
Transformation (7th Level)
Key Attribute: Will
At 7th level after awakening from your near
Hit Points: Same as base class death state, you find yourself transformed into
a powerful new creature. You have a modified
Armor and Shields: Any that the character version of all the traits, powers, and weaknesses
had trained in before associated with vampires as found on p. 218 -
the transformation. 219 of LFG, Deluxe Ed. They are summarized as
Weapons: Any that the character
had trained in before  Bite: You may make an unarmed
the transformation. attack with your fangs causing your
target to suffer 1d6 damage. This attack
Skills: Same as base class has 30% chance to inflict Porphyria.
Following a successful attack roll, you
may choose to feast on your target until
the end of the next round. If successful
you regain one blood point. However, a
successful Str check by the target will
break your hold. The same target
cannot be fed on more than once per

 Creatures of the Night: You may

VAMPIRE ATTACK BONUS spend an action to summon a flock of
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 bats, a swarm of rats or a pack of wolves
from nearby wilderness. (Cost: 1
Bonus 1 2 3 4 5 6
blood point)
Level 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bonus 7 8 9 10 11 12

 Enslave Thrall: Upon reducing a rounds when forcefully presented with
human or human-like foe to zero hit the icon of a good deity. In addition,
points, you may enslave them as a because you are undead, you do not
thrall. You may control only one thrall sleep, eat, or breathe, and are immune
at a time. Having a thrall under your to all mind affecting abilities with the
control reduces you maximum exception of madness.
number of blood points by one
until the thrall is released.  Weapon Resistance: As an action
during your turn, you may invoke a
supernatural immunity to non-magical
 Death Conditions: You can only be
weapons, except those of cold iron,
permanently killed by being
which affect you normally. This effect
submerged in running water, exposed
lasts until the start of your next turn.
it to direct sunlight, or if a wooden
(Cost: 1 blood point)
stake is driven through your heart.
However, you can still be incapacitated
upon reaching zero hit points, and In addition, you gain the following
must roll on the Setbacks and Injuries features:
table after combat completes.  Blood Points: You have a resource in
the form of blood points. They function
 Mist Form: If you are reduced to zero as follows:
hit points and are a reasonable distance
from your lair (DM discretion) you  You have a maximum number
may expend all your remaining of blood points equal to half
blood points to turn into a mist and your level (rounded down).
escape back to your coffin, where you While you have blood points,
slowly regenerate over 1d4 hours. You you are considered to be sated
do not roll on the Setbacks and Injuries and do not need to roll on the
table if this ability is used. Vampire Action Table (p. 9).
Following the end of combat,
 Vampiric Allure: You may make a make a Will check. If
supernatural gaze attack up to 10 ft. unsuccessful, you lose one
against anyone staring into your eyes, blood point. In addition, a few
mimicking a Gaze of Beguilement of your abilities have an
effect. Your gaze attack has a 30% associated blood point cost.
chance of recharging at the start of your
turn. (Cost: 1 blood point)  Once you lose all your blood
points, you cease being sated
and must immediately roll on
 Vampiric Regeneration: As a free
the Vampire Action Table. You
action, regenerate a number of hit
may regain blood points by
points equal to 2d6 + your Con
feeding on human or human-
modifier at the start of your turn. Fire
like creatures. You may recover
or acid prevents you from using this
one blood point per target fed
power for 1d6 rounds. (Cost: 1 blood
 If you are not sated, you must
 Weaknesses & Traits: You find the
make a Will check at the start
smell of garlic repugnant, take damage
of each turn during combat. If
from holy water, do not cast reflections
in mirrors, and hiss and retreat for 2d6

failed, you must roll on the Vampire Lord (10th Level)
Vampire Action Table. At 10th level, you become powerful enough to
establish yourself as a vampire Lord. As a result,
 Cursed: You exude a cursed aura (30 you may create a vampire clan that operates
ft.) which causes all within your from your lair comprised of neophytes and
proximity to gain an additional +1 thralls. These vampires will follow all your
DDM when using spells, potions, or commands provided that you lead them on
magical items. regular hunts in order to feast. However, your
new status gains you notoriety as well. On
 Damned: You may no longer learn or occasion, experienced bands of cultists and
use spells directly associated with the rangers will raid your lair encampment in hopes
gods, such as Shennog’s Blessing, of claiming your head as the ultimate prize.
Bloody Blades of Graxus, or other
similar incantations.
Vampire Action Table
 Faustian Class: You no longer gain Backlash: The cursed aura surrounding you
levels in you base class, and instead temporarily flares causing an occurrence of Dark
advance as a vampire. Magic. Roll on the DDM table.
Bloodthirst: You lose control and are compelled
to satisfy your desire for blood. For your action
this turn you must make an attack roll on the
2 nearest humanoid creature, regardless if they are
ally or enemy. If successful, treat the attack
under the same rules that govern the Bite ability
on p. 7 of this supplement.
Delirious Hunger: Your ravenous state has
started to affect your mind. You develop one
form of Minor Madness (p. 163-165) until the
3 end of the adventure. Rolling on this action
subsequently raises the level of madness by
one stage.
Fitful: Your hunger has left you dizzied
4 and unsteady on your feet. Your movement
is halved and you have disadvantage on
all movement based DEX checks for 1d3 turns.
Sanguine Frenzy: You must attack this turn if
possible, and can take no other action. However,
5 your reckless strikes leave you open to
retaliation. You suffer disadvantage on the next
attack roll made against you.
Wane: You feel weakened while unsated, and
it begins to show. You suffer one point of
6 attribute damage to either your Con, Dex, or Str
stat until the end of the adventure.

