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School TANDAG NATIONAL Grade and 11 – HUMSS


Teaching March 5, 2024 Quarter
Date 1:00 – 2:00 PM

A. Competency (with LC Write a short poem applying the various elements and literary devices and exploring
code) innovative techniques.
B. Objectives 1) Identify the different types of poetic devices
2) Create a slogan applying various poetic devices
3) Appreciate the importance of knowing poetic devices before crafting a poem
A. References MELC page 600, Creative Writing Book in focus pp. 18-35 K-12 Curriculum guide SHS
B. Other Learning Visual Aids, Handouts
A. Reviewing the previous Preliminaries:
lesson /presenting the new - Prayer
lesson - Greetings
- Checking of Attendance
- Classroom Rules

The teacher will have a recap of the past lesson through a cabbage relay activity where
questions are written based on the lesson.

Directions: Students will sing a song Leron-Leron Sinta while passing the cabbage next
to them. When the teacher says stop, whoever holds the cabbage will answer the

Guide Questions:
The teacher will ask the learners about the previous topic.
1. What are the elements of poetry? Name at least 5 elements.
2. How important are the elements in writing/composing a poem?
B. Establishing a purpose for ACTIVITY 1: BEAR WITH ME!
the lesson Directions: The students will be grouped based on their interests and hobbies. Each
group shall be of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 11 members. Then, the teacher will
present a life quote from a famous writer and will ask one volunteer from the group about
their realizations of the quote and will identify the present literary device.

Guide questions:
1. What is the quote all about?
2. What did you realize while reading the quote?
3. What literary device is present?
C. Presenting The teacher will let the students read the learning objectives of the day.
examples/instances of the 1) Identify the different types of poetic devices
new lesson. 2) Create a slogan applying various poetic devices
3) Appreciate the importance of knowing poetic devices before crafting a poem


Directions: In a group, the student will pick a box based on their preferred color. Inside
the box is a sample quote from a famous writer as well as a jumbled letter. Then,
students will identify the literary or poetic devices that are present in the sample quote
they picked. Then, one representative will explain in front.




Guide Questions:
1. What have you observed?
2. What do you think is the poetic device being used?
concepts and practicing The teacher will give handouts to each group and assign them to create a graphic
new skills #1 organizer about literary devices used in poetry. After 2 minutes, one representative from
the group will explain in front.


Poetic Devices

1. Alliteration – the repetition of initial sounds on the same line or stanza – Big bad Bob
bounced bravely.
2. Assonance – the repetition of vowel sounds (anywhere in the middle or end of a line)
– Tilting at windmills.
3. Consonance – the repetition of consonant sounds (anywhere in the middle or end of a
line or stanza) – Mike likes his new bike.
4. Onomatopoeia – words that sound like that which they describe – The car horn
beeped loudly.
5. Personification – it means to give a human quality to an object or non-living things -
My alarm clock yells at me every morning, The trees danced in the wind.
6. Hyperbole – the use of exaggeration to lay emphasis – She cried a river.
7. Simile – the comparison between two things or persons using like or as – Her cheeks
are red like a rose.
8. Metaphor – it is an indirect comparison by highlighting a particular quality of two things
– Life is a roller coaster ride.

E. Discussing the new

concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery ACTIVITY 4: GET IT!
(Leads to formative Directions: Students are tasked to interpret and perform the poem given in the form of
assessment) singing, interpretative dance, and acting. The group is free to choose what stanza they
are going to perform. After the performance, questions will be asked.

Group 1 – Singers
Group 2 – Dancers
Group 3 – Actors and Actresses

The poem is ‘’I Got Flowers Today’’ by Paulette Kelly.

Guide Question:

1. What have you learned from the activity?

2. What strategy did you use during the preparation of your performance?

Scoring Rubrics:
Criteria 10 pts. 8 pts. 5 pts. 2 pts.
Interpretation Clearly Few shared Rarely No ideas
and communicat ideas. expressed presented.
Communication ed ideas. ideas.
Neatness and Clean and Some parts of Most parts of Performance is
orderliness orderly the the messy and
manage the performance performance disorganized.
performance are not are not
. organized. organized
Cooperation and Took an Worked Few of the Two or three
Teamwork initiative in agreeably with members persons do the
helping the group. participate. task only.
G. Finding practical ACTIVITY 4: I AM AN ARTIST!
application of concepts and Directions: In the same group, students are tasked to create a slogan about preserving
skills in daily living and protecting Mother Earth. In making their slogan, one or more literary devices should
be applied. One representative to explain in front.

Rubric for making a Slogan:

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Needs

(10 pts.) (8 pts.) (5 pts.) Improvement
(3 pts.)
Craftsmanship The slogan The slogan The slogan is The slogan is
is is attractive acceptably distractingly
exceptionall in terms of attractive messy.
y attractive neatness. though it may
in terms of Good be a bit
neatness. constructio messy.
Well- n and not
constructed very messy
and not
Creativity Slogans are The slogan Slogan is The slogan
exceptionall is creative, creative and does not
y creative. and a good some thought reflect any
A lot of amount of was put into degree of
thought thought it. creativity.
effort was was put
used to into
make the decorating.
Originality Exceptional Good use Average use No use of
use of new of new of new ideas new ideas
ideas and ideas and and and
originality to originality originality to originality to
create to create create create
slogan. slogan. slogan. slogan.

