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Clocks: A Timeless Measure

Clocks have been an integral part of human civilization, evolving from simple sundials to
intricate atomic timekeepers. They measure the passage of time, helping us organize our lives,
schedule events, and understand the rhythms of the natural world. This document explores the
history, types, and significance of clocks.

The earliest clocks were sundials, dating back to ancient Egypt. These devices used the sun's
position to cast a shadow on a marked surface, indicating the time of day. Water clocks, candle
clocks, and hourglasses followed, each with its own unique mechanism for measuring the flow
of time.

The invention of the mechanical clock in the 14th century marked a turning point. These clocks
used gears and escapements to regulate the movement of hands on a dial, providing a more
accurate and reliable way to measure time. The development of the pendulum clock in the 17th
century further improved accuracy, paving the way for modern timekeeping.

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