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Name: Phan Dinh Thien

Advisor: Nguyen Thi Hong, PhD

Ho Chi Minh City, September 2022

Table of Contents
I. PREAMBLE.......................................................................................................................4
1. Objective...........................................................................................................................4
2. Subject...............................................................................................................................4
3. Scope and limits of the topic talent....................................................................................5
4. Contribution of the topic to your knowledge and skills close..............................................5
5. Structure of the report.......................................................................................................5
II. CONTENT........................................................................................................................6
1.1. The concept of translation marketing activities service..................................................6
1.2. The role of service marketing activities for businesses Karma........................................7
1.3. Features of translation marketing activities service.......................................................8
1.4. Factors affecting service marketing activities at enterprises...........................................8
1.5. The process of implementing Marketing Translation activities service.........................11
2.1. About ACC . Business Consulting Joint Stock Company Group......................................17
2.2. Analyze and evaluate the current status of Marketing activities for business registration
services in Vietnam ACC............................................................................................................27
2.2.1. Detailed description of the service and customers using the service service.................27
2.2.2. Analyze and evaluate translation marketing activities service......................................31
2.3. Limitations in current business activities Karma...........................................................46
2.3.1. Limitations of the activity Marketing...........................................................................46
2.3.2. Limitations of environmental factors school................................................................48
ACC GROUP.......................................................................................................................49
3.1. Analysis of the current situation in the market school..................................................49
3.2. The upcoming development direction of the business Karma.......................................49
3.2.1. Expand to create..........................................................................................................49
3.2.2. Client relationship development row...........................................................................49
3.2.3. Business strategy development new............................................................................50
3.3. Solutions to improve business registration activities at ACC Business Consulting Joint
Stock Company Group...............................................................................................................51
3.3.1. Expand the scope of business activities joint................................................................51
3.3.2. Develop a number of programs on contact activities up...............................................51
3.3.3. Staff development.......................................................................................................51
3.3.4. Improve customer service process...............................................................................52
3.4. Request.......................................................................................................................52
IV. CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................53

Reality shows that integration of the manufacturing economy is taking place globally
quite enthusiastically. And this economic integration is also taking place strongly in
Vietnam. According to the report of the "National Information Portal on Business
Registration", the year 2023 recorded an increase in the number of newly registered
businesses with large capital scale of 20 billion VND or more, specifically: The
number of enterprises registered to be established with a capital scale of over 100
billion VND is 1,981 enterprises (accounting for 1.7%, an increase of 14.1%) ; From
50 - 100 billion VND is 1,909 businesses Karma (accounting for 1.6%, increase
8.3%) and live rules tissue from 20 - 50 Billion copper To be 4,105 enterprises
(3.5%, up 3.7%) . The number of businesses registered to be established with a capital
scale of 0 - 10 billion VND is 102,451 (accounting for 87.7%, down 14.6. We can see
that the wave of startups and company establishments is increasingly booming.
However, to be able to establish a company in accordance with the law, surely not
many businesses know the conditions, procedures, and documents to establish a
company. Therefore, business registration services The business was born to serve this
need of businesses Karma.
Understanding the development of this service, ACC Group Business Consulting Joint
Stock Company has been setting up many strategies to promote business registration
services to serve the needs of service users. customer service. And that is also the
reason why I chose the topic: " Analyzing Marketing activities for business
registration services at ACC Group Enterprise Consulting Joint Stock Company "
as my research topic. rescue.
1. Objective
Analyze Marketing activities for business registration services at ACC Group Business
Consulting Joint Stock Company.
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the business registration service at ACC
Group Business Consulting Joint Stock Company.
Proposing solutions to improve Marketing activities for business registration services
at ACC Group Business Consulting Joint Stock Company
2. Subject
Focusing on research on Marketing activities for business registration at ACC
Group Business Consulting Joint Stock Company
3. Scope and limits of the topic talent
- Internal range content:
Marketing activities of business registration services at ACC . Business Consulting
Joint Stock Company Group
- Range about zero space:
Marketing Department of ACC Group Business Consulting Joint Stock Company
- Time range space:
Conducted and researched during the internship from 1st February , 202 3 to 29th
August , 202 4
4. Contribution of the topic to your knowledge and skills close
With this topic of Service Marketing, I once again reinforced my knowledge of
strategy and the importance that Service Marketing brings to businesses.
In addition, I have practiced more and learned more about Digital Marketing skills,
teamwork skills as well as effective time management skills. fruit.
5. Structure of the report
In addition to the introduction and references, the report is divided into 3 chapters as
Chapter 1: Theoretical basis of service marketing
Chapter 2: Analysis and assessment of the current status of operations for business
registration services at ACC Group Business Consulting Joint Stock Company
Chapter 3: Solutions to improve operational efficiency for business registration
services at ACC Group Business Consulting Joint Stock Company .


1.1. The concept of translation marketing activities service

1.1.1. The concept of translation marketing service

American Marketing Association (AMA): “Translation Marketing”

Service is an organizational feature and a set of processes that define or create,
communicate, and deliver value to customers and to manage customer relationships in a
way that benefits the organization and its stakeholders. mandarin".
According to Philips Kotler: “Digital marketing, or electronic marketing, is the process of
planning the product, price, distribution, and promotion of products, services and ideas to
meet the needs of organizations and individuals. based on electronic media and the
According to Joel Reedy: “Digital Marketing: includes all activities to satisfy the needs
and wants of customers through the internet and electronic means”.
In general, Digital Marketing can be simply understood as modern marketing activities to
exchange information and promote brands through Internet and digital platforms.
According to Krippendori: “Service marketing is the systematic adaptation and
coordination of private and government service business policy with optimal satisfaction
of the needs of identified and achieved customer groups. worthy profit".
In general, it can be understood that service marketing is the application of the marketing
process to the service market, including the process of acquiring, understanding,
evaluating and satisfying customer needs and achieving the target goals. out first there.

1.1.2. Concept of marketing mix. mix

Marketing-mix is the coordination or arrangement of Marketing components to suit

the actual business circumstances of each business in order to strengthen the business's
position in the marketplace. If the Marketing components are coordinated smoothly and
synchronously to adapt to the ongoing market situation, the business will run smoothly,
risks will be limited and therefore, the target will be satisfied. customers and thereby
achieve maximum profit, sustainable business development.

1.2. The role of service marketing activities for businesses Karma

1.2.1. Marketing orients business activities and creates initiative for business

Thanks to market research activities, we can learn about customer needs Decisions made
in production and business have a scientific basis .
Marketing does not do the job of the manufacturer, but it will guide the manufacturer
on what to produce, how to produce it, how much to produce, and when to bring it to

1.2.2. Marketing is the bridge between business and society festival

This bridge helps businesses deal with relationships and harmonize the interests of
businesses with the interests of consumers and society.