H. Making generalizations and Summarize the key points and concepts discussed throughout the lesson.
abstractions about the
lesson Guide Questions:
What do you mean by literary or poetic devices?
What are the different types of literary or poetic devices? Name at least 3
Why do we need to know the different types of literary devices before writing a poem?
I. Evaluating learning Assessment:
(ASSESSMENT) Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What do you call to a person who writes a poem?
A. Poetic C. Poem
B. Poet D. Devices
2. It refers to a tool used by the writers to hint at larger themes, ideas, and meaning in
a story/ Examples are simile, metaphor, personification.
A. Poetic or literary Devices C. Drama
B. Fiction D. Poetry
3. It involves the use of exaggeration to lay emphasis.
A. Personification C. Consonance
B. Hyperbole D. Alliteration
4. What figurative language or literary devices is used in this sentence ‘’She had a
smile like a sun’’?
A. Metaphor C. Onomatopoeia
B. Simile D. Rhythm
5. What do you call a literary device that involves the repetition of vowel sounds
(anywhere in the middle or end of a line)
A. Alliteration C. Consonance
B. Onomatopoeia D. Assonance
6. It refers to words that sound like they describe. Examples are ‘’Boom, Clap, Roar’’.
A. Alliteration C. Onomatopoeia
B. Hyperbole D. Simile
7. ‘’Chilling while having chitchats’’, is an example of?
A. Assonance C. Metaphor
B. Hyperbole D. Alliteration
8. ’Life is a roller coaster ride’’, is an example of Alliteration.
A. False C. True
B. Maybe D. Undecided
9. ‘’The living room was a zoo’’, is an example of?
A. Simile C. Personification
B. Metaphor D. Consonance
10. The following are example of consonance, EXCEPT one.
A. Mike likes his new bike.
B. She is prettier and better with Peter.
C. The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew.
D. I can eat a horse.

J. Additional activities for ASSIGNMENT: Video Clip Analysis:

application or remediation The teacher will let the students watch a famous song entitled ‘’Fireworks’’ by Katty
Perry in the Youtube and let them analyze the song in terms of the figurative language
being used in the poem.


Video clip Analysis:

What is the song all about?
What are some of the literary devices found in the song? Write the lines from the song
and identify its literary devices.
Why is knowing literary devices important in creating a well-crafted poem?

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did it work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Observed by:


Ratee Rater

Yr. & Section: ___________________

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call to a person who writes a poem?
A. Poetic C. Poem
B. Poet D. Devices
2. It refers to a tool used by the writers to hint at larger themes, ideas, and meaning in a story/ Examples are
simile, metaphor, personification.
A. Poetic or literary Devices C. Drama
B. Fiction D. Poetry
3. It involves the use of exaggeration to lay emphasis.
A. Personification C. Consonance
B. Hyperbole D. Alliteration
4. What figurative language or literary devices is used in this sentence ‘’She had a smile like a sun’’?
A. Metaphor C. Onomatopoeia
B. Simile D. Rhythm
5. What do you call a literary device that involves the repetition of vowel sounds (anywhere in the middle or end of
a line)
A. Alliteration C. Consonance
B. Onomatopoeia D. Assonance
6. It refers to words that sound like they describe. Examples are ‘’Boom, Clap, Roar’’.
A. Alliteration C. Onomatopoeia
B. Hyperbole D. Simile
7. ‘’Chilling while having chitchats’’, is an example of?
A. Assonance C. Metaphor
B. Hyperbole D. Alliteration
8. ’Life is a roller coaster ride’’, is an example of Assonace.
A. False C. True
B. Maybe D. Undecided
9. ‘’The living room was a zoo’’, is an example of?
A. Simile C. Personification
B. Metaphor D. Consonance
10. The following are example of consonance, EXCEPT one.
A. Mike likes his new bike.
B. She is prettier and better with Peter.
C. The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew.
D. I can eat a horse.

Key answers:
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. D

Poetic Devices
1. Alliteration – the repetition of initial sounds on the same line or stanza – Big bad Bob bounced bravely.
2. Assonance – the repetition of vowel sounds (anywhere in the middle or end of a line) – Tilting at windmills.
3. Consonance – the repetition of consonant sounds (anywhere in the middle or end of a line or stanza) – Mike likes his
new bike.
4. Onomatopoeia – words that sound like that which they describe – The car horn beeped loudly.
5. Personification – it means to give a human quality to an object or non-living things - My alarm clock yells at me every
morning, The trees danced in the wind.
6. Hyperbole – the use of exaggeration to lay emphasis – She cried a river.
7. Simile – the comparison between two things or persons using like or as – Her cheeks are red like a rose.
8. Metaphor – it is an indirect comparison by highlighting a particular quality of two things – Life is a roller coaster.

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