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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy

Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric

Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works





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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

Table of Contents

A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 4
1. Background..................................................................................................................... 4
2. The Project ...................................................................................................................... 4
3. Project Features ............................................................................................................. 5
4. Abbreviation and Definitions ......................................................................................... 8
B. SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................................................... 11
1. Phase A: Pre- Construction ......................................................................................... 11
1.1 Phase A-1 – Tender Design, Permitting and EPC Contractor RFP Document
Preparation ..................................................................................................................... 11
(a) Tender Design Assistance ..................................................................................... 11
(b) Assistance during Data Collection / Verification, Topographic, Geological, and Soil
Investigation................................................................................................................. 12
(c) Preparation of EPC Contractor RFP Document...................................................... 13
(d) Assistance to the Permitting Related to the Dam Construction ............................... 13
(e) Deliverables ........................................................................................................... 13
(f) Schedule ................................................................................................................ 14
1.2 Phase A-2 – EPC Contractor Tender Process .......................................................... 14
(a) Pre-Tender Phase.................................................................................................. 14
(b) Tender Phase ........................................................................................................ 15
(c) Tender Evaluation Phase ....................................................................................... 15
(d) EPC Contract Finalization Phase ........................................................................... 16
(e) Deliverables ........................................................................................................... 16
(f) Schedule ................................................................................................................ 17
1.3 Meeting and Project Reporting .................................................................................. 17
(a) Meetings ................................................................................................................ 17
(b) Reports .................................................................................................................. 17
2. Phase B: Construction Works and Preparation ......................................................... 18
2.1 Assistance During Detail Engineering ....................................................................... 18
(a) Detail Engineering Design for Construction ............................................................ 18
(b) Access Roads, Bridges, and Jetties ....................................................................... 19
(c) Site Installation....................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Construction.............................................................................................................. 19
(a) Implementation Schedule ....................................................................................... 19
(b) Construction Activities ............................................................................................ 20
(c) Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) ......................................................................... 21
(d) Project Management and Control ........................................................................... 22
(e) Variations Prevention ............................................................................................. 23
2.3 Quality and Safety Assurance ................................................................................... 24
2.4 Risk Assessment ...................................................................................................... 24
2.5 Meeting, Reporting and Deliverables ........................................................................ 25
(a) Meetings ................................................................................................................ 25

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

(b) Reporting and Deliverables .................................................................................... 25

2.6 Duration of Services for Phase B .............................................................................. 26
3. Phase C: Post Construction ........................................................................................ 27
3.1 Periodic Inspections .................................................................................................. 27
3.2 Rectification of Defects / Closing Punch List ............................................................. 27
3.3 Handover Certificate ................................................................................................. 28
3.4 Knowledge Transfer .................................................................................................. 28
3.5 Accessibility of Documents ....................................................................................... 28
3.6 Meeting, Reporting and Deliverables ........................................................................ 28
(a) Meetings ................................................................................................................ 28
(b) Reporting and Deliverables .................................................................................... 29
3.7 Duration of Services for Phase C .............................................................................. 30
4. Personnel Requirement ............................................................................................... 30
4.1 Number of Personnel ............................................................................................... 30
4.2 Personnel Requirements........................................................................................... 33

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works


1. Background

EPSILON intends to develop HEPP in North Kalimantan with output capacity of 1,950
MW and will be owned by EPSILON (“Project”). The Project are being developed to
support Government of Indonesia’s plan to provide green electricity to KIPI and KIKI
as part of National Strategic Project. Overall, the development of KIPI and KIKI and
the Project would stimulate the economic growth, provide massive job opportunities as
well as improve the welfare of the community around the Project sites.

Based on the FS, EPSILON seeks to appoint OE to realise the Project with the scope
of works as stipulated in Section B of this 003 – Background and Scope of Works.

2. The Project

The Project is located in Kayan river, Bulungan Regency North Kalimantan Province.
River authority is under the authority of local government in North Kalimantan,
including the Public Works and Housing Agency in North Kalimantan Province (Dinas
Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat – “Dinas PUPR”). The Project indicative
location is shown below.

Figure 1 Indicative location of the Project and industrial parks

When completed, the Project will comprise the following main features:

• Plugged, twin 13.9 m diameter, modified horseshoe shaped, diversion tunnels

and related temporary low-level outlet works, utilized only during the construction
phase of the Project.
• 155 m high RCC dam with a full supply level at +309.653 m.
• Power intake, located on the right abutment adjacent to the dam, including water
inlet training logs, trash racks, and generating unit inlet bay maintenance gates
and guard gates, with a Minimum Operating Level (MOL) of +295.00.

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

• Surface power station located downstream of the dam, with 4 units giving a total
installed capacity of 1,950 MW.
• Four steel lined underground penstocks leading from the power intake structure
to the power station.
• Hydromechanical plant and equipment at the spillway, power intake, and power
• Electromechanical plant and equipment at the spillway, power intake, and power
• Indoor 500 kV gas insulated switching station (GIS), located adjacent to the
upstream wall of the power station and auxiliary buildings.
• 500 kV double circuit conductor and 150kV double circuit conductor overhead
transmission lines and 500kV/150kV substation with reactors.
• Permanent access roads.
• Camp construction for EPSILON’s operation and maintenance staff.

Figure 2 General Layout of the Project

3. Project Features

Features Parameter Unit Detail

Country Indonesia
Location Province North Kalimantan
Nearest City Tanjung Selor
River / Stream Kayan
Catchment area km 25,991.4
Hydrology 3
Mean river discharge m /s 1,645
Median flow m3/s 1,263

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

Features Parameter Unit Detail

Q10,000 (inflow) m3/s 18,173
QPMF (inflow) m /s 48,469
Full supply level (FSL) masl 140
Maximum Reservoir Level (MRL) masl 152
Maximum Station Operating Level
masl TBA
Reservoir Minimum operation level (MOL) masl 130
Storage Capacity at FSL Mm3 5,498.051
Active storage Mm3 660.452
Surface Area at FSL km2 145.86
Installed Capacity MW 1,950
Rated Net Head m 113.85
Rated Discharge (4 Units) m3/s 471.75
No of Units 4
Units Rated Power MW 487.841
Firm Power (max, n-1), 99%
Power MW TBA
Generation Firm Power (max, n-1), 95%
Annual Energy
GWh/yr 11,197.29
(Firm Power set at 1950 MW)
Firm Energy
GWh/yr TBA
(Firm Power set at 925 MW)
Power Density W/m2
Type (Roller Compacted
Crest Level masl 154
Deepest Foundation Level
Dam masl 1.962
Crest Length m 578
Crest Width m 8

Total Rockfill Volume m3 2.9million

Stepped spillway
with plunge pool
Approach Level m 154
Crest Level m 140
No. of Gates TBA
Type of Gate TBA
Size of Gate (W x H) m TBA
Spillway clear width (Chute) m 578.5 - 120

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

Features Parameter Unit Detail

Design Discharge Capacity m3/s 48,469
Energy Dissipater Available
Flip Bucket Invert Level masl 8
Flip Bucket Lip Level masl 12
Length of Chute Spillway up to
m 60
Flip Bucket
No. of Tunnel 2

Tunnel Shape D - Shape

Tunnel Tunnel Diameter (Finish Internal) m 15.8
Tunnel Length m 726
Intake Gate Size TBA

Type Rockfill DAM

Upstream cofferdam Level masl 75
Downstream cofferdam Level masl 40
Type Tunnel
Low Level Permanent Installation Yes
Outlet Invert Level masl 26
Peak Discharge m3/s 1570
Selected Draw Off TBA
Intake Invert Level masl 115
No. of Bay 4
Intake Design Discharge (for
m3/s 471.75
Intake Gate Size m TBA
Trash Rack Dimension TBA
No of Units TBA
Design Discharge (per unit) m3/s TBA
Maximum Discharge (per unit) m3/s TBA
Shaft Diameter m TBA
Shaft Length m TBA
Tunnel Diameter (finished
m 14.8
Power surface)
Waterway Tunnel Length m 675
Steel Lining Length m 675
Type Above Ground
No of Units 4 units
Station Unit Design Discharge m3/s 471.75
Maximum Flow/Unit at Rated
m3/s 471.75