Social benefits are reflected in the growth of production and consumption, in the
efficient exploitation of resources, without causing environmental pollution.

The main benefit of enterprises is to promote the consumption process, expand the
market and increase competitiveness.

The benefit of consumers is the purchase of quality products, food safety and hygiene at
reasonable prices.

1.2.3. Marketing is a tool for businessmen to plan business strategies, find methods
and future directions hybrid

This helps businesses adapt to all changes in the market, increase competitiveness, and
improve the efficiency of production and business activities.

Marketing helps provide economic benefits, satisfying customer needs. Marketing

contributes to stimulating production and consumption development.
1.3. Features of translation marketing activities service

1.3.1Nullity image:

This is the basic feature of the service, which shows that the service is intangible, does
not exist in the form of an object. However, products and services are still heavily
materialistic. The intangibility of services makes it more difficult to manage production
and service provision, more difficult for service marketing, and more difficult for
service identification.


Customer side: different customers will have different feelings, the same customer but
at different times will feel different.

Supplier side: the same service process but different implementers will have different
ways of expressing it. For each employee, mental health is different at different times


Products and services associated with service provision activities. Service products can
be systematically heterogeneous, all developing from the structure of the basic service.
The production process is associated with service consumption. Consumers also
participate in production activities that provide services for themselves. Thus, service
production must be careful, there must be customers and needs for the production
process to proceed. Okay.

1.3.4Non-existence reserve

The Service exists only for the period for which it is provided. Therefore, it is
impossible to mass produce it to store it in a reserve warehouse, and when there is
market demand, it can be sold as a commodity.

1.4. Factors affecting service marketing activities at enterprises

1.4.1Macro environment tissue

- Multiplication factor password:

The demographic environment includes factors such as population size, population

density, age, gender, education level, occupation, etc. These are the aspects that
marketers are most concerned about. because it is directly related to people and people
are also agents to create the market.

- Sutra factor international:

The economic environment includes factors that affect the income of the people living in
that environment, thereby affecting the spending ability and shopping habits of
consumers. This ability to spend, in addition to depending on demand and prices, also
depends a lot on the economic situation, people's income levels , savings needs and credit
conditions . Due there, the home marketing Right receive know Okay the direction
main about collect import among the population and changes in quotas for other public

- Natural elements:

The natural environment includes natural resources that are considered necessary inputs
for business operations. Some trends in the natural environment have a great impact on
the marketing activities of a business: scarcity of raw materials, increase in energy
costs, increase in environmental pollution. go up.

- Public factor turmeric:

The application of new technology helps businesses create new products and increase
competitiveness in the market. It is seen that there is a close relationship between
research and development costs and profitability. Businesses that invest in research and
development are highly likely to make a profit High.

- Legal and political factors:

Marketing decisions of a business are often influenced by legal and political factors.
These can be legal provisions, state policies, government and local authorities issued.
These factors regulate the activities of businesses according to the legal framework the

- Cultural and communal factors festival:

Some characteristics of the cultural environment can impact the marketing activities of
a business: sustainability of core values, subcultural groups, changes in secondary
cultural values.

1.4.2environment tissue

- Bowman response:

Individuals or organizations that provide resources necessary for the operation of the
business. An increase in prices or scarcity of these resources in the market can greatly
affect a business's marketing activities. Suppliers ensure the necessary resources for
businesses in the production and sale of products.

- Intermediate marketing:

Marketing intermediaries are responsible for helping businesses communicate, sell

and distribute products to final consumers. These can be distribution intermediaries,
companies providing marketing services such as advertising, market research,
distribution facilities or financial institutions.

- Guest row:

Customers are the object of service of the business and the factor that creates the
market. Therefore, businesses need to carefully research their customers. In general,
there are the following customers: consumers, manufacturers, distribution
intermediaries, state agencies and non-profit enterprises, international customers

- Competitor painting:

Each business, depending on the situation, has different forms of competition. There
are basically four types: desire competitors, product type competitors, product form
competitors, and product brand competitors.
- General public:

A public is any group of people who have an interest in a business and influence its
ability to achieve its goals. The public includes: the financial community, the media,
social organizations, the general public, and the internal public.

1.4.3Internal environment set

- Human source force:

Board of Directors: Are people who have a great influence on the production and
business activities of the enterprise, are the highest-level management, outline
strategies, and directly manage the business.

The team of management ministries at all levels: As key managers, there are Work
experience, ability to build a management team and in-depth understanding of the
business field will be an important advantage for the business.

Employees: The skill level and enthusiasm of employees are factors that greatly
impact the competitiveness of a business. When the skill level is higher, labor
productivity will increase, product quality will be ensured tell.

- Resources main:

Decide whether or not to carry out any investment, procurement or distribution

activity of the enterprise. Enterprises with financial potential will have favorable
conditions in exchanging new technologies, investing in equipment, ensuring quality
improvement, and lowering costs to maintain increased competitiveness . painting,…

- Organizational culture:

An organization's culture is the standards, patterns, and traditional values that all
members of the organization respect and voluntarily follow.

1.5. The process of implementing Marketing Translation activities service

Includes: research, segmentation - targeting - positioning, building a Marketing Mix

strategy, the next stage is strategy implementation and control, evaluation, and editing
to improve effectiveness. fruit.

Source: Internet

Figure 1.1. Service Marketing Process

1.5.1 Research rescue

Research is an important first step in the Marketing process. This is the step of
collecting, analyzing and interpreting information about the market, customers and

The marketing research process will help you better understand your customers,
what current market trends are and also help clarify what makes your business
different from your competitors.

1.5.2 STP Market segmentation school

The market is extremely large with countless customers with different needs and
no business can meet the needs of the entire market. And therefore, market
segmentation is an extremely necessary step in the Marketing process to divide the
fertile market "pie" into smaller pieces that businesses can dominate.

Market segmentation is the step of dividing a market into smaller groups that a
business can reach. There are many ways to segment a market, the four most
common of which are:
- Market segmentation by demographics: age, gender, occupation, income,
marital status core,…
- Market segmentation by geography: customers living in urban or rural areas,
the north-central region male,…
- Market segmentation by psychology: preferences, interests, personalities,
styles living,…
- Behavioral market segmentation: purchase frequency, reasons for purchase,
customer lifecycle, repeat purchases again,…
By dividing the market into small groups, businesses can use their resources
properly to meet the needs of target customers effectively. Item pepper

This is the step of "localizing" the target market by evaluating and comparing
each segment, based on criteria such as: market capacity large enough to bring
profit or whether the market is stable or not.

