Chapter2 Methodology

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Chapter 2


2.1 Conceptual Framework

Adapted to (Lepak and Shaw, 2008) framework must demonstrate an understanding of theories
and concepts that are relevant to the topic of a research. To demonstrate an understanding of the
theories and concepts of this research, the framework of the research is as follow.

Project Initiation:

1. Define project objectives, scope, and stakeholders.

2. Conduct a needs assessment to identify user requirements and HR management goals.

3. Establish a project team comprising developers, HR professionals, and stakeholders.

Requirements Gathering:

1. Conduct user interviews, surveys, and focus groups to gather detailed HRMS requirements.

2. Define user roles, access levels, and permissions within the system.

3. Identify technical requirements such as platform compatibility, scalability, and security measures.

Design Phase:

1. Develop wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visualize the HRMS user interface and user
experience (UI/UX).

2. Design the database structure, including tables for employee data, payroll information,
performance evaluations, and recruitment records.

3. Create a system architecture plan outlining modules, functionalities, and integration points for
seamless HR processes.

Development Iterations (Sprints):

1. Implement core HRMS features incrementally based on priority and user feedback.

2. Develop user authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure data security.

3. Integrate modules for employee onboarding, leave management, attendance tracking, and
performance appraisal.

4. Implement payroll processing functionality, including tax calculations, deductions, and direct
deposit options.
Testing and Quality Assurance:

1. Conduct unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing for each HRMS module.

2 Test system performance, responsiveness, and compatibility across devices and browsers.

3. Ensure data security measures such as encryption, user privacy, and compliance with regulations
(e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).

Deployment and Training:

1. Deploy the HRMS on a staging environment for final testing and user acceptance.

2 Conduct user training sessions for HR administrators, managers, and employees on using the
system effectively.

3 Develop user documentation, tutorials, and support resources to assist with system adoption and

Feedback and Iterative Improvements:

1. Gather feedback from HR users through surveys, feedback forms, and system usage analytics.

2 Iterate on the HRMS based on user suggestions, bug reports, and performance metrics.

3. Continuously update and improve the HRMS with new features, enhancements, and optimizations
based on evolving HR needs and technological advancements.

3.1 Data Gathering Tools:

• Select appropriate data gathering tools such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups to collect
information from HR stakeholders and employees.

• Customize or develop data gathering instruments tailored to capture specific HRMS requirements
and user insights effectively.

3.2 Data Gathering Tools:

• Questionnaire: Utilize a structured set of questions designed to gather specific information from

• Recording Device: Employ a cellphone or digital recorder to record the interview session for
accurate data capture.

• Pen and Paper: Take notes during the interview to document key responses, quotes, and
• Consent Form: Prepare a consent form for the principal to sign, granting permission to record and
use the interview data for research purposes.

3.3 Requirements Gathering:

• Conduct user interviews, surveys, and focus groups to gather detailed HRMS requirements.

• Define user roles, access levels, and permissions within the system.

• Identify technical requirements such as platform compatibility, scalability, and security measures.

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