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

Features Parameter Unit Detail

Average Unit Discharge m3/s 471.75
Unit Rated Net Head m 113.9
Turbine Axis Level masl El. 20.65
Turbine Inlet Diameter m 7.5
Service Bay Level masl El. 52.30
30 m from centre of
Unit Spacing m
turbine (spiral case)
Machine Hall Height m 36.15
Power Station Dimensions (L x W 120.65 x 40.75 x
x H) 88.87
Draft Tube Gates (height) m 34.8
PMF (21,272 m3/s outflow from
masl 58.6
1:10,000 AEP (11,553 m3/s
masl 43.25
Tailwater outflow from spillway)
Levels at Normal Operation (four units
masl 20.279
Power Operating at design discharge)
Station Turbine setting TWL (One unit
masl TBA
Operating at design discharge)
Minimum Tailwater level (top of
masl TBA
tailrace weir)
Type AIS Outdoor
Voltage kV 500 kV

Note that the information contained in the above table relates to the EPSILON’s FS
and is for reference only.

4. Abbreviation and Definitions

All the abbreviations and definitions herein shall be used for the purposes of reading
this 003 – Background and Scope of Works document. Any other capitalized letters
not defined otherwise herein shall have the same meaning as defined under 002 –
Instruction to Bidders document.

APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

ASEAN Association Southeast Asian Nation
BoQ Bill of Quantities
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CMS Completion Management Systems
DT Diversion Tunnel
E&M Electrical & Mechanical
EPC Engineering, Procurement, & Construction

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

Contract signed by EPSILON and EPC Contractor

EPC Contract
for EPC works of the Project
Contractor that shall be appointed by EPSILON
through tender process or direct appointment (as
EPC Contractor
further determined) to conduct the EPC works in
relation to the Project
EPC Contractor Tender Tender process held by Epsilon for selecting and
Process appointing EPC Contractor
FIDIC Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs - Conseils
FS Feasibility Studies (documents related to the Project)
GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear
HEPP Hydroelectric Power Plants
HSSE Health, Social, Safety, and Environmental
Indonesia Dam Safety Unit / Indonesia Dam Safety
IDSU / IDSC Commission (Komite Keamanan Bendungan dan
Balai Teknik Bendungan)
Water Resources Business Permit (Izin
Pengusahaan Sumber Daya Air)
Inspection and Test Plan
Inspection Quality Control
KIKI PT Kawasan Industri Kalimantan Indonesia
KIPI PT Kalimantan Industrial Park Indonesia
kV Kilo Volt
LARAP Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
Law No. 2 of 2017 Construction Service, as
Law No 2/2017 amended from time to time, including all of its
prevailing implementation regulations
Financial institution(s) who lend certain amount of
Lenders fund to EPSILON for the purpose of financing the
M&O Maintenance & Operation
MD Main Dam
MOL Minimum Operating Level
MOM Minutes of Meeting
MRR Material Receiving Report
MW Mega Watt
NTP Notice to Proceed
OHSP Occupational Health and Safety Plan
OPEX Operational Expenditure
PFMA Potential Failure Mode Analysis
PQP Project Quality Plan
Public Works and Public Housing (Pekerjaan Umum
dan Perumahan Rakyat)
QA/QC Quality Assurance and Control

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

RCC Roller-Compacted Concrete

EPC Contractor RFP Request for Proposal for EPC Contractor tender
SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan
A third party appointed by Epsilon to carry out tender
Tender Design design, carry out further site investigations and assist
Consultant EPSILON in obtaining Dam Certification and
Construction Permit issued by the IDSU / IDSC

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works


1. Phase A: Pre- Construction

1.1 Phase A-1 – Tender Design, Permitting and EPC Contractor RFP
Document Preparation

EPSILON’s feasibility study, as provided to Bidders, has been submitted to the

IDSU / IDSC for a preliminary review. Following such review, EPSILON has
now received feedback from the IDSU / IDSC, including suggestion for further
site investigations, which shall be accommodated in a future tender design
exercise that will form part of EPSILON’s application for Dam Design
Certification and Construction Permit to IDSU / IDSC.

EPSILON intends to appoint a Tender Design Consultant, who will carry out
such tender design exercise, carry out further site investigations and assist
EPSILON in obtaining Dam Certification and Construction Permit issued by the

The OE’s role is to support EPSILON in overseeing the Tender Design

Consultant’s work, up to the issuance of Dam Certification and Construction
Permit. In addition, once all technical aspects of the tender design document
have been accepted by the IDSU / IDSC, the OE shall then develop document
of EPC Contractor RFP. Details of each scope of work for this Phase A-1 is
further outlined below.

(a) Tender Design Assistance

During Tender Design Assistance, OE shall provide support and

assistance to EPSILON to oversee the execution of tender design by a
Tender Design Consultant.

The Tender Design Assistance shall consider, but not limited to, the
following aspects:

• Support the review and comment on documents and/or drawings

submitted by the Tender Design Consultant within ten (10) calendar
• Collaborate with the Tender Design Consultant to ensure alignment
with project specifications, standards, and industry best practices.
• Facilitate regular coordination meetings between the Tender Design
Consultant and EPSILON to discuss progress, challenges, and any
deviations from the project scope or schedule.
• Participate in site visits or inspections as necessary to verify design
implementations and address any technical issues or discrepancies.
• Define the scope and objectives of model test, including selecting
appropriate test parameters and performance criteria.

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

• Review and approve the model test plan and methodology proposed
by the Tender Design Consultant, ensuring alignment with industry
standards and best practices.
• Analyse the model test results and provide feedback to the Tender
Design Consultant, identifying any discrepancies, deficiencies, or
areas for improvement in the design.
• Provide technical guidance and clarification to the Tender Design
Consultant on engineering matters or design requirements.
• Review and approve proposed design changes or modifications,
ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and contractual
• Monitor the quality and accuracy of deliverables produced by the
Tender Design Consultant, identifying any deficiencies or areas for
• Review project cost estimates prepared by Tender Design Consultant
to ensure EPSILON will have a reliable owner’s estimate for EPC
Contractor Tender Process.
• Coordinate with other project stakeholders, such as third-party
consultants, to address specific project requirements or regulatory
compliance issues.
• Assist in the resolution of technical queries or disputes that may arise
during the tender design phase, working collaboratively with all
involved parties to reach mutually acceptable solutions.
• Prepare regular progress reports detailing the status of the detail
engineering activities, including key milestones achieved, challenges
encountered, and action plans for mitigation.
• Provide ongoing support and guidance to EPSILON's project
management team, ensuring effective communication and
coordination with the Tender Design Consultant throughout the detail
engineering process.
• Perform any other tasks or duties as may be reasonably required by
EPSILON to ensure the successful completion of the tender design
within the specified timeframe.

(b) Assistance during Data Collection / Verification, Topographic,

Geological, and Soil Investigation

The objectives of site survey activities are to address IDSU / IDSC’s

recommendation for additional site investigations, to gather
comprehensive information about the physical conditions in the project
area, both on the surface and below the surface (subsurface), to determine
the best location and overall layout of a scheme. Further detailed
investigations may be necessary to define the final orientation, precise size
and shape of each structure, and the sources of construction materials to
a detail sufficient. The site survey will encompass two key areas:

• Detailed topographic surveys of all project structures are produced.

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

• Detailed geological & soil investigation works whereby the

foundations beneath the sites of the project structures and the
potential sources of construction materials are investigated.