Choosing a target market also depends on the financial resources of each

business. With large-scale enterprises and strong potentials, they can head to the
mass market to meet the maximum needs of customers. In contrast, businesses with
limited financial resources should focus on niche markets or target individual
marketing. Dinh taste

An equally important next step is positioning, which involves creating and

conveying to the target audience a clear and impressive message about the business
or brand. This will be a step to make a difference and increase brand recognition
compared to competitors.

1.5.3 Strategic planning Marketing

After obtaining the results of market analysis, analyzing competitors and

understanding customer needs, it is time to plan a marketing strategy for each
market. This step in the Marketing process involves creating a marketing mix
consisting of 7 components: product, price, distribution, promotion, people, process,
facilities. All of these elements are tightly linked into a unified block and the
ultimate goal is still to meet the needs of the target market. pepper. Product

They are invisible, untouchable products. Products and services often bring
spiritual value to customers or help customers save time and effort in doing

Product quality is measured between customer expectations and the consumption

quality they receive. Reviews and customer reviews is an important recognition for
product quality. Price

Is the factor that brings revenue and determines the existence of the business.
Pricing tactics depend on many different factors such as brand positioning,
production and sales costs, characteristics of target customers, product/service
prices from competitors, etc. Popular pricing that businesses can choose select:

- Market penetration pricing school

- Price skimming scum

- Pricing by package

- Pricing by heart physical Distribution

Unlike products, services are intangible so they cannot be distributed through

many levels to reach consumers, but are sold directly from the service provider. And
of course, services will be created as soon as someone buys them, and cannot be
stored like products. Choosing the right location or distribution channel will
influence the results of strong sales growth strong.
4 Promotion

Are all the communication methods a marketer can use to provide information
about a product to various parties about the product. Promotion includes elements
such as advertising, public relations, sales promotion, personal selling and direct
marketing. next. Human

Human factors include those directly involved in the process of bringing

products/services to customers. The process of selecting and training personnel to
serve service provision activities is extremely important, because customers will use
services through people. If people do a good job in the role of providing services,
they will improve the user experience, thereby improving quality Service quality
will become better in the eyes of customers. On the contrary, services will be rated
poorly when people do not do well. Quy submit

In service provision, the implementation process is planned in advance, then it

will be implemented according to the given process for all customers. Because the
process is associated with service provision activities, businesses need to design an
operating process that is strict and methodical but still reasonable and most
convenient for customers. Building a professional operating process also helps you
save management costs, improve brand value, and build trust in the eyes of
customers. row. Infrastructure matter

Facilities factors greatly affect reputation and how to evaluate whether service
quality is good or not. Thanks to doing this factor well, many businesses have
positioned their brands in the hearts of customers, creating a good feeling when
using the service.

1.5.4 Real exam

After building a specific Marketing strategy, businesses now need to begin the
Marketing implementation process. That means implementing all stages from:
design, product improvement, pricing, distribution and implementation of sales
promotion campaigns. This important step in the Marketing process requires
coordinated action from all departments of the business Karma.

1.5.5 1.5.5 Control

The last and very important step in the marketing process is control. Because
even the most careful implementation does not guarantee that there will be no errors
in the implementation process. Customer needs change over time, and competitors
do not sit still and watch us manipulate the market. So re-evaluate your plans, gain
experience along the way to adjust your marketing strategies for the best. than.

2.1. About ACC . Business Consulting Joint Stock Company Group
2.1.1 Concept introduction shout

- Head office: 39 Hoang Viet, Ward 4, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
- Business Status: Active .

- Legal representative: Mr. Giang Huu Tai (Director of the company) ty).

- Charter capital: 20,000,000,000 VND.

- Tax code: 0101161821.

- Date of first licensing: August 28, 2001.

- Email:

- Field: Company establishment, accounting services, business legal Karma.

- Website :

- Fanpage :
- Public logo ty:

Source: Internet

Figure 2.1. Logo of ACC Group TVDN Company

- Vision:

With the aspiration to become a company specializing in providing all legal

services, administrative procedures related to business and real estate law quickly,
accurately and reputable with an appropriate cost. We are accelerating the progress
of perfecting our staff, accumulating more knowledge and constantly updating the
legal regulations.
With a steadfast "MIND" in the process of working, with unremitting efforts and
a strong will to progress, within the next 5 years. We believe that ACC will become
one of the leading quality units in providing legal services, administrative
procedures related to businesses and real estate legal.
- Ceramic fate:

With the desire to become a companion with individuals and businesses in the
legal field, ACC carries on it the mission of supporting individuals and businesses
to complete the necessary licenses, documents and procedures in the process.
business operations and development.
More specifically, we aspire to become a unit that stands shoulder to shoulder
with businesses in solving accounting - tax issues, corporate legal, real estate legal,
consulting to solve problems. legal problems and difficulties for businesses,
bringing sustainable value to its customers.
2.1.2 The process of formation and development develop

ACC Group Business Consulting Joint Stock Company was established on

August 28, 2001 in Vietnam - on the foundation of a combination of a team of
enthusiastic young lawyers and experienced experts in the field of legal consulting.
management for individuals and businesses internally and externally water.
ACC's reputation has been affirmed in many fields, such as: Business consulting,
Licensing, Foreign investment, Litigation, Litigation, Administrative procedures,
Real estate legal, Tax accounting, Auditing maths.

Since its operation, ACC has had more than 1,200 successful projects and 98%
customer satisfaction. ACC is growing stronger and stronger, aspiring to reach out
to the Continent and the World.

2.1.3 Organizational structure

ACC Group Business Consulting Joint Stock Company has the following
organizational chart:

Source: Marketing Department – ACC Group

Figure 2.2. The organizational structure of the company

- Director:

The director is the representative of the company who exercises his powers in
accordance with state regulations and is responsible for ACC's business results.

- Legal Profession: 50 people tablets

Support and advice on legal service procedures for clients in specific fields and
fields such as: Legal procedures for individual businesses; Intellectual Property
Field; Foreign investment; Litigation, Dispute Resolution; License Services of All
Kinds; Labor; Real Estate Law; Marriage and family.

- Auditing Operations Department: 10 employees tablets

Support and advise on legal service procedures for clients in specific areas and
services such as: Auditing of Financial Statements; Business Audit; Independent
audit; Internal audit; Tax Audit; Bidding Audit; Basic Construction Audit.

- Accounting - Tax - Social Insurance Services Department: 5 people tablets

Support, consult legal service procedures for clients in specific areas and services
such as: Chief Accountant Service; Tax Accounting Services; Tax reports; Social
Insurance; Financial report.

- Administration - Human Resources Department: 5 people tablets

 Welcoming guests, for work.

 Store files, documents, important papers important.

 Plan recruitment and human resource development.

 Fixed asset management and maintenance of public assets company.