The Expedition of Dom Dom Augustin Camlet
 AC: 12
Augustin Calmet  HP: 50
 S: 11 D: 11 C: 14 I: 16 P: 11 W: 18 Ch: 12 L: 11
Rumour or Hook: Dom Augustin Calmet is  Movement: 30 ft.
seeking to complete his treatise, The Phantom  Weapons: Staff (1d6 +1 damage if used two handed. May make
World, on Vampirism. In order to finish his melee attacks up to 10 ft.) and Sling (1d4, range 100)
work, Dom Augustin Calmet desires to  Features: Dom Augustin Calmet operates similarly to a Cultist. He
encounter and study a vampire of significant knows the following Blessings: Blessed Weapon, Holy Smite, Mend
power. He is willing to handsomely reward any Injury, Sense Abomination, and Turning. Dom Augustin Camlet has
adventurers who will guide him through a five uses of his blessings, and always has favour. In addition, he has
series of underground ruins that is rumoured to an advantage on all checks relating to Divine Lore, holy or unholy,
hold such a beast. including deities, undead and demons.
 Other: Dom Augustin Camlet carries a holy symbol and the regents
Encounter with the Scholar necessary to complete one ritual for removing Porphyria.

Dom Augustin Calmet is a short man of portly Journey to the Ruins

statute and partially balding. He wears a brown
monk’s habit and serves as a religious leader in The priory contains a few necessary items, such
a small priory on the outskirts of civilization. as food and water that can be purchased, but
Dom Augustin Calmet’s reputation is known otherwise is devoid of most conventional
across the land as the principal authority on inventory that can be found in towns.
vampires. For nearly a decade he has laboured Adventurers may question Dom Augustin
on a treatise that seeks to explain these Calmet about the ruins, but he will know little
dangerous and elusive creatures. Now, he other than what was explained in the previous
desires to finish the final chapter of his work by section.
encountering and studying a vampire of
significant power. So far, Dom Augustin Calmet The ruins are located 3d4 days away from the
has only had firsthand experience with priory and pass through a heavily forested area.
neophytes and thralls. Roll on the various Exploration tables provided
on pgs. 129 - 134 LFG Deluxe, Ed. to determine
Dom Augustin Calmet seeks to recruit events that occur on the way.
adventures to help him navigate a series of
underground ruins that lay a few days away
from the priory. He believes that this location
houses a vampire of significant power. Dom
Augustin Calmet makes it clear to the
adventurers that the journey is incredibly
dangerous, but he believes it will be worthwhile
if his treatise can be completed.

Dom Augustin Calmet favours Cultists and feels

uneasy around Magic-Users. He charitable,
polite, and incredibly optimistic even in the
direst circumstances.

7 12 24

13a 25
2 11 15 18 26
17 22
16 21a 21 28
19 20 23 27

5 6

Map provided by Dyson Logos and is used under a free, royalty-free, commercial license. A larger, unmarked version of the map may be located here.

Area 1–Mouth of the Cave Area 2–The Far Left Path and Alchemy Room
Progressing through the initial cave entrance Adventurers progressing along the far left side
will lead adventurers to a wide opening of may encounter a patrol of 2d4 neophytes (25%).
approximately 30 ft. by 30 ft. that diverges At this point, the walls and floor began to
between two paths. The water is waist deep and resemble those of modern stone mason work.
surprisingly clear, and the walls show a natural Along the left side of the path, they will
limestone formation until players traverse encounter a small storage room (2a). The room
deeper down either side. Regardless of the time contains 1d4 common items of any kind, as
of day, there will be a sizeable gathering of 6d6 listed on p. 53 of LFG, Deluxe Ed. The room at
thralls in this area, and occasionally (25%) 1d4 the end of the path is circular and approximate
neophytes. 15 ft. On the far left side sits an alchemist table
that has a chance (50%) of containing a potion
(roll on the table found in LFG, Deluxe Ed., p.
264). A door on the right leads to section 8.

