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International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 788–789

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International Journal of Fatigue

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Obituary of Dr. Ing. Walter Schütz

Walter Schütz was born on 15 June 1929 in Nürnberg. He surface treatments, and on the other hand possibilities of adverse
passed away on 1 October 2009 after a long period of illness. Wal- corrosion effects on the material surfaces. Two other contributions
ter started his career on fatigue research in 1957 in the Laborato- written in German as LBF documents are mentioned below. In Ref.
rium für Betriebsfestigkeit (LBF) in Darmstadt where Gassner [8] Walter analyzed the effect of the mean stress on the fatigue
was already well-known for the introduction of program fatigue limit of different materials as shown by many experimental data.
tests to replace simple constant-amplitude fatigue tests. A mile- In an other LBF report [9] Walter made observations on the fatigue
stone in the LBF period was the doctor thesis of Walter entitled: properties of riveted joints. Due to unexpectedly high endurances
‘‘On the relation between fatigue life obtained under constant- he made observations on the deformation of the driven rivet head
amplitude loading and variable-amplitude loading, and the signif- which told him that the riveting squeeze force had a large effect on
icance for designing aircraft components” (written in German in the fatigue life. A unique observation at that time (1963).
1965). Walter continued his research in 1969 in the laboratories Because Walter realized that fatigue of full-scale structures re-
of IABG (Industrieanlagen Betriebsgesellschaft) in Ottobrunn until quires experimental verifications he paid much attention to realis-
his retirement in 1994. In Ottobrunn he composed a new depart- tic service load histories with random load sequences. He started
ment on fatigue strength and fracture mechanics which became and contributed to several standardized service load histories to
well recognized for research on practical fatigue problems. Also be applied for fatigue research instead of constant-amplitude tests,
after his retirement he was still present at many national and and also instead of program fatigue tests. Names of these standard-
international meetings. And he continued to publish papers. ized service load histories are Falstaff, Helix–Felix, Wash, Wawesta
The variety of fatigue problems ‘‘tackled” by Walter Schütz is and Carlos for different types of dynamically loaded structures.
large and as a result the number of his publications is also large. All people who have met Walter Schütz in person, or in techni-
Many papers were published in various journals and proceedings cal discussions, or in social contacts, all were readily aware of his
of international symposia of different organizations, e.g. ICAF, characteristic way of participating in brainstorming conversations.
AGARD, ASTM, DVM). Some noteworthy publications are listed be- He was talking only when he had been meditating about the prob-
low [1–9]. Walter was always considering the basic understanding lem. But then eagerness to contribute, dedication to arrive at the
of fatigue in view of the significance for practical applications in essences of problems, integrity of comments, they were character-
the industry and the behaviour of structures in service. Since he istic for him. In Walter’s perception fundamental understanding of
had a sharp mind he often had his doubts about the possibility fatigue problems and fatigue experiments are essential for solving
to predict fatigue properties. Actually he understood that a high practical fatigue problems. He was also keen in recognizing histor-
accuracy of fatigue predictions is an illusory target. But at the same ical developments of the knowledge about fatigue of structures and
time he was aware of much to be learned from laboratory research materials, and also on the various misconceptions which turned up
to improve fatigue properties and how to design against fatigue. As from time to time. He did not hesitate to pinpoint wrong ideas, but
an example he investigated improvements of fatigue properties by in full honesty. History and philosophy were part of his life. Walter

Obituary / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 788–789 789

was a good and reliable guide. We will keep his support and ded- [8] Schütz W. Viewpoints of material selection for fatigue loaded structures (in
German). Laboratorium für Betriebsfestigkeit LBF, Darmstadt, Report TB-80;
ication in mind.
[9] Schütz W. Fatigue strength of single shear light-metal riveted joints (in
References German). Laboratorium für Betriebsfestigkeit LBF, Darmstadt, Report F-47;
[1] Schütz W, Klätschke H, Hück M, Sonsino CM. Standardized load sequence for
offshore structures – WASH 1. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 1990;13(1):15–29. Jaap Schijve
[2] Schütz W. A history of fatigue. Eng Fract Mech 1996;5:263–300.
[3] W. Schütz, Corrosion fatigue. The forgotten factor in assessing durability. In:
Delft University of Technology,
Grandage JM, Jost GS, editors. Proceedings of 18th ICAF symposium, Melbourne, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering,
3–5 May 1995. EMAS; 1995, p. 1–51. Kluyverweg 1,
[4] Schütz W., Standardized stress–time histories: an overview. Development of
2629 HS Delft,
Fatigue Load Spectra, STP 1006, ASTM; 1989. p. 3–16.
[5] Schütz W., Fatigue life improvement of high-strength materials by shot The Netherlands
peening. In: First international conference on shot peening, Paris, 14–17 Tel.: +31 15 3695 194; fax: +31 15 278 1151
September 1981. Pergamon Press; 1981. p. 423–33. E-mail address:
[6] Schütz W. The prediction of fatigue life in the crack initiation and propagation
stages. A state of the art survey. Eng Fract Mech 1979;11:405–21.
[7] Schütz W. The fatigue life under three different load spectra - tests and Available online 28 November 2009
calculations. In: AGARD-CP-118, symposium on random load fatigue. Lyngby,
Denmark; 1972.

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