 Advice on how to organize the rooms board

 Advise the company's Board of Directors on issues related to personnel,

documents, contracts, and regulations applicable to the company. company.

 Drafting documents, administrative documents for internal circulation and

sending to customers.

- Marketing and Sales Department: 10 employees tablets

 Research on market, competitors painting.

 Implement Email marketing campaigns, SMS marketing.

 Construction, strategy, business plan of company every month

 Search and develop new customers in the company's target customer group to
bring in sales for the company company.

 Manage activities related to advertising, marketing, and communication of

the company's services to potential customers power.

 Plan and execute campaigns to promote advertising activities with the aim of
increasing product/service access to potential customers, increasing brand
recognition. signal.

 Design and print media publications: Logo, Banner, Website. - Implement

social media campaigns: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram,

- Quotation Consulting Department: 5 employees

Support and advise on legal service procedures for customers in specific fields
and services such as: Service quotes for customers; Online consulting support;
Telephone consultation; Counseling at the office.

2.1.4 Areas of production and business activities joint The company operates with the main products and services after:

- Register for business business.

- Establish a company .

- Tax accounting.

- Motionless product.
- Water investment outside.

- Virtual office for rent worldwide country.

- And many more services other. Company Incorporation Service ty:

Today's society is increasingly developing, people have more and more choices
and directions for themselves. And many people have chosen for themselves the
path of starting a business by setting up a business to own, it is certainly a difficult
and challenging path, but if successful, Businesses will receive many "sweet fruits".
For that reason, customers' need to use company establishment services is
increasing. ACC with a team of experienced and highly qualified staff promises to
be the place to advise as well as provide the best business registration services, the
best quality and the most suitable price for your business. Friend.

a. The process of steps to carry out the establishment procedure ty:

Step 1: Extract information from customers (company name, address, phone

number, company email, industry, business capital) business,…).

Step 2: Prepare a dossier including the following documents:

- An application for enterprise registration according to the form specified in

Circular 01/2021/TT-BKHDT.

- Draft company charter for establishment of 1-member LLC, 2-member LLC,

Joint Stock Company, Joint Stock Company name.

- Power of attorney for the person submitting the application if not the legal
representative of the company submit.

- List of members (Limited company with 2 or more members) or List of

founding shareholders (Stock company part).

- Copy of personal identification card such as ID card, CCCD, passport of the
owner and contributing members capital.

- Other documents depending on the regulations on form and conditions

according to the profession that the customer chooses choose.

Step 3: Monitor the situation, process

documents Step 4: Provide tax consulting

Step 5: Hand over documents

b. Level of public establishment costs ty:

- Company registration fee: According to regulations of the Ministry of Finance To


200,000 VND/01 business registration certificate;

- Information disclosure fee when establishing a company to post business

information on the national portal: 300,000 VND

- Fee for engraving the company seal (may or may not): The cost for engraving
the company seal is the fee to be paid to the engraving company: 350,000
VND/01 sign

- Cost of purchasing digital signatures and corporate electronic invoices:

Depending on the invoice provider, usually the cost of purchasing digital
signatures: 2,200,000 VND (3-year package), fee for purchasing electronic
invoice software : 1,800,000 VND (500 sheet)

- Besides the above costs, businesses will incur a number of other costs, however
these costs are very small. How to distribute products/services to consumers? use

a. Website:

The website has a live chat feature with customers with staff on call and always
respond promptly to advise on services in the most specific and accurate way. In
addition, customers will receive direct consultation via phone number and email
when they enter their full name, email, and phone number on the Contact form
available on the website. This is very suitable when customers need to exchange
information and want quick advice.

Source: website of ACC Group Joint Stock Company

Figure 2.3. Website interface of ACC Group Joint Stock Company

b. Youtube:

The content as well as the number of video clips on the channel are still limited
- only 4 videos/2 years, this is an extremely low number.
In turn view video clip above channel also very least. Equal proof To be video
“The cost of setting up a business” is only at 72 views after 2 years. Level degree
soy sauce work opposite to with the video above channel still Not yet Have. Proof
bright paternal

The content of the videos is still not attractive and does not meet the needs of the viewers.

Source: Youtube channel of CPTVDN company ACC Group

Figure 2.4. Youtube channel interface of ACC Group CPTVDN Company

c. Facebook:

The company's official fanpage has 8,745 likes and 8,754 followers.
However, the reach is always at a maximum of 100 people, with some posts
only having 2-3 interactions. With content that is not attractive to readers, the
growth of the fanpage has slowed down.

Source: Fanpage of CPTVDN company ACC Group

Figure 2.5. Facebook channel interface of ACC Group CPTVDN Company

2.1.2 Analyze and evaluate current operational status Production and business
The results of the company's business activities are shown in Table 2.1.
shows ACC's business performance over the past three years as follows:

Table 2.1. ACC's business performance results.

Unit: Million copper

Year Difference
2020 /2021 2022 /2021
2020 2021 2022
Level % Level %

Revenue 775.246 1136.526 1477.484 180,640 46.60 170,479 30
Expense 361.482 502,726 638,862 70,622 39.07 68,068 27.19
Profit 413.76 633,778 838.62 110,009 53.18 102,421 32.32
Source: Accounting Services Department –
Social insurance -Tax
Before the current situation of dirty food, hygiene and safety full Food (food
hygiene and safety) is one of the most common problems everyone consumption
mandarin heart presently now. Have can see that, the almost run out of the muscle
department product Food export and business are subject to the application
procedures grant certificate receive muscle department enough thing to sue
about guard born real Products to Okay permission business. Because pandemic
service grant paper permission an full real Products To be pandemic service but
The most in-demand product in the 3 years 20 20 -202 2 at ACC.

Along with the service that customers have a lot of needs to use, there are also
some services that very few customers use, especially the service of applying for a
labor export license. With complicated regulations, procedures and records, it has
greatly affected the needs of customers to use the service. Since then, it has affected
the Company's revenue in the past 3 years via.

Source: Department of Accounting - Social

Insurance - Tax Services

Chart 2.1. Business performance results at ACC

- Reviews about business collect:

ACC's business results are shown in table 2.1. Looking at the results table, it
shows that ACC's business activities in recent years have changed a lot: in 2020 it
was more than 413.76 million VND, in 2021 it increased to about 633,778 million
VND, in 2022 it increased to more than 838.62 million VND.

Revenue from 20 20 -202 2 increased significantly, up to more than 90.6%

(equivalent to 424.86 million VND.). Thanks in part to the rapid development of
social networks and the Internet, customers come to the company to hire legal

Revenue in 20 21 increased by 46.7% compared to 20 20 (equivalent to 220

million VND). From 20 21 - 202 2 companies provided legal services such as:
Company establishment, business registration, taxes,.. for hundreds of large and
small partners across the country. Revenue in 2022 increased about 29.93%
compared to 2020 (equivalent to 340 million VND).