The OE will be required to assist EPSILON in overseeing the Tender

Design Consultant’s work in gathering detailed site investigation data and
providing advice on any additional investigations deemed necessary. This
assistance includes coordinating with relevant parties, reviewing site
investigation reports, and offering recommendations for further action
based on the findings.

(c) Preparation of EPC Contractor RFP Document

This scope requires the OE to prepare the EPC Contractor RFP Document
for EPC Contractor Tender Process in parallel with the tender design

The OE shall provide support and assistance to EPSILON throughout the

preparation of the EPC Contractor RFP document for EPC Contractor
Tender Process. This may include, but is not limited to, the following

• Development of a EPC Contractor RFP document for EPC Contractor

Tender Process.
• Preparation and drafting of the technical appendices to the EPC
contract documents.
• Advising and recommending changes to improve the final contract
terms and conditions.

The implementation of the Project will adhere to the guidelines set forth in
FIDIC contracts.

(d) Assistance to the Permitting Related to the Dam Construction

The OE must assist in reviewing all necessary documents prepared by

Tender Design Consultant in obtaining all necessary permits and/or
certifications of dam construction as required under the prevailing
regulations (i.e. Dam Design Certificate and Construction Permit),
including accompanying the Tender Design Consultant to attend relevant
discussions and/or meetings with IDSU / IDSC (i.e technical discussion
session(s), technical hearing(s) and plenary hearing), and/or with relevant
government authorities.

(e) Deliverables

The OE shall generate the following deliverables as key milestones in the

performance of its services during Phase A-1:

• Tender Design Final Report

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

• Draft EPC Contractor RFP document for EPC Contractor Tender

• Dam Design Certification (*)
• Dam Construction Permit (*)

(*) Obtained by Tender Design Consultant with full support from OE.

(f) Schedule

Phase A-1 shall span a duration of 12 (twelve) months.

Phase A-1 shall commence upon issuance of NTP for such phase (or
document of similar nature) by EPSILON to OE, which shall be issued after
the signing of the Contract. Phase A-1 shall be deemed to end upon the
issuance of the Dam Design Certification and Construction Permit as well
as submission of deliverables, i.e. Tender Design Final Report and Draft
EPC Contractor RFP document for EPC Contractor Tender Process,
which will trigger the issuance of Completion Certificate for Phase A-1.

The Bidder shall indicate in the Proposal the number of days required for
the OE to commence work upon receipt of such NTP of Phase A-1.

1.2 Phase A-2 – EPC Contractor Tender Process

The OE will play a pivotal role in overseeing the EPC Contractor Tender
Process on behalf of EPSILON. Building upon the groundwork laid in Phase A-
1, where the tender design was prepared, Phase A-2 marks the transition to
the next critical stage of the project.

During this phase, the OE will actively engage in facilitating the tender process,
ensuring adherence to project specifications, and promoting transparency and
fairness in the selection of the EPC Contractor. Through diligent oversight and
strategic coordination, the OE aims to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness
of the tender process, ultimately paving the way for the successful execution of
the EPSILON project. Details of each scope of work for this Phase A-2 is further
outlined below.

(a) Pre-Tender Phase

During this phase, the OE shall provide support and input to the following

• Finalization of EPC Contractor RFP document for EPC Contractor

Tender Process before issuance to bidders, and ensure that the EPC
Contractor RFP document respect the terms and guidelines for
procurement of international standards such as the FIDIC books.
• Develop EPC tender technical evaluation criteria.
The OE shall assist EPSILON in establishing appropriate evaluation
criteria and a rating system for the tender process, in accordance with

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

relevant national regulations and standards. The evaluation criteria

and rating system shall be approved by EPSILON.
• Organization and participation in the Pre-Tender meeting

(b) Tender Phase

The tender phase shall include but not limited to:

• Providing advice and guidance to EPSILON throughout the entire

tender process, ensuring a fair, transparent, and competitive
procurement process.
• Supporting EPSILON to conduct an international tender process.
• Supporting EPSILON with responses to questions / requests for
clarifications raised during the tender process.
• The OE shall advise EPSILON on responses to any technical and
contractual offer raised by prospective EPC Contractor bidders during
EPC Contractor Tender Process phase.

(c) Tender Evaluation Phase

The objective of the evaluation process is to determine the bid that

provides the optimal value for money, considering factors beyond just the
lowest price. The aim is to select the most economically advantageous
tender, taking into account various criteria and not solely focusing on the
pricing aspect. The evaluation process seeks to identify the tenderer who
offers the best overall value, considering factors such as quality, expertise,
delivery schedule, and other relevant considerations. The goal is to ensure
that the chosen bid represents the most beneficial and cost-effective
option for the project.

The OE shall play a crucial role in the technical and contractual evaluation
of tenders. In this regard, the following aspects shall be evaluated, but not
limited to:

• Technical: The OE shall evaluate the technical aspects of the tender,

including its conformity with international and/or Indonesian codes,
laws, and regulations. This evaluation encompasses specifications
and drawings, methods of construction, construction equipment and
plant, adequacy of machinery, facilities, and permanent equipment.
Additionally, the program of work and subcontracted work shall also
be assessed.
• Contractual and Administrative: The OE shall evaluate the
completeness of the tender, its validity, and conformity with the
instructions to bidders. This evaluation covers stated or implied
exclusions and conditions, management qualifications, labour setup
and source, and conditions specifically related to the project.
• Health and Safety: The OE shall assess the proposed health and
safety plan, risk management measures, and compliance with
relevant international and/or Indonesian laws and regulations.

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

• Environmental and Social: The OE shall evaluate the proposed

environmental and social management plan, considering
sustainability considerations and compliance with relevant
international and/or Indonesian laws and regulations.
• Schedule: The OE shall assess the proposed construction schedule,
critical path analysis, and alignment with project milestones.
• Quality Control and Assurance: The OE shall evaluate the proposed
quality control and assurance plan, inspection and testing
procedures, and compliance with relevant standards.

The OE shall assist in the technical evaluation of the tenders, ensuring

that the evaluation is objective and based on established criteria. If
necessary, the OE shall seek clarifications from the bidders and compile
a comprehensive evaluation report.

During commercial clarifications, the OE shall also assist with respect to

the technical matters that influence the commercial aspects.

(d) EPC Contract Finalization Phase

Upon successful negotiations with the best evaluated bidder, the OE shall
actively participate in the contract finalization process. The OE shall
extend their assistance in the contract finalization process, particularly in
the scenario where negotiations with the best evaluated bidder are
unsuccessful. In such cases, the OE shall provide support in finalizing the
contract with the second-best evaluated bidder.

During this phase, the OE's role will encompass reviewing the technical
specifications, schedules, and quality requirements, which will be included
in the EPC Contract. They will work closely with EPSILON (and its
advisors) and the selected bidder to address any outstanding issues,
clarify ambiguities, and finalize the contractual documentation.

The OE's expertise in industry best practices will contribute to the

development of a robust and comprehensive contract that safeguards
EPSILON's interests and ensures the successful execution of the project.
Their involvement will help establish a solid foundation for effective project
implementation, including efficient cost management, adherence to
timelines, and adherence to the highest quality standards.

(e) Deliverables

The OE shall generate the following deliverables as key milestones in the

performance of its services during Phase A-2:

• Final EPC Contractor RFP Document for EPC Contractor Tender

• EPC Contractor Tender Technical Evaluation Criteria
• EPC Contractor Tender Technical Evaluation Report

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Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

• Technical Appendices of the EPC Contract document

(f) Schedule

Phase A-2 shall encompass a duration of 15 (fifteen) months.

Phase A-2 shall commence upon the issuance of NTP by EPSILON to OE,
for such phase. Subject to the terms under the Contract, this NTP of Phase
A-2 is aimed to be issued no later than one (1) month after the issuance
of Completion Certificate (or any other documents with similar nature) for
Phase A-2, as determined by EPSILON.

