Philosophy Reviewer 2nd Grading

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On death noun/passing and Dying adj.

/ending Consumerism – is a well-being achieved

through abundance and consumption
Algor Mortis – it is the primarily influenced by
the temperature of our immediate Death – this and dying, the irreversible
environment cessation of life and the imminent approach
of death
Algor Mortis - it is the cooling of the body
after death Doctrine – this is a rule or principle that forms
the basis of a belief, theory, or policy.
Autolysis – it is the digestion of the cells by its
Homo-economicus – this is where economic
Livor Mortis – it is the reddish-blue
well-being is primary
discoloration that occurs on the underside of
the body I-it – this is in which each person knows and
uses others but does not really see or value
Livor Mortis – it is the result from the settling
them for themselves
down/relaxation of the body
Industrialism – this is mass-production and
Putrefaction – it is caused by the actions of
rationally designed institutions and programs
enzymes and bacteria
as the best way to perfect human society
Putrefaction – it is the decaying with foul smell
I-Thou – this is in which each person confirms
of the body
the other as of unique value and indirect,
Rigor Mortis – stiffening/unyielding of the utilitarian relations
skeletal muscles
Legal - this includes existing laws of the land
Rigor Mortis - this rigidly begins from five to that has something to do with the
ten hours after death and disappear after
Michael Tooley’s Principles – “If the higher
three or four days
brain is no longer functioning and as a result
Philosophical Terminologies one no longer has mental capacities then the
human individual is no longer a person.”
Attitudinal – this is beliefs and values held by
humans about nature Pale – and I looked and behold a horse: and
His name that sat on him was Death, and Hell
Bein-Alongside – this is treating a person as a followed with him
Physical – refers to causes that can in
Being-for-itself – this is seeing a person as a principle be studies by the sciences that can
person or as a subject either be natural or human induces
Being-in-itself – this is seeing a person as a Progressivism – this is abundance and trust in
non-person or as an object technology
Being-with – this is treating a person with Red – another horse that was: and power was
consideration given to him that sat thereon to take peace
Black – and I beheld, and to a horse; and he from the earth and that they should kill one
that sat on him had a pair of balances in his another, and there was given unto him a
hand great sword
Righteousness – this is knowing what is Premise = Argument
knowing and wanting the appropriate in life
Presidential = Democratic
Socioeconomic – is brought about by social
Society = Community
arrangements and the economic status of
human person State = Government
Somatic – is the death of the organism as a Tyranny = Dictatorship
Vast = Massive
Substantial ways – this should want to know,
what to do, and want to be what is right with Wise = Judicious

Transcendental Phenomenology – this is Additional from slide:

Edmund Husserl’s method that suspend our
judgement and assumptions about the person ➢ If Good is the God of goodness and
and see him at his essence justice, why does He commence with
White – and behold a horse: and he that sat ➢ When is and action godly good and
on him had a bow; and a crown was given bad? Noteworthy:
unto him: and he wen forth conquering, and 1. Prevailing to the instruction from
to conquer. our source which is none other
than God
2. Proverbs 12:2 A good man
Vocabularies: obtaineth favour of the LORD: but
a man of wicked devices will he
A. Type the synonym of the ff. words
based on the number of the
3. Through human incursion/
appropriated given lines.
invasion who assume a thing is a
B. Construct a sentence after the
good dependent on the purpose
synonym of the given word as written.
or sense of objectivity
Appointment by God = Divine Right 4. Proverbs 2:20 that thou mayest
walk in the way of good men and
Citizens have given the institutions of the
keep the paths of the righteous
state = Social Contract

Equality = Fairness
➢ when is the human person not treated
Fraternity = Brotherliness
as a person?
Insignia = Official Symbol ➢ Solely dependent to the one who
treats us
Liberty = Freedom 1. When we are counter-repulsive to
Monarchy = Kingship a consented action
a. God, no matter how malign we
Peace = Harmony are, He treats us still as humans
Pervert = Corrupt though we acted in a metaphor
/image of animals.
➢ What concern compasses the
championing of death upon arrival of
Christ as our Messiah?
a. Ephesians 2:10 For we are his
workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus unto good works, which
God hath before ordained that we
should walk in them
b. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the
thoughts that I thin k toward you,
saith the Lord, thoughts of peace,
and not od evil, to give you an
expected end
c. Ecclesiastes 6:10 Whatever has
come to be has already been
named, and it is known what man
is, and that he is not able to
dispute with one stronger than he

➢ Rightly stated, the art of personal

governing resides in the sovereignty
of our God. What makes it thoroughly
multiple and divided?
1. We seek further on what we covet
than what God desired us to
2. Ch: 7:14 If my people, which are
called by my name, shall humble
themselves and pray. And seek
my face, and turn from their
wicked ways, then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land
3. Ch: 7:15 Now mine eyes shall be
open, and mine ears attent unto
the prayer that is made in this

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