- Comments on benefits profit:

Looking at the results table, it shows that ACC's profit in recent years has
changed a lot: in 2020 it was more than 412 million VND, in 2021 it increased to
more than 632 million VND, in 2022 it increased to more than 838 million VND.

Profit from 2020 -2022 increased 103.4% (equivalent to 426 million VND).
Profit in 2022 increased by 32.59% compared to 2021 (equivalent to 2 0 6 million
VND). Profit in 2021 increased by 54% compared to 2020 (equivalent to 2,10
million VND).

It can be seen that the business situation of the business is growing and bringing in
more profits. Thanks to the 4.0 era as well as the increasing demand for legal
consulting services of businesses, the revenue/profit has also increased accordingly.

2.2. Analyze and evaluate the current status of Marketing activities for
business registration services in Vietnam ACC

2.2.1. Detailed description of the service and customers using the service service

27 Detailed description of business registration service

Currently, with the development of the economy and the attention of the State, all
conditions have been created to attract subjects to participate in production and
business activities. From there, it can be seen that the demand for using business
registration services of investors and businesses is very large. Therefore, business
registration service is one of the areas with outstanding growth in the general
market and ACC said. private.

When customers use the business registration service at ACC, they will be
provided with products and services such as:

- House fee water

- Service fee to support application for documents permission

- Round seal ty

- Signature No. 3 year

- Electronic invoice software (with 300 digits single)

- Tax declaration head

- Register an account to pay electricity tax death

- Register for a bank account company

- Register for release single

Along with business registration services, ACC also provides other services
such as:

- Issue a real safety certificate Products.

- Issuance of fire prevention and fighting licenses on fire.

- Label registration service brand.

- Some services other.

a. Strengths and weaknesses of business registration services in ACC:

The following differences have created a unique brand for business registration
services at ACC: service implementation costs at ACC are cheaper than other units
(ACC: 5 million < Viet An Law: 6 million< Thai An Law: 6.5 million,..). In the
single taste other then pandemic service This will bow grant letter sign number

Within 1 year, 100 electronic invoice numbers. But at ACC, they issue 3-year
digital signatures, 300 electronic invoice numbers along with bank accounts or other
tax procedures.

In addition to the above strengths, the business registration service at ACC also
has the following weaknesses: with the desire to build a brand and get to know
customers, ACC has offered a lower cost for the service than other competitors.
other units on the market. As a result, the profit and revenue of the business is still

b. Hot selling and slow selling services at ACC:

Best-selling service: Food hygiene and safety is one of the issues most consumers
are concerned about today. All food-related establishments need to ensure that they
comply with regulations as well as possess a certificate of food hygiene and safety.
It can be said that this certificate is one of the prerequisites for some establishments
to be eligible to operate. For that reason, consumer demand for services is
increasing. In this field, ACC is confident that with more than 20 years of
experience, it will advise and provide customers with the necessary services,
processes and procedures to register for food hygiene and safety certificates at
reasonable rates. The most suitable cost for customer row.

- Procedures for applying for a real hygiene and safety license Products:
 Step 1: Submit application for food safety certificate Products

 Step 2: Submit fee fee

 Step 3: When the dossier is valid, the Sub-department of Food Safety and
Hygiene or the Department of Food Safety and Hygiene organizes a physical
inspection team. The results are recorded in the actual inspection record

 Step 4: Within 15 days from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers,
if all conditions are met, a Certificate of food safety must be issued; In case of
refusal, they must respond in writing and clearly state the reason.

 Step 5: In case the actual results are not satisfactory, the minutes must be written

time limit for re-inspection (maximum is 03 months), if the results are still
unsatisfactory, the team makes a record and proposes to suspend the operation.

Slowest selling service: The labor export service market under contract is one of
the potential markets, not only increasing profits for businesses but also improving
the skills of workers, helping they increase their income, stabilize their lives.
However, to do business in this field, a business needs to register for a labor export
permit. But currently on the market very few units can fully meet the criteria of
legal regulations in this field. With strict regulations, complicated procedures and
documents, the cost of this service is quite high (2,500,000 VND/time).

- Application for a TB export license dynamic:

 Business license application form Karma

 Copy of business registration certificate joint

 Papers proving eligibility for capital under rules

 Project on sending workers to work abroad according to the provisions of
Article 4 of Decree No 126/2007/ND-CP

 Curriculum vitae of the leader in charge of sending workers to work abroad,

accompanied by documents proving eligibility as prescribed in Clause 3, Article
9 of this Law. The law

 Documents submitted to: Department of Foreign Labor Management - Ministry

of War Invalids and Labor of the commune festival.

For the above reasons, there has been less and less demand for services from
businesses. Detailed description of target customers

ACC will provide business registration services for individuals, units or

businesses wishing to start a business or establish a company, but must be consistent
with the professions that the law stipulates are allowed for business registration.

you first need to determine which is the best and most suitable consumer market
for the products and services you sell. With a central location, a place with highly
qualified human resources, the economic center of Vietnam and a place with
modern infrastructure,... Ho Chi Minh City is the most ideal area. From there, it can
be seen that when establishing a business, an individual or a business mostly
chooses to do business in Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore, Ho Chi Minh City is an
area with a lot of demand for business registration services best.

With the prolonged situation of COVID-19 epidemic, it has seriously affected all
aspects of life, economy - society. In particular, businesses are being greatly
affected. For the above reasons, the number of individuals, units or businesses
wanting to establish a company has decreased sharply (The number of newly
registered businesses in August 2022 was 8,233 businesses with a registered capital
of 108,569 billion VND, a decrease of 32.5% in the number of enterprises and a
decrease of 34.4% in the registered capital over the same period in 2021) . From

there, it affects the need to use business registration services at law firms in general
and at ACC in particular. private.

2.2.2. Analyze and evaluate translation marketing activities service Product strategy Products

With the wave of investment in many economic fields, the development of

domestic economic sectors has created a huge legal services market. Customers
increasingly look to lawyers as a close need. Since then, the number of lawyers and
law- practicing organizations has increased, and the country's judiciary has created
more conditions for lawyers to demonstrate their importance. ACC has diversified
its services to be able to meet the needs of customers. Some services of ACC:

- Family Lawyer

- Labor law consulting

- Criminal Lawyer

- Paper registration permission

- Tax registration

- Other

With the desire to meet all the needs of legal advice of customers. ACC not only
diversify the set of products/services but also diversify product lines/services such

- Paper registration service permission:

 Business

 Real safety Products

 Fire prevention on fire

 Security order on one's own

Entering the era of economic integration, along with the State's new legal
policies, contribute to creating favorable conditions for businesses to be easily
established and boom in increasingly large numbers. Therefore, more and more
investors and businesses are looking to units that provide business registration
services. With that need and a team of experienced and enthusiastic experts, the
business registration service is one of the services with the largest number of
customers in Vietnam. ACC.