Area 3–The Middle Left Path and Chamber find that the pool is heated and cleansed by a magic
The water remains waist deep down the path orb embedded into the floor. A player may
and into the chamber. Right before entering the successfully retrieve the item by making a strength
room, there is a pressure plate alarm trap of check with great success. The orb has the power to
major threat level (p.231-233 LFG, Deluxe Ed). heat and cleanse any small body of water it is
The chamber itself is large, approximately 120 placed in, but a DDM roll must be made before the
ft. by 75 ft. A series of eleven large pillars stand effect is activated.
in the middle of the room. Each pillar has a pile
of items of it that generally consists of 2d4 Area 7 – The Second Alchemy room
common items of any kind. However, one of the The room at the end of the path is circular and
pillars contains a trinket or curio (roll on the approximate 15 ft. in circumference. On the far left
table found in LFG. Deluxe Ed., p. 255-260). side sits an alchemist table that has a chance (50%)
of containing a potion (roll on the table found in
There are approximately 5d4 neophytes in this LFG, Deluxe Ed., p. 264). At the end of the room
area accompanied by 10d4 thralls. In addition, there is a passage that serves as an exit from the
players may occasionally find the vampire lord lair.
or progenitor here speaking amongst his or her
subjects (10%) as opposed to their usual place Area 8 – Resting Quarters
in Area 23. This narrow room of approximately 30 ft. in length
contains 3d4 beds that vampires use to rest in.
Area 4–The Right Path There is a 75% chance that 2d4 neophytes are in the
The water remains waist deep down the path. It resting quarters, but otherwise the room is empty.
is a long corridor that functions as a sewer pipe.
As the players enter deeper into the area, the Area 9 – The Arcanum
GM may choose to ask for a Con check to see if This circular area is approximately 45 feet in
players can avoid becoming infected with Black circumference. At all times it is patrolled by
Retch (p.124, LFG Deluxe Ed). approximately 3d4 neophytes. In the center of the
room is a magical item protected by a trap of the
Every thirty steps down the corridor, there is a GM’s choosing.
moderate chance (50%) that the party will
encounter a patrol of 2d4 neophytes and 3d4 Area 10 – The First Resting Quarter
thralls. This small room of approximately 20 ft. by 10 ft.
contains 3d4 beds that vampires use to rest in.
Area 5– Armory There is a 75% chance that 2d4 neophytes are in the
Leaving the long corridor on the right side will resting quarters, but otherwise the room is empty.
allow players to stumble across the lair’s armoury.
Two ghouls guard the entrance, and approximately Area 11 – The Second Resting Quarter
2d4 neophytes are found inside the 30 ft. by 30 ft. This small room of approximately 10 ft. by 10 ft.
room. The room contains 2d4 weapons of the GM’s contains 3d4 beds that vampires use to rest in.
choosing (p.60-61) one of which is made out of There is a 75% chance that 2d4 neophytes are in the
Cold Iron (p. 59). resting quarters, but otherwise the room is empty.

Area 6– The Thermae Area 12 – The Third Resting Quarter

Further down the right side corridor is a room (45 This small room of approximately 15 ft. by 15 ft.
ft. by 45 ft.) with a large steaming pool. As opposed contains 3d4 beds that vampires use to rest in.
to other areas in the ruins, the water here is fresh There is a 75% chance that 2d4 neophytes are in the
and clean. Approximately 2d4 vampires are in the resting quarters, but otherwise the room is empty.
room at any time. Players wading into the middle
of the pool, which is approximately 8 feet deep will