The Bidder shall indicate in the Proposal the number of days required for
the OE to commence work upon receipt of such NTP of Phase A-2.

1.3 Meeting and Project Reporting

(a) Meetings
During the duration of the Services, EPSILON requires the OE to provide,
at the minimum, the following:

• Bi-weekly coordination meeting among EPSILON, OE and Tender

Design Consultant shall be held and attended by the Team Leader
and/or leads of working groups and/or discipline engineers (i.e.,
mechanical, electrical, geology, civil) of the OE, EPSILON, Tender
Design Consultant’s team. The OE shall propose a schedule for
separate bi-weekly meetings amongst disciplined engineers to avoid
scheduling conflict.
• Monthly coordination meetings among EPSILON, OE and Tender
Design Consultant shall be held and attended by full team of OE,
EPSILON and Tender Design Consultant’s project team. Prior to this
monthly coordination meeting, the monthly coordination meeting
between EPSILON and OE shall be held.
• MOM of all meetings related to the Project shall be prepared and
furnished by the OE.
• If necessary, during peak engineering period, or during periods of
significant delay and/or issue affecting the Project, additional
meetings amongst EPSILON, OE and Tender Design Consultant
shall be arranged as necessary to mitigate further adverse impact to
the project.

(b) Reports

The OE shall submit the following reports/deliverables to EPSILON:

(i). Weekly Report (applicable for Phase A-1), shall be submitted every
week and shall include the following information:

• A summary of the project's progress.

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Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

• Any significant issues or challenges that have been

• Any recommendations for the Project's future direction.

(ii). Monthly Report (applicable for Phase A-1 and A-2), shall be
submitted every month and shall include a comprehensive overview
of the activities performed during the reporting period, highlighting
key milestones achieved, project risks and issues identified, and any
necessary recommendations or actions. The reports shall provide a
clear and concise summary of the project status, progress against
the agreed schedule, and any deviations from the planned activities.

2. Phase B: Construction Works and Preparation

2.1 Assistance During Detail Engineering

The OE shall supervise and monitor EPC Contractor(s) on the following:

(a) Detail Engineering Design for Construction

The detail engineering shall consider, but not limited to, the following

• Optimisation of the design discharges and capacities based on

updated hydrological studies.
• Design and optimisation based on available and additional
topographical and geological/geotechnical investigations, calculations,
available studies and data.
• Elaborate location and concept of the civil works components.
• Select appropriate alignments for permanent and temporary access
roads for the entire project.
• Elaborate access road alignments and infrastructural requirements.
• Optimized layouts of dam infrastructure with respect to geotechnical
reports and investigations.
• Structural analysis, geotechnical calculations, and stability analysis
with respect to the given boundary conditions (topographical,
geotechnical, seismic etc.), load cases and operation conditions.
• Elaborate the civil structure of powerhouse and switchyards.
• Elaborate architectural features of powerhouse of switchyards.
• Define civil provisions for installations and technical equipment.
• Elaborate the mechanical, electrical, instrument and control equipment
specification and design of the hydro power plant.
• Fire protection system design, such as fire protection concept including
technical specifications of the fire protection system.
• Elaborate location for workshop sites, concrete plant, disposal areas,
works camp etc.
• Elaborate construction methodologies, measures, and specification for
the distinct civil components and provisions for safety and security,

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including emergency response plans, to ensure the safety of workers,

communities, and the environment.
• Elaborate specifications for materials and construction procedures
(e.g. concrete works, steels works etc.).
• Elaborate the management of waste and hazardous materials,
including provisions for disposal and handling of construction waste
and toxic substances, to ensure that the project is environmentally
• Elaborate provisions for operation, maintenance, and emergencies
(e.g. floods).
• Compilation of engineering geological plans and sections of the
foundations of all major structures.
• Support the review and comment on documents and/or drawings
submitted by the EPC Contractor within ten (10) calendar days upon
receiving from EPSILON.

(b) Access Roads, Bridges, and Jetties

To approach the different project components new access roads and

possibly (temporary) bridges shall be designed newly, or necessary
upgrading and refurbishment works planned. Likewise with the jetties, boat
access in the reservoir must also be planned to support future activity

(c) Site Installation

During the design phase, the OE shall identify suitable locations for site
infrastructure, workers accommodation and waste disposal. The waste
disposal sites must be carefully selected, taking into account the volume
required, transportation distance, sufficient clearance from rivers and
communities, geological activities in the area (active landslides or creeps),
and restoration and maintenance possibilities.

The OE shall ensure that the identified areas meet all necessary environmental
and safety standards and regulations. The findings of this site analysis shall be
documented and shared with the EPC Contractor(s) and relevant stakeholders.
The OE shall provide clear instructions and guidelines for the placement and
management of the dumping sites to minimize the risk of environmental harm
and ensure the smooth operation of the construction phase.

2.2 Construction

(a) Implementation Schedule

The OE shall support the construction management function of EPSILON

and prepare a well-balanced schedule of all working steps in sufficient
details and indicate the major milestones as well as work tasks of the
Project. The schedule accurately reflects the critical path, dependencies,
and sequencing of activities, taking into account the relevant site conditions

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and logistics constraints. Special care must be prepared by the OE to deal

with smooth inter-phasing of various lots of work packages.

Parts of the implementation schedule are also the different procurement (to
include long lead items), construction works, installations, including
temporary works, and river diversion.

OE shall provide suitably qualified professional personnel to undertake the

following Services for DT and MD construction for the development of CMS

Overall, the schedule shall be designed to support the smooth execution of

the project and to achieve timely completion, while ensuring quality and
safety standards are maintained.

(b) Construction Activities

The OE shall provide suitably qualified professional personnel to undertake

the following services for construction of DT and MD works.

• Full-time site supervision, construction management, HSSE

management, and quality management of all construction works
carried out by the EPC Contractor until project completion. Identify and
resolve on-site and off-site technical issues.
• Ensure all construction activities are performed in accordance with
Acts, Regulations, Code of Practices, and other applicable legislation.
Priority concerns are on health and safety, environment, immigration,
and statutory permits.
• Provide administrative, technical, and commercial management
supports to EPSILON, including coordination and decision-making
actions, engineering and design activities related to construction works
in order to ensure that quality control and engineering standards are
consistently maintained within cost and time constraints throughout
Project implementation.
• Support the identification of project risks and opportunities, analysis of
risks and opportunities, and development of risk mitigation and
opportunities. Participate in monthly risk workshops.
• Establish and implement construction QA/QC and HSSE to EPSILON
requirement and/or industrial best practices.
• Assist EPSILON to review and check MRR and IQC.
• Provide supervision for construction, installation, testing, and pre-
commissioning (inclusive of performance tests) in accordance with the
technical requirements and quality of the works at the site.
• Support the review and comment on documents and/or drawings
(including construction drawings) submitted by the EPC Contractor
within ten (10) calendar days upon receiving from EPSILON.
• Ensure that construction sequence and works are carried out in
accordance with latest construction drawings and specifications.

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• Support the review Monthly Progress Report and QA/QC report

submitted by EPC Contractor within 10 calendar days upon receiving
• Support the review and comment on the construction, installation,
commissioning, and completion schedules submitted by the EPC
Contractor within 10 calendar days upon receiving from EPSILON.
• Support the assessment/ review of EPC Contractor baseline work
schedule and to advise on the project scheduling monitoring and
control within 10 calendar days upon receiving from EPSILON.
• Support in reviewing and checking the Operation & Maintenance
Procedures and Manual for civil mechanical, electrical, instrument, and
control prepared by the EPC Contractor within ten (10) calendar days
upon receiving from EPSILON.