- The services customers will receive when using the business registration service
at ACC:

 Consulting on choosing the right type of business/company with the name of the
company/enterprise; Choosing the right company headquarters determined.

 Consulting on issues related to company/enterprise charter capital appropriate to

business lines and scale of operation of the type of business.

 Engraving a round seal for the public company.

 Consulting and supporting customers in choosing a bank to open a suitable

company account along with registering to pay electricity tax death.

 Notify the company account number so it can be used properly law

 tax.

 Free registration and issuance of 50-digit electronic invoice of VINA network.

Consulting and guiding customers to use electronic invoices: create invoices and
sign electricity bills death. Invasive pricing strategy import

It can be said that price is considered as an important factor determining the

usage behavior of customers. Grasping that understanding, ACC has built its image
as a place providing cheap and reputable business registration services, specifically:
diverse service price packages, unchanged price throughout the operation process.

Throughout the years, ACC has always kept the same price and has not changed
year by year. This is considered one of the big differences compared to other
businesses, giving customers a more favorable view of the business. Karma.

- Expenses and fees for business license and business registration joint

 The cost of submitting the application for registration of business establishment

at the business registration office of the Department of Planning and Investment

 Expenses for publishing a new business establishment statement: 300,000VND

 Cost of engraving company round seal: 350,000VND

 Cost of placing company signs: 200,000VND

 The cost of buying digital signature for 3-year package: 1,700,000 VND VND

 Fee for depositing bank account row

 Cost of using chemicals single

Source: Marketing Department – ACC Group Joint
Stock Company

Figure 2.6. Price of business registration service at ACC

In the legal consulting market, units providing business registration services

usually cost from 6 million to 7 million (Thai An Law Company: 6 million; Viet An
Law Company: 6.5 million;... ). But at ACC, for only 5 million VND, a package of
business registration services will be provided. With the criteria of increasing brand
recognition and being able to serve businesses with low budgets, ACC has chosen a
competitive pricing strategy to apply to pricing the company's services.

Table 2.2. Compare service prices between ACC and 2


Labour ty
Thai An Law Viet An Law
Content Firm Firm

State fees
800,000 1 million 1,100,000

n support 100,000 200,000 250,000
service fee

Stamp 350,000 400,000 450,000


Digital 1,700,000 1,900,000 2,000,000

signatures won won

ic bill 300,000 400,000 450,000

return 550,000 650,000 750,000

for a bank
500,000 600,000 650,000
300,000 350,000 350,000

Post sign
400.00 500,000 500,000
chemical _

Total 5,000,000 won 6,000,000 6,500,000

Source: Marketing Department – ACC Group Distribution channel strategy coordinate
ACC Group Business Consulting Joint Stock Company directly performs
activities such as product introduction, consulting, helping customers
complete procedures, signing contracts, etc. The company's products are
distributed directly. to clients through Legal Consultants.

Source: Marketing Department – ACC GROUP JSC

Figure 2.7. ACC's distribution channel

First, the company's Marketing department will stimulate customers' need

to use the service by posting information about the services on the company's

website and main fanpage. After the customer contacts for more information
about the service, the legal consulting team will advise the customer on
procedures, conditions, documents and costs of the service. Once the
customer has agreed on the cost, the specialists will sign the contract and
perform the service for the customer. After customers use the service,
specialists are responsible for saving customer information to support
customers with after-sales services.
- Best selling service at ACC :

A food safety certificate is one of the prerequisites for some establishments

to be eligible for a license to operate. For that reason, consumer demand for
services is increasing. For the field This, ACC on one's own believe with
than 20 year terrible test will private question and bow grant give customers
with the necessary services, processes and procedures to register for a food
hygiene and safety certificate at an appropriate cost.
- Slow selling service at ACC :

In order for an enterprise to do business in the field of labor export, it needs

to register for a labor export license. But currently on the market very few
units can fully meet the criteria of legal regulations in this field. With strict
regulations and complicated procedures, the cost of this service is quite high
(2,500,000 VND/time). For the above reasons, the demand for services of
businesses has increased little. Contact strategy up
Thanks to the help from today's 4.0 technology, promotion activities are
increasingly being promoted, easily reaching the target customers of the

Source: Marketing Department - ACC GROUP JSC

Figure 2.8. ACC website interface

In the last few years, ACC has conducted a number of promotions such as:
- For customers using the service for the second time, the company will
receive a discount 5%.
- For customers who pay once right after the consultation, they will receive
a discount ten%
- In particular, when customers use the business registration service at the
company, they will Okay bag complete package and donate more child
sign, chemistry single electricity death and Okay extract
5% discount when using other accompanying services.

Most promotions and discounts will be provided by legal consultants right

when customers are consulting. In addition, ACC has posted a number of low-
cost, package programs on its website and Fanpage company.

ACC GROUP Joint Stock Company

Figure 2.9. Post the full business registration service on the Website

ACC GROUP Joint Stock Company

Figure 2.10. Post of full business registration service on Fanpage

In addition to the promotional activities that the business has performed,

there are also a number of activities that the company has not yet
implemented such as:
- In-depth consulting directly at the customer's location has not yet been
deployed. Because of the Covid epidemic situation long.
- Because source core force about field area hard squirrel guest row sew
Queen forever Not yet

strong, so after-sales service at the company has not yet been implemented.

- The accompanying services when customers use the business registration

service at ACC such as financial advice, capital source when the business
goes into operation has not yet been implemented. Because human
resources in this field are still inexperienced, these accompanying services
have not been put into operation yet declare. About the kernel force
In service industries, employees will be the ones who directly approach
customers, bring services to customers and convince customers to use the
service and want to come back. At ACC, the legal counsel will be the person
who directly brings the service to the client. Therefore, to be able to choose a
good consultant, ACC has set minimum requirements for employees. like:
- Educational Qualification: Graduated from University the law.

- Experience: ACC does not require experience. For new graduates

without experience, ACC will have a guidance team under the management of
the company Director. They will be trained in the necessary skills that a
consultant must have, processes to fulfill customer service needs, etc. After
the training period, the employees fully meet the needs of customers. If you
meet the requirements, you will be officially accepted into the team of
consultants of the company company.

Đại học



Chart 2.2. Education level of the consulting department at ACC

With more than 20 years of operation in the field of legal consulting, ACC
has formed a team of experienced consultants, well-trained in consulting
skills, expertise as well as professional ethics. Karma.