Area 13 – The Bridge Area 19 – The Second Prayer Room
This long passageway of approximately 60 ft. at This room of 15 ft. by 15 ft. is distinct from previous
one point passes over the Chamber (section 3). The areas in the lair, as it is constructed of polished
structure of the bridge is old and in need of repair. marble and contains religious art that seems to
The GM may ask for a Dex (Luck) save to ensure reflect vampire mythos. There are two neophytes
players can maintain their footing while crossing kneeling in prayer in front of a statute of Lugal
over. Traversing downwards players will find a (Divine Lore check needed).
small storage room (13a). The room contains 1d4
common items of any kind, as listed on p. 53 of Area 20 – The Third Prayer Room
LFG, Deluxe Ed. This room of 15 ft. by 15 ft. is distinct from previous
areas in the lair, as it is constructed of polished
Area 14 – Corner Room marble and contains religious art that seems to
This small room of approximately 10 ft. by 10 ft. is reflect vampire mythos. There are two neophytes
unremarkable except for a small pile of bones that kneeling in prayer in front of a statute of Lugal
sits at its far end. There is a 50% chance that players (Divine Lore check needed).
will find 2d8 gold coins amongst the remains.
Area 21 – The Dark Sanctuary
Area 15 – The First Antechamber This room of 30 ft. by 30 ft. is constructed of
This room of 15 ft. by 15 ft. is distinct from previous polished marble and contains religious art that
areas in the lair, as it is constructed of polished seems to reflect vampire mythos. At the end of it, a
marble and contains religious art that seems to large altar stands where vampires carry out rituals.
reflect vampire mythos. There are approximately One Neophyte stands at the altar with its back
1d4 neophytes and 1d4 thralls in this room. turned towards to congregation. The congregation
is composed of 4d4 thralls and 4d4 neophytes.
Area 16 – The Second Antechamber Behind the main chamber players will find a small
This room of 15 ft. by 15 ft. is distinct from previous storage room (23a). The room contains 1d4
areas in the lair, as it is constructed of polished common items of any kind, as listed on p. 53 of
marble and contains religious art that seems to LFG, Deluxe Ed.
reflect vampire mythos. There are approximately
1d4 neophytes and 1d4 thralls in this room.

Area 17 – The Middle Antechamber

This room of 25 ft. by 25 ft. is distinct from previous
areas in the lair, as it is constructed of polished
marble and contains religious art that seems to
reflect vampire mythos. There are approximately
2d4 neophytes and 2d4 thralls in this room. A
small storage room can be found towards the back
that contains 1d4 common items of any kind, as
listed on p. 53 of LFG, Deluxe Ed.

Area 18 – The First Prayer Room

This room of 15 ft. by 15 ft. is distinct from previous
areas in the lair, as it is constructed of polished
marble and contains religious art that seems to
reflect vampire mythos. There are two neophytes
kneeling in prayer in front of a statute of Lugal
(Divine Lore check needed).

Area 22 – The First Preparation Chamber Area 29 – Storage Room
A medium sized room of 15 by 15 ft. The room
This room of 15 ft. by 15 ft. is constructed of
contains 2d4 common items of any kind, as
polished marble and contains religious art that listed on p. 53 of LFG, Deluxe Ed.
seems to reflect vampire mythos. Inside, there will
be approximately eight cages, all containing
human prisoners that can be freed.

Area 23 – The Second Preparation Chamber

This room of 15 ft. by 15 ft. is constructed of polished
marble and contains religious art that seems to reflect
vampire mythos. Inside, there will be approximately
eight cages, all containing human prisoners that can
be freed.

Area 24 – The Waterways

A series of waterways that can be travelled to access
other parts of the lair. They are unremarkable,
except for the fact that if an adventurer searches
they have a 25% chance to find a total of 10d10 gold
coins strewn throughout the floor of the area.

Area 25 – The Bloody Corridor

This large corridor constructed out of polished
marble is approximately 100 ft. in length and 30
ft. in width. Torches line the entire length of the
hallway, and there is always a patrol of 2d4
neophytes passing through the area. A plate
trigger on both ends will cause three swinging
blade pendulums to appear along the corridor.
Adventurers may make a Dex (Luck) save to
avoid being hit by the trap. On a failed save, a
character hit by the blades takes 5d10 damage
and must roll on the Injuries and Setbacks
Random Enemy Encounter Table
Area 26 – The Room of Treasures
A storage room of 15 by 15 feet where valuables
are kept. Adventurers will find approximate 1 2d4 Neophytes
2d100 gold coins and 1d4 valuables (p. 261, LFG
Deluxe Ed.)
2 1d4 Neophytes and 1d4 Thralls
Area 27 – The Master’s Quarters
A luxurious bedroom of 15 by 15 ft. Adventurers
will find approximate 2d20 gold coins, 1 3 2d4 Thralls
magical scroll, and 1 potion (p. 261 - 266, LFG
Deluxe Ed.)
4 1d4 Neophytes and 2d4 Thralls
Area 28 – The Throne Room
This large room of approximately 40 ft. by 40 ft.
is where the leader of the lair usually resides. 5 3d4 Thralls
You may have either a vampire lord or vampire
progenitor as the final enemy. The leader of the
lair is always guarded in the throne room by 1d4 6 2d4 Neophytes and 2d4 Thralls
thralls and 2d4 neophytes.

A special thank you to:

• Stephen Grodzicki, creator of Low Fantasy

Gaming, for reading over my multiple drafts and
providing invaluable suggestions.

The following images are © 2020 Dean Spencer,

used with permission. All rights reserved:
 Cover Image
 All images on pages: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 13 I would love to hear your questions and feedback!
You may contact me at:
The remainder of the images used in this document
have been released into the public domain.
LFG Community Discord can be accessed here:

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