(c) Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)

The OE shall review the Contractor’s manufacturer/supplier quality and

delivery assurance programs to:

• Ensure (within time to time) timely manufacture, testing and delivery of

equipment and materials as required to maintain the overall Project
• Comply with agreed specifications and agreed standard through
quality assurance programs, inspection during manufacturing of
equipment and materials, preparation of test procedures of the hydro
power plant, review of factory testing methods and procedures,
witnessing factory test, and certification of test results. Specifically, the
OE shall actively assist EPSILON and execute inspection and
expediting works, both during manufacturing and construction, i.e.
material/equipment quality assurance and quality control (shop
inspection, testing including procedure) and delivery schedule
surveillance (expediting), with the scope of Services including but not
limited to:

(a) Review of EPC Contract documents specifically to all activities

that related to QA/QC part, as basis for QA/QC supervision
(b) Review and comment the PQP, ITP, manufacturing test
procedure, site quality plan and site ITP, and site test procedure
approval on quality assurance and quality control document for
the compliance with EPC Contract documents as well as
applicable codes and standards, and delivery expediting
program prepared by the EPC Contractor.
(c) Assist EPSILON during shop inspection and testing to ensure
compliance with the contract document, approved ITP, and test
(d) Prepare and review of inspection reports on each factory
(e) Perform inspection and FAT for the following equipment to be
bought in Indonesia and/or other countries to ensure that they

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are manufactured in accordance with the EPC Contract and

relevant engineering codes.
(f) Inspect and/or expedite FAT for equipment in manufacturing
countries to ensure the qualities are in accordance with the EPC
Contract and relevant engineering codes.
(g) Control and supervise QA/QC administration and technical
activity within EPSILON site management.
(h) Perform incoming material inspection on site supplied by EPC
Contractor to ensure its compliance to EPC Contract and
approved drawing.
(i) Perform site inspection activity in accordance with Contract and
approved quality plan.
(j) Prepare draft letter and non-conformance record on site as
required in accordance with the EPC Contract specification and
(k) Assist EPSILON to review and check Material Receiving Report
(MRR) and Inspection Quality Control (IQC).
(l) Develop and maintain summary report with regards to QA/QC
works as part of the report to be compiled as stipulated in the
Meeting and Reports of this 003 Background Scope of Works.

For equipment that would be manufactured overseas, if any, the OE shall

have personnel who is able to communicate in native language in such
manufacturing country. For instance, if the equipment is manufactured in
China, the OE shall have personnel who speaks Chinese to perform
inspection and expediting works to be conducted in China with the EPC
Contractor’s suppliers or manufacturers.

OE shall deploy relevant specialists to attend FAT to perform inspections

for major equipment as mentioned below and analyse results:

a. Turbines (including runner model test)

b. Generators
c. Unit bearings and ancillaries
d. Governors & Excitors and their Control Systems
e. Power Station Control & Monitoring Systems
f. Hydromechanical equipment
g. Any other major equipment as further determined by EPSILON

(d) Project Management and Control

The OE shall conduct the following activities on behalf of EPSILON as part

of project management (including project controls) and document controls

• OE shall guide, review, and manage all project management and

control documents issued by EPC Contractors to provide EPSILON’s
management with reliable and timely data and information about the
Project executed by EPC Contractors (e.g., status, trend analysis and

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forecast, etc.) and to propose solutions to counter any adverse trends

to the planned Project execution.
• During the course of the Project, some changes and/or variations may
occur in the works executed by EPC Contractor. In this case the OE
shall assist EPSILON in making any claim against EPC Contractor and
in establishing the validity of any claims made by EPC Contractor
against EPSILON.
• Provide templates and guidelines for any level of reports from the EPC
• Review, analyze and provide correction for any level of reports from the
EPC Contractor.
• Develop and maintain summary report for EPSILON with regards to
EPC Contractor’s performance in the area of project management and
document controls as stipulated in this document 003 Background
Scope of Works.
• Preparing record of documentations in relation with invoices, letters and
MOMs, and other documentations related to the Project.

(e) Variations Prevention

The Variations Prevention section is of utmost importance in the role of the

OE, as it focuses on actively managing and minimizing potential variations
that may arise from the EPC Contractor during the project. To fulfil this
responsibility, the OE is required to undertake the following actions:

• Contractual compliance: The OE shall ensure that the EPC Contractor's

work complies with the terms and conditions of the EPC Contract
(including guarantees, performance bonds, warranty bonds, insurance,
claims, etc.), also to ensure that the EPC Contractor performs the works
in an effective and efficient manner. This includes ensuring that the EPC
Contractor's work complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and
codes. Ensuring that any change orders or variations submitted by the
EPC Contractor are adequately documented and approved. In the
event the EPC Contractor submits variation orders, the OE shall assess
the orders and provide justification and advice to EPSILON.
• Effective communication: The OE shall maintain effective
communication with the EPC Contractor, EPSILON, and other
stakeholders to ensure that all parties are aware of the project's
progress and any potential areas where variations may be required.
This includes communicating any changes to the project's scope,
schedule, or budget; as well as preparation of draft letter in technical,
commercial, and contractual matters, related to construction activities
to avoid any claim and dispute by the EPC Contractor
• Early identification of potential variations: The OE shall identify potential
areas where variations may be required as early as possible in the
Project. The OE shall prepare reports regarding change of the works
due to unforeseen condition, additional (variation) works, claims
matters, and extension of time or acceleration program proposed by
EPC Contractor. This will allow the OE to take steps to minimize the
impact of any variations on the Project's cost and schedule.

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• Proactive risk management: The OE shall proactively manage risks that

could lead to variations. This includes identifying and mitigating risks,
such as changes in the law, changes in the project's scope, or changes
in the project's schedule.
• Use of technology: The OE shall use technology to help manage
variations. This includes using project management software to track
the project's progress and identify potential areas where variations may
be required.

2.3 Quality and Safety Assurance

The OE shall review the development of standards, measures and methods for
quality and safety assurance during design, plan for construction, installation,
and operation phase for reliable and sustainable HEPP by EPC Contractor(s),
including but not limited to:

• Define quality and safety measures and standards for the services and
installed equipment of the E&M contractor.
• Define codes and general standards applied, for design, construction, and
• Define schedule, quantities, and type of testing procedures.
• Define testing and commissioning procedures and standards.
• Develop a Quality and Safety Management Strategy that defines the quality.
• Develop water quality management and monitoring procedures to ensure that
the project does not negatively impact water quality and availability during
pre-construction, construction, and post construction.
• Techniques and standards to be applied and the various responsibilities for
achieving the required levels during the project.

2.4 Risk Assessment

The OE shall review EPC Contractor(s) risk assessment activities that includes
but not limited to:

• Conduct a risk analysis and advise EPSILON on potential risks during the
design, construction, commissioning, and operational phases of the project,
including risk mitigation and contingency planning, to outline strategies for
reducing or avoiding risks and preparing for potential impacts.
• Develop a Risk Management Strategy that describes the specific risk
management techniques and standards to be applied and the responsibilities
for achieving an effective risk management procedure which includes risk
monitoring and reporting, to ensure that the risk management process is
regularly reviewed and updated, and that progress is reported to relevant
• Outline a report of strengths and weaknesses of the hydropower project with
detailed suggestion and guidance to EPSILON of optimisation and
sustainability for the next project phases.
• The EPC Contractor(s) has to take into account a worst-case scenario for
different risks and show the caused impact and elaborate the mitigation

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2.5 Meeting, Reporting and Deliverables

(a) Meetings

During the duration of the Services, EPSILON requires the OE to provide, at

the minimum, the following:

• Bi-weekly coordination meeting among EPSILON, OE and Contractor

shall be held and attended by the Team Leader and/or leads of working
groups and/or discipline engineers (i.e., Mechanical, Electrical,
Geology, Civil) of the OE, EPSILON and EPC Contractor’s Project
Team. The OE shall propose a schedule for separate bi-weekly
meetings amongst discipline engineers to avoid scheduling conflict.
• Monthly coordination meetings among EPSILON, OE and EPC
Contractor shall be held and attended by full team of OE, EPSILON and
EPC Contractor’s Project Team. Prior to this monthly coordination
meeting, monthly coordination meeting between EPSILON and OE
shall be held.
• MOM of all meetings related to the project shall be prepared and
furnished by the OE.
• If necessary, during peak engineering period, or during periods of
significant delay and/or issue affecting the project, additional meetings
amongst EPSILON, OE and EPC Contractor shall be arranged as
necessary to mitigate further adverse impact to the project.