Chart 2.3. Seniority of the consulting department at ACC

Staff at ACC are always ready to support customers enthusiastically and

thoughtfully when they have questions or problems. Good communication
skills are one of the advantages that a service worker must have, especially
ACC employees who regularly work not only with individual customers, but
also large businesses. and small. Not only that, the subjects of business
registration are also foreign businesses that need to apply for a business
registration license for branches in Vietnam, so foreign languages are always
ACC's top priority. Knowing many foreign languages helps employees easily
communicate with customers and conveniently support translation
instructions. service.
Table 2.3. Consulting department at ACC


- Highly skilled: 5 - Currently
employees training: 2
- Skilled: 8 cores tablets
employees - 1 year: 6 cores
- Unskilled: 5 employees tablets

- 2 years: 10 times
- Highly skilled: 10 - Currently
staff training: 3
- Skilled: 15 people tablets
employees - 1 year: 9 times
FEMA 32 - Unskilled: 7 tablets
staff - 2 years: 20 people
Source: Human Resources Department – ACC GROUP
Joint Stock Company About the recovery process service
First, in order for customers to have access to basic information about the
company's services, the Marketing team will write content, publish and
optimize the article. When customers need to use the company's services, they
just need to contact the hotline number right on the article that the Marketing
team has provided on the company's website and fanpage. After contacting
via the hotline number, there will be a consulting department in charge of
serving customers in briefly understanding the conditions, procedures, records
and costs of the service they need. Once the client understands the procedures
and agrees to the above service fee, the consulting department will transfer the
customer information and the customer service information needed to the
legal department. At that time, the legal department conducts the contract
signing process and prepares documents for the customer. In case of
unsuccessful consulting, the information about the customer and the customer
services consulted will be stored in the customer tracking file so that the next
time that customer comes back, he will withdraw. shorten the consultation
time at the stage of providing customer information and create a beautiful and
reliable image in the hearts of customers.
In addition to the above process activities, depending on the service
packages that customers use , consultants and legal staff will perform a
number of other activities. like:
- Opposite to with pandemic service post sign paper permission an full
real Products: core tablets France
The manager will come to the company or customer's facility to guide the
procedures to meet food safety law standards.
- For business registration services: consultants will provide additional
information about procedures, conditions, and documents for trademark
protection services or product copyright registration services for individuals. ,
business enterprises in the fields of production, trade, commercial.
Comment: In general, the sales and service process at ACC is quite tight
and detailed. The staff is always careful in the process of bringing services to
customers. Especially for customers who do not close the contract
successfully, records will be kept and can become potential customers of the
business. The company creates many forms to help customers reach the
business easily and very quickly quickly. Evidence of joint venture Karma
ACC was established in Vietnam - on the foundation of a combination of a
team of enthusiastic young lawyers and experienced experts in the field of
legal consulting for individuals and businesses at home and abroad. ACC's
reputation has been affirmed in many fields, such as: Business consulting,
Licensing, Foreign investment, Litigation, Litigation, Administrative
procedures, Real estate legal, Tax accounting, Auditing maths. With a large
and experienced team, well-trained in consulting skills, expertise as well as
professional ethics, ACC is committed to consulting and providing effective
solutions for customers, while implementing protecting the legitimate rights
and interests of the Client in the best way. Along with branches located in
prime locations (District 1, District 3, 6, Binh Thanh, Hanoi, Da Nang,...)
creating favorable conditions for customers' search. With a luxurious room
design style, full of amenities but extremely neat and simple, it creates a
comfortable feeling for customers when coming to use services at the
company. company.

Source: Marketing Department – ACC GROUP JSC

Figure 2.11. Certificate of business registration of ACC

Source: Marketing Department – ACC GROUP JSC

Figure 2.12. License to register the operation of law office of ACC

Source: Marketing Department – ACC GROUP JSC

Figure 2.13. District 6 branch of ACC

ACC is the unit that gives clients the best experience and services in the legal
field. ACC is not only a partner, an associate but also a great legal companion for
clients. Because of that, ACC has been highly appreciated and trusted by
customers to use the company's services.

Source: Marketing Department – ACC GROUP Joint Stock


Figure 2.14. Reviews from customers

2.3. Limitations in current business activities Karma

2.3.1. Limitations of the activity Marketing Distribution

With the goal of expanding the office system nationwide, ACC has only
officially put into operation 18 branches. There are many other provinces and
cities that do not have offices, thus affecting many customers who cannot
access the Company's office. Leads to limiting the customer's need to use
services at the Company row.

Source: Administration Department - ACC GROUP
Figure 2.15: ACC's office system shovel up

Regarding the promotion activities of the business registration service at

ACC, it is not really appreciated. The company does not develop various
types of promotion, especially in the field of public relations and promotion.
Making access to customers also become limited, it is difficult to have a
strong relationship with customers row. Core force

Customers feel very satisfied with the working attitude of the staff
providing business registration services at ACC. But because of customer
Service usage is increasing but the company's human resources are still
limited, so some departments and branches do not have customer service
staff. From there, after a period of time, it will affect the company's image in
the eyes of customers when they need to use the service but the company does
not provide it in a timely manner. . Quy submit

The company's development apparatus still does not appear to have a
customer service department after using the service, which may also affect the
quality of the company. Long-term success needs to be based on close and
strong relationships. Building a standard after-sales customer service plays an
extremely important role. When the company helps customers answer their
questions and get the most value from the products and services that the
company provides, they will feel happy and satisfied. At that time, they will
tend to return to buy or recommend the company's products and services to
many others. But at ACC, this department is still limited, so it needs to be
fixed dress.
2.3.2. Limitations of environmental factors school

With the increasing demand for business registration services of domestic

and foreign customers , companies operating in the field of legal consulting
have expanded towards this service . Some businesses that are currently fierce
competitors of ACC are: Duong Gia Law, Law Library , etc. This has forced
businesses to step up their strategy and plan in accordance with the law .
market situation to be able to survive in the long term.
In addition, due to the Covid -19 epidemic , the income of customers and
businesses has been seriously affected . During the time of social distancing ,
the Company could not reach customers , and activities were interrupted and
broken, which affected the revenue of the Company . company.