(b) Reporting and Deliverables

The OE shall submit the following reports/deliverables to EPSILON:

(i). Templates and/or guidance of the reports (i.e. weekly, monthly,

etc.) to be used by the EPC Contractor. The template shall be in native
files (MS Power Point, MS Word, MS Excel, Primavera P6, etc.), as
approved by EPSILON.

(ii). Overall Project Schedule, all working steps in sufficient details and
indicate the major milestones and work tasks of the Project.

(iii). Weekly Report, shall be submitted every week and shall include the
following information:

1) A summary of the project's progress.

2) Any significant issues or challenges that have been encountered.
3) Any recommendations for the project's future direction.

(iv). Monthly Report, shall be submitted every month and shall include the
following information:

1) A summary of the project's progress

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2) Any significant issues or challenges that have been encountered.

3) Any recommendations for the project's future direction
4) Updated Risk Register
5) Expediting and surveillance status shall be prepared by the OE
for each visit completed during the month to manufacturer’s plant
or other authorities involved in the manufacturing and delivery of
materials and equipment from the manufacturer’s plant to site.
6) For presentation of the monthly reports, it is expected that the OE
to supplement such report with PowerPoint format.

(v). Final Report, shall be submitted upon completion of the Project and
shall include the following information:

1) Entire Project's journey,

2) Summarize of its objectives,
3) Milestones achievements,
4) Challenges faced and mitigations strategies employed during pre-
construction, construction, and post construction,
5) Final Risk Register,
6) Lesson Learned and recommendations for future projects,
7) A financial report that includes the project's budget, expenses,
and revenue.

EPSILON may request the OE to prepare other reports related to the Project
as may be required by EPSILON within the capability of resources of the

All reports/deliverables shall be submitted in one (1) hard copy and in a soft
copy. EPSILON shall review and comment on the submitted reports within
two weeks from the date of receipt. The OE shall be expected to incorporate
these comments within two (2) weeks. Finally, the documents must be
resubmitted as one (1) hard copy and in a soft copy.

The acceptance of reports by EPSILON shall trigger payment. If EPSILON

does not provide comments or formal acceptance within the specified
timeframe, it can be assumed that the report has been accepted and
payment shall be made. This exception applies to final reports, which must
receive formal acceptance prior to the final payment being released.

The OE shall be responsible for ensuring that all reports are accurate,
complete, and timely. The OE shall also be responsible for ensuring that all
reports are submitted in accordance with the requirements of this clause.

2.6 Duration of Services for Phase B

This Phase B will cover a total period of 60 (sixty) months since the issuance of
NTP for Phase B, by EPSILON, for OE to commence these Phase B scope of
works. Subject to the terms under the Contract, this NTP of Phase B is aimed to
be issued by Epsilon to OE, by no later than one (1) month after the issuance of

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completion certificate (or any other documents with similar nature) of Phase A-2,
as determined by EPSILON.

In issuing the NTP of Phase B, EPSILON shall consider all matters related to the
commencement of the Project’s construction timeline. EPSILON may reserve the
right to amend the timeline of the NTP issuance by its own sole discretion and
after considering the Project’s construction timeline.

The OE shall indicate in the proposal the number of days required for the OE to
commence work upon receipt of such NTP of Phase B.

3. Phase C: Post Construction

3.1 Periodic Inspections

• The OE shall conduct regular inspections of the completed hydropower

plant, including diversion tunnel and main dam construction, to assess its
condition and identify any potential issues or defects.
• These inspections shall encompass visual assessments, functional tests,
and structural evaluations to ensure that the plant and associated works
are operating as intended.
• The OE shall document the findings of the inspections and provide
recommendations for any necessary maintenance or repairs, in
accordance with the Contractor’s warranty period (or any other similar
terms as defined under the EPC Contract) and final inspection
• In case of discrepancies with the EPC Contractor's analysis, the OE shall
review and, if necessary, carry out further investigations to validate the EPC
Contractor's proposed rectification of defects.
• Additionally, the OE shall propose engineering solutions, including
providing cost estimates, for the rectification of identified defects.
• The OE shall also supervise and certify the acceptance of rectification
works undertaken by the EPC Contractor, ensuring they meet the required
standards and specifications.

3.2 Rectification of Defects / Closing Punch List

• In the event that defects or deficiencies are identified during the inspections
or reported by EPSILON, the OE shall oversee the rectification process.
• This involves coordinating with the EPC Contractor or relevant parties
responsible for the defects and ensuring that the necessary corrective
actions are taken promptly.
• The OE shall monitor the progress of the rectification works and verify that
they are carried out in accordance with the specified standards and
• The OE shall prepare Punch List in post construction and manage the
rectification / closing punch list to be done by EPC Contractor.

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3.3 Handover Certificate

• Review and comment the final construction documents, as further defined

in the EPC Contract, submitted by the EPC Contractor (i.e. as-built drawing,
QA/QC documentation, operation and maintenance procedure and manual
for mechanical, electrical, instrument and control works and all other
equipment as required, etc.)
• Upon satisfactory completion of the rectification works and resolution of any
outstanding issues, the OE shall assist in the issuance of the handover
• The handover certificate signifies the transfer of responsibility from the EPC
Contractor to EPSILON for the completed of the construction of the Project,
as further defined under the EPC Contract.
• The OE shall review the relevant documentation, verify the completion of
all contractual obligations, and provide recommendations for the issuance
of the handover certificate.

3.4 Knowledge Transfer

• The OE shall facilitate the effective transfer of knowledge from the EPC
Contractor to EPSILON. This process aims to ensure that critical insights,
technical expertise, and operational know-how acquired during the project's
construction and commissioning phases are seamlessly communicated to
the EPSILON team.
• During the project's execution, the OE shall work closely with the EPC
Contractor to identify and document key project insights, technical details,
and operational nuances. The OE will organize knowledge transfer
sessions, workshops, or create comprehensive knowledge repositories to
convey this information to the EPSILON personnel.

3.5 Accessibility of Documents

• The OE shall ensure that all project-related documents are systematically

organized and accessible to EPSILON during the operations and
maintenance stage.
• This includes design documents, manuals, maintenance schedules, and
any other materials crucial for the ongoing management of the HEPP.

3.6 Meeting, Reporting and Deliverables

(a) Meetings

During the duration of the Services, EPSILON requires the OE to provide,

at the minimum, the following:

• Bi-weekly coordination meeting among EPSILON, OE and

Contractor shall be held at Project site office and shall be attended
by the Team Leader and/or leads of working groups and/or discipline
engineers (i.e., Mechanical, Electrical, Geology, Civil) of the OE,
EPSILON and EPC Contractor’s project team. The OE shall propose

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a schedule for separate bi-weekly meetings amongst discipline

engineers to avoid scheduling conflict.
• Monthly coordination meeting among EPSILON, OE and EPC
Contractor shall be held at EPSILON’s home office in Jakarta and/or
project site office, and shall be attended by full team of OE, EPSILON
and EPC Contractor’s project team. Prior to this monthly coordination
meeting, the monthly coordination meeting between EPSILON and
OE shall be held at EPSILON’s home office in Jakarta, OE office in
Jakarta, and/or in the Project site office.
• Kick off meeting or alignment meeting with major material
supplier/manufacturer prior to major inspection activities to ensure
during inspection activities at factories all the parties are following the
quality procedure and test plan as well as building a good
coordination between OE and the major material
• MOM of all meetings related to the project shall be prepared and
furnished by the OE.
• If necessary, during peak engineering & construction period, or
during periods of significant delay and/or issue affecting the project,
additional meetings amongst EPSILON, OE and EPC Contractor
shall be arranged as necessary to mitigate further adverse impact to
the Project.

(b) Reporting and Deliverables

The OE shall submit the following reports/deliverables to EPSILON during

this Phase C:

(i). Closing Punchlist Reports, to document and demonstrate the

resolution of all outstanding punch list items.

(ii). Handover Certificates, to certify that specific phases or the entire

project has been completed in accordance with the established
standards and specifications.

(iii). Inspection Reports, to provide the findings of systematic

inspections conducted during and after the construction phase.
These reports cover various aspects such as structural integrity,
safety compliance, equipment functionality, and adherence to design

(iv). Performance test reports upon completion of unit performance

testing, the OE shall assist, and support EPSILON related to the test
procedure, the results, calculations, conclusions, and

(v). Monthly Reports, to provide a regular and structured overview of

project progress during the post-construction phase. These reports
include key performance indicators, inspection activities, and
updates on any ongoing activities.

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(vi). Knowledge Transfer Report, to summarize the information

transferred and outlining strategies for continued collaboration
between the EPC Contractor and EPSILON. This report shall include
detailed documentation of methodologies, best practices, and any
other pertinent information.

3.7 Duration of Services for Phase C

This phase will cover a total period of about 12 (twelve) months since the
issuance of NTP for Phase C by EPSILON, for OE to commence these Phase
C scope of works. Subject to the terms under the Contract, this NTP of Phase
C is aimed to be issued by Epsilon to OE, by no later than one (1) month after
the issuance of completion certificate (or any other documents with similar
nature) of Phase B, as determined by the EPSILON. The OE shall indicate in
the Proposal the number of days required for the OE to commence work upon
receipt of such NTP of Phase C.

During the Post Construction Phase, the OE's primary focus is on ensuring the
quality and integrity of the completed HEPP and play a crucial role in
conducting inspections, overseeing defect rectification, and facilitating the
handover process from EPC Contractor to EPSILON.

4. Personnel Requirement

4.1 Number of Personnel

The Services will be provided by a composite team of expatriate and/or local

consultants which will include but not be limited to the following expertise:

(Similar in Number of
No. Position Background Location
position & Personnel
A. Phase A
Team Leader / Project Civil /
1. 25 years 1 Office
Manager / Dam Expert Hydro Civil
Hydrology & Hydraulic Civil /
2. 20 years 1 Office
Expert Hydro Civil
Civil /
3. Civil Dam Expert 20 years 1 Office
Hydro Civil
4. Geologist Expert Geology 20 years 1 Office
5. Geodetic Expert Geodesy 20 years 1 Office
6. Mechanical Expert Mechanical 20 years 1 Office
7. Electrical Expert Electrical 20 years 1 Office

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(Similar in Number of
No. Position Background Location
position & Personnel
Dam Instrumentation Civil /
8. 20 years 1 Office
Expert Hydro Civil
Environmental and
9. Environmental 20 years 1 Office
Social Expert
10. Computer Operator Engineering 3 years 1 Office

B. Phase B & C
Team Leader / Project Civil /
1. 25 Years 1 Site
Manager / Dam Expert Hydro Civil
Hydrology & Hydraulic Civil /
2. 20 Years 1 Site
Expert Hydro Civil
Civil /
3. Grouting Expert 20 Years 1 Site
Hydro Civil
Civil /
4. Material Expert 20 Years 1 Site
Hydro Civil
Civil /
5. Civil Dam Expert 20 Years 1 Site
Hydro Civil
Civil / Hydro
6. Civil Dam Supervisor 10 Years 4 Site
Civil /
7. Civil Tunnel Expert 20 Years 1 Site
Hydro Civil
Civil /
8. Civil Tunnel Supervisor 10 Years 2 Site
Hydro Civil
Civil Intake & Penstock Civil /
9. 20 Years 1 Site
Expert Hydro Civil
Civil Intake & Penstock Civil /
10. 10 Years 2 Site
Supervisor Hydro Civil
Civil Structure – Civil /
11. 20 Years 1 Site
Powerhouse Expert Hydro Civil
Civil Structure – Civil /
12. 10 Years 2 Site
Powerhouse Supervision Hydro Civil
13. Geologist Expert Geology 20 years 1 Site
Geologist Eng.
14. Geology 10 years 2 Site
15. Geodetic Expert Geodesy 20 years 1 Site
Geodetic Eng.
16. Geodesy 10 years 2 Site
17. Mechanical Expert Mechanical 20 years 1 Site
Mechanical Eng.
18. Mechanical 10 years 2 Site

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(Similar in Number of
No. Position Background Location
position & Personnel
19. Electrical Expert Electrical 20 years 1 Site
Electrical Eng.
20. Electrical 10 years 2 Site
Dam Instrumentation Civil /
21. 20 years 1 Site
Expert Hydro Civil
Dam Instrumentation Civil /
22. 10 years 2 Site
Supervision Hydro Civil
Environmental & Social
23. Environmental 20 years 1 Site
24. HSSE Expert Environmental 20 years 1 Site
25. HSSE Supervision Environmental 10 years 2 Site
26. Legal Contract Expert Legal 20 years - Office
27. CAD Drafter Civil 5 years 1 Site
Project Planning and
28. Engineering 10 years 1 Site
Control Specialist
Civil /
29. Doc. Control Specialist 10 years 1 Site
Hydro Civil
Commissioning Civil /
30. 20 years 1 Site
Specialist Hydro Civil
Civil /
31. Performance Specialist 20 years 1 Site
Hydro Civil

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4.2 Personnel Requirements

The following Personnel shall be provided by the OE to execute the Services:

No Construction Personnel Professional Qualifications and Experience

• Bachelor’s degree orhigher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 25 years’ experience in the
project implementation, supervision
management / leadership on large dam &
Team Leader / hydropower project.
1 DT, MD Project Manager • Must possess membership of Board of
/ Dam Expert Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Experience in managing/ supervising
construction of one or more RCC dam with a
minimum height of 100 m.
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years’ experience in
hydrology and hydraulic analyses for large
Hydrology & dam & hydropower.
2 DT, MD
Hydraulic Expert • Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.

• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro

Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years’ experience in grouting
3 DT, MD Grouting Expert work for large dam & hydropower.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years’ experience in hydro
civil structure analyses & supervision focus
4 DT, MD Material Expert on material construction for large dam &
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.

Page 33
Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

No Construction Personnel Professional Qualifications and Experience

• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years’ experience in design
analyses & supervision large dam &
5 MD Civil Dam Expert hydropower.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 10 years’ experiences in
supervision large dam & hydropower.
• Having expertise and hands-on experiences
Civil Dam in QA/QC, site and/or factory inspection, site
6 MD
Supervisor and/or factory acceptance test, site and/or
factory inspection report.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years’ experiences in design
Civil Tunnel & supervision tunnel for large dam &
7 DT hydropower.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 10 years’ experiences in
supervision tunnel work for large dam &
Civil Tunnel • Having expertise and hands-on experiences
8 DT in QA/QC, site and/or factory inspection, site
and/or factory acceptance test, site and/or
factory inspection report.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.