3.1. Analysis of the current situation in the market school

The business registration situation in 2023 continues to be affected by the

impacts of domestic and international economic, political and social issues, of
which, the most significant is the Covid-19 epidemic wave. With the strong
outbreak of Covid-19 along with strict blockades, continuous prolonged distance
and no specific roadmap for businesses to reopen, production and business activities
in many areas were affected. heavy influence. Enterprises, which have experienced
a difficult year in 2023, will continue to face many new difficulties and challenges
in 2023.
Based on today's market situation, after the pandemic passes, many businesses
will be established and developed. Therefore, with the criteria of "fast and
convenient", choosing a business registration service is an irresistible solution.
However, in order to survive and develop in today's fiercely competitive
environment, the company needs to propose directions and set goals that can help
the company become strong and long-term. in the future hybrid.
3.2. The upcoming development direction of the business Karma

3.2.1. Expand to create

With the goal of covering the entire country in particular and the Asian region in
general, ACC has been expanding its business scale with the purpose of promoting
its brand and expanding its service supply market. The larger the business scale, the
more profits it will earn, helping the business grow and become stronger in the

3.2.2. Client relationship development row

After expanding the market, to maintain competitiveness and continue to gain
trust from customers, the company needs to have a deep and thorough
understanding of customers, including business activities to customers' goals. And
most importantly, business managers and company managers need to understand
thoroughly what customers expect in their relationships with customers.
Many law firms are keen to establish client relationships on a stable, long-term
basis. In the eyes of clients, they really want to be an important and trusted legal
partner ready to entrust all business. To achieve that, the company needs to become
the real friend of the client, creating all the favorable conditions for the client to feel
most comfortable with their legal services. Companies need to enable their
managers to build true partnerships, not simply lucrative business consulting deals.
3.2.3. Business strategy development new

Like other markets, in order to survive and develop in the legal field, the
company needs to constantly set out different business plans to improve service
quality, maintain and expand customers. on the market. In the context that
technology overwhelms business, legal consulting activities, although considered
quite "conservative and traditional", the company also needs to apply new
technologies to support its daily work. such as setting up an electronic invoice
system, document management system, information storage and other modern
technologies. It is these technologies that will, on the one hand, improve the
efficiency of consulting activities, and on the other hand, will reduce the cost of
hiring consultants to the lowest level. The company needs to change itself, to best
meet all customers' wishes so that its company can be on the list of favorite
companies and customers' choice.

3.3. Solutions to improve business registration activities at ACC Business
Consulting Joint Stock Company Group
In the process of developing and operating business registration services, ACC
certainly cannot help but encounter obstacles that affect the quality of services
provided to customers. Based on the limitations as well as challenges, the company
can offer some effective solutions to help improve service quality more quickly and
effectively. Specifically:
3.3.1. Expand the scope of business activities joint

Currently, business registration services at ACC are only provided mainly in the
Ho Chi Minh City area. Largely due to the nature of the service, the company
currently only distributes in central areas where there are many businesses. This is
also the reason why it is difficult for customers in other provinces to access the
service even though the company meets the desired requirements. want.
To improve that situation, the company can proceed to expand the scope of
business activities. That means, businesses need to consider establishing more
branches in other areas, possibly in Ho Chi Minh City or other provincial areas.
This helps businesses both help more customers know about the business
registration service and open service distribution channels wide.
3.3.2. Develop a number of programs on contact activities up

To be able to reach customers quickly, improving promotion activities is the

most optimal solution that the company should implement.
Although the business registration service has been on the market for a long time,
not everyone knows about this service. The company should propose a number of
programs and conferences to thank customers during the use process and exchange
experiences between businesses . This can be seen as a form of retaining existing
customers and enhancing capabilities next near with the guest row new. Or Have
can give go out much pros treat More promotions for customers, hitting the "price"
mentality to stimulate customers to use the service for a long time long.
3.3.3. Staff development

In service business activities, employee factors can influence 70% of customers'

purchasing behavior decisions. Therefore, the company needs to focus on
developing and training a team of highly specialized and professional employees.
Enterprises can conduct courses for employees to study professional knowledge
or customer-related skills classes, where employees can cultivate new knowledge,
gain experience, and be able to rubbing against the outside environment, making the
process of working with customers simpler and easier. Besides, contests for good
and excellent employees can be organized with many attractive rewards. Can
enhance the learning and working spirit of employees, which can also help improve
business efficiency.
3.3.4. Improve customer service process

To gain customer trust, the company needs to have a clear and specific service
process. Not only good service at the front stage but even after using the service, the
company still has to keep the trust of customers. To do this, ACC needs to come up
with a plan to build close relationships with customers. This is the key to helping
businesses develop and be strong in the market. Trust and attention from customers
will bring success to your business, so this after-sales customer care skill is very
necessary and important in the after-sales process. forever.
3.4. Request

Budget investment: Budget plays a very important role in the implementation of

Marketing plans. It is necessary to carefully consider the investment budget so that
it is reasonable to bring the highest efficiency. Need to invest budget for work
promote building promotion programs to reach and attract more customers.
Human resources: The Marketing team needs to learn and update new marketing
trends and improve their skills in using electronic marketing tools to achieve
optimal effectiveness. Regarding the legal consulting team, it is necessary to recruit
more personnel to be able to meet the service needs of customers.
About the company: Need to improve customer care services, meet with
customers to record customer information and feedback so that we can better
understand customer psychology so that we can improve the quality of our services.
services, bringing satisfaction to customers. There are reasonable reward regimes

to motivate employees to work actively and effectively than.


In conclusion, the report has conducted a comprehensive analysis of marketing activities

for business registration services at ACC Group Business Consulting Joint Stock
Company. Through research and evaluation, it is evident that marketing plays a crucial
role in attracting and retaining customers within the business registration service industry.

The report delved deeper into the marketing strategies and activities employed by ACC
Group, encompassing target market identification, customer segmentation, service
product development, market approach strategies, and advertising mediums. The analysis
results highlighted that correctly defining the target market and delivering genuine value
to customers are pivotal factors in enhancing the effectiveness of the marketing strategies.

Furthermore, the report also addressed the challenges ACC Group is currently facing in
its marketing endeavors, including fierce industry competition, changing customer
behaviors and demands, as well as the complexity of the business registration process. To
overcome these challenges, solutions such as optimizing advertising strategies, improving
customer experience, and creating more appealing services can be implemented.

Looking forward, ACC Group could consider adopting new and innovative marketing
approaches in the future, incorporating digital technology and data-driven decision-
making for more intelligent strategies. This would aid the company in maintaining and
expanding its market presence, while providing the utmost value to its customers.

In summary, the report has provided an overview of how ACC Group has executed
marketing activities for business registration services. Applying appropriate and adaptable
marketing strategies will be critical for the company's sustenance and growth in today's
competitive business landscape.

1. National Business Registration Portal
2. Linh, N. K. (Year of Publication). General Overview of Marketing Process in 5 Steps.
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3. Internal Circulation Document of ACC Group Business Consulting Joint Stock
4. Kotler, P. (Year of Publication). Principle of Marketing. Publisher.
5. Rud, O. P. (Year of Publication). Data Mining Cookbook: Modeling Data for
Marketing, Risk, and Customer Relationship Management. John Wiley.
6. Wind, J., & Mahajan, V. (Year of Publication). Digital Marketing: Global Strategies
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