Page 34
Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

No Construction Personnel Professional Qualifications and Experience

• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years’ experiences in
Civil Intake & supervision large dam & hydropower (focus
9 MD on intake & penstock).
Penstock Expert
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 10 years’ experiences in
supervision large dam & hydropower (focus
on intake & penstock).
Civil Intake & • Having expertise and hands-on experiences
10 MD Penstock in QA/QC, site and/or factory inspection, site
Supervisor and/or factory acceptance test, site and/or
factory inspection report.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor’s degree or higher n Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years’ experiences in design
Civil Structure – & supervision power house construction for
11 MD Power House large dam & hydropower.
Expert • Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 10 years’ experiences in
supervision power house construction for
large dam & hydropower.
Civil Structure – • Having expertise and hands-on experiences
12 MD Power House in QA/QC, site and/or factory inspection, site
Supervisor and/or factory acceptance test, site and/or
factory inspection report.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.

Page 35
Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

No Construction Personnel Professional Qualifications and Experience

• Bachelor's degree or higher in geology,
geoscience or equivalent.
• Minimum of 20 years' experiences in carrying
out geological and field tasks by utilizing
standard geological techniques and analysis
and field sampling and analyzing sample
13 DT, MD Geologist Expert data for geological settings, preparing
geological structures and maps for large
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in geology,
geoscience or equivalent.
• Minimum of 10 years' experiences in carrying
out geological and field tasks by utilizing
standard geological techniques and analysis
and field sampling and analyzing sample
data for geological settings, preparing
Geologist Eng. geological structures and maps for large
14 DT, MD
Supervisor dam.
• Having expertise and hands-on experiences
in QA/QC, site inspection, site acceptance
test, site inspection report.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Geodesy or
• Minimum of 20 years' experiences in carrying
out topographical and field tasks by utilizing
15 DT, MD Geodetic Expert standard techniques and maps for large dam.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Geodesy or
Geodetic Eng. • Minimum of 10 years' experiences in carrying
16 DT, MD out topographical and field tasks by utilizing
standard techniques and maps for large dam.
• Having expertise and hands-on experiences
in QA/QC, site inspection, site acceptance

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Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

No Construction Personnel Professional Qualifications and Experience

test, site inspection report.
• Must possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) of APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Mechanical
• Minimum of 20 years' experiences in the
engineering, project implementation,
Mechanical management and supervision of mechanical
17 MD system / equipment (static) for hydropower
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Mechanical
• Minimum of 10 years' experiences in the
engineering, project implementation,
management and supervision of mechanical
system / equipment (static) for hydropower
Mechanical Eng.
18 MD
Supervisor • Having expertise and hands-on experiences
in QA/QC, site and/or factory inspection, site
and/or factory acceptance test, site and/or
factory inspection report.
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Electrical
Engineering or equivalent.
• Minimum of 20 years' experiences in the
engineering, project implementation,
management and supervision of electrical
system / equipment (control &
19 MD Electrical Expert
instrumentation)/ process control for
hydropower project.
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.

Page 37
Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

No Construction Personnel Professional Qualifications and Experience

• Bachelor's degree or higher in Electrical
Engineering or equivalent.
• Minimum of 10 years' experiences in the
engineering, project implementation,
management and supervision of electrical
system / equipment (control & / process
control for hydropower project.
Electrical Eng.
20 MD
Supervisor • Having expertise and hands-on experiences
in QA/QC, site and/or factory inspection, site
and/or factory acceptance test, site and/or
factory inspection report.
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil / Mechanical Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years' experience in
Dam engineering, project implementation,
21 DT, MD Instrumentation management and supervision of Dam
Expert instrumentation system.
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil / Mechanical Engineering.
• Minimum of 10 years' experience in
engineering, project implementation,
management and supervision of
Dam instrumentation system.
22 DT, MD Instrumentation • Having expertise and hands-on experiences
Supervisor in QA/QC, site and/or factory inspection, site
and/or factory acceptance test, site and/or
factory inspection report.
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Environmental
Engineering or equivalent.
Environmental & • Minimum of 20 years' experience in the
23 DT, MD
Social Expert engineering, project implementation,
management and supervision of social –
environmental assessment for large dam &

Page 38
Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

No Construction Personnel Professional Qualifications and Experience

hydropower project
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Environmental
Engineering or equivalent.
• Minimum of 20 years' experience in the
project implementation, management and
24 DT, MD HSSE Expert supervision of HSSE for large dam &
hydropower project
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Environmental
Engineering or equivalent.
• Minimum of 10 years' experience in the
project implementation, management and
HSSE supervision of HSSE for large dam &
25 DT, MD
Supervisor hydropower project.
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Min 5 years in hydro power plant projects or
other projects of similar complexity.
26 DT, MD CAD Drafter
• Familiar with AutoCAD or similar drafting
• Min 10 years in large hydro power plant
projects or other projects of similar
• Having expertise and hands-on experiences
in project planning and scheduling, control
and monitoring, cost control, and be familiar
Project Planning with EPC Contract.
27 DT, MD and Control • Having thorough understanding on logic of
Specialist activities on hydro power plant project.
• Familiar with project planning and scheduling
software (Oracle Primavera P6 capability is a
must) including analysis on critical and near-
critical paths and forecast delays.
• Familiar with tracking progress of the project
using S-Curve or Earned Value method.

Page 39
Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

No Construction Personnel Professional Qualifications and Experience

• Bachelor's degree or higher in Civil
Doc. Control Engineering.
28 DT, MD
Specialist • Minimum of 10 years' experiences in
managing project document.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years' experience in the
Commissioning project implementation, management and
29 DT, MD supervision of large Dam Commissioning.
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in Civil / Hydro
Civil Engineering.
• Minimum of 20 years' experience in the
Performance project implementation, management and
30 DT, MD supervision of large Dam performance.
• Preferably possess membership of Board of
Engineers Indonesia, or equivalent
recognition from International Professional
Engineer (IntPE) or APEC or ASEAN.

• In the event that EPSILON deems it necessary to conduct a more in-depth

assessment of candidates proposed for the following positions, EPSILON
reserves the right to conduct interviews as part of the evaluation process.
The purpose of these interviews is to explore the capabilities,
qualifications, and suitability of candidates for the specified positions. The
positions subject to interview evaluation include, but may not be limited to:

1. Team Leader / Project Manager / Dam Expert

2. Hydrology & Hydraulic Expert
3. Civil Dam Expert
4. Geologist Expert
5. HSSE Expert
6. Legal Contract Expert

• Candidates shortlisted for interview evaluation will be notified to the Bidder

in advance and provided with the necessary details regarding the interview

• Positions listed in the Personnel Requirement table above are the

minimum required personnel that each Bidder must include in their
proposal. However, Bidders are allowed to propose additional positions
that Bidders deem necessary to complete the Scope of Work for each
phase in accordance with each Bidder's manning plan.

Page 40
Owner’s Engineer Consultancy
Services for Epsilon Hydroelectric
Power Plant Project
003 – Background and Scope of Works

• All personnel proposed by the Bidder for the Services shall be dedicated
to EPSILON's Project (please also refer to our response in Bid Bulletin 4)
and able to communicate in writing and verbal in English.

• EPSILON, on its sole discretion and if deemed necessary, reserves the

right to request OE to replace any personnel for the purpose of the
performance of the Project. Any proposed replacement of the personnel
submitted by the OE based on its own proposal or as requested by
EPSILON, shall be subject to the prior written approval of EPSILON, and
the replacement personnel shall possess similar qualifications, experience,
and competence to the original personnel. Failure to comply with this
commitment may result in penalties and/or termination of the Contract.

• Any replacement of the OE’s personnel during the services period shall
have qualifications that are similar or better than the requirements
mentioned earlier. The OE shall inform EPSILON of the proposed
assignment/replacement for the Projects at least two (2) weeks in advance.

• EPSILON retains the right to confirm the individual proposed by the OE for
inclusion in the Projects team.

• If a replacement is proposed by the OE during the implementation of the

Services, the proposed personnel must be approved by EPSILON. The
transition period between the outgoing and incoming personnel shall be a
minimum of two (2) weeks to allow for knowledge transfer and the transfer
of responsibilities.

Page 41

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